1 minute read
by wuthichart
Millions of years ago, strange animals lived on earth. At that time there were no people at all - so the dinosaurs ruled the earth. Some were quick and intelligent, like Tyrannosaurs Rex and Velociraptor. They hunted other dinosaurs, like Apatosaurus and Iguanodon These dinosaurs only ate plants and were not very quick so they couldn’t run away easily.
We know a lot about dinosaurs, even though the last ones died nearly 70 millions years ago. But how? Scientists have found their bones in the ground and put them back together again.
These bones tell us what the dinosaurs looked like, how big they were, what they used to eat, and even what sorts of places they used to live in.
In nearly every country in the world museums have collections of dinosaur bones which you can look at and imagine how they lived. There are lots of books and films about dinosaurs, so it’s not different to find out more about them.