17 minute read



Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): How has COVID-19 made SAD worse? Writer: Shanthi Deivanayagam


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Rural Inequities in Care: Reducing Stigma and Providing Access for All Writer: Chris Byron

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A Crucial Call for Change from the Coronavirus: Revamping the American Healthcare System to Address the Gaping Holes Exposed by COVID-19 Writer: Daleep Grewal

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From the Cockpit to the Operating Room: Combating Medical Error Through Crew Resource Management Writer: Jason Zhang

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Where the US Healthcare System Went Wrong Writer: Kimberly Hwang

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The (Not So) ‘Great Equalizer’: COVID-19’s Gendered Effects and Future Leadership Recommendations Writer: Maya Kovacevic

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Sweden’s Herd Immunity: Success or Failure? Writer: Gina Wiste

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Slow Websites and Stalled Phone Lines: The Hurdles for Older Adults Getting a COVID Vaccine Writer: Aidan Raikar

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To Mammogram or Not To Mammogram? COVID-19 and Reassessing Preventative Care Writer: Lily Coll

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COVID-19’s mRNA Vaccines: How They Work and How They are Modernizing the Field of Vaccine Research Writer: Audrey Bochi-Layec

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The Role of ZFHX4 in Regulating the Cancer Stem Cell State Writer: Ricky Illindala

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A Race Between COVID 19 Variants and Vaccines: How the Mutating Virus has Impacted Vaccination Efforts and Effectiveness Writer: Pooja Shah

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Breakthrough Wound Therapy: Magic? No, Maggots. Writer: Haleigh Pine

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The Golden Future of Cancer and Nanotechnology Writer: Rehan Mehta

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AI: Cutting Edge Technology Entering Healthcare? Writer: Jacob Oscherwitz

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