1 minute read
by wuthichart
The Gorilla is an ape who is manlike, called Anthropoids, and is the largest and most powerful of the primates, the mammal order. There are other human traits such as their own social system and social organizations.
In their society they have established and appointed different social positions. Just as we would elect the President of our country, so would a group of gorilla select their leader. The gorilla, like man, will bend his brow when he is unhappy. According to the report of
scientists, the gorilla has different emotional reaction like a child. As they like to live together, they rarely quarrel among themselves. Nevertheless, they have the temperament of a human child.
The gorilla spends most of its life on the ground, although it is able to climb trees. The animals move around in bands consisting of a large male accompanied by one or two females and their young of various age. A new camp is prepared each evening. A group of gorillas will rarely spend two nights in succession in the same spot.
The gorilla is generally considered to be lower in intelligence than the chimpanzee and the orangutan, Although there are instances where the gorilla has exhibited considerable mental ability, it is not mechanically inclined like the orangutan or a showman like the chimpanzee. A young gorilla is exceedingly playful like a child, and it is afraid of being left alone in the dark, as a child.