19 minute read

Today’s Manager


Kris Glaubitz has drawn on strong mentoring relationships and his own extensive management experience to help Congressional CC attain new levels of excellence, while also earning personal “Rising Star” recognition.

By Joe Barks, Editor

Long before it was popularized in movies and at drive-thru windows, “pay it forward” was established as an integral part of the club management profession, through the industry’s strong emphasis on the value of professional networks and the importance of mentoring relationships. And a textbook model for how well networking and mentoring can be used to develop talent and foster exceptional performance can be found in the career arc of Kris Glaubitz, CCM, the Food and Beverage Director of Congressional Country Club (CCC) in Bethesda, Md., and the 2020 recipient of “Rising Star” honors through the Excellence in Club Management Awards (see box, pg. 53).

Like many, Glaubitz’s first exposure to the club business came when he was only focused on an immediate, short-term need: finding a part-time job while in college. But after working at a ClubCorp property as he finished his degree in Business Management at Texas State University, Glaubitz—also like many—didn’t immediately think of considering clubs as an option for full-time employment.

“Following my graduation, I did not know you could make clubs a career,” he says. “So I got a ‘real’ job where you don’t have to work nights, weekends and holidays—but I soon realized that I was not going to be fulfilled in that environment.”

Glaubitz’s work as a banquet server while in college, though, had made a lasting impression on Tony Mowles, the Banquet Manager who had hired him for that job and then advanced in his own career to become a General Manager at Wildflower Country Club in Temple, Texas. Mowles gave Glaubitz an opportunity to come back into clubs as

Congressional CC’s F&B team came up with inventive ways to remain connected with and provide services for the club’s membership under pandemic-imposed restrictions, including finding new, safe venues on the property for weddings and other events, and converting a poolside pavilion into a popular cafe concept.

Wildflower’s Service Director, and that started him on a career path that eventually led to a referral, by Mowles, to another General Manager, David Gardner, who hired Glaubitz to be Clubhouse Manager of Ridgewood Country Club in Waco, Texas. Gardner also helped Glaubitz get involved with the Club Management Association of America and start successful pursuit of his CCM certification, all of which further cemented his immersion in the industry and commitment to the profession.

As Glaubitz continued to progress in his career, becoming an Assistant General Manager at Ridgewood and then Assistant Clubhouse Manager at Houston Country Club, his involvement with industry organizations also led to his being matched up through a formal mentoring assignment in 2013 with Jeffrey Kreafle, then the General Manager/Chief Operating Officer of Bellerive Country Club in St. Louis, Mo.

That relationship, and the counsel that Kreafle provided through it, then proved especially valuable as Glaubitz took a GM/COO position of his own with Oak Hills Country Club in San Antonio, Texas, where he helped to direct major golf course and clubhouse renovation projects. With those successes under his belt, Glaubitz then set his sights on finding “new challenges of a larger size and scale”—and as it would turn out, Kreafle was now Chief Executive Officer of Congressional, where 3,500 members, a 100,000-sq. ft. clubhouse, a $13.5 million food-and-beverage operation and 4,000 member events a year could certainly meet that standard.

Adding to all that its operation involves on a daily basis, Congressional was also five years away from its centennial in 2024 when Glaubitz arrived in 2019, and had signed a landmark agreement the previous year to host eight PGA championship events, including the PGA Championship in 2031 and the Ryder Cup in 2036. And to prepare for that stretch, an extensive renovation/restoration of Congressional’s Blue Course that Kreafle calls “unparalled in scale” and “transformational in scope” was also set to begin.


Glaubitz plunged right in to work with his new team at CCC and lead the development of some exciting and progressive new concepts for all that was on the club’s long-range horizon.

Kris Glaubitz and Jeffrey Kreafle, Congressional CC’s Chief Executive Officer, began a mentoring relationship in 2013, when both worked for different clubs, that then brought them together at CCC in 2019. “Jeffrey has influenced me to learn and achieve more of my personal and professional goals in a short time than I thought possible,” says Glaubitz. “He challenges you to think that ‘If your dreams don’t scare you, then they are too small.’ ”

The F+B team has much to look forward to as CCC approaches its centennial in 2024 and prepares for eight PGA championship events in the next 15 years. Back row, left to right: Jeff Turok, Certi fed Sommelier, Beverage Director; Matt hew Morrison, Executi ve Chef; Mario Campuzano, CCM, Assistant General Manager. Front row, left to right: Kris Glaubitz, CCM, Food and Beverage Director; Jenna Schulten, Food and Beverage Manager; Rachel Kreuger, Banquet Director; Trevor Maurer, Certi fi ed Cicerone, Founders’ Pub Manager.

For the upcoming 100th anniversary, a Centennial Wine Bott le Program was created, securing a commitment from a top winery to issue an exclusive new premium, CCClogoed vintage in each of the four years leading up to 2024, with a limited amount released for consumpti on in the club’s dining rooms and the remainder set aside to become a four-bott le collector’s editi on.

As these and other projects were being planned, however, another concern suddenly arose: how to get Congressional through 2020. With the club shut down completely for seven weeks, the priority became how to remain connected with CCC’s vast membership.

“Our challenge is always to fi nd ways to make Congressional feel small and personalized,” says Kreafl e. “In the midst of the pandemic, Kris took ownership of how he and his team could move quickly to adapt their operati on and produce a safe environment, while also providing as much service to our members as possible.”

Some of the eff ecti ve soluti ons that were implemented included: • Turning what had been CCC’s seasonal poolside pavilion into a cafe concept with proper distancing and other safety precauti ons, along with full capabiliti es for to-go orders. Food menus were expanded to include more breakfast and lunch opti ons, and beverage service was extended to offer a barista-style coff ee bar, a full bar for alcoholic drinks, and retail sales. “We never imagined having our summer pavilion open throughout the year, but it was exciti ng to see members enjoy it, even in heavy winter jackets,” Glaubitz says. “We’ve come to realize that post-pandemic, this type of operati on may sti ll be very much desired.” (During the holidays, the cafe also became a pop-up shop where over 180 diff erent items were sold as part of an Eat, Drink and Be Merry Unique Bouti que.) • While many of the weddings scheduled to be held at CCC during 2020 were postponed, the staff found unique ways to accommodate those who didn’t want to wait, including using the newly completed 16th green on the Blue Course as an especially att racti ve ceremony site, with an historic chapel located just outside of the CCC property serving as a unique backdrop. It marked the fi rst ti me any of CCC’s golf courses had been used for weddings, and may be another idea carried forward.

Through it all, Glaubitz has found new fulfi llment in how he and his team responded. “It reinforced the importance of the role that every team member plays in achieving excellence,” he says. “And confi rmed for me that I want to conti nue to invest in others, the way others have invested in me.” C+RB


The Excellence in Club Management (ECM) Awards were established by the McMahon Group, Inc., the St. Louis-based consulti ng fi rm, in 1997 and have been co-sponsored by Club + Resort Business since 2006. The Nati onal Club Associati on became an additi onal sponsor in 2018.

The annual awards are selected through nominati ons submitt ed on behalf of qualifi ed candidates by other parti es. Award recipients are selected solely on the basis of their achievements at the club they currently manage. Awards in four categories are given each year: • The James H. Brewer Award, for a manager of a Country/Golf Club with 600 or more full-privilege members • The Mead Grady Award, for a manager of a Country/Golf Club with fewer than 600 full-privilege members • The Mel Rex Award, for a manager of a City, Athleti c or Specialty (Non-Golf)

Club • The “Rising Star” Award for an assistant club manager

Lifeti me Achievement Awards for a reti ring club manager are also included as part of some years’ ECM honors.

A Selecti on Committ ee comprised of a peer group of leading club managers conducts the judging for the ECM Awards. A full listi ng of the judges, in additi on to informati on on past winners and on how to nominate candidates for future years’ awards, can be found at www.clubmanageraward.com.

Because the annual ECM Awards Dinner could not be held this year, the 2020 recipients of the Excellence In Club Management were announced through a special webcast on March 2nd. The webcast, sponsored exclusively by ForeTees, was conducted in an “Academy Award” format that included remarks from the award winners aft er they were announced. The full webcast can be viewed at htt ps://clubmanageraward.com/ project/2020-excellence-in-club-management-awards-broadcast/

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Product: Sphere Undercounter Ice Machine Features: ▶ First to make spherical ice in North America ▶ The demand for unique cocktail design at a reasonable cost is high ▶ Makes clean, clear 1.8-inchdiameter ice balls for amazing cocktail presentati ons with minimal diluti on ▶ Eliminates the mess of ice molds or the high price of third-party ice vendors ▶ Sphere ice looks beauti ful, is more sanitary and is more profi table than any other opti on in the market today ▶ Fits neatly under a bar, taking up less than 25 inches wide of all-important undercounter space ▶ Makes up to 50 lbs. (500 spheres) of ice producti on per 24 hours ▶ Built-In storage bin with 36-lb. capacity ▶ Durable stainless-steel exterior with easy-to-remove-and-clean air fi lter

Hoshizaki America


Tea, Please

Product: Iced Tea Brewers and Dispensers Features: ▶ Clubs can sati sfy the increasing demand for self-serve beverages as dining services conti nue to open up ▶ Available in a wide variety of G4 and G3 digital technology models for ulti mate programming fl exibility ▶ Operators can choose from low-profi le and sweet tea brewers to combo brewers and more, each designed to fi t eff ortlessly in any operati on ▶ Sleek design and stainless-steel constructi on ▶ Each Curti s iced tea dispenser is NSF® Certi fi ed and built to withstand rigorous foodservice environments ▶ TCN Narrow Tea Dispensers off er a small footprint perfect for operati ons with limited counter space ▶ The TCO tea dispenser is available in a variety of sizes and its oval design has no sharp edges or corners ▶ Touchless dispensing adapters allow for a hands-free, 100% contactless beverage dispensing experience


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Golden Griddle

Product: Legend Heavy-Duty Deluxe Griddle Features: ▶ 30,000-BTU/hr burners every 12” ▶ One snap-acti on thermostat for every burner ▶ Automati c pilot igniti on with 100% safety valve ▶ Larger 4-1/2-quart grease drawer with baffl e ▶ A full 24”-deep cooking surface ▶ 1”-thick, 24”-deep polished cook surface ▶ 4” back splash and tapered side splashes ▶ 3-1/4”-wide grease trough ▶ Stainless-steel front and sides with 4” (102mm) legs

Montague Company


To INFINITY and Beyond

Product: INFINITY® Series Rotors Features: ▶ Off er innovati ve features and benefi ts to help bring outstanding irrigati on results to superintendents and grounds managers ▶ SMART ACCESS feature allows crews quick and easy access to internal components, including solenoids, pilot valves, 2-wire control modules and wire splices— all without digging ▶ Provides signifi cant labor and operati onal savings ▶ SMART ACCESS compartment is designed for future upgrades as new technologies become available ▶ Provides system protecti on by isolati ng all electrical components, such as wire splices, from soil and moisture to prevent ground shorts and keep the system operati ng smoothly ▶ Allows easy access to facilitate troubleshooti ng and repairs ▶ Incorporates a patented CHECK FLOW feature that allows pilot valve removal without turning the water off

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Great Balls of Butter

Product: Premium Butt er Balls Features: ▶ Market leader in premium shaped butt ers ▶ Made with smooth, creamy European-style butt er ▶ These shapes have been a hallmark of the fi ne-dining experience for decades ▶ Ideal for weddings, special events, or your daily menu ▶ Your members will know that you have thought of everything when you serve these extraordinarily shaped butt ers

Butterball® Farms Butter

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Timely Remembrance

Product: Verdin Golf Course Clock Features: ▶ Many two- and four-faced models ▶ Clocks are custom-made and UL-approved ▶ Superior Moonglow backlit dials are shatt erproof ▶ Custom headers, colors, and dials with logo ▶ Opti onal installati on and maintenance by Verdin technicians

The Verdin Company

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Strike Up the Brand

Product: Branded Umbrellas Features: ▶ Showcase your club logo with printed umbrellas by Bambrella ▶ Adding a monogram or logo to your umbrellas is an excellent way to highlight your brand and elevate the look of your outdoor spaces ▶ These can be done on any of our center-pole umbrellas, off set umbrellas and pavilions ▶ With currently over 150 clubs served, Bambrella is the club manager’s choice for shade ▶ Send us your logo for a free quote today



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Sun Power

Product: Watt sun Umbrella Features: ▶ The charging stati on has two USB ports ▶ Features include wall-outlet charging speed and an eight-hour batt ery backup ▶ The umbrella’s frame consists of fl exible fi berglass ribs, a heavy-duty hub, and a 1 1⁄2”-diam., one-piece aluminum pole available in seven fi nish colors ▶ The canopy comes in fi ve sizes and is available in marine- or furniture-grade soluti on-dyed acrylics

FiberBuilt Umbrellas & Cushions

866.667.8668 • www.fi berbuiltumbrellas.com

Chair Fit for a President

Product: Eusti s—Kennedy 23 Arm Chair Features: ▶ A newer design of the popular Kennedy chair ▶ Named for the arm height of the chair, which measures right at 23 inches ▶ Popular choice among country clubs, grill rooms, lounges, etc. ▶ Made to order and comes with a 20-year warranty ▶ Carefully engineered in the USA with the proprietary Eusti s Joint®

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Versatile Comfort

Product: Nestor by MTS Seati ng Features: ▶ Perfect for dining, meeti ng and in-room applicati ons ▶ Contemporary design blends upholstery, metal and wood ▶ Nests 8-high, providing style with uti lity ▶ COMFORTweb® seat uti lizes premium foam, supported by stretch bands, to create an extremely comfortable seati ng experience ▶ Handsome square-tapered wood legs are supported by the strength of a steel frame ▶ Proudly made in the USA

MTS Seating

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Satin Dining

Product: Sati n Band Damask HD Features: ▶ Elegant Damask napkins and tablecloths ▶ HD (high-defi niti on) patt ern with bold, disti nct color eff ect and high contrast ▶ Available in a range of colors and standard sizes ▶ Easy-care 100% polyester ▶ Wrinkles litt le to none when handled properly ▶ Spun/fi lament fabric for soft , cott on-like feel ▶ Soil-release fi nish ▶ Excellent color retenti on ▶ Lock-sti tched hems

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Product: RecDeck™ PVC Flooring Features: ▶ Now includes UV inhibitors and a unique compositi on of materials that allow it to stand up to the most extreme weather ▶ Virtually unaff ected by most pool and deck chemicals ▶ Thick reinforced PVC membrane can be used in any recreati onal area where slip resistance, waterti ght integrity and long-term ease of maintenance are required ▶ Ideal soluti on for common deck problems including cracking, fl aking, de-laminati on, spalling and peeling ▶ Off ers an aggressive slip-resistant texture and superior anti -fungal formulati on ▶ Can be installed over foam for added comfort in hydrotherapy, acti ve aging applicati ons or wherever extra fall protecti on is required ▶ Available in three colors ▶ Made in USA


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Join the Club

Product: ClubProcure Features: ▶ Program off ers clubs 150 ways to save ti me and money ▶ More than 3,000 clubs nati onwide leverage

ClubProcure’s strategic relati onships with well-known, nati onal companies to gain tremendous buying power ▶ Pick and choose which off erings work best for your needs ▶ This year marks the 25th anniversary of

ClubProcure serving the club industry

The End of Radios

Product: Relay+ Features: ▶ Connects over WiFi and cellular network for seamless coverage across your course ▶ Eliminates the need for repeaters ▶ Relay survives anything from drops in water to drops on concrete ▶ Small and lightweight—no protruding, breakable parts like antennas ▶ Less repairs and replacements translates into more savings ▶ Talk in groups or in 1:1 private conversati ons ▶ Create unlimited channels ▶ Wired and bluetooth headset-capable ▶ Use the Relay dashboard to track, manage and even communicate with your team



Automatic Antibacterial

Product: New Automati c Dispensers Features: ▶ Comes in both wall-mount and fl oor-stand styles ▶ Easy-to-fi ll reservoir means no messing with cartridges ▶ Pairs great with the new Club

Classic Gold Anti bacterial Hand Soap ▶ Also perfect for dispensing Club

Classic Hand Saniti zer gallon refi lls

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SPF by the Gallon

Product: Palm Island Sunscreen Features: ▶ Palm Island Sunscreen gallons available in SPF 15 and SPF 30 ▶ Fragrance-free and lightly scented opti ons ▶ Also available in spray and pump bott les ▶ Broad spectrum, protected against both UVA and UVB rays ▶ Made in USA

Duffy’s Tri-C Club Supply

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Drinks on the Go

Product: Portable Bar Features: Features: ▶ Easy to maneuver over any surface ▶ Portable bars feature secure, 8” locking casters ▶ The largest bar is 96” (also available in 72” and 48”) ▶ Available in several color combinati ons ▶ Fully customizable

Landmark Golf Course Products

888-337-7677 • Rinowood.com

Modern Modular

Product: Modular Seati ng Pieces Features: ▶ Outdoor spaces that adapt perfectly to the occasion ▶ Left -arm, right-arm, armless and accessories can be confi gured into a variety of seati ng arrangements ▶ Makes multi -use areas att racti ve and comfortable.

The poolside becomes an outdoor nightclub ▶ Modular seati ng makes specialty spaces unique ▶ Features RELAXplus® cushions, an innovati on from Tropitone ▶ Cushions deliver a constructi on comparable to the most comfortable and durable cushions used for indoor furniture ▶ Cushions uti lize materials specifi cally designed for demands of the outdoors



Hand-Woven Wonderful

Product: Coeur d’Alene Collecti on Features: ▶ Coeur d’Alene Collecti on is an elegant, versati le contemporary design in a beauti ful oyster resin weave ▶ The modular aspect allows confi gurati ons for any setti ng ▶ All pieces of Coeur d'Alene are hand woven, strand by strand, by highly skilled arti sts and have the look and feel of real ratt an ▶ The 22- piece collecti on includes seati ng, modular and dining opti ons with dining, balcony and bar stools, plus occasional and coff ee tables ▶ Tabletops are stamped aluminum ▶ Available in 26 frame fi nishes and an array of fabrics


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CALLAWAY GOLF COMPANY 13 www.callawaygolf.com

CHAMBERS USA 39 www.chambersusa.com

CLUBPROCURE 800-363-5480 / www.clubprocure.com


CRES COR 27 www.crescor.com

DUFFY’S TRI-C CLUB SUPPLY CO. 29 800.274.8742 / www.Duff ysTriC.com ETHOS CLUB & LEISURE 33 972-341-8133 / www.ethosclubandleisure.com EUSTIS CHAIR 37 978-827-3103 / www.eusti schair.com FORETEES 11, 19 sales@foretees.com / www.foretees.com

HOSHIZAKI www.hoshizakiamerica.com


MINOR’S 31, 60 www.MinorsFoodservice.com

OW LEE 41 800.776.9533 / www.owlee.com

PEACOCK + LEWIS AIA 35 www.peacockandlewis.com PORTACOOL www.portacool.com

RENOSYS 800-783-7005 / renosys.com


SOUTHERN ALUMINUM 45 800-221-0408 / www.southernaluminum.com THE VERDIN COMPANY 3 800-543-0488 / www.verdin.com

YAMAHA 866-747-4027 / YamahaGolfCar.com

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