WVCP Vison 2009-14

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Our School Vision We Learn – Together

WETHERINGSETT CHURCH OF ENGLAND VOLUNTARY CONTROLLED PRIMARY SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT We Learn – Together Wetheringsett Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School will be a centre of excellence. We will create a positive, sustainable, creative hub for learning within our village and beyond, through working together as associated communities, to provide the very best for all our pupils. Our guiding principles will be the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda Our school community will know what the future holds for the fabric of the building and will share that vision with the whole community. We will maximise the potential of the building as it stands, ensuring the best resources for learning for our pupils while we bring to reality our vision for a new community school. Suffolk County Council will have agreed a plan for the provision of education in the village and we will all be focussed on achieving the new facilities as soon as possible. Every pupil in our school will be safe and will succeed. Our pupils will share in community life and take pride in knowing and fulfilling their potential. We will care about all aspects of each pupil’s development from health to academic achievement. The means of learning will vary across the experiences available in the school so that visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners will always be able to learn well in our school. Our sustainable environment will build on learning in class and use the full range of opportunities our site can provide. The school field, pond area, garden and the forest area will reflect and inspire learning in the classroom. Our school will use all forms of Information Communications Technology (ICT) to expand the horizons of all our pupils. Our communities for learning will go beyond the village to include our pyramid and cluster of schools where we will play a full part in working collaboratively. We will also engage closely with communities of learners in other parts of the country and abroad in order to widen the experiences of all our pupils. We are aware of the ethnic and cultural isolation of our school and will ensure that pupils receive opportunities to engage face to face with learners from other cultures and backgrounds. Our school will work and thrive on learning and success and we will celebrate together the achievements of all our pupils.

This report will be presented to governors in draft form at the School Improvement Meeting on the 4th November 2009. It will be circulated to relevant stakeholders and re-drafted for final approval at the formal governors meeting in February 2010.

SCHOOL CONTEXT NOVEMBER 2009 Wetheringsett Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School continues to fulfil the principles of Every Child Matters, because our pupils fulfil academic and personal potential as evidenced by assessment and pupil oral and written feedback. Wetheringsett is a small Suffolk Primary School close to the A140 near the Mendlesham mast. The school is part of a pyramid of seven schools and a small grouping called WHEB which consists of four smaller primary schools. Liaison and collaboration is satisfactory and sometimes good and a program of improvement is being developed this term. The dedication and hard work of the present school teachers and teaching assistants team has ensured continued good to outstanding success for all groups of pupils. These groups include girls and boys, summer birthdays and more able, gifted and talented pupils. The school has a good reputation, which is core to our values, of supporting all pupils and succeeding in rates of progress and attainment in all groups of learners but particularly pupils with special educational needs (SEN). On average, these pupils make better than expected progress. The staff work hard, providing outstanding role models and also provide opportunities as part of the formal and informal curriculum, including opportunities to work with other groups of children from other cultures and from other areas. The school has also been undergoing a major rethink of ICT and has opted for a netbook solution for pupils' ICT curriculum needs. The early indications are that there is a more embedded approach to ICT learning and pupils are becoming adept at selecting and using ICT to support independent learning across the curriculum. The success of the school has been consistently high at the end of Key Stage 2 but has been less so at KS1. A review of learning indicates outstanding performance in mathematics and science. English performance is never less than good but further development is possible in writing and, to a lesser extent, in reading. The emphasis on speaking and listening at the school, including the introduction of philosophy for children in class 4, after an introductory course by Will Ord, has positively influenced improvement in all subjects. Assessment practice at the school is good and APP (Assessing Pupil Progress) is already delivering more personalised learning for all pupils. The school is engaged in some exciting new ways of promoting target setting. The PAN (Pupil Admission Number) for each year group in school is 12 and there are currently 74 pupils in the school. There will be 82 pupils by the end of the year. There is no plan to increase the PAN. The building is largely Victorian

with two modern extensions which are not particularly sympathetic to the original structure. A lot of the Victorian elements are reaching the end of their useful lives. The school shares the village hall which is also a building at the end of its functional usefulness. The Pre-school occupies the lower end of the site and is run independently from the school. The school rents the field from the Church Glebe committee on a long-term agreement. There is a pond on the field site that was used to support outdoor learning but is largely redundant and in need of further works. The school gardens were developed in 2006 in partnership with Otley College but have since become overgrown. Some works have taken place this summer to encourage safe use as part of play activities. This area will be ideal to install temporary structures to support increasing outdoor learning spaces in the school in the near future.

A FIVE YEAR VISION PLAN VISION FOCUS ONE PAGE SUMMARY Buildings and Premises Sustainability New School Vision Community Links OUTCOMES Attainment Learning and Progress Achieve and Enjoy Feel Safe Behaviour Healthy Lifestyles Contribution to school and wider community Future Economic well -being Attendance Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development PROVISION Teaching Assessment to support learning Curriculum Care, guidance and support LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT Ambition and Drive Promoting equality and tackling discrimination Safeguarding Governance Relationships with parents and carers Partnerships Community cohesion Value for money EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE - Outcomes EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE - Provision EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE - Leadership EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE - All learners Outcomes for individuals and groups Capacity for improvement Links to the Church Of England Overall effectiveness Parents and Pupils

School School Development Plan Development Plan Link 2009/10 Link 2010/11 N/A N/A 1 3

1 1 1 2

8, 9, 10 8, 9, 10, 12 11 11 11 11 3 13 8 3

3 3 4 4 5 6 7 6 3 7

10, 12 8, 9, 10, 12 10 12

8 10 8 9

1, 2 3 3 2 3 3, 14 3, 14 2, 6

11 12 13 14 12 15 16 1

8, 8, 8, 8,

9, 10, 12 9, 10, 12 9, 10, 12 9, 10, 12 4, 5, 7 1, 2, 12 2/3 12 15

17 17 17 17 1 1 18 1 1


• • • • • • •

BUILDING RESOURCE AND SITE PRIORITIES Increase Learning Room – Garden Building Swap Offices around and put in new staff room Put a kitchen area and a covered area into the Early Years Provision Renovate the toilet areas for boys and girls installing larger WC’s Develop Village Hall in conjunction with all village stakeholders Redevelop and update the Early years and year 1 playground area to include outdoor classroom Resolve all outstanding maintenance issues around the school Develop the storage area as a parent and pupil waiting/working area Complete the ICT plan to establish full netbook network across the school. To produce a village food technology resource based in the village hall. LEARNING PRIORITIES To review and improve our liaison practices particularly regarding transfer of progress data To ensure that we can witness the influence of the church of England on our daily work in school To review class groupings in the school To introduce Philosophy for Children (P4C) To overhaul and embed good tracking practice. To share and practice good observation and recording procedures To ensure we have an appropriate and workable target setting philosophy

• Set up a curriculum working party to examine the changes

needed in the light of the Cambridge review and the Rose report • Work together on raising the standards of writing across the school • Work with parents on promoting reading at home and at school • Continue to track Summer Birthdays and other terms and to resolve outstanding admission issues with preschool • • • • •

COMMUNITY PRIORITIES To ensure our children experience a range of contacts with other cultures and faith groups. To be fully committed partners in our school pyramid and cluster groups. To establish a reputation regionally and nationally for good teaching and learning practices. To recognise, take pride in and be active partners in our work as a Christian and Church of England School. To establish a much closer relationship with our village and local community partners.

SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS FOR CHANGE Wetheringsett is a good school with some outstanding features. The principles of Every Child Matters will continue to underpin all of our work in school. We consider that all our pupils are intelligent and the principles of multi-intelligence form our view of learners, influencing our curriculum and school planning. The place of the Church of England is central to the life of Wetheringsett VCP School. Daily prayers, a daily corporate act of worship, visits to our local faith centres (particularly our local church – All Saints, Wetheringsett) and visits to the school by church leaders and others and from the school to places of worship, will build on our essential links to our Christian life. We will physically incorporate our links to Christianity in our building by valuing our focus point in reception and replacing and developing signage in the school, at the entrances to the school and down by the main entrance, off the road. All the consultations with stakeholders revealed a desire to retain what is good and outstanding, but to build on this present achievement to create a school fit for the 21st century. This vision will include preparing a plan for a new school building. Any new physical plan for the school must incorporate more working partnerships to unify efforts and agree a vision that will produce positive outcomes for the village, pyramid and cluster beyond. Initially the church, the village hall committee and the pre-school committee, plus the governors and the head teacher of the school, will agree a working party to put together a plan of action. We have recruited a lawyer from the village hall committee with experience of sustainable projects in London, the school chair of governors with huge experience in the law and a former governor of a London secondary school with PPI experience, together with the present head of the school and a representative from the diocese. This group will be tasked with producing a vision for a rebuilt school in the village to include a pre-school and village hall facility. In addition the group will examine the sustainable future of the school in terms of carbon footprint. Future school leadership will be cemented by making links and partnerships beyond the village to ensure the transition of the school beyond the present school leadership, while ensuring the maintenance of the highest educational standards including consistent high quality teaching across the pre school, foundation stage, through key stage 1 and key stage 2 and beyond. Immediately and in the short term, stakeholders expressed concern for the state of the present building and it is clear that work must be done to ensure that the school is fit for purpose in the next five to ten years and that learning space is used effectively and efficiently. In addition we will maintain and build the learning space to include outdoor learning and a covered area for the early years play area. A wooden building plus an ethnic building such as a yurt in the garden area to increase storage and learning space for pupils. Pupils have emphasised how much they value this space in their responses to this review. The eco-credentials of the

school will inform the installation of new facilities and will enhance outdoor learning for all ages of pupils to be shared from the pre-school to year 6. A new roof may be needed for the Victorian part of the building and a new staff room and a conservatory between class 2 and the office block. At all times our school council and parents will play a part in consultations and decision making. We will achieve consultation aims through annual questionnaires, weekly meetings for the school council, and once every three weeks with parents after assembly and regular public meetings for stakeholders at significant moments in the development of the school site. Learning will be as relevant as possible for all pupils. Equality of opportunity for all vulnerable groups will underpin our practice. Sound and appropriate behaviour expectations will be made known to all staff and pupils. We will review our target-setting and encourage all our pupils and pupil groups to take ownership of their learning to include where they are and how they will move forward in their own learning. We will encourage our parents and families to support our pupils in their learning, as the best influence on progress. We will support our pupils by being experts at assessing progress and planning future learning. We will generate independent learning opportunities for all pupils and focus homework on principles of meta-cognition and recall of prior learning. Class groupings in school to be reviewed with a proposal for R and Class 1 together, Class 2 and 3, Class 4 and 5 and Class 6 on their own. Teaching has consistently been good or better on average at Wetheringsett. All current teaching staff have supported a desire to further improve and develop teaching so that it is consistent across the school. Standards should not be dependent on individual personnel for achievement but rather the good and outstanding practice of all staff working at the school. To this end, a post of head of teaching will be established who will work with our link adviser to progress and update our teaching practices. A six month curriculum review will encompass taking into account the ROSE reviews and the Cambridge review to plan what our new 21st century curriculum will look like. This will extend the work of the vision statement into next year in time for first implementations in September 2010. We greatly value our broad subject offer and will give a full place to all curriculum areas in our timetabling. Our ICT work will extend our communications and open our school to the world. We value our ICT as part of all aspects of learning and will encourage all our pupils to use ICT independently to further their own learning and to give them the opportunity to communicate with communities far from the locality of Wetheringsett, both culturally and geographically.

OUR MAIN STANDARDS TARGETS The purpose of the following statements is to guide our School Development Plan thinking. These will be statements of intent which will be fleshed out in the annual update of the school development plan.

SDP 2009/10 N/A FOCUS Buildings and Premises – Full details, estimates and costings to Finance Committee SDP 2010/11 1 COST

Year 1 £29450, Year 2 £23000 Year 3 £3000, Year 4 £15000, Year 5 (£2500)



Year 1

• Garden ARTS Lodge, Yurt and construction of play areas with willow plus stage area for mini-performances (£20000). • New metal shed in year 1 area and a covered area to support outdoor learning (Grant Supported but our contribution £2000). • New signage and flower beds outside school entrance (£1500). • All fencing upgraded and trellis area erected around bins outside the school (£1500). • New sitting area in school where arts area presently located (£500). • Improvement to toilets as asked for by pupils (£750). • New loft for storage of paperwork (£500). • Replacement of furniture (£1200). • Sink area and kitchen in Classroom 1 (£1500). • Development of kitchen area in village hall to permit food technology for WVCP pupils (Joint project with village hall and pre-school using school fund monies).

Year 2

• Staff room and Conservatory with re-siting of school office and an interview area for parents in head teachers office. (£20000) • Work with Mid-Suffolk County Council on Pond and learning area around pond (£500) • Paintworks of all exterior frames and barge boards (not on county plan) (£2500)

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

• Development of village hall to include outdoor stage area. (£3000) • Development and revamp of school toilets (£15000) • Completion of full plan for the future of Wetheringsett VCP School in agreement with Suffolk CC (£2500)




SDP 2009/10 N/A SDP 2010/11 1

COST Within school budget with potential savings Year 1

PRESENT GRADE G • To complete a sustainability plan that essentially involves the school council in all stages areas of development. This will be done while working with a committee from the village that has memberships from stakeholder groups. • To engage in bench marking exercises to seek good value. • To become an eco-school.

Year 2

• To extend eco school status. • To install sustainable energy pods in the new outdoor learning units. • To pledge to reduce overall heating and hot water costs at the school.

Year 3

• To develop forest school experiences

Year 4

• To aim to generate an element of our own power needs.

Year 5

• To review and further improve our insulation arrangements at the school and reduce power consumption



New School Vision

COST Within budget year 1 and unknown for other years. Will be budgeted in future budgets

SDP 2009/10 1 SDP 2010/11 1 PRESENT GRADE


Year 1

• November – Draft Vision Statement • Distribution to stakeholders • Agreed final draft at governors meeting – January 2009 Continued work on Curriculum Vision taking account of Rose and Cambridge Reviews

Year 2

• Implementation of new class structure to include review of present arrangements – proposal Class 1:Years R and 1, Class 2:Years 2 and 3, Class 3:Years 4 and 5, and Class 4:Year 6 • Beginning of work on new curriculum.

Year 3

• Review of first year and changes to curriculum as required.

Year 4

• Influence of our curriculum changes noticed outside the school cluster.

Year 5

• Influence of our curriculum changes seen outside our county



Community Links

SDP 2009/10 3 SDP 2010/11 2

PRESENT GRADE G • To establish links with local community groups which includes the PreSchool, The Church Glebe Land Commissioners, the local church authorities and the Village Hall Committee. Establish a village Developments Committee. • To build a plan for the development of a food technology resource based in the village hall and shared with the community.

Year 2

• Seek advice on funding and initial planning of the future for the village school and local amenities. Closer Unification of fundraising and management groups in the village. • To complete the community food technology resource.

Year 3

• Put together initial plan and circulate for comment and amendment

Year 4

• Develop relationship with the local council to preview final plans.

Year 5

• Final Plan submitted to Suffolk County Council


FOCUSAttainment COST

SDP 2009/10 8/9/10 SDP 2010/11 3

PRESENT GRADE G Continue progress and attainment at KS2. Spread good practice across the range of teaching in the school. Focus hard on progress and attainment in KS1. Appoint a Senior teacher to lead teaching. Allocate timetabled time for this post. Join local groups to promote an interest in what makes for outstanding teaching and learning.

Year 1

• • • • • •

Year 2

• Build a habit of good observation and sharing by looking for good practice outside the school. • Share good practice within the school by visiting each others classrooms and sharing practice. • Record good practice and identify areas of weakness. • Constantly look to improve.

Year 3

• Write an online guide with exemplars of good practice and share our vision with other schools.

Year 4

• Present training opportunities at our school to spread our ideas and share new ones including examples from abroad.

Year 5


FOCUSLearning COST Year 1

• • • • •

and Progress

SDP 2009/10 8/9/10/12 SDP 2010/11 3

PRESENT GRADE O Continue progress and attainment at KS2. To influence and support equality of progress at KS1. To ensure that progress is not personnel-dependent. To audit what has made KS2 successful and begin to spread good learning habits to KS1. To begin good self assessment procedures and build an accurate and dependable bank of assessment resources to support teacher judgements of progress.

Year 2

• To review audit and build into school development plan the restructuring of the ages in classes in school and develop a timetable that supports learning across the whole school. • To set targets that clearly identify good practice within and beyond the school and deice on changes required at WVCP. • To create and develop a living, creative flexible curriculum with a place for project work and outdoor learning.

Year 3

• Take our work beyond the school by sharing good practice with other practitioners regionally. • Bring new ideas on learning into school. • Fully established pattern of Assessment supporting teachers views of progress.

Year 4

• To gain our reputation nationally for excellent work in pupil progress and learning. • To visit at least three other settings nationally to compare and adapt our own practices.

Year 5

• To gain our reputation internationally for excellent work in pupil progress and learning. • To visit at least three other settings internationally to compare and adapt our own practices.


FOCUSAchieve COST Year 1

• • • •

and Enjoy

SDP 2009/10 11 SDP 2010/11 4

PRESENT GRADE G To ensure every pupil knows where they are in their learning journey and what they need to do to be better. To set up resources and materials that support and encourage pupils to signpost their own learning journey. To continue to achieve and progress at the same high levels across all key stages for the next five years and beyond. Healthy Schools Accreditation achieved.

Year 2

• Pupils to take ownership of their records of achievement. • Introduction of virtual and real portfolios of achievement to include Children’s University and records of community based success. • Continued development and support of celebration assemblies and formal recognition of success in all aspects of learning. • Application for Arts Mark and Sports Mark.

Year 3

• Close involvement of parents and carers in tracking progress in school and online with virtual reporting and roll out of the school report card.

Year 4

• Achievement and standards recognised through national bodies and shared beyond the school.

Year 5

• Online achievement and record keeping secured for all pupil





PRESENT GRADE G All Safeguarding procedures in place and full training including SAFE training for all staff and volunteers. High quality induction procedures agreed and practiced. Pupil Council and pupils involved in managing their own safety and that of others. ICT developments and usage to be closely monitored. Making sure staff are up to date in all training and the site is a safe place to be. Ensure updated and appropriate signage around the school.

Year 1

• • • • • •

SDP 2009/10 11 SDP 2010/11 4

Year 2

• Maintain accurate training records and a full program of policy review. • Pupil council to take more responsibility for SUSTAINABILITY and get actively involved in new proposals for premises and curriculum. • Pupils will all be aware of what constitutes unsafe situations. • Peer perception interviews will confirm pupils concerns are dealt with.

Year 3

• Updated training and policies. • Review garden area and improve facilities including looking at trees specifically.

Year 4

• Updated training and policies. • Agreement within pyramid and cluster on appropriate inter-school changes and agreements. • Making more use of pyramid resources to support a shared overview and use of expertise.

Year 5

• Updated training and policies. • A pyramid and cluster consultative group will inform procedures in all schools and confirm pupils feel safe.


FOCUSBehaviour COST Year 1

• • • • • •

SDP 2009/10 11 SDP 2010/11 5

PRESENT GRADE G Pupils in this school respect the learning environment whether indoors or outdoors. They show mature, thoughtful behaviour at all times. A clear behaviour code and policy is known by all. A mission statement and an overarching theme is agreed. A rewards policy is agreed and practised with parental celebration. Behaviour and effort is recorded termly on the school’s interim reports.

Year 2

• Student Council and Parents' forum will review all the agreed policies after the first year and write a report. • Pupils will work collaboratively and our pattern of outings and trips will give plenty of opportunity for team work. • We will begin regular visits to an outward bound centre for further outdoor learning for years 5 and 6.

Year 3

• Review of our procedures and policies by all stakeholders, overseen by a colleague from Debenham High School with peer perception interviews informing our development. • Online records of achievements and rewards.

Year 4

• Development of pyramid view of behaviour and rewards in addition to the work outlined above.

Year 5

• Work towards a pyramid reward system with a great emphasis and value being placed on the system across all schools, particularly the high schools so that pupils take their success with them.


FOCUSHealthy COST Year 1

• • • • • • • • •


SDP 2009/10 11 SDP 2010/11 6

PRESENT GRADE G Achieve Healthy Schools accreditation and SPORTSMARK by Summer 2009. Incorporation of SEAL in our PSHE program. Achieve clearly identified 5 hours physical activity per week for each pupil. Begin work to identify groups of pupils at risk and work with outside agencies and through school activities, including residential trips, to provide opportunities to take up healthy lifestyle activities. Develop a sustainable learning environment in the garden area in consultation with the village stakeholders and pupils. To continue to build on the fantastic local clubs involvement in the school. Develop the outside hard court area as a legitimate/safe sports area, improving lighting and installing speakers and an electricity point. New raised beds to be provided in the garden area and pupils to take responsibility for planting and growing. Seek help from village to encourage gardening skills.

Year 2

• To build further on our extended school offer. • To look to open the school from 8.00 and offer a breakfast club with Wake and Shake activities. • To offer Family learning and develop the use of our facilities to include our new food technology resources – see above. • Pupils will be ambassadors for healthy lifestyles and activities and recommend these to others. • Seek healthy schools status at the enhanced level.

Year 3

• Develop the outdoor learning opportunities with a view to offering these across the pyramid. • Focus on working in the garden to provide sustainable projects that pupils can understand and utilise for learning.

Year 4

• Development of pyramid view of healthy lifestyles and share good practice developing an overview which will be taken through to the high schools.

Year 5

• Be seen as an exemplar in the region and be seen to share good practice with others and be seen as a positive influence on attitudes to healthy lifestyles beyond the school itself.



community COST

to school and wider

SDP 2009/10 3 SDP 2010/11 7 PRESENT GRADE

O Year 1

• We are aware we are an isolated community. We will build links with a school in Depford and with the education system in Gaza. We will include visits to school by our contact schools and make visits ourselves. • School Council will meet weekly and play a full role in the planning, implementation and evaluation of our school vision. • We will work closely with the village and the village hall community to continue and extend good practice. We will play a full part in events and enhance facilities through joint projects and funding. Consultations on future projects will ensure contacts and participation by a wider community to include the church, governors, village hall committee, parish council and pre-school. Agreed Vision will drive our work and enhance facilities for all. • To attend Snape festival of school music and the Sudbury Festival for the first time this year and thereafter annually. • To apply for ARTSMARK Silver. • Family and Community learning established one evening per week to focus on ICT and Music. • To develop the school gardens with the support of the village and allotments society. • To make far more of our links to the Church of England encouraging regular visits and attendance at our church with more use being made of the church building. This to be heavily emphasised in our vision.

Year 2

• To have regular contact including through ICT developments, with our link schools. • Develop a program of visits to local faith centres. • To complete the development of the school gardens and the pond area. • To establish regular attendance at local festivals for the arts. • Meetings set up and established with all stakeholder groups to focus on play facilities in the school and in the community. Outside expertise used to gain access to funding and sustainable planning for our developments. Focus on how these play aspects of our work could be linked. • To agree curriculum planning with all stakeholders by the end of the year. • First meetings of buildings sub group.

Year 3

• To make annual visits and keep in regular contact in one form or another to our link schools and faith centres. • To look closely at the school and village building facilities and put together a plan which will include consultation with all interested parties to include formally approaching Suffolk County Council.

Year 4

• To present a final plan to the village for evaluation and involve all in a finally adjusted and agreed plan.

Year 5

• To make a presentation of our plan and gain support from our funding agencies with the full support of all our stakeholders.


FOCUSFuture COST Year 1

• • • • • • •

Economic well-being

SDP 2009/10 13 SDP 2010/11 6

PRESENT GRADE G To make sure parents are aware of the need to attend school without absence. Be clear about the damage that can be done and to target improvement in our figures year on year. To respond daily to absences and manage and monitor through our management system. School council to support and lead all aspects of our work in school to include spending their own budget. To develop opportunities to work together vertically in the school. Kid’s Café established and pupils encouraged to create their own regularly used mini-business enterprise. To choose an annual charity and devote all our work for the year to this charity. This year is Children In Need. Pupils given the chance through improved teaching and learning to be teachers and lead in the classroom and in outdoor learning. To develop a more diverse range of visitors to assembly and celebrate our thinking about what we can do in our world. Gifted and talented pupils to run the school bulletin and develop the school website and school blogs.

Year 2

• Set up an enterprise project with Debenham High School as part of liaison and charitable work. • To ensure our attendance figures are achieved and ensure, through peer perception, that no-one wants to miss a day. Set up additional support, through ICT for pupils to learn who have to be absent from school either through illness or approved holiday. • The KID’S CAFÉ to be firmly established and seen to be part of village activities as well as school ones.

Year 3

• Mums and Dads working day. To get parents into school to demonstrate careers and activities including voluntary work in our local community and beyond. • To get year 6 to track parents at work. • To increase the school council budget. • To have year 6 student council reps attend the School Improvement Governors meetings.

Year 4

• To share and establish really sound new projects that go beyond the school and through the liaison system to the high school and the pyramid of feeder schools.

Year 5

• To be known for our outstanding work in this area beyond our region.


FOCUSAttendance COST Year 1

SDP 2009/10 8 SDP 2010/11 3

PRESENT GRADE G • Management system closely tracks attendance. Set up parent email for all parents including hard-to-reach parents. • Attendance has consistently been high for a three year period. This year the Christmas term has been slightly above average – 4.6% but the school has actively promoted good attendance patterns through newsletters and feedback to parents who request absence. Every parent is personally contacted when a holiday request is made. • Website to provide work for pupils who cannot attend school. Run a pilot in the summer term.

Year 2

• Introduction of electronic registers for all classes. • Establishment of texting and email contact as part of first day contacts with parents of absent pupils. • Continue the downward trend which is already below regional and national levels. • Ensure that the website carries information about the policy and the effects of taking holidays in school time. • Same day contact to be made for all pupil absence. • Target for the year 4.5%. • Website provision fully in place.

Year 3

• 4.4% target to be met for this year.

Year 4

• 4.4% target to be met for this year.

Year 5

• 4.3% target to be met for this year.



SDP 2009/10 3 SDP 2010/11 7



moral, social and cultural development

Year 1

• • • • • • •

GRADE G Introduction of Philosophy for Children for class 4. Training for staff using Will Ord methodology. Student council to play a full role in all aspects of the school to include budgeting, Equality and Sustainability. Introduction of new code of conduct and behaviour policy with rules and code displayed around the school. Need to work further on Cultural contacts and racial diversity. Build in a programme of contacts with culturally diverse groups. Class Circle time and SEAL will be firmly embedded and monitored through healthy schools audit. Establishment of Equality Action Plan and evaluation of previous work.

Year 2

• Introduction of Philosophy for Children for class 3. • School Council also play a part in the full governing body with year 6 reps attending School Improvement. • Evaluation and adaptation of Equality Action Plan and evaluation of previous work.

Year 3

• Introduction of Philosophy for Children for KS1. • Visits will now be a regular part of our curriculum to other cultural groups and focus centres. • Residential visits will take place every year for class 4. • School Council.Dave - what should go in here? -Mark Allen 22/01/2010 00:21 Ditto! -Elaine Miller 22/01/2010 09:47

Year 4

• Contacting other schools through our philosophy work and building working groups. • Using ICT further to enhance our work and range of contacts to include video conferencing.

Year 5

• Be known regionally and nationally for our work and have a regular programme of contacts and event


FOCUSTeaching COST Year 1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Year 2

SDP 2009/10 10/12 SDP 2010/11 8

PRESENT GRADE G Appoint head of teaching and engage in moving from good on average to outstanding. Use our link adviser and outside contacts to work with all staff, particularly KS1 to know what makes teaching outstanding. To get our year 4 teacher to work beyond the school to encourage selfesteem and promote the message of good practice. To involve all staff including teaching assistants in good learning practices. To consistently use target setting and assessment to inform learning on a daily basis. To monitor teaching through peer assessments and observations. To visit other settings to share and bring back good practice. To achieve a consistency of practice across KS1 to KS2. To firmly embed pupil target setting which is reviewed termly. To hold weekly meetings on learning and teaching for teachers and teaching assistants recording the meetings online. To use electronic data collection regularly to inform planning and progress. To build banks of assessment criteria to inform progress such as Ros Wilson’s writing templates. All ICT facilities will be upgraded. Introduction of questioning techniques to improve speaking and listening. More able, gifted and talented pupils are being stretched particularly in English in KS2. APP is embedded by Summer 2010.

• All our monitoring of teaching will have moved from average good with some satisfactory to always being at least good. Staff will share across the pyramid of schools the practice and how they have changed. • The class structure of the school will change with Years R and 1 making Class 1. Years 2 and 3 making Class 2, Years 4 and 5 making class 3 and year 6 making class 4. • Provision for learning outside the classroom will be a priority. • All systems from year 1 will be evaluated and firmly embedded. • Targeted support will be focussed and sharp. • SENCO provision will be mapped across the pyramid and a trial of a shared SENCO take place. • ICT will have been established with a cloud computing approach to the use of ICT inside and outside the classroom.

• Speaking and listening focus to link with Philosophy work to encourage our learners to be independent. • All groups of learners are monitored closely with better-than-expected progress for focussed groups. Year 3

• Our teaching will be at least 30% outstanding with 70% good. All groups of pupils are making better than expected progress against national standards.

Year 4

• Our teaching will be at least 35% outstanding with 65% good. • Our teaching and learning policy has been reviewed and our new curriculum is ensuring all learning styles are catered for and every pupil is engaged in targeted learning. • All groups of pupils are making better-than-expected progress against national standards.

Year 5

• Our teaching will be at least 40% outstanding with 60% good. All groups of pupils are making better than expected progress against national standards.



to support learning

SDP 2009/10 8/9/10/ 12 SDP 2010/11 10 PRESENT GRADE £750


COST TARGET TRACKER SOFTWARE plus SUFFOLK PUPIL TRACKER Year 1 • Introduction of electronic pupil tracking software. • Progress expected across the school to be at least national expectation. • All meetings to be learning meetings and rigorous expectations for progress to be made explicit and included in performance management. • Criteria for learning to be researched and included in learning meetings. • Assessment for learning practices introduced and embedded. • Use link adviser to aid our progress in focussing lessons on targeted progress. • Marking policy agreed and emphasis stressed on what pupils need to do to improve. • VCOP introduced to improve literacy across the curriculum. • Use of pupil target cards gets pupils to take ownership of their learning and progress. • Introduction of layered targets – Must Could Should to extend all pupils in learning. • 5 minutes writing to marking now part of our marking routines. • New reporting system permits pupils and parents to share in an understanding of where pupils are in their learning. • Teachers setting new targets termly and meeting these lesson by lesson by Summer 2010. Year 2

• Suffolk Pupil Tracker is replaced with TARGET TRACKER. • VCOP reviewed and adjusted. • Assessment for learning evaluation will guide where we need to go next in terms of training and this will be part of our training sessions. • Marking policy reviewed. • Marking dialogue with pupils is now clearly a two way opportunity to improve learning. • Layered targets now embedded and seen as part of all teachers planning. • Criteria for learning to be in place and developing.

Year 3

• TARGET TRACKER in place with opportunities for parents to see progress of their child online.

• Layered targets now embedded. • Marking policy adapted and rigorously supports informed, targeted learning for all pupils. • Expectation is now that pupils will make better than average progress across the school. Year 4

• Reporting to parents embedded. • Expectation is now that pupils will make better than average progress across the school. • Support for new software opportunities and teacher training that may arise.

Year 5

• Expectation is now that pupils will make better than average progress across the school.


FOCUSCurriculum (This focus will be ongoing beyond February 2010 SDP 2009/10 and will report in June 2010: this is therefore an interim plan) 10 SDP 2010/11 8 PRESENT GRADE £750


COST Visits to other settings plus meetings after school for teaching and TA staff. TRAINING NEEDS £250 Year 1 • Review of Rose Report, Cambridge Review, the Mantle of the Expert and the International Curriculum. • Meetings outside school hours to audit our own curriculum and write a short, clear report on our strengths and weaknesses and proposals for change. • Review and rewrite our curriculum policy. • Agree with governors in June 2010 what our curriculum will look like. • Embed our literacy, numeracy and ICT practice to support learning across the curriculum with a particular emphasis on writing. • Develop and extend our outdoor learning to include class 1 outdoor area. • To work with our local services to improve provision on our site and the field to include the pond. • To adjust our school timetable to take account of the full strengths and weaknesses of all of our staff. • To apply for ARTSMARK SILVER status. • To develop our sports partnerships and link with Debenham high school to develop physical activity 5 hours entitlement. • To encourage our extended school opportunities and continue to work with our parents to provide the best of club and activities for pupil choices. Year 2

• To implement our new curriculum plan. • To evaluate and continue our literacy and numeracy work. • To improve the play facilities at the school to include the gardens and field areas. • To establish a regular pattern of performances and concerts for parents with staging areas provided outside the village hall and the new garden classroom. • To review and continue to provide opportunities for pupils to run their own business and be accountable for funds – Kid’s Café and The School Council.

• To set up a business enterprise project with Debenham as part of the liaison work. • Year 6 to work as a separate class from this year on. Year 3

• Outdoor learning will be embedded and our ICT facilities will fully support learning anywhere on our site. • Our curriculum plan will be reviewed at the end of the year. • All projects will be enhanced and continue.

Year 4

• We will be known regionally for our work and will receive visits from interested practitioners

Year 5

• We will be known nationally for our work and will receive visits from interested practitioners


FOCUSCare, COST Year 1

• • • • • • • • • •

guidance and support

SDP 2009/10 12 SDP 2010/11 9

PRESENT GRADE O All learners will be supported and target setting established for all with target cards which will be evaluated half termly. All stakeholders particularly teaching and support staff will be encouraged to contribute to the school vision plans. Knowledge and skills from Child Protection training and Every Child Matters will be a natural part of all we do. Pupils will be experts at looking after themselves and each other. Our Equality and Sustainability plans will all impact and be embedded in our daily practice. The post of senior teacher and head of SEN will support all pupils in their learning. New tracking arrangements and software will be in place in the first term accompanied by staff training. Termly summarise priorities for improvement. Our procedures for accidents and health and safety will be known to all and records kept in the school office. Our arrangements for transition will be reviewed in the pyramid and at school and a new action plan agreed.

Year 2

• Transition plans adapted and reviewed. • Updated tracker system with links to multi-media record keeping and APP. • Reporting will be termly and a trial for online reporting begun. • Target cards will be changed on need and operated by all school staff with records kept online as well as in school. • Email messaging established with all parents. • New VLE arrangements established.

Year 3

• • • •

Year 4

• Transition agreed across the pyramid with an agreed programme of events including more opportunities to meet up. • ICT to play a full part in the record keeping and communication with pupils and parents.

Year 5

• Our work will become known regionally as successful and outstanding in terms of practice.

Projects for transition to have a large element on the school VLE. Tracking system to be agreed across the pyramid. Reporting will be online and notified by email. Training review for Safeguarding and health and safety.

• All pupils will know through records and be able to describe where they are in their learning and how they will improve in all aspects of the curriculum with a clear plan for progress as they enter high school.


FOCUSAmbition COST Year 1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Year 2

and Drive

SDP 2009/10 1/2 SDP 2010/11 11

PRESENT GRADE O To establish a new 5 year vision for the school. To inspire outstanding teaching across the school from KS1 to KS2. All teaching will be good and some outstanding. To encourage the new post of head of teaching to include work inside and outside school. To introduce a full induction program for all staff. To continue KS2 standards while raising standards at KS1. To begin the process of empowering all staff to be part of the school vision. Targets are introduced for all pupils with a fully functional electronic assessment system. New reporting system introduced which will support levels in all subjects. Curriculum design undertaken by curriculum committee over the year. A key role for ICT to begin with a strong vision adopted by all. A redevelopment of the site to permit wider opportunity for outdoor learning. APP fully in place to support pupil learning. Development of delegated responsibilities. Teaching and learning policies in place along with marking policy and guidance. Performance management will be used to focus sharply on rigorous targets at ban individual level for all pupils. Gifted and talented plan particularly for core subjects with a pattern of out of hours opportunities.

• Standards to be at least at national average in all subjects at KS1 and KS2. • New curriculum in place and new building in garden area. • All teaching will be at least good. • Responsibilities reviewed and enhanced for all staff making full use of support staff. • Updated Pupil tracker to be introduced to include multi-media storage and APP statements. Will be linked to reporting system and online access for parents through the school VLE. • ICT to move to new VLE and include more home opportunities for learning. • Gifted and talented program to extend to whole curriculum with emphasis on multi-intelligence.

Year 3

• Development of site to include establishment of community committee to look at development of the whole site. • 5 year plan to include changes to site and development of new buildings. • Beginning of consultation with community stakeholders. • KS1 now performing at the same rate of progress as KS2. • Development of links to local schools and development of good practice. • Improved liaison now reaping benefits throughout the year as the links between 6 and 7 are merged. • Complete sharing of data and target setting with common electronic system

Year 4

• Teaching now all at outstanding. • Teaching expertise now being used beyond the school to include the pyramid and the region. • Gifted and talented opportunities developed across the pyramid with membership of national and regional groups. • Stakeholder groups agree plan to present to Suffolk regarding 21st century education in Wetheringsett. • Data sharing and soft federation practices across the whole of the pyramid and cluster.

Year 5

• Teaching now all at outstanding with work developing teaching in the surrounding schools and region. • Regional reputation for work with Able, Gifted and Talented. • Stakeholder groups present plan to Suffolk County Council.



equality and tackling discrimination


SDP 2009/10 3 SDP 2010/11 12 PRESENT GRADE

O Year 1

• Unification of all Equality policies across the school. All of these policies will be published and copies shared with all staff and available online. Sessions are held with governors and with staff at meetings. (Achieved by January 2010) • A regular pattern of pupil perception and pupil questionnaire opportunities planned for every year. Action plans produced from each occasion. • Parent feedback indicated that parents still feel ill-informed and did not feel comfortable with communication. We set up a Parents' forum to meet on Fridays after Parents' Assembly. • The school council plays a full part in the construction and evaluation of the schools equality policy and action plan. • Evaluation and Review of last year’s action plan. • Introduction of new behaviour policy, code of conduct and behaviour information sheet. • Use our new electronic data tracking system to identify vulnerable groups and track carefully. • Full Equality Action Plan developed and run by the school council. • No serious incidents will be recorded.

Year 2

• Gaps tracked in all vulnerable groups and follow up action taken through the Equality policy action plan. Pupils actively encouraged to evaluate and design new plan. Place in annual SDP. • All vulnerable groups to be carefully tracked with our new tracking system.

Year 3

• Contacts fully in place with faith and cultural groups in our area and beyond.

Year 4

• Appointment of shared SENCO with pyramid to oversee SENCO needs across the pyramid schools.

Year 5

• Our Senco work to have firmly tied in working with the high school to ensure smooth transition to the high school every year.


FOCUSSafeguarding COST Year 1

• • • • • • • •

SDP 2009/10 1/2 SDP 2010/11 13

PRESENT GRADE G All safeguarding policies unified and updated. Thorough evaluation of current position and procedures. All training in place and new SDP in place with deputy. Recruitment arrangements in place with full knowledge of governors. Appropriate training and support in place including SAFE training. An agreed schedule of training agreed with governors to include their own training. Thorough review of induction arrangements and distribution to all staff to ensure consistency. Training in place for lunchtime supervisors in place by Summer 2010 to ensure safe practice and engagement during the lunchtime play arrangements. Review and establishment of strong arrangements with outside agencies to ensure support for all pupils. Social Services case conferences are attended and supported by the school. Specialist intervention programmes have begun to include play arrangements for individuals and lego training and session for groups.

Year 2

• All issues arising under our SAFEGUARDING records are built into the action plan in the School Development Plan. (SDP) • Head teacher to undergo training for trainers training so that we can offer level one training to all our volunteers and within our pyramid.

Year 3

• Now able to offer internal training through our trained professional at school. • Seek training for Level 2 training for a professional in the pyramid. • Annual review of Safeguarding in place and now linked to our work across the pyramid looking for common themes and trends that we could work together on. • Ensure a complete and thorough transfer of all appropriate information across the pyramid (being mindful of Data Protection Legislation)

Year 4

• A register of volunteers across the pyramid and an encouragement to share voluntary strengths. • Greater use of strengths in professional staff across the pyramid with termly meetings (Could be part of pyramid agenda) to evaluate practice.

Year 5

• All safeguarding practices kept up to date and transparent.

• Governors and the school working with the pyramid and outside agencies to ensure appropriate sharing of information. • No child to be at risk from a lack of collaboration across the schools.


FOCUSGovernance COST Year 1

• • • • • • • • • •

SDP 2009/10 2 SDP 2010/11 14

PRESENT GRADE G Ensure all roles appropriately distributed and that all governors’ posts are filled. Ensure all governors training is up to date and that the school is an open place for governors to visit. Set up a reporting system to challenge and act as a critical friend to the school. To encourage the governors to be pro-active in supporting the school vision. Governors to support the work of the school in achieving FMSIS this year. Full training for recruitment and critical friend training carried out. Challenging questions are well-received and incorporated into school improvement. Completion of Succession policy. Governors to begin attending Parents' Forum. Liaison roles matched to staff rather than responsibilities – see appendix 1.

Year 2

• Meetings held for the sub-committees linked to the school vision aims and the curriculum workshops. • Full governing body established with renewed relationships with the church. • Regular visits to the school now monitored and feeding into the school development plan and updated termly. • Governors keep in touch with parents through personal contact and by organising an annual questionnaire as part of the school contact system. • Full use of the school governor’s website. • Working together to create a SENCO post for the pyramid.

Year 3

• Parents' feedback will indicate they know their governors and find them approachable and supportive. • There will be a dedicated notice-board area for the work of the governors. • Scrutiny reports will be a regular part of sub committee meetings. • Working together with other governing bodies to cement soft and hard federations. • Review to see if we can share any other positions across the pyramid.

Year 4

• Governing body will be making successful plans for succession and moving towards new leadership decisions. • Links now solidly in place with other schools and federations both hard and soft in place.

Year 5

• Shared governing body in place to oversee federation and common projects.



carers COST

with parents and

SDP 2009/10 14 SDP 2010/11 15 PRESENT GRADE

G Year 1

• We aim to be seen as a listening school. New arrangements in place for listening to parents. • Annual written questionnaire. • Results reported to parents and an action plan devised and shared. • Parents' Forum every three weeks. • Parents' assembly every three weeks and new arrangements for reporting to parents and Parents' evening. • Newsletters home every two weeks and website availability with full range of documentation including newsletters. • New system of email and texts to take positive action when communicating with parents. No parent left to worry about incidents in school with 24hour response to matters of concern. • Strong support from all for the school Friends group who will be encouraged and funds spending shared with staff, pupils and parents. • The sharing of the SDP will encourage parents to include spending ideas in the aims of the SDP. • Social events such as carol singing and decorating at school and the annual quiz actively encouraged. • Homework logs and Reading Logs used by parents to respond to school staff. • IEPs shared with all.

Year 2

• Open afternoons and evening Parent learning groups established. • Family learning on Tuesdays in the community learning sessions with contacts with local partners for learning. • Annual surveys and follow up meetings. • Themed events such as reading evenings and maths events in school. • Outdoor learning encouraged and links made to local gardening groups and the Mid Suffolk railway. • New style IEPs developed across the pyramid with more visual aspects and linked to target setting generally. • End-of-year reports have written response sections for parents and pupils. • These will be analysed and an action plan will be developed. • Aiming for after school club take-up of 20%.

Year 3

• Links established with other local parents associations.

• Joint events and fund raising planned to raise money for projects for the whole project. • Homework Journals now in place and more opportunities for shared home learning. • Aiming for after school club take-up of 30%. Year 4

• Parents' events settled into a regular routine with an attitude that shares the learning of all our pupils. • Our reputation as a listening, family orientated school firmly in place. • Parents will be encouraged to play a full active part in learning during the day and after school. • Aiming school club take-up of 30%.

Year 5

• Parents feel they have full ownership of the learning of their pupils. • Communication is as good as it can be and we regularly take pride in our communications with all parents.


FOCUSPartnerships COST Year 1

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

SDP 2009/10 3/14 SDP 2010/11 15

PRESENT GRADE G The school will further develop links with educational support to ensure that no problem for any pupil remains unsolved or unsupported. Support disadvantaged groups with one-to-one tuition and supply of laptop computers. We will develop the current range of partnerships that include links to schools in Depford and Gaza. We also will continue to develop the sports partnership work. Our links with WHEB and the pyramid will also be developed to include our school liaison arrangements. We will also build closer links to the Pre-School, the church getting more active participation and the village hall committee and parish council. Link to Pyramid developed to include better liaison. Links to church (see below) Links to the village and the village hall and the pre-school. Links to alternative faith groups and their faith centres. Continue to link to African village at Sizewell and then to extend our outdoor education opportunities through Eccles Hall and Thetford Forest. Link online for projects through the British Council (registered January 2010). Look to join head teachers group at Bealings School.

Year 2

• Consolidate provision of one-to-one and laptop work. • We will become an Eco-school, A forest school with a link to MidSuffolk Ecology Unit and an Arts mark School. This will be reflected in our curriculum design. • We will continue to develop our links to other schools abroad and in the UK. • We will also link to another school for a growing project in our new raised beds. • Develop pond area with Mid Suffolk and Otley College.

Year 3

• Consolidate and evaluate our present links. • Develop our Artsmark work to include visiting experts. • Develop our natural history and ecology links to fit with our multiintelligence work.

Year 4

• Use our ICT work to try to develop our ideas further and look beyond our region including abroad for further development.

Year 5

• Ensure we are open to all links to ensure we are always looking to improve.


FOCUSCommunity COST Year 1

• • • • • • • • •


SDP 2009/10 3/14 SDP 2010/11 16

PRESENT GRADE O We are a 95% white British with very few groups from different faiths or cultures. We must ensure that we value our country's rich cultural and ethnic diversity. Full development of the school council with weekly meetings and budget responsibility. The school works on its links to ensure we overcome our catchment and location by visiting contrasting cultural and ethnic locations including a week-long residential visit in the summer for class 4. The family focus of the school will be essentially linked to the community and events and activities of a thriving village life. The principles of Equality and equal opportunities prevail in every aspect of school life. All pupils, parents and visitors will be made to feel part of our school and their views will be listened to. We will respond to local, regional, national and international movements and needs such as Fund raising for the poppy appeal, children in Need and the Haiti fundraising. We will have members of the community regularly coming into school – the nurse, the forces, the police and the fire and rescue service have all visited this term. We will achieve healthy schools status and complete our school travel plan.

Year 2

• We will work with the community to create better play facilities for the whole village. • The kitchens in the village hall will be improved. • The gardens will be developed to share with the village and community. • The new curriculum will place a heavy emphasis on the importance of community. • Expand our important community members to come to the school and develop into the Arts experts making even more visits.

Year 3

• We will develop our contacts across the region to draw in further influence on our pupils and their work in school. • School council will develop links with a wider audience with more opportunities to influence decisions inside and outside the school.

Year 4

• Our work will extend beyond the school to include the councils of other schools.

• We will look to link to other schools and organisations that will further broaden our opportunities. • We will examine the possibilities of a foreign visit. Year 5

• We will look to be known regionally and nationally for our work. • We will be spreading our ideas through our associations and through our online resources.


FOCUSValue COST Year 1

• • • • • •

for money

SDP 2009/10 2/6 SDP 2010/11 1

PRESENT GRADE G The school has scrutinised the bursar arrangements for the school and bought into the Bursar service. We are using benchmarking to guide all our decisions. The school will achieve FMSIS this year. We have revamped the ICT programme of learning and resources according to a newly-written vision statement and financial plan. The state of the building has been improved according to need and some minor works which have been outstanding for some time are now completed. S chool committed to making best use of technology to deliver an efficient, robust, economic school management system.

Year 2

• Possibility of new roof on school as the present roof particularly over class 3 is failing. • New building works in gardens and for staff and for early years. • Bursar service to continue into year 2 while we plan a longer term solution with contacts through the pyramid. • Continue to make best use of benchmarking to indicate our performance against similar schools. • New curriculum in place with appropriate responsibility and funding arrangements.

Year 3

• Completion of proposed building works and plans underway to support the new curriculum. • Staffing adjusted to make allowance for the SEN needs of the school.

Year 4

• Major review of the building needs taking place from the joint futures committee. • A plan devised to keep the premises up to standard while new arrangements for schooling are agreed.

Year 5

• Final plans agreed with Suffolk County Council.



for individuals and groups and Capacity for improvement

COST Year 1

• • • • • •

SDP 2009/ 10 4/5/7 SDP 2010/ 11 1 PRESENT

GRADE G Our philosophy will be to strive for excellence in all we do, for everyone of our pupils. We will be focussed on the achievement of high standards at KS1 and KS2 with good/ outstanding teaching across the school. All progress will be tracked electronically and targets will be set six times in the year. Parents and pupils will receive termly reports of progress with levels in all subjects. The foundation of our work will be that every child will succeed and every need will be provided for. Self-evaluation will be a vital aspect of our work and outlook and we will always be looking to benchmark our performance against the highest standards starting this year with ensuring we make progress at better than national standards for all pupils.

Year 2

• We will move to agree a system of assessment across the pyramid which will deliver smoother progress at transition. • Teaching will continue to be a focus for the school so that we can be sure of our standards across the school. • Observations will be on an agreed programme and we will feed results into our performance management and training programme.

Year 3

• We will share teaching progress with our pyramid and cluster schools and look to raise standards and share progress. • Tracking of pupil progress will be agreed across the pyramid and data shared. • Parents and pupils will be able to track pupil progress online as well as receiving updates in writing.

Year 4

• Progress will be tracked and we will look beyond the school and the region for further excellence. • We will be looking to support learning thoroughly through our library and our online resources.

Year 5

• Our work will be recognised beyond the school and we will be striving to continue to improve.

• We will ensure our pupils are aware of the needs of all members of our society and of each other.



Years Foundation Stage -


• • • • •

SDP 2009/10 8/9/10/ 12 SDP 2010/11 17

PRESENT GRADE S Children will improve in the early years provision and class 1 (As this is a mixed class). We will provide improved hardware and outdoor learning to include a covered area and improved play and learning equipment. A kitchen area will be provided inside the class and the learning journey will take pupils around the room and outside. We will improve this year in two areas of learning, reading and writing for all groups within Communication, Language and literacy. All pupils will reach their learning goals this year by the end of reception.

Year 2

• New arrangements and building works completed. • New curriculum in place with practitioner making networking opportunities lead to change. • Enjoyment and independence will underpin our work. • We will identify need as early as possible and build support mechanisms to underpin the progress of every child. • Emotional and behavioural approaches to learning will ensure that we are equipped to cope with all needs from all pupils. • Continued good progress for all pupils.

Year 3

• Continue to raise the profile of child generated learning and developing the links between the indoor and the outdoor space. • Themed days and events will inspire learning. • Record-keeping will link to the school assessment system and will include still and video evidence of progress. • Full access to progress reports online with video link to the nursery.

Year 4

• Share our good practice with the pyramid and develop ideas and events across the pyramid including tracking progress practice. • Pupils share their views on safety and progress.

Year 5

• We will become known regionally and nationally for our work and share our work with visiting professionals. • Our pupils score consistently good across all aspects of the EYFS profile.



Years Foundation Stage –


SDP 2009/10 8/9/10/12 SDP 2010/11 17 PRESENT GRADE


Year 1

• Provision will be at least satisfactory. • The defects in the room will be remedied and an operational kitchen will be in place. • Relationships will be based on sound open relationships with well trained professionals. • Rich varied activities will include links with sports providers and opportunities to swim. • Community activities and visitors to school will offer opportunities for our children to grow in a rich learning environment. • Staff will visit at least five new settings and bring back good practice to share and try on our site. • Our outdoor learning facilities will further enhance opportunities for pupils. • We will consult widely, local council, consultants and village expertise, on what would be appropriate development to fulfil the requirements of the early years.

Year 2

• Provision will be at least good. • All defects will have been remedied and new works completed. • Will include a covered area for the outdoor year 1 area.

Year 3

• Provision will be outstanding. • We will have meshed our provision into the whole school provision so that we can proudly say that our room and learning areas are the best possible in our building.

Year 4

• Provision will become known in the locality for its quality and effectiveness. • We will make full use of our locality including a full use of the field, pond and gardens as well as our dedicated outdoor area.

Year 5

• We will travel nationally and abroad to see extended practice. • We will seek to achieve even higher standards and better opportunities through meeting other providers from diverse settings.



Years Foundation Stage –


• • • •

SDP 2009/10 8/9/10/ 12 SDP 2010/11 17

PRESENT GRADE S The present leadership is satisfactory comprising a second year new graduate. We will explore other settings to share experience and bring even more new ideas back to Wetheringsett. We have introduced new tracking procedures and can now can ensure that all our children make good progress. We have a web of interventions in place to support pupils in need and the leadership focuses rigorous support where needed. Already this term standards are above national average.

Year 2

• The leadership will agree an action plan specific to early years as part of the school development plan. • The early years leader will front this plan and guide us supported by a web of experienced professionals. • Safeguarding procedures are fully in place with training and personalised needs being met. • A growing group of supportive parents will underpin the practice in the classroom and outdoor learning and these volunteers will also receive appropriate training.

Year 3

• Our standards will have risen to good and our leadership will be striving for excellence through the annual action plan. • Time will be allocated for further planning and we will always be open to new developments and influences.

Year 4

• Our leadership skills will be shared with the pyramid and we will look to share good practice across our link schools. • We will be striving to be an exemplar school through our action plan and personalised care.

Year 5

• We will achieve outstanding practice with a wide spread range of contacts and influences to support our pupils including nationally and internationally. • Our staff will travel and receive visitors from a broad range of influences and settings.





Years Foundation Stage – HOW WELL



Year 1

• • • • • •

All pupils needs are met to a satisfactory level. We will be improving by examining and adopting ideas for improvement. Our physical provision will be updated and repaired. New plans will be agreed for further works. A covered area will be built outside and a new shed erected. Other provision will be made in the school gardens to encourage all our pupils to learn in the classroom and beyond. • Learning will be through play with a strong supportive network of expertise that recognises the needs for a safe but challenging environment.

Year 2

• All building and renovation works will be completed. • We will know all our children and the programme of learning will be supported by the high quality, well trained staff. • Our premises will make the very best use of all our facilities and we will begin networking with good practice across our region. • Pupils will be achieving at a good standard with the majority of pupils above national averages.

Year 3

• We will have achieved a good standard of practice and provision and our team will feel proud of their expertise. • Training will be regularly updated and we will know our pupils and support learning at home an at school. • Our target setting and recoding will be the very best.

Year 4

• We will look beyond our county and ensure our leadership is aware of new developments and builds these into our new annual action and development plan.

Year 5

• Our work will be known beyond the boundaries of the county and our pupils will be achieving well above average standards. • Provision will ensure the very best of creative learning for all learners within a fantastic resource at the school.


FOCUSCapacity COST Year 1

• • • • • •

For Improvement

SDP 2009/10 1, 2, 12 SDP 2010/11 1

PRESENT GRADE G Our philosophy will be to strive for excellence in all we do, for everyone of our pupils. We will be focussed on the achievement of high standards at KS1 and KS2 with good/ outstanding teaching across the school. All progress will be tracked electronically and targets will be set six times in the year. Parents and pupils will receive termly reports of progress with levels in all subjects. The foundation of our work will be that every child will succeed and every need will be provided for. Self-evaluation will be a vital aspect of our work and outlook and we will always be looking to benchmark our performance against the highest standards starting this year with ensuring we make progress at better than national standards for all pupils.

Year 2

• We will move to agree a system of assessment across the pyramid which will deliver smoother progress at transition. • Teaching will continue to be a focus for the school so that we can be sure of our standards across the school. • Observations will be on an agreed programme and we will feed results into our performance management and training programme.

Year 3

• We will share teaching progress with our pyramid and cluster schools and look to raise standards and share progress. • Tracking of pupil progress will be agreed across the pyramid and data shared. • Parents and pupils will be able to track pupil progress online as well as receiving updates in writing.

Year 4

• Progress will be tracked and we will look beyond the school and the region for further excellence. • We will be looking to support learning thoroughly through our library and our online resources.

Year 5

• Our work will be recognised beyond the school and we will be striving to continue to improve. • We will ensure our pupils are aware of the needs of all members of our society and of each other.


FOCUSLinks COST Year 1

• • • • • •

to the Church Of England

SDP 2009/10 2/3 SDP 2010/11 18

PRESENT GRADE S The links to the Church are only satisfactory and we want to make much more use of our heritage and ethos. We will pray twice a day with a candle in the classroom as a focus. We will establish a focus area in the reception area of the school. We will want to be in the Church for a service every half-term and visit the cathedral every year. The vicar/rector will be asked to take assembly every two weeks (Attended twice in winter term and conducted two services for us). Play a full part in the local church life like BIG CRIB 2009.

Year 2

• Contacts made with faith groups in our area and beyond and at least one visit beyond our parish planned for the school year. • Church links to be fostered and encouraged. • We will use the church building regularly for education and services. • Visitors from the church to the school will be encouraged and a full part played in festivals. • Full programme of church contacts now in place and regular contribution.

Year 3

• Use our links to church schools to aid succession planning and build our working links. • Manage to create one event that involves working with another church school home and away. • Routine programme of events and day-to-day routines that involve the school in its faith journey will be firmly established.

Year 4

• Able to take part in a regional festival or event in addition to the work of previous years.

Year 5

• Able to take part in a national festival or event in addition to the work of previous years.


FOCUSOverall COST Year 1

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SDP 2009/10 12 SDP 2010/11 1

PRESENT GRADE G The overall effectiveness will be at least good in all of the categories above. Our action plan and school development work will enable us to identify our weak areas and promote improvement during the course of this year. Our links to communities beyond Wetheringsett will be a vital part of our thinking as well as a thorough rigorous knowledge of where each pupil is in their learning. Our curriculum and class structures as currently established, will be reviewed.

Year 2

• New curriculum and class structure in place. • Our school development plan will take note of our weaknesses and address improvement. • Our desire to improve at KS1 will underpin our whole school improvement. • Our weaknesses in reading and writing will have been addressed and we will be embedding our changes.

Year 3

• We will have seen improvement in performance in all years and our teaching will have moved from good to mostly outstanding teaching across the school. • Our pupils will thrive in a caring environment that celebrates success in all aspects of pupil’s potential. • We will be open and reporting regularly on pupil progress with target setting enabling focussed improvement.

Year 4

• Our aim will be to build on all the work above and look for influences beyond our region gaining a reputation for our practice and success.

Year 5

• Our aim will be to be known nationally for the excellent work that takes place at Wetheringsett on a national basis. We would want to actively promote this excellent practice.


Proposals for change of responsibilities for Governors to link with people rather than subjects. NoNamed Governor 1 Mrs Siobhan Goodrich 2 Mrs Cathryn Guelbert 3 Mr Mark Allen


Governor Responsibility





Named Linked Staff member Mrs Elaine Miller

Responsibilities Senior Teacher

Mr David Head Teacher Simington Parent ICT and Finance Mrs Jackie SEN Senior TA Knighton 4 Mr Rob Bensly Parent Mrs Kirsten Sharpe Class 4 teacher 5 Mr Scott Parent Transition and Health Mrs Vanessa Class 3 teacher Evans and safety Chidwick 6 Mrs Angela CommunityEYFS Miss Hazel Sutton EYFS Class 1 Fiske teacher 7 Rev Adrian Foundation Foundation Mason 8 Mrs Elaine Staff Senior Teacher Mrs Jean Goodrum Miller 9 Mrs Sarah CommunitySustainability Mrs Claire Wilson Class 2 Paynes 10Mr Jeremy LA Finance Mrs Gail Abbott Office manager Trigger 11Mrs Lisa WalshAssociate Associate 12Mr David Staff Head teacher Mrs Bullock Class 3 TA Simington 13Vacancy Foundation Foundation Mrs Springfield Class 4 TA 14Paul Lambert Associate Associate Mrs Kelly EYFS TA Hammond Staff Member Role in School Mrs Elaine Miller Senior Teacher Mr David Simington Mrs Jackie Knighton

Head Teacher Senior Teaching Assistant

Responsibility Science, History, Teaching, Learning and Assessment PSHCE, ICT, SEN senior Teaching assistant

Mrs Kirsten Sharpe Mrs Vanessa Chidwick Miss Hazel Sutton Mrs Jean Goodrum Mrs Claire Wilson Mrs Gail Abbott Mrs Bullock Mrs Springfield Mrs Kelly Hammond

Part Time Teacher RE Class 4 Class Teacher 3 PE, Mathematics, Geography Class Teacher 1 Early years foundation stage manager and EYFS Class 1 teacher Teaching Assistant Library, Speech and language Class 2

Design Technology, Art, Literacy, Assembly

Office manager Office Manager Teaching Assistant School Council, Wake and Shake Teaching Assistant Senior Designated Person - Safeguarding, Learning Mentor Teaching Assistant EYFS and Class 1

In Addition there would be Priority Governors looking at specific SDP focus areas. I would suggest we look at Curriculum (8), Learning and Progress (3), Attainment (3), and Early Years Foundation Stage Outcomes (17). Named Governor


Mrs Cathryn Guelbert Mrs Siobhan Goodrich Mrs Sarah Paines

Learning and Progress

Teacher leading the aspect Mrs Miller


Mr Simington

Early Years Foundation Stage Outcomes Curriculum

Miss Sutton

Mr Mark Allen

Teaching Staff

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