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Admissions FinancialAid
Find instructions, resources to successfully complete your application, and important dates and deadlines at admissions.wustl.edu/ how-to-apply.
FinancialAid&Scholarships >Awardsthatrangeuptothefull costofattendance,including no-loanpackagesforfamilies who earnlessthan $75,000.
>Merit-basedscholarshipsand need-basedscholarships.
>WashUfinancialaidcounselors workindividuallywitheach familytounderstandits uniquecircumstances.
>Acommitmenttohelping youthroughoutyour undergraduateyears. Contact UndergraduateAdmissions admissions.wustl.edu 800.638.0700or314.935.6000
StudentFinancialServices financialaid.wustl.edu 888.547.6670 or 314.935.5900
Our Philosophy
We want to know who you are and what matters to you, so we can help you direct your talents, drive, and energy toward becoming a successful, contributing global citizen who works to improve your community and your world. With this in mind, we review each application in a holistic and individual manner. And for firstyear, domestic applicants, we will not consider whether or not you can afford to pay any or all of WashU’s tuition. In this review we look for: > Academic potential >Personal characteristics and qualities >Accomplishments and involvement > Fit and engagement
For more about how we approach the admissions process, visit admissions.wustl.edu/building-ourcommunity.
Experience WashU
Weinviteyouandyour familytogettoknow the WashUcommunity. Formoreinformation, gotovisit.wustl.eduor call800.638.0700or 314.935.6000.
Federallawrequires colleges anduniversities to provideconsumerinformation to prospectivestudents andtheirfamilies.Pleasego to wustl.edu/policies/studentconsumer.htmlforconsumerinformationconcerningournoticeofavailability ofinstitutionalandfinancialaidinformation;contactinformationforassistance inobtaininginstitutionalorfinancialaidinformation;andgeneralinstitution information,includingprivacyof student records,services forstudents with disabilities,educationalprograms,accreditations,costs,computeruseand copyright infringement policies,student diversity,priceof attendance,refundand withdrawalpolicies,teacherpreparationinformation,studentfinancialassistance (assistancethatisavailablefromfederal,state,local,andinstitutionalprograms; federalstudentfinancialaidpenaltiesfordruglawviolations;andstudentloan information),healthandsafetyinformation,studentoutcomeinformation (retentionrate,graduationrate,jobplacement,etc.),ourintercollegiateathletic program participation rates, financial support data, and voter registration information.
You already have a vision for your success and the drive tomake it happen. You deserveaschool that pushesyouto unlock more than youknewpossible.
Washington University encourages and gives full consideration to all applicants for admission, financial aid, and employment. The university does not discriminate in access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, veteran status, disability, or genetic information. Applicants with a prior criminal history will not be automatically disqualified from consideration for admission. Inquiries about compliance should be addressed to the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Washington University, Campus Box 1184, OneBrookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130.
Our University Police Department is available 24/7. Each year we publish Safety and Security, a brochure detailing what to do and whom to contact in an emergency, as well as publishing our federally required annual security and fire safety reports, containing campus crime and fire statistics, and key university policies and procedures. You may access the Safety and Security brochure at police.wustl. edu/campus-security-act-reporting/, or a paper copy will be provided to you uponrequest.