WHAT TO EXPECT OVER THE SUMMER The First Year Center communicates with transfer students often throughout their first year at Washington University in St. Louis. This communication begins the summer before you arrive on campus. Below, we have detailed what you can expect to receive and accomplish this summer.
COMMUNICATION FROM THE FIRST YEAR CENTER In addition to New Bearings, you can expect to receive an e-newsletter from the First Year Center in June, July, and August. This newsletter, Bear Bulletin: Transfer Student Edition, has been specifically designed for transfer students and will provide important information about registering for fall courses, preparing for Bear Beginnings, and more. We send out Family Ties, the e-newsletter that bridges the information gap between Washington University family members and life on campus, to all family members listed as a contact for their student. To ensure your family members receive updated information from the university, please check your contact information on WebSTAC to ensure all of your family contact information is correct. Your families can read past editions of Family Ties at families.wustl.edu.
REGISTER FOR CLASSES Registration varies depending on the academic division in which you are enrolled. You should hear from the transfer dean for your academic division in early summer. You can also find contact information for each academic division on page six of this publication and at newstudents.wustl.edu.
CONNECT WITH THE TRANSFER COMMUNITY We invite you to join the 2020–2021 WashU Transfer Student community on Slack. This is a great place to meet your WUSAs, connect with peers in your transfer class, and stay up to date on important information leading up to Bear Beginnings. We encourage you to use this space to ask questions and begin building your WashU community. To join the Slack community, please find the link in the June edition of the Bear Bulletin (sent to your WashU email) or email us at firstyearcenter@wustl.edu. You will also hear from your WUSA later this summer. While all transfer WUSAs will introduce themselves and answer questions in the Slack community this summer, your WUSA will contact you personally later this summer to welcome you to the WashU transfer community.
12 | New Bearings