2010-11 issue22

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the review washburn university

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like Riley are also using free apps to optimize their learning experience. “I use an application called inRobert Riley sits in class, eyes Class. It helps sort out my class work, fixed on the screen of his iPad. Rap- due dates, notes, and even my profesidly, he types on the 9.7-inch, LED- sors contact information,” said Riley. backlit glossy widescreen Multi-Touch “It works on the iPad and iPhone so I display. can take notes on either. It’s handy beAlthough it may look like he cause I can record teacher’s lectures, is slacking off, he is actually taking import pictures and files and then link notes, adding due dates to his calendar them to the notes.” and e-mailing his professor all from According to Riley, using techhis fingertips. nology in class and for homework has This shift from traditional, paper become a great learning tool for him note-taking to digital note-taking is be- and has increased his academic perforcoming more and more mance. ELECTRONICS IN noticeable. Washburn “I use them to students like Riley are THE CLASSROOMS keep myself orgausing handheld devices nized,” said Riley. to type, record and e-mail lectures. “Before, I used to try to keep all of this “I use my iPad mostly for tasks information in a notebook on paper, like note taking, brainstorming con- but things could get confusing fast, cepts, e-mail responding, writing and it wasn’t friendly when changes shorter papers, and my online class,” happened.” said Riley, senior Art major. Riley keeps on top of the latest Not only does Riley use his iPad technology he said because it helps for classwork, he also regularly uses a him stay on top of his assignments. MacBook Pro and an iPhone. “These new technologies benefit “I use my MacBook for power me as a student, by allowing me to be computing, like Photoshop or other able to work on school work, review graphic intensive work. It’s also the notes, and remind my self of tasks in main hub in my technology ecosys- more places,” said Riley. tem,” said Riley. “I keep my class Apple isn’t the only company schedules, assignments, files, and that uses technology to help college teacher e-mails managed on my com- students, and more students than just puter, but then also sync that informa- Riley are utilizing new technology for tion to my iPad and phone.” school. The ability to access information “For school work, I use my smart from anywhere, and from a variety of phone, a Droid-X,” said Washburn studevices is important to Riley. dent Adrian Christian. The Droid-X “No mater which device I am on features Adobe Flash Player, Google I can see my upcoming assignments, mobile services and can serve as a due dates, or other important informa- mobile hotspot for up to five other detion,” said Riley. vices. Along with hardware, students Smartphones like the Droid-X,

The Lady Blues suffered a heartbreaking loss to Central Oklahoma to finish their season A2

Serving Washburn University since 1873

volume 137, Issue 22 • wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blackberrys and the iPhone give students the ability to access the Internet, pdfs and word documents from anywhere, in the the palms of their hands. “I use my iPhone,” said Washburn student Riley Piles, who uses technology to send, receive and edits homework assignments. Students are using more than just hardware and applications for school work. They are also taking advantage of online resources. “I also use Google Docs, a web/ cloud based document creator and viewer by Google. It is really useful for when I need to share a paper or slide in class,” said Riley. “I don’t have to carry a USB drive on me, and I don’t have to worry about formatting issues with Mac/PC because it’s all browser-based.” Google Docs is a word processor, spreadsheet and data storage service with some similar features to Microsoft Office and iWork. “docs.google.com is great for an online word processor. It has the advantage of being on every device with internet pretty much with no formatting issues,” said Riley. “You can work on a paper at home, work, or school on different devices that way. It also helps with collaboration. Students can also share documents and co-create them at the same time.”

New Message: Inbox (1/1)

Technology redefines note taking

Ashley Nadeau is a senior mass media major. Reach her at ashley.nadeau@ washburn.edu

Graphic by Richard Kelly, Washburn Review

Leming learns the ups and downs of pregnancy

Photo courtesy of Crystal Fleming

Labor union: Crystal Fleming stands with the members of Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical Department Station 5 who helped her get to into the ambulance that took her to the hospital. Once at the hospital, Fleming delivered her baby in a hospital elevator.

Jim Keady presented to the Washburn Room regarding dark findings in Nike sweatshops


As they made it to Lawrence, she said she felt like she had to push and could feel her baby’s head crowning. Leming made it to a nearby fire station and was loaded on to an ambulance. Leming made it to the hospital and made it to the elevator when she said they gave her medication to slow down her labor. Once on the elevator, Leming said ‘her head was coming’. “The EMTs were skeptical but checked, to appease me if nothing else, and sure enough there she was,” said Leming. Alyssa Lynn Leming was born in the elevator at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Leming told The Lawrence Jour-

The Washburn retro camera class recently visited the studio of photographer Thomas Gibson


news & opinion

“This is crazy. A woman in Kansas gave birth in a hospital elevator before she could reach the delivery room in time. Yeah, unfortunately the elevator made stops at every floor because someone kept yelling ‘Push,” said Jimmy Fallon on late night With Jimmy Fallon. “That’s right, a woman gave birth in an elevator. It was weird – when the baby came out, he was just like, (polite nod) ‘Morning.’ (Move to corner of elevator, check watch, whistle)‘This is crazy weather we’re having,” he said. Although Jimmy Fallon found

this scenario to be great material for his opening monologue, it was no laughing matter to Washburn student Crystal Leming. Friday, Feb. 18 began with what Leming described as labor pains. After class, Leming went to her doctor in Olathe, then returned home. Around 8 p.m. that night she realized her daughter was on her way. Leming and her husband immediately drove toward Olathe, Kan., but didn’t get far before her labor pains became so intense she began to wonder how much time they had. “Oh my gosh I have hours of this left and it already hurts this bad,” Leming thought to herself.


The Ichabods finished their season with a tough loss to Missouri Southern State University



nal-World that when the elevator door opened, she said, “Can somebody please catch her head?” Although the family shared their story willingly, Leming said she never anticipated the media attention she received in the days that followed. “It’s crazy that it turned into such a big story,” said Leming. “My father-in-law asked if he could tell the Lawrence Journal-World, we honestly didn’t even know if they’d pick it up.” The Lawrence Journal-World did in fact pick up the story, for their front page. “We had no idea it would be such a big deal, we’ve seen her story in the United Kingdom, the Thai/India Press, a foreign exchange student I knew in high school said he saw the story in Hungary,” said Leming. “It’s crazy the number of different places it’s gotten to.” Alyssa, nicknamed “Ellie” by family members and the media, may have entered the world quickly, but for Crystal and her husband this journey was long and hard. Crystal met her future husband in 2005 while recovering from the impact of a devastating fire. “I needed to recover emotionally and financially, I returned to school in the fall of 2006 and we got married a few weeks later,” said Leming. “We started trying for a baby almost right away, but with no success.” The Lemings continued to try to conceive for more than three years while Crystal finished her psychology degree from the University of Kansas. “We had been to a family doctor, an OB/GYN specialist, and a reproductive endocrinologist at a fertility clinic in Wichita by that time, with no explanation as to why we couldn’t conceive,” said Leming. “We kept getting referred to more complicated, risky, and expensive treatments ranging from


$750 - $12,000 a cycle depending on the treatment, but we weren’t getting any answers.” The financial obligations these fertility treatments held eventually took their toll on the Lemings, and they were unable to continue treatments. Even with this setback, they did not lose hope of having a baby. “We heard about a family doctor in Olathe who was having a lot of success with helping couples like us,” said Leming. “Eventually, I decided that I wanted to work with couples dealing with all of the stress, anxiety and depression that comes along with infertility.” It was at this point Leming decided she wanted to go back to school. “I decided to apply to the graduate program in clinical psychology at Washburn,” said Leming. “I got admitted, decided to leave my job to pursue this degree, and then found out I was pregnant a few weeks later.” Leming said although their story is sensational, she feels it could be a message of hope for other couples struggling with infertility “I remember many situations that brought me great pain when we were struggling to conceive,” said Leming. “I imagine our story, when reported simply as a sensational birth, elicits those same emotions for many couples who are struggling with infertility themselves,” said Leming. “I sincerely hope that these couples might know our background and hear a message of hope and support in this story as well.”

Ashley Nadeau is a senior mass media major. Reach her at ashley.nadeau@ washburn.edu

News • Wednesday, March 16, 2011



The Bod Beat Fair teaches about modern technology Anjelica Willis WASHBURN REVIEW

Wednesday, March 16

Spring Education Interview Day Washburn Room, Memorial Union 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Brown Bag international lecture International House Noon OPEN meeting Henderson Learning Resources Center 107 3 p.m. Social Justice League meeting Henderson Learning Resources Center 107 4 p.m. Seminar, “How to Vote 101” Room 112, Henderson Learning Resources Center 6:30 p.m. Chamber winds concert White Concert Hall, Garvey Fine Arts Center 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 17

Scorch on the Porch Memorial Union lawn area 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Crane Observatory open house Stoffer Science Hall, Washburn University 8 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, March 18 Opening reception for “Introspection”: Deedra Baker senior art exhibit Art Building, Washburn University 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, March 19

No events scheduled Sunday, March 20 Sunday Mass, Catholic Campus Center Catholic Campus Center, 1633 S.W. Jewell Ave. 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, March 21 No events scheduled Tuesday, March 22 No events scheduled Wednesday, March 23

Fast Forward dinner service at Topeka Rescue Mission 901 N. Kansas Ave. 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 24

Fast Forward networking social Bosco’s, 435 S. Kansas Ave. 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, March 25 Softball Softball complex, Washburn University 2 p.m.

Don’t see your event in the calendar? Call the Review newsroom at 6702506 to have your event included in an upcoming edition. It’s FREE. For upcoming Washburn athletic events, go to www.wusports.com.

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

Singin’ a familiar song: Sean McNown sings “Wonderwall” by Oasis to Washburn students on Tuesday. “Tunes on Tuesday” has become a regular event and McNown’s covers span from The Beatles to Gnarls Barkley.

Quest to air on KTWU PRESS RELEASE The Independent School, Wichita, and Jefferson West High School, Meriden, will compete in the first round of the televised Quest competition on public broadcast station KTWU. Air dates for the competition are: •KTWU 11.1, 11 a.m. Sunday, March 20 •KTWU 11.1, 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 25 •KTWU 11.3, 2 p.m. Sunday, March 20 •KTWU 11.3 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 26

•Cox Kansas 22, 7 p.m. Friday, March 25 The two schools are two of the top 16 high school teams that advanced to the finals after the Dec. 5 Quest academic competition at Washburn University. The 16 teams compete in a single elimination competition that airs each week through May, when the championship team will be named. The contest allows teams of high school students from across Kansas to compete against one another in answering questions on topics such as art, literature, history, math and

science. Quest is co-sponsored by KTWU-PBS station and Washburn University. The Kansas National Education Association is a partial underwriter of Quest. The Independent School team members are Mackenzie Cole, Dan Gebhart, Dietrich Johnson, Hal McCoy, Andrew Parker and Thomas Tremain. The coaches are Scott Huggins and Abby Koch. Jefferson West High team members are Tanner Bruton, Micah Duncan, Brayden Moore and Sam Real. The coach is Rena Kilgore.

Senior exhibit opens to public PRESS RELEASE

“Introspection,” a senior exhibition by Washburn University student Deedra Baker, is being shown March 14 – April 1 at the John R. Adams Gallery of the Washburn University art building. The exhibition contains photographic and installationbased artwork employing selfportraiture as a device to explore Baker’s own physicality and psychology. Through the art she examines herself, the roles of women and how others view women and their position in society, the pieces continually question what it means to be a female in today’s society and address similar issues in relation to Baker’s own personal existence. Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review Baker, of El Dorado, Kan., A portrait of self: Deedra Baker displays her work in the John R. Adams is a member of Phi Kappa Phi Gallery of the Washburn art building. Baker’s artwork attempts to question and the Top Hat Chapter of Al- what being a female means in modern society, among other topics. pha Lambda Delta honor societies and is named in the 2011 since Washburn grants a gener- Washburn students. edition of Who’s Who Among al bachelor of fine arts degree. “Many schools offer only Students in American Universi- All BFA majors are required group shows or only have inties and Colleges. In 2010, her to present a senior show as the dividual shows at the graduate work was included capstone experience level. We are fortunate to have in the student art gallery space and faculty who STUDENT of their degree. show at the MulvaFaculty evalu- help our seniors prepare work ne Art Museum and ART EXHIBIT ate the senior shows to standards for exhibition. she participated in based not only on The senior show provides our a summer art and theatre study the quality of artwork, but also BFA students with a significant abroad program in London. She on the presentation within the capstone experience to their is pursuing a bachelor of fine gallery setting. The seniors degree,” she said. arts degree. may also submit their works for No admission is charged Designated as a capstone the student exhibition which is and the galleries are open 8 a.m. requirement, each senior is re- juried by an outside artist and to 10 p.m. Monday through sponsible for all aspects of his staged each year at the Mulva- Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or her one-person show: pub- ne Art Museum, Friday. An opening reception licity, framing, labels, hanging According to Glenda Tay- will be from 6 to 8 p.m. March and reception, if one is desired. lor, chair of the art department, 18. The exhibition must feature the individual senior show is a For information, call more than one art medium, unique opportunity available to (785)670-1125.

Lynda Carter, graphic designer at UMAPS said that she was at the fair to show differWashburn University held ence services they offer, includtheir annual Technology Day- ing printing brochures and fliers March. 11th. The fair had a va- for campus events. Sarah Shebek, web/social riety of products and services to media manager for admissions, offer. Andrew Edmonds, student presented on ways for students worker for the Information Sys- to electronically interact while tems and Services Department they’re in the classroom. “I’m here to present the was asked to help set up and assist with the raffle drawing. The Ichabod Interactive; it is proraffle was done every 30 min- viding the students with a way utes to win prizes such as USB to use interaction through the drives, CD-ROMs and other classroom,” said Shebek. Similar gadgets. to iTeachers, Elgin Shebek said Woody, Eng- “ We are just trying to that Ichabod lish major Interactive and memprovide students with also involves ber of the the opportunity to Facebook i Te a c h e r s know about the club and Twitter Club, was which uses a lot of use. an attendee Kelly of the fair. technology especially S i d l i n g e r, He said the Facebook and Twitter. Best Buy emorganization - Eli Woody ployee and a is for all type Member, iTeachers sophomore of students at Washburn not just Eng” also gave lish majors, similar inthe focus is mainly students who are inter- formation as Shah, as she told individuals about computers ested in technology. “We are just trying to pro- and phones and their social netvide students with the oppor- work capabilities. “We are here to help tunity to know about the club connect with which uses a lot of technology students especially Facebook and Twit- family and friends, with phones and computers. ter,” said Woody. Representatives from cell Our phones offer Skype, Facephone services were also avail- book, and Twitter to help conable at the fair. Tomal Shah, nect you,” said Sidlinger. An emphasis was also put retail consultant for Sprint, said Sprint always goes to the Uni- on learning the power of the versity of Kansas so they want- library and the services it can ed to go to Washburn this year. provide that may be go unnoShah provided students and ticed. Martha Imparato, special faculty with options on phones collections librarian at Mabee and also gave tips on staying Library, talked about the technology used there and that any connected with others. “This is my second year of that technology is also ofcoming to the fair, and the first fered for the students, such as time the Sprint store participat- Apple Computers and the electronic library. ing in the fair,” said Shah. “Now the library system Career services at Washburn also provided different provides students with online ways for students to use re- articles, they can request and sumes and how to better pre- receive online,” said Imperato. pare for their interviews. “There are pamphlets on interviews such as the screening interview, behavioral interview, initial face-to-face interview, these are all provided online on the career services website,” Anjelica Willis is a freshman mass said Kent McAnally, director of media major. Reach her at anjelica. willis@washburn.edu. career services.

President’s Press -paid for byWSGA-

Hello everyone! First off we want to congratulate Taylor McGown and Michael Kitowski, the next Washburn Student Government Association President and Vice President! We also would like to thank everyone who ran and will be a part of WSGA in the next administration. If you have any questions or concerns for the upcoming year, feel free to email Taylor or Mike at taylor.mcgown@ washburn.edu OR michael.kitowski@washburn.edu !! Over this past year, we have enjoyed every day serving the amazing students of Washburn and we look forward to the success of the future administrations! Thanks, Caley Onek & Lucas Mullin President & Vice President Washburn Student Government Association


News • Wednesday, March 16, 2011

@FakeRizkiWU @FakeMKForWSGA

Twitter accounts stir up elections Matthew Kelly WASHBURN REVIEW

Just (don’t) do it Photo by Zachary Lambert, Washburn Review

If the shoe fits: Jim Keady, founder of Team Sweat and social justice advocate, talks in the Washburn Room last Wednesday about the behind-thescenes operations of the Nike corporation’s sweatshops. To see them first hand, Keady worked in an Indonesian sweatshop for three years.

Keady discusses dark side of Nike company Maria Sigala WASHBURN REVIEW About 90 to 95 percent of the clothing people wear in the United States is made somewhere else. Companies use subcontractors for cheaper labor and most of them involve sweatshops. Jim Keady, theologian, activist and educator and the founding director for Justice, Inc spoke at Washburn on March 9. He spoke about the injustices that happen in Indonesia with Nike subcontractors. Keady became interested in conditions in sweatshops after writing a thesis for graduate school. He also went backpacking around the world and got to see what was happening in Indonesia. “I was clueless of what was happening, I was a varsity athlete, I was into my fraternity and I really liked girls,” said Keady. Keady remembers going to Indonesia and seeing that a year after a major earthquake, the country was still in poor condition. After coming back to the U.S., Keady did volunteer work and had powerful experiences with the poor. He began his activist work in Indonesia in order to try to improve conditions which people were exposed to. “Some people say that capitalism is the American way but what we really are about is

democracy,” said Keady. but challenging,” said Hanson. Nike is a $19 billion com- “He did a good telling us what pany that is a leader in the shoe we know and how do someindustry and has become one of thing with it.” the 50 top grossing companies When Keady personally in the world. confronted Nike about the scrap Currently there are 37 sub- shoe situation Nike did not becontractors in Indonesia and lieve this was happening even about 50 percent of those work- though scrap shoes had been ers are being verbally, physical- dumped for the past 20 years in ly, sexually or psychologically the same place everyday. abused. “If you don’t believe me, Keady said that in order to go see it yourself,” said Keady fix a problem to Nike. you have to Nike had look at one “ to mount clean company in up efforts, usSome people say one country to ing 180 truckthat capitalism affect change. loads and is the American Keady said spending over that to make $200,000 on way but what we something just one site. are really about is happen inAlthough democracy. volves having Nike said that the U.S. put they are workpublic presing on improvsure on Nike ing many of the - Jim Keady and demand problems that Founder, Team Sweat cessation of Keady found, unfair treatworkers are ” ment. still experiencSome of the things that ing unfair treatment and low public pressure has done for wages, while scrap shoes are factory workers are improve still being dumped and burnt in women’s rights, reducing abuse other sites, proving that the systowards workers and the clean- tem is still plagued with probup of scrap-shoes. lems. Keady said one important Keady spent time in Indostep was for students to con- nesia living with a $1.25-a-day tact Nike to voice their opin- as a factory worker and said ion. Ashley Hanson, freshman, that it is not enough money to thought that Keady presented in live on. Many factory workers such a way to allow for that. only have enough for two meals “I thought it was great, it a day for just one person. was inspiring, not eye opening Because of the low wages

WU professor leads NASA project Brian Dulle WASHBURN REVIEW

world’s oxygen. Thomas said the work he has done in the past is looking Two years ago, the Na- at effects on this kind of life tional Aeronautics and Space form through astrophysical raAdministration approved a diation sources. grant proposal for the Wash“What I am doing is takburn department of physics and ing some of the past work that astronomy. I have done and combining it It’s been quite an experi- with Patrick Neale’s results and ence so far. some new modeling in order to The grant gave $500,000 bridge the gap of what we think to Brian Thomas, assistant pro- might happen,” said Thomas. fessor in the physThomas said ics and astronomy that he is the only PHYSICS department for a faculty at Washstudy that took DEPARTMENT burn working on place over the last this project but he two years and will go on into has had several students in the the next year. past working on this project as He has worked in collabo- well. ration with Adrian Melott, pro“A former student who just fessor of physics and astronomy graduated, Keith Arkenberg, at the University of Kansas, and was working on the effects of a Patrick Neale, senior scientist solar flare on the Earth, which with the Smithsonian Envi- is one of the kinds of events ronmental Research Center in that we look at,” said Thomas. Edgewater, Md. Thomas said that they have The project involves study- produced a paper that looks at ing the effects on marine phy- different kinds of events that toplankton when the Earth re- would be important. ceives a blast of radiation from “Melott is the primary events such as supernovae and author on the events,” said gamma-ray bursts. The project Thomas. “We basically have a will also assist in understanding big long list of different kinds how phytoplankton are affected of sources of radiation. We by current ozone depletion, are starting to get some pretty such as under the Antarctic solid lab results killing the phyozone hole. toplankton, we are at the point Marine phytoplankton are now where I’ve been working single-celled plants that are to get all the numerical models the basis of the food chain in put together.” the ocean, according to ThomThomas said the way as. They produce half of the grants work through NASA is

they put out an announcement about what kind of project they are looking for. A person writes up a proposal on what they will do, who they will work with and how much money they will need. The person then sends it off and it goes off through a review process. “I was pretty excited when I found out I was chosen to lead this project,” said Thomas. “This particular proposal was kind of my third draft because I had sent in a couple previous proposals similar and the first couple of times I kept getting a review back and they would tell me what was good and what wasn’t.” Thomas said that their main goal in the next year is they are hoping to wrap things up. “We have most of the astrophysics stuff done with the project and the next part is putting all the different pieces together, the modeling of the effects on the Earth and taking that and putting it with the new biology data and we will basically create a paper discussing the results and I will be producing maps showing how the effects vary in different locations overtime,” said Thomas.

Brian Dulle is a junior mass media major. Reach him at brian. dulle@washburn.edu

in Indonesia it also creates a culture of corruption in the country, making Indonesia one of the most impoverished countries in the world. “Sweatshops are practices that have gone global,” said Keady. Because so many companies are now using sweatshops in order to make more money it is harder to avoid wearing clothes that don’t come from a sweatshop. “The only way you will know that the clothing is not make in sweatshops is it says ‘union made,’” said Keady. “I’m not going to be free advertisement for companies that exploit people,” said Keady. Keady said that he hopes that in 15-20 years, companies will not use sweatshops anymore but he understands that it takes time. Keady said that he will continue to work as an activist because he made a commitment with the workers and it is also grounded in his faith. “There is enough injustice in the world that we can all campaign in and there will still be work to do,” said Keady. For more information join Team Sweat at www.teamsweat.org or text 313131 to receive texts updates. Maria Sigala is a member of Regina Cassell’s advanced newswriting class.

Check it out:

Aljupri added that if there was any particular thing that bothered him the most about Rizki Aljupri chose not to the fake accounts, it was that take offense to the fake Twit- the creators used his profile ter accounts that were recently picture. made to parody him and his op“They used the same profile ponent Taylor McGown during picture as mine. I think that’s Washburn Student Government not a part of freedom of speech Association elections. because I own and reserve that McGown, Washburn’s picture,” said Aljupri. new student body president as Aljupri also took issue with of last Friday, preferred not to the fact that the creator(s) of the comment on the accounts. account reposted his statuses. Following the election, the He felt that students may accounts have since been delet- find this confusing, and it could ed. Even though they no longer lead some to believe he made exist, Aljupri expressed that, the fake account. although he thought some of “People could confuse: ‘is the comments made in the par- that a fake account, or is that ody of his account were funny, Rizki’s account? Does Rizki some of them Tweet these were inapthings? Both propriate, es- “ of them have pecially the the same They used the same comments tweets; the profile picture criticizing same senas mine. I think his oppotences.’ I nent. mean if they that’s not a part of “I would claim that freedom of speech say both fake their account because I own and accounts is ‘fake’ they have inapshould make reserve that picture. propriate their own tweets, but sentences.” - Rizki Aljupri mine was Aljupri President, Washburn more funny also comrather than pared the ” offensive, Twitter acbut the other candidates fake counts to other offensive forms account was more offensive, so of advocacy. He said that he I didn’t read those tweets,” said does not find the fake accounts Aljupri. to be acceptable, because they Aljupri heard about the ac- used offensive words to get counts on Tuesday, March 8, their point across. the day before the elections beHowever, he did agree that gan. However, he assumed that the fake Twitter accounts are two separate people had made protected by the U.S. constituthe accounts, and these people, tion. just wanted attention. Aljupri ultimately suggest“I think it shows that there ed that students should not have are a few students who are re- taken the fake accounts too seally interested in this election, riously; that the students who because somebody told me that made the accounts may have both accounts were made by just been overly enthusiastic. the same person. This person “I would say just let it just wanted to get attention, but go.,” said Aljupri. “They made I am 90 percent sure that both this account one day before the of these accounts were made by election. Of course they want different people.” to get attention. They were exAljupri argued that the cre- cited.” ators of the parody Twitter accounts should respect McGown and her running mate because of all their hard work during Matthew Kelly is a junior mass the weeks leading up to the media major. Reach him at Matelections. thew Kelly@washburn.edu Collection Bureau of Kansas is

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Regina Budden WASHBURN REVIEW Kansas Board of Education will vote in April whether to make certain amounts of time outdoors mandatory for public school children. This consideration is part of an initiative to break kids out of their technological bubbles. Research shows that kids’ free time is progressively spent in front of a screen, whether it be that of a television, computer, cell phone or iPod. Health and environmental groups want to integrate learning outdoors with core subjects like math, science, English and social studies so students can perform well on standardized tests while still appreciating the environment around them. With the average American kid spending 900 hours per year in school and 1500 hours per year glued to a television set, even if KBOE incorporates outdoors time into a school day, there is a lot of ground to regain. In fact, staFROM THE with tistics like EDITOR those, unless we can pull televisions outside, it is unlikely that students will ever find equilibrium between their electronics and the outside. Those stats are downright scary. Some of my best memories stem from hiking outside with my dad, or climbing trees with my siblings. Summers were not television time for us, they were the time when we went to the pool or tried to catch fish with our hands. That seems idyllic, but that was how I grew up. Now my summers are spent inside, growling at my laptop, interviewing people on my cell phone and dreaming of the day that I’ll win one of those Kindles in all the free drawings. As a part of the generation that has grown up with 1 million stations and 50 gadgets for each hand, it’s a hard reality, I’m also from a generation that has grown up with the growing obesity rate, and there IS a correlation. Getting future generations unplugged and healthy has to start here. With us. Laughingly, as I write this, my friend sits next to me playing a GameBoy DS and I am typing away on my laptop and watching a Netflix movie. But even as our workloads and responsibilities grow, we have to learn how to shut off and shut down. Free time can’t always be YouTube videos and Facebook. And that’s why, even if schools mandate outside time, it can only help so much. If parents don’t set the example by setting limits, then kids will never prefer to go outside. So before us college kids become the parent role (which some of us already are), we have to train ourselves. You want to take a study break? Walk around campus. Time how long you are on Facebook. It’s embarrassing, but you’ll get a better idea of just how much you need to shut off the computer. With the United States’ academic successes falling further behind and the obesity rates not plateau-ing anytime soon, the idea of mandatory outdoors time is only the first step in a long, wire-free (not wireless) road. Regina Budden is a senior mass media major. Reach her at regina. budden@washburn.edu.

Tweeting shares with press, celebrity Editorial Board WASHBURN REVIEW

Twitter seems to be more of a hot topic than usual. Whether it be a celebrity feud, or any of Charlie Sheen’s tweets or even the fake accounts set up for this year’s Washburn Student Government Association president and vice president candidates, Twitter is becoming more of a news maker and not just a means to get people news. Twitter has also been abuzz with discussions of the aftermath of the massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake that devastated parts of Japan on March 11. As news of the earthquake and subsequent aftershocks, tsunamis and nuclear power plant meltdown emerged, the 24-hour news channels scrambled to cover it. Quickly, a tweet from NPR and literary blogger Maude Newton (@maudnewton) went viral. She tweeted, “For news of the disaster, you might pre-

Bod on

fer streaming Al-Jazeera to watching CNN anchor giggle about Godzilla. http://bit.ly/ fpUmFO.” The link sent viewers to video of the Al-Jazeera coverage of the disaster. This is interesting for two reasons. First, the comment was heavily retweeted, and the sentiment reverberated rapidly around the twitosphere without any verification. In fact, several articles have recently criticized not only Newton, but also all of the retweeters who passed on the information without verifying anything. It turns out, according to the rest of the Internet, that the anchor did not giggle and the only reference to Godzilla was a vague comparison to a monster movie by a correspondent. Secondly, that Al-Jazeera, not normally on most news consumers’ radar, was getting a lot of good press about its thorough coverage. Twitter has been a spectacular tool for getting up to the


nanosecond news – whether it to keep in mind is that Twitter be about the protests in Egypt is the same medium that Charor what someone had for break- lie Sheen uses to inform us that fast. In some cases, Twitter has he is, indeed winning and that been the only way to get news the awesome LAPD can protect from an area that is otherwise that Warlock anytime. Twitter inaccessible to tradiis the same medium in tional media. It has which celebrities have also presented oppor- REVIEW’S their feuds, students VIEW tunities to get news complain about teachconsumers involved in ers and people post the conversation. LOL Cats photos. However, Twitter presents People should use Twitter the same problem that is pres- as a tool to get more informaent with all public-generated tion from many more perspecnews content: veracity. Indeed, tives than the traditional media if something seems credible, presents. That said, Twitter is any user can retweet it with a just like any other news source, click of a button and the real or the information users get from it fake news spreads to any user should be checked for accuracy, following the retweeter. This honesty and just plain logic. spreads rumors faster than a #winning #fastball middle school locker room. Twitter is a powerful tool that will likely be vital in the The views expressed in the changing face media. Twitter Review’s View are those of the is an important tool for citi- Washburn Review editorial board zen journalists to inform the and are not necessarily the views world. What the world needs of Washburn University.

With spring break right around the corner, the Review asked students to dream big and tell where they would go if they were not, alas, poor college students.


Classroom potatoes get uprooted

Opinion • Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If you could go anywhere, Rachel Hanson Freshman

Christian Gomez Junior “I am going to South Dakota because it’s babe central.”

“I would love to go to Greece.”

Heather Ploussard Sophomore

Mack Sloan Freshman

“I want to go on a Caribbean cruse because I went on one as a kid and loved it.”

“I have always wanted to go to Australia.”

where would you go for Spring Break? Sarah Plowman Junior

“I would go to the Bahamas because the water there is really pretty.”

Derek Roberts Freshman “Venice, Italy because its going to collapse someday and I want to see it before it does.”

Miguel Perales Freshman

Omar Chavez Freshman

“I would go to Rome because of its history.”

“The Canary Islands in Spain because my family is from Spain and I want to get back to my roots.” Interviews and photos by Adam Stephenson.

C A M E R O N ’ S

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© The Washburn Review Copyright 2011








Cameron Hughes is a sophomore art and graphic design major. Reach him at cameron.hughes@washburn.edu.

If your information was inaccurately printed, please let us know and send an e-mail with “Correction” in the subject line to wureview@gmail. com. Or you may call and leave a message at (785) 670-2506.

review a&e washburn university

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photo by Robert Burkett, Washburn Review

Classic process exposed: Washburn students from MaryDorsey Wanless’s Retro camera class had the opportunity to visit the studio of photographer Thomas Gibson located in Lecompton, Kan.. Gibson shares his passion and knowledge of the collodion process which dates from the early 1900’s.

Retro camera class explores classic photography process Robert Burkett WASHBURN REVIEW Traveling along some of the old highways of Northeast Kansas can reveal a great many historical landmarks. Among them is a modern art studio housing a virtual temple to an archaic art form. Washburn art students recently had the chance to travel to such a place as part of a class that is a fusion of passion, art and knowledge for the students as well as the teacher. MaryDorsey Wanless, assistant professor in the art department always embraced her student’s desires in terms of what kind of classes she will take on. The creation of a class that

focuses on student interests gave birth to the retro camera class which has been exploring the roots of photography through the use of antique cameras that students have been acquiring over time. Something that their teacher has some knowledge about. “I have around 30 old cameras,” said Wanless. “I’ll go to an antique shop and see one and struggle with not getting it.” The students in the class have similar passions for their unique equipment as they have spent a great deal of time investing themselves into the process of taking pictures and developing them. “It’s been an adventure getting the old film and equipment ready for the class,” said Wan-

less. “We had someone come in and help us with getting our cameras ready to shoot.” As part of the process of learning more about old techniques, the class traveled to rural Kansas, west of Lecompton, to visit one of the few people in the country using a process called collodion process. Thomas Gibson is a photographer whose past has taken him from the highs of Milan, Italy and high fashion to the glamorous world of Los Angeles, Calif. and Capitol Records album cover photo shoots. His transition through his professional life brought him to the Midwest and his love of a dying art form is what kept him. “It’s just serendipity really,” said Gibson during ques-

tion and answer with students with this process.” after his presentation on colloThe impressiveness of the dion processes. studio and the unique nature of With plaques celebrat- the process aren’t lost on the ing some of students either. his work with “ “It’s a difnotable musi- I mean it’s a real ficult process cal artists like that requires a Rick Spring- unique art form. lot of discipline you and work,” said field and Bono Everything of U2 adorn- make is really one Crystal Katzer, ing the walls senior art major. of his studio, of a kind with this “It’s a great opportunity for us Gibson still process. to come here and manages to keep a humble -Thomas Gibson see someone who stance to what Photographer can do this prohe does. and offer us ” cess “It’s one resources.” of the coolest things I’ve done,” Beyond the hands on learnsaid Gibson. “I mean it’s a real ing that the students get from unique art form. Everything shooting with their old cameras you make is really one of a kind and interacting with fellow art-

ists like Gibson, the class also has an academic research portion. “We are doing some scholarly research as well,” said Wanless. “The class will be presenting at Aperion so it’ll be great to get some scholarly recognition for our students.” For more information on the collodian process and to learn more about Thomas Gibson, go to www.thomasgibsonstudio.com or call (785) 8876009.

Robert Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert. burkett@washburn.edu

Local espresso bar and bistro showcases art and a vegetarian friendly menu Kate Fechter WASHBURN REVIEW

With vegetarian and omnivore friendly food, drinks ranging from coffee to alcoholic beverages and local art decorating the walls, Blackbird Espresso Bar and Bistro is the place for students to hang out and relax. Currently managed by Jayson North and his wife, Lauren, Blackbird has changed hands and names a few times over the years before taking the form it’s in today. “This coffee shop started as PT’s about fifteen years ago,” said owner Jayson North. “My wife and I met there. PT’s sold it to the previous owner and he renamed it Lola’s. My wife worked here the whole time it was Lola’s. I continued to work for PT’s.” The Norths bought Lola’s a few years ago. Then after some

remodeling and rebranding Lo- Rogness currently has work la’s was rechristened Blackbird on display. North says that loEspresso Bar and Bistro a little cal artists interested in possibly displaying a collection should over a year ago. In the time North and give him a link to be able to his wife have owned Black- view their work online. Washburn bird they have “ student Mashila worked to make We made a vege- Fisher is an changes for the tarian friendly, hip employee at better. “We tried place to hang out Blackbird and enjoys the qualto expand the food menu,” and we serve real- ity of the prodsaid North. “We ly good beer to go ucts produced well as the did what a lot of with really good as eclectic blend people always of customers say they want coffee. to do and make -Jayson North who frequent the coffee shop Owner, Blackbird the coffee shop. they would like “I like the Espresso Bar and Bistro to go to. That’s atmosphere,” ” said Fisher, juwhat we did. We made a vegetarian friendly, hip nior social work major. “It’s not place to hang out and we serve your normal atmosphere for a really good beer to go with re- coffee shop. Everyone can feel ally good coffee.” welcome. We are open to all Blackbird also showcases communities and everyone can local artists. Photographer Sara feel accepted.”

Fisher has been working at Blackbird for about a year and a half. As a vegetarian, she appreciates the menu and its animal-free options. North says the menu will be changing in the next month or so. Continuing to improve is the way he likes to do business. In addition, he is always on the lookout for a new beer or new artist. “The way I run business is every day we need to be better at what we’re doing,” said North. “So that’s what we do. When the new menu comes out in a month or so we‘ll make sure it is better than what we have done in the past.”

Kate Fechter is a junior art and psychology major. Reach her at kate.fechter-stamper@washburn. edu

Photo by Mike Goehring, Washburn Review

Stirring it up: Tyler Rowlinson whips up a drink at Blackbird Espresso Bar and Bistro. Though the location has changed hands over the years, the business has continued to thrive.


Arts & Entertainment • Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Options plentiful at Weller’s Tricia Peterson WASHBURN REVIEW

fried green beans, which were breaded in bread crumbs and deep-fat-fried to a nice crunchy When I walked into golden brown color. These are Weller’s Grill and Bar, I real- also served with ranch dressing. ized it wasn’t a typical bar and I decided to try the Classic grill. I quickly figured out that Cheeseburger, not only because these guys focus on the food. it sounded really good but also Not only do they have wine because they use fresh brisket pairings for most of their en- that is ground in-house for all trees, they also make almost of their burgers. the burger everything from scratch, in- comes with a choice of fresh cluding burger buns. cut French fries, pasta salad Upon entry, the bar is the or cole slaw. It costs $1 to add first thing you see with their onion rings. I chose the pasta extensive selection of beer on salad because I heard someone tap, wine and other liquors and tell the waitress it was really liqueurs. It opens up good. At first, it into a dining room RESTAURANT looked like any with booths and taother tri-colored REVIEW bles, and televisions pasta salad, but the typically featuring sports. The dressing is a surprise. I was décor is that of regular bars, expecting an italian dressing, but the tables and booths give and was wrong when I tasted a more “restaurant” feel to the a thicker, sweeter vinaigrette. place. There were red bell peppers The waitress immediately that added a crunch of freshasked me what I wanted to ness that I enjoyed, so I give drink, and let me look over the the pasta salad a thumbs up. menu. They offer a wide variety The burger was juicy and came of appetizers including fried dill just as I ordered it, at a medium pickles, green beans and mush- temperature. It comes with letrooms. They also have wings of tuce, tomato, pickle and onion various flavors, which are popu- on the side and only at your relar. The appetizers are priced quest. The thing that makes the from $4 to $6 which is not bad, burger so special is the squarebut add up quick if you want shaped bun that they make to try more than one. I tried fresh daily and grill-toasted to the fried dill pickles, and they order. The outer edges of the were awesome. They were fried bun get that buttery crispness golden brown and crispy, but that I love with cheeseburgers. juicy in the middle and served The menu has so many with ranch dressing on the side more options I could go on all for dipping. The ranch works day, so if you want to check it with the saltiness of the pickle out they are open daily from 11 to even it out and finishes them a.m. until midnight. They also off nicely. I also really liked the have a website, but the menu

They’re Irish! The Pogues -Founded in 1982 in King’s Cross by singer Shane McGowan, this band combined the passion of punk with traditional Irish instruments such as tin whistle, cittern, mandolin and accordion. The band takes its pogues.com name from pogue mahone, the Anglicized verision of póg mo thóin,(kiss my ass). -Due to McGowan’s ill health, the band has announced that their show March 17 at New York City’s Terminal 5 will be their last. Most famous album: “If I Should Fall From Grace With God” (1988)

The Cranberries -Formed in Limerick in 1989, the alternative band, fronted by Dolores O’Riordan, found great commercial success during the 1990s. Selling over 14.5 million records in the United States. the cranberries.com band rode a wave of modern rock hits including “Linger,” “Zombie” and “Salvation.” -The band reunited in 2009 and began tours of North America, Latin America and Europe. Most famous album: “No Need to Argue” (1994) Photo by Mike Goering, Washburn Review

Fresh picks: Jason Jennings, co-owner of Weller’s Grill and Bar, works behind the bar. Weller’s offers an extensive menu of fresh choices for a reasonable price. isn’t posted yet, www.wellersbar.com. I plan on going back and trying other menu items, and checking out the wine pairings they suggest.

Tricia Peterson is a sophomore mass media major. Reach her at patricia.peterson@washburn.edu.

Almighty Norma Jean holds candle for punk Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW The late Marilyn Monroe is not often associated with heavy metal music, but attendees of Lawrence’s Bottleneck bar found the connection as the Explosions II Tour hit town with the bands the Almighty Norma Jean, taken from the actress’s birth name, as well as special guests Of Legends, Impending Doom, Stick to Your Guns, and local opener the Runaway Sons. “What is it? A rad band,” said lead vocalist Cory Brandan. “We love music, and that’s what we do. I mean, it’s a good time.” The Atlanta-based band formed as Luti-Kriss in 1997 before changing its name to avoid confusion with rapper Ludacris. After their first album “Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child,” original vocalist Josh Scogin left the band, leading Brandan to join.

Kiss the rock

“We were friends for a long changing and developing, time just through different bands Norma Jean does have a very I was in,” said Brandan. “We strong opinion that will not be played shows together in their dismissed. old band and “T-rex is stuff. When “ the best di[Scogin] left, The band always nosaur, and they asked me transforms. We everybody to join, simple it,” said have no loyalties to knows as that. Brandan. As is com- anything, music, the W h e n mon in the mu- name of the band not touring or sic industry, making new Norma Jean has or anything. We’ve music with gone through always been that Norma Jean, different line- way. Brandan has ups, but the side projects core being has - Cory Brandan to occupy his remained the lead vocalist time, one being same. his design Un“We’ve all ” work art projbeen doing this ects as seen on since 2005,” said Brandan. “The merchandise for his band and band always transforms. We others. have no loyalties to anything, “It’s just graphic design,” music, the name of the band, or said Brandan. “I don’t really anything. We’ve always been take it seriously. It’s something that way.” to do when I’m home, keep me While the band is always busy. If someone hits me up,

I’m down to do it. I’ll do anything. I’ll do anything twice.” Apart from Norma Jean and graphic design, Brandan also sings and plays guitar in Fear is the Driving Force with his brother and describes how the bands are different. “It’s different music,” said Brandan. “It’s more punk rock, pretty much, faster songs. I’ll leave it up to the listener.” While Brandan enjoys Unwork and Fear is the Driving Force, he sees Norma Jean as his top priority. “The other stuff is just for fun,” said Brandan. “It’s side stuff to do at home. My brother plays in that band, so it’s something we get to do together when I’m home just to chill out and play music.”

Sam Sayler is a sophomore English major. Reach him at samuel. sayler@washburn.edu

Stiff Little Fingers

-From Belfast, Stiff Little Fingers formed at the height of punk in 1977. Much of the band’s music was influenced by “The Troubles,” a time of ethno-political strife in Northern Ireland. slf.com -The band’s first single “Suspect Device,” issued to radio on a bomb-themed cassettte caused a great deal of controvery. Most famous album: “Inflammable Material” (1979)


-From Dublin, U2 is one of the largest bands in the world with more than 150 million albums sold worldwide. Through their evolving sound, U2 has kept their sense of melody. -While the band’s early albums focused U2.com heavily on a post-punk sensibility, later albums such as “Achtung Baby” began to incorporate a wider range of sonic expression. Most famous album: “The Joshua Tree” (1987)

Thin Lizzy -Fronted by Phil Lynott, one of the first successful black Irish musicians, this Dublin group was a pioneer in hard rock. -The band’s music drew influences from country, psychedelic music and tradithinlizzyband.com tional celtic songs. Songs such as “The Boys are Back in Town,” “Whiskey in the Jar” and “Jailbreak” are classic rock radio staples. Most famous album: Jailbreak (1976)

Compiled by Ryan Hodges, Washburn Review

R.E.M. doesn’t ‘collapse’ on new album Ryan Hodges WASHBURN REVIEW

The album benefits from an elite group of guest musicians including Lenny Kaye, Patti Smith, The late 1990s and early Peaches and Eddie Vedder. 2000s were a bleak period, both With song titles like “ÜBercreatively and commercially, lin,” “Mine Smell Like Honey” for R.E.M. Following the de- and “Me, Marlon Brando, Marparture of drummer Bill Berry lon Brando and I,” the band in 1997, the band from Athens, continues a long history of Ga., soldiered on as quirkiness that befits a three-piece group, their humble beginMUSIC limping along through nings. REVIEW 1998’s “Up,” 2001’s “Discoverer,” “Reveal” and finally the lead track, jan2004’s anemic “Around the gles along with a combination Sun.” of rawness and a sound that is The band finally regained its reminiscent of the band’s clasmojo with 2008’s “Accelerate” sic “Automatic for the People.” and that vigor remains through Opening with a classic R.E.M. its latest album, “Collapse into guitar riff, there is a certain Now.” “Accelerate” stripped sense of urgency that flows away the gloss of the band’s through the song. Singer Miprevious albums and left the au- chael Stipe’s lyrics are cryptic, dience with a bare-bones rock but you get a feeling that whatalbum. “Collapse into Now” ever he’s singing about is imbegins to add a little bit of those portant, at least to him. flourishes back but still retains The album exudes an overthe energy from “Accelerate.” all feeling of happiness, which


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is perfectly represented by “It the song. Happened Today.” With guest “Blue” is a poem/song in performer Eddie Vedder’s back- the tradition of Patti Smith, so ground vocals it’s only apmixed down to a propriate that subtle hum, the Smith herself song focuses on appears on Stipe’s soaring the track. It’s and exuberant also fitting vocals. that this is “Alligator_ the only song Aviator_Autoon the album pilot_Antimatthat doesn’t ter” flows along have its lyrwith a poppy ics printed in rhythm that the album’s Image courtesy of REMhq.com harkens back to artwork. The earlier R.E.M. songs like “It’s piece closes with a reprise of The End of The World As We the introductory riff from “DisKnow It (And I Feel Fine). coverer.” w“Featuring backup vo“Collapse into Now” shows cals by artist Peaches (“Fuck that it’s not only possible for an The Pain Away”), and guitar old dog to learn new tricks, but work by author and Patti Smith also learn old tricks as well. Group guitarist Lenny Kaye, the song bounces around with Ryan Hodges is a junior social incoherent energy. If it rhymes, work major. Reach him at ryan. Stipe puts it into the lyrics for hodges@washburn.edu.


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review sports washburn university

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thrilling seasons end in heartbreak Lady Blues end in controversy; Ichabods fight, fall in overtime

Photo courtesy of Gene Cassell, Washburn SID

Photo courtesy of Gene Cassell, Washburn SID

Tough break: Washburn’s Dana Elliott, sophomore forward, battles for a rebound in a game for the Lady Blues this season. The Lady Blues were knocked out in the first round of the NCAA tournament after a review and controversial call by the referees.

Heartbreak: Washburn’s Logan Stutz, senior forward, goes up for a scores on a layup against Missouri Southern State University on Saturday in the first round of the NCAA tornament. The Ichabods lost in overtime to the No. 9 Lions after sending the game to overtime with a buzzer beating shot.


Looking forward, the men’s team will have to replace five seniors including Stutz and De’Andre Washington, senior forward both of which were indispensible pieces of the team’s success. The Lady Blues in contrast, came into the season with uncertain expectations. Having replaced many of the starters from the previous season, Washburn looked to grow as the season went on. Going into the postseason, a surprising second place finish in the conference gave way to a run to the MIAA conference tournament semifinals before running into rival Emporia State, who ended their tournament aspirations. Going into the postseason,

As John Steinbeck once famously wrote, “Now is the winter of our discontent.” In a season that began in the winter months, to have it end so chillingly on the verge of spring can seem cruel. Washburn men’s and women’s basketball both ended their season last weekend in dramatic fashion. With one team losing on a controversial replay review, and the other losing in overtime on a banked threepoint shot. With the way the season ended, both teams still managed to find the positive in the season that passed. In the case of the men’s team, the Ichabods came into the postseason having played well at the end of the regular season

only to see their rivals, Emporia State put an end to their conference tournament run. But with the NCAA tournament in their radar, Washburn’s veteran leaders reaimed their focus towards their next opponent. The Ichabods made their first appearance in the NCAA Tournament since the 20042005 season facing No. 9 Missouri Southern State University for the third time this season after splitting the first two games. The game went back and forth the entire game and Washburn trailed 70-67 with four seconds remaining in the game. De’Andre Washington tied the game with a three-pointer at the buzzer to push the game to overtime. In overtime, the Ichabods led by three points with 45 seconds remaining but only managed to score one

more point. Southern banked in a three-pointer for the lead and never looked back. Logan Stutz, a senior forward and first team all-region selection, finished with 28 points and 13 rebounds, giving him seven double-doubles for the season and nine in his Washburn career. Washington finished with 20 points and 12 rebounds. Even after the game was over, the team still walked away proud of their season accomplishments. “I felt like we could beat anybody at any time,” said Logan Stutz, senior forward. “We just played one of the best teams in the country, and we beat them before, so we having nothing to be ashamed of.”


the Lady Blues looked to get off to a strong start against Central Oklahoma University. The game would be a back and forth battle as both teams exchanged the lead throughout the contest. Washburn finally took the lead away late. With less than five seconds left to go, UCO took the lead back 65-64. With time expiring, Laura Kinderknecht was fouled on her way to the basket but after a lengthy review, it was determined that the foul was called after time had expired and the Lady Blue’s season ended in controversy. “It’s disappointing because this team has come a long way and done a lot of nice things,” said Ron McHenry head basketball coach. “You hate for it to end with a group you like to be with and coach.” The Lady Blues were lead

by Stevi Schultz, junior guard, with 16 points and 11 rebounds and Alyssa Mullen, senior forward, with eight points and 10 rebounds. Moving forward, the Lady Blues will lose Alyssa Mullen and Rachel Boling, both seniors, but will return most of the team that finished a surprising second in the conference. With other players returning from injury, Washburn will look towards next year with a positive outlook.

Robert Burkett is a senior mass media major. Reach him at robert. burkett@washburn.edu.

SRWC more than just weight room Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW

With obesity and diabetes on the rise in America, the Student Recreation and Wellness Center refuses to stand idly by. In doing its part to promote health and wellness, the SRWC offers several group exercise classes to burn fat and build muscle, including yoga, power yoga, Zumba, cycling, turbo kick, core exercises, and variations thereof. Ben Saathoff, assistant director of fitness and wellness explains the different types of classes offered.

“Yoga class is the more tra- the sequence from there. With ditional type a regular yoga of yoga class, “ class, you mind and body move more type exercise,” You can show up, and g r a c e f u l l y, said Saathoff. the instructor will tell more fluidly “Power yoga you what to do and at a slower is more yoga pace to get movements at you’ll follow along. that deep a faster pace to So it’s a great motiva- stretch.” build up more S o m e muscle endur- tion tool. may be unance and mus- Ben Saathoff familiar with cle strength an Assistant director of fitness Zumba, training. So aerobic exer” cise routine you go from a downwardwhich feafacing dog to a cobra in sequence tures dancing to Latin and inin power yoga. You build up ternational music at faster and

slower intervals depending on the rhythm of the music. “It’s a very fun, energetic class,” said Saathoff. “You’re learning new dance moves from all around the world. Our Zumba instructor is recently new, and she’s enjoying it.” According to Saathoff, the classes are an excellent way for experienced fitness enthusiasts to stay in shape and curious beginners to start. “Everybody and anybody is able to come to these classes,” said Saathoff. “You’re going to find what you’re looking for. You’re going to find that higher intensity that you’re

looking for. Beginners want to learn some tips about exercise and fitness as well from the instructors. “As long as you go in and communicate with the instructor, you’re saying that you’re a beginner, they’ll help you get started. You come in and say you’re a little more advanced, they’ll help you to modify your workout.” There is no one type of person who only attends one type of class, and Saathoff encourages people to take multiple classes to help benefit strength training and aerobics. In addition to just the ex-

ercise, Saathoff says there are further benefits to participating in the group exercise classes and how easy it is to start a new hobby. “It’s a great place to socialize,” said Saathoff. “You don’t have to plan your workout. You can show up, and the instructor will tell you what to do and you’ll follow along. So it’s a great motivation tool.”

Sam Sayler is a sophomore English major. Reach him at samuel. saylert@washburn.edu.


Sports • Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Plager has Ichabod connections ‘Bods focus on transfer talent Sam Sayler WASHBURN REVIEW

Having spent two years at Walla Walla Community College, Boone Plager, junior infielder has come to Washburn to play baseball for the Ichabods. Plager has become a welcome addition to the team with Steve Anson, head coach, calling the Spokane, Wash. native “one of our best hitters.” Plager began with tee ball at age five and has developed his game through time. “I just kept playing through high school and select teams,” said Plager. “I just haven’t really stopped. I’ve just always played.” After his sophomore season at Walla Walla, Plager followed former high school coach Mike Amend to Washburn to continue with baseball and education. “There’s not a lot of Divi-

sion II schools in that area,” said said Plager. “Washburn offered Plager. “There’s only about probably the best program and five in Washington, Idaho, and most affordable, too, on top of Oregon. I wasn’t good enough that.” With home half way across to be a D-I player.” the country, Then a Plager has had familiar face “ minimal troucame into his Washburn offered ble adjusting to life, steering Kansas, citing him towards probably the best the humidity Washburn. program and most as a bother, but “The as- affordable, too, on his camaraderie sistant coach [at Washburn] top of that. with the team happened to has helped be my fresh- Boone Plager him make fast man assistant Senior baseball player friends. baseball coach “It’s easy in high school, being involved ” in a sport and he started that talking to me. I came for a vis- I have 40 people who I have it. It was my best option.” something in common with, to Aside from the baseball be able to hang out with, and program, Washburn is a good stuff,” said Plager. fit for Plager’s finances and dePlager is currently enjoygree. ing his time in Topeka and “I wanted to be involved in hasn’t put much thought into a business major of some kind,” his future, but the finance major

plans to move back to the pacific coast after graduation. “I could possibly start out working in a bank or even some consulting,” said Plager. Plager may possibly end up consulting with a hypothetical Ichabod baseball musical ensemble that he imagines in his head inspired by Pearl Jam, his favorite grunge band. “I’d put Alex Coons on bass,” said Plager. “He’s big into music, and he’s trying to learn how to play the bass guitar. Lead vocals, I’m going to have to go with Wyatt Hall. Drums, I’m going to go with Brian Gomez. I’d put David Wade on the cowbell.” According to Plager, he is best represented by a velociraptor because of its aggressiveness.

Sam Sayler is a sophomore English major. Reach him at samuel. saylert@washburn.edu.

Senior proves leadership Louis Bordeau WASHBURN REVIEW

The Washburn Ichabod basketball team’s recent success on the basketball court has allowed it to frequently recruit players from states other than Kansas. When they do this the team is able to recruit top talent that allows them to be competitive in the MIAA conference every basketball season.
 One such player is De’Andre Washington, senior, criminal justice major and, forward from Powder Springs, Ga. Washington attended two other schools playing basketball at both of them before transferring to Washburn. As a freshman Washington attended Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Ga. While at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Ga., Washington was the Gulf Coast Conference’s player of the year. Washington also played basketball his sophomore year at Pensacola Junior College in Pensacola, Fla. Washington transferred to Washburn University in 2009 and has just completed his second season at Washburn, and his fourth and final year of eligibility as a player. Basketball is a passion that Washington takes seriously and one that he would like to

continue after graduating from Washburn. Washington might be interested in playing basketball overseas in places like Europe or Australia.
 “I like basketball because it is my get away from the real world,’ said Washington. “My goals for basketball are to play professionally after this current season. Watching NBA legends play when I was growing-up is what influenced me to play basketball.” Dave Brown, Washburn men’s assistant coach, thinks highly of the leadership Washington showed as a veteran player for Washburn. On most athletic teams seniors are looked-to by other players and coaches and in Washington’s case it is no different.
 “De’Andre want to go possibly play professionally overseas and he is a good leader and has done a really good job,” said Brown. “He has been a good senior,” Unfortunately, the team lost during this post season against their arch rivals the Emporia State Hornets 67-61 in the MIAA tournament in Kansas City, Mo.
 Although like most college basketball players, Washington would like to play basketball after he graduates he is realistic and has come-up with another

option for what he would like to do after he is done here at Washburn University. 
 “My career goals besides basketball are culinary art school,” said Washington. “I

enjoy cooking and would like to see about culinary art school.” Louis Bordeau is a graduate student. Reach him at louis.bordeau@washburn.edu.

Archive photo, Washburn Review

Senior leadership: De’Andre Washington, senior forward, helped lead the Ichabods to the NCAA tournament for the first time in five seasons.


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Archive photo, Washburn Review

Talent from afar: Washburn’s Brian Gomez, a senior and transfer from Neosho County Community College, is 1 of 27 transfers for the Ichabods.


that having players transfer to Washburn’s baseball team from other schools or coming straight The Washburn Ichabods from high school makes much baseball team recruits its play- difference in the way the team ers from two main locations. behaves once they are here beIn particular this year, there are cause the basics of the game of many players who have trans- baseball are pretty similar no ferred to Washburn from junior matter what level of the game colleges. one plays or the team that one “We have 46 on our team is on. roster and 19 came here from “Baseball is a pretty simple high school, 23 from a junior game as far as plays go,” said college and four are four-year Alex Mitts, redshirt freshman college transfers,” said Steve infielder. “We learn those plays Anson, Washburn head base- when we are younger so nothball coach. ing is really new. Each coach Players who spend time in might have little difference but junior college are able to gain nothing major.” two extra years of experience One of the Washburn baseat the college ball team’s level without “ players does the stresses of Once we are all on not feel that the academic is a whole the same team com- there requirements lot of differof a four-year peting at the same ence in the way university. It level it doesn’t matter players play makes sense once they have for Washburn if you went to junior left either their to recruit play- college or not. junior colleges ers from both or other fourjunior colyear universileges and high ties. - Alex Mitts schools in or“ O n c e Washburn baseball player we are all on der to obtain a good mixture ” the same team of players with competing at different levels of experience the same level it doesn’t matter to contribute to the baseball if you went to junior college or team. The fact that some play- not the best guys are going to ers have attended junior college play and that is what makes us does not necessarily affect how respect each other,” said Mitts. these players play compared Anson agrees with this to players who started playing player about the fact that there baseball for Washburn directly are not a lot of differences in out of high school. the players once they get to“Team chemistry can be a gether on the same team. tricky area and I don’t think the “Our needs vary every year chemistry will be affected by by position and also our pitchthe fact that you have incoming ing staff,” said Anson. “Some freshmen or incoming trans- years we have needs that feel fers,” said Anson. “It’s how the like a junior college transfer team works together as a unit would be better suited to fill the and not where the players came need as opposed to an incoming from. If we have an incoming freshman. Some years we have freshman that contribute right more transfer recruits than othaway, I’d rather have a player ers, so this varies by years and for 4 years as opposed to only by needs.” 2 years, but sometimes we have to replace our seniors with junior college transfers because of the experience factor for that particular position.” Louis Bordeau is a graduate There are some players on student. Reach him at louis.borthe team who also do not feel deau@washburn.edu.

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