Thursday, October 21, 2010
Vol. 88 No. 7
Volleyball sponsors fundraising event for cancer research By Katie Rihn Staff Writer Friday afternoon and into the evening the Waynesburg University women’s volleyball team will take part in something that has become an annual tradition for them. The Yellow Jackets will play host to their third annual “Dig Pink” match, formerly known as “Dig for the Cure”. The Jackets are scheduled to begin their trimatch at 3 p.m. when they take on visiting Chatham University.
Later in the evening beginning at 7 p.m. they face off with Saint Vincent College. The “Dig Pink” campaign is a part of the Side-Out foundation that hopes to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. According to head coach Stephanie Benkowski, “Dig for the Cure” and “Dig Pink” have combined their efforts in raising awareness and in Benkowski’s eyes it’s better than it ever has been. See EVENT on A2
51 W. College St. Waynesburg, PA 15370
Photos courtesy of Megan Peebles
(Above) Members of the Waynesburg football burst on to the field for Saturday’s game. (Below) Seniors Bill Hanning and Mikey Macosko pose after being named King and Queen.
Hanning, Macosko named King, Queen By Jon Ledyard Assignments Editor
Waynesburg University’s Homecoming Week TUDENT ENATE festivities were highlighted by the announcement of this year’s king and queen at halftime of the Yellow Jacket’s football game at Wiley Stadium Saturday. The 2010 HomecomBy Gregory Reinhart ing King award went to Staff Writer senior marketing major Bill Hanning and the Concerns about the Waynesburg University Homecoming Queen meal plan system controlled the Student Senate crown was given to senior floor during Tuesday’s meeting. nursing major Mikey “It is a work in process with the University, Macosko. and they are working on it,” said Natalie George, “I didn’t really expect it Student Senate academic vice president. to be honest,” said HanThe senators are in favor of a rollover plan. This idea would allow students who do not use up their entire meal plan to carry their unused meals to allowing weeks of the semester. Waynesburg University currently runs on a meal plan system that allows a student to have set number meals for each week. By Kelsey Bradley and “If you pay a crazy amount for food, you should Rachel Brown be able to have the option to eat more,” said Jack- Yellow Jacket Staff alyn Delach, who broached the subject during the meeting. First, there’s the Delach had mentioned that she was not a sena- thrill. tor but came into Tuesday’s meeting to propose A few second wait as the issue of meal plan change. your intended recipi“This was an issue that was discussed with Joe ent gets the message. But within a few See MEAL on A2 days, your nude photo
Students debate rollover meal plans
For more Homecoming coverage, see C1. ning. “You don’t really expect you and your escort to get crowned, but that’s how it worked out.” Macosko identified
with Hanning’s feeling of surprise at being selected. “I was very surprised but very honored to crowned queen,” said
Macosko. “You want to believe it’s going to be you as you’re running but it is more surreal than anything when it actually happens.” For Hanning, a candidate on last year’s court, the decision to run for king was a late one that he did not expect to come to much fruition. Macosko said that being a good role model for others edged the vote in her direction. “I would hope it was my personality that swayed the vote in my See WEEK on A4
Study shows 25 percent of teens ‘sext’ goes viral. Today, more than 25 percent of American teenagers are engaging in this behavior, known as “sexting,” according to a study by the Associated Press and MTV. “I think that they think it will only be
seen by the person that they are sending it to and that it’s fun, exciting, sexy, daring,” said Jane Owen, director of the Counseling Center. They send sexually inappropriate messages electronically, mostly to significant others or crushes.
But privacy is no longer an option once these messages go viral. “At the very least it is an invasion of privacy,” said Owen. “What most students realize is that See MORE on A3
Goblins and Goodies: Thayer Hall plans Oct. 30 Octoberfest By Kyle Edwards Editorial Assistant Thayer Hall is once again beginning to plan for its annual Octoberfest. This year, the event will take place Oct. 30, the day before Halloween. “I know that Octoberfest has built a good reputation, so much so that we should have a good turnout this year,” said
Steve Bauthier, resident director of Thayer Hall. “It’s an event that is meant for everyone, something where everyone can just come out and have a good time and enjoy themselves.” Resident Assistant and Secondary Education major Kameron Schaefer agrees. “I think it provides them with an opportunity to engage with each other,” he said. “It’s
another activity to do outside of the events that the Student Activities Board provides, so I guess it’s just a little more informal. It’s something to do on a Saturday night that they don’t have to pay for.” According to Bauthier, this is the fourth year for Octoberfest. Schaefer explained that the Thayer Hall residence life staff has big plans for this year’s
event, but neither Bauthier or Schaefer would elaborate, stating that they wanted the activities to remain a surprise. “We will have better food and drinks and different entertainment,” said Bauthier. While Thayer Hall will host the event, Bauthier stressed the fact that the event was not restricted solely to the hall’s residents. “It’s not really a gender
specific event,” he said. “It’s not meant to be more for one group of people than another. Octoberfest is meant for all the halls on campus, so everyone is invited to come.” Schaefer believes that the event will not only continue in the future, but it will continue to grow as well. “I know it has been going on for a while so it’s kind of like tradi-
Men’s cross country turned in one of its best performances ever Saturday. See Page C1
Greene County was named one of the unhealthiest counties in Pennsylvania.
Senior Kirstin Repco won the sixth season of Waynesburg Idol.
INSIDE Copyright © 2010 by Waynesburg University
tion,” Schaefer said. “I would say that it is definitely going to get bigger and I think that hopefully, it will be bigger this year. But I do think it will always be a Thayer event we definitely have some good things planned.” Schaefer also encouraged everyone to attend. “We’ve got some good surprises planned for that evening,” he said. “So come on out. It’s going to be fun.”
Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A1-A4 Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B1, B4 Editorial/Op-Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . .B2, B3
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C1-C4 Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D1-D2 Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D3-D4
See Page B1
See Page D1
Page A2
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Singer/songwriter uses God-given talents to spread gospel By Andrew Buda Staff Writer Singer/songwriter Jared Campbell gave the message in Tuesday’s chapel sharing through both verbal testimony and song. Campbell, an upstate New York resident, spends the school year traveling the country to perform at colleges across the nation. Campbell has also started a program called the Blue Project through which he visits different high schools and middle schools playing music and bringing a message of hope to teenagers across the country. Growing up in a home where church was mandatory, Campbell refused to sing in the services and sat in the
Photo by Andrew Buda
Singer Jared Campbell spoke at Chapel Tuesday. Campbell also performed at noon in the Benedum Dining Hall. front row with his family with his arms crossed and lips sealed. “I hated church,” said Campbell, “until middle
school when I went to a conference where God changed my life.” Campbell’s motives for attending the confer-
ence were not faithbased and he decided to go mainly because his parents would not be there and girls would.
Grant winners implement projects By Melissa Bosley Staff Writer This semester, four students were awarded grant money to fund a service project of their choosing. The four recipients were Evan Kephart, a sophomore Biblical ministry studies major; Alyssa Perkins, a freshman early childhood/special education major; Dorothy Rurak, a senior environmental science major; and Victoria Kamicker, a senior public relations major. Kephart’s program is called the Healthy Living
Project. “The goal is to help adults with mental health issues learn to live healthy life styles,” Kephart said. “We do this through education and proper equipment.” “We have begun implementation of the project,” Kephart said. “So far we have purchased a TV, a Wii system and accessories for the system.” The program includes educational opportunities for participants. “Some of the members have begun to attend classes at Penn State
Extensions,” Kephart said, “to learn about how to manage diabetes.” Perkins’ program is entitled PAWsitive Reading Program, which involves children improving their reading skills by reading to therapy dogs. “It provides a non-judgmental environment for the child to learn,”she said. Perkins has already contacted dog handlers and is looking into getting involved the Jefferson Elementary School District. Perkins said that she would like to be in the
school district Nov. 6 through Dec. 10. “I’d like to get into other schools too,” she said. Rurak’s project is called Fox Feather Self-Guided Interpretive Refurbishment Project. “The goal is to help restore the trail,” Rurak said, “to provide the community a place to learn, hike and enjoy the nature around them.” Rurak has a specific plan of what she intends to do for the community and the Ryerson Station See PROJECTS on A4
Photo by Gregory Reinhart
Student Senate President Michael Quinn repackages a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child during the Tuesday meeting. Senators filled several boxes during the meeting.
Meal plans discussed Continued from A1
DeSalvo [director of dining services],” said George. “It is a University issue and we need to exact numbers on this. It needs to be a University need and not just a group need.” George and Jennifer Brusstar, student senate social vice president, took most of the questions from the senators about idea for
meal plan revision. “We all agree it’s a great idea,” said Chelsea Cummins, student senate secretary. “But, it’s difficult because we are just the Student Senate body and not University officials.” The executive board argued that they don’t make the decisions. George brought order back into stating the conversation would continue next week. A rollover meal plan option can be consider at once the current contract with Aladdin
has expires, she said. Once the contract is over, Waynesburg University can renegotiate terms with Aladdin. The executive board said the idea of rollover meal plans could bring a hike in tuition if implemented. Trayless Tuesday was brought back up in the social task force. “It has to be worked out,” said senator Dominic Remito. “And the only way to do is to take the trays completely away.” Brusstar mentioned a talk with DeSalvo
and that he was in favor for such an idea. “People need to consider this fact because in the long run it cuts down on food and water wastage,” said Brusstar. No decision was made about getting rid of trays. “It’s a work in progress,” said Michael Quinn, student senate president. Each of the tasks forces broke out to help put together their Operation Christmas Child boxes for this week.
Very much to Campbell’s dismay, the conference ended up being three days of sermons and worship. Three days
Event raises money Continued from A1
“This year is a little bit more involved than in previous years because there is a website where people can donate,” said Benkowski. “Also the website provides information on the match, what’s going on the day of the games and what other schools are involved.” Benkowski and the rest of the women’s volleyball team have been working for weeks now on their efforts to bring awareness to breast cancer. “We have been tagging for two Sundays at the Giant Eagle in Waynesburg,” said junior Jordan Barton. “We are coming across a lot of nice people that are really willing to donate for a good cause. Sunday we also began selling our Dig Pink Tshirts at Giant Eagle to raise even more money.” The Dig Pink T-shirts, which were made by junior Krysta Stanko, are on sale all week in the cafeteria for $10 and can also be purchased at the match Friday night. In terms of a goal for this year’s efforts, sophomore Carly Smithyman is looking at a big number. “Our goal is to sell all of the 400 shirts that we ordered,” said Smithyman. “If we are able to accomplish that we will have raised over $4,000.” With an event such as this, planning and making sure everything is ready to go is something to be done way in advance. “The biggest type of planning is figuring out different ways to fundraise and get donations,” said Benkowski. “Along with going to Giant Eagle and the Tshirts, we’ve sent out letters for donations with the link for the website to parents and players of not only our team but for Chatham and Saint Vin-
of church. In the sixth grade, Campbell had received a guitar as a gift, and was able to recognize his talent right away. When one of the speakers at the conference shared that God made everyone with different gifts that are all to be used for his glory, Campbell instantly knew what his gift was. As the speaker called anyone to the front who wanted to give their gifts, talents and lives to Jesus. Campbell tried to resist. “I was way too cool for that,” Campbell said. “But next thing I knew, boom. I was walking to the front as if God directly called me See CAMPBELL on A3
cent as well. “We’re going to have a couple different tables for breast cancer awareness set up at the games and have giveaways. It’s not a lot of planning but you have to plan early enough.” According to Barton this event is a way to bring her and her teammates closer together. “The Dig Pink and Dig for the Cure games have always brought the team close. It’s an exciting event for everyone on the team and on campus,” said Barton. “Because of all of the tagging and T-shirt selling we do, we see a lot of nice people and hear a lot of stories of people that have lost loved ones to breast cancer. They normally thank us for doing what we do and it makes the team feel really good for having this event every year in October.” For Smithyman the impact of breast cancer can be felt close to home. “My best friend’s mother is currently fighting breast cancer and to see her going through it is hard as a friend,” Smithyman said. “It is great to know that I am helping her along with many other people to fight against breast cancer.” Barton has also been in a situation where breast cancer has impacted her life on a personal level and enjoys being able to contribute in any way she can. “I love the fact that we do this event every year and we are a team that takes the event pretty seriously,” said Barton. “I lost my aunt to breast cancer and it means a lot to me to know that I am helping to find a cure for breast cancer and trying to help save other people in need now and in the future.” To show your support for the women’s volleyball team and breast cancer awareness, wear pink this Friday and join them for their Dig Pink trimatch beginning at 3 p.m.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Page A3
Education students taught how to handle bullies in classroom By Sarah Bell Staff Writer In the past three weeks, five teenagers committed suicide due to acts of bullying. These suicides have taken place across the country, from the east coast to Indiana, Texas and California. The suicides sparked debates over whether education systems are taking serious actions to stop bullying. Department of Education Diane Woodrum said that anti-bullying education could be built directly into the teaching curriculum. “I think in most cases teachers discuss bullying, even in kindergarten and first grade,”
Woodrum said. “Each year it builds. I don’t think it gets serious until about second or third grade.” Woodrum also recognizes that most teachers and schools are becoming more proactive about bullying. There are bulletin boards when you walk into most schools addressing issues like bullying, Woodrum said. Maureen Mulvaney, professor of Education, agrees that schools are addressing the issue. “Part of my job is to supervise student teachers,” Mulvaney said. “When I am in the schools I see a much bigger emphasis of anti-bullying; there are assemblies that talk about it in
schools.” Bullying is addressed at Waynesburg University as well. The professors in the department receive emails and other information from outside sources on the topic. “Because we’re in a very rural area some of the reasons kids are bullied in high school, like being different, carries over into college,” Mulvaney said. “I think the issues that have the most controversy on this campus are probably sexual orientation and religion. There are a lot of people that believe that religions other than their own are not right; they see their beliefs as better than others.”
There are teachers who believe that bullying is not their responsibility. They think it is out of their power, she said. According to Mulvaney, the education classes at Waynesburg University attempt to counteract that belief because the department wants students to address and deal with bullying in the classroom. Woodrum agrees that students who wish to become teachers need to understand how to deal with bullying. Students in the Department of Education have seen bullying in classes that they are observing or student teaching in she said..
“When students come back with stories of bullying we ask them, ‘What happened? How was it exposed? How was it handled, and what did the student learn from the experience?,’” Woodrum said. “We use it as a learning activity in class; we teach through role playing where one student will play the bully and the other will be the bullied.” Woodrum also believes that the students can use these techniques if bullying does become an issue in their classes. Cyber bullying has become a serious issue as well. “Students should be worried about the legal
consequences of cyber bullying,” Mulvaney said. “They should know that what they write, even if it does not occur on school time, can affect their classes.” Mulvaney also believes that teachers should talk to individuals and try to dissuade them from partaking in such acts. “I think derogatory and racial comments should be forbidden in the classroom,” said Mulvaney. “It is inappropriate to be said even if it is not intended viciously; students who witness bullying or hear it second hand need to take responsibility and act appropriately.”
Campbell speaks out.” Ever since the conference, Campbell has been sharing God’s love with those around him. “I wanted to share the gospel with my friends in middle school,” said Campbell. “So I had pizza, wings and Jesus Night. Forty guys came out and they all gave their lives to God.” The food and message Jared shared went so well with the guys he decided to have a night for girls. Again, 40 of his peers came, and 40 of them gave their lives to God. “My testimony parallels the story in the Bible where Jesus feeds the 5,000.” Campbell served as a worship leader in church
for years, until he felt called by God to enter the secular music world. He began playing at public venues. Even though Campbell felt he was glorifying God, he began to stray away from the call God had given him. He was becoming a local celebrity and his friends started calling him a rock star. “After you hear it enough you start to believe it,” said Campbell. He lost direction in life and in his music for sometime, until he felt God calling him to forgive the church for turning its back on him. Campbell is thankful that the Lord called him into the secular world because that is where he was used by God. “If I was marketed as a Christian artist, I wouldn’t have been able to play everywhere I have, including public schools,” said Campbell.
working on the legal side, technology companies are also trying to curb the sexting habit. Apple recently has patented technology that allows parents to block their children from sending sexual messages to others. Apple applied for the U.S. patent in 2008, but it just was approved. “If people want to send pictures, they will find a way,” said Mahoney. “It will only stop those who want to keep from sending and need a tool to help prevent it.” However, this new
type of technology has yet to be commercialized; it will allow the phone’s overseer to block an iPhone from both sending and receiving messages with explicit words, according to the patent. “I think that there so many more opportunities to communicate and that is wonderful. However, there are also so many more opportunities to be misunderstood, hurt people’s feelings and cause significant grief, said Owen. “I think we all have to be very intentional in all of the ways we communicate.”
Continued from A2
Photo by Gregory Reinhart
‘Pep’ it up Director of the Music Program Ronda DePriest directs the Pep Band during the Homecoming Pep Rally, held on Friday, Oct. 15 at the John F. Wiley stadium. Fireworks followed the rally.
More teens sexting Continued from A1 whenever you text, post, tweet, etc. and hit send, your message is now public.” Some people send inappropriate pictures without many consequences, but some face constant bullying at school or even contemplate suicide. Last year, a 13-yearold Florida teenager committed suicide after being bullied for sending a topless photo to her boyfriend. “I think people are
slowly becoming more educated as to how technology makes our lives public, but there’s still a large portion of young and older people who truly don’t understand technology,” said Executive Director of Information Technology Pete Mahoney. “Nevertheless, there will always be a percentage who do understand but don’t care and believe that it won’t happen to them or believe they won’t be hit with consequences.” Many teenagers and adults who have been caught sexting are facing child pornography charges.
“...there are also so many opportunities to be misunderstood, hurt people’s feelings and cause significant grief.” Jane Owen Director of the Counseling Center
Minors can be charged with possession of child pornography. However, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently passed a bill regarding sexting. Instead of being charged with
possession of child pornography, which is a felony, minors ages 13-17 would be charged with a misdemeanor. First offenders would also not acquire a criminal record. While lawmakers are
Page A4
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Former NFL quarterback visits campus during Homecoming By Aaron Thompson
plished since graduating. After graduating from Homestead High School in 1962, Theofiledes had drawn multiple looks from Division I schools but never received a formal scholarship offer. He decided he was going to enlist in the Army before a friend told him about Waynesburg. Football practice had already begun, but Theofiledes talked to Coach
Mo Scarry and joined the team. Theofiledes reflected about how things have changed here at Waynesburg. “There were only about 1,000 students at that time,” he said. “There are tons of new buildings since I was a student. We only had three main buildings in 1966. It was a very small campus.”
Theofiledes commended Scarry as an instrumental part of the foundation for a successful life, on and off the field. “Mo Scarry made sure our grades were good. He didn’t care how good of an athlete you were if you didn’t have good grades,” Theofiledes said. “He followed up on us to do the right things. I was lucky to play for him.”
Theofiledes graduated in the spring of 1966, just a few months before the Yellow Jackets won their only national championship in team history. He said he followed the team closely the next season and was proud of their accomplishment. “I followed them and knew they were doing great,” he said. “I would look at the scores every week. I played with a lot
of those guys and was very proud. We had a good nucleus of players on those teams.” Theofiledes played for the Redskins, New York Jets and in Canada for a few seasons before coaching in the World Football League. During his time in the NFL he backed up future NFL Hall of Famers. With the Redskins, he backed up quarterback Sonny Jurgensen and with the Jets, backed up Joe Namath. After his football career ended, he settled down and started a family. After he and his wife Jo married, they had three kids and four grandchildren. He and a friend opened a business called Autoflex Leasing. Autoflex is located in Richardson, Texas. “I will probably work another four or five years and then retire,” Theofiledes said. “I take days off here and there but I like to keep busy. I still feel good.” Theofiledes said he enjoys the opportunity to come back to Waynesburg though. “This is the only real chance I get to catch up,” he said of Homecoming.
crowned, but I think Mikey was more excited than I was, and I kind of fed off of her excitement,” said Hanning. “For me the best part of the week was building camaraderie with the other court members through stuff like the photo shoot was just a lot of fun.” Hanning says the platform that comes with being crowned king shouldn’t be taken lightly. “Talking to alumni
after being crowned, they were telling me that traditionally at Waynesburg the homecoming king and queen upheld the traditional values of Waynesburg,” said Hanning. “I’m looking to get back to that and start by working with Student Services and getting Student Activities Board to come up with ideas to get people involved in more stuff on campus.” Associate Dean of Students Pat Bristor was
pleased with the attendance and success of Homecoming Week as a whole. “Student Activities Board did a great job promoting the theme and as a consequence we saw attendance rise from last year,” said Bristor. According to Bristor, a few key changes in the week’s activities from last year made this year’s Homecoming more successful. “One area we worked
on was the Homecoming 5K race that was held Saturday morning,” said Bristor. “We lowered the cost for students to participate from $15 to five and as a result the total number registered was over 150 and 128 students actually showed up to walk or run. That’s the highest participation we’ve ever had for the event.” Bristor says that as successful as this year’s Homecoming has been,
they may look to add events to next year’s schedule. “I know we are considering having an after Homecoming event on Saturday,” said Bristor. “Also I know Skip [Noftzger] is talking with [men’s soccer coach] Sean McCarthy about having a soccer game before the pep rally on Thursday.” According to Bristor, many new ideas will be discussed and nothing has been finalized.
Assistant Sports Editor Homecoming week culminated last week when the Waynesburg University football team hosted Westminster College on Saturday. The day’s festivities included a lot of familiar faces. Among those was former Waynesburg quarterback Harry Theofiledes. Living in Texas, he said he gets to come back to Waynesburg every so often. “Every other year or so I get to come up from Texas,” he said.“I have a lot of family that lives in Western Pennsylvania that I come to visit.” Theofiledes was one of the more accomplished athletes in Waynesburg sports history. He is among the top of numerous statistical categories in Yellow Jacket team history. Theofiledes spent a part of a few years in the NFL, including 1968 where he appeared in five games for the Washington Redskins and threw for two touchdowns. Theofiledes talked about what led him to the University, his time here and what he has accom-
Week called successful Continued from A1 direction,” said Macosko. “I try to do to others what I would have done to me.” According to Hanning the weeklong experience of being a homecoming court candidate was what made running for king so worthwhile. “It was exciting to get
Projects started Continued from A2 State Park. “The project plans to buy recycled milk jug posts to mark different points of the trail that will correspond with a selfguided manual.” Rurak said. “The self-guided manual will contain information about the historical and ecological importance of the trail.” Rurak has already started. “We have already started purchasing materials,” Rurak said, “and have set up a work date for Nov. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1 - 5 p.m.” Kamicker is working with The Salvation Army for her project. “The Salvation Army Center provides a variety of services in Greene County,” Kamicker said. “I want to encourage students to volunteer with organizations in Green County like Salvation to volunteer skills that they learn in their major classes everyday.” Kamicker will complete by the end of the semester.
Photo courtesy of Sports Information
Harry Theofiledes (center) was a quarterback for Waynesburg College in 1966. He eventually spent several seasons in the NFL with the Washington Redskins.
Guest columnist Alan Jaskiewicz talks about the adventures of studying and traveling in New Zealand for the semester. Read more on B2
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Results in: Food service program County placed on delivered 13,400 meals to children state watch list for unhealthy residents “ By Natalie Bruzda Region Editor
This month the final numbers came in for a summer food service program implemented in Greene County after years of need. More than 13,400 meals and 827 unduplicated children were served, where unduplicated means that each child was only counted once. “What’s incredible about this is, if you think about serving 800 children, that’s 800 children that you know otherwise would not have had access to food,” Christina Winniewicz, Regional Summer Food Service Program coordinator for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food
...more than 16 percent of kids in Greene County
were unable to access food in the summer months.” Bettie Stammerjohn Executive Director for the Community Foundation of Greene County
Bank, said. “Where would they be getting that food from?” Early in the year, after reviewing results from a gap analysis, the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank approached Bettie Stammerjohn, executive director for the Community Foundation of Greene County, asking for help bringing together people from the community in order to initiate a summer food service program.
“Our goal was to examine participation in the summer food service program, and what we found was that in Greene County, there was no participation,” Winniewicz said in an article that appeared in the Yellow Jacket last spring. “We found that there were no sponsors providing food and when we looked, only 16 percent See LOCAL on B4
By Stephanie Laing Editorial Assistant
Greene County, Pa. is one of the unhealthiest counties in the state, and the Pennsylvania Medical Society has noticed. “Statewide data shows improvements,” said a Sept. 1 PAMED news release, “but some counties are a concern.” According to the 2010 State of Medicine Report from PAMED, Greene County is one of the 17 counties on the Healthcare Access Watch List. Except for Philadelphia County, all the counties on the list are primarily rural. “There are areas in the commonwealth, because of physician man-power issues as well as disease spread, that have a number of problems,” said Ralph Schmeltz, MD, chair of the PAMED State Medicine 2010 Task Force and president-elect of PAMED. “We created a watch list. We have found a number of counties [with issues] that we felt very seriously should
start addressing those issues.” Greene County made the list for five reasons: high hospital admission rates for heart failure, counties with one or less OB/GYN in direct patient care, over 14.5 percent of residents living in poverty, over 30 percent of residents with no primary care physicians and over 55 percent of county physicians unable to get specialty referrals for patients. “Women need to have regular check-ups, pap smears and breast cares,” said Schmeltz. “If you only have one OB/GYN in the county, the likelihood is they will have a delay in getting that.” Schmeltz mentioned another issue: prenatal care. According to Schmeltz, the further a woman has to travel to get prenatal care, the less likely she is to go. “Primary care physicians are the basis of world health care, and you need to have a place that you can go when See STATE on B4
National Guard to host reunion Community discusses area’s settlers Photo by Mitch Graham
Community members participate in a discussion about William Holmes McGuffey last Tuesday. Director of Eberly Library, Rea Redd, led the discussion about the prominent 1900s man.
By Kaitlin Edwards Managing Editor
By Mitch Graham Staff Writer Waynesburg residents were given the opportunity last Tuesday to learn about William Holmes McGuffey, a widely known public figure of the early 1900s. Rea Redd, director of Eberly Library, led the discussion. The Cornerstone Genealogical Society planner, Marilyn Eichenlaub, said the presentation was successful. “I contacted Rea to
lead the presentation, and he said that he has never done a presentation on William McGuffey, but he was willing to research the topic and present it,” said Eichenlaub. “He has done a wonderful job.” According to Redd, William McGuffey was born in Claysville on Sept. 23, 1800. He is well known for writing the “McGuffey Readers” books, which were one of the United States first and most widely used textbook
series. Between 1836 and 1960, and estimated one hundred and twenty million copies were sold, which places the series in the same category of sales as the Bible and Webster’s Dictionary. Since 1961, they have continued selling at about thirty thousand copies a year. McGuffey was also well known professionally in other aspects of academia. He served as a professor at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
Toward the end of his career, he taught at the University of West Virginia as a professor of Moral Philosophy He served as president of Ohio University, Cincinnati College, and Woodward College. The Society’s library is continuously expanding. According to the Society’s website, they currently have approximately 4,000 books, 360 rolls of microfilm of early newspapers, periodicals, and census and land records.
Regional Construction Updates Chapel - Workers have started to lay block down for the second floor of the Roberts Chapel. This is about 30 percent complete, and once finished, the roof tresses will be placed. The goal is to have the roof on the Chapel by Dec. 20, enabling the workers to continue working throughout the winter. - Workers are also nearly complete with laying block for the
retaining wall between the Chapel and Burns and Denny Halls. The wall will be placed in order to hold back the bank from the parking area. - The new restroom facility at the tennis courts is complete. Restrooms are fully functional and ready for use. - Work on the Streetscape Project is finished for the Washington Street area.
All that remained to be done was for the workers to place topsoil and trees in their designated places, and University officials did their best to assist with this.
Borough Area - Streetscape should be finished, with all of the traffic cones and signs to be removed by the end of this month or early November, at the latest.
- All of the High Street light poles have been placed. All that remains for the project on that street is to place the lights on the light poles, caulk all the seams in between the sidewalk slabs, paint all of the parking lines and take down the traffic signs. - Borough officials don’t anticipate any other construction activities going on in the next few weeks. ~By Kyle Edwards
The annual National Guard reunion will be held at noon on Oct. 23 at the new Waynesburg Readiness Center. “This is a great opportunity to continue the camaraderie of soldiers who served at the old armory,” said Albie Reinhart, a retired member of the Waynesburg unit who is one of the event organizers from Waynesburg. “ About 15 years ago, someone had an idea to reunite everyone, so we did and its been a great tradition ever since.” The idea originated from Tom “William” Huffman of Homeville in Greene County who had the first reunion in his backyard. As the event expanded, the combination of the number of attendees and the unpredictable nature of the weather forced organizers to move the event to the Capt. Robert C. Wiley Armory. The new Waynesburg Readiness Center opened in August at the EverGreene Technology Park on Progress Drive, Franklin Township. According to Reinhart, the majority of past attendees have been from the Waynesburg unit, but they are hoping more veterans from the Canonsburg unit will be in attendance due to the recent changes that have been made. With the change in locations, the Canonsburg Armory was officially combined with Capt. Robert C. Wiley Armory to create the Waynesburg Readiness Center. This year’s event will be the first to take place at the new armory building. “I am pretty excited about the location of the event this year,” said Reinhart. “It will be a good to use the new armory.” Reinhart and Buzz Walters, also a retired member of the Waynesburg unit, have prepared several events throughout the day. “Soldiers will be able to do several things throughout the day as well as catch up with old See ALL on B4
Page B2
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Reject social apathy Don’t miss absentee ballot deadline Young generation should be self-advocates Americans are passing a lot of new bills, instituting new policies and establishing stricter regulations. First Lady Michelle Obama has worked hard to change the standards school systems use to keep unhealthy choices off the menu for students. As of late, many universities are working to develop stricter policies regulating social networking. On the state and federal level, representatives are working to implement high standards for math and science education of American students. Yes, these institutional guidelines keep our nation on track and work toward a level and safe playing field for all. But, while there is a need for all of these regulations, it seems that Americans have forgotten how to advocate for themselves. If you want healthy people, feed them healthy food. We should hold ourselves accountable when using social networking tools. Your education is your responsibility – do whatever you can to make sure you can compete in the job market. The need to regulate choices we should already be making to ensure a high quality of life is a reflection of the apathy of our generation. It is disappointing that we need regulations and policies to keep us from obesity, bullying and being under educated. These are social spheres which should take care of themselves because we should be passionately opposed to the alternative.
Strike two Senate’s plans fall short for the second time Last semester, members of the Student Senate Executive Board announced that they wanted Senate to be more involved on the Waynesburg campus. They tried to plan an Easter activity, but everything fell through, so they settled on serving root beer floats—a Senate tradition—during the last few days of the semester. The event was hastily put together and had very little advertising. Strike one. This semester, they reaffirmed their decision to be involved. The first event was scheduled for this Wednesday, but early that morning, students received an e-mail, explaining that the event had been postponed with the new date to follow. At the Student Senate meeting on Tuesday, Secretary Chelsea Cummins said they had not had enough time to plan for the event, leading to its postponement. Strike two. Student Senate should be commended for wanting to be involved. However, two failed events is not the way to bring attention to the organization. Those failures destroy any trust students place in Senate to improve the University. Twice now, Student Senate has tried to offer students a fun holiday event. And twice, plans have fallen through. If Student Senate truly wants to plan student events, members need to ensure they leave enough time to plan the events and advertise properly for them. After all, three strikes and you’re out.
Six years ago, my parents decided I was too old to go trick or treating. I was crushed. Trick or treating had always been an exciting part of my life. One year, my mother made me a butterfly costume by stretching pantyhose over bent wire clothes hangers. Other years, I’ve been Pirate Larry from VeggieTales and the ever-popular leaf blower. (Tape a leaf to a hat and blow on it. It’s that simple.) This year though, I
had suddenly grown too old for childish nights. However, that did not stop me. I convinced my parents to let me dress up but not get candy. Then, I got to work. The final result? I wore two poster boards; the one on my front said “Bush,” the one on my back said “Kerry.” My hat simply said, “Vote.”
Falling fast: Fired up for autumn fun Autumn. When I think of autumn, a lot of different things come mind. Football games, classes, the need to suddenly wear sweatshirts, stink bugs, brightly colored leaves, Halloween, what could be better? In all seriousness, I love autumn. Everything seems to change so rapidly once autumn hits, and the dog days of summer
I got more comments on that costume than any other costume I had previously. Now Rock the Vote is taking a page out of my book. This organization encourages young people to register to vote by holding voting registration drives and partnering with “hip” organizations. However, they are not only advocating that people register to vote but that they actually do vote. During the annual Trick or Treat night in several college towns,
are suddenly far behind us. Which to be honest is a very wonderful thing. Classes begin and students return to school, slowly the temperatures drop and the trees starting turning spectacular shades of red, orange and yellow. One of my favorite things though definitely involves the sheer amount of events going on in the area at this time of year. Of course there are always football games, but several other events are occurring
Rock the Vote is partnering with musicians to remind people to vote. College students and activists will dress up in Halloween costumes, going from door to door to spread awareness about the Nov. 2 elections. Hopefully this drive will increase the number of people who vote during these midterm elections, which traditionally have low turnout numbers. My early activism drives me to vote every time I can, See VOTING on B3
throughout the area as well. Both Greene and Washington counties have begun supporting community events such as fall festivals throughout the area. For example, a parade will be held in Carmichaels Borough at 2 p.m. on Oct. 31 through the town square. The brightly colorful fall foliage is also a major attraction at this time of year, especially in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Ok – we need to discuss pumpkins. Personally, I am a firm believer that pumpkins are an essential part of any autumn festivities. See EMBRACE on B3
‘Heaps’ of ‘mean’ adventures in Auckland Over the last four months I have been on a study abroad program in New Zealand. This trip has been an experience of a lifetime. Coming to New Zealand has helped me to see the world with a new perspective and to gain more of an international outlook on everything. Traveling 8,000 miles to the opposite side of the world has allowed me to stretch my com-
fort zone out of Western Pennsylvania. Auckland, where I am currently studying, is New Zealand’s largest city and is located on the North Island. It is known as the City of Sails due to its popularity of sailboats
and its windy weather. I must say it is a beautiful city and fun to visit. I am attending Massey University; it is located on the North Shore. From there it is an easy, twenty-five minute commute into the inner city of Auckland. The bus takes us anywhere. This has allowed me to make several trips to the city for site seeing. During my time here I wanted to work on some
type of media project outside of school. I was able to meet some Auckland University post-graduate film students. Working with them has really been a cool way of getting into the world of film. It was a really great opportunity being able to work on a student film and I really learned a lot from it. See SEEKING on B3
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Page B3
Voting isn’t difficult Continued from B2
Fossil fuel dependency hurts U.S. military America forgets Oct. 12 as seamlessly as it remembers Sept. 11. Ten years ago, 17 U.S. Navy sailors were killed and 39 injured in an al-Qaeda attack against the U.S. destroyer Cole in the harbor of Aden, Yemen. The Cole was relatively defenseless during a 24hour refueling stop when suicide operatives pulled alongside in a small, explosive-laden boat and detonated a charge, ripping a 40-foot hole in the hull. Though the lessons from 9/11 will be debated for years, Oct. 12’s message is succinct. It is best summed up by Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James T. Conway: “Energy choices can save lives on the battlefield.” The armed forces are searching for next-generation green energy technologies because they provide power at the point of its consumption, which decreases the military’s need to resupply with carbonbased fuels. But there’s a huge problem: Renewable energy technologies, to which Conway refers, aren’t being developed fast enough. One solution is an “innovation fund,” housed in the Pentagon, to help com-
Adventures in Auckland Continued from B2 One of the main reasons I chose to come to New Zealand was to experience its amazing landscape and natural beauty. During our holiday break, five students and I hopped a flight down to the South Island of New Zealand. We flew into Christchurch for nine days. The trip was epic. It consisted of staying in a variety of hostels that allowed us to meet a lot of other young tourists from around the world who were out in search of adventure too. I was able to go skiing in the Southern Alps of New Zealand on picture perfect mountains, hike up to see incredible views of a massive gla-
panies bridge the gap between the test lab and the battlefield. Such a fund would use public dollars to leverage private money, scaling up the most promising clean-energy projects. And if a green technology revolutionizes how the military powers itself, that idea might one day power the rest of us too. In Afghanistan, the military gets fossil fuels largely by truck. In recent days, fuel convoys have become as vulnerable as the Cole. Since Oct. 1, the Taliban has executed seven attacks against fuel supplies traveling to NATO troops in Afghanistan, torching more than 75 fuel trucks in the process. At least five civilians and three local troops have been killed this month alone, and six U.S. Marines have been wounded protecting fuel since July. Protecting fuel is driving up its cost too. According to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, moving gasoline to the battlefield can cost anywhere from $13 to, in extreme circumstances, $400 a gallon. The Marines, in particular, are off to a good start with changing to renewable fuel in Afghanistan. As detailed
cier, go bungee jumping off a huge bridge, and of coarse, saw thousands of sheep. The trip was really an eye-opener to the kind of beauty that our planet holds when you break out and do some traveling. As my days in New Zealand wind down, I am realizing how much I will miss the beach. No matter where you are in New Zealand, you are no further than two hours from a beach. Being able to pack in to the car with a couple of my kiwi mates (New Zealanders) and head down to the beach for a few hours has been awesome. The flat where I live is located about a ten-minute away from the East Coast beaches. I enjoy just going to the to relax and catch some sun. The last few times I went to the beach, a few
in a recent New York Times article, they are already importing solar panels, energy-efficient lights and tent shields for insulation. In fact, the military is constantly testing green-power projects, such as a contraption that provides power and purifies water, or even a mobile nuclear reactor. But designing and producing green power projects for the military is a niche market, and right now, it’s too small to have a near-term impact. The market needs to grow quickly because Mabus is setting big goals for an energy-independent military. He wants to sail a “Great Green Fleet” by 2016, a full carrier strike group composed of nuclear and hybrid electric ships, as well as biofueled aircraft. By 2020, Mabus wants half of the Navy’s energy to come from alternative sources. To get to where Mabus wants to go, ideas need cash. The Pentagon may have a truly out-ofcontrol budget, but consider this: Radar, GPS and the Internet all started as military-funded projects. The next green technology could be sitting in a lab somewhere, begging for a few dollars
to help produce it on a bigger scale. That’s why the Obama administration should consider a Pentagon innovation fund. A few well-spent dollars would help companies tackle the technological learning curve and reduce costs. It’s hardly an idea out of left field; the CIA started such a project in 1999, called InQ-Tel, to help small companies develop technologies for the intelligence community. For a relatively paltry $50 million a year, In-Q-Tel has spawned $1.4 billion in innovative products for the CIA. Furthermore, the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review, a comprehensive study in how the military should defeat threats, has also endorsed such a fund. The country may be divided on everything from Afghanistan to global warming, but it should agree that buying carbon-based fuels from dangerous countries needlessly risks too many lives and taxpayer dollars. Investing smartly in new green technologies may ultimately save both, and could launch the next massproduced innovation in green technology.
Jaskiewicz enjoys the sand dunes of my kiwi mates have been teaching me how to play rugby. It’s a rough sport but fun to play. I have met a variety of new friends, both kiwi and other international students that come from many different parts of the world. I have been able to meet people from England, Scotland, Ireland, China, India, Russia, Germany, and the heaps of locals of course.
which is why I have already submitted my application for an absentee ballot in early October. I’m just exercising my constitutional right to vote. If you live in Greene County and have registered to vote, polling places have been announced and will be open all day on Nov. 2. College students have two options to vote when attending school in another county or state. The process is easy, and only takes a few minutes. Go online to w w w. v o t e s p a . c o m and fill out the proper form. Then send it off. However, the deadline to register for absentee ballots is quickly approaching. The County Board of Elections must receive all absentee ballot applications by 5 p.m. on Oct. 26 in
Embrace the new season Continued from B2
And the fact that I have an obsession with anything made of pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin ice cream – they are all absolutely fantastic. Granted, none of those foods are exactly healthy, but when you only get them once a year, splurging is acceptable. At least that’s how I justify my overeating. And carving pumpkins is always a ton of fun and make perfect decorations to place outside during Halloween. Anyway, if you happen to love pumpkins and Halloween activities as much as I do, lots of community activities exist to keep everyone entertained. In Franklin Township from 4 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 28, children are permitted to trickor-treat throughout the neighborhoods. Other area trick-ortreating times include Carmichaels Borough from 2 to 4 p.m. on Oct. 31 and in Wayne Photo courtesy of Alan Jaskiewicz Township from 6 to 8 in Cape Reinga . p.m. on Oct. 30.
I am looking forward to coming home to see all my friends, but I’m really going to miss the adventures I have experience here in New Zealand. I will be back at Waynesburg before I know it, but until then I’ve got some beach to catch! Jaskiewicz is a senior Communication student who is studying at Massey University in Albany, New Zealand for the semester.
Pennsylvania. Each state is different, so check online for important dates. After that, you’re out of luck. Out-of-county students can also register to vote in Greene County because they attend school here. If you do live in the area and haven’t registered to vote, it’s too late now to register for the upcoming Nov. 2 elections. However, you should still register for the next elections. You should not need a big-ticket musician to raise voter registration awareness. Voting is a privilege that some people in other countries risk their lives to do. What’s stopping us from getting out of our comfy La-Z-Boys and braving the chilly fall weather to vote? Just drop the excuses. Spend 44 cents to apply for an absentee ballot. Burn a few calories walking to the voting booth. Vote.
However, despite my love of this season, I would definitely be alright without the invasion of the brown Marmorated stink bugs. It was just ironic that as I am writing about all the cool stuff about autumn that one of those creepy-crawlers landed right in the middle of my computer screen. Unfortunately, I guess that even though they are invading, they too are a common sight during autumn. According to Montgomery Life, stimulus money involving agriculture is even being used to battle these pests. Even though they can be difficult to deal with, they are another element to autumn this year. Apple cider, hay rides with your family, warm days and cold nights, jumping in leaf piles, unpredictable weather and astounding fall foliage abound at this time of the year. Be thankful for the good things this autumn and don’t forget to take advantage of the very abundant opportunities to participate in activities. You won’t regret it.
Page B4
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Greene County expects to earn $20K from new gas line By Sierra Shafer Op/Ed Editor Greene County Commissioners approved the use of county property for the installation of a new methane gas line, last week. The approval will benefit the county $20,000. Coal Gas Recovery, an affiliate of Alpha Natural Resources, and the company who hopes to
All veterans invited Continued from B1 comrades,” said Reinhart. “It is a really great opportunity to reunite with old friends.” The events throughout the day will include a tour of the new Waynesburg Readiness Center, food and refreshments and an opportunity to see a film of the Co. K marching on the street in front of the Capt.
complete this project,, made the right-of-way request. Doug Conklin, general manger of Coal Gas Recovery estimates the gas line project to begin in 2011. “This is part of our active Emerald operation,” said Conklin. “It will be a lengthy project because it involves several phases of permitting.”
The ten-inch pipeline, which will be installed on the eastern side of the Greene County Airport, will take roughly six months to be completed, as estimated by Coal Gas Recovery. According to Conklin, the gas line allows for the collection of methane gas from local coalmines. The gas is then processed and sold.
Aquiring the permit from Greene County was crucial in this process. By installing the line on the eastern side of the airport, the installation should not interfere with regular airport use. “[The line] will be installed on a very remote corner of the property,” said Conklin. “It will be away from any area that we see as
being developable.” The woodland property in discussion is regarded as “non-developable” by the county.. While airport interference will not be a problem for this project, it is not without obstacles. “The changing permitting environment will present the most hurdles,” Conklin said. “The project encompasses land owned by
many different land owners, public and private, with Greene County being the most public owner.” Conklin said that this project has been under negotiation for around a year. He hopes that the approval from the county will be another step forward in bringing this project to fruition by 2011.
Robert C. Wiley armory prior to their deployment into World War I. “We will hopefully continue to hold this event for many years to come,” said Reinhart. “In years past, we have had approximately 35-40 people attend, but we are hoping for 50 people this year.” “We are inviting every veteran from these National Guard units between the World War II era and the present day to attend,” said Reinhart. “It really will be worth their time.” Infographic by Rachel Brown
Local kids fed well Continued from B1 of the kids in Greene County were able to access food during the summer months.” During the program’s summer months, 14 sites throughout Greene County, including the WWJD Center, Ryerson Parks and Recreation and Bowlby Library, brought food to children. “The numbers speak to the impact of the program,” Winniewicz said. “It speaks to the fact that there are children out there that need support and access to healthy food.” According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the Summer Food Service Program was established to provide free meals to children during school vacations. Winniewicz said that the success of the program could be explained
through the collaboration of all of the various organizations. “We had cooperation from so many [Greene County] organizations that made it possible for this program,” she said. “The collaboration was critical. In essence, they said that ‘we care’ and ‘we want to do something about it.’ If it hadn’t been for them, there wouldn’t have been a program.” Furthermore, Winniewicz said that her involvement will continue in 2011. In the months to follow, the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank will maintain its role as a facilitator. “We have a broader perspective,” she said. “We want to work on sustaining the program. We will have to look into grant funding because some may not be available from the same sources. We need enough time to get everything in place again. We hope the program will stay strong.”
State makes changes Continued from B1 you have an issue,” said Schmeltz. “If you see a physician that knows your medical history, it is easier for them to interpret the symptoms you have.” Schmeltz encouraged Greene County to look at the issues and take the necessary measures to solve them.
Since the PAMED report came out, Greene County formed Making A Great Impact Collectively Committee to address the report’s listed problems. “[Those on the committee] were concerned with the findings,” said Carol Young, RNC, fulltime director of the Student Health Center and member of the MAGIC Committee. “[The MAGIC Committee] was a new effort to address the issues for Greene County.”
According to Young, Greene County’s health problems are mostly due to its rural area and older population. Different health care providers have joined the MAGIC group, including the American Cancer Society, Southwest Regional Medical Center, Penn State Cooperative Extension and the Tobacco Coalition. All the groups have programs to fix problems within Greene County. According to Young, ACS has a van that
drives to women’s homes, providing a mammography for those who need one. While Schmeltz is unsure of the solutions, he is confident that the right people will develop them now that they have the right information. “We created the report to help counties identify areas of potential problems,” he said. Greene County has recognized those areas, and according to Young, is actively combating them.
Women’s basketball and wrestling began practice for their 2010-11 seasons. Read more on C2
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Entering Men’s XC enjoys one of program’s best days PACs in “ ” different ways By Matt Paris Staff Writer
This truly is the best team this pro-
Dave Floyd Sports Editor
As another season winds down for many Waynesburg University fall athletic teams, the Presidents’ Athletic Conference Championships loom in two of those sports. The women’s tennis team and the cross country teams continue preparations for their conferences’ final challenge, which will be the next competitive action for each squad. Unfortunately for one, yet fortunately for the other, the two head into the PAC Championships moving in opposite directions. Women’s tennis won the first two matches on its 2010 schedule. Granted, the second match against rival Washington and Jefferson failed to finish until 16 days after it started (the match was suspended due to darkness), but for the sake of argument, we’ll say the team began their season 20. After those two victories, though, the Jackets proceeded to lose 12 of their remaining 15 matches. The only three wins during that stretch came at the hands of winless Thiel and four-win Bethany. Thiel is in the midst of its inaugural season, and Bethany beat only Thiel and Franciscan, another squad in its first year of existence. Maybe the most disappointing part of the squad’s rough stretch, however, was the back-toback conference losses to Chatham and Thomas More. During the 2009 regular season, the Jackets defeated both the Cougars and Saints. And while each PAC foe vastly improved in a year’s time and the score of almost every individual match against Thomas More this year was close, the final tallies still proved discouraging. Chatham defeated Waynesburg 9-0, while Thomas More beat the Jackets 7-2. One possible reason for Waynesburg’s less than stellar regular season could be inexperience. With the graduation of Allie Horochak and Jess Mally last spring, the team fields no seniors and starts two freshmen regularly to
At the Hood College Open Saturday, the Waynesburg University men’s cross country team may have had its best day in the history of the program. The Yellow Jackets placed second out of 17 teams competing in the race. “This truly is the best
gram has ever put forward.
Chris Hardie
Head cross country coach, Waynesburg University
team this program has ever put forward,” said head coach Chris Hardie. “The results haven’t shown the improvement
that they have made in the last 12 months.” The men finished on a high note heading into an off week.
“A finish like this is really just icing on the cake for such a strong regular season for this team,” said Hardie. “They have worked so very hard.” Senior Adam Swingle led the way for the Jackets by posting a time of 29:22.26, which was good for a team-best 21st place overall. Freshman Justin Angoti finished close behind with a time of 29:45.14 in 27th place.
Narrow escape
Junior Kam Schaefer followed Angoti with a 28th place finish in a time of 29:59.37. Freshman Jonathan Blatt and sophomore Kyle Edwards rounded out the team’s top five. Blatt finished 32nd by posting a time of 30:14.76. Edwards posted a time of 30:35.24, which was good for 36th place. See JACKET on C4
Jacket women split up By Nicole Forte Staff Writer
milk the clock as the Titans’ defense forced a three and out. After the punt set up Westminster with good field position, they proceeded to get into the end zone after a sixplay, 51-yard scoring drive with just 38 ticks left on the clock, and an overtime session seemed certain. That’s when Waynesburg special teams came up huge and preserved the victory when Gary was able to leap and block the potential game-tying
The Waynesburg University women’s cross country team parted ways Saturday as members of Paul the team were close to 200 miles away from each other. Due to some injuries, Onifer head coach Chris Hardie made the decision to send freshman Bre Paul and sophomore Casey Morris to the Hood College Invitational. The remaining members of the team stayed in Waynesburg to compete in the Homecoming 5K race. “She [Paul] expressed to me a concern that the pavement in the Homecoming 5K may aggravate her injury and set her back a while longer,” said Hardie. “Casey has some hip pain from track last
See ONIFER on C4
Photo by Mike Kabay
A host of Jackets break through the line on Westminster’s game-tying extra point attempt. Sophomore Bryan Gary got a hand on the ball to block the kick, allowing Waynesburg to escape with a 24-23 PAC victory.
Blocked extra point saves Waynesburg Gary blocks kick to foil late Titan comeback attempt By Aaron Thompson Assistant Sports Editor Saturday’s Homecoming matchup at John F. Wiley Stadium pitted the Westminster Titans against the homestanding Waynesburg University Yellow Jackets. The matchup was a classic case of two teams going in different directions.
Westminster (0-4, 1-5) has not lived up to expectations after being picked to finish in third place in the Presidents’ Athletic Conference by the league’s sports information directors. The Titans’ struggles could be linked to mistakes at inauspicious times. Despite competing with Waynesburg (3-1, 4-2) for a full 60 minutes, it was a few mistakes, including a blocked extra point with under a minute to play by sophomore Bryan Gary, that allowed the Jackets to capitalize and eventually
earn a hard-fought 24-23 victory over the Titans. The Jackets erased a furious comeback attempt by the Titans that looked like it would push the game between the two teams into overtime for the second straight season. Westminster trailed 2414 when Titans’ kicker Trevor Young connected on a 35-yard field goal, which capped a 14-play drive with 3:03 remaining on the fourth-quarter clock. The Waynesburg offense was unable to
Women’s soccer scores key PAC win over GCC By Matt Miller Staff Writer
The women’s soccer team picked up their second straight Presidents’ Athletic Conference win Tuesday night in a physical 2-1 victory at John F. Wiley Stadium. “The game was great,” head coach Sean McCarthy said. “Grove City was a great team, and I thought we matched their intensity. They had the better play for times, we had the better play for See SEASONS on C2 times.”
The game was scoreless for the first 25 minutes. In the 26th minute, sophomore Chelsey Root crossed the ball to junior Courtney Ebersole. Ebersole headed it to freshman Taylor Augustine, who put it into the back of the net for the first goal of the contest. Grove City scored nine minutes into the second half to tie the game at one. But just seven minutes later Ebersole lobbed a shot just out of the goalkeeper’s reach to give the Jackets another one-goal
lead. Grove City created multiple chances throughout the rest of the game, and with seven minutes left, the Wolverines received a free kick. The shot, however, ricocheted off of the crossbar. Junior goalkeeper Katrina Kelly made 12 saves in 90 minutes as Grove City outshot the Yellow Jackets 28-6. “Having four one-goal games and being on the wrong side of it, it’s good See WU on C3
Photo by Greg Reinhart
Junior forward Courtney Ebersole (second from right) celebrates her game-winning goal against Grove City.
Page C2
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Practice begins for Volleyball still searching for victories women’s basketball By Katie Rihn Staff Writer
By Steven Iser Staff Writer Waynesburg University winter sports practices officially started Monday. The women’s basketball team took the court at 6 a.m. “It was challenging being at six in the morning, but overall it went well,” freshman center Emily Miller said. “We were tested and we know the bar is set high for our expectations this season.” Practice for the women’s squad lasted for about an hour and a half on Monday morning. The women had an idea of how practice might be run due to their fall tournament in Canada. The Jackets already had 10 practices under their belt before the start of winter season practice. “You always anticipate the running part of course,” sophomore guard Britney Spencer said. “It was obvious that our trip to Canada helped us gel together.” According to head coach Sam Jones, practice for Canada was completely different than practice for the real season. “This is a marathon,” Jones said. “Practice for Canada was just a sprint.” Midnight Madness would have been the Jackets’ first official practice, but due to a last minute cancellation of the event, they did not participate.
The Jackets wanted to get rid of their nervousness and get the season going in the right direction. “It felt good to get the first practice under our belts,” junior captain Hannah Hunter said. “We really wanted to shake off the nerves and get back into the swing of things.” For many freshmen, collegiate practice is different than they are accustomed to. “College practice is ran at a much higher pace,” Miller said. “Every drill is conducted with a more physical approach, and there is hardly any rest between drills.” Unlike their freshmen teammates, the returnees knew what was coming. “The set up for practice was run, run, run, and when you think you are too tired to run anymore, you ran some more,” Hunter said. “That is how you get better and get in the condition you need to be in to compete in the conference.” Jones was pleased with his players’ efforts during practice. He wanted to set the tone of how hard they were going to have to work to get where they want to be. “There is a lot of running the first week because these are welcome back practices,“ Jones said. “This is actual preparation for the real season.”
The Waynesburg University women’s volleyball team dropped a pair of Presidents’ Athletic Conference matches this past week, which extended their season-high losing streak to nine games. In their most recent matchup the Yellow Jackets fell to the visiting Westminster Titans Saturday morning in three straight sets (26-24, 25-13, 25-20). Two nights prior the Jackets were swept by the Grove City Wolverines (25-15, 25-16, 25-21), a team they had taken to five sets in their last matchup back in early September. Head coach Stephanie Benkowski said her team worked on many things between those two games, and it showed versus Westminster. “After the Grove City game the biggest thing we needed to work on was blocking,” said Benkowski. “Once we worked on that, there really was a big difference against Westminster. Another area we struggled in was serve receive, and after we went over that, I could also see tremendous improvement versus the Titans.” The Yellow Jackets currently sit at 7-17 overall and 1-11 in the conference, which puts them in the eighth spot ahead of only Chatham. Benkowski has been playing with the lineup
Photo by Dave Miller, ADM Photography
Junior middle hitter Lauren Wagner, shown here in an earlier match, leads the team in blocks in 2010. the past few matches, trying to see new faces in different positions. “We were a little bit stale, and whenever you’re not winning, it seems like you are just going through the motions at practices and games,” Benkowski said. “I think the team needed a wakeup call on the fact that positions are not yours and you have to earn them.” Even though the Jackets were swept against Westminster, Benkowski said she was extremely proud of her team for the fight they put up and the
will they had to not back down at any point. With all of the lineup changes and only having one day in between matches to adjust, she thought her team played very well. Freshman outside hitter Katelyn Blaich, who is second on the team in kills and first in service aces, recognizes the team’s potential and looks to continue to make improvements. “I really enjoy playing with the group of girls that we have on the team,” Blaich said. “We are full of potential, and hopefully we can pull it
together so that next year we have a successful season.” Junior middle hitter Lauren Wagner also is looking forward to progressing through the remainder of this season and carrying that into next year. “This season and this team mean everything to me, and I am so glad that I am a part of this family,” said Wagner. “We have a new lineup, and some of us have new positions, and I am so excited to see where this could take us. We have no seniors, so really the only place to go from here is up.” Wagner leads the team in blocks on the year and said that was one of her goals coming into the season. “Leading the team in blocks was definitely a huge goal of mine this season,” Wagner said. “Since I am a pretty small player, I needed to prove myself at the net and show that height isn’t a factor when matched with skill.” Friday night is a special event in the Jackets’ season as they host their third annual “Dig Pink” match, formerly “Dig for the Cure.” The match is a tri-match with Chatham and Saint Vincent. The Jackets will play at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. All are welcome to come out to the Rudy Marisa Fieldhouse and show support for breast cancer awareness.
Wrestling opens title defense with first full week of practice By Steve Hullings
first week was a lot harder than last year for sure.” “I thought it went really well,” said senior AllAmerican Nick Garber. “The team is really working hard, and we are starting to look like a really good team.” The team lifts each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Headlee said he
wants to keep the team lifting this year unlike in the past. “We’ve developed a new philosophy,” said Headlee. Many of the other teams keep their wrestlers on a strengthening program throughout the year, and Headlee wants to adapt to this method.
One never knows when injury will occur or when someone will really step up to take someone else’s spot. With this in mind, Headlee hopes all of the wrestlers will stay on the team after the Wrestle-offs. “We’ve got some depth at the 285 [pound] position this year,” said Yates.
“Those guys seem to be real hard workers.” The coaches think that freshmen seem to be adapting to collegiate wrestling very well. “They’re always going to have some nerves,” said Headlee. “They sure aren’t backing down from anybody, though.” The coaching staff analyzed the new additions to the team. “Overall, we’ve been pretty surprised with all of them,” added Headlee. He mentioned that Luke Lohr seems to have great technique. He also said Dan Bruni seems to always go hard and placed second in the 5K run this past Homecoming weekend, in which the entire wrestling team participated. “Everyone’s qualities are a little bit different,” said Headlee. All the wrestlers give 110 percent in the room and are all very impres-
Friday and Saturday. And like head coach Ron Christman always says, those conference championships are all the team works toward each and every year. On the other side of the coin, both the men’s and women’s cross country teams come into the PAC’s championship meet with plenty of momentum.
On Saturday, the men’s team had what Waynesburg University’s athletics website described as, “one of the program’s best days ever.” The Jackets nearly ended up in first place in the Hood College Open, falling just short and finishing second in the 17team meet. They showed their depth as all but one Jacket runner finished in
the top half of the 106runner field. After a strong showing in the highly competitive Carnegie Mellon Invitational Oct. 9, the Jacket women split up this past Saturday. Most of the runners competed in the Homecoming 5K in Waynesburg, a race won by freshman Tiffany Onifer. Two runners, freshman
Bre Paul and sophomore Casey Morris, traveled with the men’s team to Frederick, Md., to compete at Hood. Paul ran a PAC-best time of 25:19.02, good enough for third overall. Morris also placed in the top 25. Momentum is not the only positive on Waynesburg’s side heading into the PAC Championships. The event will be held
Staff Writer The Waynesburg University Yellow Jacket wrestling team has completed a full week of practice and is preparing for the Orange and Black Wrestle-offs coming up in just under two weeks. Head coach Ron Headlee is excited about how far the team has come already. He and assistant coach John Yates agree that the team has been better than expected. “All the guys are working very hard in the room,” Headlee said. ”This has probably been the best first week of practice that we’ve ever had.” Much of the practice time has been geared toward technical work and seeing where everyone will be when it comes time for the Wrestle-offs. “It was hard,” said sophomore wrestler Alex Crown. “I thought the
Seasons near conclusion Continued from C1 fill the void left by Horochak and Mally. Good news is these freshmen and the rest of the squad have almost another full year’s worth of experience heading into the PAC Championships
File Photo
The 2009-10 wrestling team poses after their PAC title last season. In their second full week of practice, this year’s squad has already begun their title defense.
sive, according to the coaches. “No one backs down from any work,” said Garber. Headlee agrees, noting that in past years there were some guys that would slack off in the weight room, or strength and conditioning coach Tanner Kolb would have to get on some guys. “Not this year though,” said Headlee. “Everyone goes above 100 percent. They’ve followed everything we’ve asked.” The team wants to focus on technique, which is improving, according to Headlee. “The guys are doing all the things we’ve been showing them,” said Headlee. “At this point it is all about the basics. Wrestling is greatly about repetition, not necessarily doing all the fancy moves, but doing what you know correctly and the best you can.”
at the Greene County Airport, the Jackets’ home course. That’s great news for Waynesburg; they’ll need all the help they can get. They, along with the rest of the conference, will try to knock off Grove City, a school who’s won 19 consecutive men’s titles and 21 straight on the women’s side.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Page C3
Jackets cling to slim postseason hopes WCHS junior wins WPIAL golf title By David Franczak
ward. We can’t look behind us.” The Jackets have a tough road ahead of them. They still have two PAC games left and a game against provisional PAC member Geneva. The Golden Tornadoes will not be eligible for PAC postseason play until next season. Their final two conference matchups will be on the road against Bethany Saturday and at Thiel Fri-
day, Oct. 29. The Jackets beat both the Bison and the Tomcats a season ago, but both teams are much improved in 2010. Bethany already has seven wins overall and three victories in conference play, including a 2-1 triumph over 2009 PAC champion Thomas More. The start of conference play was a rocky road for Waynesburg, facing some of the top teams from last
year, Thomas More and Washington and Jefferson. McCarthy added that the team is still looking for the right combination of players. “We are trying to mix youth with age,” said McCarthy. “We need to continue to build the team and do our best and go from there.” If the Jackets do have a bright spot this year, it would be junior forward Erick Burke. Burke sits at second in the conference in both points (24) and goals (11). “Burke reached a lot of goals we set,” said McCarthy. “He is working hard. If he continues, he’ll get what he deserves.” Helping Burke offensively are freshman forwards Stephen Zimmerman and Simseth SaintHillien and freshmen midfielders Andrew Crimmins and Danny Griebert. McCarthy mentioned that he wanted the team to attack as 11 and defend as 11. “This isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes dedication. We have taken baby steps, but we are going to take a giant leap this offseason,” said McCarthy.
ets postseason hopes alive. “We take it one game at a time,” McCarthy said. “If we get four wins, we have a good shot to get in.” “It’s really tough to lose our first four conference games, especially since they were all just one goal differences,” junior Terrin Crist said after a tough 10 loss to Saint Vincent last Wednesday. “I don’t think any of us ever thought that we’d be 0-4 in the PAC. “However, I think we can use this as a wake-up call because we have the ability,” Crist added. “We just need to put forth the
effort for a whole 90 minutes. I’m confident that we will come back from this, starting with a win over Chatham on Saturday.” The Jackets took that confidence and won their first conference game of the year as they traveled to Chatham and shut out the Cougars 6-0 on Oct. 16. Waynesburg was only up 1-0 at halftime as Crist scored with 13 minutes left in the half. The barrage of goals came in the second half as senior Danielle Danhires, freshman Susie Godwin, seniors Sarah Spicuzza and Brittany Spitznogle
and sophomore Heidi Weaver all scored. Waynesburg outshot the Cougars 42-7. The Jackets continue PAC play as they travel to Bethany on Saturday. Last season, Waynesburg suffered a difficult 10 defeat at the hands of the Bison at home at John F. Wiley Stadium. Kelly had a big game in net in that contest. She stopped 15 of the 16 shots on goal. Before Wednesday’s game against Thiel, Bethany’s record this season stood at 6-7-1 overall and 1-3 in the PAC. Start time for Saturday’s game is 1 p.m.
Staff Writer
In 2008, the Waynesburg University men’s soccer team compiled a 57-1 record going into Presidents’ Athletic Conference play. That team did not win a conference game. This season had a similar start as the Yellow Jackets posted a 5-5-1 record going into PAC play. With conference play already underway, the Jackets are struggling to earn a conference victory. The Jackets have a tough road ahead of them but still have a chance to grab a playoff spot. “We have to keep moving forward and take it game by game,” said head coach Sean McCarthy. “We have to win four out of four to solidify the fourth-place seed.” The Yellow Jackets have not finished better than fourth in the PAC since 2001. According to McCarthy, despite some heartbreaking losses this year, the team still has their heads up. “There is no quitting from this team,” he said. “We have to keep our heads up and look for-
WU notches big PAC win Continued from C1 to finally be on the right side of it,” said McCarthy. The Jackets now improve to 8-6-2 overall and 2-4 in the PAC. “It’s great. Everybody is really happy, everybody knows their role, everybody is filling in their roles and we’re moving in a good direction,” McCarthy said. “We’re very happy with the way it’s going.” The win against Grove City also keeps the Jack-
Photo by Tim Jackson
Junior Erick Burke is second in the PAC in two categories, points (24) and goals (11) .
Jackets hold off Titans Continued from C1 point after by Young. Waynesburg head coach Rick Shepas talked about the game changing play. “We were really unhappy with how our special teams performed last year,” Shepas said. “Coach [Jason] Falvo has done a really nice job with some really great players. That last play was just a block right, but the guys executed well on the play.” The game was a backand-forth struggle from the beginning. After a Waynesburg punt, Westminster got on the board first as Titans freshman running back Tyler Banks rushed around left end on fourth down for a 24-yard touchdown. Waynesburg countered right back when freshman short yardage running
Photo by Mike Kabay
Senior Kyle Kyper recovers an onside kick in the final minute of Saturday’s game against Westminster. The recovery sealed the Jackets’ 24-23 win. back Dominic Moore pushed his way into the end zone for a rushing touchdown. Sophomore kicker Jon Storck added the extra point to tie the contest at 7-7. The second quarter was dominated by the Jackets as they gained their first
lead of the contest. Freshman running back Bertrand Ngampa tallied his sixth rushing touchdown of the season to push the Jackets in front 14-7. Just before halftime, Waynesburg had another chance to add on to its lead when Dawson hit
junior receiver Jeff Young for a 20-yard gain to the Titans 14 yard line. The clock appeared to run out before the referees signaled the clock to stop on the first down or a Waynesburg timeout. However, the Jackets did get a timeout called in time,
By Matthew Snyder Waynesburg Central High School student Emily Rohanna recently won the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletics League Division II Girls Golf Championship. The contest was held at The Club at Nevillewood. “I played pretty solid throughout my round, except for a few holes that I got into trouble and got into the hazards,” Rohanna said. “I was chipping and putting pretty well. That pretty much pulled me through.” In unfavorable weather conditions, Rohanna, a junior, shot 11-over-par to finish with an 83 and win the Division II title. “She handled the elements really well,” said Waynesburg Central High School golf coach John Garber. “She did not let [the weather] affect her play too much.” “[The course] played a lot longer than what it normally would play,” said Rohanna. “So I had to change my club selection for the day.” Both Divisions I and II played at Nevillewood for their respective WPIAL Championships. Rohanna’s total of 83 placed her fifth overall on the day for both Division I and II golfers. Second place for Division II was Central Valley’s Macky Fouse, who Rohanna bettered by eight strokes. “On the eighth hole I hit my first ball into a hazard,” said Rohanna. “I knew I had to hit it out of there, but I just dug it deeper. I had to take it out. I knew it was two shots wasted right there. I did not give up because I had a 13 on my first hole last year, and I missed the cut by three. I knew I could take a six and still make it.” Rohanna ended the day
in 14th as a sophomore last year in her first appearance in the district championships. “It’s a tremendous goal to win WPIALs,” said Waynesburg Central High School Athletic Director John Stephenson. “Emily has worked very hard, and she is following right in her sister’s footsteps.” Emily and her sister Rachel Rohanna are the third pair of sisters to win WPIAL golf titles. “[Rachel] called me up the night before the match,” Emily said. “[She] told me just concentrate on my game, and it worked out.” Rachel won her WPIAL Championships in the 2005 and 2007 tournaments. “I had [Emily] as a student in class before this,” said Stephenson. “She is a great kid. It is a great family, and she has always set goals and achieved them in the classroom as she has in sports.” Emily has a list of accomplishments that follow her. Along with being the WPIAL Division II Champion she has also competed in the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association Western Regional Qualifier, won the Division I Section Championship, and helped the Waynesburg Central High School Boys team to a Division II Section 8 Championship. Emily plays all year long, competing also in the Plantations Tour and the PGA Junior Series. “Girls of PGA Junior Series play all year round,” Emily said. “[They] travel all around the country. The competition is really good.” Rohanna hopes to continue her career collegiately after high school. “It was a great year, but I am hoping to progress and get further next year,” Emily said. “I want to make it to states.”
and two seconds were put back on the clock “I thought we had the timeout just in time,” Shepas said. “We did a great job last week at Geneva and this week before halftime.” The Jackets benefited from the call, and Storck tacked on a 31-yard field goal to make it 17-7 Jackets at halftime. Waynesburg and Westminster traded scores in the second half as Titans quarterback Shawn Lehocky hit Geno Pasquinelli for a 26-yard touchdown strike. The Jackets countered as senior quarterback Brad Dawson hit tight end Adam Moses to make it 24-14 before the Jackets foiled the Titans comeback attempt. According to Shepas, the team is still young at a lot of positions and is learning to put games away once they have a lead. Dawson finished by completing 17-of-29 passes for just 178 yards. Daw-
son also led a balanced rushing attack as he had 37 rushing yards on quarterback scampers. The Jackets defense was paced by junior linebacker Nate Harr who had nine tackles and junior defensive lineman Josh Malenke. Malenke had five tackles, two tackles for loss and a sack on the afternoon. Lehocky led the Titans offense by going 14-of-25 through the air for 165 yards with two touchdowns and two interceptions. Banks rushed for 95 yards for the Titans. Waynesburg will look to keep the momentum going as they step out of conference this week to take on Frostburg State. This marks the first matchup between the Jackets and the Bobcats since 2006. The Jackets won that matchup 21-7 and lead the all-time series 26-12-1. The teams met consecutively from 1972-2006. Kickoff at John F. Wiley Stadium is 1:30 p.m.
Staff Writer
Page C4
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Women’s tennis ends regular season
PAC award
By Dave Rykala Though he has worked himself into a starting safety on this year’s Waynesburg University football team, Bryan Gary made his biggest impact of the year on special teams this past Saturday. With his team clinging to a onepoint lead, visiting Westminster lined Gary up to try the game-tying extra point attempt. Gary sealed the 24-23 victory by blocking the PAT try and, thanks to that effort, was named Presidents’ Athletic Conference Special Teams Player of the Week. It’s the third-straight week that a Waynesburg player has taken home the award. Sophomore kicker Jon Storck received the honors the last two weeks. Along with his memorable special teams play, Gary was also solid on defense, making four tackles, including three solo stops.
Staff Writer The Waynesburg University women’s tennis team ended their season with a 9-0 loss to Division II Fairmont State this past Saturday at home. In first doubles, the team of Caitlin Crutchfield and Katie Prather for the Falcons beat Waynesburg’s duo of junior Rebeka Reyes and freshman Markie Gustafson 8-1. The team of juniors Jess Kody and Kelsey Diesel also fell by the score of 81, and in the final doubles match, junior Jenny McAndrews and freshman Logan McDonald fought to a tough 8-5 loss. In the singles portion of the match, Reyes pushed her singles match to a third set, but came up short in the end, losing 62, 4-6, 10-2. Gustafson and Kody lost their matches, each losing by the score of 6-1, 6-0. In fourth singles, Diesel dropped her match 6-0, 60, and McDonald lost by the same score in sixth singles. In fifth singles, McAndrews was defeated 6-4, 6-1 by Fairmont
Jacket men place second Continued from C1 “I am not happy with my time, but that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things,” said Blatt. “The team is what we are working for, and we had a great race.” Though he is not happy with his individual time, Blatt is excited about the team’s finish. “Placing second out of 17 teams is awesome,” Blatt said. “It really makes
Photo by Greg Reinhart
Junior Rebeka Reyes (left) hits a forehand as doubles partner freshman Markie Gustafson looks on in their home match Friday against Fairmont State. State’s Heather Gurash. Though Reyes was the only team member that got to a third set, according to head coach Ron Christman, all the players are increasing their chances for success in the Presidents’ Athletic Conference tournament this upcoming weekend. “Since the Saint Vincent match, each player is doing things that will help their chance in the tour-
nament,” said Christman. “Practice will also show if it’s all coming together at the right time.” The Yellow Jackets also hosted a match against Penn State-Altoona Friday. The Lions defeated Waynesburg by a score of 6-3. The Jackets finished the season by losing their last four matches, but according to Christman, in the PAC tournament,
he feels that his team might be able to surprise some teams. “On a given day you can step up and beat someone,” said Christman. “If some higher seeds come into the match thinking they already won or didn’t prepare well, we could get them.” The PAC tournament starts Friday at 8:30 a.m. in Erie, Pa.
me excited to see how close we all were in our times.” The Jackets will have to wait a little over a week before competing again in the Presidents’ Athletic Conference Championships. “The team is so focused right now,” Hardie said. “I hate to hold back from another week of racing.” Hardie understands that a weekend off of racing will help get the team healthy. “For a team to peak correctly and make a run at the championship
meet, they need to be full rested and recovered,” said Hardie. Though they have a week off, the team feels good about where they are at this point of the season. “We feel really good right now regarding the Presidents’ Athletic Conference,” said Blatt. “But we still have a long way to go.” The Jackets return to action in the PAC Championships Oct. 30 at the Greene County Airport. Action is set to start at 10 a.m. During the women’s race, seniors Adam
Swingle and Bill Moder and freshman Aaron Anderson came across a fallen runner. The three men acted quickly and contacted help. They personally escorted the ambulance to the scene. “They truly went above and beyond,” said Hardie. “They have shown in this one action that they are what Waynesburg is all about – a deep commitment to others. “At no point this season had I been more proud of my squad,” Hardie added.
Onifer wins 5K at WU Continued from C1 season. We thought that the grass would also be better for her.” Despite being plagued by injury, Paul and Morris still ran at a high level. Paul took third place overall in a field of close to 100 competitors. She finished with a time of 25:19.02. “I was very pleased with where I finished,” said Paul. “I’m finally starting to learn to pace myself for a 6K. I’m still not satisfied; I’m really hoping to drop a lot of time at PAC’s [the Presidents’ Athletic Conference Championships].” Morris crossed the line in 27:42.81, good for 25th place overall. “Both Bre and Casey ran very well at Hood,” said Hardie. “When we arrived we realized the course had changed; it was filled with ruts and wasn’t maintained as well as in the past. The times might not be the best, but both competed at a high level.” Paul and Morris were put out of their element, running without the sup-
port of their teammates at the meet. “Bre and I just had to face the fact that we were on our own for this meet,” said Morris. “We just had to run our own race and do our best to finish.” While Paul and Morris were in Maryland, the rest of the team stayed on campus to run in the annual Homecoming 5K. Freshman Tiffany Onifer led the women, taking first place overall on the women’s side. “I’m happy with my performance Saturday,” said Onifer. “The verse I stood on for this meet was 1 Corinthians 10:31. ‘Whatsoever you do, do all for the glory of God.’ That’s all I wanted to do – run for His glory.” Closely behind Onifer were teammates sophomore Megan Donovan and senior Sarah Beth Rood. Michelle PropstCross, assistant coach and Waynesburg alumna, also competed. She placed second on the women’s side. After a week off, the Jackets will run in the PAC Championships Oct. 30 on their home course. The men’s race begins at 11 a.m., with the women’s race at 11:45 a.m. at the Greene County Airport.
All 33 rescued Chilian miners in good health. Read more on D3
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Whatchu singin’ bout Willis?
And the winner is...
By Brandon Reed
Kirstin Repco emerges as Waynesburg Idol winner
Staff Writer
By Alex Hinton By Kaitlin Edwards
Staff Writer This Tuesday, Waynesburg received a little culture from the Willis Duo. George Willis and his wife Ellen-Maria Willis played in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center in the evening playing classical music from Johann Sebastian Bach and Bela Bartok among others. George Willis is the assistant professor of music and director of percussion at West Virginia University. He teaches applied percussion lessons, percussion ensemble and pedagogy lessons as well. Ellen-Maria Willis is a graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. She can also be seen playing violin on the PBS “My Music” series. She teaches private lessons and several summer music camps as well. Both of them have played with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra on occasion, and Ellen-Maria Willis has helped with the Pittsburgh Opera and the Pittsburgh Ballet. “The last time I played with them was this June, and I am going to be playing with them again next week,” said George Willis following the show in the GPAC. Dr. Ronda DePriest, director of the Music Program, was responsible for
PICPA awards student $1,500 Managing Editor
Kirstin Repco is now the title-holder of Waynesburg Idol. Last Friday after three consecutive weeks of student performances in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center, the audience voted Repco as their favorite out of the four remaining contestants in the finale. The battle began with 14 contestants on Oct. 1. “Naturally I’m excited. The whole experience was fun,” Repco said. “I got to share with people something I love to do. The chance to do that is wonderful.” The top four students chosen to sing in last Friday’s final round of the competition were Repco, Sarah Markwardt, Steph Yocca and Michelle Gottschalk. The theme of the finale was “Movie Hits,” in which Repco sang “Reflection” from Disney’s Mulan. Markwardt chose “Somebody to Love,” from Ella Enchanted for her performance. Yocca sang “I Believe I Can Fly,” from Space Jam. Gottschalk, who was the final competitor, ended with “My Heart Will Go On,” from Titanic. Waynesburg Idol has become a tradition at See WILLIS on D2 Waynesburg University. It
(Above) During the final round of Waynesburg Idol, Kirstin Repco was voted the winner after three weeks of competition. (Right) Four finalists remained for the third round on Friday, including Steph Yocca, Kirstin Repco and Michelle Gottschalk. Photo and photo illustration by Andrew Buda
was a highly attended event with much participation from the audience. The Goodwin Perfor-
mance Arts Center was so full of friends and family of the Idol participants that every seat in the
A $1,500 scholarship was awarded to a junior accounting major from Waynesburg University this past year. The Pittsburgh Chapter of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants awarded Eric Gray the scholarship. “This scholarship is a wonderful opportunity for me,” said Gray. “It means a lot to my family and me, and it does help with respect to financial aid.” “PICPA scholarships are awarded to students attending Pa. colleges and universities who have demonstrated the ability to excel in the field of public accounting,” said Anthony Bocchini, professor of Business Administration. “Eric is a very good student and dedicated to his studies.” Bocchini recommended Gray for the scholarship. According to Heidi Turley, PICPA representative, scholarship candidates were judged by their intellectual capacity, leadership potential, financial need, and the intent to pursue a career in accounting. “I think I got the scholroom was filled. arship for a few reasons,” Members of the audi- said Gray. “I think it is See REPCO on D2
Interactive musician provides melodies for Oct. Noon Tunes By Carrie Maier Staff Writer This month’s Noon Tunes brought traveling musician Jared Campbell back to Waynesburg University to play in front of lunchtime audiences in Benedum Dining Hall. On Oct. 19, Campbell provided what he called “background music” to students eating lunch from noon to 1 p.m. “I really liked it – the way he was with the audience,” said Brooke Larson, a freshman electronic media major in attendance. “Usually people just sit here but he’s really interacting.” Played entirely on acoustic guitar, Campbell’s set list included
originals dedicated to his mother and wife as well as top 40 hits like Train’s “Hey Soul Sister” and Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi.” “I like that he played songs we know,” said Julia Paganell, freshman secondary education major. Even the “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” theme song was turned acoustic, complete with Campbell allowing Waynesburg students in the dining hall to take over verses. “I want to play what people want to hear, but I also want to be original,” said Campbell. “I just have a mentality going into every show to provide the best entertainment that I can.” Created by Pat Bristor,
associate dean of students and director of the Student Activities Board, Noon Tunes is a monthly event started this semester that features artists performing during the lunchtime hour. “I oversee the Student Activities Board and there’s a conference I go to called the National Association of College Activities where we get samples and previews of comedy acts, singers, and things like that,” said Bristor. “[Campbell] did a Coffeehouse here before and we really enjoyed him.” Campbell also performed and spoke at Chapel the day of his Noon Tunes performance. “Chapel was amazing. I got to share my story and
Photo by Amanda Rice
Jared Campbell performed for the October Noon Tunes on Tuesday, Oct. 19. He sang and played songs on guitar, including both cover songs and originals. I love just meeting new people,” Campbell said. “I’m on the road a lot; I’m a traveling musician for a living.” Campbell said that the
farthest he has ever been in California.“But I’m a Northeast kind of guy,” he said. “I like seeing the country but there’s just some-
thing about the northeast. It’s home.” Noon Tunes is held once a month from noon to 1 p.m. in the Benedum Dining Hall.
Page D2
Thursday, October 21, 2010
‘I need a hero’: Professor discusses ‘Waiting for Superman’ By Hannah Dunbar Staff Writer Waiting For Superman is a documentary film by Davis Guggenheim that follows several children as they try to make it against the odds of the American education system. It has recently generated a lot of buzz in the field of education because of the way that it portrays the American school system. “Guggenheim’s new film, ‘Waiting For Super-
Gray earns scholarship Continued from D1 due to my dedication and involvement in the accounting field, as well as my grades and how I assist others in the field of accounting.” Gray received the award toward the middle of May. “After I was told I received the scholarship, I was really excited,” said Gray.
man,’ is nothing less than a wake-up call to all Americans,” said Blaise Nutter of the Huffington Post. “It is both a searing indictment of our education system and a desperate call-to-action to save our struggling schools.” Several professors at Waynesburg University have seen parts of this documentary and Professor of Education Maureen Mulvaney agrees that the American school system is in need
of some changes. “‘Waiting for Superman’ calls attention to the importance of education and the need to improve it in America,” said Mulvaney. “Reforming schools is the civil rights issue of our time. If we want students from all economic, ethnic and racial groups to achieve at more equal levels, we need to change schools.” ‘Waiting For Superman’ primarily takes place in large urban, charter and magnet
schools. The schools in the documentary are located in city areas such Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and New York City. These inner-city schools are the places where the level of education that students receive is considered to be some of the lowest in our country. “I remember hearing the somewhat cynical comment that if Ben Franklin were to return from the dead, the only thing he would recognize would be the
“The scholarship really helped me out financially and I was very honored to receive it.” Several components were required to be completed for this scholarship. “I had to fill out several parts of the application before I could submit it,” said Gray. “I had to write a lot of essays which asked about my involved, personal goals, current jobs, GPA and transcript and whether I was planning to take the CPA exam. Even though it was a lot it was worth it.”
Gray is actively involved within the Department of Business of Administration as well as other organizations on campus. He is tutor for several areas of accounting, including helping students use Excel and QuickBooks, a financial accounting tool. The scholarship will be used to offset tuition costs for the 2010-11 school year. PICPA is a certified accounting organization created to help CPAs gain network and training
experience. Ninety-nine students were given this award with 55 first-time winners and 44 students renewed their awards. Scholarship amounts were awarded from $75015,000 based on the application. For 2010, $306,000 was given out to the scholarship recipients. “These scholarships are very prestigious and it is a great honor for Eric and for Waynesburg University that he received this award,” said Bocchini.
schools,” Mulvaney said. “Schools are very conservative institutions whose function of maintaining the status quo is very deeply ingrained.” According to the Program for International Student Assessment, in 2007 test scores showed that in the United States 15-year-old students were far behind their peers from many industrialized countries. The average science score of students from the United States was behind those in 16 of 30
countries. The students from the United States were also further behind in math, ranking behind counterparts in 23 countries. “We need schools which set out to challenge the status quo, which strive to be change agents in our society,” Mulvaney said. “Schools are a microcosm of the communities. Our schools need to do more to encourage our children to use their intelligence and creativity to their fullest.”
Photo by Andrew Buda
Two of the final four contestants during the Waynesburg Idol competition on Friday, Oct 15 include Kirstin Repco (left) and Sarah Markwardt (right).
Repco wins Idol Continued from D1
Photo by Brandon Reed
The Willis Duo performed in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. The duo performed several pieces including Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Air” and some traditional Irish and African tunes.
Willis Duo performs Continued from D1 getting the Willis Duo to come to Waynesburg. “It really is amazing.” DePriest said about the talent of The Willis Duo. The Willis Duo opened with one of George Willis’ favorite pieces, Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Air,” George Willis was playing
on a five-octave marimba using a four-mallot technique. He used four sticks in each of his hands for every song he played on the marimba. Ellen-Maria Willis used a modern Italian violin that was made in 1986 as a graduation project. George Willis played many different percussion instruments; in addition to the five-octave marimba, he had an African balophone, and an Irish
Bodhran. He used the African balophone for a solo tribal piece. He used the Irish bodhran to play Irish jigs and reels while EllenMaria played different chords and used different techniques on her violin. The show in the GPAC was the only one of its kind the Willis Duo had ever done, and it will be the only solo concert they do for a while, they said. “To do a full recital,”
Ellen-Maria Willis said, “just the two of us, was great.” Throughout the performance there were many different types of violin playing going on from rhythmic, which is normally a percussion technique, and plucking, which is normally a guitar technique. The Willis Duo draws their inspiration from everything - classical music, modern, hymns, tribal – they said.
ence stood lining the walls, filled the staircases in the aisles and sat on the floor. There were several guest performers for the night including some of the previous Waynesburg Idol winners. Tim Monaghan opened the show by singing and playing his guitar in his cover of Billy Joel’s “Piano Man,” and Megan Peebles and Jen Shulti closed the evening with their duet performance of the Glee version of “Poker Face.” “My favorite part of Waynesburg Idol was joking around with everyone backstage. Knowing everyone else is just as nervous as me makes me feel better,” said Repco. “Hanging out with everyone else is what the memories are.” Repco is a senior this year and is a communica-
tions major with an emphasis on electronic media. She has been singing since her early childhood. “When I found out it was something I loved doing, I wanted to sing for the rest of my life,” she said. “I love entertaining people.” Music is a large part of Repco’s life. She is currently involved with the Lamplighters touring group and choir at Waynesburg University. She is also a member of the University’s Beauty Shop Quartet. “It’s a new experience for me, but it’s really fun at the same time,” she said of the quartet. For students who would like to be a part of next year’s Waynesburg Idol, Repco advises them to select songs they are comfortable with and that go well with their voices. “Get out there and have fun,” said Repco. “What’s important is you’re liking what you do.”
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Page D3
Global News
Medical students in Florida get iPods to bolster training
By Sarah Lundy The Orlando Sentinel ORLANDO, Fla. — Second-year medical student Lynn McGrath knows the iPod touch he carries will help him become a better doctor. McGrath, 25, can quickly research a patient’s symptoms on the device and learn how to treat them in minutes. “The first year as medical students, it helps us figure out what’s going on, but as you become more familiar, it’s more of a confirmation,” he said. Starting this semester, the University of Central Florida’s College of Medicine, which in its second year, is giving every medical student an iPod touch to help in their training. The Central Florida college has joined other medical schools across the country that provide mobile devices to medical students. Florida State University also gives iPod touches to medical students, and Stanford University in California is distributing much-larger Apple iPads to its future doctors. The UCF iPod, which costs around $600 with medical applications, gives students instant access to look up diseases, medications and symptoms. It also allows them to listen to lectures and view diagrams. The Ohio State University College of Medicine was the first to hand out iPod touches to each student, in 2007. “Like many things, the students are the ones who brought forth the idea,” said Dr. Catherine Lucey, the Ohio college’s interim dean. “It can be used to really help explain things to students.” Nadine Dexter, who is the health sciences library director, said the iPods help students to learn on their own and to know how to find the most recent information. “We want to teach them that good up-to-date knowledge is what all good physicians need to make good point-of-care decisions,” she said. “We don’t want them to make a decision based on a 10-year-old text sitting on a shelf.” Some doctors on the UCF staff have also embraced the iPod. “It used to be that you would read every journal that came to your mailbox,” said Dr. Bethany Ballinger, director of clinical informatics and an emergency room doctor. “Now, there is no way. ... You are not looking at how much you can cram into your memory. You are looking selectively at what you need to learn to stay up to date and to manage this patient.” Before making its decision to distribute the iPods, UCF surveyed more than 150 medical schools in UnitSee NEW on D4
Sudan rejects UN peacekeepers on the border Construction workers protest job changes NAIROBI, Kenya – A spokesman for the Sudanese army has rebuffed United Nations plans to station peacekeepers on the border between northern and southern Sudan. A deployment on the demarcation line to the partly autonomous southern region is not covered by the mandate of the UN Missions in Sudan. UN peacekeeping chief had announced the planned deployment a day earlier, saying that it is designed to prevent violent incidents in hotspots during the January 9 poll, which will decide the issue over independence for the southern part of the country. The exact location of the border in the oil-rich region has been one source of tension between the north and the south and will continue to be until the issue is resolved.
2 Supply trucks being attacked in Pakistan ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – The proportion of supplies for American troops in Afghanistan passing through Pakistan has dropped by half in the last two years, as attacks and bureaucratic delays have forced Pakistani transport companies and individual truck drivers to reconsider the job. While investigations have found no high-level extremist involvement behind recent attacks on the supply convoys, 150 trucks were burned and several drivers were killed this month. The issue of military supplies passing through Pakistan goes to the heart of the current debate in Washington over the war in Afghanistan and the fight against global terrorism: Is Pakistan a reliable ally? It’s unclear who was behind the attacks on the trucks and some suspect the involvement of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence spy agency or its proxies. Khan estimated that carrying NATO supplies is worth $5 billion to the struggling Pakistani economy and employs 30,000 people.
HACKENSACK, N.J. — Flanked by hundreds of job-hungry construction workers, Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday stood at the site of the shuttered ARC tunnel project in North Bergen, N.J., and vilified Republican Governor Chris Christie as a politician who killed job creation for the sake of political gain. At several points during the rally, the workers chanted: “We want jobs. When do we want them? Now.” The rally came three days before Christie is to announce whether the tunnel will move forward. Christie canceled the project on Oct. 7 after a committee he assembled last month told him the costs could exceed the budget by as much as $5 billion.
4 Austrian woman falls victim to pet scam VIENNA – An Austrian woman ended up $31,000 poorer and without the free animal promised in an online scam last week. The 19-year-old woman from Salzburg province had found an offer for a free “British Shorthair” cat on the Internet. The purported cat donor started asking for money transfers to Cameroon for pet needs, promising that the money would be repaid. The woman made 23 transfers, but her furry friend was never sent. When realized there was no free cat, she contacted police.
5 Japan to ask for first death sentence in lay case TOKYO – Prosecutors in Japan may demand the death penalty for the first time in a lay judge trial. Koji Hayashi was arrested for allegedly killing Yoshie Suzuki, 78, and stabbing her 21-year-old granddaughter, Miho Ejiri, after breaking into their house in August 2009. Prosecutors allege Hayashi was motivated by unrequited romantic feelings for Ejiri. It is highly likely the death penalty will be sought. It will be the first such instance since the introduction of the lay judge system.
Chile’s rescued miners in good health, hospital official says By Chris Kraul Los Angeles Times COPIAPO, Chile — Just a day after 33 Chilean miners were freed from their underground prison, they were in good health overall, officials said Thursday, with some of the men set to be released from the hospital by the end of the day. As Chilean President Sebastian Pinera met with the hospitalized men, he stressed that measures would be taken to avoid future mine disasters. Late Wednesday, Chile freed the last of the men from half a mile below ground at the site of the collapsed San Jose mine. The miracle of a second chance at life was made real by the methodical shuttle of a battered red, white and blue rescue capsule willed on by a joyful nation and global audience of hundreds of millions. Pinera continued to speak with pride of the rescue Thursday. “The rescue has given a new
Photo by Jose Manuel de la Maza/MCT/Abaca Press
Juan Illanes, the 3rd miner to be rescued, is embraced by Chilean President Sebastian Pinera after his rescue in Chile, on Oct. 13. meaning to things being done ‘a la chilena,’ or the Chilean way,” he said in a press conference after meet-
ing with the 33 miners at Copiapo Regional Hospital. “It now means to do something well, with dedication,
with faith, to not leave it for tomorrow but with urgency, to bring together the best machinery and human
resources.” The president added that an investigation into the causes of the disaster had been opened and that the government would try to pass the cost of the rescue, estimated at between $10 million and $20 million, to the mine owners. He said the cost was mitigated by “generous donations” from Chilean and international mining companies of equipment and personnel. Pinera also reiterated that he will “in the next few days” introduce a proposal to make sweeping changes in workplace rules to insure against “insecure and inhumane conditions like those that existed at the San Jose mine.” Those measures would increase inspections and raise standards not just in mining but in farming, fishing, transportation and other industries. “We’ll create a culture of respect for life,” Pinera said. Much of the world had been
transfixed by the rescue. Two thousand news reporters had crammed into the mining camp. The government used earthmovers to create parking spaces for the cars, campers and satellite trucks that converged on this desolate spot about 500 miles north of the Chilean capital, Santiago, to cover each rescue, one after the other, in what turned out to be a seamless operation captured from every angle on state television. The first miners were pulled to safety just after midnight Tuesday, delivered into the waiting arms of ecstatic family members, engineers and officials. As daylight broke, the pace quickened _ each miner’s emergence unleashing a new wave of raw emotion. What only hours earlier seemed magical, however, also became routine. One after another, ordinary See MINERS on D4
Page D4
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Global News
Scientists discover Study released: Legal California pot Tyrannosaurus Rex would not undercut Mexican cartels ate own species By Tim Johnson
McClatchy Newspapers
By Amina Khan Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES — Tyrannosaurus rex may have had a surprising predator to fear: Tyrannosaurus rex. Paleontologists from the United States and Canada discovered T. rex bones with T. rex tooth-markings on them, according to a study published online Friday in the journal PLoS One. Nicholas Longrich, the Yale University paleontologist who led the study, had been picking through dinosaur bones collections in museums, looking for signs of bites by small, scavenging mammals. Instead, he came across a T. rex bone with deep gouges that appeared to be left by a large, reptilian predator. What creature roaming Hell Creek Formation (named after Hell Creek near Jordan, Mont.,) could have gnawed a T. rex bone? There was only one culprit in this area 65 million years ago, the scientists said: another T. rex. “It’s not what I was looking for, but may as well run with it,” Longrich recalled thinking. After searching through several different collections around the continent, Longrich and colleagues from Montana, Florida and Canada turned up four
bones showing the distinctive tooth damage. Telling as the toothmarks are, it’s unclear whether Tyrannosaurus rex killed one another or picked the meat off their already-dead brethren. Scavenging seems a likely bet, Longrich said, since teeth marks thought to be from younger, smaller T. rex were also found on the bones. But the predators also could have fought their peers for territory and feasted on the fallen loser. “Pick the one you like better - I suspect both would have happened,” Longrich said. Evidence that the king of the dinosaurs ate its brethren had not been noticed before, commented Sterling Nesbitt, a paleontologist at the University of Washington who was not involved in the study. That’s because finding fossils with key evidence about their former owners’ behaviors - such as what they consumed, or how they reared their young - is rare. For instance, analyzing how a dinosaur protected its eggs, “can only be made if you find the dinosaur brooding on the nest - that’s an example of how rare it is,” Nesbitt said. “That animal had to die sitting on its eggs.”
MEXICO CITY — If Californians vote to legalize marijuana on Nov. 2, Mexico’s drug cartels would feel the pinch, but the significance wouldn’t be overwhelming, a U.S. policy research center said Tuesday. The 57-page study by the RAND Corp. of Santa Monica, Calif., says that the U.S. government routinely overestimates Mexican criminal gangs’ earnings from marijuana. An accurate estimate would be $1.5 billion to $2 billion a year, a fraction of their overall earnings from narcotics smuggling
and other criminal activity, it says. The California ballot initiative would permit those 21 or older to cultivate 5- by 5-foot plots of marijuana, legalize its possession and allow municipalities to regulate and tax its production and sale. The outcome of the initiative is uncertain. A Reuters/Ipsos poll last week found that 53 percent of state voters oppose the measure. The RAND study casts doubt on an argument of supporters of California’s Proposition 19 that the measure would help quell violence from Mexican drug gangs. In the short run, it says, legalization
could increase violence in Mexico as cartels fire workers and battle for dwindling business. “We’ve figured out that you can’t solve Mexico’s violence problems in the United States, at least not without legalizing substances that are not on the table now,” said Jonathan P. Caulkins, of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, a co-author of the report. The authors of the study said they sought to inform rather than to sway the outcome of the initiative in California, a state that consumes an estimated one-seventh of the marijuana used in the United States.
Still, White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske hailed the findings. “This report shows that despite the millions spent on marketing the idea, legalized marijuana won’t reduce the revenue or violence generated by Mexican drug-trafficking organizations,” Kerlikowske said. Supporters of the California initiative say it would bring new revenue to local governments and allow law enforcement to focus on violent crime. Opponents say the measure would increase marijuana usage, make the roads more dangerous and put California in conflict with federal law.
Photo by Jim Mahoney/Dallas Morning News/MCT
Miners rescued Continued from D3 men, united in an incredible tale of survival and distinguished by each one’s unique skills and story, returned. The 55-yearold miner who led a prayer group followed the 26-year-old former security guard who helped manage packages sent down to the miners. The one who while trapped asked his wife of 25 years to renew their wedding vows was followed by the one who went underground to pay for his son’s medical school. The miner colleagues referred to as “Dr. House” after the TV character preceded the one who monitored gas levels in the pit and sent readings to the surface. Officials said initial indications were that the men were in remarkably good health. Speaking to reporters Wednesday afternoon, Health Minister Jaime Manalich said that only one of the 17 miners who had reached the Copiapo Regional Hospital by that point showed any symptoms of a serious illness. The most serious
condition exhibited by any of the miners, health officials said, was a single case of pneumonia, a condition that had been diagnosed remotely while the miner was still underground. Doctors at the Copiapo Regional Hospital were prepared and had already begun to treat the miner, who was not identified, Chilean Health Minister Jaime Manalich said. Ophthalmologist Luis Salinas said initial examinations showed no apparent eye damage from the weeks without sunlight, contrary to the fears of medical experts. Otherwise, the miners’ health so far was “more than satisfactory,” Manalich said, adding that the first ones to be rescued probably would be discharged from the hospital starting Thursday afternoon. “I think it would be good for them that the entire nation sees them at the start of this new phase of life that they are starting,” Manalich said. Pinera said the government will not abandon the miners as they return to normal life. “We will not leave them alone, not in matters of health, their family relations nor their reinsertion to the workforce,” he said.
Chemical reaction Science teacher Darla Liesman demonstrates a chemical change for her class at Lamar Middle School in Irving, Texas on Sept. 20. Liesman earned money last year because Irving ISD factors test scores into teacher bonuses.
New training techniques Continued from D3 ed States and Canada, Dexter said. Of those, two dozen schools incorporate a hand-held device into the curriculum and most either used or suggested iPods. To ensure that UCF students use them correctly, the school incorporates the devices and software into its courses. First-year students learn the basics about the various software programs. As they progress, they
use their iPods to research more complicated cases, Ballinger said. For example, as part of the program, students every few weeks visit patients with Ballinger at Florida Hospital East. If a patient complains of chest pain, Ballinger can ask the students why specific drugs are being prescribed or could there be another diagnosis. “They can go on (the iPod) and look up information and find the answers here,” Ballinger said. “If they look it up themselves and work the answer out themselves they are much more likely to retain this as
opposed to blah, blah, blah, learn these three causes of chest pains.” For second-year student Bryant Lambe, 22, the iPod touch helped him when he volunteered in Haiti where he served as a pharmacist for a neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit. He would mix powderform medication so it could be injected as liquid. “They had giant books that listed how to reconstitute the drugs,” he said. “When I got an order to reconstitute a certain drug I hadn’t done before, I just typed in the name and I could pull up
all the facts, all the interactions and what other drugs I could use to substitute if I didn’t have that drug.” After graduation, the students get to keep the iPod touches, which is covered by the technology fee they pay the school. College officials have heard some rumblings from doctors who worry that students will become too reliant on the device for information. But Ballinger said that won’t happen. “It doesn’t let students off the hook,” she said. “You can’t take it into an exam.”