collective worship spring 2009 policywvcp

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Church of England

Wetheringsett VCP School COLLECTIVE WORSHIP Date of Policy: Last review Date for next Review: Contact Person: Governors Committee:

Spring 2005, October 2009 Spring 2010 David Simington Head teacher Curriculum

Notes: Appendix 1 Insert of examples of implementation of policy and effects on a day-to-day basis

Wetheringsett VCP School Collective Worship Policy (This policy based on DfES model document) Date: OCTOBER 2009

The aim of the collective worship policy is to provide the opportunity for pupils to: · worship God · reflect on values that are of a broadly Christian nature and on their own beliefs · develop a community spirit, a common ethos and shared values · consider spiritual and moral issues · respond to the worship offered. • Statutory Duty of School All maintained schools provide daily collective worship for registered pupils (apart from those who have been withdrawn by their parents). This is usually provided within a daily assembly. The head teacher is responsible (under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998) for arranging the daily collective worship after consulting with the governing body. Daily collective worship must be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character. The precise nature will depend on the family background, ages and abilities of the pupils. However, if it is inappropriate for some or all of the pupils to take part in Christian collective worship, the head teacher may apply to the local Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) for a determination to have this requirement lifted. Implementation Collective worship, whether in assembly or tutor time, will: · · ·

be acceptable to the whole community, staff and pupils include a variety of elements at different times involve the pupils.

• Monitoring, Evaluation and Review The school will review this policy annually and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the school.

APPENDIX 1 Daily prayer

Every classroom will have a daily prayer. We will use pupils to compose prayers and have a daily theme published on the morning bulletin and displayed on the school monitor in reception. We will use a scented candle as a focal point for our daily prayers (see Health and Safety Policy – matches will be stored in a drawer in the head teachers office). Assembly Assembly will take place daily and will involve all pupils. On Tuesdays KS1 will have a separate assembly from KS2. On Fridays, assembly will be with all staff present and will be a sharing and celebrations assembly. Every three weeks on a Friday we will hold an open assembly for parents to attend. Local Church All Saint’s Church of England Church is our local church. We visit the church at least twice every term for services. We would wish to extend our use of the building and are working with the parish to see if we can make better use of the building in our everyday work. Extended Locality We have regularly (at least twice a year) been involved in links with our extended parish and have visited Bury St Edmunds cathedral. We have been involved in meeting visitors from parishes overseas including Africa. Wider World We are proud of our links with schools in the Gaza Strip and our link with a London School. Our staff have had training in visitng and making use of our rich faith environment including the London Mosque and faith centres in Ipswich and beyond.

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