
Weareexcitedyouchosetobecomepartofour community.Transferstudentsbringawealthof diverseknowledgeandexperiencestoWashU, andourcommunitywillbegreatlyenrichedby yourpresenceoncampus.Wehopeyouwillfinda homeatWashU.
StudentTransitions&FamilyProgramsishere tosupportyouinallaspectsofyourtransitionto WashU.Wewanttoensureyouhaveallthe resourcesyouneedtothrivehere.Thisfall, youwillattendFallWelcome,aprogramthat hasbeenspecificallytailoredtotheneedsof transferstudents.Transfer&ExchangeStudent Mentors(TXSMs)willguideyouthroughthis experienceandwillcontinuetoserveaspeer mentorsthroughoutyourfirstyearatWashU. DuringFallWelcome,youwillalsohavethe opportunitytoconnectwithstudentsandpeers goingthroughthesameexperienceasyou.The transfercommunityisstrongandwehopeyou stayconnectedbyattendingprogramshostedby studentmentorsthroughouttheyear.
Asatransferstudent,yourneedsaredifferent thanthoseofothernewstudents.Thispublication waswrittenbytransferstudentstoprovideyou withinformationandinsightstheygathered duringtheirfirstyearatWashU.Itincludessome advicefromstudentswhohavebeeninyour position,aswellasfacultyperspectivesonthe
transferexperience.Thispublicationwillalsoserve asyourintroductiontoyourstudentmentors,who willcontactyoulaterthissummerandintroduce themselves.
Visitnewstudents.wustl.eduformore informationabouthowtomakethemostofyour timehere,nextsteps,academicrequirements, housing,campusresources,importantdates,and whattoexpectduringFallWelcome.
KateYeo,Classof2025 Transfer&ExchangeChair StudentTransitions&FamilyPrograms StudentExecutiveBoard CollegeofArts&SciencesTransfer & Exchange Student Mentors (TXSMs) are student leaders who have gone through a similar transition as you and can act as academic and social resources. They have either transferred to WashU from another institution or studied outside the United States. These students are available throughout Fall Welcome, as well as the rest of the year, to help you move in, answer questions, and assist with the academic and social transition.
Just as each residential college has a mascot, so does the transfer community: the Transferasaurus Rex. Many students take pride in their residential college mascot, and the transfer community is no different.
We are an extremely tight-knit and friendly community, and we all belong to the same Transferasaurus family. Being united under this mascot means even though all transfer students will branch out and find their own places in the WashU community, we all share a unique common experience and an underlying bond.
We take a great deal of pride in our community and our mascot, especially during Fall Welcome.
Your student mentors will contact you later this summer to answer your questions and help with your transition!
All of us at Student Transitions & Family Programs are thrilled to welcome you to WashU. We hope to make the transition to your new home as seamless as possible. We recognize that being a transfer student presents unique challenges and may seem difficult in the beginning. However, in our experience, these initial hurdles can be overcome by exercising patience, getting involved on campus, and creating connections. You have the unique opportunity for a fresh start and will have many experiences available to you.
You will find everyone at WashU helpful, so never be afraid to ask questions. Student mentors, teaching assistants, professors, and others are here to provide support. It is your job to seek them out and ask for their guidance. Throughout Fall Welcome, make an effort to attend all of the transfer student events. Fall Welcome is also a great opportunity to bond with other new transfer students.
As you integrate into the WashU community, I would highly recommend keeping in touch with your transfer friends. Even now, some of my closest friends are the ones I made during orientation. Finally, know that everything is going to work out. As TXSMs, we will be your point of support and guidance throughout your first year at WashU and are sources of information regarding classes, academic deadlines, campus activities, and more. You have the power to create and shape your identity and legacy at WashU. I highly recommend putting yourself out there, keeping an open mind and engaging with the WashU and St. Louis communities. By doing so, I’ve made friends from various academic divisions and backgrounds and we have enjoyed sharing our interests and hobbies with one another. My decision to transfer to WashU was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and the benefits continue to pay off with each passing day. Enjoy your break and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to meeting you this fall!
—Rohan Chintalapudi, Transfer & Exchange Student Mentor, College of Arts & Sciences, Class of 2024You have chosen WashU for your next academic home and we are eager to support you as you learn this new place. Wherever you pursue your degree, some things remain the same—finding courses you love, balancing class work and free time, and making the right connections. At WashU, your four-year advisor is a starting place for sorting things out. As you meet with your advisor over the summer, take advantage of their knowledge of the academic as well as campus culture. As a four-year advisor, our job is to help you chart your next semesters and connect you with resources you want and need. There are other people ready to help too. Learn the student perspective right away with your TXSM Student Mentor. They have been where you are and have volunteered to be your guide. Make a commitment to take advantage of a fabulous resource, your faculty. Engage during class and use office hours. Faculty at WashU really do want you to do your best. Have a wonderful summer and we will see you on campus.
—Melanie Osborn, Senior Assistant Dean, McKelvey School of EngineeringTransferring to WashU from a very large public institution, I was quite scared I wasn’t going to experience the same social culture from my previous school. I was pleasantly surprised I was able to make so many friends and find people with similar interests! In fact, transferring to a smaller institution helped my social life so much—I was able to create bonds that will last me a lifetime and ones that just wouldn’t be the same if I had stayed at my previous university. Additionally, I found classes at WashU were quite a bit more demanding than in my previous school, and they required me to come well-prepared and ready to participate every day. I have found this extra work is well worth it. These smaller settings give students a chance to engage in discussions and debates with each other and the professors.
After transferring from a small liberal arts college, I was in awe at the number of happenings and opportunities at WashU. There are plenty of events, interesting classes, and great places to visit on and off campus. At WashU, there’s a strong sense of community. One thing I’ve really noticed is that even in the largest lecture, there are always ways to create connections with classmates, TAs, and faculty.
WashU is a research university, which means faculty members are usually involved in research in addition to teaching. As a result, you may have the opportunity to get involved with research, even as an undergrad! Most professors do an excellent job of making themselves available outside of class. TAs and help sessions supplement many courses as well. I’ve found that WashU is the perfect size. I’ve had so many opportunities to participate in and pursue different interests, met so many new people, and still manage to see friendly faces I recognize every day. It’s been an extremely positive experience for me.
I have really enjoyed the experience I’ve had at WashU. Transferring here is the best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve met many talented students here and have been lucky enough to make friends with them. It is very important to get involved at WashU when you first come here without knowing anyone. I definitely recommend taking an active part in Fall Welcome because that’s the first and biggest opportunity to meet other transfer students and spend some time getting to know them better. I met two of my best friends during that time! For international students, especially those who come from non-English speaking countries, there will be many challenges around language, culture, and academic performance. Truthfully, I had a tough time getting through the first semester, but everything became so much better in the second semester. So don’t feel frustrated if you haven’t gotten used to things here right away. It takes time, but hopefully, you’ll love this transfer experience!
While you may have already completed orientation at your previous institution, you’ll still need to attend an orientation program here at WashU. Fall Welcome will help you learn to navigate campus and meet other students at the university. TXSMs will be there ready to help with anything and everything to make you feel welcome. With plenty of activities and fun ways to spend time with other transfer students, orientation is the first opportunity to connect with the transfer community and the beginning of many meaningful friendships.
Registration procedures vary depending on which academic division you are entering. You will be contacted by your academic adviser over the summer to register for the courses you’ll be taking in the fall. No matter which academic division you are entering, be sure to retain syllabi and course information from your previous institution.
This information will be important for the evaluation of transfer credit awarded at WashU. If you have any academic questions, don’t hesitate to contact your school, department, or academic adviser.
Internationaltransferstudentswillhear directlyfromtheOfficeforInternational Students&Scholars(OISS)overthe summerwithspecificdetailsregarding arrivingtotheUnitedStatesandSt.Louis.
Foralltransferstudents,pleasevisit newstudents.wustl.edutolearnwhen yourfirstmandatoryorientationevent willoccur.
YoucandeveloptheskillsforacademicsuccesshereatWashU. Tohelpyouout,we’veincludedafewtipsthatcurrentstudents wanttopassontoyou.
ThehubofacademicsupportatWashU, TheLearningCenterofferspeermentoringfor keycourseslikecalculusandchemistry.
The courses are not really harder, but for many, the system takes adjustment. There is consistent homework to do and turn in—in addition to many quizzes, projects, and exams. There are strict guidelines on academic integrity at WashU. Make sure you consult the syllabus and check with the professor about their policy on group work before working on assignments with others.
Your adviser and professors will be your greatest sources of support academically. Reach out to them when you are struggling in a class or need guidance on how to study certain material.
A lot of students over-register, “shop” for classes in the first week, and end up dropping a course or two. If you are on a waitlist, show up to class the first day and talk to the professor about joining the course. That being said, be sure to have some back up courses you’d be happy staying in, just in case.
Ifpossible,takeasmallclassduringyourfirst semester.Whetheryou’retransferringtoWashU fromalargestateuniversityorasmallliberalarts college,takingasmallclassisanicewaytomeet otherstudents,gettoknowaprofessorwell,and becomereallyengagedinaninterestingtopic.
ConnectwithDisabilityResourcesifyouare seekingacademicsupportoraccommodations relatedtodisabilities.
We want you to have a great experience while you’re here in St. Louis. Here are a few tips to ensure that you’re engaged inside and outside of the classroom.
If you plan to live in privately managed apartments, it might help to map routes to local amenities and campus before arriving in St. Louis. If your apartment is unfurnished, you can order furniture online and have it delivered on the day of your arrival.
Getting involved is, by far, the best and fastest way to meet amazing people—and form lasting friendships. With literally hundreds of options to choose from, there is an activity or group for everyone. The fall activities fair is a good place to start!
Tip:Youcanfindshoppinganddining guides!
TheU-Passallowsyoutouse St. Louis’spublictransitsystem andisfreeforWashUstudents. Youwillreceiveanemailwith registrationinformation.Be suretosignup!
Beginexploringthecampus assoonaspossibletofind youridealstudy,hangout,and dininglocations.
WhereyouwilllivewhilestudyingatWashUisanimportantdecision. ResidentialLife(ResLife)offershousingoptionsfortransferstudents.To viewmoreinformationabouthousing,visittheResidentialLifewebsite.
TransferstudentscansubmittheirRoomandBoard ApplicationviatheWashUPathway.Adjustmentscan bemadetotheapplicationuntilMay31.Onceinyour account,locatetheHousingtab,selectApplications, thenclickonthedropdownmenuandclickonthe First-Year/TransferStudentApplication.Itwillbe necessarytocompleteallsectionsoftheapplication. ThefinalstepistoSubmittheApplication.Thiswill resultinchangingyourapplicationstatustocomplete.
IfyouhavequestionsaboutResidentialLifehousing ortheapplication,pleasecontacttheirofficebyemail atreslife@wustl.eduorbyphoneat(314)935–5050.
SomestudentschoosenottoliveinResidentialLife housing.Belowarethemostcommonnon-ResLife housingoptions:
Apartmentscanbesubleasedthrough Quadrangle, a companyownedbyWashingtonUniversityor an independentpropertyowner. Youcanfind availableapartmentsthroughthe WashUApartment ReferralService.
TIP:Someapartmentsmaybecompletelyorpartially furnished.Besuretoinquireaboutfurnishingif needed.
Thisoptionismainlyforgraduatestudents, butundergraduatestudentsmayfind apartmentsthrough the Quadrangle website.
TIP:Whensearchingforapartments,besure tocheckifthepriceincludesthecostof utilitiesornot.
Some students have found accommodations owned by other property companies such as ParallelPropertiesorlocalpropertyowners.
TIP:Besuretoaskdetailedquestionsabout theconditions,financialobligation,and termsofrental.Selectinghousingnotrunby ResidentialLifemeansthatWashUcanoffer noassistancewithanyissuesyoumay encounter.
CIRC TheCampusCirculator(or“Circ”)makesacontinuouslooparoundmaincampus andisfreeforallstudentstoride.UsingtheWashUsmartphoneapp,studentscantrackthe Circlocationandscheduleinrealtime.
DELMARLOOPSHUTTLE TheDelmarLoopShuttle(or“LoopShuttle”)makesa continuousloopconnectingmaincampustoTheDelmarLoopandisfreeforallstudentstoride. UsingtheWashUsmartphoneapp,studentscantracktheLoopShuttlelocationandschedulein realtime.
ENTERPRISECARSHARE TheEnterpriseCarShareprogramallowsstudentstorent acarbythehour.ThesecarsareavailableatvariouslocationsacrosstheWashUcampuses and canbereservedonlinethroughtheCarSharewebsite.Studentsmustapplyfor membershipin theCarShareprogram.MoreinformationonCarShareforWashUcanbe
METRO/U-PASS WashUstudentscanregistertogetafreeU-Passthrough transportationservices,whichwillallowyoutousetheSt.Louisbusandmetrosystems.Passes areavailableeachsemesterandforthesummer.Registrationinformationwillbeemailed beforethestartofthesemester.
TAXI TransportationbytaxiisanotheroptionfortravelaroundSt.Louis,particularlyfortravel toandfromLambertAirport.TwolocalcabcompaniesareCountyCab,314-991-5300,and LacledeCab,314-652-3456.
StudentTransitions&FamilyProgramscommunicateswithtransferstudentsoften throughouttheirfirstyearatWashU.Thiscommunicationbeginsthesummerbeforeyou arriveoncampus.Below,wehavedetailedwhatyoucanexpecttoreceiveandaccomplish thissummer.
Inadditionto New Bearings,youcanexpecttoreceivee-newslettersfromStudent Transitions&FamilyProgramsthroughoutthesummer.Thisnewsletter, Bear Bulletin: Transfer Student Edition,hasbeenspecificallydesignedfortransferstudentsandwillprovide importantinformationaboutregisteringforfallcourses,preparingfor FallWelcome,andmore.
Wesendout Family Ties,thee-newsletterthatbridgestheinformationgapbetweenWashU familymembersandlifeoncampus,toallfamilymemberslistedasacontactfortheir student.Toensureyourfamilymembersreceiveupdatedinformationfromtheuniversity, pleaseconfirmthatthecontactinformationlistedforthemonWebSTACiscorrect.Your familycanreadpasteditionsof Family Ties
Registrationvariesdependingontheacademicdivisioninwhichyouareenrolled.You shouldhearfromthetransferadviserforyouracademicdivisioninearlysummer.Youcan alsofindcontactinformationforeachacademicdivisiononpagesixofthispublicationand
Weinviteyoutojointhe2023–2024WashUtransferstudentcommunityonTeams.Thisisa greatplacetomeetthestudentmentors,connectwithpeersinyourtransferclass,andstay uptodateonimportantinformationleadinguptoFallWelcome.Weencourageyoutouse thisspacetoaskquestionsandbeginbuildingyourWashUcommunity.TojointheTeams chatcommunity,pleasefindthelinkintheAugusteditionofthe Bear Bulletin (senttoyour WashUemail)
YouwillalsohearfromyourTXSMlaterthissummer.Whilealltransferstudentmentorswill introducethemselvesandanswerquestionsintheTeamschatcommunitythissummer,your studentmentorwillcontactyoupersonallylaterthissummertowelcomeyoutotheWashU transfercommunity.
1.Activate your WUSTL Key.
2.Enroll in Duo two-factor authentication.
3.Activate your WashU email account.
4.Review and edit your WebSTAC user profile.
5.Take any necessary online placement and diagnostic exams.
6. Connect with Disability Resources if you require accommodations due to an identified disability or have questions about specific disability-related concerns.
7.Complete the academic integrity module.
8.Learn about the medical, mental health, and health promotion resources available at WashU.
9.Learn about how to transfer mental health care to a St. Louis provider.
10.Complete Bear Beginnings: Get Your Bearings online orientation.
1.Apply for your WashU student ID Card.
2.Register for classes during your assigned registration time.
3. Complete your Habif Health and Wellness Center requirements (including health history, vaccination/immunization documentation, and health insurance waiver if needed).
4. Transfer your prescriptions to the Habif Health and Wellness Center.
5. Contact Habif if you will require a referral for ongoing medical specialist care.
6. Contact Mental Health Services if you will require a referral for mental health care while attending WashU.
7.Complete the Year One College Behavior Profile.
8.Check your housing assignment and register for a move-in timeslot.
9.Register your bike with Parking & Transportation.
10.Please check your WashU email account for the fall semester bill.
1. Connect with the WashU Dining Services nutrition team if you have any dietary needs, including food allergies or religious and lifestyle preferences, to learn how to navigate dining on campus.
2. Complete your Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates course.
3.Claim your profile on Handshake, your WashU internship and career management platform.
4.Sign up for a U-Pass, a free transit card for St. Louis public transportation.
5.Pack for Move-In Day!