Evaluation schedule: Flowchart CAPACITY FOR SUSTAINED IMPROVEMENT (including the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision)
LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (L&M) (including L&M of the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision)
Embedding ambition & driving improvement, including the leadership and management of teaching and learning
Equality of opportunity
Community Cohesion
Value for money
PROVISION (including provision for the sixth form, EYFS and boarding)
Quality of teaching including the use of assessment to support learning
Care, guidance and support
OUTCOMES (including outcomes for the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision)
Feel safe
Healthy lifestyles
Contribution to the community
Economic well-being, including attendance
SMSC OUTCOMES FOR INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS OF PUPILS (including the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision)
OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS: HOW GOOD IS THE SCHOOL? (including the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision)
L&M in the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision reported separately Provision in the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision reported separately
Outcomes in the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision reported separately
Overall effectiveness and capacity to improve of: the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision reported separately Attainment
Quality of pupils’ learning and progress Quality of learning and progress for pupils with SEND
Achieve and enjoy