10 minute read
District Board Farewells
Katelyn Van Buren - District Governor Hey, everyone! Thank you SO much for an incredible CKI year; there is no way that we would have been as successful as we were without the help of each and every one of you! I have absolutely loved my time as Governor, and I am honored to have had the opportunity to lead this outstanding District. I'm super thankful for all of the friends and memories that I have made along the way, and I would like to give a special shoutout to my fellow District Board members for sticking with me all year long and keeping our District the very best. I cannot wait to see what the *bright* future holds for the Wisconsin Upper Michigan District of Circle K International, and I hope that you'll be a part of it (even if you're graduating, you can still support ;))!
Brooke Steeno - District Secretary Thank you all for this experience as the WUM District Secretary. We have made great strides this term not only having MRFs turned in but turned in on time, and this would not have been possible without the dedication of every secretary in the district to this organization. I look forward to what WUM will be able to accomplish during my final year in CKI.
Annika Hentz - District Treasurer It has been an honor to serve WUM as District Treasurer for two terms. The amount of love and support a person receives from this incredible organization is hard to let go. Therefore, I can’t wait to spend my fourth and final college year doing service and fundraisers with you all.
Kaira Miller - District Bulletin Editor It's been a pleasure serving as the WUM District Bulletin Editor for the last few months. I had a blast working with the rest of the board and all of you!
Gavin Lloyd - Capital LTG It was really fun to see everyone this year rise to the challenge and accomplish great things. I am really grateful to have worked with such wonderful people this year on the District Board and in my Capital Division. This year will definitely be one to remember and I hope that we are able to continue to do great things next year!
Ella Dykstra - Chippewa LTG This year has been a whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty. It was great to see everyone in the Circle K family rise above the challenges and roadblocks that were placed in their paths. Circle K has effectively provided me with the opportunity to meet admirable people from various branches of the K-family, numerous schools across the state and country, and within our very own district board. Can’t wait for next year!
Meagan Ebertz - Lakes LTG Thank you so much to everyone in WUM Circle K for making WUM an incredible district. I am truly thankful for my two years as Lakes Lieutenant Governor. I will cherish the friendships I have made and the experiences and knowledge I have learned. I thank every single club member, executive board members, district board members, faculty and Kiwanis advisors, and the district admins; without the collective teamwork we have all put in, WUM would not be as amazing and successful as it is.
Jonathan Totsky - Metro South East LTG It has been a great second term in office serving as the Metro-Southeast Division LTG. We took advantage of new opportunities to try new things to overcome challenges from the pandemic, especially hosting events with Metro divisions throughout the country and with Kiwanis counterparts. Thank you everyone for helping ensure a fun and successful year.
Doug Arnett-Arnold - Superior LTG I am proud to have served as your Superior Lieutenant Governor for this last year. I am very pleased to see all the wonderful things that we were able to do in these weird times. To all of those graduating, thank you for all that you have done to make Circle K a “wum”derful place. To all, I hope that we all have had some good memories and made some friends. I cannot wait to see what we do next year as a “wum”derful team.
Luke Neumann - Awards, Regulations & History Chair Throughout my time in this organization, I have made some amazing friends and have had so many great opportunities. Circle K truly has had impacts in my life that I can’t even express, and I am happy to have been able to give even a little bit back in my roles both as ARH chair and as Platteville president!
Maddy Dimeo - District Convention Chair It has been a privilege putting together the District Convention event this year. Although it is not what we expected, it has given us the opportunity to grow and adapt. I am especially proud of all my fellow board members who have been able to overcome all the challenges this year has thrown at us and improve our District for the better. Since it is my final year in Circle K, I want to give a huge thank you to all those who I have met through this organization. I’ve made great friends and wonderful memories with fellow peers dedicated to service and improving our communities!
Alexandria Prostko - Assistant DCON Chair I am one of the lucky ones who found herself in the service of others. Circle K at UW-Madison and the WUM District Board has been a life changer; becoming involved in this organization has helped shape my career goals, gave me new and unforgettable experiences, and life long friendships. I am super grateful to all of my KFamily friends, thank you and farewell!
Grace Batrow - Kiwanis Family & Outreach Chair Being on the District Board has kept me grounded and connected to others during a year of chaos, so thank you all for a wonderful term! I’ve loved being able to grow as an organization and adapt to serve our communities, and I’ve especially enjoyed our District service nights and getting to meet so many new friendly K-Family faces. I can’t wait for next year!
Joanna Carman - Membership, Development & Growth Chair It’s been an honor serving on the District Board this year, and I have enjoyed all the connections I have made with clubs throughout our district. This year has been full of service, leadership, and fellowship, and I am so grateful for the memories and friendships WUM CKI has given me! Thank you for an amazing year!
Trevor Ciebell - Service Chair Serving on the District Board this year has been a great opportunity to extend my skill set and meet new people. I have enjoyed being able to give back to this organization as Circle K has been my family on campus. Thank you all for the great year and for having me as your Service Chair!
Maggie Ollmann - Special Events Chair It has been an amazing opportunity to serve on the District Board. I enjoyed my time as the special events chair. The time on the board gave me opportunity to work with some amazing people, while well being able to give back to the community around us. Thank you for a great year!
Justin Hahn - District Administrator Greetings, WUM Circle K! The 2020-2021 Circle K year has been quite the safari. WUM is composed of so many fantastic wild animals who have accomplished so many amazing things whether it was swinging from vines, cleaning the watering holes or nurturing our youth, etc. You have all been an integral part of this District, and you accomplished so much while navigating the crazy jungles of 2020. I want to send a
special shout out to Governor Katelyn Van Buren for her amazing leadership and compassion for each and every member this year while she served as tour guide. You are an incredible leader and your efforts to strengthen this District have been amazing. Also, to the 2020-21 District Board, thank you for all you have done this year. As this year's long safari comes to a close, know that you have left this District in a better place than you found it. I am constantly amazed by your passion and dedication to service. I am proud to have served each and every one of you as your District Administrator this year and I am excited to look through my binoculars and see what 2021-2022 will bring. "They can put me in a jungle. Still I can create!" -M.F. Husain
Hey all you cool cats and kittens! This Circle K year has really been wild - between learning from home to socializing on Zoom, you all have shown your tenacity and grit by continuing to live and love to serve under the craziest of circumstances. Whether this is your first year in Circle K or your last, I hope you take a moment to reflect on all of the truly great things you have accomplished this year. A special thank you to the 20-21 WUM Circle K
District Board - without your hours of service, creative ideas, and incredible drive to make things happen, we simply wouldn't be celebrating the same amount of success that we are able to today. A loud lion roar for Governor Kate, who was charged with leading our district throughout the year; saying "thank you" is simply not enough. Three hip-hip-hippopotamuses for a brighter tomorrow, where we may once again be together, serving alongside the goats at Camp Wawbeek.
Ann Pilot - Assistant District Administrator
“Not a single bird makes its first leap from a tree without faith, and not a single animal in the jungle begins its day without faith. Faith is the flame that eliminates fear, and faith is the conqueror of dreams.”― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem. When you think about it, this year has been all about faith. I’m talking about the faith you have placed in different institutions (like Circle K). You have each endured a number of unexpected and difficult situations this year. Thank you for continuing to serve, lead, and find ways to form and strengthen friendships with that wicked jungle rain pounding down. Thank you so much to each of you, for your willingness to fly alongside the flock of macaws' who make up your 2020-2021 WUM District Board. With that, I’d like to extend a special word of thanks to the Queen of the Jungle— Kate Van Buren, you accomplished so much in this wild and crazy year! Lastly, congrats to this year's phenomenal District Board—you certainly obtained a new set of survival skills, with which you will put to use to adapt and thrive alongside the other creatures of the jungle!
Rachel Leader - Assistant District Administrator This year has thrown you all more curveballs than any of us could have imagined. Yet with each event and new innovation you continue to amaze us! Each of you should be so incredibly proud of yourselves for all you’ve accomplished this year in spite of it all. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to Circle K and our District. A special note of thanks to Kate for leading fearlessly through the challenges! This was a year like no other and I’m so grateful for the work each of you did to help us keep moving forward!