2 minute read

From the Director

Blue Ridge Land Conservancy

Promoting the conservation of western Virginia’s natural resources- farms, forests, waterways, and rural landscapes



Diana K. Christopulos, PhD, President Lowell F. Inhorn, MD, President-Elect Ruth T. Dickerson, Treasurer Fiona M. Tower, Secretary A.Sidney Barritt III, MD Dominic M. Basile Maureen McNamara Best Helen A. Burnett Thomas M. Dunkenberger Jr. Renee D. Godard, PhD William M. Hackworth William Hunley George A. Kegley Wendy W. Kendrick Betty H. Lesko Susan E. McSwain J. Walton Milam III Robert C. Mountcastle Timothy J. Rowe Sr. Isabel R. Thornton Ann Bondurant Trinkle Jill Woltz


M. Rupert Cutler, PhD Lucy R. Ellett Liza T. Field Talfourd H. Kemper Robert B. Lambeth Jr. Janet Scheid


David C. Perry, Executive Director Meagan R. Cupka, Assistant Director Tina L. Badger, Project Manager Kate K. Glass, Stewardship Assistant James C. “Chris” Holdren, Southern VA Program Manager Kyle Simpson, Central Virginia Program Manager

27 Church Ave. SW Roanoke, VA 24011 540-985-0000 blueridgelandconservancy.org


How the heck are you?

In my head, I didn’t say “heck.” What a time. Are you well? What are you all doing to keep yourselves sane and keep the “Quarantine 15” off your waistlines?

This is the place where the executive director is supposed to offer words of wisdom and encouragement, but folks…I’m tapped out.

Shoot, by the time you get this in your mailboxes, I’m not even sure any wisdom and encouragement I offer today will be relevant.

But, circumstances have never stopped me from offering unsolicited advice before, so here goes. (I like numbered lists.)



Really, how are you? Are you well, bored, lonely, sick, happy, sad, thriving in a Zen-like state of natural bliss on your porch, halfway through the same book you’ve read three times, or something else? Will you send me an e-mail at dperry@brlcva.org? You can call me at (540) 985-0000, ext. 1, and I’ll call you back if you want some old-fashioned vocal interaction. You can Zoom with us too, or send a snail mail to the address on the back cover.

The very important work you care about—saving land—is

continuing. Our staff is on the phone and computer, working daily with folks who want to conserve their family farms, their mountainsides and their creeks, all over the western part of the state. Saving the special places you care about matters, and we’re hard at it.

That’s it. I lie here on the foldup bed in our basement, in my sweatpants, laptop and cell phone at the ready, as my son plays Xbox nearby. I write these words, wondering what next week will bring. Wondering what’s for lunch today. Just like many of you.

TL;DR (too long; didn’t read): How are you? Let us know. And know

that we’re still saving the wonderful Virginia outdoors you love.

Be well, and we’ll all see each other very soon in better times.

We will.

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