Dell Latitude spec sheet

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Message from the Headteacher It's hard to believe that we are half-way through the final term of the year. The time is racing by and as you'll see from the diary dates, there's still plenty to look forward to. So I hopeyou and your children will enjoy all the activities/events we have planned. Thank you for your continued support of the school and the school staff. Miss Martin

Dates for your diary (further details will follow) May Thursday 21st - Small Schools Rugby (Year 6) 25th - 29th - Half Term June Monday 1st - School Photographer - all pupils Tuesday 2nd - "Cool Science" Workshop - Class 3 EDF (electricity safety) Workshop Classes 3 and 4 Wednesday 10th - Rounders - Class 4 Thursday 11th - Pyramid event - Small group of Yr 6 children at Stonham Aspal for Science/Maths activities Monday 15th - Teddy Bears Picnic Lunch Tuesday 16th - Kwik Cricket - Worlingworth p.m. - Crucial Crew - Yr 6 Thursday 18th - P.C. Stevenson visiting Friday 19th - Yr 5/6 trip to Horham Museum "Friends" garden Party 3.15 p.m. onwards Monday 22nd - Culture Week Tuesday 23rd - Whole School - Colchester Zoo Wednesday 24th - Yr. 5 Crystal Maze

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Parking / Manoeuvering Now that we have the bollards in place in the car park for pedestrian safety there is less space for vehicles to manoeuvre. Therefore please ensure that you reverse into the parking bays and refrain from parking alongside the bollards as this prevents others from driving away. Children need to be escorted from the car to the safety of the footpath and it is essential that children are kept closely supervised in the car park area until escorted onto the playground. Anyone using the disabled parking bay must display a disabled badge. Thank you for your co-operation with this. Whilst the weather is fine the field can be used for parking.

High School Admission The LEA has a School Preference Advisor in post who works independently to support parents in applying for child places at the High School. She is available for advice and guidance on

School Developments The Governors and staff have

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Racquet Sports Festival Book Fair arrives Theme "Planet and Animal" (Until 30th June) Thursday 25th - Indian Dance Day (whole school) and Indian themed dinner. Open Evening 3.30 to 7.00 Tuesday 30th - "Strings" player event New Reception children visiting July Wednesday 1st - Yr.4 Multi-skills sports festival Thursday 2nd - Athletics Friday 3rd - Sports Evening 6 p.m. Wednesday 8th - Summer Gala (Pupils evening performing at Debenham Community Centre) Thursday 9th - Induction Day at DHS for Yr6 children Remaining children meet their new teacher/class group Friday 10th - Pupil Reports to parents Saturday 11th - Village Fete Friday 17th - Seaside Special School Lunch 2.00 p.m. pupil disco Last day of term

Sun Safety

Please protect your child by ensuring they have a hat in school and/or sun screen/long sleeves as our playing field is very exposed and children can burn at this time of year even on a cloudy day.

drawn up a Development Plan to address school priorities for the coming year, and through training and staff meetings we are currently working towards these goals. Current priorities include: - Appointment induction of a permanent Headteacher. - Further developing the schools' assessemtn procedures to embrace the new National Initiative (APP/AFI) and refin ing individual pupil tracking system. - ICT - development of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) - Gaining Healthy School Accreditation. - Standards - Ensuring all childrens needs continue to be effectively met, whatever their ability.

High Standards All of the Staff and Governors were thrilled to receive a letter from the Deputy Leader of the House of Commons regarding the outstanding results the school achieved last summer. It is always a boost for staff to have public recognition of the huge effort and commitment they demonstrate each year, and we should all feel very proud.

Wake and Shake Attendance / Punctuality Please ensure childrn are at school in time for the staft of the school day - it is essential they do not miss the start of their learning day. Holiday reminder - In line with DCSF recommendations, holiday during term day

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I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice that on three mornings a week, Mrs. Chidwick is leading an aerobic session on the playground. The purpose of this is to energize the children for the day, in preparation for learning. This will now form a part of their curriculum in P.E. for the Summer

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will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances (e.g. when, due to work commitments it is not possible to take holiday at any other time), and evidence will be required in support of such an application. If your child is absent from school please contact the school as early as possible on the first morning. if we hafe not heard from you, we will phone you for verification.

Staff Changes You will probably noticed by now that Mrs. Bates is expecting a baby. It is likely that she will begin her maternity leave at some point in June - depending upon how the pregnancy progresses and return in the Spring term 2010. We wish her all the best and will keep you informed. I (Miss Martin) will take over her Wednesday teaching commitment in Class 1 until the end of the Summer Term. We are saying goodbye to Mrs. Dinsmore who will be emigrating to America this summer to join her husband who is working there. We thank her for her dedication to the school and wish her all the best in her new life. We are very sad to be losing Mrs. Honeywood who has worked extremely hard for the school for the last 6 years. However, we are thrilled for her that she has gained a place on the Graduate teacher training programme. Mrs. Honeywood will begin her teaching training this September and we know she has the makings of a superb teacher as she has been demonstrating her excellent skills in Class 1. We wish her very success in her new career.

Appointment of Headteacher

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Term so all the children will be participating - feel free to join in!

Parent Support Our pyramid of schools now has an allocated parent support worker (Sheena Burrell) and parent suypport advisor (Stephen Fiske) who will not only provide help to parents on a wide range of parenting issues, but also run regular workshops. The next workshop is on "Internet Safety" at Hartismere High School in June. For details, contact

Extra-curricular activities The school continues to run a wide range of activities at lunchtimes and after school, and the children are fortunate to have such extensive opportunities. I wish to thank all staff, parents and children who give their time so generously to these activities your efforts reallty make a difference to the children.

Volunteers We also wish to thank all those parent/helpers who regularly support in school with reading and activities, and special thanks to Wendy Scotting who has made the school grounds look so attractive with the beautiful flowers and hanging baskets.

SATs Well done to the children, who are handling themselves very

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By the time you receive my newsletter you will also have heard from the School Governors. The interview process took place last week and Governors were keen to make sure that pupils and staff participated in the process in order to help ensure that the most suitable Headteacher was appointed. All staff had the opportunity to meet and talk to the candidates on several occasions, and all pupils were asked for their views. We also had a group of eight children who had prepared some very thought-provoking questions for the candidates about aspects of school life they deemed important. Everyone's views were listened to and carefully considered. The staff, pupils and Governors are delighted with the appointment made.

sensibly at this stressful time! Thanks to the parents and Governors who've given up their time to help with the administration.

NEWSLETTER COMMENTS Your views are important in supporting our aim of continuous school improvement. If you have any comments regarding the contents of this letter, please contact us on

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