ACADEMIC TIPS You can develop the skills for academic success here at WashU. To help you out, we’ve included a few tips that current students wanted to pass on to you.
THE LEARNING CENTER The hub of academic support at WashU, The Learning Center offers peer mentoring for key courses like Calculus and Chemistry.
THE SYSTEM TAKES ADJUSTMENT The courses are not really harder, but for many the system takes adjustment. There is consistent homework to do and turn in—in addition to many quizzes, projects, and exams. There are strict guidelines on academic integrity at WashU. Make sure you consult the syllabus and check with the professor before working on assignments with others to be sure of their policy on group work.
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HELP Your adviser and professors will be your greatest sources of support academically. Reach out to them when you are struggling in a class or need guidance on how to study certain material.
WAITLISTS ARE WORTH THE WAIT A lot of students over-register, “shop” for classes in the first week, and end up dropping a course or two. If you are on a waitlist, show up to class the first day and talk to the professor about joining the course. That being said, be sure to have some back up courses you’d be happy staying in just in case.
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TAKE A SMALL CLASS If possible, take a small class during your first semester. Whether you’re transferring to WashU from a large state university or a small liberal arts college, taking a small class is a nice way to meet other students, get to know a professor well, and become really engaged in an interesting topic.
DISABILITY RESOURCES Connect with Disability Resources if you are seeking academic support or accommodations related to disabilities.