Church of England
Wetheringsett VCP School
Date of Policy: Last Review: Next review:
April 2006 Summer 2009 Summer 2010
Contact Person:
Headteacher David Simington
Governors Committee:
Wetheringsett VCP School Behaviour Policy Revised September 2009
Contents: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
Behaviour Policy – Purposes, Rationale, Guidelines Actions and Sanctions Exit Procedures Red Card Procedures Exclusion Policy Anti Bullying Policy Policy for Use of Reasonable Force to Restrain Pupils Managing Pupil Behaviour – Strategies A Stepwise Approach to Behaviour Management
Behaviour Policy Purposes To promote an ethos of calm well ordered behaviour throughout the school. Rationale A school-wide understanding of the Wetheringsett Primary Code of Behaviour will: enhance classroom management which will in turn improve the learning environment promote positive reinforcement and praise help to forge good relationships in and out of the classroom present a grounding for acceptable behaviour patterns in later years Guidelines
1. Positive re-enforcement and praise are essential to our behaviour policy. 2. Merits are given as rewards for good behaviour and work. Individual merits are celebrated with certificates for 50, 100, 150 merits, and class merits are celebrated by presentation of class trophy. 3. The Wetheringsett Primary Code of Behaviour (see separate sheet) was negotiated with children through the Student Council and should be updated and reinforced each year. Frequent references to it will help to keep it meaningful. 4. Bill Rogers’ Stepwise approach (separate sheet) has been found to be valuable, showing the use of appropriate levels of discipline according to behaviour. 5. A “Red Card” system is used to track undesirable behaviour. (See separate sheet detailing Red Card procedures) 6. An “Exit” procedure exists for those children whose behaviour cannot be tolerated in a lesson, due to its adverse affect on others’ learning and/or safety. A Teacher Support Network detailing suitable supervised destinations for ‘exited’ pupils is displayed in each classroom. (See ‘Exit Procedures’ below.) 7. Wetheringsett Art Cards are used for positive feedback to parents, celebrating particular successes in behaviour and work. 8. The Behaviour Information Sheet (BIS) operates as an early warning signal to parents of concerns about behaviour and work.
Actions and Sanctions The school is proud of the behaviour of its pupils and will always get in touch with parents at the earliest opportunity if any child’s behaviour falls below the standards which we expect. The school has a behaviour policy which concentrates on encouraging and reinforcing the good aspects of pupil behaviour. This is based on a simple code of conduct which all children are expected to follow: This code of conduct is backed up by a system of rewards based on praise, merit points and certificates.” Children are not permitted to disrupt the learning or general well-being of other children. If such behaviour begins to cause concern parents are informed, a record of the behaviour is established through the Behaviour Information Sheet (BIS) and sanctions are applied.
Sanctions and appropriate actions exist to support the child in his/her efforts to modify behaviour patterns and to ensure our school is the orderly, purposeful environment we expect it to be. They comprise:· Breaktime and lunchtime detentions · Appropriate community service (litter collecting, etc.) during break time or lunchtime · Loss of privileges · Routine tasks · Removal from lessons to the care of another teacher or senior member of staff (‘exit’) · After school detention, subject to twenty four hours notice being given to parents/guardians · Putting a child on subject report, learning report or behaviour report. · Consideration as to whether the nature of the behaviour warrants implementation of an IEP (see SENCO), the setting up (subsequently) of a Pastoral Support Programme and/or involvement of external agencies. · Temporary withdrawal from lessons to study independently. · Temporary (fixed term) exclusion from school · Permanent exclusion from school.
Exit Procedures Back up support will always be available from Head Teacher or class teacher where pupils are working wwith other teaching staff. Exit Procedure There are two choices to be used at the discretion of staff: 1. The child is taken to the receiving teacher. (A TA may accompany). 2. The receiving teacher is called. Either way is acceptable according to the circumstances prevailing. Appropriate work should always be sent with the child. The offending child should never be left alone. When a child is 'exited' s/he automatically receives a Red Card. (See ‘Procedures for Management of Poor Behaviour’ below.)
· A BIS is completed (parents informed) recording the issue of the Red Card and appropriate sanction. (Exiting a pupil is not a sanction in itself.) · Additional work may be given according to the discretion of the teachers. · Responsibility for the child remains that of the teacher from whose lesson the child was exited.
PROCEDURES FOR MANAGEMENT OF POOR BEHAVIOUR (For procedures to report on behaviour outside the classroom see next page.)
Implement standard class management strategies (see Classroom Code). Red Card may be issued, with sanction detailed, only after instances of persistently poor or extreme behaviour. Although 3 warnings should precede issue of Red Card (RC) whenever possible, extreme behaviour may result in issue without warnings. [In exceptional circumstances staff may use their 1.
professional judgement to decide whether behaviour persisting over consecutive lessons may result in issue of card following a ‘blanket warning’ eg. “If you behave in the same way again during this lesson you will automatically receive a Red Card.”]
2. Exit pupil to appropriate SMT member. Complete Behaviour Information Sheet (BIS) detailing appropriate sanction for later implementation and ensuring ‘Red Card’ box is filled in as indicated. 3. Ensure exited pupil is made aware of sanction to be imposed. 4. Implement sanction detailed on BIS. 5. Pass BIS to Class Tutor. st nd 6. On receipt of BIS for 1 or 2 Red Card: st nd a) Indicate on BIS whether it is a 1 or 2 RC and fill in with ‘Y’ ‘Information to be posted home?’ box. b) Send to office for recording in SIMs. b) Office will return a copy of BIS to Class Teacher’s pigeon hole for class file. c) Discuss poor behaviour with child. 7. File BIS parent’s reply in class file on its return. rd 8. On receipt of BIS for 3 Red Card:
a) Indicate on BIS whether it is a 3 or subsequent Red Card. b) Class teacher to inform and pass on completed BIS to head teacher and place child on Class teacher Report for a week (signed by parents). c) Class teacher to inform staff via staff bulletin/briefing.
9. If Class teacher Report is unsatisfactory, child to be placed on Head teacher Report for 1 week. 10. Failure to respond to 1 week’s Head teacher Report, or th issue of 4 or subsequent Red Card results in 1 hour after-school detention with Head teacher. 11. Further instances of poor behaviour to be referred to head teacher and action taken to be recorded in Sims. PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING INCIDENCES OF POOR BEHAVIOUR OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM
Incidences of poor behaviour outside the classroom should also be reported using the Behaviour Information Sheet. (BIS) The procedure below may be implemented by all adults in school; teaching staff, admin. staff, TAs, midday supervisors etc. In appropriate circumstances, teaching staff familiar with the Red Card procedure in the classroom may judge to issue a ‘Red Card’ directly for an ‘out-of-class’ incident, should the behaviour warrant it. Other adults should record incidents on a Behaviour Information Sheet (available in all classrooms and the office) and follow the procedure below. 1. Staff member intercepts poor behaviour from child(ren). 2. Staff member fills in Behaviour Information Sheet (BIS). 3. BIS Class teacher in first instance (or to school office manager to forward). 4. Class teacher implements further action, if required e.g. detention/ Red Card and initiates processing procedure of BIS. (BIS referred to head teacher if nature of poor behaviour deems it necessary.)
Exclusions Rationale: This policy was drawn up in accordance with legal requirements as an integral part of the school’s Managing Pupil Behaviour Policy. Governors strongly support the need to ensure good conduct and an orderly environment for effective learning and teaching to take place. Occasionally it may be necessary to exclude individual children either for a fixed period or permanently. Such exclusions will be conducted according to the following guidelines. Procedure: 1. The Head teacher (or in his absence, the senior teacher) has sole responsibility for the exercise of power to exclude. 2. This responsibility will be exercised only for the most serious incidents, as detailed below. 3. Parents will be informed immediately the decision to exclude has been made by the Head teacher and informed of their rights to appeal. 4. The Chair of Governors will be informed immediately the decision to exclude has been made by the Head. 5. The procedures to be followed will be those currently laid down in Suffolk County Council guidelines. Broad Guidelines: 1. Fixed Period Exclusions: These will usually be for periods of up to five days and up to three such periods in any one term. They will be used when necessary to: a. Ensure and preserve the safety of pupils. b. Ensure and preserve the learning of pupils when it is disrupted in major ways that cannot be dealt with by the School’s Managing Pupil Behaviour Procedures. 2. Permanent Exclusions: These will be used when, in the opinion of the Head and after consultation with staff fixed period exclusions have been
used as in 1 above but have proved ineffective in meeting the aims of 1a and 1b above. 3. Permanent Exclusions may also be used in extreme circumstances where behaviour is so disruptive or dangerous that it is unlikely that there is any hope of effecting a safe reintegration into school. In such circumstances the Head teacher will consult with County Advisers before taking the decision to permanently exclude a child. 4. Appeals by parents against exclusion will be heard by the Governors’ Hearings Committee within fifteen days of the decision to exclude.
Anti-bullying Policy Rationale The problem of bullying can cause great distress to children and must be dealt with effectively and speedily if children are to be happy and successful in school. Bullying is defined as 'inflicting physical or mental hurt to someone on a regular basis'. This policy describes how the school approaches the problem. Purposes: To ensure that:1. Bullying is identified. It is inflicting physical or mental harm on someone on a regular basis. 2. Bullying is dealt with effectively and speedily. 3. Children are encouraged to be open and honest about bullying. Broad Guidelines: 1. Effective approaches for children to bullying are introduced and discussed on a regular basis during PSHE Lessons and Assemblies. 2. Assertiveness training takes place during PSHE. 3. The “Golden Rule” for the children must be that the school cannot respond to a problem unless we know about it. 4. All reports of bullying will be treated seriously and will be investigated. Where appropriate the outcome of any investigation will be reported to parents of victim and bully. 5. Action taken will depend on individual circumstances, but the situation must be monitored to ensure it does not re-occur. 6. At our weekly Learning meeting on Thursdays after school we will raise staff awareness of potential bullying.
7. All staff share a responsibility to report and deal with cases of bullying. 8. Instances of bullying should be recorded by staff on the BIS and the appropriate class teacher informed.
Policy on the Use of Reasonable Force to Restrain Pupils Rationale: In accordance with the Education Act 1997, the Head teacher has the responsibility to authorise named staff to use reasonable force to prevent a pupil behaving in certain ways. Purposes: To identify behaviour where reasonable force may be used. To identify the persons authorised to use such force. (This authority is confirmed for all members of the school staff.) To state how such use of force is recorded and monitored. To give guidance about the circumstances in which such force may be used. Guidelines: Reasonable force may be used when pupils are: · committing an offence · injuring themselves or others · damaging property · disrupting good order and discipline This legal right to use reasonable force under the above conditions is given to: · teaching staff · to support staff involved in work with small groups in the absence of a teaching member of staff · Midday Lunchtime Supervisors in the absence of a teaching member of staff · A record of such incidents will be kept in the school office. Forceful restraint · should only be used as a last resort · should be the minimum force necessary · should only be used in the circumstances quoted above when a pupil refuses to co-operate with the legitimate requests of members of staff N.B
Please refer to the full policy on The Use of Restraint for more detailed guidance on the use of restraint.
Managing Pupil Behaviour – Guidance to Strategies Available (See also ‘Actions and Sanctions’ section)
Class teacher 1. Implementation of Behaviour Policy through the Code of Behaviour, emphasising the positive as far as possible. 2. I am a star System (concentrating on the positive) 3. Additional work/homework. 4. Verbal reprimands away from the class. 5. Isolating child within class i.e. separating from other children. 6. Reporting child’s behaviour to class teacher through the Red Card system. 7. In an emergency, use of exit procedure. 8. Use of BIS to inform parents of pupil’s behaviour. If a deteriorating pattern is recognised, the sooner this is done the better. 9. Meeting parents. 10. Identification of special need and involvement of external agencies through the SENCO.
Head teacher 1. Verbal reprimand/encouragement. 2. Additional work (academic or social service). 3. Reporting to parent by letter. 4. Meeting parents (with class/form teacher present where appropriate). 5. Putting ‘on report’. This can be done for a specific subject or for all subjects if general behaviour warrants it. 6. Withdrawal of privileges. 7. Examination of achievements etc. in all subjects. 8. Identification of special need and involvement of external agencies through the SENCO. 9. Change of class. 10. Additional work (academic or social service).
11. Exclusion according to the school’s Exclusion Policy.
A Stepwise approach to Behaviour Management (Bill Rodgers)
Enables teachers to plan ahead for appropriate strategies so that they can respond more effectively (rather than react) to pupil disruptions.
1. Tactical ignoring of Behaviour (TIB) A step for low level disruptions. TIB means tactically ignoring (a decisive choice not to notice) such behaviour. With TIB you are deciding:· which behaviour you can appropriately ignore · how long you are prepared to ignore · what you will do next if TIB is not achieving its aim While you are using TIB you also attend to, notice and reinforce on-task behaviour. 'Tibbing' is exceptionally effective for low level attention seeking such as the few who persistently call out. 2. Simple Directions (SD) A simple direction should express our intent clearly and simply rather than getting involved in long-winded discussions e.g. “David, (tapping) put that pen down now, thanks.” Always use the pupil's personal name. When using simple directions: · speak to the behaviour you want to see (Wendy, Mellissa, face the front and listen, thanks.” Rather than “Oi, you two, I’m trying to teach, what’s wrong with you? Do you want to share it with the whole class? · establish eye- contact · speak clearly, firmly and briefly. Repeat if necessary. · Expect compliance 3.
Rule statements – Rule Reminders (RR)
The teacher simply restates the rule to the student or quietly reminds them of the relevant rule (safety, communication, learning, movement, manners, treatment, conflict, etc.) e.g. “Melissa, you know the rule for calling out – use it, thanks.” 4. Question and Feedback (See Glasser 1969) Move alongside the student and ask, “What’s happening here?” or “What’s going on?” The voice tone is not sarcastic or threatening, just appropriately firm. A ‘what’ question is an attempt to get some feedback from a pupil and put a bit of responsibility their way. Avoid ‘why’ questions – these are better used when taking pupils aside on a 1-1. If the response to a ‘what’ question is ‘nothing’ simply inform the student about what you saw or heard (your feedback to the pupil) and follow up with a secondary question (re-direction) “What should you be doing?” – or – “What are you supposed to be doing?” Again if the pupil avoids responsibility re-direct to the required task or behaviour. 5. Defusion Appropriate humour can often take the heat out of a problem so that the student has been distracted and the heat diffused. 6. Blocking statements If a pupil procrastinates, argues, etc. ‘blocking is a verbal stratagem that reasserts a teacher’s fair direction, using the same words repetitively. There are two basic forms of blocking. One is a simple redirection (sometimes called the broken record approach) the other is re-assertion. With a redirection the teacher is basically re-directing the initial direction, rule or question, e.g. (T) “David, back in your seat, thanks”. (P) “But I was just getting a rubber.” (T) “Back in your seat now.” (P)”But I told you, I was just getting a rubber – what are you picking on me for!!” (T)”O.K. back in your seat.” Remember – ‘blocking’ is an approach to use with argumentative students. We avoid taking up verbal arms, about being ‘picked on’ or ‘others do it too!’ With re-assertion the teacher briefly tunes in to what the pupil is saying but re-asserts the rule, direction or appropriate question. E.g. (T) “Melissa and Wendy, (two loud ‘yakkers’) what are you doing?” (QAF) (P) ”Nothing.”
(T) ”Actually, you’re talking loudly (tune in) and I’m trying to work over there; what should you be doing?” (S) ”Other people talk – you don’t pick on them!” (T) ”Other people do. What should you be doing?” (tune in but reassert) (P) ”Our work!” (T) ”OK back into it, thanks.” 7. Giving Simple Choices Empty threats are pointless. Let the pupil choose the responsible alternative. Choice enables the student some measure of self-control. "If then." “If you continue to call out David, I’ll have to ask you to stay back and explain why you can’t work by our fair rules.” (deferred option) 8. EXIT Procedures When a student’s behaviour is so disruptive that other student’s/the teacher’s rights are being infringed, the EXIT procedure should be invoked.
Lunchtime Supervision Arrangements Guidelines for teaching staff ·
The warning bell will go at 11.50
All children need to be escorted by teachers to the village hall.
Any staff who run clubs at lunchtime are asked to collect the children
from the field with a whistle as the lunchtime supervisor will not be able to leave the field or playground. ·
All first aid equipment is now stored in the staff room.
Guidelines for Midday ·
Please be aware of the need to continually circulate around the field
to keep an eye on all activities going on. ·
Please place yourselves opposite eac other so that we have a member
of staff on both sides of the field. ·
If the weather confines the children to the playground, please ensure
that zones are kept to at lunchtime, e.g. safe zones – no ball games. ·
Any inappropriate behaviour must be reported to the teacher in
charge of the class. ·
No playing of bulldog or any kind of play fighting will be tolerated.
If a particular child causes concern, please talk to the class teacher
and/or head teacher as soon as is practicable. ·
If a child is endangering themselves or others in relation to health
and safety, the head teacher should be informed immediately. ·
Please apply all of our agreed school rules, fairly and professionally at
all times. ·
Please remain calm and professional. Some pupils need our additional
patience and understanding. Golden Book – Please record kind and helpful children daily. Maximum of four children per day. (Kept in school office). Sad Book – Record in writing any inappropriate behaviour. (Kept in school office). Fire ·
Playground – Pupils to line up against wall of garden area. Teachers
will bring registers out and check children. Make sure we are all aware of children who m ay still be in the building (such as in the toilet). ·
Field – Line up next to the village hall wall. Teachers will bring
registers out and check the children. Make sure we are all aware of children who m ay still be in the building (such as in the toilet). ·
Village hall – Bring all children out and line up on the field as above.
Lunctime arrangements Supervisors Views Enter Hall in Quiet and Orderly manner Be polite and consider others at all times Always put your hand up if you require help or wish to go to the toilet. (Please do not call out.) Year 5/6 to be responsible for table to be wiped and cleared plus ensure chairs are stacked in piles of 8 safely. Do not carry more than two chairs at a time. Year 5/6 pupils to stay until this in completed. No running in the hall Do not eat your food while walking about Be aware and look after smaller children on your table. Scape plates as clear as possible at the end of lunchtime.
Behaviour Information Sheet (BIS)
Dear Parent/Carer. This Behaviour Information Sheet is reporting to you a breach of Wetheringsett Primary School Behaviour Code by your child. Details are set out below. We consider your involvement in supporting our behaviour management systems to be essential. This maintains a positive ethos for the benefit of all who work in school. Many thanks for your help in this matter.
PUPIL’s NAME ………………………………………… YEAR R, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CLASS 1, 2, 3, 4………..
Red Card
Y/ N Time: Registration: a.m.
Registration: p.m.
Assembly Before school, Lesson 1 5
Lesson 2
Lunchtime, Lesson 3
After School
Lesson 4
Staff name: Other staff involved: (Please record names of other pupils involved (if relevant) on the reverse of this sheet.) Violence towards pupils/staff Threatening behaviour to pupils /staff
For your information; this is your child’s
Repeated refusal to obey reasonable requests
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Red Card
Racist comment or breach of our equality/inclusion
This incident must be recorded by the head
Persistent calling out / disruption
Consequences for pupil
(e.g. sanction imposed):
Use of foul / abusive language Misuse / abuse of property Failure to complete …… recent homework tasks Other:
Impact of Consequences
Additional comments:
Information to be posted home?
For office use only: Date entered on school records: ……../……../20……. Initials:………… Copy sent home: .………/………/20……. Initials: ……………. Date:
Location (Room/Area):
TAs, lunchtime supervisors, admin. staff please fill in shaded areas and pass on to Class teacher for processing. Thank you
Information to be posted home? For office use only:
Date entered on school records: ………../………./20…… Initials: …………... Copy sent home: ………. / ………./20……. Initials: ……………… Issuer’s signature: …………………………………………..………………………….…… Class teacher signature: ……………………………………………...……………………………
Parent’s signature: ……………………………………………………………….………………………. Date: …………………….. *Please return this form to the school office as soon as possible, to acknowledge receipt.
Name: Class: 4 1.
I must do my work as my teachers ask in all my lesson. If I do not do this I
will be working in my own time to make up lost literacy and numeracy work. 2.
I am writing a review of Captain Underpants for the school website.
I am presenting a one minute talk on Dave Pilkey in assembly.
Name: Class: 4 Do my work really well in lessons Remember my targets (To do my own book review writing and give to Mr Simington). I will not hit or touch another pupil – I promise. Henry has had an even better week than last time. Well done again Henry – you are my star! Name: Class: 4 1.
I must do my work as my teachers ask, in all my lesson. I can make sure all
my work is complete so that I do not have to stay in for extra time at all. 2.
I can be grown up when meeting with my girlfriend at school
Well done so far Henry. You are doing very well
: 15