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Cionic bionic clothing assists people with mobility issues

Organization Name: Cionic

Country: USA

Website: cionic.com

Year Founded: 2018

Number of Employees: 1-10

Innovation Class: Technology, Product & Services

Innovation Subclass: Product Introduction


Cionic’s Neural Sleeve is a wearable device that analyzes, predicts and augments a person’s movements. The leg sleeve works by predicting intended movements using measurements of electrical signals from the brain and a dense array of sensors that measure how individual muscles fire during movements. Algorithms analyze this data in real time to decide optimal muscle activation patterns. The sleeve then delivers Functional Electrical Stimulation to sequence proper muscle firing for natural movement.


There are over 35 million people with mobility challenges in just the United States, and by 2050, 20% of the population is projected to have a movement disability. The Cionic Neural Sleeve can help reduce pain and increase mobility in its users.

Multi-site trials with the Cionic Neural Sleeve found that 94% of participants showed improved mobility while wearing the sleeve. Additionally, another study that aimed to test the sleeve’s effectiveness over time found that the number of participants who experienced moderate to severe pain reduced by 60%. The study also found that the number of participants experiencing moderate to severe anxiety or depression also dropped by 75%. Cionic’s Neural Sleeve could be a life-changing product for millions of people living with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and other mobility impairments. RR – Brianna Wessling

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