Portfolio 2017 Wu Che Yu

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PORTFOLIO Che-Yu Wu Designer / Engineer , 21 years old , Taiwan Monoame Design Electronic Portfolio: wecheyu.monoame.com




Che-Yu Wu


esign is more than circles and lines, It is observation that enriches one. Extract figures from the world, Upon which endow meanings and stories.

Catalog 1. Graphic Design 2. Branding Design 3. Interactive Design 4.UI/UX Design 5. Illustrations

MAY Project May

Client: Abstract Interactive Design

Interactive Art works at Central Cent Martin Graphic Design Course, The campaign is a promotion of underground band, which is form of DJ`s impromptu in household parties.


Released on 28.08.16 Follow @Abstract Music www.abstract.co.uk

NCTU’s Startup Meetup Conference

Client: National Chaio Tung University

VI / Poster Design

Graphic Design

The poster is for conference and startup lab open house, Using cubes and spheres with different color to present the possibility among people. The combination results not only identify the tutor and audience, also symbol that people are conbination of several best people in their life, and it`s a progress that will never stop to find next part for out characteristic.

a. Base Idea

c. Cascade with color

b. Cascading


.. .. .

交大創業日 高峰論壇&Startup Lab OPEN HOUSE 105年12月7日(星期三) 9:00 -16:30

國立交通大學交映樓一樓國際會議廳(新竹市大學路1001號) 國立交通大學一直以來在校園創業方面不遺餘力,不斷培育優秀的校園創 業團隊與育成公司,創業績效有目共睹,特邀請交大傑出創業家、創投及校 園青創代表分享其成功秘訣與創業艱辛。

d. Final result

a. Poster

b. Identity Card

交大創業日 高峰論壇&Startup Lab OPEN HOUSE




交大創業日 高峰論壇&Startup Lab OPEN HOUSE


Selinko & Remy Martin’s APP

UI Design / 3D Modeling

Client: Selinko / Remy Martin UI/UX Design


In this project, Selinko wants to hit the market with Remy Martin, which was an event in China with limited bottle release in big cities’ night club, the bottle is with an NFC chip on the cap and soft circuit across the cap and body when opening the bottle , It will permenantly destroy the soft circuit, which turns part of the data unreadable to verify the genuine of the bottle to perform grey market detection.

UI/UX Animated-Guide

The APP UI/UX is required to be modern and luxury, In this project, I participate in the APP/3D Animation/Modeling and Overall looking of APP, The right side demonstrate the user interface guideline of the project.




Bottle is


and has never been opened





The left and the Right side Dot will Never Move but the active Dot will turn GOLD Create a force to push the aside Dot,Also the dot far from Active one will be half-Dispearing.

Bottle is


and has never been opened

Bottle is


and has never been opened

You should operate the Background as Three solid color shell and arrange Z-depth in White-Gray-Black Arrange, The operation swipe left will show the continue part of the shells.

For feeling royalty, Construct a world form of golden lines and color pieces. Color stays focus of the bottle , others’ are monochrome to reduce emotional reactions. That can make the interface elegant. I’ve done 3D / UI / UX design part in this project,


Client: Designav company CIS / User Interface research

DesignAV is base on the idea to modulize the design case process, Autometically progress the

NCTU’s Startup Meetup Conference

Client: National Chaio Tung University

Interactive Art works at Central Cent Martin Graphic Design Course, The campaign is a promotion of underground band, which is form of DJ`s impromptu in household parties.

Monoame Design

CIS / Website

Client: Monoame Design Studio http://www.monoame.com/newwebsite/

Design works like rain with Ink, Coloring the city and people. Mono ame is conbined with two words, one is Mono, means single color, in Chinese means ink. the other is ame, means rain in Japanese.



墨 雨

a. Development process

O W N E R / D E S I G N E R

吳哲宇 W U



0912028693 frank890417@gmail.com

M O N O A M E . C O M

b. Namecard Design

Interactive Musical Chrismas Tree

Self Project , Event of Marketing Department of Student Association Interactive Design

A chrismas tree with 8 layers of lights, which can independently control by hand or auto analysis of music beat and chords. We also operate the forum of Taiwan`s university and post the making process, and the chrismas tree went viral , lots of people from other school came to watch, The event was a big success.

3D Medical Animaton

Client: Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 3D Animation and Design

The animation is to demonstrate Graphene with medicine and magnetic molecular that can be guided to tumer by magnet outside the body. This 3D animation is the first time to

Illustrations and creations

Self Project ,

Interactive Design

A chrismas tree with 8 layers of lights, which can independently control by hand or auto analysis of music beat and chords. We also operate the forum of Taiwan`s university and post the making process, and the chrismas tree went viral , lots of people from other school came to watch, The event was a big success.

For more recently works, please visit Electronic Portfolio: wecheyu.monoame.com

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