Circle of Sharing - September 2013

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Circle of Sharing Official Bulletin of the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District

Volume 20

Issue 6

September 2013

Summer service hours are in! See where W-UM stands >>> Page 18

Need weekend plans? Find out about the upcoming Lakes Divisional Rally and others happening soon! Â 1 Â >>> Page 7

In this issue… COS Challenge…………..………………………….………………………...Page 3 Circle K 101……………………………………………………………..….Page 4-5 A Word from the District Treasurer..….................................Page 6 Fall Divisional Rallies………………..…………………………............Page 7 Membership Awareness Conference (MAC)………............Page 8-9 Kiwanis Family Hockey Night (KFHN)..….……………….Page 10-11 Club Highlight: UW-Madison………………….……………………..Page 12 Club Highlight: UW-Oshkosh………………………………….........Page 13 Set your sights to the future with CKI…………………………..Page 14 Awards Awareness: New Club Awards…………….…………...Page 15 District Goals Update: September 2013…………………..Page 16-17 2013-2014 W-UM District Board Directory…………..……..Page 18 Do you like the new look of the Circle of Sharing? Want to be featured in next month’s issue? E-mail all inquiries to District Bulletin Editor Taryn Grisham at!


COS Challenge By Taryn Grisham Reading the Circle of Sharing just got even better! Not only is our district bulletin jam-packed with CKI and WUM knowledge, but it can also make you a winner. That’s right – a winner! We are actually giving awesome prizes away to our members just for reading the Circle of Sharing. Winning is easy! All you need to do is read the most recent issue from cover to the end, making sure that you’ve touched on all of the important points. Make sure that you’re looking at the pictures and check to see if members from your own club were featured! Each club will be featured in the Circle of Sharing at least once during the 2013-14 year, so you’ll want to keep an eye out for your own members. Still not convinced that reading the Circle of Sharing is worth participating in this event? Think again. Winners will have their choice in winning some awesome Circle K International swag including T-shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts and more! Our winner for the September COS Challenge will receive free, yes, FREE pre-registration for MAC (see pages 8-9 for more details on this dino-mite event to take place next month!). The right column gives a rundown of how easy winning is, so read up on the rules and dive in to this issue. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to win next month!

Our August COS Challenge Winner: CONGRATULATIONS to EMILY CONDON of the Alverno College Circle K Club!




1. READ THE ISSUE Read the September issue of the Circle of Sharing in its entirety so that you have a good grasp of the material. 2. SUBSCRIBE TO THE WUM WEEKLY EMAIL UPDATES The Monday following the release of the Circle of Sharing, Lena will include the trivia questions used to figure out the next winner. 3. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Be sure to answer the trivia questions to the best of your ability before the end of the COS Challenge play period. 4. SUBMIT YOUR ANSWERS Email your answers to the trivia questions to District Bulletin Editor Taryn Grisham for your chance to win some awesome CKI swag!

CKI 101>>> By Taryn Grisham College campuses around the globe have a myriad of student organizations that students can choose to get involved with. While the options at some campuses are incredibly overwhelming, thousands of students choose Circle K International (CKI) year after year. By giving back to their communities, CKI members learn the skills needed to become the next generation of community-minded leaders. Sponsored by Kiwanis International, CKI is the premier collegiate community service, leadership development and fellowship organization in the world. The organization is filled with energetic, passionate and driven young adults (like yourself!) who have the power to make a significant impact on the world.

Kiwanis International

We are family; the

Aktion Club


Circle K International Key Club Builder’s Club K-Kids

Where do we fit? There are more than 13,500 CKI members worldwide, with 500 clubs in 17 countries. Locally, our district – the Wisconsin Upper-Michigan district – is home to over 500 members. As you can see in the diagram above, the different branches are a family. Kindergartners and grandparents can be a part of it all! K-Kids (elementary school), Builder’s Club (middle school), Key Club (high school), Circle K International (college), Aktion Club (adults with disabilities) and Kiwanis International (adults), make up what we call the “Kiwanis Family.”


The ultimate guide to all things Circle K International Mission Developing college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.

Our Pledge I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!

Our Motto “Live to serve, love to serve!”

Tenets: service, leadership, fellowship Service is the heart of CKI. Collectively, CKI members perform more than 1 million hours of service on their campuses and in their communities every year. Without service, CKI would be just another campus activity. Through service, college students are making the world a better place. The potential of CKI lies in its ability to positively influence members of society who are facing ultimate personal decisions and those who will one day create the vision of mankind for generations to come. Leadership opportunities afford CKI members the resources and tools needed to become active citizens. Members can assume leadership responsibilities at all levels of the organization and through various experiential training conferences. CKI members experience fellowship and develop lifelong relationships with fellow collegians, advisors, Kiwanians, and citizens in their communities every single day. Whether a member is mentoring a child, networking with a businessman, or bowling with members, he or she is developing social skills, meeting new people, and strengthening relationships.


District Fees, International Fees and Registration, oh my!

By Nico Galles in amounts assigned. In addition to this flat fee that clubs pay to international, there is also a $10 permember fee that is paid to the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District, which goes to fund events such as our Membership Awareness Conference, District Convention, and much more. District and International fees can start being paid as early as October 1st, but are due at the latest on November 30th.

Many clubs and members are confused when it comes to understanding the club fee system and figuring out what exactly that money goes towards. In case you didn’t know, both district and international fees help fund the projects and events you all attend! What does this mean for all of you? The sooner club and member fees are paid to international; the quicker those funds can be turned around and used for materials for us! Those items include things such as: membership cards, pins, handbooks and certificates. The money you pay also acts as funding for the international board, which works closely with the W-UM district board to effectively better our organization.

So, you’ve paid your club fee and you’re ready to come to a district event. You’ll probably see a lot of advertisement for pre-registration, incentives, and deadlines before the event. We always have on-site registration, so why take the time to pre-register? Preregistration is highly encouraged for many reasons. In addition to helping the district board estimate how many people they will have to provide food and lodging for, pre-registration can often come with perks! For example, this year for our Membership Awareness Conference on October 11th-13th, when you pre-register, you will get a FREE district t-shirt; how cool is that? It also makes for a smoother registration process for you and for all district officers involved (I can tell you that it makes my life easier when I can find you in an excel spreadsheet right away!).

Every fall, clubs collect money from their members and submit their district and international fee to international. While some of the club fee that your own club charges may go directly to club expenses, the breakdown for what clubs pay is as follows:  Each CKI club from a four-year institution with an enrollment of 5,000 or more students shall pay an annual club fee of $600.  Each CKI club from a 4-year institution with an enrollment of less than 5,000 students shall pay an annual club fee of $450.  Each CKI club from a 2-year institution shall pay an annual fee of US$300.  Each CKI club with a per capita gross national income of less than $10,000 shall pay an annual club fee of US$150.

So, whether you are a club officer getting ready to pay those club fees, or a member looking to come to a district event, keep these things in mind. And remember, if you ever have questions about fees, preregistration or general treasurer responsibilities; don’t hesitate to ask me for help!

While the last bullet point does not pertain to the clubs in the United States, you can easily see the differences


Fall Divisional Rallies Capital, Lakes, Metro, and Southeast Divisions hold rallies this fall…will you be there?

Lakes Divisional Rally Where: Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary & Amusement Park (Green Bay, WI) When: September 21st at 10:15 a.m. Details: We’re all about the animals! Start the day with a "Walk for Wildlife,” help clean the sanctuary, then head to the amusement park for rood and rides! The first 30 people to RSVP by Facebook or email will get $5 off their "Walk" registration fee and will pay either $10 for the walk & long-sleeved wolf shirt or $5 for the walk and no shirt. If over 30 people attend, the last to RSVP will pay $15 for the walk/shirt or $10 for the walk/no shirt. Rides cost between $.50 and $1 each, and most food items are less than $3 each. Please RSVP to Katie via Facebook or email! Learn more about the sanctuary at

Capital Divisional Rally

Metro/Southeast Joint Divisional Rally

Where: Sequoia Library (Madison, WI)

Where: Washington Park Urban Ecology Center (Milwaukee, WI)

When: October 25th from 3:30-8:00 p.m.

When: September 28th at 9:00 a.m.

Details: Come join the Capital Division to create a free Haunted House for little kids in the Madison area at the Sequoia Branch Library! We'll be setting it up from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. and hosting the actual Haunted House from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and cleaning up from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. There is an on-site registration fee of $5, which will help cover pizza, drinks and candy for all of you! We hope you can attend the Capital Divisional Rally to participate in service so good, it's SCARY! Be sure to wear your scariest Halloween costume, as there will be a best Halloween costume contest!

Details: What’s better than a divisional rally? How about TWO divisional rallies in one?? But that’s impossible, you say! To which I reply: ‘Impossible? Nay! Only very rare.’ We invite you all from across the district to join in our Metro/Southeast joint rally, which will be taking place Saturday, September 28 at 9:00 a.m. at the Washington Park Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee. We will be doing a land preservation project for the first part, then have a picnic following. Come out for some service and fellowship fun while you support the awesome bond that is the Wisconsin Upper-Michigan district! We hope to see you there! Please contact Lizzie Anderson ( or Shannon Thiesenhusen ( for questions and to RSVP!


MAC By Emily Condon Are you ready to stomp and play like they did back in the dinodays? Join us for MAC: Service is Dino-mite! Membership Awareness Conference (MAC) is a weekend long event at Camp Wawbeek where members participate in service, attend workshops and get to know others across Wisconsin-Upper Michigan. It will be held October 11-13. This prehistoric event is sure to make history, so don’t miss out! If you have any questions please contact Emily Condon via email at


{Membership Awareness Conference}


At Membership Awareness Conference (MAC), we have two sessions of workshops. As members, you can choose a workshop from each session to attend. These are made to help educate, as well as allow you to get to know other members and ask questions. The workshops are very interactive and fun. All you have to do is decide what ones to do, and go for it!

Session 1

Session 2

President* For current presidents to learn more about their position

Membership Update Center* For current Executive Board members to learn how to use the Membership Update Center

Vice President* For current VPs to learn more about their position Secretary* For current secretaries to learn more about their position Treasurer* For current treasurers to learn more about their position Kiwanis Family Month & The ELIMINATE Project Learn about the Kiwanis Family and Kiwanis Family Month, as well as the ELIMINATE Project Dino Dance Break out of your comfort zone and dance it up

Bulletin Editor & Scrapbook For current or potential bulletin editors and scrapbook chairs to learn more E-board/D-board/Leadership Learn about the CKI structure and what leadership opportunities it entails CKI 101 Learn all about Circle K International

Please note: Workshops noted with the asterisk (*) are ones that should be attended by executive board members of clubs for training purposes.

Dealing with Stress Learn and practice the art of relaxation Ken's Camp Tour Tour Camp Wawbeek

Governor's Project Learn about Lena’s Governor Project and how you can make a difference


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Club Highlight: 2013-2014 Executive Board Emily Lingeman (President) "Circle K allows me to build connections on campus with fellow students, around Madison with volunteer organizations, and across the state with other Circle Kers in the district. I enjoy building these connections while serving our community.” Laura Killingsworth (Vice President) "The people I've met through Circle K make all the hard work more than worthwhile. There's something about giving up your time to serve others that helps to form friendships that are stronger than any others." Calla Buttke (Secretary) “I love the Circle K bonding!” Taylor Shuster (Treasurer) "I love the fact that through Circle K you are able to not only complete service projects and better the community and world, but interact with others who show your same interests, attend district events, meet new people, and have a lot of fun along the way while doing so." Sarah Dreifke (Bulletin Editor) " I love Circle K because it has allowed me to get involved with such a large variety of service projects - the possibilities are literally endless! I'm going to take away some great experiences and some great friendships!"

Their Awesome Chairs Service: Anna Marshall, Caroline Klinker, Spencer Liebl Fundraising: Jessi Dercks, Kaitlin Evans, Madhu Rajendran Social: Jeff Verhoeven, Jordan Rein Kiwanis Family Relations: Amy Yan, Sara Bolyard Public Relations: Andie Burjek, Chris Hoffman Membership Growth & Development: Allison Verre, Stephanie van Kampen Awards: Rachael Mogck Scrapbooking: Tatiana Koike

Upcoming Events Watch out for more articles about UW-Madison’s activities this semester as they host the Big Ten Food Fight with the other Big Ten Circle K clubs, trick-ortreat for ELIMINATE, and Carol for a Cause (which also benefits ELIMINATE).


Club Highlight: 2013-2014 Executive Board Megan Dalsing (President) Major: Elementary Education Minor: Special Education She loves volunteering events that help children and enjoys watching football and going horseback riding in her free time.

Lizzy Johnson (Vice President) Major: Human Service Leadership Minor: Social Justice with an emphasis in prejudice and discrimination She loves the outdoors, travelling, and participating in volunteer projects involving people of all ages and abilities.

Taylor Moret (Secretary) Major: Radio/TV/Film Minor: Communications She loves making a difference in people’s loves in any way she can. She plans to compete, as Earl Dirbles Jr. for Miss Universe this year, so to look him up on YouTube!

Megan Allerman (Treasurer) Major: Elementary Education Minor: Math She likes meeting new people and recruiting new members for Circle K. She also loves sports, making other smile and traveling.

New Year, Fresh Faces The UWO Circle K is looking to build its enrollment and increase member attendance at meetings and events. With the new E-Board and a new advisor, they hope to crush their goals. They are a very friendly and outgoing group and are all looking forward to this year of Circle K!


Set your sights to the future with CKI Key Leader Camp Wawbeek – Wisconsin Dells, WI September 20-22, 2013

Lakes Divisional Rally Green Bay, WI September 21, 2013

Metro & Southeast Joint Divisional Rally Milwaukee, WI September 28, 2013


Membership Awareness Conference (MAC) Camp Wawbeek – Wisconsin Dells, WI October 11-13, 2013

Midnight Masquerade Milwaukee, WI (Alverno College) October 18, 2013

Capital Divisional Rally Madison, WI October 25, 2013

Kiwanis Family Service Day (KFSD) Milwaukee, WI November 2, 2013

Kiwanis Family Hockey Night (KFHN) Madison, WI December 6, 2013 Winter Weekend Getaway Houghton, MI January 17-19, 2014

51st Annual W-UM CKI District Convention (DCON) Green Bay, WI March 14-16, 2013


Awards Announcement: New Club Awards By Laura Killingsworth

Hello W-­‐UM Circle K! I hope your school year has gotten off to a great start! With the new year here, it’s time to unveil TWO new awards that have been created by the ARH Committee for the 2013-­‐2014 Circle K year. The %irst award is the Outstanding Club Bulletin Editor Award. This award was designed in order to recognize the exceptional work by the elected/appointed individual who hold the position of bulletin editor. Just like any other elected position, the bulletin editor is held to a high standard and expected to have high attendance and participation in Circle K events. Don’t have a designated bulletin editor but your club still has an awesome news source? You’re in luck! This year, the ARH Committee also created a Club Newsletter Award. The criteria for this award includes general appearance, newsletter content and distribution. Keep an eye out for your club’s awards CD, coming to you at Membership Awareness Conference on October 11th! It’s never too early to start applying for awards and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at!


2013-14 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District Goals Update – September 2013

CURRENT: 525 members 75% of our goal


CURRENT: 4,023.25 hours 23% of our goal


CURRENT: $55.15 4.4% of our goal



CURRENT: $808.25 14.7% of our goal


CURRENT: $1,602.36 17.8% of our goal


CURRENT: $2,200 40% of our goal


2013-14 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District Goals Update – September 2013

GOAL: 130 attendees

GOAL: 15 attendees

GOAL: 15 attendees

ACTUAL: 113 attendees

ACTUAL: 13 attendees

ACTUAL: 13 attendees

87% of our goal

87% of our goal

87% of our goal






GOAL: 50 attendees

GOAL: 175 attendees

GOAL: 150 attendees

ACTUAL: 37 attendees

ACTUAL: 62 attendees

ACTUAL: Coming soon!

74% of our goal

35% of our goal








2013-14 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District Board Directory District Governor Lena Scheibengraber Alverno College 6301A W. Lakefield Drive Milwaukee, WI 53219 414-418-9779

Lakes Lieutenant Governor Katie Hobbs University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 2136 Klondike Road Green Bay, WI 54311 262-515-5375

Kiwanis Family Chair Elizabeth Henderson University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh 850 Cherry St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 262-902-2064

District Secretary Briana Tucker Michigan Technological University 1701 Townsend Dr. 248 E. Wadsworth Houghton, MI 49931 313-910-0304

Metro Lieutenant Governor Lizzie Anderson Marquette University 1311 W Kilbourn Avenue, Apt. M Milwaukee, WI 53233 509-378-4183

Membership, Development & Growth Chair Kelly Kloth University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee 4442 N Oakland Ave., Apt. 8 Milwaukee, WI 53211 414-469-1066

District Treasurer Nicolaus Galles Edgewood College 1725 Madison St. #2 Madison, WI 53711 212-295-5204

Southeast Lieutenant Governor Shannon Thiesenhusen University of Wisconsin-Waukesha 6409 N. Tichigan Rd Waterford, WI 53185 262-492-8626

Service Chair Colin Buckley Edgewood College 1725 Madison St. Madison, WI 53711 920-572-0139

District Bulletin Editor Taryn Grisham University of Wisconsin-Madison 1002 Spring Street, Apt. P Madison, WI 53715 262-271-2620

Superior Lieutenant Governor Hal Holmes Michigan Technological University 504 Shelden Ave Apt#2 Houghton, Michigan 49931 989-751-7958

Special Events Chair Emily Condon Alverno College 2131 N 118th St Wauwatosa, WI 53226 414-403-9744

Capital Lieutenant Governor Monica Wang University of Wisconsin –Madison 1020 Fahrenrook Court, Apt. 5 Madison, WI 53715 608-239-5707

Awards, Regulations & History Chair Laura Killingsworth University of Wisconsin-Madison 105 Mohawk Circle Beaver Dam, WI 53916 920-382-4425

Chippewa Lieutenant Governor Matthew Bowe University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 152 Sutherland Hall 620 Hilltop Circle, Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-933-2404

District Convention Chair Sara Hujar Northern Michigan University 516 West Bluff St. Marquette, MI 49855 607-242-1744


“Like” us on Facebook: ages/Wisconsin-UpperMichigan-District-of-Circle-KInternational/10862362917795 77

“Follow” us on Twitter: @wumcki

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