Portfolio for UCL

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PORTFOLIO KAI.WU SELECTED WORKS 2020-2021 APPLY FOR University College London Architectural Design MArch Applicant number: 21165409




Fusion of supercar a


02 AFANG P Interpreting China's Qin

"Beyond Reality" C


Urban kindergarten su



SEFTON M Mirror vortex





and mecha elements

n Studio Project

02 PALACE Dynasty with skyscraper

Competition Project


urrounded by greenery

e project


MIRROR in Sefton Park

al project

01 CONTEMPORARY DETAILS Fusion of supercar and mecha elements

MSDA-Design Studio Date of Project: November. 2020 - January. 2021 Site: Shanghai, China Instructor: Hanning Liu Team: Kai Wu, Yuqian Gao

The project started with design research focusing on car oesthelics and crealed new spatial typology exploring relationships between machine and human, We selected 3 aesthelic details, interlocking, nesting, converging, and specific design techniques are developed through various lleralions. We explored different possibilities of these details and techniques to develop an abject intending lor delicate integrations. We also studied materials from car industry and tested them in the details. Then we proposed to apply these techniques in architeclural scale. We designed a communily cenire whose program is mainly car exhibition. The exterior sufaces has been carefully designed through aesthetics lechniques we researched. Aesthelical seams are flowing on the surface and theses seams also connected wilh structural details from visual and functional aspect.

Seams references and analysis Japanese anime is a major influence on pop culture as well, inspiring many Hollywood blockbuster movies. The fusion of art, narrative and imaginary technology creates an opportunity for other worldly aesthetics. The other part chose the EVA No.1 as an example. The NO.1 EVA machine has a combination of mechanical and curve beauty. The hardness of the mecha lines and the special line beauty formed by the flow of the human body are what we are willing to study.

Outline Hard Fold Soft Fold Material Change

Through studying details in contempoary culture and shift them into the discipline and scale of the detail of architecture. We will start with the detail of the finest surface on automobile and expand the detail to a volume and finally to the experience. McLaren P1 was selected as a case study, three facades of P1 were studied, and different line types were extracted for research and analysis. Finally, I rebuilt the front part of P1 through Maya, so that I have a better understanding of the interface between faces and the transformation of materials. The sense of streamliness in the P1 appearance is one of the very important components.

Outline Hard Fold Soft Fold Material Change

Ostgram object analysis 1.






Design Process We put these rendering picture into ostgram to create a new aesthetic object. After reanalyzing the model we made, we selected the material and rendered it, and finally got two model rendering pictures. Then one is filled and the other as a background for ostgram. After this step, We select a best Ostgram picture to analysis. Through the aesthetic study of the seam, we reorganize these lines organically and form our own aesthetic lines, the lines are constantly changing from being apparent to nothing and from nothing to being apparent, forming a unique aesthetic feature.

Facade shape generation

First generation

Second generation Processing

Third generation Processing

The extracted contour lines reflect the flow of the entire shape.

In the contour line, the formation of volume blocks is derived to form a unique facade effect.



Facade formation: We analyze the line draft of the picture after ostgram, analyze different line types and layer them through linear research, and finally create an object. This object is the foundation of our facade. The morphology of the entire building is formed according to the shape of the bank of the Huangpu River, and the shell elements are extracted. Finally, the created objects are attached to the basic shape of the building to form our building. This is the architectural language we created. This allows the flow of the facade to be logical and controlled.


3 1 4

5 6

1. Square 2. Exhibition 3. Slope 4. Concert Hall 5. Reception 6.Lobby

Perspective of the Object

Perspective of the Object

Some parts of the facade was poked by structual volumes which not only play a role in supporting interior structure, but also create a contrast between the soft seams and the sharp edge. The volumes are acting as the primary structure of the building are human spaces are nesting wtith them. A dichotomy between human and machine is created regaring these two kinds of spaces. And we further developed the relationship with various interactions between car and human. There are also some raised ventilation ducts on the facade, which can be seen in the model.

Through the original curve of the facade, an irregularly shaped LED screen is developed to attra

across the Huangpu River to stimulate t

act the attention of pedestrians. Our goal is to create a landmark building that can be seen from

the vitality of the east bank of Huangpu.

02 AFANG PALACE Interpreting China's Qin Dynasty with skyscraper Competition Project Beyond Reality Date of Project: August. 2020 - September. 2020 Site: Xian, Shanxi, China Individual Project

Before 2225 years ago, the first feudal dynasty was born in mainland China: Qin Dynasty. Since then, Chinese architecture has entered a new era. As the material carrier of the emperor's power, a group of distinct buildings like the palace was born. The Afang Palace was there to begin construction. However, this magnificent palace has disappeared in history. Many experts are eager to rebuild the Afang Palace and restore the largest palace complex in the world. And this project is my interpretation of this building which existed 2000 years ago.

The Connection between Qin Dynasty and Dystopia The Qin Dynasty (BC227-BC207) was the first centralized empire in Chinese history. However, due to the too strict laws and tyranny, ordinary people in Qin were miserable, which caused more and more domestic resistance. As a product of Qin Shihuang's tyranny, Afang Palace not only reflects the political system of the Qin Dynasty, but also reflects the ultimate interpretation of architecture by the Chinese more than 2,000 years ago. However, due to the lack of advanced technology at that time, the entire palace was loaded with wooden structures, which were all weathered and decayed in 2000. Due to the backward construction technology, people now can no longer see the original appearance of the world's largest palace complex more than 2,000 years ago.The purpose of this project is to reproduce the largest palace complex in the world that has disappeared in history through the form of super high-rise buildings. And I want to express my understanding of the ancient class system through this building, and at the same time try to find a concept of modern architecture to interpret it.

Emperor Qin Sh politician who c unification of Chin time.


Q1: What was the architecture of the Qin Dynasty at that time? The architectural types in the Qin and Han Dynasties were dominated by capitals, palaces, sacrificial buildings, and tombs. At the end of the Han Dynasty, Buddhist buildings appeared. In addition to these four main architectural forms, the Qin Dynasty also repaired the previous defensive projects, which is the famous Great Wall. It can be seen that the architecture of the Qin Dynasty is magnificent and huge. Each building occupies a huge area, giving people a very strong sense of oppression. With the advancement of science and technology, the building is no longer a single horizontal development and spread, but gradually develops vertically. More and more skyscrapers appear in the city, forming landmark buildings. As a symbol of imperial power, Afang Palace must be a huge and magnificent super high-rise building in the era when technology has surpassed modern technology.

Q2: What is the internal logic of the building? How can hierarchy be reflected?

Qin Dynas Material carrier

The class or hierarchy formed by the feudal monarchy still exists in our society until now. History has argued over and over again that it is difficult to achieve a utopia for everyone equal. Many dystopian works were born from this, and I can feel their attack on the hierarchy in these works. So I also want to express my irony of the class system through architecture like those predecessors. The Qin Dynasty had a very strict construction system. The houses that people of different classes can live in are different, not only in the appearance of the building, but also in the construction techniques and structure of the house, and even the height of the roof is strictly controlled.

Protection Q3: What are the similarities between dystopia and the Qin Dynasty system? There are many similarities between them. I listed five typical characteristics, namely: social system, suppression of riots, freedom of speech, human rights and class system.

hihuang: The completed the na for the first

sty System

If they exchange ideas Adolf Hitler: The Nazi leader, the initiator of the Second W o r l d W a r, s l a u g h t e r e d hundreds of millions of people.

Chiang Kai-shek: It has been at the core of military and political affairs in the era of the Nationalist Government

Big Brother

Chiang Kai-shek Hitler

Material carrier

Slaughter of jews

Architecture can reflect the social background of the era.

Symbol of power If have the technology of 2100

Afang Palace Site

In 2015, the ancient river ditch was discovered at the Afang Palace site, indicating that His Highness in front of Afang Palace is not a complete plateau. Therefore, it can be speculated that the site of the front hall of Afang Palace was built on an ancient river. an ancient river. The central line of the Afang Palace faces south, facing the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, and the Weihe River to the north. The location of the Afang Palace is the highest point on this axis.

Afang Palace Front Hall Research: There is a huge rectangular rammed earth foundation, which is the largest known rammed earth building foundation in the world. 500 meters to the east of the front hall of the Afang Palace, there is a tall earthen platform with a circumference of about 310 meters and a height of about 20 meters. It is one of the most significant architectural relics in the Afang Palace site.



Many palace walls make the interior of the building more complicated.


The front hall of Afang is the office of Qin Shihuang.


Exquisite construction skills represent the nobility of imperial power.


The square in front of the palace can accommodate tens of thousands of people.


Afang Palace Shanglin Court Research: The site is divided into two parts: north and south. The southern part of the site is the palace area. Its rammed-earth foundation has been destroyed. The existing maximum length is 250 meters from east to west and the maximum width from north to south is 45 meters, covering an area of 11,250 square meters. The north is the garden area.






The covered bridges are used to connect the palaces.


The corridors in Shanglin Garden are very delicately decorated, representing the highest craftsmanship of the royal gardens at that time.



Shanglin Garden has a vast area and complex terrain, with extremely rich natural vegetation and artificially planted trees. Shanglin Garden has both beautiful natural scenery and gorgeous palaces.


In line with this, gardens, as an important part of the royal living environment, formed a royal garden that was different from other garden types. So I chose to integrate the royal garden as a carrier into the first-class building. Most of the imperial gardens are built in the outskirts with beautiful scenery and quiet environment. Generally, they are combined with the imperial palace or the imperial palace and are called the imperial palace and imperial palace respectively. So it is located in the highest part of the entire building.


The gap between the fourth level and the third level is like the ancient official gap. The gap between them is no longer like the second and third levels. The only access roads between the fourth and third levels are connected by huge spiral staircases. The per capita land area of the fourth level is also getting less and less, and its architectural form is like those residential buildings in Hong Kong.


The first-class buildings served the people of the highest social status and were the royal family in the Qin Dynasty. The theocracy, which deterred all things like the ancient West, has always been a secondary and subordinate position to the imperial power in China. In line with this, gardens, as an important part of the royal living environment, formed a royal garden that was different from other garden types. So I chose to integrate the royal garden as a carrier into the first-class building. Most of the imperial gardens are built in the outskirts with beautiful scenery and quiet environment. Generally, they are combined with the imperial palace or the imperial palace and are called the imperial palace and imperial palace respectively. So it is located in the highest part of the entire building.


The theocracy, which deterred all things like the ancient West, has always been a secondary and subordinate position to the imperial power in China. In line with this, gardens, as an important part of the royal living environment, formed a royal garden that was different from other garden types. So I chose to integrate the royal garden as a carrier into the first-class building. Generally, they are combined with the imperial palace or the imperial palace and are called the imperial palace and imperial palace respectively.


The fifth-level people live on the bottom of society, rely on garbage for their livelihoods, and are also affected by noise and natural disasters. The living conditions are the worst. The lowest architectural form is like an African slum. It is impossible for them to have the opportunity to reach the first four levels. There is no channel at the bottom to connect the upper space. The reason for this design is to ridicule those who look down on this kind of people, they think they are impossible to succeed, so they don't even give a chance.

The movable floor slabs, drainage pipes, transportation, energy pipes, elevators, and stairs of the entire palace are displayed in it. The main mode of transportation is the three main traffic columns, and then some small spiral staircases and stairs surrounding the building are used as auxiliary transportation.

The energy pipes Top Floor

The Floor Slabs The Traffic Column

The mechanical column



Energy Management

Royal Forest Park


Grade two and three buildings

Fifth and Fourth Class

Green field

Second and third grade

Grade four and five

As the highest level of the ruling class, the emperor is also located at the highest level of the entire palace. This not only shows the supremacy of imperial power, but also reflects the ancient Chinese people's feudal thought that imperial power is as high as the sky. Emperor First-class: Harem concubine and Royal clan

Second-class: Lords

The first class, as the class second only to the emperor, is located in the second highest part of the entire building. Their position is not connected with the people of the lower class, and is separated by a large mountain. The area available to the first-level people is second only to the emperor, and this group of people are generally the emperor’s concubines or other royal families. People of the second level are at the highest level of the second part of the building, and most of the people living there are important officials of the Qin Dynasty. The political system of the Qin Dynasty was Three Lords and Nine Ministers system. The three Lords were the second only to the emperor

Third-class: Ordinary officials The functions are interlocking, so the second level has the most complicated floors. The second-level buildings are layered on top of the transparent transportation system in the center. The entire façade looks like the eaves are staggered. Fourth-class: Citizen As the highest level of the ruling class, the emperor is also located at the highest level of the entire palace. This not only shows the supremacy of imperial power.

Fifth-class: Slave servant As the highest level of the ruling class, the emperor is also located at the highest level of the entire palace. This not only shows the supremacy of imperial power.

The fourth-class buildings are surrounded by huge metal pillars, which imprison residents on this floor like a prison. This is to satirize the decay of the upper ruling class.

The huge steel column as the supporting structure also adds a sense of fusion of technology and ancient construction technology to this building. In addition, there is an atrium in the second-class building space, and houses are built around the atrium.

As the third-class building complex of Afang Palace, the ministers who lived in it were all ministers second only to the emperor. From the perspective of construction methods, this level of architecture plays a role in connecting the past and the next.

In the Qin Dynasty, only the emperor was qualified to use columns, so in the first-class buildings, all the load-bearing columns changed from square columns to columns. The emperor's palace above the main hall is also vertical to the arrangement of ancient palaces.

The floor slabs are nested and interlaced to form a space, which fills in buildings repr steel columns surrounding the building as the super high-rise load-bearing structure.I Afang Pa

resenting different classes, and uses the three huge internal traffic columns and the I use the vertical super high-rise building to express my dystopian imagination of alace.

03 NATURAL BOX Urban kindergarten surrounded by greenery Government project Zhonghai Kindergarten, Tianfu New District, Chengdu Date of Project: June. 2020 - July. 2020 Site: Chengdu, China Instructor: Yun Lu Individual Project

Chengdu is one of the most dynamic cities in China, and many architecture in Tianfu New District have become the business card of this international metropolis. Kindergartens have become more and more the new darling of the construction industry, and more and more kindergarten projects have been completed, attracting a lot of attention in the area. The Chengdu Municipal Government and China Overseas Group intend to build an international kindergarten in Tianfu New District. Our company also participated in the bidding for this project. Research has found that plants are beneficial to the growth of children. Therefore, this project partly adopted a wooden structure, filling the voids in the wooden frame with plants. Let children see the growth of plants and the process of life. Those flowers thrive in the kindergarten just like children. This is the message I want to convey through architecture.

Analysis of Plant Species in Chengdu Tianfu New District Chengdu is located in a humid subtropical zone with complex topography, diverse ecological environment and abundant biological resources. According to preliminary statistics, there are 11 classes, 200 families, 764 genera, and more than 3000 species in animal and plant resources alone. Among them, there are 2682 species of seed plants, and endemic and rare plants include ginkgo, Davidia involucrata, yellow heart tree, fragrant fruit tree, etc. Since 2008, the Chengdu Municipal Government has proposed a vegetation protection plan for Chengdu. Tianfu New District, as the business card of Chengdu going to the world, China Overseas International Kindergarten aims to integrate Chengdu’s culture and plants to provide a more open and healthy environment for the growth of children.


Salvia farinacea Benth

Morning glory


Winter jasmine

Nandina domestica

The temperature in Chengdu is very high in summer. Studies have shown that green land can lower the temperature of the environment. The temperature in green land with good green conditions is 3-5 degrees lower than that in areas without green land. After measurement, the temperature difference between green and non-green areas in Chengdu residential areas is 4.8 degrees.Therefore, covering the kindergarten with plants can lower the temperature of the kindergarten in the hot summer in Chengdu.


Volume generation diagram 8m*8m Square which used to fill the space as different classrooms

6 pieces 2m*2m

4 windows

6 pieces 2m*2m

6 windows

6 pieces 2m*2m

6 windows

28 square meters room 15 square meters

24 square meters room 19 square meters

24 square meters room 19 square meters

8 pieces 2m*2m

8 pieces 2m*2m

7 pieces 2m*2m

8 windows

6 windows

6 windows

30 square meters room 13 square meters

30 square meters room 13 square meters

26 square meters room 20 square meters

8 pieces 2m*2m

4 pieces 2m*2m

8 pieces 2m*2m

6 windows

28 square meters room 18 square meters

6 windows

24 square meters room 24 square meters

5 windows

28 square meters room 20 square meters

Axonometric drawing (Without Timber structure) Constructed the scene of children playing after the daily get out of class in the kindergarten

Building blocks are one of the most common toys for babies. Building blocks are typical constructive toys. Construction games will bring cooperation, creativity, cognition, happiness and health to children. The impact of construction games on the physical and mental development of preschool children is almost all-round, from basic perceptual training to advanced social emotional development, from basic motor skills training to advanced thinking ability development. The sense of space embodied in the construction game has a positive effect on cultivating children's spatial awareness and logical ability. The design logic of this project is to use different stacking methods of building blocks to construct spaces for different functions. With the emphasize of the horizontal extension of space, it allows most interior space could have large amount outdoor functions, which untimely combines interior and outside space closely. Thus, visitors are able to experience the buildings on various levels and angles.

Explosion plan analysis diagram The total area of the second floor is 136 1

square meters. The third floor includes two


multifunctional activity rooms and two


classrooms. The two classrooms on the left are connected by an X-shaped staircase, and the


right is connected by a staircase hidden inside the building.

1. Large multifunctional activity room 2. Medium multifunctional activity room 3. Classroom for 5 years old children 4.Classroom for 5 years old children

The total area of the first floors is 198 square meters. The second floor includes a


multifunctional activity room ,three classrooms


and a sandpit. The two classrooms on the left 5

are connected by an X-shaped staircase, and


the right part is connected by two stairs. 9

5. Classroom for 4 years old Children 6. Medium multifunctional activity room 7. Sandpit 8. Classroom for 4 years old children 9. Classroom for 4 years old children



The total area of the ground floors is 186 14

square meters. The ground floor includes


a multifunctional activity room ,three 17

classrooms, offices and a Security room.

13 16 15

10. Classroom for 3 years old Children 11. Medium multifunctional activity room 12. Kitchen 13. Classroom for 3 years old children 14. Classroom for 3 years old children 15. Classroom for 3 years old children 16.Security room 17. Offices


Spring Elevation Kindergarten entrance East facade

Summer Elevation 50m Runway South facade

Autumn Elevation Kindergarten back entrance West facade

Winter Elevation Sandpit and pool North facade

The gaps in the wood structure of the kindergarten are filled with plants that are common in Chengdu. The plants on the facade will change color and facade status with the change of seasons. In the future, cities must take more responsibility for the supply of additional nutrients. Partial planting is carried out on the building facade and roof to create a vibrant, interconnected community, and reduce carbon emissions and heat generation in the process.

Axonometric drawing

Sectional perspectove analysis drawing

The kindergarten uses composite wood as the main structural material. This material can meet the strict requirements of fire protection regulations after treatment. Each classroom uses large blocks of glass, which not only meets government regulations in terms of lighting, but also connects various modules and indoor and outdoor spaces on the line of sight. This structure is integrated with the traditional structure of Chinese houses.

Let children see the growth of plants and the process of life. Those flow want to convey thr

wers thrive in the kindergarten just like children. This is the message I rough architecture.

04 SEFTON MIRROR Mirror vortex in Sefton Park Course Project Date of Project: October. 2020 - January. 2021 Site: Liverpool, England Instructor: Curtin Emma Individual Project

The project started with design research focusing on car oesthelics and crealed new spatial typology exploring relationships between machine and human, We selected 3 aesthelic details, interlocking, nesting, converging, and specific design techniques are developed through various lleralions. We explored different possibilities of these details and techniques to develop an abject intending lor delicate integrations. We also studied materials from car industry and tested them in the details. Then we proposed to apply these techniques in architeclural scale. We designed a communily cenire whose program is mainly car exhibition. The exterior sufaces has been carefully designed through aesthetics lechniques we researched. Aesthelical seams are flowing on the surface and theses seams also connected wilh structural details from visual and functional aspect.


The location of this project is in the north part of Sefton Park which near the main road. The biggest feature of the entire site is the road design of the park itself. The curved road design makes many intersections appear inside the park which could be the public space.

Concept Diagram: Cider is the product of apple brewing after processing.


I prefer to treat cider as a product of the combination of technology and nature. So I integrate technological elements and natural elements into the architecture. CLT serves as the main building structure to support

Cider Store

the entire building. Mirror stainless steel is used as a facade decoration material to reflect the surrounding environment. The project is located in a park, and the

Construction Material

mirror stainless steel can reflect the surrounding green plants. The use of such reflective materials can make

Techolotical Part

people experience a wonderful experience. In order to increase the connection between the building and the site, I designed a walkway surrounding the building

Natural Part

to connect the indoor and outdoor, and also enrich the

Silver Slope

vertical space layout of the entire site.

Ground Floor Facade Timber

Construction Material


Transportation Cider Factory

Wood Processing Encasement

Truck transportation




Apple Cider

air pancel Transport of apple

Apple packaging

Apples Apple Trees

Explosion Analysis

Roof panel

Slope panel

Slope Reflective surface

Roof rain layer

Reflective external wall

Spiral staircase Load-bearing wall

Window planks

Floor panel

The exploded diagram is used to express the structure of the entire building, and the mirrored stainless steel and wood are assembled and connected to combine the two. Specifically, the interior is mainly decorated with wood, and the exterior is reinforced with stainless steel and other steel structures.

1. Storage(Liquid equipment) 2. Exhibition hall 3. Staff lounge 4. Meeting room 5. Event space 6. Accessible bathroom 7. Staff office 8. Trash room

Perspective Section

Section AA'

Section BB'

Section CC'

Travel Route

Love Story which happened in here Jack and Rose made an appointment to meet at a newly opened cider store in Liverpool Sefton park. There are three entrances to the store. Jack chose to walk up the circular walkway around the roof and entered the building. Rose entered the building directly from the entrance on the other side. At that time, they don't know where the other party is waiting for them, hoping to find each other where they go . When they both had entered the space of the store and found that they had not found each other, they started looking for each other in the building along the route they planned. They even dialed the other party's number at the same time, but did not contact the other party because the line was busy. Until the end, when Jack entered the building, he dialed Rose again, but what they didn't know was that there was only a wall between them, and Rose was in the next room. The story ends here. Will Jack and Rose meet in the exhibition room? Will they miss each other for the fifth time?


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