In order to solve the problem of narrow kitchen garbage classification.
Today, China is the world's most populous country. The garbage generated by a large population has caused headaches for the government over the years. Traditional incineration and burial have caused too much damage to the environment. To completely solve the garbage problem, we must first star t with garbage classification. On July 1, 2019, Shanghai implements the policy to divide domestic garbage into wet parts and dry parts.
What is the generation and disposal of garbage in an ordinary family during a daytime? Prepare for breakfast Egg shells, wr apping paper, leftovers
sorting gabage can
Residual waste
Various paper products, expired tablets, waste batteries, food packaging bags, etc.
Bones, egg shells, wrapping paper, cans, glass bottles,leftovers
Duration: 3 months Team project
The kitchen produces the most types of garbage
What are the current problems with household garbage bins in garbage classification?
We need to sort garbage to reduce pollution and save resources.
Designer: Wu Gehui Prototype maker: Wu Gehui, Huang zhilin, Peng haoqi Modeler: Peng haoqi Exhibition Design:Huang zhi
Bones, egg shells, wrapping paper, cans, glass bottles,leftovers
Prepare for dinner
Hazardous waste
Soil and groundwater pollution
Prepare for lunch
Clean up the garbage in each room
Air pollution
Food waste
1.For its structureOnly one cylinder.
3.They can only sort the garbage simply, maybe just two parts.
2.For its volumeThe garbage bin that can provide garbage sorting function is too large, and the kitchen area is usually small.
4.They are a bit clumsy to use and require manual bagging and cleaning. The existing trash cans have the problems of single function, less classification, more space, and inconvenient use. 14
What problems will the family encounter when cooking and cleaning up the garbage in kitchen? There is usually The height a height the stove difference between the B e n d ove r trash bin and to clean up the stove. garbage
Peels of vegetables and fruits
user portrait
Inicial thoughts
The product is designed for people who often stay in the kitchen and are responsible for cooking and other housework. Including some special users such as:
Peels splash everywhere
C a u s e p hy s i c a l discomfort Study the way to withdraw garbage bags Older people
They will encounter the following problems: 1. Often bending over causes discomfort。 2. The peel is ever ywhere, which is not convenient to clean up.
Brief Name of the project A sorting garbage bin which is used in kitchen.
Its value This product is mainly to solve the problem of garbage classification and storage in small kitchens.
Scene portrait Narrow space Waist-high stove Various garbage Peels which tend to be taken outside the garbage.
Pregnant woman
product portrait In order to improve the experience of sorting garbage, this one need to be designed:
Explore how to open the lid more convenient way
More convenient to use Calculate material size
As tall as the stove
Food waste
Prevent peels from flying out More detailed about classfication
Residual waste Recyclable
Hazardous waste
Determine the function and form of each part
The product was finally determined to be a three-story cylindrical trash can with a sloped top. The total hight is 900mm and the total volume is 29.65L. 15
3D Model
Prototype display Level 1 for FOOD WASTE
After opening the lid, store it behind the bucket
Level 3 for Recyclable and hazard waste
260mm Plastic bag storage box
Rotate to open the first layer Pull out for recyclable things
For rechargeable batteries and expired medicines
Level 2 for Residual waste 16
阴骛与孤独交响曲 用户心理分析:喜欢古灵精怪、风格独特的产品,对色彩搭配有偏爱,从众心理较弱 行为:购物时好看第一位,实用第二位,对于好看的包装没有抵抗力,对自己特别喜 欢的东西感情深 使用环境:教室、图书馆、寝室 风格语义:可爱,古灵精怪,独特,酷
这是用 AI 和 Photoshop 完成的作品, 是我第一次完整的插画尝试。完成于 2019 年 12 月。 起名为阴骛与孤独交响曲旨在用校园 猫咪图鉴来表达当时一个月糟糕的心 情。当时学校的形态语义课作业 u 奥 求自定主题,创作图案,并以此作为 IP 发展衍生产品。 目标用户:喜爱猫的东华在校生 他们的共性:无法抑制对猫的喜爱,关心东华猫咪的生存状况,经常随身携带猫粮心理:对猫咪处境有共情心理,喜欢亲近小动物,对 毛茸茸的猫咪以及猫咪的叫声和蹭没有抵抗力。行为:遇到猫咪忍不住停下来观看,有时忍不住摸两下然后回去赶紧洗手; 如果猫咪的 行为太可爱会掏出手机拍照,有时甚至特地准备了单反专门拍猫咪
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