Women's Voice Magazine Volume 4

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her battle for food justice



What's the gut got to do with it?




WHY page 22




VOLUME 4 | $2.99





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Photo: David Leyes

what’s inside 12


REAL solutions by REAL physicians for REAL women’s needs ™

6 Berberine “Nature’s Metabolic Master Switch”

rachel parent her battle for food justice



One Seed Can Grow a Forest

Forget the Spa, Try Ecotherapy

– by Karen Jensen (Retired ND)



What’s the Gut Got to Do with It?

– by Dr. Marita Schauch, ND

32 Fibromyalgia Part 2

Germ-Free Zone

– by Karen Jensen (Retired ND)

– by Dr. Gaetano Morello, ND

Is Your Cozy Home Filled with Toxins




Fermented Foods to Reduce Your Body’s “Toxic Load”

RECIPES Carrot Loaf & Spring Salad

Why Muffins (and your muffin-top!) are Waking You up at Night!

– by Karlene Karst, RD

– by Karlene Karst, RD

– by Dr. Kate Rhéaume, ND



MEDICAL & SCIENCE EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE At Women’s Voice, we are committed to providing our readers with real health solutions from real physicians. To ensure our editorial excellence, we have assembled medical professionals who are dedicated experts and leaders in natural health to serve on Women’s Voice Medical and Science Editorial Advisory Committee.



Karen Jensen was in clinical practice for 25 years and although she is retired, she continues to write books and educate on the naturopathic approach to wellness. She is author or co-author of seven books, her most recent is Women's Health Matters: The Influence of Gender on Disease.

Dr. Marita Schauch is the author of two books Making Sense of Women’s Health and Collagen Myths & Misconceptions. She also co-authored The Adrenal Stress Connection. In addition to her clinical practice, she lectures across North America educating people on positive lifestyle choices. .

KARLENE KARST, RD Karlene Karst is a leading expert in nutrition and natural health. Karlene holds a BSc in nutrition and is a registered dietitian. Karlene is the author of several books and is a highly sought-after, enthusiastic, and passionate individual who has appeared on QVC, Access Hollywood, and Canada AM.

DR. JENNIFER DYCK, ND Dr. Jennifer Dyck is a licensed naturopathic doctor. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology with distinction from the University of Victoria and completed her professional training at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, BC.


DR. KATE RHÉAUME, ND Dr. Kate Rhéaume graduated from McMaster University and completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, class of 2002. She followed with a two-year residency during which she taught classes and supervised at various teaching clinics.

Dr. Arya Sharma, MD/PhD, FRCPC, is Professor of Medicine and holds the Alberta Health Services Chair in Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. He founded and is currently Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network and Past-President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons.



Dr. Julie Reil is an internationally recognized physician, health and nutrition advocate, speaker and Women’s Voice author. She developed the Genityte® urinary incontinence procedure and the Triple Tone Treatment®. Dr. Reil founded Shiloh Medical Clinic in Billings, Montana.

Dr. Rudolf Bauer’s expertise is in natural product chemistry, analysis, and bio-assay-guided isolation of constituents from medicinal plants. As a member of two expert groups on herbal drugs of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission, he is actively involved in the development of monographs for the European Pharmacopeia.



Dr. Gaetano Morello is a published author and licensed naturopathic physician. Recently he has been appointed as a Clinician at the newly created Complex Chronic Disease Program located at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is the first naturopathic doctor to hold such a position at a major North American hospital.

Dr. Michael Lyon is a UBC faculty member and is a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fibre, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine and he completed a three-year family practice residency in 1988.

Editor: Nancy Cheeseman Editorial Assistant: Brinda Navjee Art Direction: Stephen Rank Art Direction Assistant: Beata Stolarska Graphic Designers: Celia Bowes, Jessica Ranallo, Rut Shapira, and Mark Cawker. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY Assured Natural Distribution, Inc. 104–3686 Bonneville Place Burnaby, BC V3N 4T6 Phone: 1-844-384-7502 Fax: 1-844-384-7503



Only products exclusively distributed to natural health food stores will be advertised in this magazine.


EDITORIAL NOTE The information in this magazine is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed practitioner or health care provider. Articles in Women’s Voice are copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated, or transmitted without permission. Women’s Voice™ is a registered magazine in Canada and the United States. Canada: 1811559 / USA: 87249676 Real Solutions by Real Physicians for Real Women’s Needs™




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“Nature’s Metabolic Master Switch



he mechanism of action underlying berberine’s influence on health is due primarily to its action on adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK is an enzyme which acts as a central energy control switch regulating how energy is produced and used in the body.

MetS occurs when these AMPK-regulated pathways are turned off, triggering a syndrome that includes increased blood sugar, inflammation, abdominal obesity, hypertension, lipid abnormalities, and energy imbalances. Only a few chemicals are known to activate AMPK. Berberine is one of them as well as resveratrol and the prescription medication metformin.

It is sometimes referred to as the Many studies show that ber“metabolic master switch” Studies show that berine can significantly because it responds to changes berberine also reduces reduce blood sugar levels fasting blood sugars, in energy metabolism on has antioxidant, antiin individuals with type 2 a cellular and whole-body inflammatory effects, and diabetes. In fact, its effeclevel. AMPK regulates varisignificant antimicrobial tiveness is comparable to activity – all of which ous biological activities that may be related to its the popular diabetes drug normalize lipid, glucose, and antidiabetic effects. metformin. energy imbalances. Berberine works via multiple different mechanisms: METABOLIC SYNDROME


Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a group of conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and premature mortality. 6


■ Decreases insulin resistance ■ Helps the body break down sugars inside cells (glycolysis) ■ Decreases sugar production in the liver

BERBERINE Nature’s best-kept secret for: • Weight loss • Blood sugar • Heart health There have been approximately

2,800 scientific studies...

over one-third of these studies have been published in the last 5 years. Natural alkaloid found in a wide variety of traditional herbs, including plants such as goldenseal, Oregon grape, and barberry. Primarily used for its antimicrobial (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses), antiinflammatory, and immune-enhancing properties. However, newer research is uncovering that berberine’s value extends far beyond these benefits.

■ Slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut ■ Increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut

In one study of 116 diabetic patients, taking 1 g of berberine per day lowered fasting blood sugar by 20%, from 7.0 to 5.6 mmol/L (126 to 101 mg/dL), or from diabetic to normal levels


BERBERINE & WEIGHT LOSS AMPK activation is reported to underlie berberine’s antiobesity effects and favourable influence on weight loss by boosting fat burning in the mitochondria. Overall, studies show that berberine is a potent lipidlowering compound that has a moderate weight loss effect. Berberine also plays a role in enhancing brown fat activity. Brown fat is a heat-generating type of fat that burns energy instead of storing it, and this may have important implications when it comes to weight loss.

7.0 6.0








2.0 1.0 0

Berberine also lowered hemoglobin A1c by 12% (a marker for longterm blood sugar levels), and also improved blood lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides.

Another study showed that berberine reduced total cholesterol low-density lipoprotein (LDL-c) and triglyceride (TG) levels. TG levels play a significant role in the development of coronary heart disease. Berberine has been shown to decrease abnormally high concentrations of fats and lipids by promoting the excretion of cholesterol from the liver, reducing inflammation, and inhibiting the intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

Dyck J, Lopaschuk GD. AMPK alterations in cardiac physiology and pathology: enemy or ally? J Physiol. 2006 July; 574(1):95-112. Hardie G. AMPK: A target for drugs and natural products with effects on both diabetes and cancer. Diabetes. 2013 Jul; 62(7):2164-2172. Kola B. Role of AMP-activated protein kinase in the control of appetite. J Neuroendocrinol. 2008 Jul; 20(7):942-951. Shirwany NA, Zou MH. AMPK in cardiovascular health and disease. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2010 Sep; 31(9):1075-1084 Winder WW, Hardie DG. AMP-activated protein kinase, a metabolic master switch: possible roles in type 2 diabetes. Am J Physiol. 1999 Jul; 277(1 Pt 1):E1-10. Xu JH, Liu XZ, Wei Pan W, et al. Berberine protects against diet-induced obesity through regulating metabolic endotoxemia and gut hormone levels. Mol Med Rep. 2017 May; 15(5):2765-2787. Yin J, Xing H, Ye J. Efficacy of berberine in patients with type 2 diabetes. Metabolism. 2008 May; 57(5):712-717.

In addition, part of berberine’s positive effect on heart health is its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce obesity to lessen the risk of coronary heart disease. Many consumers are not familiar with berberine as a dietary supplement, and it’s not a household word yet, but this littleknown all-natural plant-based alkaloid is making headlines and has solid research showing vast health benefits.

I recommend 500 mg WellBetX® Berberine with the ISURA seal, for safety and efficacy.







The most metabolically active form of

Germ-Free Zone Kick Your Shoes Off Shoeless homes stay cleaner longer – no surprise there! But if you haven’t managed to make the switch to slippers and socks, consider this: Your shoes are bringing in bacteria and potentially toxic chemicals along with all the grime. Bacteria are everywhere, of course, but just think what kinds might be living on the floor of a public building, bathroom, a grocery store, or (especially) a school! A lawn, too, may


have been fertilized with something you don’t want in your home – not to mention the pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides that are too commonly used to keep landscapes weed free and green.

Keep the outside stuff outside! Park some inviting slippers by the door for every member of your family.

Is Your Cozy Home Filled with Toxins? Whether you call it cocooning or hygge (the Danish term for cozying up), one of the joys of the colder seasons is time spent on indoor projects and pursuits – or just relaxing. But in today’s highly insulated homes, there isn’t much fresh air exchange. The result? We breathe a lot of airplane-like, recirculated air, often laden with indoor pollutants such as cooking odours, dust, and chemicals outgassed by carpets and upholstery, and to make matters worse we reach for chemicals each day to clean our clothes. Many consumers are not aware that laundry detergents are filled with toxic chemicals that can interfere with hormone production. The National Academy of Sciences says 95% of fragrant detergents and dryer sheets have scents derived from petroleum-based chemicals such as benzenes, aldehydes, and toluene. These toxic ingredients have been associated with allergic reactions, skin irritation, rashes, 8


hormone imbalance, headaches, and dizziness. They also have been implicated in reproductive problems, central nervous system disorders, and certain cancers. So next time you think “clean,” also think fragrance free, or at least ensure that the fragrances come from natural sources.

LOOK for products sold in natural health food stores that don’t contain chemicals or fragrances. Some well-known brands to consider in your laundry room are Seventh Generation, Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day, and Nellie’s All-Natural, or you can visit ewg.org to view the EWG guide to healthy cleaning.


METHYLCOBALAMIN & DIBENCOZIDE Dibencozide is the major active form of vitamin B12 in mitochondria (the powerhouses of every cell) and is essential for energy metabolism as well as for the formation of myelin, the fatty protective sheath around nerves.


are WAKING you up




It’s that 3:00 am wake-up call that too many of us know so well. As you’re lying there wishing you could get back to sleep, maybe you begin to wonder why it’s so often like this – great sleep, until 3:00 am. Well, your muffin top could be a factor, along with the muffins and other blood-sugar spiking carbohydrates that created it! I have been lecturing on sleep disturbances for a few years now, and waking up in the middle of the night is definitely one of the top reasons people come to my lectures. If the exhausted crowds at my talks are anything to go by, the typical insomnia stats seem to severely underrepresent this problem. There are many types of sleep disturbances, such as difficulty getting to sleep, waking up every couple of hours or awake too early. But waking up at or around 3:00 am is a particularly common type of sleep problem that frequently has an unexpected crony: belly fat. Appreciating the connection between these two may help you get two outs with one pitch.

and not sleep studies, researchers didn’t pay too much attention to this added benefit at first. Then they began to employ a technology that monitored participants’ blood sugar levels continuously – every few seconds – for periods of 24 hours and longer. This revealed trends in blood sugar changes that they had never seen before, and it led to an astonishing realization: many people waking up at 3:00 am were experiencing a sudden drop in blood sugar just prior to waking up – a phenomenon known as nocturnal hypoglycemia.

Here’s what happens. When people gain weight, especially abdominal fat, blood sugar levels gradually begin to fluctuate more For years researchers at the in response to eating throughout Vancouver-based Canadian the day. Although you’ve likely Centre for Functional Medicine heard that having high blood heard the same comment from sugar is a bad thing (and it is), participants in their weight loss in fact, it’s rapidly falling blood trials: “I’m sleeping better”. Since sugar that will produce noticethese were weight loss studies able symptoms.



When blood sugar plummets, the body tries to stabilize the situation in a few ways, in addition to triggering hunger signals. In particular, when blood sugar is crashing our major organs of stress response, the adrenal glands, will produce adrenalin. This is an emergency blood sugar raising tactic. During the day this adrenalin surge can be felt as the symptoms of hypoglycemia: anxiety, shakiness, sweating, feeling irritable, or “hangry”. At night, when blood sugar drops rapidly enough, an adrenalin surge during sleep will wake you up. And due to some particular quirks in our physiology, this tends to happen at around 3:00 am.

cise, which is why abdominal fat is so darn difficult to shed. Once abdominal fat has morphed into an endocrine gland, the whole weight-loss matter-of-caloriesin-versus-calories-out equation doesn’t apply anymore. What now governs these fat cells is hormonal input. The hormones insulin and cortisol send powerful messages to cause those belly fat cells to continue growing. Since most diets don’t address hormone levels, they are ultimately ineffective at reducing weight where we would mostly like to lose it – in our belly. [By the way, when I say abdominal fat I’m not talking about that small roll of a few pounds that can appear seemingly overnight sometime around menopause. In the absence of other symptoms like cravings and insomnia, that little bit of pudge is generally not harmful and in fact can be very helpful in buffering changes in estrogen levels.]

In most cases waking up at 3:00 am is not a true sleep problem, it’s a blood sugar issue that’s disrupting your sleep.

HOW ABDOMINAL FAT IS DIFFERENT No one is crazy about having excess fat anywhere on our bodies, but fat cells in our arms and legs are usually just inert insulation. Abdominal fat cells, on the other hand, once they reach a critical mass, actually change their function and begin to act like endocrine glands, meaning they begin to respond to hormonal input, and even secrete hormones in return. Functioning as endocrine glands, these cells are not much affected by diet and exer10


What if you wake up in the middle of the night, but you’re not overweight, or maybe you’re even on the thin side? Some (usually thin) individuals report that they need to eat every three hours during the day or they experience hypoglycemic symptoms – they might even carry snacks or candies for “emergencies”. If this describes you, then you are also on the blood sugar roller coaster and will benefit from the following tips:


STABILIZING BLOOD SUGAR Ok, so now you know why you wake up in the middle of the night, what are you going to do about it? First, stabilize your blood sugar.

1 AVOID HIGH-GLYCEMIC INDEX FOODS that will cause your blood sugar to spike (sugar, white flour, pop, juice, sugary drinks). Choose whole, unprocessed, foods without added sugars.

2 EAT REGULAR MEALS AND DON’T SKIP BREAKFAST. In fact, what you eat for breakfast sets the tone for your blood sugar for the rest of the day, so make it a good one. Examples of breakfasts that qualify include a whole egg omelette packed with veggies, full-fat Greek yogurt sprinkled with nuts and seeds, and a protein smoothie with avocado and chia. Your breakfast should keeping you feeling full and satisfied for hours.

3 EAT PROTEIN SNACKS, some fat, and lots of soluble fibre (see below) with each meal. These three elements will keep your sugar stable.

4 TAKE CHROMIUM. 200 mcg daily to help your body utilize insulin better and reduce sugar cravings.

SOLUBLE FIBRE When it comes to dietary fibre, we often think of bran. Bran is insoluble fibre, and while that improves regularity, it won’t help stabilize your blood sugar. That job belongs to soluble fibre, the invisible, complex polysaccharide found in whole, unprocessed fruit, veggies, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Soluble fibre will absorb water to form a natural fibre gel in the stomach. The gel will combine with sugar to release it more slowly into the blood stream, buffering the impact on blood sugar levels. In most cases, being awake at 3:00 am is not a true sleep problem, it’s the blood sugar issue that’s disrupting your sleep. Understanding this connection should help you get a better night’s sleep… and maybe even help you wake up a little thinner.


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her battle for food justice

Environmental and Safe Food Youth Activist and Speaker

Rachel’s passions include social justice, animal rights, responsible food consumption, and environmental protection. For the past five years, she has positioned herself as a strong advocate for the mandatory labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food. In 2012, Rachel founded Kids Right to Know, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating youth about food safety and challenging them to claim their right to know what’s in their food, and demanding GMO labelling in Canada. Despite a busy Toronto student schedule, Rachel is a Huffington Post blogger, has her own YouTube channel, and has given dozens of television, radio, magazine, online interviews, participated in countless presentations, event appearances, and guest discussion panels, including a well-publicized debate about GMOs with Kevin O’Leary on CBC Television.



Perhaps one of the biggest and most unspoken issues of our time is food. IT AFFECTS EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES, INCLUDING OUR HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT.

Today, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are embedded in our food system. About 70% of the processed foods on grocery store shelves contain genetically modified (GM) ingredients, such as corn, soy, canola, and sugar from sugar beets. GM crops also include cotton, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini and yellow squash, and more recently the GM apple, alfalfa, potato, and salmon have been approved.

Think back to a time not so long ago when food was simpler and much healthier. When my grandmother was growing up, for instance, “organic food” was just called “food”. She didn’t have to wonder whether it was grown naturally or if it had been tampered with in a lab. However, secretly and silently, our food has changed completely since then. Food and agriculture are now under the control of unaccountable giant corporations.

Photo: Gen Acuna



soil. The seeds would eventually produce a plentiful abundance of fruits and vegetables which we would enjoy throughout the summer months.



of the processed foods on grocery store shelves contain genetically modified ingredients

And then there was the surrounding farm land. I remember running, jumping, and frolicking through the tall corn. We used to play hide and seek in the fields that were almost ready to harvest. We would also pick at the dried soy waiting to be cultivated. While these are fond memories, looking back one memory sticks out most of all: this large and unusual-looking piece of farm equipment that showed up occasionally and moved through the fields. I never gave it a second thought. It wasn’t until many years later that I realized it had been dousing the surrounding farm land with toxic chemicals. This was taking place a mere 10 metres from where we played! In a way I feel as though at the ripe age of 18, my life has made somewhat of a full circle from being exposed to toxic chemicals from an early age to now fighting to protect people against those very toxins in our food.

My journey into activism

Growing up I went to a very small school for most of my elementary education. It taught me many of the key values that still guide my thoughts and actions today. We learned everything from knitting to growing our own vegetables and all about the subjects necessary to graduate. I often look back on those times with immense gratitude and fond memories. It was a simpler time, a period in my life when I wasn't aware of the struggles in the real world. I spent my childhood in a loving and nurturing environment. I remember the vegetable garden so vividly, and I always recall being astonished by the miracle of planting seeds and waiting eagerly for a sprout to pierce the loose surface of the 14


My journey into activism started at 11 when I began to discover what was happening to our food system and decided to research into what a GMO was. I’ve been a vegetarian my entire life and have always been a nature lover. So, it was natural that I would want to know more about the food I consume and how it effects my health, nature, and the environment. I was immediately concerned by the health and environmental implications associated with GM foods. In addition, I was disturbed about the lack of transparency and choice, especially given the absence of mandatory GMO food labelling in Canada and the US. I felt it was not only unfair that we do not get to decide what foods we put in our bodies, but that this also went against the very core of democratic values. Access to nutritious food is our most basic right, yet because of the lack of transparency we don’t even have the right to choose which foods we consume.

Rather than standing by for someone else to act, I decided to take action. Maybe all activism involves small actions in the beginning. In the end, however, all the small acts add up and can change the world. My first small act was simply starting a Twitter account, which led to creating a march in downtown Toronto. I then began a website and formed a non-profit organization, followed by challenging Kevin O’Leary to a debate on GMOs on CBC television, after he publicly smeared critics of GMOs. I also began to give talk at schools and various events. I soon began to realize that activism has incredible potential to shape the world, to create solutions, and bring together communities from across the globe to work together towards a common goal. My ultimate objective is to create aware ness and gain transparency through GMO labelling. This involves highlighting how GM crops and the chemicals used on them have been associated with the dying off of our essential pollinators and drawing attention to just how many of these crops end up in factory farms, fed to livestock in overcrowded buildings and in deplorable conditions. The most commonly used herbicide employed in the cultivation of GM crops is Monsanto’s Roundup. Its key ingredient is glyphosate, twhich is sprayed liberally on GM glyphosate-tolerant “Roundup Ready” crops. Unfortunately, glyphosate isn’t only used on GM crops that are genetically engineered to withstand this agrotoxin, it’s also used as a pre-harvest desiccant. Farmers spray crops with glyphosate to accelerate drying. For those that may not know much about GMOs, they are created in a laboratory. Genes are taken from one species and inserted into another to obtain a desired trait or characteristic.

This type of genetic engineering does not occur in nature and is entirely dependent on human manipulation. herbicidetolerant crops, which allow farmers to spray unlimited doses of toxic weed killers directly on the crop without killing it; and pesticideproducing crops, where the plant produces its own internal pesticide.

Taking on the large corporations A couple of years ago, I attended the annual Monsanto shareholder meeting. I confronted Hugh Grant, Monsanto’s CEO, about the toxic products his company produces. I had the opportunity to ask Mr. Grant in front of around 1,000 shareholders the following question: “If you truly believe your GM technology is safe, if you truly believe it has the potential to feed the world, why are you treating it like a dirty little secret that can’t be shown on food labels? Why, if it’s such proven technology, are you spending millions of shareholders’ dollars fighting it, rather than promoting it?” My second question was rooted in my growing concern for the lack of truth and transparency regarding the safety of GMOs and Monsanto’s RoundUp: “Will you commit to publishing on your website, the controlled animal feeding studies that Monsanto conducted to determine the safety of GMOs and RoundUp, including the raw data?”

Photo: David Leyes

Organic and “conventional” farmers, environmental groups, as well as consumers have been voicing concerns about GMOs and the chemical-intensive system of agriculture they form for the past two decades. Untested for their effects on humans and lacking regulatory oversight, GM crops and the toxic chemicals they rely on have raised concerns about their impacts on health. There are also environmental concerns related to GMOs, such as bees and butterflies dying off, the emergence of new superweeds and superbugs in the fields and the contamination of and the effects on soil and water.

He didn’t answer my questions and attempted to simply brush me off as being too young to understand. I may be young, but I’m certainly old enough to see when a corporation has something to hide. It is a huge concern that public officials and governments are allow­ing corporations like Monsanto to push through pro-GMO policies and undermine our democratic right to choose healthy food. The story of our food system is no longer just about what we put in our bodies. It is a worrying tale about our environment, health, and fundamental freedoms. It is Canada and about protecting the USA do our beautiful not even require planet from labelling the destructive of GM foods grasp of seed and

chemical companies that want to control our food supply for financial gain. Throughout my journey, I’ve faced opposi­ tion from these powerful corporations and their hired scientists and media figures. But I refuse to lose hope or give up. I’m often asked why even bother challenging large corporations like Monsanto when they have unlimited funds and huge lobbying power. My answer is simple. I’m fighting for my future and the future of our planet!

Four GM crops account for

99% OF


soy, corn, cotton and canola. 2015 Surely our common goal should be to leave the planet better than we found it. Want to know more about GM crops and food? Visit http://gmomythsandtruths. earthopensource.org/ to access a free copy of the report “GMO Myths and Truths: An evidence-based examination of GMO claims” by Dr. John Fagan, Dr. Michael Antoniou, and Claire Robinson.

In more than 40 countries there are restrictions or bans on the production of GM foods



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children experienced PLANT A SEED – READ! (story time activity) or SEEDS OF INSPIRATION (classroom resource kit for primary grades) or other education program.

14 SCHOOL GARDEN projects were funded.

Marvelous things can come from the tiniest of seeds. Witness the quintessential beauty of a buttercup or the power of a mighty oak. Both started with a tiny seed, a little moisture, and a spoonful of sunshine. The same is true with children. The simplest of learning experiences can inspire them for a lifetime. And one of the most rewarding experiences for a child is to discover the wonder of gently planting a seed, eagerly waiting for it to sprout, and then excitedly seeing the seedling burst up through the dirt. It’s mesmerizing. All their senses are captivated. It stirs within them a sense of pride, accomplishment, and a feeling of importance. It’s a priceless moment. A moment of inspiration. Unfortunately, too few children get to live such moments. Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation is changing that. It is committed to creating opportunities for children to discover the natural world around them. A world of awe and wonder where their ideas and dreams can be nurtured. 18


MAKING THINGS GROW This past year, Plant a Seed helped kids, schools, libraries, and others in meaningful ways:


were established

2 school BREAKFAST PROGRAMS supported

2 SEED PRESERVATION programs supported

Growing our projects Plant a Seed was thrilled to help fund the building of a teaching shelter in the Westmont Montessori School garden. The wet coastal weather of southern Vancouver Island can make outdoor learning a challenge, especially for young students. Now the enthusiastic youngsters at Westmont have a sturdy teaching shelter that lies in the heart of the garden – literally and figuratively. It is where they gather to share their discoveries, to learn about the plants and animals that surround them, and to develop their understanding of the natural world and their place in it. Learn more at seewhatgrows.org Other school garden projects “On the grow”: • Sutherland Secondary Schoolyard Market Garden, North Vancouver, BC

• Growing Up Organic in the Ottawa area, ON • Port Weller School in St. Catherines, ON • L’école élémentaire catholique Ste-MargueriteBourgeoys in Woodstock, ON

Plant a Seed – Read! Plant a Seed – Read! is a free-of-charge educational activity for public libraries that aims to reach toddlers, preschoolers, and youngsters through storytelling in public libraries across Canada. We support the reading experience with a storytelling program that focuses on the seed-to-table growing cycle. Plant a Seed donates two empowering storybooks – Plant a Seed & See What Grows and What to Do with What You Grew authored by Roland Gahler. Both books are also available in French.

The Foundation also provides complementary materials, such as organic non-GMO seeds and themed‐colouring books for the group-reading exercise and planting activity. “The Plant a Seed – Read! program has two fantastic books about planting and growing. The donated copies of the books have been added to our collection and have been used in programs. They are written perfectly for the preschool/primary age group and are engaging with great illustrations.” – Emma, Library Assistant at Idea Exchange Preston, Cambridge, ON

2018 IS LOOKING BRIGHT Rolling out our Seeds of Inspiration educational program to schools across Canada – a free-ofcharge, comprehensive resource kit for primary grades consistent with elementary curriculum. The inquiry-based Seeds of Inspiration program utilizes storytelling and activity-based workbooks to facilitate discussions about plant life cycles, good stewardship of planet earth and empathy for each other. The program comes in two versions: one for Kindergarten to Grade 1, and the second for Grades 2 and 3.


CHILDREN Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation represents a new vision for the natural health sector. Its causes are near-and-dear to the hearts of everyone who subscribes to a natural living lifestyle, earth’s sustainability, and a healthy future of our children. Busy seed savers in the Port Weller Public School garden. Port Weller School, ON

Feedback from the pilot program: “We were happy to find out there were resources available to help students with their garden project which has been ongoing for the last two years. The Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation has provided us with kits for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students which included workbooks. This helped with various learning objectives, including being able to describe characteristics of different plants. Having these workbooks in a French version was also very helpful since the school is in a French community. Thank you to the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation!” – Mathieu, Agent de développement communautaire, NB

“I love the learning garden! My favourite thing to do in the garden is explore all the different plants species and try to make new discoveries...” – Hannah, Grade 7 student, BC

Create a Garden. Inspire a Generation. In 2018, our goal is to fund three times the number of garden projects and inspire 10,000 more youngsters across Canada. Every garden we support touches the lives of an entire school of students, their families, and their community. Each child we reach could plant a seed that can inspire a generation!

CONCLUSION The future of thousands of children just got brighter because of the work of the Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation.


Its programs are designed to inspire children and help them reach their full potential by:

Developing classroom educational resources and teaching aids that help nurture in children a sense of pride and stewardship over the earth, and to increase knowledge of growing, harvesting, and cooking. Sponsoring school and community gardens to give children from all socio-economic backgrounds a chance to learn about the growing cycle in fun and interactive ways. Creating other outdoor learning experiences, beyond the school classroom, such as farm tours that teach them about their food’s correlation to the land, their environment, and their health. All these programs are experiential hands-in-the-dirt activities that excite young people in special and unique ways.

Join us in creating a world of possibilities for our children – where their dreams and hopes turn into reality; their minds can grow and thrive, and they can become confident and caring young adults who are committed stewards of planet earth.

Become a Friend of the Foundation: Take the pledge at seewhatgrows.org Donate online: Click the DONATE button at seewhatgrows.org

Elena’s bright smile shows how much she enjoyed a Plant a Seed – Read! session.



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HEALTHY GUT MICROBIOME IS ESSENTIAL FOR HEALTH DYSBIOSIS – it’s a word we all need to learn. It’s the term used to describe an imbalance in gut bacteria, which contributes to a variety of unhealthy and disease-

producing conditions. Anything that alters the balance of the gut microbiota – antibiotics, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, acidsuppressing medications, and corticosteroids, can harm the intestinal flora we rely on for not just digestion, but overall health. Other factors that can diminish the quality of gut flora include: gastrointestinal infections,

surgery, chronic constipation, a diet high in sugars and refined carbohydrates, and stress, which often leads to inflammation. Gut inflammation can cause something commonly referred to as “leaky gut” which allows toxic particles to enter the blood stream and these foreign invaders put more stress on the immune system as well.


BUT THAT’S NOT ALL The gut microbiome also has direct influence on hormone balance. Approximately 50% of the estrogen “couples” formed in the liver are excreted via the bile into the intestines. The successful journey of these couples through the intestine depends on healthy microflora. Specific gut bacteria produce an enzyme that helps metabolize estrogen and eliminate it from the body. If the microbiome is not functioning properly, estrogen metabolites are not carried out of the body efficiently 18 22


DYSBIOSIS QUESTIONNAIRE GENERAL HISTORY 10 Have you taken tetracyclines (e.g., Minocin) for acne for one month or longer? 10 Have you taken, or do you take, antibiotics for infections more than four times per year? 10 Have you taken birth control pills for more than two years? 5

Have you taken birth control pills for six months to two years?

10 Have you taken prednisone or other cortisone-like drugs (e.g., asthma medication)? 10 Does the smell of perfume, tobacco, or other odours or chemicals make you feel sick? 5

Do you crave sugars and breads?


SYMPTOMS Enter the number (1) if symptom is mild; (2) if moderate or frequent; (3) if severe or constant and this can lead to symptoms and conditions associated with estrogen dominance. Some of the common hormone disorders associated with estrogen imbalance include infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, PMS, and hypothyroidism.

THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION In recent years the gut microbiota has become a major topic of research, and what scientists have learned has been astounding. The gut bacteria, often viewed as lowly little creatures, are actually quite sophisticated in their social interactions. In fact, they communicate with one another through electrical signalling and other mechanisms that very much resemble how neurons communicate in the head brain. Studies show that the role of the gut brain is to monitor and integrate gut functions,

but that’s not all. It also forms a link between the emotional and cognitive centres of our brain. Through a two-way communication network linking the brain and the gut, alterations in the makeup of gut microbiota can have significant effects on our health and wellbeing – causing a broad range of diseases such as autoimmune and gastrointestinal disorders, inflammation-based illnesses, and mood or cognitive disorders including depression, memory problems, and learning disabilities.

___ Vaginal discharge or irritation ___ Frequent bladder infections or incontinence ___ Premenstrual syndrome or fluid retention ___ Difficulty getting pregnant ___ Frequent infections (sinus, lung, colds, etc.) ___ Allergic to foods or environmental substances ___ Feel worse on rainy and snowy days, around molds or musty basements ___ Feelings of anxiety and/or irritability ___ Insomnia ___ Gas and bloating ___ Constipation or diarrhea ___ Bad breath ___ Difficulty concentrating (feel “spacey”) ___ Muscle weakness or painful joints ___ Nasal congestion ___ Irritation of, or pressure behind, the eyes

ASSESSMENT Just as dysbiosis, gut imbalance has many causes. It also manifests in a variety of ways. The questionnaire below, adapted from the work of Dr. William Crook, MD, will help you determine what degree of dysbiosis you may have. For each “yes,” add the number of points to your total.

___ Frequent headaches ___ “Don’t feel well” without an explanation or diagnosis ___ Thyroid issues ___ Muscle aches or weakness ___TOTAL SCORE FROM ALL SECTIONS If you scored: Under 50 – You are considered to have mild dysbiosis. 50–90 – You are considered to have moderate dysbiosis. 90–120 – You are considered to have severe dysbiosis.



Tossing and Turning?

Diet and lifestyle TIPS There are three components to the treatment of rebalancing intestinal microflora: • Restore beneficial microflora • Make dietary changes to starve out harmful microbes that feed on sugars • Take a supplement that kills the harmful bacteria

The most FRIENDLY BACTERIA in our bodies are found in the FERMENTED FOODS such as yogurt, miso, tempeh, kefir, sauerkraut.

RESTFUL SLEEP • Relieves insomnia • Promotes healthy sleep • Natural and non-habit forming

Exclusively available in natural health food stores 3 Brains™ is an innovative line of supplements recommended by health expert and author Karen Jensen, (retired ND). In her newest book, Women’s Health Matters, Karen Jensen along with other practising physicians, share what they have found to be the most effective health solutions for women.

DIETARY APPROACHES TO DYSBIOSIS The objective of the moderate dysbiosis diet is to reduce the intake of refined carbo-hydrates and sugars, as these encourage the growth of harmful yeast and bacteria. Carefully follow this diet for an eight- to ten-week period.


tortillas and burritos, crackers (no yeast) or rice cakes, sprouted breads, as well as yeast-free and sugar-free breads) • Alcoholic beverages, especially beer • Cow’s milk (use in moderation on cereal or in coffee; alternatives include almond milk and goat’s milk) • Antibiotics I usually allow my patients one “cheat day” a week, during which they can indulge in dessert or a few ounces of alcoholic beverage.

SUPPORT FOR RESTORING BENEFICIAL MICROFLORA Berberine, with antimicrobial properties, is a very effective supplement for dysbiosis. Garlic supplements, grapefruit seed extract, peppermint, oregano oil, and olive leaf extract all kill off unfriendly microbes (take for six weeks). The two most important friendly

bacteria in our bodies are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. These bacteria are found in the fermented foods such as yogurt, miso, tempeh, kefir, sauerkraut, and fermented juices. A high-quality lactobacilli and bifidobacteria supplement provides greater colonization of the friendly bacteria. Daily use of probiotics is recommended during and after adapting to a dysbiosis diet. The dysbiosis cleanse program should be considered as part of your general health program to maintain a healthy balance of hormones for mental/ emotional health.

• Sugars of all types, and foods that contain refined or simple sugars • Dried fruit (e.g., raisins, prunes, dates) • Fruit juices, both fresh and frozen • Yeasted breads, pastries, and other baked goods (alternatives include corn

3brainshealth.com 24







1500 mg of EPA + 750 mg of DHA omega-3 with 400 IU of vitamin D3 per teaspoon 534 mg of MCT oil with astaxanthin antioxidant and green tea extract Sugar free, sweetened with monk fruit Supports eyes, brain, gut, and heart health Improves endurance, exercise recovery and metabolism Increases energy level and reduces inflammation

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rom morning ‘til night, our bodies are exposed to a variety of chemical toxins. This may be difficult to believe, but if you take a closer look, you will be alarmed at what you find. Chemical toxins are everywhere, from body soaps and moisturizers, to shaving creams, shampoos, and even the toothpaste we use. Your morning cereal may be exposing you to pesticides, and the milk is probably laced with hormones. If this sounds shocking, it ought to be as the human body is bombarded with toxins every minute of every day, possibly contributing to more health problems than we have yet realized.

DON’T BE OVERWHELMED, DETOX! “Detox” means cleansing, it refers to the removal of toxic substances from the body.

In today’s world there are over 100,000 chemicals registered with the EPA, very few of which our BODILY DETOX SYSTEM was built to handle.

The body has its own beautifully assembled detoxification system, of course, to protect and perfect our physiological functioning. The problem is that in today’s world there are over 100,000 chemicals registered with the EPA, very few of which our bodily detox system was built to handle. Toxins therefore accumulate. Case in point: an infamous analysis of newborn infants’ umbilical cords found that they contained over 200 toxic chemicals. Many of the toxins were carcinogenic and considered neurotoxins. So this is really the basis of why people look to detox and to cleanse: to reduce the body’s “toxic load.” The problem is that most detoxification programs really don’t accomplish much, while others actually may be harmful.



UNDERSTANDING THE BODY’S NATURAL DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM The human body has four main excretory pathways that remove environmental toxins as well as toxic products produced by the body. These include the feces, urine, sweat, and breath. Although some toxins are directly eliminated by some of these pathways, many toxins need to be transformed into water-soluble compounds in order to be eliminated, while still others have to be changed into complex molecules. This transformation occurs in the body’s most important detoxification organ, the liver. When we think of scientific detoxification we are really referring to ingredients that can help the liver package up harmful toxins in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and eliminate them through the bowel. This system works incredibly well – in a normal environment. But today, the extremely high levels of environmental contaminants entering our bodies can overburden our built-in detoxification system in the liver. The toxins remain and accumulate to sometimes dangerously high levels, causing a host of health issues.

doesn’t properly participate in the process, detox isn’t complete. Without dietary fibre, for example, the “repackaging” of the toxins doesn’t occur (or not very well). Here’s how it works, or doesn’t. Bile carries the liver-treated toxins – everything from dead blood cells to pesticide waste – to the gallbladder and into the intestine, where bile is useful in absorbing fats to produce stool. But if there isn’t sufficient dietary fibre in the gut, elimination stalls and toxins can be reabsorbed into the body. The result is damaging chemicals entering the bloodstream, where they can cause a lot of potential harm. Another issue that can cause toxins to be reabsorbed instead of eliminated is gut flora – bad bacteria outnumbering good bacteria in the intestines.


THE RIGHT WAY TO DETOX For most people, detox means fasting, sweating, drinking lemon juice and honey, and using laxatives. Although these practices may have some benefits, they fall short of what needs to be done to help the liver. They also may be dangerous, and here’s how. Remember, the liver needs to “re-package” toxins to move them out of the body. It’s like sending a gift to a friend. You need to wrap it, box it, and put an address label on it to get it to its destination. Toxins are similar; they need to be packaged up in the body and then shipped out. But their passage includes a trip through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and that’s where things can get complicated. If the gut 28


Fermented foods can be of great assistance in detoxification, because they contain helpful bacteria to bring gut flora back into balance. Better balance means better digestion, more complete and efficient removal of toxins and, with all of that, better nutrient absorption, too. Did you know that 20 million people in Canada alone have difficulty absorbing the nutrients in their food? Often, these people have digestive problems that cause them

to use antacids and other over-the-counter medications that may reduce their GI tract symptoms, but also can hinder nutrient absorption. What can be done? Well, as a registered dietitian and holistic nutritionist, I’m right there with Hippocrates, who offered this wisdom over 2,000 years ago:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Healthy food is indeed the foundation of good health, but only if we can properly digest it and eliminate any toxins found within it. That’s why I’m happy to share information on how to include more fermented foods in our diet without having to learn to love pickles and sauerkraut! Look no further than the Whole Earth & Sea brand. FERMENTED ORGANIC GREENS is a shake line that comes premixed and ready to drink in delicious flavours such as chocolate, tropical, and unflavoured. Each serving contains: fermented organic fruit, vegetable and grass blend (made of alfalfa, carrots, barley grass, apples, blueberries, cranberries, broccoli, cabbage, arugula, cauliflower, red radish, upland cress, watercress, wheat grass, kale, parsley, spinach, tomatoes, beets, peppers, Swiss chard, spearmint, celery, basil, artichokes, black radish, cilantro, dandelion, organic spirulina, and organic acerola cherry extract). Also try Whole Earth & Sea’s SUPER MUSHROOM, containing cordyceps, reishi, himematsutake, shiitake, maitake, Turkey tail, and organic rebaudioside A.


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hat if you could improve your health and sense of well-being, increase your creativity and find deep relaxation… all by spending time amid trees? There’s no what-if about it! There’s now scientific evidence to show that all these benefits are possible simply by spending time in a wooded area. SOME CALL IT ECOTHERAPY. THE JAPANESE HAVE A DELIGHTFUL TERM FOR IT: FOREST BATHING. The Japanese term gives us a window into what this is all about. It’s not hiking. It’s not outdoor yoga or any other sort of discipline. You can walk, but preferably without much (or any) purpose. Then again, you don’t have to walk at all, you can just sit. While doing your ecotherapy or forest bathing far from the reach of civilization, what is lovely is that the positive effects are also achievable in your neighbourhood park.


Here are just a few of the positive effects, documented by research:



SHINRIN-YOKU (FOREST BATHING) revealed reductions in stress hormones, blood pressure, pulse rate, and heart-rate variability. The research was sponsored by the Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences at Chiba University. • A small study published in Public Health in 2007 showed significant DECREASES IN


HOSTILITY AND DEPRESSION SCORES AFTER A “FOREST DAY,” and people in the study who were experiencing the highest levels of stress also reported the greatest reductions in stress afterwards. • A 2009 article in the Journal of Attention Disorders found BETTER CONCENTRATION

IN ADHD CHILDREN EXPOSED TO NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS. • Most intriguing of all, an eight-year study sponsored by Nippon Medical School in Tokyo found that the body’s natural killer (NK) cells, which attack viruses and tumours, NEXT TIME YOU’RE FEELING LOW, PHYSICALLY increase in number and activity for up to OR SPIRITUALLY, TAKE a month after study subjects spent time A WALK AND FIND in the woods. YOURSELF A STAND OF TREES. AND JUST BE!



If you’re wondering what it is about trees that provides us so many benefits for health and well-being, and especially immune function, it may be the phytoncides we breathe when we’re under a canopy of trees. These arboreal essential oils, which make the air seem so fresh and rejuvenating, don’t just make us feel well, they help the body work well!

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think we are all aware of the fact that long-

term exposure to stress is a contributing factor to the development of numerous diseases. Much has been written about this association and even more published in peerreviewed journals. The conclusion is that stress can seriously impact overall well-being leading to numerous health consequences.



However, the relationship between stress and illness is complicated and one’s susceptibility to stress depends on numerous factors. For example, the ability of individuals to cope with stress, their personality traits, and their genetic predisposition can all have impact. We know that chronic stress has a significant effect on the immune system eventually leading to a multitude of complications. For example, studies show that it can raise catecholamine and suppressor T cells levels, ultimately suppressing the immune system leading to viral infections that include the common cold and influenza just to name a few. We also know that stress can have an impact on acid concentration in the stomach, contribute to the buildup of plaque in the artery walls leading to heart disease, and can be a factor in Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and even the development of cancer all by impacting natural killer cells activity. We also know that increases in stress levels can worsen the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and CSS conditions – how does that happen? OUR STARTING POINT

In order to understand how chronic stress can impact so many symptoms we really need to have a quick review of the gastrointestinal tract (we’ll call it the “gut” for simplicity). As most of you know, the “gut” has received much press in the last decade for numerous reasons, led by a high level of interest in probiotics. We have learned about the incredible “microbiome”, defined as the collection of microbes or microorganisms inhabiting the gut and creating a kind of mini-ecosystem. Scientists are now spewing out thousands of published papers every year on the association between the microbiome and health. In turn this is beginning to create a new

understanding of how important the gut is to overall general health. Interestingly, what scientists are now figuring out, Hippocrates – known as the father of medicine – had already figured out over 3,000 years ago, when he accurately stated that, “health begins in the gut.” In Integrative Medicine we often say that, “the caveat of all healing is the gut.” This has deep meaning, because it is really saying that we can’t really achieve optimal health unless the gut is itself healthy. My nearly 25 years of clinical practice definitely support this premise and has allowed me the privilege of improving the health of thousands of people. THE GUT FACTS

Today we know that the gut is not only a place of digestion where nutrients are absorbed and wastes eliminated, but also a place where other critically important functions occur. These are functions we wouldn’t necessarily associate with the gut, yet they are, and they are functions vitally important to the health of the human body. Nearly 80% of our immune system is located in the gut This is an amazing fact and when you start reviewing the reasons, two main points stand out. First, the most abundant immunoglobulin making up 80% of all the antibodies in our system is known as IgG, and 100% of all IgG is made in the gut. Based on this fact alone, we can say that 80% of our immune system comes from the gut. Secondly, if you think about which part of the human body has the most exposure to the external environment, it is, hands down, the gut. The gastrointestinal tract has about 430 sq. ft. of surface area, so more material comes into contact here than any other place in our body. Therefore, if you were to protect your house from burglars, where would you put the guards? You would place them in the main entry points, the front and back doors! In the body, the intelligent immune system would do the same, it places its guards in the main entry point, the gut. So damage to the gut, would also have impact on overall immune function.

There are as many neurotransmitters produced in the gut as there are in the brain This is an interesting, yet underappreciated revelation especially when it comes to stress and anxiety. Research has shown that one of the most important neurotransmitters, the feel-good hormone, serotonin, is also produced in the gut. In fact, between 85–90% of all serotonin comes from the gut! This is an incredible revelation since we are continually trying to increase the levels of this hormone using numerous types of anti-depressant drugs. Could improving gut function, also improve serotonin production, thus helping us feel better about ourselves and helping us sleep? As we noted earlier in the article fibromyalgia, patients have reduced levels of serotonin probably contributing to the ongoing sleep issues. There over 100 trillion bacteria in your gut Imagine the magnitude of this number and think what these little microorganisms are doing in your gut. Much research is being done on these little critters and what we are learning is nothing short of amazing. They are vital to maintaining immune function, the integrity of the gut lining, controlling pathogenic bacteria from proliferating, and even keeping our brains in functional order. Recent research into fecal transplantation is giving us new insights and opening up new avenues of treatment that could become the norm in the future. As an example, I want to share a case that gives us incredible insights into the power of gut bacteria. A 38-year old contracted C. difficile (one of the most dreaded gastrointestinal infections). She had chronic diarrhea and is placed on IV antibiotics. For three months she was hospitalized with no resolution to her infection. She lost nearly 40 lbs and was in critical condition. The GI specialist went into her husband’s gut and isolated bacteria

that he then transplanted into the patient. Within three days the C. difficile was completely eradicated and the patient was back to normal. Incredible! What the most powerful antibiotics in the world couldn’t kill in three months, healthy bacteria (from the gut of a healthy human) got rid of in less than three days. This type of treatment has been implemented over 1,000 times with the same outcome. And stories like these merely scratch the surface when it comes to the importance of a healthy gut and the bacteria it contains. THE ONE-CELL PARADOX

The one-cell paradox refers to the fact that what separates everything in the gut from entering the blood stream is actually one cell. In other words, a microscopic entity is all that stands in the way of bacteria, bacterial cell particles known as PAMPS (pathogen associated molecular patterns), toxins, and other compounds from entering the blood stream.


We call this a paradox because not only does this one cell lining need to be strong enough to block these compounds from entering the blood, but at the same time it needs to be permeable enough to allow nutrients to get into the blood. So it is indeed a paradox. It is this “one-cell paradox” that’s at the fulcrum of many health conditions and most impacted negatively by stress. The breakdown of this lining, known as “increased gut permeability” can create an enormous amount of problems systemically throughout the body. STRESS + GUT = SYMPTOMS

Now that we have a better understanding of the function of the gut we can begin to look at the influence that stress and the gut may have on the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Look more closely at the one-cell layer (epithelial layer) that separates everything




Breakdown and absorption of nutrients Elimination of waste products 70–80% immune system Neurotransmitter production ONE-CELL PARADOX

in the gut from the blood, and we find an intricate array of proteins known as “tight junctions” firmly holding these epithelial cells together. The movement of nutrients and other materials through this thin wall is closely monitored and controlled to ensure proper translocation. When this system is functioning properly, we’re good to go, as they say. However, there are numerous events that can occur to cause dysfunctionality and eventually breakdown in this carefully controlled “gating system.” How many of us have experienced some form of digestive problem? Everyone! Who hasn’t had an upset stomach, gas, bloating, diarrhea, or even a bout of constipation? We have all gone through this, but few have ever considered the consequential effects of chronic gut issues. Even fewer have associated poor gut function with health problems like fibromyalgia or heart disease, eczema, arthritis, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, and so on. And how many would associate the chronic use of antacids with 34


food allergies and autoimmune diseases. Although all the aforementioned are all important consequential outcomes of poor gut function, none is more important than the contribution of stress. When we are stressed the brain triggers something known as the sympathetic response to protect itself, and this is when the gut’s epithelial lining (the one cell separation) can become compromised. This is the result of the flight or fight response, where the sympathetic response takes blood from the gut (core) and moves it to the peripheral tissues (limbs) to allow the zebra to run away from the lion. In the human body, when we have ongoing stress and anxiety for long periods of time, the sympathetic response is continually turned on, creating long-term “increased gut permeability”, and thus long periods of translocation of PAMPS and other compounds. The result of this translocation can be autoimmune disease, food intolerances, mitochondrial dysfunction (leading to fatigue, sleep issue, cognitive issues, etc.) and systemic inflammation. A SIMPLIFIED LOOK

To visualize “increased gut permeability” and its impact on health is to visualize a roof on your house. The roof on your house is your gut lining (one cell thick) and inside your house are things analogous to parts of your body. The sofa for example is your skin; the hinges on the doors are your joints; the furnace is your lungs; and the television

is your brain; and so on. Now imagine if you had holes in your roof during the “rainy season”. Water would fall on different items around the house. If it drips on the television/brain, it could lead to cognitive dysfunction or brain fog. If it fell on the door hinges/ joints they would rust, leading to painful joints. And if the water landed on the furnace/lungs, the result could be asthma. This is how a “leaky gut” similar to a “leaky roof ” can inflict all sorts of dysfunctions on the human body – our house. Now we can understand why all patients with fibromyalgia have increases in their symptoms when they experience levels of stress. The translocation of compounds like PAMPS can impact mitochondria influencing energy production. Therefore, it stands to reason, that in CSS or fibromyalgia, stress/anxiety must be looked at as a key-contributing factor and therefore foundational in any treatment plan.


Increased gut permeability

Sympathetic response anxiety/stress

Translocation of particles PAMPS, toxins, other compounds Gut dysfunction Autoimmune Food intolerances Mitochondrial dysfunction


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WHAT ARE XENOESTROGENS? Xenoestrogens are chemicals also known as endocrine disruptors that may interfere with our natural hormone balance. Xenoestrogens are found in many personal care products such as lotions, shampoos, and perfumes in the chemical forms (parabens, sulfates, phthalates, propylene glycol, petrochemicals, and silicones). WomenSense Clean Body Care products are xenoestrogen free, nourishing your skin and body from head to toe. Our products are vegan friendly and not animal tested.

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SPRING SALAD INGREDIENTS 6 cups of baby kale 2 cups of cooked quinoa 2 cups of cooked mung beans ©Karlene Karst, RD

2 medium red peppers, finely chopped 1 small red onion, chopped





1 egg 1½ cups of spelt flour 2 tsp of baking powder 1/2 tsp of baking soda 1/2 tsp of salt 1/2 tsp of ginger powder 1/4 cup of shredded unsweetened coconut 1½ cup of shredded carrots (about 4 large carrots) 1/2 cup of applesauce, unsweetened 1/4 cup of unrefined coconut oil 1/2 cup of pure maple syrup 2 tsp of vanilla extract 1/2 cup of almond or coconut milk 1/4 cup of chopped pecans

1. Preheat the oven to 350 °F, then lightly grease a loaf pan.


5. While the loaf is in the oven make the icing by combining all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Add additional almond milk in order to thin out the frosting, if needed and adjust the sweetness as desired.

1 cup of raw cashews, soaked Juice of 1 lemon (about ¼ cup) 2 tbsp of honey 3 tbsp of almond milk 1 tsp of vanilla extract A pinch of salt

SERVINGS – 8 slices 38

2. In a large bowl, combine the spelt flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, ginger, and coconut. Add the shredded carrots to the bowl without stirring, and set aside.

2 spring of dill, chopped 4 tbsp of olive oil 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar Salt and pepper to taste

DIRECTIONS 1. Toss all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix until everything is thoroughly combined. 2. Top off with extra dill and enjoy!


3. In a medium bowl combine the egg, applesauce, maple syrup, melted coconut oil, vanilla extract, and coconut/almond milk. Combine and try to get it as smooth as possible. 4. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Stir everything together just until combined. Transfer the batter to the loaf pan and bake in the preheated oven for 35–40 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean.

6. Allow the loaf to cool for at least an hour. Once cool, spoon the frosting on top. Sprinkle with chopped pistachio and walnuts, and enjoy!






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