2012-13 Issue 18

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Washburn Review

Washburn University

Volume 140, Issue 18

February 6, 2013

Cary Williams wins coveted Lombardi Trophy with Baltimore Ravens AJ Dome


Sometimes my nocturnal habits pay off. Usually the only reward I get for being a night owl is sleeping past my alarm, and being late for lunch dates. This time, it netted me an opportunity to be part of a very cool experience. I mean “cool” in a literal sense as well as metaphorical. Fellow Review reporter Andy Huff and I ventured out onto Yager Stadium at approximately 6:15 a.m. Sunday morning, shrugging the cold off our shoulders. We were curious about the families and couples filing onto the football field, huddling in groups for warmth, and holding signs slathered in slate blue paint, saying things like “WUper Bowl 2013!”

continued on page15


2 February 6, 2013


The Review

I’m taking a pause break from questions this week to post an observation, and I’ll admit upfront that it’s my editorial on a particularly touchy issue in media at the moment. When I read articles about children (and adults) committing suicide over being bullied (cyber or otherwise), it causes a particular amount of disgust, sadness and alarm. I had someone post on my Facebook about a teenage kid named Jadin who hung himself after he no longer could handle being bullied for being gay. The suicides of teens and adults who are ridiculed for being “other” have gained momentum and at-

tention online as well as televised media. Movements such as the Trevor Project and the Matthew Shepard Foundation have proved instrumental in advocacy of equality of the LGBT community. To those of you who are taking a stand against needless hatred: thank you. You’re the unsung heroes who make life bearable for another, sometimes without even realizing how your kindness may have made all the difference. For those who know me, you know I am a certain breed of loud-mouth who is massively opinionated and generally jovial. Growing up as an “other” in the

Opinion BOD


(straight as well as LGBT) community, I experienced firsthand what it is to be “weird” or an outcast. My uniqueness makes me wonderfully unoriginal in many ways. I say that because we’re our own “breed” and happen to assimilate (or not) into whatever makes us most comfortable. The thing is though, choice abounds, and today, especially in America, we all have the choice to express ourselves however we so choose. Here’s the thing: it seems to me that in a highly individualistic society, we’ve stretched to a particular point of self-centeredness wherein we’ve forgotten what empathy for our fellow “man” really looks like, and it’s certainly not limited to gay people. Today I spoke with an older gentleman who works for Washburn (we’ll call him Tom) about a student’s rudeness when the student commented in passing to Tom that he was moving too slowly and needed to get out of the way. I spoke with Tom at length about how he feels that we (as a younger generation) sometimes don’t think about what it’s like to be old, or misunderstood,

treated as an inconvenience, or seen as “lesser” when, “everyone grows old, and he’s gunna be slow too eventually.” I commented that it is lack of empathy which propels us to see others as “lesser than.” Rather than being grateful for the fact that we are still able bodied or “spring chickens,” we see those who are slower (either mentally or physically) as defective or an object of ridicule. Now, I’m not attempting to go all “Chicken Soup” right now, but what I am saying is this: one moment of kindness toward another can change their life, and you’ll never know the repercussions of one act of generosity. You never know what another person is dealing with. So I challenge all of us to do a minimum of one kind thing a day. Perhaps if Jadin had been met with understanding instead of brazen ridicule, he might not have died before the age of 18.

If you would like Raz’s advice, email your question to realworldraz@gmail.com. Look for this column every week on this opinion page for your answer.

The Superbowl was last weekend and we wanted to know:

“What was your favorite Superbowl commercial this year?” “I think the best commercial was the Jamaican themed Volkswagen.”

“The one with the “I like Jamaican accent, bearded ladies.” I think it was for Volkswagen.” Josh Keimig, junior, elementary education

Brenden Bigham, sophomore, math

“Never watched any of the commercials.”

“I just watched the half-time show.”

Rory MacDonald, sophomore, CIS Interviews by Bradley Parrales

Abby Dittberner, sophomore, nursing

Contact Us

Phone: (785) 670-2506 Fax: (785) 670-1131 www.washburnreview.org Print Editor-in-Chief Tricia Peterson Advertising Manager Raz Potter Mike Kerns Promotions Director Austin Abernathy News Editor AJ Dome A&E Editor Kelly Hurla Sports Editor Luke Warnken Online Editor Mike Goehring Graphic Design Editor Katie Child Copy Editors Richard Kelly • Fatima Oubaid Assistant Editor Alex Sonnich Production Assistant Linnzi Fusco • Ryan Hodges Writers Kelly Hurla • Tricia Peterson • Drew Egnoske • Raz Potter • AJ Dome • Colton Goeffert • Sophie O’Neill • Luke Warnken • Jensen Moore • Elise Barnett • Xuelu Pan Photographers Andrew Escandon • Mike Goehring • Ashley Russell • Sarah Rush • Alex Voskoboyev • Linnzi Fusco • Ivan Moya • Jenna Baucsh Graphic Designers Katie Child • Ashley Russel • Kelsey Wagers • Chen Yuan Videographers Andrew Huff • Rodolfo Parisi • Drew Egnoske • Bradley Parrales Advertising Staff Linnzi Fusco Kaw Editor-in-Chief Kayla Norton Adviser Regina Cassell

The Review February 6, 2013 3


Incident promotes student spirit, finally

Washburn Review


Washburn students typically aren’t the most supportive of school athletics, but that culture has begun to change at the basketball and football games in the past few seasons. With that in mind, it was exciting to see culmination of efforts lead to a solid student turnout last Thursday as Washburn men’s and women’s basketball faced Missouri Southern State University in Schendel Court at Lee Arena. But in the men’s game, despite a victory by the Ichabods, a larger story took place in the

second half. Washburn freshman Christian Sauerman, art major, attired in his blue “morphsuit” began running up and down the sideline and baseline during free throw attempts, inevitably helping make players miss free throws. After a few cases of this scenario taking place, things got ugly. While Sauerman was dancing the baseline in his outfit, one of the game officials stopped a Missouri Southern player from shooting a free throw, then proceeded to walk to the other end of the court to talk to a Washburn security guard. This spelled trouble for Sauerman, who could be seen in a panicked state at the other end when he realized the stoppage was on his behalf. Sauerman quickly ran into the stands, thinking if he was no longer on the baseline, he wouldn’t be in the wrong. But this didn’t stop him from getting kicked out of the game, which was eventually determined to be a decision by the official. The crowd of nearly 3,000 at Schendel Court could be heard booing the police and ref-

erees as Sauerman was escorted out of the arena by officers. Multiple students were then seen walking to the south end of the court to talk to remaining officers to vouch on his behalf and find out why exactly he was booted from the game. A few days after this, the support for Sauerman could be seen on social media clearly, including a tweet from Washburn power forward Joseph Smith which said: “S/O to the guy in the blue full body suit who tried to bring some excitement to the game and got escorted out by the police!” Washburn shooting guard Will McNeill also stood up for Sauerman on Twitter, stating that he wanted to go get food with him for his effort. Regardless of the outpour of support, it was decided Sauerman would be banned from all basketball games until Feb. 13, when he would be subject to a judicial hearing at Washburn. The saving grace was when Washburn athletics stepped into the picture. After hearing the pleas of students, they made calls

through the university and the MIAA to make sure the situation would be resolved quickly and accordingly. Fast forwarding to Monday, Sauerman was able to meet with Meredith Kidd, dean of students. It was decided his ban would be lifted and he would be allowed to attend all future Washburn basketball games, showing that if people all show support to a cause, amazing things can happen. The only recommendation is that Sauerman tone himself down a little, which he gladly agreed with. It’s a great sign when Washburn students are willing to stand behind each other and support one another. The events that took place last Thursday could have easily made people untrusting in the authority figures of the university. Instead, we now know the university is willing to listen to the words of passionate students. What a great step forward for a school trying to show it can support its athletics.

Washburn Student Media is currently hiring enthusiastic, flexible, and dependable individuals.

Positions include: Writers


Videographers Radio hosts Apply today online at www.washburnreview.org

Public Wi-Fi intrigues EIC Tricia Peterson


I just read the coolest story ever and had to share it. Mashable released a story today about the government discussing providing free, public wireless internet. The Federal Communications Commission is considering developing a public “super Wi-Fi” network that would span across the entire United States. This sounds like something I dreamt about 10 years ago, but like most things, there are two sides to the story. The signal would be incredibly strong, able to travel long distances and through thick walls and other stuff. The government would blow away any company offering internet, and that’s the problem. The connection would be faster and free, and will definitely piss off many companies who are now making billions of dollars from the subscriptions of millions of Americans. Google and Microsoft are supporting public Wi-Fi networks and argue that national Wi-Fi networks would help boost the creation of new electronics and could actually be a good thing. Companies such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Qualcomm are hardset on this plan never coming to light. They think the government should create the network but then auction it off to businesses. There are also concerns about whether this network will cause problems with existing networks and broadcasts. Personally, I think it’s both exciting and a little scary. It seems like we are all too connected as it is and this will promote interconnectedness even more. I am worried about when and if this network crashes and what that will mean for the entire US. What do you think about it? Here’s the article: tinyurl.com/ a9dnms2 Tricia Peterson, patricia.peterson@washburn.edu, is a senior mass media major.


4 The Review February 6, 2013


Wednesday, Feb. 6

Phi Alpha Delta Spring Blood Drive: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Law School/Legal Clinic Founders Day Celebration: 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. Women’s basketball vs. Missouri Western State University: 5:30 p.m., Lee Arena Lincoln Lecture “Race and Equality in the Age of Lincoln”: 7 p.m., Memorial Union, Washburn Room Men’s basketball vs. Missouri Western State University: 7:30 p.m., Lee Arena Thursday, Feb. 7

Mental Health Check-Up Day: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Henderson 111 Observatory Open House: 7:30 to 9 p.m., Stoffer Science Hall Friday, Feb. 8

Social Work Licensing Workshop: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Henderson 112 Softball at Southeastern Oklahoma State University: 10 a.m.

Lincoln Lecture explores race Jensen Moore


At 7 p.m. tonight, Washburn University will host Manisha Sinha, an adjunct professor of history and professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts. At her home university, Sinha teaches a variety of courses focusing on slavery in the Civil War, including African-Americans and the movement to abolish slavery, the Civil War and reconstruction, the history of the south from the

Women’s basketball vs. Northwest Missouri State University: 5 p.m., Lee Arena Men’s basketball vs. Northwest Missouri State University: 7 p.m., Lee Arena

For more washburn events, go to events.washburn.edu.

photo courtesy washburn.org

Colonial Period to 1900, and the politics of slavery and the

coming of the Civil War. Sinha will be using her expertise on the subject matter and her time at Washburn to give a presentation on “Race and Equality in the Age of Lincoln” as a part of the Lincoln Lectures leading up to the campus’ sesquicentennial in 2015. Sinha was born in India, but went on to get her doctorate from Columbia University in 1994, where her dissertation was nominated for the Bancroft prize. She is also a published author, having written The Counterrev-

olution of Slavery: Politics and Ideology in Antebellum South Carolina and To Live and Die in the Holy Cause: Abolition and the Origins of America’s Interracial Democracy. In addition to her literary contributions, Sinha also consulted on the script, as well as acted as a feature commentator, for The Abolitionists, which is an episode of PBS’s American Experience series. Jensen Moore, jensen.moore@ washburn.edu, is a sophomore english major.

Law school takes blood PRESS RELEASE

Washburn University School of Law is teaming up with the American Red Cross for the We Challenge “U” Blood Drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today in the first floor commons area at the Washburn Law School building. College and high school blood drives account for about 20 percent of the donations that are given through the Red Cross. The We Challenge “U” program encourages college students to get involved in the community by organizing blood drives and recruiting faculty and friends to give blood during the winter months. This event is sponsored by the Phi

Saturday, Feb. 9

Softball vs. Cameron University: noon


“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian.”

Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. Before donating blood, donors will register, complete a brief health history screening and have their blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature and iron level checked. The entire donation process takes about an hour, but the actual blood donation takes about 10 minutes. Refreshments will be provided at the end of the donation process. Donors will also receive a We Challenge “U” T-shirt, while supplies last. To make an appointment to donate or for more information, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800733-2767), visit www.redcross. org, or contact Amanda Hughes, university relations, at 670.2153.

Do you suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Common symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) include: • Excessive worry • Restlessness • Anxious thoughts • Inability to relax The Cotton-O’Neil Clinical Research Center at Stormont-Vail Behavioral Health is conducting a clinical research study on GAD. You may be eligible to participate if you are: • Between the ages of 18 and 70 years • Are in general good health • Don’t have other known psychiatric conditions Eligible participants of the study receive: • All study-related procedures, including: diagnostic psychiatric assessments, study-related physical examinations, lab tests, monitoring and on-going evaluations. • The investigational drug at no cost. For more information about this study, call (785) 270-4636.


February 6, 2013

The Review 5

Ichabod shop showcases new technology Shaun Collins


Look, in the Ichabod Shop! It’s a bird...it’s a plane...it’s… Laptop computers? Kay Farley, director of the Ichabod Shop confirms that this has been a “long time project” working with Apple for about four years to bring their products to Washburn. On display are two Apple MacBook Air models with retina display and an HP touchscreen model that runs Windows 8 for students to examine. “I’m a firm believer that touchscreens are going to be standard in the next couple of years,” said Doug Lawrence, Ichabod Shop information systems coordinator. But it’s not just the hardware. Sales are handled through the website, Ichabodshop.com, where the computers and software can be customized to fit an individual’s needs, all at an academic pricing structure below retail. “Software is a pretty important part of what we do here, because we can offer students the academic pricing,” said Lawrence. “Office University right now, we’re selling for $99 it’s a large full suite if you bought it commercially you’d spend almost $600 to get it.”

Lawrence cautioned that the software model is changing as well. It used to be that a student could purchase a suite of software and carry it out for the life of the computer, (or longer). But more and more companies are moving toward a limited time license that expires or requires renewal after a set length of time. “That’s something that we’re having to deal with and explain to students and everyone else. Students right now have choices on the Touch This: The Ichabod Shop now has some pretty cool gadgets to check out. Set up like an Apple store, students can come shelf but shortly the in and play with the computers before they decide to buy them. The laptop pictured here is a touchscreen HP with Beats Audio. low cost academic [pricing] is going to be a sub- in mind so that we can support else, it stays here on campus.” Apple products, more tablets, scription based type of applica- them.” While Apple’s display is and more smart phones in store. tion.” Students are the reason the fairly static, HP will be send“The education model is Students will save money shop expanded it’s merchan- ing a new model into the store changing,” said Farley. “We’re over retail pricing, but that’s dise. They will benefit the most every month. Lawrence admits moving away from the textnot the only reason to shop on from these deals, but so will the that he’s particularly looking book and going more toward campus. Washburn community. forward to next month’s mod- technology, and this is a step to “We’re gonna be here” “What we do here at the el, which will feature a touch- support that with our students Farley emphasized when asked Ichabod Shop benefits the stu- screen monitor that detaches on campus.” why should a student elect to dent and the community cam- from the laptop base to be used buy from the Ichabod Shop. pus,” said Farley. “What we as a tablet. “Our number one priority is the do provides revenue, and the Both Farley and Lawrence students of Washburn. Whatev- revenue provides services and emphasize the initial display Shaun Collins, shaun.collins@ er we do, we do it with the stu- support for the students. The models are just stepping stones washburn.edu, is a junior film and dents… and their best interests money doesn’t go anywhere to more merchandise and more video major.

Washburn police reports Jan. 20 Jan. 23 19:55—19th St. and Jew- 13:00—Falley Field, inell Ave, information report formation report asassist outside agency sist outside agency Jan. 22 10:42—Parking Lot 18, 1 3 : 0 5 — motor vehicle accident Wa s h b u r n Institute of 16:29—Morgan Hall, Tech., inforfalse alarm mation report suspicious items

Jan. 24 08:35—Washburn Institute of Tech., information report medical call 18:15—Parking Lot 2, information report damaged vehicle

Are you interested in writing? Visit washburnreview.org and apply online. Part-time English as a Second Language instructor wanted for Central Congregational Church, 1248 SW Buchanan St., Topeka, KS 66614. For more information contact Scott at: 785-235-2376.


6 February 6, 2013 The Review

Washburn celebrates 148 years Jensen Moore


Washburn University celebrates its 148th year as school today. Founders’ Day commemorates its humble and somewhat difficult beginnings, but also celebrates its triumph of becoming a distinguished university. Today, Washburn students are encouraged to take notice of their university’s early history and participate in the day’s activities happening around campus. On Feb. 6, 1865, Washburn, then called Lincoln College was founded. A three year preparatory school, or now commonly referred to as high school, was also established in an addition to the college. “[They] opened a high school in t h e

hopes that they would continue onto college,” said Washburn archivist, Martha Imparato. “There weren’t a lot of people who graduated h i g h school at the time, let alone college.” However, Washburn didn’t receive any college students until the fall of 1866. It was a student body of two, Addison P. Davis and Perley M. Griffin. Griffin was a former soldier in the Civil War and had been held in a prisoner of war camp in Texas for the later part of the war. Both served as teachers at the prep. school. They were Washburn’s first two and only two students

for the entire 66-67 term. This was in addition to the 85 students attending the preparatory school at the time. The faculty was not much higher in numbers. The four acting professors taught for both schools. They are listed as follows, the Rev. Samuel D. Bowker: professor of history and english, George H. Collier: professor of mathematics and natural philosophy, the R e v . Horatio Q. Butter-

f i e l d : professor of Greek and Latin studies, and Edward F. Hobart: professor of chemistry and natural science. In point of fact, the actual founders of the two institutions were the General Association of Congregational Ministries and Churches of Kansas. The association had previously attempted to establish the school in 1857, but progress was slowed by the Civil War. In fact, the name of the college was in direct correlation to the Civil War and the acts of President Lincoln. As stated in the legal document, “Articles of Association in the Incorporation of Lincoln College,” published Jan. 25, 1865, “ARTICLE I. To estab-

lish at, or near the City of Topeka, the Capital of Kansas,… to be named ‘Lincoln College,’ which shall commemorate the triumph of Liberty over Slavery in our nation, and serve as a memorial of those fallen in defense of their country.” It was in the fall of 1868 that the school’s name was changed in response to the generous donation of $25,000 from retired Massachusetts businessman, Ichabod Washburn. The Deacon Washburn had previously ran a wire company manufacturing every kind of wire from telephone to hoopskirts. As it happens, the Deacon had died two months after pledging the donation. Setting history aside, Washburn’s Founders’ day is going to offer students interesting events and deals to take part in. The book store is having a Founders’ day sale on apparel, soda, candy and as other Washburn merchandise. There will also be free cupcakes available in the Memorial Union at 11 a.m. The Memorial Union will also put on Washburn’s annual Lincoln Lecture Series featuring Manish Sinha, p r o fessor of Afro-American studies a t the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is also the author of “The Counterrevolution of Slavery: Politics and Ideology in Antebellum South Carolina.” Sinha will begin the lecture with the subject of “Race and Equality in the Age of Lincoln.” This event will take place in the Washburn Room of the Memorial Union and is free and open to the public.

Jensen Moore, jensen.moore@ washburn.edu, is a sophomore english major.

New web system in early stages of planning AJ Dome


Washburn’s new learning management system Desire2Learn (D2L) requires those managing it to learn the software’s own unique curve, before the program becomes fully implemented by fall 2013. A blog has been created to help students and staff keep track of the progress made in the implementation team’s training. The first team training session was Jan. 11, and according to the blog, the new environment for D2L is ready for testing this month. D2L will be providing on-site training sessions for faculty and staff on Feb. 14 and 15. “Nothing’s happening yet,” said Sue Taylor-Owens, instructional designer for information technology services. “So much is up in the air until we actually start the training.” The change from the Angel system to D2L comes after a review process starting in Fall 2012. Three major candidates for learning management systems presented their new products on campus, getting student and staff reviews and on-site testing. After these tests and recommendations from the faculty IT advisory council and the online education committee, the Wahshburn Board of Regents approved D2L as the replacement system Dec. 7, 2012. “Anything’s better than Blackboard,” said David Murdock, senior physics major. “I never used Angel much, so I’m not sad to see it go.”

New software means a new learning curve, and D2L is expected to be fully implemented by the fall semester. However, because of that learning curve, training workshops will begin in February and continue throughout the year to help faculty and staff with the change. “Hopefully we’ll start instructor and student training in mid-March,” said Taylor-Owens. There will be summer classes offered in D2L as well as Angel. Instructors will be given the choice of which system to offer their classes in. “We want instructors to get started in Desire2Learn quickly, but due to some extenuating circumstances, they might have to still use Angel this summer,” said Taylor-Owens. “We have people who are very anxious to get started with the new system.” For Murdock, the change comes a little too late in his college career. “It [D2L] will probably be better, but I’m a senior, so I won’t get to use it much,” said Murdock.

Jensen Moore, jensen.moore@ washburn.edu, is a sophomore english major.


February 6, 2013 Washburn Review 7

Alpha Kappa Alpha joins Washburn Greeks Tricia Peterson


Alpha Kappa Alpha has recently joined Washburn’s campus and they pride themselves in being the first African American sorority, not only at WU, but ever. AKA was founded in 1908 at Howard University in Washington D.C. and came to Washburn last fall. “We are the first black, Greek letter organization for African American women,” said Chante Mitchell, sophomore communications major. “We are starting fresh.” Friday Feb. 1 AKA went red with their “Pink Goes Red” table in the Memorial Union, with jump ropes and counters. They participated in Jump Rope For Heart and had a goal of 1908 jumps, which they exceeded in less than two hours. The event is called “Pink Goes Red” because the traditional colors for AKA are pink and green, but for one day they wore red for heart disease awareness. Heart disease kills one in three women

every year and the number is higher for African American women, so AKA feels this to be a very important philanthropy. “We have an initiative focusing on young girls,” said Mitchell. “Through our national level of AKA we have a program initiative called Emerging Young Leaders. This initiative is focused primarily on young girls, through middle school.” This spring AKA has many events planned, including Black AIDS Awareness and CAMP AKA. “We are planning to have a day of mentoring called CAMP AKA for high school youth,” said Mitchell. “Our vision is for it to be a day of workshops focused on self-esteem, college prep and being a more involved and serviceoriented citizen. We are planning to have this either late March or early April. It’s still in the works.” “The sorority is like family, once you’re a member you are always a member,” said Porchia Brown, junior mass media major. “We might not like

photo courtesy of Alpha Kappa Alpha

Jump Rope for Your Heart: Members of Alpha Kappa Alpha participated in Jump Rope For Heart last week and reached their goall of 1908 jumps quickly. Audrey Pope, (left) and Portia Brown, (right) show off their goal. For one day AKA swapped out their traditional pink and green colors for red, which was for heart disease awareness. each other one part of the day but the next part we get over it. Just like we were actual birth sisters.” The sorority looks to grow and is actively recruiting members now. “First you have to

express interest and attend events, and then we have a rush, which you come to and get more information about it,” said Brown. For more information on the organization, check out their Facebook page

facebook.com/upsilon. akas or meet them from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7 in the Memorial Union for their Black AIDS Awareness tabling. They will be partnering with the Topeka’s AIDS

Project to raise awareness by performing free HIV testing. Tricia Peterson, patricia. peterson@washburn.edu, is a mass media major.

All Night at the Rec offers something for everyone Ruchard Kelly


This Friday, an event many Washburn students know will be in full force at the Washburn Student Recreation and Wellness Center. The annual “All Night at the Rec,” sponsored by Washburn Residential Living and the SRWC, will bring games, athletics, food, free prizes and more for Washburn students from 11:30 p.m. until

3 a.m. It will be held at the SRWC. To enter, students must show a valid Washburn ID. The doors will be locked at midnight, after which no re-entry is permitted. “All Night at the Rec” is designed to have something for everyone, regardless of athletic capability, according to Brad Turnbull, assistant director of residential living. “There’s something there for everybody,” said

Turnbull. “So, if you show up and want to play video games, you can play video games. If you want to play sports, you can play sports. That’s one of the cool things about it. Being at the rec, people think ‘oh, I’m going to have to work out.’ But I think there’s plenty of opportunity to do what you want.” Expected events include knockout basketball, Twister, Wii Bowling, rock wall climbing and more. There

will also be free pizza around midnight, and the first 100-150 who enter the SRWC will receive a free T-shirt themed around the event. “I believe we’re going to tie-dye them [shirts] this year, so students will have the opportunity to do that,” said Turnbull. For many students who have never been to the SRWC or who only go for intense workouts, Turnbull said the event could be a nice break from

“I think almost all the T-shirts were gone last year,” said Turnbull. “We had a couple hundred people come through. I think we expect to at least have the same amount this year.”

the routine. He said he expects a good turnout for the event, like most years.

Richard Kelly, richard. kelly@washburn.edu, is a senior mass media and social work major.


8 February 6, 2013 The Review


The Review February 6, 2013 9

Ichabod at sea: Feb. 2 entry Emily Juhnke


Photo courtesy of Emily Juhnke

Blown Away: Various photographs of mushroom clouds from the Hiroshima bombing are displayed. Juhnke and other students visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

Quick update on the storms we went through on the way to Japan: When I sat with the captain for dinner during the in-transit day, he told me that we definitely have “bragging rights.” On a scale from one to 10, the storm we went through was about an eight and was one of the worst that he has seen. That’s kind of awesome and scary at the same time. As soon as we got off the ship in Kobe, we started making our way to Hiroshima. Luckily, the information booth at the port terminal had a sheet that showed us which stations we needed to stop at and what trains to take to get there. We decided to take the bullet train, which would get us there in an hour and a half instead of a four hour regular train ride. We asked an adorable elderly man for directions to the Shin-Kobe station. He didn’t speak any English, but offered to walk us most of the way there. It was only about a 10 minute walk, but this is another example of the amazing kindness of the people in Japan. Everyone was so helpful. We ran into an SAS alumni on the way to the station. His name was Mark and he sailed during the fall 1988 voyage. He has been teaching at a university in Kobe for about 10 years now. This was the first alumni I’ve run into on the voyage, and it was really great to hear his story. It just confirmed once again how incredible of an opportunity this truly is and made me wonder about what might be in store for my future. Dahana sat by an older Japanese woman on the train named Hiroko Toyodome. She hardly spoke any English, but tried so hard to have a conversation with us. It was a lot of fun. She knew the word “beautiful,” which she said many times as she pointed to Dahana’s hair. She also understood numbers and ages in English. We

told her how old all of us were and she told us she was 52. She gave us snacks to eat on the train and we all signed a postcard that had a picture of our ship and gave it to her. The little things like that just make the whole experience better. After arriving at Hiroshima station, we took a short tram ride to Hiroshima Memorial Park. A lot of people have asked me to describe what the experience was like. Honestly, it’s very hard to explain. I’ll sum it up in one word: powerful. We first saw the Atomic Bomb Dome, then walked around Memorial Park, saw the Hall of Remembrance and went through the museum. At one point in the hall, we were the only people inside, which made the experience even more real and powerful. Watching the videos, seeing the memorials, reading stories of the victims and survivors and seeing the clothing worn by some that perished and other items found in the rubble from the bombing was very overwhelming. The story that stuck out the most to me was of a young girl named Sudako Sasaki. After leaving Hiroshima we found a place to eat and then took a short walk to see the ShirakamiSha Shrine. The professor of my anthropology of religion course recommended it, so we decided to check it out! I wish I knew more about the Buddhist religion so that I could have made more sense of all of the structures and symbols. I knew enough to understand some of it, but it would have been great to know more. I’m excited to learn more about it in my class. After visiting the shrine, we did some shopping at an outdoor shopping center. We got plenty of snacks and a few great souvenirs. We took the bullet train back to Kobe and spent the rest of our evening walking around and finding a place for dinner and dessert. The food in Japan is

amazing. On the second day in Kobe, I walked around the city and spent sometime in Starbucks so that I could get Wi-Fi to use Viber and call my family. It was the first time I got to talk to all of them since starting the trip and it was great to hear all of their voices. I do miss them and will definitely be ready to see them all again when this incredible adventure is over. “On-ship” time was 6 p.m. that evening, but by 3 p.m. I was exhausted and ready to head back. I ran into my friend Wade in the port terminal, so we got back on the ship and went up to the top deck to talk about our Japan experiences, write in our journals and enjoy looking out over the city. I’ve found that it’s really great to take some time like that to reflect on everything. We arrive in Shanghai, China tomorrow morning. We’ve only had two days back on the ship. Since we have so little time in the classroom, I’m starting to get overwhelmed with homework and studying for exams and projects. I have an exam in my music cultures course the class period right after China, which is pretty stressful. I’m actually glad that I decided to stay on the ship during the two intransit days between Shanghai and Hong Kong. It will be a great time to relax and catch up on school work. I am really excited for China. The kindergarten visit I signed up for got cancelled, which is disappointing. But, I have many other things planned including an acrobatic show, a Cantonese opera, a field lab with my health promotion and behavior course and more.

Blog: My Semester at Sea


Photo courtesy of Emily Juhnke

The Speedy Bullet: Emily Juhnke and other students studying abroad await the bullet train at a Japan station. Juhnke reports that the bullet train trip can save up to 2.5 hours than a regular train ride.

Here are some random things that stuck out to me in Japan: 1. Every single person is so incredibly kind. They tried their best to communicate with us and help us even if they didn’t speak a single word of English. 2. The toilets were a lot different from America and were difficult to operate at times. I wish I would have taken a picture of one. Many had buttons for heating the toilet seats and could actually even “wash you” so that you wouldn’t have to use toilet paper. I didn’t experiment too much, but it was definitely different! 3. Everything is so clean! There was hardly any trash anywhere. Interestingly, there are no trash cans in outdoor public places or along the sidewalks. I learned this was because a bomb went off in a trash can several years ago. Since then, all trash cans have been removed. 4. People don’t really talk to each other in Subway stations or while walking along the streets. It was always very quiet and I felt as if I always had to whisper if I wanted to start a conversation with someone.

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Photo courtesy of Emily Juhnke

In Memoriam: The Memorial Tower to the Mobilized Students is one of many monuments featured at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. The tower honors many students who died during the Hiroshima bombings.

Photo courtesy of Emily Juhnke

Talking on the Bullet: A Japanese woman sits with an abroad student on the bullet train ride. The students enjoyed learning about the woman’s culture.

Emily Juhnke, emily.juhnke@ washburn.edu, is a sophomore mass media major.

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Photo courtesy of Emily Juhnke

In For a Treat: Juhnke displays several desserts she tried in Kobe, Japan. Juhnke spent several days in Japan.

For more stories visit us online at: www. washburnreview. org

10 The Review February 6, 2013


Bill Murray impresses in instant ‘flix classic

Colton Goeffert


Now that Groundhog Day has come and gone, I’d like to take a look back at the greatest film to ever feature the great Bill Murray. Of course I’m talking about the appropriately titled movie, “Ghostbusters.” “Ghostbusters” came out in 1984 and was written by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd, who played the ever logical Dr. Egon Spengler and the enthusiastic, though somewhat childish, Dr. Ray Stanz. The movie, directed by Ivan Reitman, melded many genres including sci-fi, horror, comedy and even a touch of romance. Bill Murray played Dr. Peter Venkman, the smarmy smart aleck of the group. Ernie Hudson, who portrays the everyman Winston Zeddemore, joins the previously mentioned Ghostbusters later in the movie. The film starts out with a paranormal disturbance in the New York Public Library, complete with levitating books and a card catalog that spews

its cards all over, both accomplished with fantastic practical effects. Noticing these phenomena, a scared librarian runs like the dickens only to be terrified by what we’ll later come to know as the Library Ghost. Then, as the iconic Ghostbusters logo fills the screen and the Ghostbusters theme song fills our ears, we cut to an unnamed university. At the university, Peter is conducting an experiment on ESP, extrasensory perception, using ESP cards. This scene alone perfectly sets up Peter’s character as sort of an almost lecherous con man. Ray interrupts the test to tell Peter about the disturbance, and forces Peter to come with him. When they get there, their investigation comes with mixed success. As they get ectoplasmic samples and see the Library Ghost, they don’t have ghost traps or proton packs so their plan to “GET HER!” doesn’t go the way they hope, but it does make for a very funny scene. When the boys get back to the university, they are shocked to find that they’ve been fired from their jobs, so Egon

and Ray decide to go into business for themselves. Peter, Egon and Ray buy the iconic firehouse with money from Ray’s third mortgage. We then cut to Dana Barrett, played by Sigourney Weaver, taking her groceries to her apartment and turning down the advances of the incredibly awkward Louis Tully , played by Rick Moranis. Once in the apartment, the eggs Dana b o u g h t jump out of their shells and cook on the kitchen counter, again making use of great practical effects. When Dana opens her fridge she finds a portal to another world, featuring a pyramid structure and a demonic dog creature that exclaims “Zuul!” Hard cut back to the firehouse where Ray brings in the car that will become the Ecto1, Ghostbusters’ car, after a little work. Dana appears at the firehouse and recruits the Ghostbusters after seeing the commercial they put out. Peter goes with Dana to check out her apartment, but comes up

with nothing, though he vows to help her however he can. Later that night the guys are called in to the illustrious Sedgewick Hotel on their first bust. As secretary Janine Melnitz, portrayed by Annie Potts, sounds the alarm screaming “We got one!” Egon, Peter and Ray scramble into the Ecto- 1 and get to the Hotel. Once there, we get to the first use of

Photo courtesy of imdb.com

the proton pack and ghost traps. They do eventually bust Slimer, the ghost they set out to catch, after causing a ton of property damage. The effects in this scene are great, Slimer and the proton pack streams interact very well and there’s no feeling of disconnect between the effects. It’s also in this scene that thanks to some exposition from Egon, we find out that crossing the stream of the proton packs would be very bad. After a montage showing the success of the Ghostbusters and cameos from radio hosts Larry King and Casey Kasem, we’re introduced to Winston, who is pretty much hired on the spot, as the Ghostbusters are so short

staffed. After a brief scene of Peter flirting with Dana and explaining that Zuul is a minion of Gozer, we’re introduced to Walter Peck, played by William Atherton, an EPA junior administrator who thinks that the containment unit where the Ghostbusters keep the busted ghosts could create toxic chemicals. Peter jerks him around a bit before sending him away without any answers. Downstairs, Egon tells the rest of the Ghostbusters that paranormal activity is on the rise using a very funny metaphor. Cut back to the apartment building when eventually Dana and Louis get possessed by Zuul and Vinz Clortho, the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster. Should the two meet, they would summon Gozer the Gozerian, a cosmic entity bent on destroying the world. Cut back to the firehouse, where Peck has returned with a warrant. He shuts down the containment unit, causing a massive outburst of ghosts and an explosion in the firehouse, and arrests the Ghostbusters. In the chaos, the possessed Louis, who was being watched by the Ghostbusters, escapes to join the possessed Dana. Ray brings some blueprints of Dana’s apartment building and while they’re incarcerated, the guys realize Dana’s apartment building was built to channel ghosts by Ivo Shandor, the leader of a cult that was dedicated

to Gozer. With the city in crisis of biblical proportions and no better options available, the mayor of New York summons the Ghostbusters and recruits them. The boys head to Dana’s apartment and after a grueling climb to the top floor they finally meet Gozer. Things don’t go well, and due to Ray’s inability to control his own mind, a giant marshmallow man ends up stomping through the city. Egon theorizes that by crossing the streams and aiming for the portal Gozer used to enter the world, they could send it back from where it came. Lo and behold, Egon is right. Gozer is defeated and marshmallow rains down on New York. We find out Dana and Louis are okay and as the Ghostbusters theme starts up, the credits roll. Overall, “Ghostbusters” is a masterpiece from beginning to end. This review is twice as long as any of my previous reviews and that’s because “Ghostbusters” has little to no filler. I couldn’t gloss over somethi ng unimportant, because every scene has a great joke, develops a character or ties into the plot further down the line. The music is fantastic, the script is brilliant and the acting is phenomenal. If you haven’t seen “Ghostbusters,” I pity you. You should rectify that situation immediately. Colton Goeffert, colton. goeffert@washburn.edu, is a freshman industrial tech major.

February 6, 2013 The Review 11


To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

The Washburn Review 2/6/13 Crossword



9 2

4 3 6 1 1 5 2 4

8 6


5 3 7 2 7 6 8 4 9 5 Copyright ©2013 PuzzleJunction.com

Super Bowl Commercial Word Search

Solution 1 7 3 8 6 9 4

5 6 4 3 7 2 8

9 2 8 4 1 5 3

2 5 6 1 9 8 7

3 8 1 5 4 7 9

4 9 7 2 3 6 5

7 1 9 6 5 3 2

8 4 5 7 2 1 6

6 3 2 9 8 4 1

1 5 9 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 23 24 27 29 31 33 35 36 40 41 43 44 47 49 50 53 54 57 59 60 62 65 67 70 71 72

Edible tubers Bird (Lat.) Dutch cheese Charles Lamb pseudonym Nocturnal insect Snake toxin Resoluteness Run off Actor Martin or McQueen Linear unit Belief Irritate Most hateful Wedding words Sweat Plateau Perk Ger. prison Play parts Pinch Singer Turner Flowerless plants Shelter Newts Intensify Second sight Music systems Levies Succeeding Sum (Abbr.) Accumulate Loosen laces Amateur picture show Chem. element Indicate discomfort Camp shelter












21 25












70 73

62 68



53 58

61 67


49 52








42 47




12 16

36 41







40 44

















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73 Atlas Shrugged author Ayn 74 Elec. units 75 Energy units Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Conifers Got down Distance markers Balm I love (Lat.) Oath Component Type of cocktail Garden resident Describe in vivid detail

11 12 16 18 22 25 26 28 29 30 32 34 37 38 39 42

Electron tube Moons about Beef Bird word Garlands Ex-serviceman Ireland See 30 Down Holyman With 28 Down, painting style Brim over Declaration Candy or buoy Pismires Short inhalation Combustible material


45 46 48 51 52 54 55 56 58 61 63 64 66 68 69

Compass point Highlander Gr. letter Respiratory disorder Test Rebuff Singing voice Superfluous Give expression to Hang over Warble Tennis units Goal Chart Printer’s measures

Solution on next


12 The Review February 6, 2013

Lady Blues improve win streak to four straight Trevin Edelman


Coach Ron McHenry and his Lady Blues basketball team saw themselves in a physical matchup against the Gorillas of Pittsburg State Jan. 31 at Lee Arena. McHenry was comfortable with the physicality and said that his team was comfortable playing this style. “We are deep enough to play through a tough, physical game,” said McHenry. The first 10 minutes of the game went back and forth between the Lady Blues and the Gorillas. At the 10 minute mark, Laura Kinderknecht hit a three-pointer to take a 1310 lead and the Lady Blues rode that momentum to the locker room at halftime with a nine point lead, 2819. Washburn held PSU to only 20 percent shooting, while shooting 50 percent for the first half. The second half was dominated by the Lady Blues. Washburn had the lead for the entire half,

Photo by Abby Mies, Washburn Review

Southern Comfort: Senior forward Tiara George has been a beast on the offensive end of the court for the Lady Blues this season. The Louisana product was perfect from the field against Missouri Southern State University going 7-7 for 15 points. George cooled off against instate conference rival Pittsburg State, only scoring seven points against the Gorillas. stretching out the lead to 16 points at its largest, 3923. PSU got within nine points at different times in the half, but WU was too solid to give up the lead. The game ended with

a Washburn win, 58-44. The Lady Blues improved to 15-3 overall and to 9-1 in the MIAA. Pittsburg State dropped to 12-7 overall and to 6-5 in the MIAA conference.

Kinderknecht was the leading scorer for Coach McHenry with 15 points. She made three 3-pointers and shot 5-for-10 from the field. Sierra Moeller scored 10 points with four

free throws and 3-for-5 from the field. Stormye Everett crashed the boards hard, grabbing 11 rebounds in the game, setting the high mark for her career. “Stormye has brought us a great deal of energy to our game,” said McHenry. “She works hard at getting to the boards and that is a great start to be a good rebounder.” Leading up to the game, Coach McHenry knew that his player would have to handle the MIAA conference’s leading scorer, Lizzy Jeronimus. She was averaging 19 points a game coming into the game, but WU’s defense held her to only 12 points and 2-for-12 from the field. The stout defense also held PSU to a 30 percent field goal percentage. “We knew we could shut down everyone else, if we slowed her down,” said Moeller. Shutting down Jeronimus was a big key for the Blues. “The primary defenders on Jeronimus did a nice job of staying between her and the basket and without fouling,” said McHenry.

“We ran a couple of defenders at her and they did well. We also were pretty aware where she was most of the game.” The Lady Blues prepare to face Missouri Western University tonight in Schendel Court at Lee Arena at 5:30 p.m. MWU is 13-8 overall and a 6-6 conference record. “Missouri Western is a tough match up for us because they really want to put it on the floor and their bigs like to step out and shoot the perimeter jumper,” said McHenry. “We have seen that game before this year but Missouri Western does it at a high level. We also will need to handle their press because they are really good at creating turnovers.” Washburn is taking their four-game winning streak into this game and remain atop the MIAA standings.

Trevin Edelman, trevin. edelman@washburn.edu, is a freshman mass media major.

Washburn tennis teams get off to a rough start, go 1-3 in spring opener Luke Warnken


The Washburn tennis teams got off to a rough start this spring. Both teams traveled to Springfield, Mo. for their first matches of the spring season. The women’s team struggled mightily in both of their matches, losing both. The Lady Blues fell against the Panthers of Drury Univeristy 9-0 after being defeated 1-8 to the

Univeristy of ArkansasFort Smith.. The men’s team faired a little bit better. They defeated UAFS 8-1 and only lost 7-2 to Drury. The young, inexperienced Lady Blues are still trying to get accustomed to the college game. Junior Sophie O’Neill has the most experience out of the group, but struggled against some good competition. O’Neill fought hard against UAFS before falling 6-4, 4-6,

10-5 and then got drubbed against Drury, losing in No. 1-singles 6-0, 6-1. Washburn is also without one of its top players as Casyn Buchman continues playing with the Washburn Lady Blues basketball team. That has left Washburn head coach Dave Alden with six true freshmen, a redshirt freshman and a sophomore to fill the void. The men’s team is exactly opposite of the women’s team. Washburn

returned most of its team from last year. Having all that experience played dividends in the Ichabods first match of the spring season. The Bods swept singles plays against the University of ArkansasFort Smith. Unlike their counterpart, the Ichabods’ top five singles players are all juniors. In their first match-up this spring against Arkansas-Fort Smith, Arek Kozaczuk won easily in No. 1-singles

play, 6-1, 6-0. Fellow classmates Pascal Laucht and Steven Fletcher came away with wins in No. 2-singles and No. 3-singles. The No. 4-singles player, Bobby Florence, and No. 5-singles player, Chance Joost, breezed through in their matches. Sophomore Dario Munoz-Poletti, the only non-junior to play, rounded out the sweep in singles play. The Ichabods didn’t have similar success the next day against Drury,

getting spanked 7-2. Florence was unable to pull out a win in No. 3-singles, falling in three sets 7-5, 5-7, 10-7. Joost moved down to No. 6-singles against the Panthers and was the lone winner in singles play. Joost and Florence teammed up to win No. 3-doubles 8-5.

Luke Warnken, luke. warnken@washburn.edu, is a junior athletic training major.


February 6, 2013 The Review 13

14 The Review February 6, 2013


Bods win big against PSU behind physical play

Photo by Abby Mies, Washburn Review

Don’t Leave them Hanging: Washburn senior forward Zack Riggins (24) looks finish from point-blank range in front of teammate Kyle Wiggins (11) and three Pittsburg State defenders. After almost blowing two leads in their previous two contests, the Ichabods werre able to put away the Gorillas 67-51 in front of a great crowd on Super Bowl weekend.

Trevin Edelman


In a game that rivaled the women’s game in physicality, the Ichabod men’s basketball team lit up the scoring column with four players scoring double digits in a 67-51 win against Pittsburg State University on last Saturday 31. Both Washburn and Pitt State got off to a slow start, scoring 11 points combined scored in the first five minutes of the game. Just as the women’s teams had done in the preceding contest, it was a seesaw of

scoring that made it hard for WU to get into rhythm. “It is tough to get a run on those guys because it is a rugged game,” head coach Bob Chipman said. After almost fifteen minutes of play, the Ichabods caught fire and exploded to finish the half with a 35-21 lead. The Ichabods would not let up after the halftime intermission and they put it to the Gorillas. Thirteen points was the closest that PSU would get to the redhot shooting of Chipman’s squad. WU stretched out the lead to 20 at one point in the second half, finally

taking the win by 16 points. Shooting guard Will McNeill was the leading scorer for the Ichabods with 14 points. He went 9-for-11 from the charity stripe and he added four assists and seven rebounds. Point guard Martin Mitchell recorded 10 points and six rebounds and power forward Joseph Smith also finished with 10 points. Forward Bobby Chipman finished with 12 points and snatched down eight rebounds, along with two blocks. “We definitely knew that we were up for a big challenge, especially on

the boards.” said Bobby Chipman. “We did the best we could of keeping them in front making sure we boxed them all out.” Pittsburg State’s guard Kaleb Porter led the Gorillas in scoring as he put up 11 points after coming off of the bench. Porter was the only Gorilla player that reached double digits. Washburn was 22-for55 from the floor, while the Gorillas shot only 33 percent. Pitt State was only 7-for-26 in the first half and they finished 17-for51 in the game. WU ended with a 41-30 advantage

in rebounds with 15 on the offensive end of the floor, leading to 16 second chance points. The Ichabods improve their record to 14-4 overall on the season and 7-3 in the MIAA conference. Pittsburg State fell to 6-5 overall and to 13-6 in the MIAA conference. They are not scheduled to meet again this season, but may play in the MIAA tournament in March. Washburn is set to take on Missouri Western University tonight following the women’s game at Lee Arena, for the first of two meetings

in seven days. The task in tonight’s game is to stop the best Griffon player, Cedric Clinkscales. Clinkscales is averaging 13.7 points per game and 6.2 rebounds. The Bods have won the last three games that they have played against the Griffons. Last season, WU outscored MWSU 143-110 in their two meetings, winning both games.

Trevin Edelman, trevin. edelman@washburn.edu, is a freshman mass media major.

The Washburn Review is looking for people interested in covering the Ichabods and Lady Blues! Go to washburnreview.org and apply to be a sports writer.


February 6, 2013 The Review 15

Washburn welcomes ESPN to Yager Stadium

Continued from page 1 We heard around the grapevine that, because two Washburn alums were playing against each other in the 2013 big game (Cary Williams of the Baltimore Ravens, and Michael Wilhoite of the San Francisco 49ers), ESPN would be hosting a live remote from Yager Stadium. Their stand-up man Pedro Gomez would do a live interview with Washburn’s head football coach

Craig Schurig, with excited Washburn folks in the background. I hope SportsCenter was happy, because they certainly got what they came for. By the time Gomez was ready to go live, approximately 500 people were rallied behind him, dressed in all things Washburn, flailing signs and trying to stay warm. All manner of faculty, staff and students were present. The entire football team, most of the cheerleaders and a good chunk of the marching band was in at-

tendance, as well as local media. The Topeka Capital-Journal, WIBW-TV and Kansas First News had to get their own coverage of the early morning school spirit. Huff and I ventured through the crowd, chatting with folks as we went. The men from ESPN had arrived the previous night to catch the basketball game between the Ichabods and the Pittsburg State Gorillas. Also on an interesting note, that was the first-ever basketball game I had been to at Washburn. I know, I’m a bad person, but I’m glad that was my first Ichabod basketball game. Both the men’s and women’s teams won by fair margins. Many of the same fans who sat in Lee Arena the previous night were out on the football field before sunrise, waving and shouting for the national cameras. Mothers wrapped little kids in scarves and

mittens, shuffling their feet to keep warm as the sun rose. Airbods Radio’s own Kara Protasio, the host of Bow Tie Sports Talk, also braved the chilly temperatures with Huff and me. Cheering on Washburn pride became a family affair, and we helped out in our own way. ESPN finally went live at 7:07 a.m., and Gomez didn’t fail us. Interestingly, he was the only person out there who officially worked for ESPN. When a larger media company like that needs people out in a certain area--like Kansas-to cover events or provide footage of something, they hire out licensed freelance videographers or sports reporters to cover it. All of the equipment and most of the people got hired out of Kansas City, for example, and commuted out to Topeka for an early morning live video shoot. That outsourcing is how I got my job last summer with Na-

tional Geographic. I really like that use of local talent; it’s encouraging for me. After the scheduled live feed was over, Gomez took photos with fans for about 15 minutes before going home. Apparently he’s a class act, and the crowd loved him. I probably should’ve stuck around to shake his hand, but my hand was frozen solid by that point, so hot coffee sounded more appealing. Perhaps there will be another time for that introduction. Huff and I didn’t pull an all-nighter just to see what all the fuss was about on Sunday morning. But I’m glad we did, because the amount of school spirit we felt, standing on that football field on a chilly morning in February, was well worth it. The Baltimore Ravens went on to defeat the San Francisco 49ers 34-31 Sunday. Wilhoite finished the

game with a solo tackle for the 49ers. Williams deflected two passes, one of them almost an interception. He finished with three solo tackles as the Ravens came away as world champions. Although Williams is the only Ichabod to win the Super Bowl, Washburn University, the community of Topeka and the state of Kansas are all winners for having to Washburn alums in the big game. In the end, everybody is a winner.

AJ Dome, ajdomer@ gmail.com, is a junior mass media major.

Check Page 16 for photos from this weekends festivities.

RoadRunners split with Ice Rays, lose Friday’s game in a shoot out Richard Kelly


Following a frustrating game Friday night, the Topeka RoadRunners picked up the intensity Saturday. It worked. Having the lead for most of the contest, Topeka (26-11-6) put away the Corpus Christi Ice Rays early, winning 3-1 at Landon Arena. The win came a day after a disheartening 3-2 shootout loss to the same Ice Rays. The RoadRunners got on the board early and while on the powerplay, as defenseman Trace Strahle blasted a shot past Corpus Christi goaltender Ben

Myers at 9:03 to give Topeka a 1-0. Corpus Christi (18-20-6) never recovered from there. At 19:11 of the first period, forward Tyler Groat poked a wrap-around past Myers to give Topeka a 2-0 lead. Topeka led 10-7 in shots after the first period. Late in the first period, however, forward Michal Pastor received an interference call for the RoadRunners. This hurt Topeka early in the second period, as Corpus Christi forward Emil Romig scored a quick powerplay goal just 47 seconds into the second period to pull the Ice Rays within one goal. It was the only goal allowed by Spencer Viele in the contest, as

Photo by Richard Kelly, Washburn Review

Moving Forward: Forward Drew Kariofiles (12) chases after the puck this past weekend against the Corpus Christi Ice Rays. Kariofiles, Topeka’s captain, had an assist on forward Tyler Groat’s goal Saturday night, helping spur Topeka to a 3-1 victory. he improved to 18-6-4 on the season.

Despite a physical ending to the second peri-

od, including a 10 minute misconduct to Topeka forward Jake Kamrass and Corpus Christi defenseman Ryan Chiasson, Topeka held Corpus Christi in check. Shots were 17-3 in favor of the RoadRunners during the period. In the third period, Corpus Christi stepped up the intensity level, firing nine shots at Viele. The veteran goaltender was able to turn them all aside. Forward Mike Gornall, in his fourth game with the RoadRunners, finished off the Ice Rays at 9:26 of the third period, making it 3-1 after burying the puck past Myers. “We struggled to score all year,” said Scott

Langer, Topeka head coach. “So it was nice to get that insurance goal and not have to sweat out a [one goal] game like we have all year.” Topeka now heads on a six-game road trip, beginning this Thursday in Frisco, Texas versus the Texas Tornado. Puck drop Thursday night is at 7:30 p.m. Topeka has not faced Texas since Nov. 25.

Richard Kelly, richard. kelly@washburn.edu, is a senior mass media and social work major.

16 The Review February 6, 2013


Photo by Richard Kelly, Washburn Review

All Eyes on Schurig: Students gathered close to the track as Washburn head football coach, Craig Schurig, does an interview with ESPN’s Pedro Gomez live as ESPN kicked off Super Bowl Sunday at Washburn.

urn Review Photo courtesy of Kara Protasio, Washb

coordinator, poses with Pedro Gomez. Hold the Mic: Kara Protasio, AirBods to flip spots with Gomez for a picture. Protasio is a mass media major and got

Sneak P coach eak: People Craig S g churig. ather around ES Gomez stuck a PN reporter round for a litt Pedro Gome Ph z le to ta ke pictu to say hi afteoto by Richard Kelly ,W rG res des pite the omez’s inte ashburn Review rv cold w eather. iew with

In the Spotlight Photo by Richa : Hundreds of W rd Kelly, Washb ashburn fans ga urn Review WU was the only thered to be a pa team to have a pl rt of history. ayer on both team s in the 2013 Su per Bowl.

Photo by Abby Mies, Washburn Review

Family Act: Bruce Crevier and his family provided halftime entertainment for the people of Lee Arena Saturday night. Crevier was not the only big thing in town, as ESPN attended the game to interview attendees.

Photo by Abby Mies, Washburn Review

Enjoying the Ride: A member of the Crevier family rides around the gym on her small bicycle. Fans flocked into Lee Arena to cheer on the Bods and Blues, Satuday Feb. 2.

For more coverage of ESPN at Washburn check out our Facebook page and our website. facebook.com/washburnreview and washburnreview.org

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