Yuhui Xiong Architectural Work Sample

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Yuhui Xiong Selected Works 2014 - 2017 Washington University In St. Louis | Sam Fox School Southwest Jiaotong University

Yuhui Xiong E-mail: Xiongyuhui@wustl.edu Phone: +1 3146063883 Address: 6038 Pershing Avenue, Apt A St. Louis, Mo, 63112

Education Sep. 2016 - Present

Washington University In St. Louis | Sam Fox School, Missouri, United States of America Master of Architecture

Sep.2011 - June. 2016

Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, People Republic of China Bachelor of Architecture

Professional Experience June. 2017 - Aug. 2017

Atelier XÜK, Shanghai, People Republic of China Intern Architect •Assisted with Liang Xu designing the Hanzhong School. •Assisted with Peng Nie Making both the digital and Physical model of the Yangpu project.

Sep.2016 - Dec.2016

Sichuan Architecture Design Institute, Chengdu, People Republic of China Intern Architect •Analyzed data and designing the masterplan of the Wanke project. •Designed and drew the plan of Longteng housing project.

Academic Experience Sep. 2015 - Dec. 2015

SRTP Research Program, Southwest Jiaotong University Researcher •Studied the relationship between the geography and the layout of Langzhong city in Sichuan.

Skill Sketch Up, Adobe Suit (Photoshop/ Illustrator/ In Design), Auto Cad, Vray, Rhino, Revit

Index Graduate Works


Country Mouse City Mouse: Connected And Separated House With Courtyard Urban Design and Housing



On Visibility And Transparency: The New Interpretation Of The Promenade System Housing and Gallery



Light Intersection: The Dormitory In South Chicago Housing


Undergraduate Works


Kangba Kalachakra: Teaching Building Group in Kangding College Teaching Building



The Dynamic Views: Sky Courts City Theater Theater


Professional Work


Hanzhong Middle School in Xinan District Teaching Building



Country Mouse City Mouse: Connected And Separated House With Courtyard

WUSTL Optional Studio / Solo Project Project Type: Residential Year: 2017 Fall Instructor: Patty Heyda This project comes to terms with the realities of the city and its hinterland through an examination of sites along the hypothetical rural-urban 'transect' (St. Louis region) to establish a new working framework for what thse contexts mean and what their relationships are to each other. The project includes two houses designs, one of them locates in the urbanwhile the other in the suburban. Both of the designs are based on the site analyze and population research, they take the courtyard as the key element. However, the courtyard, which could be the connector or separator, plays different rolse in the two houses because of the diversity of context. These two housing designs are going to explain how are living habits today defined by complexities of the site? What are the new Country Mouse, City Mouse narratives and what forms do they take?


Botanical Heights, formerly known as McRee Town, was a neighborhood where crime happened often and vacant parcels widespread. According to the census data from 2010, most of the residents who lived in this neighborhood had low income level, and a large part of them were black single mother. Research shows that they need more flexi ble spaces where they can watch kids while cooking and more shared space where make them feel connected, but also protected. However, the current situation is that most of layouts of the units in the Botanical Heights are made of isolated rooms. The kid do not have a safe place to play after school where adults can watch them while multitasking.


Urban House: This project focuses on creating a new typology of house which could improve the living environment for the low income families, trying to make the new house both safe and connected. By placing a courtyard in the center, the relationship between the four surrounding units will be rebuilt, people who live in the house will have more opportuniti es to communicate with each other and help each other watching kids. In order to reinforce the sense of safety for the single mother, the project has set a sequence of layers on the facade, which allows or shelters different degrees of connection from public street.



Suburban House: Compared to the Botanical Heights, the Creve Coeur is a much richer neighborhood where has a lower population density and safer living environment. People who live in there need a much indend ent space to protect the privacy. The new project takes the same strategy of courtyard as both the connector and separator which applies to the suburban site. Multiple layers are set to provide the different privacy levle in the house. The project also brings the landscape into the house with two spiral lines in order to merge the courtyard with the hous e better.




On Visibility And Transparency: The New Interpretation Of The Promenade System

WUSTL Optional Studio / Solo Project Project Type: Residential / Gallery

Year: 2017 Spring The Spaso House has been the residence of the Ambassador of the

Instructor: Gines Garrido United States in Moscow since 1933. It is a small palace built in 1914, a magnificent example of neoclassical architecture. It is located at the heart of Moscow, in the Arbat neighborhood, less than a mile away from the

The Spaso House has been the residence of the Ambassador of the United States in Moscow since sian bourgeoisie from the first third of the XIX century until 1917, when 1933. It is a small palace built in 1914, a magnificent the Bolshevik Revolution succeeded. example of neoclassical architecture. It is located at The Spaso House has witnessed a very important part of the history of the heart of Moscow, in the Arbat neighborhood, the last century. It has hosted a broad repertoire of Presidents of the less than a mile away from the Kremlin. The Arbat United States. Moreover, legendary parties have been held in it and very still preserves many of the palaces built by the important artists, both North American and Russian, have been there Rus­sian bourgeoisie from the first third of the XIX such as Ray Charles, Chick Corea, Leonard Bersnetin or the Russian writer century until 1917, when the Bolshevik Revolution Mikhail Bulgakov. succeeded. Kremlin. The Arbat still preserves many of the palaces built by the Rus-

The Spaso House has witnessed a very important part of the history of the last century. It has hosted a broad repertoire of Presidents of the United States. Moreover, legendary parties have been held in it and very important artists, both North American and Russian, have been there su ch as Ray Charles, Chick Corea, Leonard Bersnetin or the Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov. This project focusing on desining the new ambassador's house with as well as the gallery where exhibit the history of the Spaso House. Part of the project should be opened to the public, where people can get access to know the. However, the project should also consider how to protect the privacy of the ambassador.


Architecture is experienced as one roams about in it and walks through it... So true is this that architectural works can be divided into dead and living ones depending on whether the law of 'roaming through' has not been observed or whether on the contrary it has been brilliantly obeyed." (Le Corbusier, 1942)

The "promenade architecturale" - the observer’ s pathway through the built space - is a central element of Le Corbusier' s architectur­a l and city planning designs. It is the sequence of images that un­f olds before the eyes of the observer as he or she gradually advances through the structure.It is the cre ation of a hierarchy among the architectural events, a set of instructions for reading the work - the "internal circulatory system" of architecture. With the help of the "promenade architecturale, Le Corbusier created virtu­osic imbrications of indoor and outdoor space, fluid spaces that reveal themselves as the visitor progresses. Architecture constitutes the space of processes of movement. Le Corbusier's idea had a huge impact on Rem Koolhaas, who has spent several years in Russia and developed the promenade system further in his own architectural language. He has connected the space with the movement within the building, which provided the continuous views.



B-B Section 1’=1/16”

Site Plan West Elevation 1’=1/16”

Site Plan

A-A Section 1’=1/16”

North Elevation 1’=1/16”

A-A Section 1’=1/16”

B-B Section 1’=1/16”



Light Intersection: The Dormitory In South Chicago

WUSTL Core Studio / Solo Project Project Type: Residential Year: 2016 Fall Instructor: Philip Holden This project is a combination of light phenomenon and social issue. The light phenomenon shows two beams of light overlap together and interact with each other. The social issue is about providing an both affordable and comfortable housing for the university students in Chicago. In this project, the public system and private system overlap in two directions separately in order to match the site geography. In this way, the building will merge into the site and be an extended part of a charter school. The student who come from different school will have more opportunities communicating with each other in this building.









Mass Study








Second Flool Plan

Ground Flool Plan 13



Kangba Kalachakra: Teaching Building Group in Kangding College

Huopu International Architectural Competition/ Group Work Project Type: Teaching Building Year: 2015 Fall Instructor: Xiaonan Wang The 2015 Huopu International architectural competition is aimed at creating buildings which are evolutive in mutipul ways. The buildings should consider both geographical condition and traditional local culture at the same time. This project is located in Kangding, Sichuan province, where served as the link between the Tibetan culture and the Han culture. As the fact of the development of the city and the increase of the population, this region is presenting a more and more complicated architecture style. What we are concerning is trying to figure out the equilibrium point of these two cultures.


Summer Preveiling Winds Frequency

generalized area distribution of Tibetan culture

The program is located in Kangding, where the Tibetan region join to the Han area. This specific geographic position brings in the culture confliction and the distinct climate characteristics. Considering that this region is always extremely cold in winter, always with sufficient sunlight and powerful winds, we are more concentrate on the energy saving design as well as the mass study. We hope it could be the building which belongs to the indigene.

Winter Preveiling Winds Frequency

Average Wind Temperature (winter)

Optimum Orientation

Thermal pressure ventilation in summer

Heat preservation with rammed-earth wall and patio in winter 16

The endless Panchang-Knot is one of eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism; meanwhile, it is extremely similar to woven fabric in contour and structure and to the conventional spaces. Such analogues are the source of our inspiration in organizing the space, paths and considering the relations between buildings. In addition, we extract the space imageries from the Mandala, the endless Panchang-Knot and the Kalachakra, thus intend to create some characteristic spatial orders, circulations and expressions of diversity cultures.


Architecture Hall

Teaching Building

Laboratory Building




The Dynamic Views: Sky Courts City Theater

Southwest Jiaotong University Core Studio / Solo Project Project Type: Theater Year: 2014 Fall Instructor: Jingsong Shi

Chengdu, formerly romanized as Chengtu, is a sub-provincial city which serves as the capital of China's Sichuan province. It is one of the three most populous cities in Western China. As of 2014, the administrative area houses 14,427,500 inhabitants, with an urban population of 10,152,632. At the time of the 2010 census, Chengdu was the 5th-most populous agglomeration in China. This theatre will be served as one of the landmarks of Chengdu’s downtown cultural building group in the future. The concept of which comes from the acient drama stage built among the mountains, emphasizing the characteristic of Sichuan’s landscape. The designer also lead the view of the central square into the building to increase the landscape elements.


The cultural architectures of the city all located in this area, distributing among five points of a pentagon .

Investigating the traffic condition , trying to put more architectural elements to the main facade in order to grasp citizens’ attention.

Determine the axis according to the location of the site and several important city nodes, the axis will guide the mass study.

Intensifyng the communications between the city theater and other cultural architectures.

Mountainous area in each province of China










North Elevation

South Elevation



西汉 刘彻


东汉 刘秀 Professional Work:

Hanzhong Middle School西汉in刘彻 Xinan District

东汉 刘秀

Atelier XÜK / Intern Project

西汉 刘邦

Project Type: School Year: 2017 Summer Architect: Liang Xu, Peng Nie, Jun Wang, Yuhui Xiong 三国 刘备

西汉西汉 刘邦

三国 刘备

Western han Dynasty 西汉 东汉 蜀汉 汉代是我国封建社会社会经济、文化首次得到极大发展的时代,也是汉民族文化 西汉 东汉 蜀汉 eastern han Dynasty 汉代是我国封建社会社会经济、文化首次得到极大发展的时代,也是汉民族文化 历史 形成的重要时期,基本奠定了 汉文化的建筑语言:高台、重檐、廊院 Hanzhong, where the Han dynasty begins,形成的重要时期,基本奠定了 is蜀汉 one of the hIstoRy 汉文化的建筑语言:高台、重檐、廊院 shu center han biggest cities of Shanxi province, located at the of China. The culture, technology, economy improved greatly 建筑语汇 language during the Han dynasty. It is also the dynasty that Architecture defined the traditional architectural style for the first time. Thousands of schools emerged at that time, which was regarded as the beginning of China's educational system.

This project is based on the Han style architectural language: the cornice, the hathpace and the corridors. These elements will remind the city and the citizens the most properous and respectful era of all the time. The student will enjoy the garden-like campus when study under the trees. The mixed architectural style will also influence the student to learn DRAWInG 效果图 / IMPRessIon about the history, learn about the future. 西翼小学 鸟瞰图

西汉 刘彻

东汉 刘秀

西汉 刘邦

三国 刘备

叁 设计概念之西翼小学 西汉 东汉 蜀汉 汉代是我国封建社会社会经济、文化首次得到极大发展的时代,也是汉民族文化 形成的重要时期,基本奠定了汉文化的建筑语言:高台、重檐、廊院


conceptual DesIGn

西翼小学 /

效果图 / IMPRessIon DRAWInG 西翼小学 主入口及东立面

XIyI PRIMARy school


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