Circle of Sharing - May 2013

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Official Bulletin of the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District

Circle of Sharing

Volume 20 Issue 2 May 2013

Spring Fling: a district event that was truly out of this world do wood splitting, raking, and even rolling yarn, among other things. Camp Spring Fling: Serving at the Speed of Wawbeek was so thankful for our help in Light was an out of this world experience! preparing the Camp for the summer. With clear skies and bright spirits, we had 114 aliens embark on a weekend of fun! With our mascot auction, Miss Universe During the weekend people were able to Competition, cookie and glow bracelet By Emily Condon

sale, See Board Members Run and Reach the Stars fundraisers, we were able to raise over $2,000 for camp! If that does not prove we had extraterrestrial help that weekend, I don’t know what would! It was a blast!

In this Issue: Spring Fling Recap….1 UW-EC Piknik.……......2 W-UM on the Web….3 W-UM Walks……….4-5 MERP Preview……….6 K-Family Baseball…6-7 Pre-Reg. Forms..…..8-9 LSSP/ICON……….….10 ICON Awards……....11 Club Highlights....12-13 District Goals..….…..14 District Directory…...15 1

UW-Eau Claire’s Kiwanis Family Piknik The Eau Claire K-Family Piknik and Chippewa Divisional Rally tificate for a hotel, and a few variety baskets. Our biggest activity, Well, I must say that I am besides the socializing, was playing most pleased typing this article in the snow. Everyone tested their with no snow in the forecast and arm strength by throwing snowhigh temperatures expected to be balls into the river (which I had at least 55 degrees. The trees are difficulty hitting). We tried getbudding, the grass in very green, There were nine Circle K'ers, ting a huge snowball by rolling it and the birds are heard everythree Kiwanians, and four guests down the slope, which surpriswhere. However, the first weekwho came to enjoy company and ingly works. We even launched a end of May in Eau Claire was not eat brats, hot dogs, burgers, chips, huge ball of snow over the quite like this. The past two years cookies, and watermelon. There bridge's railing. We did hit the the K- Family Piknik has not had was active participation in the water, but barely. We ended up favorable weather, with winds and silent auctions. Some auction taking a huge patch of earth out clouds and well below average items included a Packer blanket in the process. Overall, it was a temperatures. This year proved to (which I won!), a snack mix, cerBy Matthew Bowe

be no different, except it was sunny, light breezes, cool temperatures, and a healthy amount of snow on the ground. Despite all of the unfavorable conditions, I must still call the event a success.


wonderful afternoon. As for the divisional rally, I decided that the attendance was not appropriate to conduct one. Instead, I held off the service project to the Eau Claire club meeting. We used recyclables such as half-gallon milk cartons, soda bottles, and peanut containers to plant seeds. We have twelve "mini gardens" that will be donated to a local nursing home. They are very excited to be receiving this project, and I cannot wait to deliver them.

Meet the 2013-2014 Wisconsin-Upper W-UM on the Web Michigan District Board! Social media: an innovative promotional approach for Circle K By Taryn Grisham Many clubs in our district have found social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to be really helpful. These tools make it even easier to promote events, mention meeting times and locations, and also organize service projects. Check out some clubs from our district who have successfully implemented these tools in this feature called “W-UM on the Web.”

Twitter is one of the easiest ways to get a brief message out quickly. This service can be used for meeting reminders, service project notifications, and for sharing any and all Circle K knowledge there is!

Alverno College (@AlvernoCircleK)

It is another way to stay connected with many other clubs in the district. By “following” other clubs on Twitter, you are sure to be up to date with their events.

UW-Green Bay (@UWGBCircleK)

Check out some of these awesome W-UM Circle K clubs who are on Twitter today!

UW-Platteville (@UWPCircleK)

Facebook is another great tool to keep members informed on what’s going on in your club and at the district level. You can easily set up events for service projects, meetings and district events, in order to gauge interest and promote interaction among other Circle K members.

Alverno College

Edgewood College (@Edgewoodcki) Marquette University (@MUCirckeK) UW-Eau Claire (@UWECCirclek)

UW-Madison (@circlekuw) UW-Milwaukee (@CircleKatUWM)

Michigan Technological University Milwaukee School of Engineering Ripon College

UW-Eau Claire Check out what these awesome clubs are up to on UW-Green Bay their personal Facebook pages: UW-Madison Divisional Pages for the Capital, Chippewa, Lakes, Metro and Southeast Divisions, along with UW-Milwaukee personal club pages for... UW-Platteville UW-Waukesha


W-UM walks it out (for charity) Edgewood College Edgewood College Circle K participated in the Madison area Suicide Prevention Walk on April 21. Although exhausted from a spectacular time at Spring Fling, members had a great time walking for the important cause of suicide prevention awareness. Members were able to bond as a team and make personal donations to the cause. —Submitted by Marissa Blackmore

UW-Green Bay On the morning of April 27, four UW-Green Bay Circle K members took a three-mile walk for the March for Babies. Before the walk started, parents of premature babies and community members shared their inspirational stories about the impact March of Dimes has had in their lives. There was also DJ entertainment and fitness instructors leading dance workshops to get all the walkers motivated. Overall, UWGB Circle K members contributed $200 to the cause, and had an awesome time walking together! — Submitted by Jordan Grapentine


W-UM walks it out (for charity) UW-Whitewater On Sunday, April 28, UW-Whitewater's Circle K helped out with the J Hawk Early Bird Triathlon on Sunday, April 28th at 9am. We helped direct people to where they should go. The adult course contained a 500 yard swim, 13 miles biking, and a 3 mile run. They also had a child course afterwards which included a 200 yard swim, 4 miles biking, and 1 mile run around the UW-W athletic fields. — Submitted by Kate Winkler

UW-Platteville On Sunday, April 28, UW-Platteville Circle K took part in the MS Walk in town. Over $8,000 was raised for Multiple Sclerosis from generous donations and team fundraisers. Circle K had eight members that walked the 3.1 miles and two members that volunteered to work the wonderful event. Platteville Circle K was happy to walk for such a great cause. — Submitted by Ashley DeFazio

UW-Madison What's better than hanging out with Circle K members while raising money for babies? NOTHING! Bright and early on Saturday, May 11, University of Wisconsin-Madison Circle K walked in the March for Babies Charity Walk in Madison, WI. Members from the club had a ton of fun bonding and donated the $434.86 they raised at their 'Shake, Rattle and Roll' fundraiser the month prior. There was plenty of food before, during and after the walk that everyone was able to enjoy. Hopefully next year's walk will be just as fun, if not better! —Submitted by Monica Wang


MERP & K-Family Baseball Game Preview

MERP to feature workshops and lock-in at UW-Oshkosh in July be fun and informative workshops for you to attend such as MERP is the must-attend event of “Planning A Successful Org Fair”, the summer! Held July 13th at “Membership Education: CKI UW-Oshkosh, MERP will answer and the K-Family”, “Effective all of your recruitment, retention Meetings”, “What’s Your CKI and membership education ques- Story?” and much, much more! tions! Pre-registration for MERP Does your club need a boost in and the lock-in that follows is club spirit, or do you want to only $15! show off your CKI pride? Come to the “Club Spirit” workshop! MERP will be structured a bit No matter what your area of interdifferently this year than in past est, MERP is sure to please! years. This year’s MERP is only a one day event, and it consists of But, be prepared! This year’s no camping. However, there will MERP is “Boot Camp” themed! be a really fun lock in following Come ready to learn, meet new the event! people and have fun! If you want more information, please contact When you attend MERP this Special Events Chair Emily Conyear, be ready for a day full of don at: information and fun! There will By Kelly Kloth

K-Family Baseball Game: new venue, new team tains. Come have some fun in the sun with your Kiwanis Family Are you ready for some fun in the members. The tickets cost $15 a piece with $6 going to the ELIMIsun with the K-Family? Are you NATE Project! ready for baseball to be in full swing? Then get your tickets now for the K-Family Baseball Game. The game is on Sunday, July 14th at 1:05pm. Come before the This year we are headed to Apple- game for some catch with the players and after the game get the ton, WI to watch the national winning Wisconsin Timber Rat- players autographs! It is sure to be some real awesome fun with the tlers play the Lake County CapBy Betsy Henderson

Kiwanis Family. The deadline for ordering tickers is June 21st, so get those orders in now so you don't miss out! Do you have questions? Do you need some more information? Contact your District K-Family Chair Betsy Henderson at I know I can answer your questions.





Five reasons to attend LSSP/ICON 2013 By Cody Schara

If you weren’t already convinced to register for Circle K International’s Large Scale Service Project and International Convention this summer, Subregion C Trustee Cody Schara has put together a list of five reasons why attending both of these events could lead to being some of your best Circle K memories. May 15 is the last day to register at a “discounted” rate for both events. Don’t wait any longer, as the registration fees will climb once again!



All Circle K members who are attending this year’s Large Scale Service Project will be able to complete around 25 service hours during the event. These hours will include time volunteering at a local playground build, planting community gardens, or spending time with kids at a Boys and Girls Club.



During our time in Vancouver, delegates will be voting on the new international board of officers, as well as bylaw changes for the future of our organization. If you are a delegate for your club, your vote will directly impact the future of Circle K International.



Who wouldn’t want to meet over 200 people from across the globe? With Circle K members in attendance from Aruba, Panama, and more, all attendees will be able to not only exchange service ideas with these new friends, but learn more about different cultures as well.



Circle K is lucky enough to hold our convention in conjunction with Kiwanis’ international convention, so we will be able to see some great presenters and engage with Kiwanians at the same time.


A truly international convention!

This is Circle K’s first truly international convention since the 1990s, so who knows when the next time we will be able to hold a convention outside of the United States will be? Attendees will be able to experience the vibrant Vancouver culture, which has been described as one of the most beautiful cities in North America.


International Awards By Taryn Grisham

Circle K is an international organization. I’m sure that most of you are aware of this, but did you know that international also gives out awards? Similar to our own district convention, international convention features an awards ceremony where clubs are recognized for their accomplishments during the past Circle K year. In past years, the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District has won numerous awards because of the district as a whole, our district board members and our clubs. Our district is well-known on the international level. Regardless of whether or not your club has anyone attending this summer’s International Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (though we sure hope that you are able to send someone!!), I urge you as the immediate-past Awards, Regulations and History Chair to apply for international awards! Applications are on the international website, and can be found here: You will notice that some of the award applications mirror awards that were new to our district this past year. I created these based off of the international awards, to encourage our clubs to reapply. If clubs wish to have their district award forms mailed back to them, email District Administrator Janet Degroot. All international awards applications must be postmarked by June 1 for clubs not attending convention, in order to be accepted by International. Any clubs who are attending convention can turn their awards in at the registration desk upon their arrival. I have listed all of the different club awards that your clubs can apply for below. I hope to hear all of your club’s names called out during the awards ceremony at International Convention this summer!

Club Awards (Application required)

Other Awards (No application required)

Club Achievement Award Club Newsletter Award Club T-Shirt Award Club Video Award Club Website Award Non-Traditional Club Scrapbook Award Traditional Club Scrapbook Award Outstanding Kiwanis Family Relations Award Service Partners Award Single Service Award The ELIMINATE Project Award

Oratorical Contest Growth Enhances Membership Award--No application needed, all clubs eligible Member Mile Award--No application needed, all clubs attending the international convention eligible


Club Highlight: Michigan Technological University Michigan Tech is located in the scenic Keweenaw Peninsula in upper Michigan. Michigan Tech’s Circle K club was charted in 1990 and has since been very active in the local community, participating in service projects such as: Adopt-a-Highway, wood-splitting, dog-walking, and events hosted by the local Copper Country Kiwanis club. Michigan Tech Circle K is also frequently involved in events and fundraisers sponsored by Michigan Technological University.

2013-2014 Executive Board

President Emily Wolbeck is a 3rd year Materials Science and Engineering Major. Her favorite service project is the Kiwanis Chicken BBQ.

Vice President Mike Miller is a 5th year majoring in Sports and Fitness Management. His favorite service project was splitting wood at MAC.



Leala Baker is a 3rd year in the Pre-Physical Therapy program majoring in Kinesiology and Integrated Physiology. Her favorite service event was the Dr. Seuss Extravaganza.

Ted Ylitalo is a 3rd year Biological Sciences major. His favorite service event is the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast.

District Representation Michigan Technological University also currently has two members serving on the W-UM District Board!

Hal Holmes: Superior Lieutenant Governor Briana Tucker: District Secretary


Club Highlight: Edgewood College In four short years, Edgewood has been able to make a huge difference on not only their campus, but also on the district and international levels of Circle K. They have been featured on the Edgewood College website three times, highlighting their DCON experiences, and have also appeared in the school newspaper, On the Edge, twice. Edgewood continues to work with Edgewood College to create new service opportunities for members and the general student population. Edgewood Circle K has been a part of freshman orientation for the last three years, setting up a civic engagement volunteer project to educate new students not only about Circle K, but about the value of service in one’s life.

2013-2014 Executive Board President: Marissa Blackmore, freshman Vice President: Adama Guede, freshman

They’ve got SPIRIT!

Treasurer: Preet Kaur, freshman Secretary: Megan Laufenberg, freshman Fundraising Chair: Fayth Herbert, freshman


Public Relations Chair: Jorge Zuniga, freshman

Spirit Award

K-Family Chair: Sam Brown, sophomore

recipient at District Convention

Service Chair: Aly Whalen, freshman Kiwanis Advisor: Ken Saville Kiwanis Advisor: Mike Santana Faculty Advisor: Lisa Allaman

In four years, Edgewood has had six member serve on the W-UM District Board of officers in multiple district committee chair positions and even one as District Governor, who currently serves on the Circle K International Board. Edgewood has also won over 17 District Convention awards. They are incredibly proud of this success and hope to continue their tradition of excellence for years to come.


District Goals as of May 3, 2013

113 members 514 members

86.9% of the goal

73.4% of the goal

1,702.25 hours 9.7% of the goal

Membership: 700 members

Service: 17,500 hours

Event Attendance: Spring Fling 130 attendees


$2,200 40% of the goal $1,475.36

$55.15 4.4% of the goal

Camp Wawbeek

Camp Baycliff



“Other” (Includes Preferred Charities) $9,000



16.4% of the goal

ELIMINATE Project $4,000

2013-2014 W-UM District Board Directory

Governor Lena Scheibengraber Alverno College 6301A W. Lakefield Drive Milwaukee, WI 53219 414-418-9779

Lakes LTG Katie Hobbs University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 2136 Klondike Road Green Bay, WI 54311 262-515-5375

Kiwanis Family Chair Elizabeth Henderson University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh 850 Cherry St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 262-902-2064

Secretary Briana Tucker Michigan Technological University 1701 Townsend Dr. 248 E. Wadsworth Houghton, MI 49931 313-910-0304

Metro LTG Lizzie Anderson Marquette University 1902 W Kilbourn Ave Milwaukee, WI 53233 509-378-4183

Membership, Development and Growth Chair Kelly Kloth University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee 4442 N Oakland Ave., Apt. 8 Milwaukee, WI 53211 414-469-1066

Treasurer Nicolaus Galles Edgewood College 1725 Madison St. #2 Madison, WI 53711 212-295-5204

Southeast LTG Shannon Thiesenhusen University of Wisconsin-Waukesha 6409 N. Tichigan Rd Waterford, WI 53185 262-492-8626

Service Chair Colin Buckley Edgewood College 1725 Madison St. Madison, WI 53711 920-572-0139

Bulletin Editor Taryn Grisham University of Wisconsin-Madison 1002 Spring St. Apt. P Madison, WI 53715 262-271-2620

Superior LTG Hal Holmes Michigan Technological University 504 Shelden Ave Apt#2 Houghton, Michigan 49931 989-751-7958

Special Events Chair Emily Condon Alverno College 2131 N 118th St Wauwatosa, WI 53226 414-403-9744

Capital LTG Monica Wang University of Wisconsin -Madison 1020 Fahrenrook Court, Apt. 5 Madison, WI 53715 608-239-5707

Awards, Regulations and History Chair Laura Killingsworth University of Wisconsin-Madison 105 Mohawk Circle Beaver Dam, WI 53916 920-382-4425

Webmaster Madhusudan Rajendran University of Wisconsin- Madison 247 Langdon St., Apt 4 Madison, WI 53703 414-491-8574

Chippewa LTG Matthew Bowe University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 152 Sutherland Hall 620 Hilltop Circle, Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-933-2404

District Convention Chair Sara Hujar Northern Michigan University 516 West Bluff St. Marquette, MI 49855 607-242-1744


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