2010-11 issue12

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the review washburn university

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‘Hypnotic Record’ video premiere set for Friday night Page A7 Serving Washburn University since 1873

volume 137, Issue 12 • wednesday, November 17, 2010

Student escapes late night close call Robert Miller WASHBURN REVIEW

was yelling and screaming to put the car in park and she had a knife in her hand,” said McEachern. Last month a member of the WashAt this time she realized that burn community came face-to-face all five assailants had knives in their with a situation that opened up their hands. eyes to the community around her. “As soon as I saw she had a big At 11:30 p.m. on Oct. 15, knife in her hand, I looked around and Meaghan McEachern, freshman, and all five of the people who were there, a friend were attacked near 12th and there were two females and three Lane streets. males, all had big switchblades in their “I was going to pick up a friend hands,” said McEachern. from a house party on Garfield and we McEachern says the woman began just took a route down Lane and then stabbing at her, specifically her hand, we took a turn on to 12 street,” said in an attempt to get her off the phone. McEachern. It became apparent to McEachern that As McEachern and her friend the assailants wanted her car. began to turn left on a green arrow at “They were trying to yank the the intersection a car came flying past driver out of the car because I’m pretty them. positive their intention was to steal my “As we took the turn a car flew vehicle,” said McEachern past us and stopped abruptly in front Finally, her attackers fled after of us and a male was driving and then McEachern kept yelling four words; he had to slam on the brakes,” said the cops are coming. McEachern. “As soon as I kept yelling ‘the Once the car that had approached cops are coming, the cops are coming’ from behind pulled in front of their ve- they got in their car and drove away,” hicle, events became more serious. said McEachern. “Five people got out of the vehiAfterwards McEachern continued cle in front of us and came to my car to stay on the phone with dispatch. and started trying to punch in the win“I was on the phone with dispatch dows,” said McEachern. and I kept repeating the license plate McEachern recalls not reacting number and the car and what color and quickly enough as the situation un- make and everything,” said McEachfolded. ern. “[The dispatcher] kept asking me “We didn’t react fast enough to where I wanted to meet an officer and get the doors locked so they got into the only place I was comfortable with the vehicle and two of them were was to be at campus, so I told the offibeating the driver in the face and ev- cer to meet me in the [Living Learning erything and punching him and trying Center] parking lot.” to get him out of the vehicle,” said Afterwards, McEachern came to McEachern. the realization that the she came close While two of the assailants were to being killed. attacking Meaghan’s friend, she was “Nothing was stolen from my veable to get on her cell phone and call hicle,” said McEachern. “I was very the police dispatch. confused by the fact nothing was sto“By this len because time I was al- “ there were two ready on the them beatThey were trying to yank of phone with ing up on the dispatch just the driver out of the driver and the screaming at one woman them to find car because I’m pretty with me and the our location be- positive their intention other two just cause I wasn’t stood there.” aware of what was to steal my vehicle McEachstreet we were ern was also on and just for able to help - Meaghan McEachern them to come,” police in their Freshman said McEachhunt for her atern. ” tackers. During the “I was able time McEachern was on the phone to get a pretty good look at the female with dispatch, a female assailant had on my side but not the other two who jumped into the car to attack her. were beating on the driver.” “Then I realized that there was a Being able to get a good look at female who had gotten in on the pas- least one of the assailants had allowed senger side where I was sitting and she Meaghan to identify her assaulters at

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

A return to the scene: Meaghan McEachern, a Washburn freshman, was held up at knifepoint roughly one month ago. The attempted carjacking took place a few yards from the S.W. 12 St. and Lane St. intersection near campus. While both the driver and McEachern escaped relatively uninjured, the attackers also attempted to rob and steal in other separate incidents across Topeka that night. the Topeka police station. “I have gone to the police station and identified them,” said McEachern. “I don’t know at the current moment if they were caught or not but I know [the police] had some leads.” McEachern said that her and her friend were not the only victims of the assailants that night. “That same night actually, the same people had gone and done a few more robberies and had tried to attempt to steal another vehicle,” said McEachern. Family and friends of McEachern were very concerned for her safety and even questioned her staying in Topeka to go to Washburn. “My parents were very concerned about my safety” says McEachern. “A lot of people asked me, ‘does this change your idea of going to Washburn next year? Do you feel safe enough in Topeka to even stay there at the school?’”

When asked whether or not she knew 12th and Lane streets was a bad area, McEachern said she was unaware. “I did not. I’m not from Topeka and I haven’t travelled Topeka very much but I know multiple people who live on 13th street and College avenue so I assumed if they lived there and they commute around there I wouldn’t be attacked.” McEachern said that her experience has taught her many lessons that she is fortunate to be able to apply in the future. “I know it’s very important to stay on main streets at night,” said McEachern. “As soon as it’s dark, don’t go on side streets. I’m always very, very cautious. I don’t get gas at night. I know that [Topeka] is a lot worse of an area than I thought it was originally.” McEachern has also found a variety of ways to protect herself from now on.

“My parents have gotten me mace since then and I’m going to start carrying a bat in my car. I’m definitely taking a lot more safety precautions as to staying safe and making sure I go where I need to go and not go any side streets.” McEachern also gives some advice for other young women and men who go to Washburn. “Be aware of the locations that are the worst in Topeka and where you can’t travel after dark without being in harm’s way,” said McEachern. “Make sure you always, always lock your car doors and keep your windows rolled up while you’re driving if you have to drive at night. Be careful if you’re trying to go to and from parties.”

Robert Miller is a freshman french major. Reach him at robert.miller@washburn. edu

Vigil held to support victims of bullying and abuse Timothy Lake WASHBURN REVIEW

Photo by Zachary Lambert, Washburn Review

See what kind of role Washburn student Kenneth Ecker has played since joining the band Elcktrikchair



anyone. Resa Boydston, the secretary and treasurer of OPEN, said 94 percent of GLBT individuals have reported being the victim of some form of harassment. The vigil is a start for raising awareness over this issue, and is not a one-time thing said Heather Schimmel co-president of the social justice league. “The number one thing students can do is to become aware of what they are doing to their fellow students, fellow people.” said Christy Cheray, co-president of OPEN. The Ally program is an effort at Washburn that involves professors training in order to be an ally for students who are struggling through issues with

Please see VIGIL page A2

Check out where the Lady Blues ended up for NCAA regionals


Look at a recent Q&A session with newly elected Kansas Representative Garrett Love


news & opinion

Bringing light: Washburn gathered last Wednesday to show awareness for victims of teenage bullying. The event was inspired by an event at Rutgers University where a young student committed suicide after a video of him was leaked on the Internet.

about thoughts, experiences, and the experiences of their friends who suffered from bullying. Washburn University students, “We were initially inspired befaculty, and staff stood cause of the Rutgers inin the glow of candles, “ cident,” said Penny Engathered together in gler, co-president of the Students can grief over the suicides Social Justice League, become allies too, of five teenagers as a re“It’s not just him you so that’s number sult of being bullied. know, there’s tons and one. It’s not just The Social Justice tons of kids and adults faculty and staff League, OPEN, and the all over the world that Washburn Student Govhave to deal with the ef- Marsha Carrasco Cooper ernment Association fects of bullying we just Director, SAGL came together to orgawant to raise awareness nize a vigil in support of it.” ” against every victim of bullying Engler also said it at 6 p.m. last Wedneswas important to know day at the Kuehne Bell Tower. that bullying doesn’t just happen to The vigil involved students, fac- gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, ulty, and staff members who spoke or nerdy teenagers. It can happen to


News • Wednesday, November 17, 2010



The Bod Beat Reimringer presents book, ‘Vestments’ Anjelica Willis WASHBURN REVIEW

Last week, author John Reimringer, presented his latest book, “Vestments” in the Kansas room at Washburn. The book he was discussing is based on a priest of the Catholic church, and dealing with a rebellious son and the evolution of their relationship. “The book was more of a duplicate of someone I knew at the University of Kansas,” said Reimringer. “They said I could relate their story to the book.” The author told the audience of how writing the book actually made him start to deal with some issues in his own life, and the time it took him to grow through the process. The first chapter of the book deals with the unsettled relationship between father and

Wednesday, Nov. 17 Brown Bag international lecture International House Noon Poverty simulation Washburn Room, Memorial Union 4 to 6:30 p.m. WU orchestra concert White Concert Hall, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18 Phi Alpha Delta Blood Drive Washburn Law School 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HiPACE fall seminar Room 138, Stoffer Science Hall 5:30 p.m.


“Other Voices” storytelling event Mabee Library 7 to 9 p.m. Crane Observatory open house Fourth floor, Stoffer Science Hall 7:30 to 9 p.m.

College Night at Topeka Roadunners Landon Arena, Kansas Expocentre 7:05 p.m. Just Dance for MS! fundraiser Washburn Room, Memorial Union 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Play, “Rumors” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20 Survivors of Suicide Day conference Blair Room, Living Learning Center 2 to 3:30 p.m. Men’s basketball Lee Arena, Petro Allied Health Center 7 p.m. Play, “Rumors” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21 Play, “Rumors” Andrew J. and Georgia Neese Gray Theatre, Garvey Fine Arts Center 2 p.m. Sunday Mass, Catholic Campus Center Catholic Campus Center, 1633 S.W. Jewell 6 to 7 p.m.

Don’t see your event in the calendar? Call the Review newsroom at 6702506 to have your event included in an upcoming edition. It’s FREE. For upcoming Washburn athletic events, go to www.wusports.com.

Anjelica Willis is a freshman mass media major. Reach her anjelica. willis@washburn.edu

WSGA announces annual lecture series

Thanksgiving buffet Washburn Room, Memorial Union 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 19

son as growing up in the Catholic church, and mixing that with the secular words of his dad. Reimringer, a native of Topeka, also spoke about how he never felt quite at home in Topeka and moved away after college. Eventually he settled into St. Paul, Minn. where he and his wife felt there were better opportunities for a writer. “Everyone there reminded me of my father when I moved to St. Paul,” said Reimringer. “I later found out I had a lot of history there.” Though the author grew up as a member of the Catholic church, he said that the book is not a reflection of himself.

Photo by Tesa DeForest. Washburn Review

In memory: Veterans of American wars and their families gathered last week to remember those who have been lost. The balloons released represented awareness of Agent Orange, a pesticide that destroyed large swathes of Vietnamese countryside and also resulted in the deaths of many veterans following the war.

Washburn gets its holiday on Staff Writers WASHBURN REVIEW The Washburn community is trying to cram in a little holiday spirit before the school adjourns for the season. The Catholic Campus Center at Washburn is running their eighth year of the Giving Tree Project, which began Nov. 5 and will run through Dec. 3. Trees are set up at the Catholic Campus Center, 17th and Jewell; Campus Ministry at Washburn, 1621 SW Boswell; Multicultural Affairs office, room 110, Morgan Hall; Living Learning Center lobby, 1801 SW Jewell; Washburn Student Government Association, lower level, Memorial Union; and Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house, 1845 SW Jewell. Participants visit one of the trees, select a tag and purchase the gift request. They then return the unwrapped gift with the angel tags attached to the tree location by noon Friday, Dec. 3. After noon, student volunteers will collect the donated gifts and take them to the Topeka Rescue Mission, Let’s Help and Doorstep, where they will be distributed to children newborn through age 13 who are in need during the holiday season. The Washburn University Opera Theatre has its own plans for holiday fun, with “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” a holiday classic. The opera will open at 2:30 p.m on Thursday, Dec. 2 in White Concert Hall at Washburn. The general plot of the play centers around Amahl, a young boy with a crippled leg who often tells stories and lies. His mother fears he will become a beggar. The Magi from the Nativity story stop at Amahl’s house on their way to

visit the newly born Jesus. The drama unfolds from there to show misfortune, miracles and the spirit of the season. Admission to the event will not be charged, however donations to cover royalty fees are encouraged. The opera will also be performed three more times off of campus: Three additional performances are planned the same week: 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, at Trinity Presbyterian Church; Saturday, 7 p.m. Dec. 4, at Countryside United Methodist Church and 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5, at First Presbyterian Church. Piano accompaniment will be provided by Joshua Jones, Lindsborg, and Pat Gibson, staff accompanist, and oboe players Rachel Johnson, Coldwater, and Lindsey Brown Stewart, alumnae. Washburn University’s Dancing Blues will also take part. Principle cast members will be: Amahl – Emily Mosier, Kansas City, Kan. (understudy – Amy Imparato, Topeka) Mother – Jennifer Scrivner, Topeka (understudy – Rita Hrenchir, Hoyt) Kaspar – Rick Huffman, Sabetha (understudy – Ian Girdler, Topeka) Melchior – Aaron Springer, Berryton (understudy – David Hess, Topeka) Balthazar – Philip Watson, Topeka The Page – Brendan Boyle, Auburn (understudy – Matthew Flaming, Belle Plaine) Chorus members, listed by hometowns are: Belle Plaine: Matthew Flaming Coldwater: Melanie Herd Garden City: Luke Paasch Hays: Kelsey Overbey Horton: Kelsey Rice Hoyt: Rita Hrenchir Iola: Krista Ohmie

Silver Lake: Rachel Cross Topeka: Jennifer Berroth, Tyler Bridges, Lauren Buser, Jessica Crowder, Ian Girdler, Chelsea Haney, David Hess, Amy Imparato, Daniel Kooser, Josie Price, Adam Schafer, Matthew Smith. Yates Center: Chase Oswald Kimball, S.D. - Alexa Overweg The Washburn Mulvane Art Museum will have fiber art, pottery, jewelry and fused glass available for purchase at Mulvane Merriment from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 4. A limited edition ornament, featuring artwork by Frank Peers from the Mulvane Art Museum’s permanent collection, decorated holiday treats and cinnamon rolls will also be available for sale throughout the day. The music department is also getting into the holiday swing Sunday Dec. 5 when Santa will display his talent on the drum in the presentation of “Sleigh Ride” at a holiday percussion ensemble concert at 3 p.m. in White Concert Hall. In addition to Santa, the percussion ensemble will incorporate marimba, vibraphone, xylophone, orchestra bells, timpani, chimes, crotales and various drums and cymbals in the presentation of traditional and contemporary music. The Washburn Singers will also perform, featuring soloist Taryn Doty, of Topeka. This performance is also free and open to the public. As students prepare for examinations and the holidays, these groups hope that they will also take interest in the local events.

Last Wednesday the Washburn Student Government Association had their full senate meeting and they had many things to discuss. At the end of the meeting Caley Onek the president had a big announcement to make the two guest lectures for the year have been decided. On Thursday, Dec. 2nd, Washburn will welcome Rev. Run to the

Washburn room. The second speaker will be Jeff Corwin, who will be at White Concert Hall on Thursday Feb. 3rd. Corwin will bring 14 animals with him. Admission for the Rev. Run event is free for Washburn students. He will be available after the show for a meet and greet. Jaimie Luse is a freshman business major. Reach her at jaimie. luse@washburn.edu.

VIGIL: WU speaks out Continued from page A1 bullying. These professors have placards in their office to show that they are allies and their offices are a safe zone. “Students can become allies too, so that’s number one. It’s not just for faculty and staff,” said Marsha Carrasco Cooper, director of Student Activities and Greek Life. “The biggest thing I think and probably one of the things that takes the most courage students can speak out whenever they hear any comments that are not supportive of the LGBT community... for students to really stand

up... Being the kind of friend to their peers that their peers feel comfortable around them and safe around them.” There are plans for a noname calling week in January in order to raise awareness and fight against bullying, according to Boydston. “The biggest thing is to think of tomorrow, think positive about tomorrow and that they can come to a safe place, like here at Washburn,” said Cheray. “We have ally zones.” Timothy Lake is a freshman mass media major. Reach him at timothy.lake@washburn.edu

President’s Press -paid for byWSGAHello Washburn Students!! I hope that your semester is winding down successfully! We only have a few weeks left, so I hope that all of you end on a good note! To help ease the stress, WSGA will be having numerous giveaways and stress-relief activities. The schedule will be up by the end of the month, so be excited (FREE massages)! In addition to success week, I wanted to take this time to offer you a great opportunity to serve on a new Food Service Committee. If you have strong opinions on the food service options and service, this committee is for you! Make sure to pick up an application in the student government office in the Lower Level of the Union. Applications are due Friday, Dec. 3 by 5 p.m. Please email me at vp@mywsga.com if you have any questions! Also, do not forget to watch Washburn Theatre’s production of “RUMORS” this weekend! Show times will be 7:30 p.m. on Friday & Saturday, then again at 2 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, call the Theatre department at (785)670-1639. Have a fantastic and safe Thanksgiving holiday! :) LUCAS J. MULLIN WSGA VICE PRESIDENT vp@mywsga.com


News • Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Love discusses venture through campaigning

Photo from the archives of the Washburn Review

A new direction after elections: Garrett Love, recent Washburn graduate, is now a part of Kansas legislature. He was elected for District 115 and was back at Washburn on Tuesday to talk to current students


around Chipotle again, and Hu Hot and El Mezcal, and spending time with friends. On Nov. 2, a Washburn What are the particular alumnus achieved his goals as concerns you want to address he was elected as the Kansas in office? Representative of District 115. The government being Love took the time out to more responsible, accountable visit Washburn on Tuesday, and thoughtful with people’s speaking in front of the Wash- money. burn College Republicans. How do you think your At age 22, Love is headed age will affect your time in offor the capitol after graduating fice? May 2010. Now, with the win People will always have under his figurative opinions, and with belt, he is ready to my age, it does presGARRETT ent a challenge that take questions. Were you sur- LOVE Q&A not everyone will prised by your win? have. It emphasizes Well, we worked the importance for very hard and we felt like we me of gaining the trust and reput ourselves in a position to be spect of my peers. I also want successful. to make it very clear that I don’t What was your reaction think I know it all and I don’t to the news? have all the answers because I I was very honored and don’t. humbled to have the opportuDo you think your innity to work for the people of volvement and success in my district and the people of politics will lead other young Kansas. It was certainly an ex- people in the same path? citing time. Over these last few months What made the differ- I have been contacted by many ence for your campaign? individuals that are younger A lot of it was getting out to and interested in politics, and the people, meeting them, talk- now they realize that they can ing to them, finding out what do something about it. I sure the most important concerns hope that one of the results are that they have and putting from this election is that young them first. people keep waking up and Did you have many dif- being engaged in the process. ficulties with balancing your That doesn’t mean they have time on the trail? to run for office, but we have I think I certainly have an to realize that the decisions the advantage in an arena where government is making are afmost candidates have wives fecting our generation almost and kids, and I do not. I think it more than any other. allowed me to put in more time Will your youth be an asand effort into my work. set? Now that the campaign is I think I will bring a very over and you have a bit more unique perspective to decisions free time, what are you going that we’re making, and one that to do? is not often represented. I’m looking forward to If someone else was trycatching up with a lot of friends ing to follow in your footsteps, and family members that I lost what would be your advice? contact with while I was camPut the people first. paigning. What is your favorite diWhat are some things you nosaur? learned while campaigning? The stegosaurus. There’s a lot of different What will influence your thoughts concerns and advice policies? that I got when I needed it. The most important influSome of it was about integrity, ence is the people you reprelike when you have to decide sent. They are very important. between right and wrong, just It’s about putting them before do what’s right, but a lot of peo- yourself. ple make the wrong decision. Anything else? What’s the first thing I’m looking forward to you’re going to do now that turning the government to be you will be the representative about the people for the people for your district? and by the people, and grateful A whole lot of listening and for the opportunity. learning. It’s a steep learning curve for new legislators, and I just want to start learning. What are you looking forward to now that you will be back in Topeka? I enjoyed my time in To- Regina Budden is a senior mass peka while I was at Washburn, media major. Reach her at regina. and I look forward to being budden@washburn.edu.


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Media class to Paris this spring Whitney Jones WASHBURN REVIEW The mass media department is stepping out of the traditional classroom and into something more alternative. This spring Maria Stover, a mass media department instructor, will offer a class that will include a chance to travel to Paris for a week of adventure and learning. Stover will host an informational meeting at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 19 in the Shawnee Room in the Memorial Union for interested students. The class is not just for mass media students, it’s for any interested student. The idea came when the department was discussing opportunities for an international studies class. They already knew that they wanted Stover to teach the class. “I was really excited about that,” said Stover. “This is a class that I have wanted to teach ever since I have been here.” She began to think about adding a travel component to coincide with the class. That was when Kathy Menzie, mass media department chair, mentioned a seminar held in Paris during spring break by the Center for the Study of International Communication. This was a seminar that Washburn went to 10 years prior when Menzie was in charge the trip. Menzie went in the spring of 2000 and took only two students. She was the person who got the class going, which only lasted three years. It was something that she wanted to keep going, but it had a hard time getting instructors to teach the course. Stover started researching. She found that the seminar was still in effect and had been going on since 1996. Lee Huebner who was the former publisher of the International Herald Tribune chairs the center. The Tribune is the international edition of The New York Times. After contacting Huebner and getting permission for Washburn to attend the seminar, Stover began filling out the proper paper-

work. This is when she found per that they will have studied some exciting opportunities for in class. Menzie recalled when she went how great the seminar students. The International Media was. “There were phenomenal Seminar class is registered as MM485, so it is an upper level speakers,” said Menzie. “There elective class. It also qualifies was reporters, writers, televifor a WTE. While this is no lon- sion reports, and even Ameriger a requirement of students, it cans who have written books is something that is a nice ad- while living in Paris.” One activity that is somedition to any resume according thing that students won’t get to Stover. Since the class can be without the class is Huebner taken as a WTE, it means that will graciously open his home students who enroll in the class for a dinner party one of the as such can apply for a scholar- evenings. ship to help with the financials “It sounds too good to be true, but it is there, it is an opof the trip. Another aspect is that the portunity,” said Stover. While learning is one asclass can also be used as an honors class, which means that pect, seeing Parisian culture is also. The it will be schedule available allows for other Inevitably, when for stustudents dents to who are I talk to students not necexplore who have traveled Paris and essarily French mass meabroad, I see how culture. dia matransformed they “ I t jors. has the “ I feel right mix like this - Maria Stover of imbecause portant I think it Mass media, Washburn will bring ” speakers coming a little bit and givdifferent ing lectures and presentations, perspectives,” said Stover. The class itself is a whole and also the right amount of gosemester. During the class there ing places, touring them,” said will be different projects geared Stover. at international media. One of The seminar and hotel are those will be to look at the In- located in central Paris right ternational Herald Tribune, and around the Eiffel tower so sightanalyze it. Also there may be seeing is in walking distance. Since the organizers have a presentation requirement for the students that are enrolled in been in France for a long time, the class as honor students. Sto- they are able to provide the stuver encourages students to take dents with the right places to part in the Paris trip but it is not experience Parisian culture first hand. a requirement. “I think Paris is one of the “I’m teaching the class and really hoping that as many as culture capitals of the world, possible go because I am going with their museums, art availto incorporate many compo- able and fashion of course,” nents in the class,” said Stover. said Stover. The class is starting to The trip will take place during spring break. The semi- make a buzz with the students. nar is very organized and will One student who is interested feature many speakers. Stu- in going is Jeff Dailey. While the seminar is the dents will also get a chance to tour the International Herald main reason for the trip Dailey Tribune, which is the newspa- is looking forward more to the

city life that he has imagined. “First and foremost, I am super excited,” said Dailey. “I am really looking forward to seeing the city. I’m looking forward to curbside patios, sipping some drinks, and eating some food that is way to expensive for me. You know, basic expectations of the city in general.” The approximate cost for the seminar will be $2,166. This includes airfare, which is $900 alone, the hotel, seminar fee, Washburn insurance, and an additional $300 for personal expenses that includes cover museums, extra food and sightseeing. The price does not include tuition for the course. “This is the best part about it,” said Stover, “Paris is an expensive city. We are with people that know the city, know how to make the deals.” There are steps that students need to take if the class is something that interests them. Most important is getting a passport. These can take weeks to get. The mass media department hopes to offer this class or a similar on an ongoing basis. The hope is every spring so that students have the opportunity to experience the world outside the United States. “I have always been a champion of international travel,” said Stover. “I really believe that by traveling internationally you not only learn a lot about other cultures but also learn a lot about ourselves. Inevitably when I have talked to students who have traveled abroad I see how transformed they feel. How different they feel about the world around themselves. So I have always been a big supporter of international travel. Now I am happy to be able to join students in such an experience to Paris, France.”

Whitney Jones is a member of Regina Cassell’s feature writing class.

Memorial Union explains student meal plans Kelsie O’Connell WASHBURN REVIEW

Many students at Washburn believe the prices are high when it comes to the cafeteria food at Washburn. Yet, compared to other schools, some students say our Dining Dollar system is set up just right. Washburn allows students to choose from a meal plan that gives the students a certain amount they can spend through Chartwells, Washburn’s dining program, throughout a semester. The average meal plan, called the value plan, allows students $2,390 in Ichabod dining dollars and $215 in Bod Bucks. This amount should last

Clem discusses ideal employee PRESS RELEASE

Learn what traits make up an ideal employee when Karla Clem, president and chief operating officer, M-C Industries gives a presentation on “My Ideal Employee” at 3 p.m. today in the Vogel Room, Memorial Union. In February 2009, Clem was promoted to president and chief operating officer of M-C Industries. She has also served as regional sales manager and general manager of the Polo Division; vice president responsible for both of M-C’s divisions, Sunflower Marketing and Polo; and most recently executive vice president and chief operating officer of M-C. Clem also is a past president of Sales and Marketing Executives of Topeka. For more information, call Dan Schultz, 785-580-5300.

a student an entire semester. “The university put together a chart that is given to students on a meal plan,” said Matt Beadleston, Director of Dining Services at Washburn. “The Living Learning Center Value Plan is based on an average of $66.39 per week.” At some schools in Kansas, such as Kansas Wesleyan, the meal plan works on a weekly plan. Students at that school have a weekly budget when it comes to buying food. Students at Washburn seem to favor a full semester plan compared to a weekly. “I’d rather have a semester’s worth of money given to me to spend at once,” said Jocelyn Harper, freshman. “That

way, if I want to go buy out the Corner Store, I can whenever I want.” Students use Dining Dollars to eat in the Union Market as well as buy multiple goods in the Corner Store. Whether it is deodorant, coffee, or a candy bar, students often go in and buy a variety of things at one time. The idea of giving students all of their money for the entire semester isn’t an idea that was set up recently for Washburn. “It was established many years ago by the university,” said Beadleston, commenting on the semester set-up. Yet, it is true that prices have gone up through Chartwells, because prices almost everywhere

have gone up. “Like any other retail provider, yes, our prices had to go up as well,” said Beadleston. “There is not a set price of increase or percentage. It is based on the CPI for food away from home and also local product cost from the vendors. Prices will continue to rise in college food programs throughout the state and even the country. The meal plan any school chooses plays a role in the way students look at prices. Either way, prices will fluctuate up and down for a long time to come. Kelsie O’Connell is a freshman mass media major. Reach her at kelsie.oconnell@washburn.edu

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News • Wednesday, November 17, 2010

NCAA: Capitalism kills spirit of season clarity please

This weekend has been full of controversy in NCAA Division II sports, specifically in the MIAA. For starters, with Washburn accepting an invitation to play in the Kanza Bowl, the Mineral Water Bowl Committee selected Pittsburg State (5-6 regular season record, 3-6 in conference) to play in its bowl over Nebraska-Omaha (5-6 regular season record, 5-4 in conference) and Emporia State (5-6 regular season record, 3-6 in conference). Both UNO and ESU beat Pitt State during the regular season, and UNO seems the most logical selection seeing as how its conference record is better. The biggest problem with this selection, however, is that the contract between the Mineral Water Bowl and the MIAA has a clause that says that no MIAA team will play in the bowl unless it has a winning record. The selection of Pittsburg State over the other two schools seems especially dubious considering the former MIAA commissioner, Jim Johnson, is the current Pittsburg State athletic director. To those on the outside, it appears as though Johnson is using his leverage with the Mineral Water Bowl to get them to not only bend their own rules, but select Pittsburg State over two teams that are more deserving of spots in the bowl game. What makes the situation almost laughable is that UNO may not have accepted an invite from the bowl committee anyways because of the financial implications of the bowl. An article in the Omaha WorldHerald said UNO athletic director Trev Alberts was sketchy on the Mineral Water Bowl’s business model after choosing between it and the Kanza Bowl last year. According to Alberts, if the Mavs didn’t bring enough fan support, they would have to assume the financial risks. Another example of committees making unusual decisions is the NCAA Division II Women’s Volleyball Committee, which picked Central Missouri (28-4 overall, 18-2 in MIAA) as the No. 1 seed in the South Central Region of the NCAA Tournament over WU (30-2 overall, 18-2 in MIAA), which was seeded No. 2 in the region. Washburn won a share of the MIAA championship this season and received the conference’s automatic bid to the NCAA tournament because it defeated UCM both times they played. Washburn is also rated higher in the American Volleyball Coaches Association (No. 5) than UCM (No. 9). Personally, it angers me that these postseason committees have taken the liberty of single-handedly making the regular seasons of these sports mean absolutely nothing. There is not a single reason that a team with a worse overall record, conference record, head-tohead record and national ranking should be seeded higher in a tournament or given a bowl opportunity over another team that actually earned the spot. As I’m not a part of either committee, I can only speculate the motives, but it certainly seems as though somebody is dipping their hand into the cookie jar. I think all members of these committees need to be held accountable for their actions. Josh Rouse is a senior mass media major. Reach him at joshua. rouse@washburn.edu.

ily members and the first sign dy cane factory, the latest and that the “season of joy” is here, greatest in holiday mace, aka aka the Toys ‘R’ Us orgy of Bath & Body Works fragranclow prices for all things made es, are available for a truly obin China. That’s right boys and scenely low price. Why anyone girls, time to get your lead poi- would want to have candy cane son on. scented bubble bath oils passes Forget the changunbeknownst to us. ing of the leaves and REVIEW’S Companies like the the cooking of turtwo aforementioned VIEW keys to commemorate though are just the Thanksgiving. Everytip of the iceberg of one now marks time during holiday cheer brought before this, the most joyful of season, its time. by what Madison Avenue tells Just the other day, busius is the proper time to start cel- nesses which usually lull one to ebrating a holiday that is more sleep with thrashing renditions a celebration of the “it” toy of “The Girl from Impanema,” and less about spending your started to get into the act. Aprespective holiday with family parently, a trip to the mall isn’t and friends. complete without living secure Toys ‘R’ Us isn’t the only in the knowledge that, “grandone jumping the shark. For ma got run over by a reindeer.” those that can’t wait to smell While we of the editolike they passed out in a can- rial board commiserate with

To quote the famous holiday song, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” This was the thought that occurred to some of the members of the editorial board of the Washburn Review just after Labor Day. Now that Halloween, which has become a dry run at Christmas - seriously, when did kids start getting toys for Halloween - has passed, we can all focus on the season of joy. Joy for retailer’s accountants. Now that the party line has been toed, we can be honest with ourselves. When one opened up the mailbox the day after Halloween, some might expect there to be a great many things. Bills that must be paid, letters from friends and fam-

Bod on w


The views expressed in the Review’s View are those of the Washburn Review editorial board and are not necessarily the views of Washburn University.

What is your favorite

Caitlin Curran Junior

Keri Heston Sophomore

“My favorite meal is stuffing.”

“I like me some gravy.”

Thanksgiving dish?

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“My favorite dish is green bean casserole.”

Robin Justice Sophomore

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“Mashed potatos and gravy.”

the family who lost their grandmother in such a tragic accident, we do hope that said grandmother could have waited until at least after turkey had been served to stand in traffic. Though the above has all been in jest, the main point that the editorial board would like to convey is, don’t forget to enjoy the time for more than just great deals at the register. Be sure to live the “season of joy” for what it was always intended to be, a celebration of life and faith with family and friends. On that note we say, “Happy Valentine’s Day” and don’t forget the chocolate bunny.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the Review hit the street and asked students what their favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is.




The Washburn Review

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“I like Turkey and stuffing.”

“Rolls because they are yummy.”

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© The Washburn Review Copyright 2010

Corrections The name of Max Yoho’s book is “With the Wisdom of Owls,” also he was a nontraditional student at Washburn in 1959.






Cameron Hughes is a sophomore art and graphic design major. Reach him at cameron.hughes@washburn.edu.


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review sports washburn university

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ichabods to face Midwestern State in Kanza Bowl Josh Rouse WASHBURN REVIEW

Following a 23-7 victory Saturday against Missouri Western, the Washburn Ichabods football team finished its regular season with a 7-4 record and control of its own destiny. With the top three MIAA teams - Northwest Missouri, Central Missouri and Missouri Western - making the NCAA Division II playoffs, Washburn was given the opportunity to choose which Dec. 4 bowl game to participate in, either the Lower Kanza Bowl in Topeka, or the Mineral Water Bowl in Excelsior Springs, Mo.

Naturally, the Bods decided to Nebraska-Omaha played in stay close to home, as it was the Kanza Bowl and Missouri announced Monday morning Western went to the Mineral that they would be competing Water Bowl, while Washburn against the Lone Star was held out of postseason play Conference’s Midwestern State with an 8-3 record. (8-3) in the Kanza Bowl. The “It’s hard to say when it bowl game will mark the ninth goes to a committee,” said postseason game Craig Schurig, head for the school, with coach, following ICHABOD its last bowl victory last year’s snub from FOOTBALL postseason play. being a 36-33 win against Northern “You’re relying on State in the 2004 Mineral Water different voices and different Bowl. people analyzing different Last year, Washburn was things. We’re kinda putting it in in a similar situation as the the hands of someone else. We No. 4 team in the MIAA, but obviously felt, as a coaching only one MIAA team, eventual staff and as players, that we national champion Northwest finished very strong and we Missouri, made the playoffs. had the credentials to really

be evaluated strongly for the playoffs. That didn’t work out, so we’re disappointed.” In a controversial move by the Mineral Water Bowl Committee, the MIAA’s seventh-best team will also be making a postseason appearance. Pittsburg State (56) has been chosen to represent the MIAA in the Mineral Water Bowl matchup against Concordia University, St. Paul. The invitation comes as a surprise for several reasons mainly that two higher-ranked schools, Nebraska-Omaha and Emporia State, were overlooked by the committee. The decision also comes as a surprise because the Mineral Water

Lady Blues get snubbed Blues receive No. 2 seed in regional, play Northwest Missouri Thursday Robert Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW Move over Bowl Championship Series, there’s a new con artist in town. In an age where football fans of successful college teams despair that factors like polls that are beyond their control can determine if the teams they support play for a national title, it had been comforting then that other collegiate sports have systems that avoid the kind of controversy surrounding Division-I football. This situation looks to have changed as unexplained reasons have conspired to rob Washburn of what should be a number one seed. When contacted for comment on the current situation regarding seeding in the south central bracket of the NCAA Division-II women’s volleyball tournament, both the NCAA and the MIAA declined to explain the reasoning behind the seeding as they stand. So, in the grand scheme of things, the No. 5-ranked Washburn Lady Blues, owners of one of the best records in the MIAA conference, just had the proverbial wool pulled over its eyes. The selection process that determines seeding within regions is spelled out in the NCAA championships handbook for Division II volleyball. There are four major criteria that determine seeding that are listed. Of those criteria, the primary determining factor is win loss record. As a coincidence, both Washburn and the top seeded University of Central Missouri Jennies, who also happen to be in the same conference as Washburn, have the same conference record. The overall records though, are where the first divergence between the two teams happens. Washburn, coming into the post season with a record of 30-2, playing a non-conference schedule that had it traveling to various locations around the region playing the teams that were invited to the tournaments they participated in. In contrast, UCM with a 28-4 record played a non-conference schedule

Photo from the archives of the Washburn Review

Playing for keeps: The Lady Blues were given the No. 2 seed in the South Central Regional NCAA Tournament and will face No. 7 seed Northwest Missouri State on Thursday. The teams split their meetings earlier this season. that was arguably harder than Washburn’s but once again the issue comes back to the central point that Washburn’s head coach questions. “I don’t understand how they get a number one seed over us,” said Chris Herron, head coach. “In the [Official Championship Handbook for Women’s Division II Volleyball] the first criteria is overall record and then head-to-head record. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.” Indeed, in both headto-head matchups Washburn proved the victorious team, winning at UCM 3-1 Oct. 15. Washburn then hosted the Jennies at Lee Arena in a hard fought match that finished 3-2 Oct. 29.

The Lady Blues even have another reason to be upset. Even though the rankings don’t factor into seeding system, Washburn is currently ranked No. 5 in the latest American Volleyball Coaches Association poll while UCM remains No. 9 in the country. So, according to virtually ever quantifiable factor, Washburn should be the number one seed in their region and yet they look up at a team that they have beaten twice this season and if all plays out in their favor, will be three times the revenge in Warrensburg, Mo., the home campus of UCM where the regional will be hosted. Had Washburn been able to secure the first seed, the first three games of the playoffs

for the Lady Blues would have been in the friendly confines of Lee Arena. What is certain is that regardless of how the playoffs end up going, a push to reform will be led by Herron as he seeks to right a wrong in his eyes. “After this season I’ll be going to the annual coach’s convention that will be held in Kansas City,” said Herron. “Believe me, someone is going to get a piece of my mind on this because it makes no sense and we need to get this fixed.”

Robert Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert. burkett@washburn.edu.

With five wins, nine losses, and four ties, the Washburn Lady Blues soccer team has ended its 2010 season. Though it was a losing season, including injuries to many of the players, there were still high points and the team has encouraging aspirations for next year.

“I really like the fact that the players have done a good job,” said Tim Collins, head soccer coach. “Yeah, they’re frustrated with the results, but they have done ever so well in not losing heart and just continue to come out every day and show up. “So, I think that we’re young, and we’re able with all the injuries that we had to our

young players to get a lot of opportunities, as far as playing time goes, and working to get better. We’re ready to get after it for next year.” While looking forward to returning to the field, the team has taken a well deserved break from the game. “Right now, the players need to be students and just focus on healing,” said Collins.

“A lot of them need to heal. Second thing is, they need to pay attention to school and then work to maintain their fitness.” The Lady Blues have lost the six senior players who make up the “backbone” of the team, and new and returning players have their work cut out for them. Please see BLUES page A6

invitation for post-season play. This is a great reward for the hard work and efforts of our players and coaching staff. This will be a great cap to the 2010 season but also an important start to preparations for 2011.” In the South Central region of the NCAA playoffs, No. 3-seed Northwest Missouri will host No. 6-seed Missouri Western Saturday, Nov. 20, at noon in the first round of the playoffs. Central Missouri, the No. 4 seed, will host West Texas A&M, the No. 5 seed, Saturday at 1 p.m. Josh Rouse is a senior mass media major. Reach him at joshua. rouse@washburn.edu.

Ichabods look for strong start early Matt Lazzo WASHBURN REVIEW

Blues’ outlook positive for next season Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW

Bowl has a clause that requires the MIAA representative to have a winning overall record. Nebraska-Omaha, Emporia State and Pittsburg State are all tied with a losing record of 5-6, which allowed the committee to invite whichever school it thought would generate the most income, even though UNO had a better conference record and both teams beat Pittsburg State in the regular season. Jim Johnson, former MIAA commissioner and current Pittsburg State athletic director, issued the following statement in the press release. “Pittsburg State is very excited to accept the Mineral Water Bowl Committee’s

does not show the difficulty in setting up quality shots against top Division I teams. Washburn looks to learn “That is going to happen from mistakes leading into the when you play some of the regular season. best teams in the country early The Ichabod basketball in the season. Their speed and team returns home after three length made you second guess tough exhibition games. The your shot which led to more road trip started with Allen turnovers and missed shots,” Fieldhouse and came to a close said Bobby Chipman. in Sin City against the Runnin’ The thing about exhibition Rebels. Playing highly-ranked games is you prepare, watch the Division I teams is the perfect film, and come out with a lot of starting ground. understanding of areas you need “Yea it helps a lot. Not very the most work. The goal is not many Division I teams have to always to necessarily win the play a schedule that tough in one games, but more on polishing week,” said Bobby Chipman. off the rust to get ready for the “They are going to uncover any regular season. This was the weaknesses that you have and case for the Ichabods; placing we struggled adjusting to their emphasis on guard play. speed. It exposed anything that “It starts with guard play. we needed to work on leading We had trouble getting things into the regular season.” going during the exhibition The Ichabods fell short in games, which is understandable all three games, but the point playing against pre-season Allof the exhibition season is to American players,” said Bob work out the Chipman. kinks and hit “ “They set the ground We are confident everything up running when that when we put and help the the regular it together we can big guys play season comes play with anybody.” their role as a r o u n d . well.” Getting a One thing -Logan Stutz that must be chance to play Ichabod basketball player e s t a b l i s h e d teams that are of the highest to have a ” successful caliber is good experience season, no and can only leave room for matter who the opponent, is improvement. effort. It doesn’t get put in the “The guys got to compete box score, but a collective effort with great teams and play in is what keeps a team together. some tough environments, but “Main thing is that we put it was rough playing all three out a lot of effort. We played games in one week,” said well defensively and feel that Bob Chipman, head coach. “It we can carry that over to the opened our eyes to what we regular season,” said Bobby need to work on and came away Chipman. with a feeling that we need to The Ichabods must put get better, which is good.” everything together in order The struggles were most to achieve satisfactory results. notable on offense. The Something can be said about Ichabods shot an average of 36 this team at the start of their percent from the field, going season; when the chips are 60-170 over the three games. down and the game is already Washburn also finished with in hand, the teams that are 68 turnovers against their still trying to fight to get back exhibition opponents. in the game will be the teams “Our shots weren’t falling hanging banners come end of and we committed to many the season. turnovers in the exhibition “The effort the guys had games,” said Logan Stutz, was great. We started to have senior. “We are sharpening up guys make a difference on our offense and need to knock defense. Offensively we have a down shots when we get the long way to go as a team,” said chance.” coach Chipman. The Ichabods stat line does not look good on paper, but also Please see BODS page A6

Arts & Entertainment • Wednesday, November 17, 2010


RoadRunners find much needed offense Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW

Kyle Sharkey fired a backhand shot past Mustang goalie Bryan Jones at the 4:35 mark of the The Topeka RoadRunners first period to give Topeka (11are beginning to find offensive 5-2) an early 1-0 lead. Davis depth. gave Topeka a 2-0 lead at 16:04 After getting two goals of the first period on a fluky from Michael Hill and Brian goal. Topeka appeared to score Christie in a 4-1 win over the only moments before but the New Mexico Mustangs on Fri- game continued, only to have day night, the RoadRunners Davis fire a shot into the glove continued their scoring ways of Jones, which was in the net again Saturday night. at the time of the save. Jordan Davis registered a But following the referee goal, two assists, and a fight, signaling it as a goal, Davis as giving him a Gordie Howe hat well as Topeka’s Brendan Boyd trick, as the Toboth found thempeka RoadRunners selves in fights NAHL defeated the New with Mustang playHOCKEY Mexico Mustangs ers. Sharkey and 6-3 on Saturday at New Mexico’s DiLandon Arena. Topeka had a ego Breckenridge also received different player score each goal penalties on the play. Saturday night. Topeka’s physicality was Roadrunners coach Scott part of the reason for Topeka’s Langer was happy to see this success in both of the weekend’s kind of production from a team games, according to Langer. who had relied much on the “We’re definitely getting goal scoring of forward Hill closer as a team and that’s why early in the season. He was you’re seeing that [physicalequally proud of the powerplay, ity],” said Langer. “You know, which scored three goals on the when teams are taking liberties night. at our guys, our guys are start“Balanced scoring certainly ing to stick up for one another helps,” said Langer. “I thought and that’s a good feeling.” our powerplay was much better Davis had no problem with with just getting pucks to the getting in the mix of things and net and getting some traffic in was proud of his team’s overall front.” play. Scoring started early when “It was a great team ef-

BODS: High expectations, excitement for new season Continued from page A5 The offense will come around for the Ichabods, returning home for the season opener Nov. 16 against Peru State. “We are definitely excited to get back and play at home. We can’t take the NAIA schools lightly; we have to play like the Division I teams played against us and we should start off on the right foot,” said Stutz Stutz led the Ichabods in scoring over their three-game hiatus from Topeka, averaging 10 points a game. With all the pieces returning from last season, senior leadership should be the glue that holds everyone together. The expectation the Ichabods have to build off of last year’s strong finish is met with a sense of urgency from the seniors. “Each time we step on the court this year, its one less game that we have left,” said Stutz. “We feel like we have experienced a lot as a team and are confident that when we put it together we can play with anybody.” After the home opener against Peru State, the Ichabods come back Nov. 20 and play Kansas Wesleyan. The consecutive home games will build positive momentum heading into the Grand Canyon Thanksgiving Invitational in

Phoenix, Ariz. The Ichabod’s opponents on the road trip to Arizona will be Grand Canyon University followed by Fort Lewis College the next day. “It’s the start of the season, games start to count, conference play, and the battle begins. You have to start the process of becoming a championship caliber team,” said Bob Chipman. Washburn returns home from the Thanksgiving tournament and will prepare for the start of MIAA conference action. To stay in the mix, the Ichabods need to improve from last season’s 1-7 start in conference play. Their first conference game will be at home against the University of Nebraska-Omaha; the foe that ended the Ichabods 20092010 season. It is a chance to prove that they are a team to be reckoned with this year. “Right now we are looking to take care of business against Peru State, but UNO is definitely marked on our schedule,” said Stutz. “We want to come out and make a statement and show we can play the whole year like we did in last year’s MIAA tournament.”

Matt Lazzo is a senior communications major. Reach him at matt/ lazzo@washburn.edu.

WASU Rumors 2ColX5 Ad Rev:Layout 1


1:38 PM

fort,” said Davis. “We had a good week of practice and that helped.” New Mexico (5-14-2) got two late first period goals at the 17:19 and 19:37 mark to leave the game tied at two at first intermission. Brian Christie and Ryan White scored goals respectively at 3:50 and 4:58 of the second period, putting Topeka up 4-2. A Mustang goal at 11:23 cut the lead to 4-3, which would remain the score to the end of the second period. The third period brought an interesting outcome to the game. Topeka continued with the scoring at 7:12 when Michael Hill deflected a Bob Marx shot behind Jones. At the 10:42 mark, Boyd got in his second fight of the night, resulting in a game ejection according to North American Hockey League rules. Topeka goalie Rasmus Tirronen also wound up ejected at 12:41 after Mustang forward Brad Wilhelm plowed into him, with Tirronen retaliating. Erik Rohrkemper had to finish the game, only having to make one save. Despite the ejections, Langer thought his team handled their emotions well. “I think for the most part we were pretty good [with han-

Photo by Richard Kelly, Washburn Review

Offensive breakthrough: Jacob Poe, Topeka defenseman, had an assist in the RoadRunners 6-3 victory on Saturday night. The RoadRunners scored 10 goals in two games over the weekend. dling emotions,]” said Langer. “We dictated most of the emotional stuff and there were a few times we could’ve gotten down that we didn’t. We just kept firing.” Justin Hussar finished off the scoring at the 18:31 mark. Topeka ended with a 34-18 shot advantage. Tirronen got the win

with 14 saves on 17 shots. Jones stopped 28 of 34 shots. New Mexico had 51 penalty minutes and Topeka finished with 54. Topeka continues their homestand this Friday versus the Texas Tornado, who have won 14 straight games. The Tornado play Wednesday at Wichita Falls before Topeka on

Friday. Friday is College Night for the RoadRunners, with $1 beers and 10 percent off all tickets for students with a college I.D.

Richard Kelly is a senior mass media and social work major. Reach him at richard.kelly@washburn. edu.

Sig Ep shows school spirit Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW

The Lady Blues volleyball team has their own “7th Man” in the form of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity cheering section. Members of Sig Ep have attended as many matches as possible, cheering, and even occasionally dressing in costumes in support of the team. “We have a bunch of different cheers we do whenever they [the opposing team] hit it out of bounds or into the net or whatever,” said Dave Clark junior and Sig Ep member. “We just try, whenever Washburn starts lolling, we try to pick them up. Clark said that the group’s goal is sometimes to distract the

other team. He said it was not always nice, but reminded that it was a college sporting event. “It’s more fun to yell things at the other team and try to demoralize [the opposing team],” said Clark. “That’s kind of our goal sometimes, but we try to keep it clean.” Not just limited to volleyball, Sig Ep has attended other WU sports to spread their school spirit. “We go to the football games,” said Clark. “We normally sit over in the parent section and try to get them [the parents] involved in the games more.” Tyler Russell, sophomore and Sig Ep member, explained why some of the fraternity brothers show so much support

for Washburn athletics. “It’s really fun,” said Russell. “Volleyball’s actually really good at it, so it’s fun to cheer on a winning team and support them. And it’s fun because you actually know the girls. Washburn sports don’t have that great of fan pride or whatever, school spirit, so we try to do that.” Clark has also enjoyed the interaction with the team off the court. “The volleyball team, they’ll give us feedback,” said Clark. “You know, they’ll talk to us and stuff and thank us whenever they see us around. They’ll thank us after the games and everything. Clark said that the interaction makes the experience more

rewarding. He said knowing that the team supported the efforts and appreciate makes it more fun. Chris Herron, head volleyball coach, has become aware of the big Sig Ep spirit and is grateful for it. “We certainly appreciate them,” said Herron. “I mean, I can’t say enough good things about the fact that they’re there. That means a whole lot to all of us, and we notice them, we enjoy them, and we wish there was more of them.”

Sam Salyer is a freshman undecided major. Reach him at samuel. sayler@washburn.edu.

BLUES: Freshman class has big shoes to fill Continued from page A5 “It was a really sad time for them, for me, but you’ve set a bar you’ve set a bar for the younger players, not just on the field, but academically as well,” said Collins. “We have two new goalkeepers coming in, and they have to fill Ashley Klone’s shoes. “We have some of our young players, Megan Buckley and Taylor Mayhew in the back, are going to have to take

Page 1

the place of Jordan Shefte and go is going to be beneficial to Danielle Sicard. That was all us. part of the master plan, and “In the midfield, we lose they have been bright, shining Ashley Hynek and Markie stars during the course of the Gallagher and Brittany Tracz. year. Those three are Collins looked huge. Brianna forward to having LADY BLUES Ament is coming SOCCER a healthy team for back from knee next year. surgery, so there’s “Caysie Beetley, up front, a void there that we’re calling is going to be a fantastic partner upon our younger players to with Leah Talley and Tia fill.” Stovall,” said Collins. “Having While a player can never those two healthy and ready to truly be replaced, Collins

was optimistic about the new players. “A big loss, I think, is Danielle Sicard in the back,” said Collins. “She kind of set the tone for how we play. That’s why her nickname was the Beast. When you lose a personality like that, it’s tough to replace, but we can do it, and we’re excited about it.” Sam Salyer is a freshman undecided major. Reach him at samuel. sayler@washburn.edu.

w e i v Rumors The Re Staff Pick ‘Em a farce by Neil Simon

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Show features variety of printing methods Well, that was pointless David Wiens WASHBURN REVIEW


This past Wednesday, the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery hosted a monotype workshop in conjunction with “The Printed Image 3” exhibit currently on display at the gallery. “The Printed Image 3” is a large show composed of various printing methods from artists all over the country whose works were chosen through a submission process. The exhibition is displayed at both the Sabatini Gallery, located within the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, and at the Mulvane Art Museum on the Washburn University campus. Though there have been a few workshops and activities held in conjunction with the show, the monotype workshop was instructed by Pat Nobo, a local artist and Washburn alumna, whose work has been featured in numerous Topeka galleries as well as galleries in other parts of the United States. Before learning the process of making a monotype, Nobo had to explain what a monotype or monoprint was. “As the title suggests, they are called monoprints because you literally can’t make more than one of them,” said Nobo. “You need a plate, you need ink, you need some pressure and you need paper. That’s makes it sound simple, because once you’ve established that, you can do just about anything.” She pointed out a

Photo by Brittany Pugh, Washburn Review

Monotypes: “The Printed Image 3” presentation is comprised of a variety of printing methods from all over the country. The Sabatini Gallery recently hosted a workshop on monotypes as part of the exhibit. monoprint image of a wolf that was part of the exhibit and showed how each brush stroke made on the plate was visible and the amount of color was more intricate than a repeatable print would allow. Usually that kind of print work would be done using oil-based paint and then paint thinner or turpentine would be used to thin out or remove the paint from the plate to create a unique print design, however, workshop participants used a water-based paint. “We’re using water based paint so we don’t have to worry about the fumes from the turpentine,” said Nobo. “It creates it’s own problems. Paper is usually wet which

means, using water based ink, you get an instant reaction between the two.” To keep the waterbased paint from smearing or bleeding on the paper, participants printed the designs using dry paper or paper only lightly dampened by a spray bottle. There was a variety of paper available to print on with variations in thickness, size and color. The medium weight paper seemed to be the most popular, but Barbara Waterman Peters, an artist and Washburn art professor, experimented using ultra-thin Japanese silk paper. As each participant began creating their individual

designs, an array of techniques, styles and tastes went in to use. Some created colorful abstract prints while others came with strict designs in mind. It took some experimenting to see how the quick-drying paint would print on to the paper and how each texture technique influenced the final print, but after a few trials, everyone was making prints they were satisfied with. “The Printed Image 3” exhibit will continue on display at both the Sabatini Gallery and Mulvane Art Museum until Jan. 16. Elise Barnett is a sophomore English major. Reach her at elise. barnett@washburn.edu.

‘Rumors’ of death prove farcical Elise Barnett WASHBURN REVIEW “Rumors” is a wellconceived farce that is both hysterically funny and poignantly truthful, and the troupe of talented Washburn students who performed it, do it all the more justice. A crowd of people waited patiently outside the doors as last minute preparations took place behind the scenes. At not a minute past 7 p.m. the house opened and ticket holders funneled in to find their seats and were told “the best seats are in the middle” by the ticket attendant. Depending on the formation and orientation of the set, the middle is not always the best seat, but for the Washburn University production of Neil Simon’s “Rumors” it certainly is. The crisp black and white set is a suitable blank canvas for the labyrinth of confusion to unfold upon. A farce is a light, humorous

play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character. In the case of ‘Rumors,’ the situation is an anniversary party gone horribly wrong, and after months of rehearsal and hard work the cast couldn’t have been more excited for opening night. “It’s just been yelling to an empty crowd over and over again,” said Brandon Blick, whose character Ken Gorman becomes temporarily deaf through part of the play. “When you actually hear a crowd laughing, that is all kinds of relief.” The first act opens to a woman named Chris Gorman, played by Nancy Morgan, pacing around an ornate living room as her husband Ken Gorman, played by Brandon Blick, attends to their injured host out of sight upstairs. As the act progresses, three other couples, and their problems, are introduced.

Lenny Ganz, played by Colby Cox, and his wife Claire, played by Ashley Vaughan, whose marital problems are no secret, are the first to arrive. Following them are Ernie Cusack, the analyst, and Cookie Cusack, the on-air chef with random excruciating back spasms, played by Neil Thompson and Arissa Utemark, respectively. Glenn and Cassie Cooper, played by Tommy Guffey and Patricia Carillo, who are in constant disagreement as to whether Glenn is or is not cheating on Cassie, follow shortly after the Cusacks. In a plot that only gets more and more complicated, the dynamic between each couple stays consistent and offers up a unique aspect of comic relief from the sarcasm of the Ganzs to the unwitting slapstick of the Cusacks. The diversity of the relationships and intellect of the jokes leaves something for each generation to laugh at,

to have that inner strength to perform.” She cited Ann Marie Snook, the chair of the music department and Charles’ vocal teacher, as a big supporting influence in her music career. Snook also was a determining factor in the lineup of songs that Charles performed for her recital. A mixture of German, English, French and Italian, most of the songs were either from an opera or by known opera composers. A few of the sets she chose because she had performed them at previous recitals, said Charles, but others were given to her to learn and memorize only months before. “Most of it was assigned to me by my teacher [Snook] just because she knows my voice,” said Charles. “I trust her judgment.” The recital was mostly operatic, showing off Charles’ soprano range with the accompaniment of Cindy Straight, who has been Charles’

accompanist since she first arrived at Washburn. The recital ended with a very unique set, “Cowboy Songs,” composed by Libby Larsen. The lines of the songs are taken from poems about life in the country, and, fittingly, Charles slipped into a pair of cowboy boots to finish off her performance. Theo Musick, another Washburn music student, added his percussion styling to her vocal interpretation of the music. “I love these songs because they’re about a woman who’s from the country, maybe from the Midwest, so I think it makes a nice kicker,” said Charles. In the end, Charles was sad that her last real performance at Washburn had come and gone since she will probably not be going in-state for graduate school. “But I’m also really glad it’s over. I’m just relieved, it’s a lot of stress that’s done,” Charles said.

and the spirited explanation given by Mr. Ganz, then posing as the wounded, absentee host Charlie Brock, to the investigating Officer Welch, played by Jon Rowland, and his partner Officer Pudney, played by Samantha Heath, had everyone on the edge of their seat. “He’s like Chris Farley,” said Washburn student Matthew Harrison of actor Colby Cox’s portrayal of Lenny Ganz. “and, more importantly, he pulls it off.” The show will run three more performances at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 19 and 20 and a matinee performance at 2 p.m. Nov. 21 “We worked really hard on this,” said Thompson. “It’s a great cast. It’s a great crew. Everyone worked really hard on the show which is why it could turn out the way it did.” Elise Barnett is a sophomore English major. Reach her at elise. barnett@washburn.edu.

Charles looks back on final Washburn recital Regina Budden WASHBURN REVIEW

Saturday evening. A young woman stood confident, poised to deliver her best to the audience gathered in front of her. Welcome to this last weekend’s experience for Emily Charles, a music performance major who gave her senior recital. Charles, a native of Hiawatha, Kan., is graduating in December with the hopes of moving on to a graduate school where she can continue her passions. However, this operalover almost didn’t pursue her musical dreams past grade school. “Ten years ago, I wouldn’t have gone into music, but I had some really great teachers who encouraged me and saw potential in me,” said Charles. “I think for any musician you have to have somebody backing you up saying ‘you’re really good’ or else you’re not going

Photo by Adam Stephenson, Washburn University

The Last Dance: Emily Charles, a senior from Hiawatha, Kan., gave her final Washburn recital recently. She hopes to attend graduate school in the future. Regina Budden is a senior mass media major. Reach her at regina. budden@washburn.edu

After several long weeks without a decent new release I was thrilled at the prospect of seeing “127 Hours,” the new film from Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle. Unfortunately, the Topeka theaters did not seem to share my enthusiasm, because “127 Hours” was not shown in any of them this weekend. So, I went and saw “Due Date” instead. For a long time my instincts have been to avoid cross-country mildest scrutiny, but in no way or road trip movies because the is this done intentionally. The vast majority of them are awful. film just expects you to accept However, both Robert Downey that the pair can go what would Jr. and Zach Galifianakis have have to be over 200 miles off been fairly reliable for the past course to get gas, that stealing couple of years, so I decided to a government vehicle while causing millions in damages give “Due Date” a shot. If I was not being paid to will not make the authorities pursue you for longer write a review for it, I than five minutes probably would have MOVIE before letting you keep walked out within half an hour after REVIEW it, and that shooting someone with a stolen the opening credits. gun in a stolen truck I would not call the movie terrible, exactly, but the phrase while stoned will have no legal ‘painfully predictable’ seemed repercussions or even stop you to keep popping into my head from guest starring in a sitcom uncontrollably. If I find myself within the year. Virtually everything sitting through a bad movie I bad that happens to the two can usually stomach it because characters in the movie its ending, while the general is patently contrived and conclusion is obvious, the specifics of how that conclusion utterly outside the realm of is reached are usually cloudy plausibility. The toxicity of enough to keep me in a limp both characters is so potent state of suspense, but this ending that the film constantly has to was just so damn obvious that I insert melodramatic moments of emotional vulnerability in an felt insulted as a viewer. Yes, good casting and an attempt to reinforce the absurd overabundance of shock and notion that, after all that these disgust manage to earn “Due guys do to one another, they Date” quite a few laughs, but would actually be friends. “Due Date” was kind as pretentious and finicky as it sounds, a good comedy is about of amusing, but completely more than a bunch of cheap and totally needless. Even by gags. Sure, there are many Hollywood standards. exceptions, but this film is not David Wiens is a senior English one of them. The plot begins major. Reach him at david.wiens@ to fall apart beneath even the washburn.edu.

Skate video to open at Uptown Theatre Mike Goehring WASHBURN REVIEW

Art, skateboarding and music collide for the Hypnotic Record video premiere at the Uptown Theatre in Kansas City. Doors open at 7 p.m. on Nov. 19 and tickets will be available for $5 at the door, or you can buy them in advance at Studio Skate Supply, (8875 Rosehill Rd, Lenexa, Kan.) Hypnotic Record is a skateboarding video that has been a work in progress for the last three and a half years. Originally, the video was going to be used as a promo video featuring five team riders of Studio Skate Supply. In the last year the video has upgraded to a full-length video featuring all 12 members of the team. The name of the video comes from the graphic theme used for the next run of decks, wheels and other merchandise at the shop. Brian Ondrejka, creator of the video, has put all his efforts into making this video a successeverything from filming, editing and booking the event at the theatre itself. “A lot of my blood, sweat, and even tears have been put into this video over the course of its life,” said Ondrejka. Ondrejka dedicated the video to Bryan Borrow, who passed away in March of 2009, shortly after he was put on the

team. Ondrejka was able to film enough of Borrow for him to have a much-anticipated part in the video. The video will be available for purchase at the event and at the shop on Black Friday for $15. For more information on Studio Skate Supply check them out on the web at www.ridefourever.com.

Mike Goehring is a sophomore mass media major. He can be reached at mike.goering@washburn.edu.

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

In The Air Tonight: ‘Hypnotic Record,’ a film about art, skateboarding and music will premiere at Kansas City’s Uptown Theatre. The video has taken more than three years to complete.

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Arts & Entertainment • Wednesday, November 17, 2010


‘Illuminaudio’ features new vocalist Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW

Image courtesy of mindequalsblown.net

As with any band, line-ups are prone to change and the music is subject to progress. But after releasing their first album since losing the vocalist Craig Owens, it’s safe to say Chiodos changed and progressed in a way that fans of their past releases will enjoy. The same band that brought their 2005 full-length album “All’s Well That Ends Well” and 2007 follow-up “Bone Palace Ballet”, released their newest album “Illuminaudio” Oct. 5 with their new vocalist, Brandon Bolmer. Putting all ideas of Owen’s vocals out of mind to fully enjoy the new album, Chiodos introduces us into the new album with the title track “Illuminaudio.” With rising background sounds, lyrics “I ventured into the dark to search for a torch and it will light the path ahead” introduce listeners to the sound of Bolmer’s voice, very reminiscent to Owens. But the short

intro leads into the first full song, “Caves,” which pounds your face in after a catchy drum intro. “Caves” brings in Bolmer’s first-heard screams on the album, which are solid, but slightly over-distorted in production. This also allows for Tanner Wayne, the replacement for Derrick Frost on guitars, to make his excellent debut with Chiodos. “Love is a Cat from Hell” features Vic Fuentes from Pierce the Veil and follows “Caves.” The song moves at quick pace, between powerful guitars and quick drums, leading up to an ambient guitar mixed with echoing vocals from Bolmer that eventually lead into a melodic piano ending. Following another in your face song, Chiodos finally slows it down a bit with “Notes in Constellations,” a song free from screaming that still maintains the progressive sound of the rest of the album. It allowed for a nice break after three faster-paced songs. “Scaremonger” jumps right back into the powerful sounds that define Chiodos songs, but the song itself has nothing to make it stand out. “His Story Repeats Itself” operates much the same way with nothing distinctly memorable about it, but a decent song nonetheless. “Let Us Burn One” keeps the same feeling as “Constellations,” keeping the song fastpaced and aggressive but also allowing it to be more listener

friendly for those who dislike screaming. Fans will also enjoy “Hey Zeus! The Dungeon,” but it lacks something that makes it stand out from the rest of the album. However, following it is “Stratovolcano Mouth,” it is easily one of the best songs on the album. From the beginning, a computerized version of Bolmer’s voice tells the listeners to “Let it all out. Let it go.” This leads into a powerful guitar and pounding drum. Bolmer sings of a zombie apocalypse in “Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together,” which tells the story of two individuals outliving zombies by self-defense. Leaving the zombie theme, the album then closes with “Closed Eyes Still Look Forward.” This song lacks guitars or drums, instead relying on softer vocals from Bolmer overlapping electronic background beats and piano from keyboardist Bradley Bell. A fitting closer, it’s perhaps the most soothing and easily the prettiest song on the album. With all the worries about putting out a new album with a new singer, Chiodos fans can rest happy knowing the transition went smoothly. If you haven’t checked out this album and these songs sound like your cup of tea, give “Illuminaudio” a shot. Richard Kelly is a junior mass media and social work major. Reach him at richard.kelly@washburn. edu.

Screen capture courtesy of cod7blackops.com

Black Ops, solid addition to franchise Ashley Nadeau WASHBURN REVIEW

Each entry in the Call of Duty (COD) series has been tremendously popular. Since its inception, the popularity and innovation of the series has consistently gained momentum and a greater fan base. Call of Duty has become synonymous with the first person shooter (FPS) and arguably sets the standard for online multiplayer. Needless to say, Call of Duty: Black Ops has been highly anticipated, so much so it set the record for most pre-ordered game in GameStop history. The Cold War-inspired military shooter, retains the best elements of the series, while adding unique elements that breathe new life into the genre. The single-player campaign immediately draws you in, giving you pieces of the intriguing story, one mission at a time. Just as in previous renditions, the Black Ops campaign features an uber badass protagonist and his dispensable teammates, facing one impossible seeming mission after the next. The only drawback is the mere six to 10 hours it takes to complete. Black Ops introduces several new game modes, including combat training. Combat training simulates online multiplayer, pitting you, or you and your friends, against the computer. This mode allows you to customize the difficulty level of your opponents, who are cleverly named after random players in your friends list. Combat training feels like the real thing, experience and weapon customization is all the same. However, this option is much more approachable than traditional online multiplayer, for noobs or those who are new to the series. For the brave and veteran COD players, the same competitive multiplayer is still here, with some additional challenges. Contracts are similar to other multiplayer challenges but with added risk and incentive. As the name eludes, contracts

require you complete specific objectives and reward you with experience, the more difficult the challenge, the higher the cost and the greater the payout. Adding even more variety to multiplayer is the fan favorite, cooperative zombie killing mode that made its debut in the previous COD game, World at War. New characters and maps make this intense, frenzied fight-for-survival a blast to play online, with four players, or locally with two. Along with zombies and combat training, there are also a few secret game play modes. Using a computer terminal accessed by toggling the left and right triggers at the start up menu, you can enter two codes that unlock an old school text game called Zork and more importantly a third- person arcade shooter called Dead Ops. Dead Ops follows a Contra or Metal Slug style, except from a bird’s-eye, third-person perspective. This mode allows four players to cooperatively fight off zombies with a variety of weapons and is an addictive and fun addition to the COD

series. No matter what your skill or commitment level there are plenty of challenging and fun ways to play. The variety of game play modes and new additions make Black Ops the most approachable COD game. Ashley Nadeau is a senoir mass media major. Reach her at ashley. nadeau@washburn.edu.

—System: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo Wii —Publisher: Activision —Genre: —ESRB: Mature

What’s good

—Addictive online multiplayer —Engaging single player campaign —Combat training provides a fun outlet for everyone

What’s not so good

—Would like to see more in weapon customization —Relatively short campaign

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

Big things to come: WU student and bassist for local band Elcktrikchair, Kenneth Ecker, will be embarking on the 2011 Vans Warped Tour before working on new music with the band next fall. They are signed to Blastzone Entertainment recording label and have CD’s available nationwide.

Ecker tackles bass for metal act Richard Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW

Kenneth Ecker, a freshman Washburn student, is a member of a band that’s going to be on Vans Warped Tour this upcoming summer. He’s also only 18. Ecker moved to Topeka in 2007 because of his father, Arch Ecker, who is the playby-play announcer for the Topeka RoadRunners, that were formerly located in Sante Fe, N.M. He ended up attending high school at Washburn Rural and for a period of time, was a member of the band Atheotic. While still a member, Ecker spoke with Bob Rodriguez, who was a classmate of Ecker’s, about getting his brother Andy to do recording for Atheotic. However, roughly two months later in the summer of 2009, after experiencing hardship and difference of opinion with Atheotic, he decided to try out for keyboardist for the already formed metal band Elcktrikchair. “We’d [Ecker and Elcktrikchair] known each other for a couple of months and I asked to audition for keyboards at least, so I could go somewhere with music,” said Ecker. “Since I was already good friends with them, they let me audition and I passed it, surprisingly.” But following his arrival in the band and playing keyboard for a period of time, bassist Charlie Long left the band to teach English in Korea. At this point, Ecker auditioned for bass guitar, which he admitted he’d never played prior to getting the spot, although he had played guitar for some time. He has now been playing bass since the beginning of 2010. With the solidified line-up of drummer and clean vocalist Bob Rodriguez, 19, lead vocalist and lead guitarist Andy Rodriguez, 26, and Ecker, Elcktrikchair has since gone on to release their 2009 album, Xenophobia, which is the fifth release by the band since their formation in Denver, Colo. in 2003. Bob Rodriguez and Andy Rodriguez are originally members of the band. Bob Rodriguez was only 11 at the time of its formation and the two now attend the University of Kansas, where Bob Rodriguez is a

senior and Andy Rodriguez is a freshman. Ecker explained that because the band only has three members, each member plays an extremely integral role, even Ecker’s bass guitar, which can at times go ignored in larger bands. “Because we’re only a three-piece, I’m almost playing that rhythm guitar role on bass,” said Ecker. Ecker had admiration for Andy Rodriguez, because of his ability to maintain vocal and guitar ability simultaneously. “I’ve tried it [guitar and vocal simultaneously] and just being able to multi task like that is quite a skill,” said Ecker. “I envy him for that.” As far as lyrical content, the band has one central theme in their newest album. “It’s essentially looking at the idea of the end of the world,” said Ecker. “It’s about a plague, like the bubonic plague, beginning to attack people and at the end, everyone’s dead.” He went on to say, the band essentially looked at all the hype about 2012 and thought it’d be an interesting concept idea for an album. Ecker was also able to shed light on the album title, even if the music itself isn’t their style. “I want people to remember the term ‘xenophobia’, which means the fear of other cultures,” said Ecker. “Where we got that term was that with Bob Rodriguez being only 12 years-old and already having a CD out and playing with a band like the Misfits at a show, he’s showing up a lot of older drummers. So he’s gotten a lot of stuff from them. It’s different to those older people, so it’s xenophobic in a sense. And why we address it now is Bob Rodriguez is older and we can have that perspective on it now.”

After the members finish their spring semesters, they will embark on the 2011 Vans Warped Tour, where they will play every date. They will then play fewer shows and work on writing new music next fall. Ecker shed light on just how the process to get on the Vans Warped Tour works. “It’s a lot easier than it sounds,” said Ecker. “There’s contact info on the Vans Warped Tour website on who to call. We called them about April of last year and we found out it was already too late to get on this last one but they told us to call on Oct. 1, which we did. We were the first callers so we got right on. It’s like a first-come, firstserve basis for bands that have credibility.” Ecker plans to continue pursuing his interest in film at Washburn and he and his bandmates agree to tour mainly in the summer. Even without consistent touring in the fall and spring, the band has played with The Black Dahlia Murder, Macabre, Three Inches of Blood, among others. They are signed to Blastzone Entertainment recording label and have CD’s available nationwide. Despite never being to Europe, Ecker also said the band has quite a following overseas. Using this as their backbone, his eventual goal for the band is to reach the status of one of the bands they’ve played with: The Misfits. “Our big milestone is to make it among the same ranks as the Misfits,” said Ecker. “We’ll take any higher than that but we will be content if we are as big as them.” Richard Kelly is a junior mass media and social work major. Reach him at richard.kelly@washburn. edu.

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