Women's Voice Magazine - Vol 13 USA

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How to HACK your


Science-based treasure

VITAMIN K2’S role in calcium absorption


the SECRET to



Take the

telomere REAL AGE TEST - page 23

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2020-11-26 3:49 PM

Imagine getting the benefit of a whole growing season in one tablet Pure Food Supplements from our certified organic farms to YOU. BIOAVAILABLE VITAMINS & MINERALS • NON-GMO • SUSTAINABLE 60 & 120 COUNTS



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2020-11-26 3:50 PM 2020-11-11 10:30 AM

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Adrianne Ho 16 on Health, Fitness & Fashion

Photo: Jake Davis



Flu Survival Guide

How to Spell Immune Support?

– by Kate Rhéaume, ND

– by Jennifer Brix, ND



Fatty Liver Linked to Heart Disease – by Marita Schauch, ND


Science-Based Treasure – Vitamin K2’s Role in Calcium Absorption – by Kate Rhéaume, ND


Magnesium Vital to Long-Life Expectancy – by Marita Schauch, ND


Telomeres – The Secret to Youthful DNA – by Kate Rhéaume, ND


L-Lysine, Zinc & Vitamin D Hope for Herpes Sufferers – by Karen Jensen, ND


Healthy Snacking – by Karlene Karst, BSc Nutrition


Daily Multivitamin Vital for Immune Health – by Kate Rhéaume, ND

Empathy in Conception & Pregnancy – by Jennifer Brix, ND


How to Hack Your Happiness Hormones – by Marita Schauch, ND


Supplements – A Must for Healthy Teeth & Gums – by Marita Schauch, ND


Demystifying Supplement Quality – by Stephanie Rubino, ND


CoQ10 – Crucial for Cellular Energy – by Karen Jensen, ND


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MEDICAL & SCIENCE EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE At Women’s Voice®, we are committed to providing our readers with real health solutions from real physicians. To ensure our editorial excellence, we have assembled medical professionals who are dedicated experts and leaders in natural health to serve on Women’s Voice Medical & Science Editorial Advisory Committee.



Dr. Kate Rhéaume graduated from McMaster University and completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, class of 2002. She followed with a two-year residency during which she taught classes and supervised at various teaching clinics.

Dr. Stephanie Rubino is a licensed naturopathic doctor who completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. In addition to her clinical practice, she educates the public and other health professionals about a range of health and wellness topics, and the safe use of natural health products.



Dr. Karen Jensen was in clinical practice for 25 years and although she is retired, she continues to write books and educate on the naturopathic approach to wellness. She is author or co-author of seven books, her most recent is Women’s Health Matters: The Influence of Gender on Disease.

Dr. Jennifer Brix is a licensed naturopathic doctor. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology with distinction from the University of Victoria and completed her professional training at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, BC.



Karlene Karst holds a BSc in Nutrition and is the founder of the Sea-licious® line of products. She is a mom of three active kids, an avid food and recipe creator, and an author. In her latest cookbook, This Kitchen Is for Dancing, Karlene shares 100 delectable, health-conscious recipes. Follow Karlene on Instagram @karlenekarst.

Dr. Gaetano Morello is a published author and licensed naturopathic physician. Recently he has been appointed as a Clinician at the newly created Complex Chronic Disease Program located at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is the first naturopathic doctor to hold such a position at a major North American hospital.



Dr. Julie Reil is an internationally recognized physician, health and nutrition advocate, speaker and Women’s Voice author. She developed the Genityte® urinary incontinence procedure and the Triple Tone Treatment®. Dr. Reil founded Shiloh Medical Clinic in Billings, Montana.

Dr. Michael Lyon is a UBC faculty member and is a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fiber, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine and he completed a three-year family practice residency in 1988.



Dr. Marita Schauch is the author of two books Making Sense of Women’s Health and Collagen Myths & Misconceptions. She also co-authored The Adrenal Stress Connection. In addition to her clinical practice, she lectures across North America educating people on positive lifestyle choices.

Dr. Arya Sharma, MD/PhD, FRCPC, is Professor of Medicine and holds the Alberta Health Services Chair in Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. He founded and is currently Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network and Past-President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons.

Editor: Nancy Cheeseman Editorial Assistants: Brinda Navjee, Joy Yagi Art Direction: Stephen Rank, Beata Stolarska Graphic Designers: Celia Bowes, Rut Shapira, Jasper Van Meurs, Mark Cawker PUBLISHED BY Women’s Voice Magazine 104–3686 Bonneville Place Burnaby, BC V3N 4T6



Only products exclusively distributed to natural health stores will be advertised in this magazine.


EDITORIAL NOTE The information in this magazine is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed health professional. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, sold, or distributed without prior authorization. All article references can be found at womensvoicemagazine.com

For general inquiries, please email us at info@womensvoice.com

Women’s Voice® is a registered magazine in Canada and the United States. Canada: 1811559 / USA: 87249676 Real Solutions by Real Physicians for Real Women’s Needs®

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Cover Photo: Jake Davis


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2020-11-26 3:50 PM 2020-11-16 12:19 PM



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2020-11-26 3:50 PM 2020-11-16 12:11 PM

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How to Spell



IMMUNITY is a hot topic right now and navigating the mass of information can be daunting. Here’s what you need to know. Natural health products can support immunity and help optimize components of the body involved in immune health. The #1 question I have been getting from my patients is, “What supplements can I take to help me stay healthy?” Building immunity is at the core of my approach to naturopathic medicine. I typically start at the gut, which houses hundreds of trillions of bacteria, and is also responsible for 70–80% of our immune system. A healthy microbiome can equate to a better immune system. Still, beyond that, three of the well-studied nutrients in the field of nutritional immunology, which are also high on my list, are vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. VITAMIN C, known for its antioxidant activity, can be found in most households, and has some interesting abilities when it comes to immunity. It is known that a deficiency in vitamin C negatively affects immune function, partly due to the antioxidant powers it has encouraging cellular health. Studies suggest it plays a more important role in preventing some infections versus treatment, so regular prophylactic supplementation may be beneficial to keeping you healthier.

Another impressive nutrient is VITAMIN D, known to modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. But the jury is still out as to optimal serum levels, or daily dosing for supplementation. The current recommended adult dietary allowance of vitamin D is only 15 mcg (600 IU) per day, with a tolerable upper daily dose of 100 mcg (4000 IU). In the United States, 61% of the elderly population and 35% of all adults are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines, helps maintain a healthy gut barrier, promotes the activation of antimicrobial enzymes in our white blood cells, and plays a pivotal role in overall immune health. During your annual physical get your vitamin D tested to make sure you are in the optimal range.

select populations, in which the immune response to chronic and viral diseases may be hindered. It is important to note that many studies on zinc also involved the supplementation of vitamin C, as there appears to exist an important synergistic relationship between these two nutrients. In addition to supplementation, many other elements play a key role in immune health. These include proper nutrition, sleep, stress balance, and movement. When creating personalized health plans, all pillars of health need to be addressed, but when it comes to immune function, I regularly recommend this essential trio of nutrients to correct potential nutrient deficiencies, and help give the body a strong foundation for optimal cellular and whole-body well-being.

ZINC is the third nutrient of interest when it comes to immunity. Zinc is a vital trace mineral that helps develop white blood cells, ensuring that your immune system is fully supported. Zinc is also known for its viral protective effects. In addition, it is known to be deficient in


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Clinically proven to work. ECHINAMIDE is a unique patented, super-extracted echinacea concentrate developed by Natural Factors. It is CLINICALLY PROVEN to provide powerful support for fast immune system responses. Over 20 years ago, Natural Factors undertook extensive research to discover the key compounds in echinacea that seemed to strengthen the human immune system. This research isolated the key active immune-promoting compounds in echinacea, which we call ECHINAMIDE. We then studied the effects of ECHINAMIDE in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, the gold standard for testing.

These trials concluded that ECHINAMIDE works to: (1) deliver profound support for the immune system and its responses and (2) provide powerful upper respiratory support. Grown on our organic farms, tested, and manufactured by Natural Factors in British Columbia, Canada, ECHINAMIDE is a full-spectrum fresh herb extract. It contains standardized effective extracts of echinacea.

Available only in natural food and supplement stores • naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2020-11-26 3:50 PM 2020-11-24 4:50 PM

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Fatty liver disease also known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition that most people have never heard of, and yet up to 25% of us live with it and may not even know it.

NAFLD is a medical condition whereby excess fat accumulates in the liver and is a significant risk factor for diabetes and heart attacks. NAFLD is diagnosed by using specific liver function blood tests or an ultrasound. It can cause a whole cascade of issues. It causes inflammation in the body, which can create insulin resistance and pre-diabetes, which in turn causes the body to deposit fat not just in your liver, but also all around the organs and in the belly.


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Strategies for


THE PRIMARY GOAL, IN MOST CASES OF FATTY LIVER DISEASE, IS IMPROVING INSULIN SENSITIVITY THROUGH DIET AND SUPPLEMENTATION. The elimination of high-glycemic-index foods is a critical step in both the prevention and the treatment of NAFLD. Watch for high-fructose corn syrup. Read labels – especially in salad dressings, sauces, ketchup, or tomato sauce. Most people with NAFLD have few or no symptoms, but some may complain of fatigue, malaise, and dull right-upperquadrant abdominal discomfort.

GIVEN THE NAME, YOU PROBABLY THINK IT IS CAUSED BY EXCESS FAT IN THE DIET, BUT THIS IS NOT ALWAYS THE CASE! FATTY LIVER DISEASE IS MOSTLY CAUSED BY ALL THE SUGAR AND STARCH/FLOUR IN OUR DIET. Take foie gras, for example. Foie gras is a delicacy made from duck or goose liver. To make foie gras, ducks or geese are force-fed sugar in the form of corn and starch. Feeding this type of diet creates a fat-production factory in the liver, a process known as lipogenesis, which is the body’s normal response to sugar. Sugar and exceptionally high-fructose corn syrup found in processed foods is one of the biggest causes of fatty liver disease.

Reduce or eliminate starch. Get rid of the white, refined, and processed flour. Even whole grain flours can be a problem for some. Include good fats in the diet – olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, and fish oil. Eat foods rich in compounds that help protect the liver from damage and improve liver function, like garlic, legumes, and onions. Eat soluble-rich fiber foods, such as pears, oat bran, apples, and vegetables in the brassica family, especially broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage as well as artichokes, beets, and dandelion. Minimize or eliminate substances that increase stress on the liver, such as excess coffee and alcohol. Research-rich silymarin, the potent extract found in milk thistle, protects the liver from damage, and enhances detoxification by increasing the liver’s glutathione content. Glutathione is a critical compound in liver function that is low in people with NAFLD. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is another molecule that supports and replenishes the natural antioxidant glutathione, sparing liver cells from the effects of oxidant and free radical damage. Betaine, choline, methionine, vitamin B6, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are essential lipotropic agents, compounds that promote the flow of fat and bile to and from the liver. They produce a “decongesting” effect on the liver and improve liver function and fat metabolism. Lipotropic formulas appear to increase the levels of two crucial liver substances: SAMe and glutathione. Magnesium levels are significantly lower in those with NAFLD. Suboptimal magnesium status may contribute to the insulin resistance that plays a role in the development of NAFLD. Bile acids from ox bile are effective in promoting the flow of bile and fat to and from the liver and relieving liver congestion.



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2020-11-26 3:50 PM 2020-11-11 10:18 AM

Science-based treasure


role in calcium absorption Women’s Voice had the opportunity to speak with naturopathic doctor, Kate Rhéaume, about her extensive research on vitamin K2’s ability to draw calcium into bone. Her commitment to the study of vitamin K2 gifted her with a best-selling book and the status of a pioneer in the discovery of this vital, but virtually unknown nutrient’s immense benefits.

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improves vitamin D safety. So, there were many reasons to write a book on vitamin k2 and share crucial information for people concerned about bone health, cardiovascular health, children’s health, oral and dental health, healthy aging, and more. Clarifying vitamin K2’s role was essential for anyone who takes calcium supplements or vitamin D.

Q What has been the most rewarding aspect of this work? Q Vitamin K2 was not on anyone’s

radar when you wrote your book. What sparked your interest in this nutrient? In 2008, I came across a few scientific papers on vitamin K2 as an adjunct treatment for various forms of cancer. As a naturopathic doctor, I completed extensive nutrition training and up to now I hadn’t heard of this vitamin. I did a little more digging and realized there was quite a body of research on vitamin K2, and it held significant health benefits, yet it was virtually unknown. At that point, I was hooked and studied as much as I could about it. The process of researching it felt like unravelling a mystery or unearthing a hidden treasure.

Q Why did you write a book

about this topic?

As I probed further into the research on vitamin K2, I realized this was a nutrient that offered meaningful health benefits to large groups of people, yet those people were missing out due to lack of awareness. At the same time, around 2010, studies showed that calcium supplements posed harm by increasing the risk of heart attack and strokes. Since so many women took supplemental calcium, the media went wild, which created confusion and fear among calcium supplement takers. The solution was not to ditch calcium, but to make sure it gets into the right places, which is the role of K2. That critical problem with calcium was the jumping-off point for writing the book because vitamin K2 provides the missing piece to that puzzle. It also

I’m always touched to hear from people who have incorporated vitamin K2-rich food or supplements and are delighted to report the benefits they experienced. Many readers have reported improvements in bone density, reduced calcification of soft tissues, and even added benefits, such as healing psoriasis. I also find it so fun to share that cheese is a health food! Not every cheese is high in K2, but Brie, Gouda, Jarlsberg, and Pecorino are a few of the vitamin’s best food sources. After decades of thinking, healthy eating was all about the bland, low-fat fare; it is excellent news that Brie cheese and a glass of red wine is a very heart-healthy snack! The so-called sin foods widely enjoyed in European diets aren’t always something we can get away with eating in the context of a healthy diet, but they may be more central to a healthy diet than previously known. Instead of feeling guilty about eating cheese and having a glass of red wine, we should feel virtuous!

from around the world in many languages – thank goodness for translation apps.

Q What has been your biggest challenge in this process? Even though my book has been a success, by all accounts, awareness of vitamin K2 is not where it should be. Many medical professionals remain in the dark about this nutrient. Every week my inbox contains emails which state, “My doctor doesn’t understand vitamin K2.” Everyone understands the importance of vitamin D, but most are not aware that vitamin K2 works very closely with D. Hence, one of my goals is that everyone begins to understand this relationship and the importance of both nutrients.

Q Do you think you have enough

material for another book to raise more awareness about the benefits of vitamin K2? We are still in the early days of vitamin K2 research. New studies are coming out, which reinforces the tremendous health benefits I reported in my book, and many of the studies are pointing to new areas of benefit. Getting more information out about vitamin K2 is an ongoing effort and area of immense passion, so there may be another book coming soon.

Q Your book has become a

bestseller, translated into multiple languages, and garnered hundreds of 5-star reviews online. Did you anticipate this type of success? (Laughing) All authors dream of success, but there is no way to tell how a book will be received when writing. It’s encouraging when a book continues to sell because that reflects the organic process of people sharing what they discovered when reading about vitamin K2. That said, I did not expect the international attention the book has drawn. I still get questions


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2020-11-26 3:50 PM 2020-11-11 10:21 AM

0:21 AM

Magnesium Vital to Long-Life Expectancy BY MARITA SCHAUCH, ND

Magnesium plays a role in more than 300 processes in your body. Read that again. Everything, from your body’s storage of energy, your nervous system activity, cardiac health, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and yet, a deficiency is alarmingly common in both men and women.

WHY ARE SO MANY OF US DEFICIENT? The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for magnesium for men is 420 mg and for women 320 mg.

There are also the harmful effects of stress on magnesium status. Exposure to both physical and emotional stress has been found to increase urinary excretion of magnesium. And our modern world is chock-full of stress.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) found that half were consuming less than 75–80% of the RDA for magnesium. Another study found that magnesium intake among high-school and college women was only 125 mg/day.

Because of this, we should be consuming more magnesium to prevent certain chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, migraines, anxiety, kidney stones, and osteoporosis.

Low magnesium is due in large part to our nutrient-depleted refined and processed foods. For example, 85% of the magnesium is lost when we refine whole wheat flour to white flour. Besides, modern farming techniques may reduce the magnesium content of plants.

The optimal daily intake is 600–800 mg/day (including all sources, both supplemental and food).* *Food sources: Nuts, whole grains, legumes, leafy green vegetables, fish and meat. (Note: 50–75% of magnesium is lost in water when vegetables are boiled.)

WHAT ABOUT THE TYPE OF MAGNESIUM? Magnesium bisglycinate appears to be the safest and most effective form of magnesium for human absorption. It is highly bioavailable and absorbed well through the intestine (with minimal if any, laxative effect).



The absorption of magnesium is regulated by the level of magnesium you already have. If you are deficient in magnesium, your body will automatically increase intake, while if you have sufficient magnesium levels, your body will decrease absorption.

Signs and symptoms of MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY: ■ PMS ■ Menstrual cramps ■ High blood pressure ■ Anxiety/stress ■ Muscle spasms and cramps ■ Fatigue ■ Inflammation ■ Irritability ■ Insomnia ■ Weakness ■ Depression ■ Headaches ■ Migraines


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Adrianne Ho The creative mind of

Sweat the Style ™ on Health, Fitness & Fashion ADRIANNE HO is a model, television personality, producer, writer, fashion designer, actress, entrepreneur, and social media star who has amassed over a million followers globally. Instead of dishing online about party scenes or touting the latest couture, she preaches what she practices – a lifestyle of high-intensity workouts, fab but functional clothing, and crazy healthy recipes. Upon launching her career as an international model, Adrianne adapted her taste for world cuisine to healthier versions popping with flavor. At that time, she also developed her ongoing passion for fitness, wellness, and style. In 2013, Adrianne parlayed her leadership in fashionable fitness, streetwear, and culture into the creation of Sweat the Style, an original digital platform, and active lifestyle brand. As a pioneer of the fashionable fitness and wellness movement, Adrianne continues to travel the world as a global content, creator, influencer, and animal rights advocate. She divides her time between New York City, Toronto, and Los Angeles.


Adrianne, help our readers get to know you – tell us about your background and some of your influences. My immediate family members were are all born in different countries. My mother is French, born in France, and my father is Chinese, born in Hong Kong. They met and married in the UK, where my older sister was born; then they moved to Toronto, where I was born. Growing up, I was fortunate to spend time in Dijon, France, and Hong Kong, China. That gave me an appreciation for different cultures – and also for rich food! Toronto’s diversity shaped me, too. From a young age, we learned in school to accept and value other cultures. In class, we would have multicultural days where we all brought in food from our various backgrounds. I didn’t realize the significance of that until I traveled and spent time living in other countries. My growing-up experiences allowed me to adapt much faster and easier.


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When and how did you begin your health and fitness journey? I wasn’t conscious of health and fitness until I started modeling. Being a teen, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, because as I’ve said, French and Chinese cuisines are essential to me, and part of my daily life! But the fashion industry has stringent measurement guidelines for modeling that I had to meet – especially once I graduated from University and decided to take the job more seriously. At first, it was a struggle because I had to change my entire lifestyle and my mindset. Physically I was becoming stronger from exercising every day, developing muscle, and building up my cardiovascular strength. I had cleaned up my diet by cutting out processed and fast food. Aside from those changes, I had to learn to protect myself emotionally and mentally. I saw first-hand how the industry can negatively affect women’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Although I wanted to do my best to fit in, I would do it on my terms, in a healthy way, even if that meant not being as thin as they wanted me to be.

Did that create problems? Did it make it harder to find work as a model? My dedication to being healthy over “model skinny” definitely affected my modeling range, but that ended up being a good thing! Although not accepted for the runway at first, I created a niche for myself in fitness and activewear. My healthy, active lifestyle influenced my style and what I shared on social media and my website SweatTheStyle.com. Focusing on being healthy and fit opened so many doors for me, and likeminded clients and brands would book me for ME, not just hip measurements. Years later, I eventually found myself on the runway, but this time wearing sportswear. Years ago, this was not the norm, but sometimes you need to create and blaze your path.

Your new path moved you toward natural health, and eating organic, real food. Tell us how that affected your physical and emotional health.

Adrianne, you were one of the leaders in this category, please share more about your Sweat the Style brand and its products.

I cleaned up my diet, started educating myself on nutrition, and became fascinated by how different foods affect my body. I found that once I cut out processed and fast food, I felt better than ever. My skin cleared up, I lost weight, and I also felt happier and more energetic. Think of it: we spend 24 hours of every day in our bodies. Everything we do and feel is experienced through our bodies. It only makes sense that the better you treat your body, the better you will feel.

It grew out of the platform’s popularity. Sweat the Style opened doors for me beyond fashion modeling. In 2015, I launched the first active streetwear collection, Sweat Crew™, fusing technical performance with a high-fashion sensibility inspired by my lifestyle. It sold out globally in over 600 stores. A year later, in 2016, I made my foray into swimwear as the designer, face, and creative director of La Mer Noire for the Canadian retail chain, La Maison Simons. In 2017, I launched a partnership with Stance® as the face and designer of my own performance socks brand.

You have been an inspiration to many. In Canada, you were voted one of OPtiMYz Top 100 Health and Fitness Influencers. Tell us more? Why do you think your work created such a following?

Then came media appearances, right?

To answer that question, I have to go back to 2013, when I moved to New York. That’s when I began sharing my knowledge on various social media platforms and then through my new lifestyle site, Sweat the Style. My website was one of the first to feature health, wellness, fitness, and fashion. This unique combination attracted many health, wellness, and fitness advocates who were also fashion conscious.

Yes! In 2017, I hosted and executiveproduced my first television show and mobile app, Sweat the City with Adrianne Ho™ which premiered in Canada on OneTV.



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The 10-episode season highlighted my search in Toronto, Los Angeles, and New York for a cross-blend of innovative workouts, unique foods, and inspiring fashion. In 2018, the show was nominated for a Canadian Screen Award for Best Cross-Platform Project, Non-Fiction.

So, what’s happening now, Adrianne? Has the pandemic disrupted your business? Well, it’s interesting. In the last few years, I’ve been traveling and working considerably in Asia. I was in Seoul, shooting a campaign and making an Adidas appearance when COVID-19 first broke out. At that time, we knew nothing about this virus, but I was impressed by how calm everyone was in South Korea, and how they took precautions immediately. Life has taken a 180-degree turn now, of course. I’ve stopped traveling and been staying home in Los Angeles. Since I started my career, this has been the most prolonged period that I haven’t traveled.

What precautions did you take in 2020 since COVID-19? I’ve been doing what’s been advised: maintaining social distance, washing my hands, and wearing a mask – which MY DAILY I have an anecdote about! WORKOUTS HAVE When I was traveling to Asia a lot, about four years KEPT ME FEELING ago, I noticed how common PRODUCTIVE, it was to see someone HEALTHY, AND SANE. wearing a surgical mask. When I asked people about it, they would usually say they felt like they had a cold coming on and wore it as a courtesy not to spread it to others. Or, if their immune system were feeling weak, they would wear a mask to avoid catching germs. Well, back then, I was flying from LA to Shanghai and back twice a month. With 15-hour flights, jet lag, and a busy schedule, I was getting sick almost every time I got home. So, I wore a mask every time I took a flight. When I did, I was able to maintain an intense travel schedule without getting sick. So, I learned, well before the pandemic that masks work!

What keeps you motivated during difficult times? My daily workouts have kept me feeling productive, healthy, and sane. Even if I don’t feel like it, I do it every day. As I’ve grown into adulthood, I’ve realized that it’s essential to maintain a schedule. That was especially true during 2020 because when we were in quarantine, and you have no obligations that require leaving your house, it’s easy to fall into bad habits. Early on, I made a point of avoiding that.


How have your workouts changed since COVID-19? In 2020, I did workouts via Zoom with my friends. This helped me maintain my connections. It also gives me the motivation to stick to that daily workout schedule I mentioned! I always advocate for having a workout buddy, pandemic, or not. We are so lucky to live in a time where we can maintain our connections through the internet. With all the health studies on stretching and movement, there is no excuse unless, physically, you’re not able to stick to a workout regimen.

Speaking of health and fitness, any new insights you can share to motivate our readers? Interesting question! I feel like the way I’ve approached working out has changed since 2020. More than ever, I see it as a way to maintain my mental health. I find I’m not focusing as much on what workouts can do for my appearance – it’s more about maintaining a healthy outlook on life. Since COVID-19, I’ve become grateful to be healthy, to be able to move my body, and to breathe. As for what types of workouts I’m doing, I have a set of Kettlebells that I use almost every day. They provide an excellent full-body training while enhancing coordination and overall body consciousness. Because so many of the moves require balance and stabilization, it forces my mind to stay active and present. That’s a stress reliever. I’ve also turned to banded workouts and skipping rope. Bands are versatile for maintaining strength in various muscle groups, and skipping rope is a fast, easy way to get my cardio.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-16 12:17 PM

For a reader right now who is stuck and can’t seem to get in a workout rhythm, can you share where to begin? Sure, the best thing to do is start in the morning, when it’s too early for you to talk yourself out of it. My workout buddy loves morning workouts, but if you’re unable to find one, look on YouTube or IG TV workout and follow along. I posted my workout with a trainer friend on my Instagram account, but there are many to choose from online. Then do it. You can start with a short amount of time first, like 15–20 minutes, but the key is to be consistent. Eventually, this time for yourself will become a habit, and you will be surprised by what a difference moving your body every day has on your mood, energy, and well-being.

How has staying home more effected your diet?

What did you do in 2020 to keep your mind busy and active? I’ve been using the time to tackle projects I had started, but been too busy or distracted to finish. I always wished I could just hit pause on everything that was going on, and I’ve done my best to take advantage of the time.

Can you share one project you’ve completed? I just finished a manuscript for a children’s book that I’ve wanted to write for years. Congratulations! You must let us know about future progress on the book.

Tell us about your mood and morale boosters.

With more time at home and fewer trips to the grocery store, I keep the words “this will pass” close to my heart in the bad I’ve gotten back to the basics. I started baking bread from times – and the good times. I remind and repeat scratch at home and making healthy pizza, and it’s given these words to myself to stay centered. me a new appreciation for bakers and chefs. I love Words are powerful, and this phrase getting fresh seasonal veggies and supporting small keeps me from getting too upset independent farmers and natural health stores that when things aren’t going my host markets. I find, one of the easiest ways to YOU WILL BE SURPRISED way, but more importantly, incorporate veggies into your diet is by roasting BY WHAT A DIFFERENCE it encourages me to never be idle when things are going well. MOVING YOUR BODY


Do you incorporate dietary supplements in your diet? If so, what and why?

First, I take a multivitamin every day. It’s just one pill, which makes it easy for me to remember. I also love vitamin C. Increasing vitamin C has amazing effects on your skin. I feel like my skin generally looks fresher and younger when I’m consistent with taking vitamin C. Vitamin C is also great for my immune system. I also take digestive enzymes before any meal that may be heavy, oily, or high in dairy or gluten content. It helps my body break down these foods more efficiently.

them, mostly winter root veggies, which help you stay warm and satisfied during the winter months. It’s easy to add whatever veggies are in season, such as Brussels sprouts, carrots, parsnips, and sweet potatoes, then mix in a little garlic, sliced shallots, onion, and an excellent quality olive oil. You can also add herbs, like rosemary or thyme, to change the taste up. It takes a little preparation, but so worth it.


Thanks, Adrianne! You’ve given us all a lot to think about! We love the example you’re setting with how you live your life, especially in these challenging, disrupted times. Your story also shows us that a wonderful career need not interfere with healthy living, creativity, and joy – in fact, it can be the link that makes all of these things coexist so beautifully. We’ll be watching to see what you do next!


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM




Clinically proven to work. ECHINAMIDE is a unique patented, super-extracted echinacea concentrate developed by Natural Factors. It is CLINICALLY PROVEN to provide powerful support for fast immune system responses. Over 20 years ago, Natural Factors undertook extensive research to discover the key compounds in echinacea that seemed to strengthen the human immune system. This research isolated the key active immune-promoting compounds in echinacea, which we call ECHINAMIDE. We then studied the effects of ECHINAMIDE in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, the gold standard for testing. These trials concluded that ECHINAMIDE works to: (1) deliver profound support for the immune

system and its responses and (2) provide powerful upper respiratory support. Grown on our organic farms, tested, and manufactured by Natural Factors in British Columbia, Canada, ECHINAMIDE is a full-spectrum fresh herb extract. It contains standardized effective extracts of echinacea and is combined with precise amounts of lomatium, astragalus, reishi, and licorice to provide optimum immune support.

ECHINAMIDE with other immune herbs create the incredible Anti-V Formula

Available only in natural food and supplement stores • naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

9225270_WV_Vol13_US.indd 21 Ad_AntiViral_WV_Vol13_U.indd 1

2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-24 4:51 PM


Aren’t we all done with the term anti-aging? This olddated phrase has been so overused that it is sounding like a hustle. Aging is not an illness that we need to battle. It is, however, a physiological process that can be sped up or slowed down, depending on how you take care of yourself. We’ve all met people who looked a lot younger than their biological age and many who look far older. In recent years, there has been an explosion in research on premature aging and results are clear, you can turn back the clock. Move over, injectable fillers and plastic surgery, as there is research-backed science which shows ways of slowing age-related decline, and not just the appearance of aging.

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2020-11-26 3:51 PM

How old are you? Age is measured in two ways, chronological and biological. (There is also the age we are in our heart, but that’s another conversation, entirely). Chronological age is the difference between our birth day and today’s ever-advancing date. Without a time machine, we have no control over that. Biological age is a more useful metric of the body’s physical vitality. It refers to how old, or young, a person is from a physiological standpoint. That translates into how soon or late we might develop any age-related or degenerative condition, from dementia to heart disease. Biological age can also predict life expectancy.

Telomeres and aging How do you determine your biological age? Many online questionnaires provide quick-

and-dirty estimate of biological age based on lifestyle factors, and those can be fun to take, but a more scientific approach is to look at cellular markers of biological age. One such marker getting a lot of attention is telomere length. What are telomeres, and of course the burning question is how we can extend them? Telomeres are the extreme ends of our chromosomes, and are often compared to the plastic caps on the end of shoelaces. Telomeres tend to get shorter with age. Short telomeres at any age are a keen indicator of premature aging: the shorter your telomeres, the older your biological age. The fantastic news about telomeres is that if you have short ones today, you can make them longer. From a biological standpoint, you can get younger this year! Read on to learn how.

The BAD News – What Ages Us? First, the bad news. Certain common lifestyle habits age us prematurely. However, this is still good news since these factors are things we can change, and they are within our control.

your phone away, turn off the TV, and get ready to enjoy a good night’s sleep. Making it a habit of preparing for sleep will enhance your routine and assist you in getting a better night’s sleep.

Being sedentary – I know, the first

but for the record many people still smoke. Tobacco smoke promotes inflammation, exposes the body to harmful toxins, and creates free radical damage to our DNA. Quitting is the singlemost important change you can make for better health.

thing that comes to mind is exercise, the gym, and how can I fit more into an already busy schedule, but our bodies are meant to move. If we don’t do that enough we will pay the price. The primary mechanism that seems to be the worst for telomere length is being a couch potato – all that sitting promotes inflammation. It seems counter intuitive, but it’s true. How can we create inflammation by doing nothing? In fact, that’s precisely what happens when we sit, and yes, people are sitting on average more than ever before. Too much sitting ages us.

Sleep – Not getting enough

sleep or adequate slumber is critical to lengthen telomeres. People who sleep 5 hours or less a night age faster than those who sleep 7 hours or more, so plan. About two hours before bed start to wind down, dim the lights if you can, take a hot shower or bath, put

Smoking – This an obvious one,

Omega-6 – Higher consumption of omega-6 fats promotes cellular aging. Omega-6 lurks in vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, corn, and cottonseed oils. For the most part, these unhealthy fats are found in commercially baked goods and processed foods, which tend to be empty calorie bombs anyway, so avoid them. Environmental toxins – Exposure

to toxic chemicals in plastics, cosmetics, shampoo, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, heavy metals in water, and air pollution are all associated with shorter telomeres for any given age.

Telomere Age Test Please answer YES or NO to each question. 1. Are you active every day? 2. Do you sleep at least 7 hours per night? 3. Do you view stress as a challenge? 4. Do you have friends or family you can rely on? 5. Do you exercise or walk daily? 6. Are you a non-smoker? 7. Are you usually content? 8. Do you have a pet? 9. Do you avoid eating processed meat and packaged food? 10. Do you eat 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day? For every YES answer, subtract one year from your biological age. For every NO answer, add one year.

By making a few simple changes to your daily routine you can take years off your biological age. Start now. Take action instead of just thinking about it. Twenty years from now, you’ll be glad you did.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM

The GOOD News TURN BACK the Clock Omega-3 essential fatty acids – Several studies to

date have shown that optimizing omega-3 essential fatty acid intake will lower biological age. Omega-3 fatty acids are found naturally in grass-fed animals, and deep, cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines, and anchovies.

Magnesium – Famous for its stress-busting benefits, it is also great for its ability to ease muscle cramps, promote regularity, and contribute to a peaceful night’s sleep. Some researchers suggest that correcting magnesium deficiency may even prolong life. Magnesium-rich foods include leafy greens, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, and avocados, but you can also supplement with magnesium every night before bed. Coffee – A humble cup of joe is an essential source of antioxidants in the daily diet. Studies have linked coffee to many health benefits and even lower mortality risk. One extensive and comprehensive study revealed that women who drink 2–3 cups of coffee per day have longer telomeres than those who don’t drink any. Caffeine from green tea, but not from other sources, is also linked to longer telomeres. Healthy eating – Several healthy diets have been

studied and have shown to combat cellular aging. What they all have in common is a higher intake of fruit and vegetables, with low consumption of sugar and processed meats. The Mediterranean diet is an example of one such diet. It emphasizes vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes, herbs, spices, fish, lots of extra virgin olive oil and, yes, and the occasional glass of red wine.

Caloric consumption – Admittedly this is not as good news as coffee and dark chocolate, but the results are conclusive. Eating fewer calories is a simple, effective way to live longer. Intermittent fasting is increasing in popularity and can be an effective way to reduce caloric intake when done carefully. Check with your doctor as some people should not take on intermittent fasting. Another way to eat fewer calories without feeling deprived is to choose foods higher in fiber, and lower in calories, so think vegetables, beans, and legumes. Move your body – In general, people who move more are younger biologically, and that effect is especially strong for older people. Exercise seems even more beneficial as we age. Any regular movement is helpful from a biological perspective. High-intensity interval training programs are telomere-friendly fitness regimes. These involve alternating short burst of activity with short periods of active recovery. Don’t let your age stop you. If you’re over 55 walk as fast as you can for 2 minutes and then walk at an average pace for 3–4 minutes, and then start all over until you’ve walked for 30 minutes. Those short bursts of energy will lengthen your telomeres. You’ll feel better and you might even add a few years to your life. The key is to get active.

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Detox – If you want longer telomeres, spend more time at the park, the backyard or in green spaces and also stay out of nightmare traffic or avoid heavy air pollution. Other natural tips to minimize toxin overload include eating organic, refrain from using scented products in your home, and switching to natural body care and deodorant. Positive outlook – It is no secret that

a positive mind helps us live longer and that stress can age us. But what’s fascinating and hopeful is that our mindset can buffer the effect of stress.

Eating fewer calories is a simple, effective way to live longer Yes, you heard that right, studies show that among groups of equally, highly stressed people (caregiving moms of dependent children), those who perceive their stress as a challenge fare much better in the aging department than those who saw their stress as a threat. This reinforces the fact that our perception affects our health at the cellular level, and that psychological well-being may be the real key to longevity. Aging is not optional, but that doesn’t mean we are at the mercy of Father Time. Stay tuned for my user-friendly guide to aging, featuring nutrients to support optimal healthspan coming in 2021.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM



for easy digestion and maximum nutrition All ingredients 100% ORGANIC Our organic farms in the beautiful Okanagan Valley produce the highest potency crops packed with essential amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and phytonutrients. These Whole Earth & Sea crops are 100% fermented. Plants, grains, and seeds have a natural barrier to easy digestion called phytic acid. Fermentation removes that barrier. The result? Easy digestion and maximum nutritional benefit.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-11 10:29 AM

Breakthrough in

ABSORPTION TECHNOLOGY Until now, one of the biggest challenges with quercetin has been its lack of water solubility. We have overcome this challenge via our latest technology: a unique liquid micelle matrix. This groundbreaking process solubilizes quercetin into liquid, allowing it to be absorbed up to 10x better than regular quercetin.

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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-11 10:24 AM


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What does BLOOD VESSEL SUPPORT mean to YOU and ME? The unique antioxidant effect of quercetin supports healthy blood vessels by reducing the impact of oxidative damage to blood vessel walls. Such support even extends to the capillaries, which supply nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body.

The system of blood vessels in the human body measures over 60,000 miles! They are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell and can be found in every square inch of the body.

naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-11 10:24 AM


HOPE for



Herpes viruses are widespread. At least half of all adults have cold sores, and most people have had one form or another of this virus. Herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) causes oral herpes, commonly called “cold sores,” and HSV-1 and HSV-2 are the sources of genital herpes. Varicella zoster, another member of the herpes family, is directly linked to chickenpox in children and can cause shingles later in life. Most people get HSV-1 as an infant or child, and it is common for a parent or loved one to “lovingly share” the virus with a simple kiss. Herpes simplex viruses can spread skin to skin by salivary contact with someone who already carries it. Symptoms are very similar for both HSV-1 and HSV-2. There may be an early stage fever, irritability, swollen lymph nodes, or muscle pain, and outbreaks can also be preceded by itching, tingling, burning, and blisters, and if left untreated, the lesions may take up to three weeks to heal.



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2020-11-26 3:51 PM

When it comes to shingles, this little virus can be very nasty and extremely painful. Anyone who has experienced this virus would agree. The most common areas affected are the trunk, face, and scalp and can be dangerous if located on the face. If you suspect a shingles outbreak, seek medical attention as this virus can be severe, and most cases need to be treated with antiviral and pain medications. The shingles vaccine is also available. In all cases, once the initial herpes infection is over, the virus retreats to the sensory nerve cells where it remains dormant until certain circumstances cause the virus to wake up and reignite an infection. Several factors can contribute to reactivation, such as emotional or environmental stress, fever, trauma, sun exposure, food, and food allergy – things that attack the immune system. Shortterm treatment with antiviral medications such as acyclovir (Zovirax) can speed up the healing and reduce pain. Still, they can also cause a wide array of side effects, and herpes simplex might develop resistance to these commonly used

antiviral agents. There is evidence that some dietary changes and natural supplements can help keep the herpes simplex virus quiet and prevent recurrences.

PREVENTION AND NATURAL SUPPLEMENT SUPPORT Diet and lifestyle modifications Exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun has a profound effect on the skin’s immune system; therefore, it is essential to protect the skin and prevent outbreaks. If you are prone to cold sores, wearing sunblock around the lips can be helpful. Allergenic foods put additional strain on the immune system, so avoiding these foods can prevent outbreaks. When it comes to not infecting other people, do not share lip balm, lipstick, or eating utensils, and avoid skin-to-skin contact during an active outbreak. Elimination of refined carbohydrates and sugars has been useful to reduce the incidence of recurrence. Sugar weakens the immune system.

Topical treatment for cold sores Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) essential oil has antiviral effects on HSV-1 and -2. Studies found that lesion formation was significantly reduced, and in some cases, viral infectivity stopped almost entirely. Lemon balm is fat soluble, which enables it to penetrate the skin, and is an effective topical treatment for herpetic infections.

Peppermint oil has stopped several viruses, including herpes in preliminary studies, from reproducing.

Manuka honey, as shown in a study in the British Medical Journal, may be as effective as antiviral creams; lesions cleared in eight days with antiviral cream and nine days with honey.

Supplement support for herpes L-lysine supplementation has been shown to reduce the number and frequency of lesions in cold sore outbreaks. Some sources recommend that people with a history of herpes infections take 1000–3000 mg of lysine supplements per day. Cayenne pepper extract (capsicum) has been found to have antiviral activity and be effective against both HSV-1 and HSV-2. Capsicum lip balm may also be helpful.

Curcumin effectively reduced the number of lesions and size of cold sores and the study showed that curcumin slows, but does not totally block, HSV-1 replication. Vitamin D at higher levels is associated with increased immunity to herpes simplex virus (HSV) and may lower the chances of an outbreak of herpes or shingles. Vitamin D is fat soluble and it is best taken with a high-fat meal to increase absorption.


Zinc can prevent HSV entry into cells and reduce duration and severity of herpes outbreaks.


As you can see, there is plenty of research to show that natural supplement support can help keep these annoying viruses subdued and/or asleep.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM




THE TRUTH IS… IT’S A TOTAL MYTH THAT HEALTHY SNACK FOODS ARE NOT DELICIOUS. The ones you make yourself are even better, because you will know exactly what’s going into your food, and taking the time to cook real, nourishing food is an important investment in your health. Truthfully, I could snack all day, every day. I am most definitely a grazer at heart, so to stay true to my nutrition philosophy of real food in its most natural state, I focus on plant-based nutrition and experiment with different combinations of ingredients to make every delicious bite count. I always ensure each snack (and meal) are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Over the years, my family has become mindful about managing the amount of sugar we consume as we know it rarely ends in a positive feeling. So, to give you a little savory inspiration, I have created some smart, nutritious dips to help you feel your best.

Olive Tapenade Dip Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 0 Servings: 2 cups

Ingredients • 2½ cups mixed pitted and drained olives (black, Kalamata, or green) • 2 Tbsp capers • 2 Tbsp marinated sun-dried tomatoes • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped • 1 tsp dried oregano • ¼ cup fresh parsley leaves, chopped • 6 fresh basil leaves • Juice of ½ lemon • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil • ¼ tsp freshly cracked black pepper

Directions 1. In a food processor, add the olives, capers, tomatoes, garlic, oregano, parsley, basil, lemon juice, olive oil, and black pepper. 2. For a chunky spread, pulse up to 15–17 times, stopping to scrape down the bowl a few times. 3. For a spreadable tapenade, process until a paste is formed, stopping to scrape down the bowl a few times.

4. Garnish with parsley leaves and a drizzle of olive oil. Serve with crackers, baguette, pita, or vegetables such as cucumber or celery. 5. Any leftover can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

White Bean Hummus Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 0 Servings: 2 cups

Ingredients • 2 medium garlic cloves • 1 small handful fresh parsley (about ⅓ cup) • 1 green onion, cut into 1-inch pieces • 1 15-oz can cannellini bean • 3 Tbsp tahini • Juice of ½ lemon • 1 tsp sea salt • Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling

Directions 1. With a food processor running, add garlic, parsley, and green onion. Process until minced – about 15 seconds. 2. Add remaining ingredients and process until smooth and creamy, about 2 minutes, stopping to scrape down the bowl a few times. 3. Taste and adjust seasonings. Drizzle with olive oil and serve with your favorite vegetables and crackers.



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2020-11-26 3:51 PM


for a healthy menstrual cycle and fertility Effective, natural support


myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol formula Supports normal menstrual cycle, ovarian function, egg quality, and fertility • Promotes healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range “ Over the past 10 years using WomenSense® products, I have seen improvements in energy levels, PMS, non-cystic acne, occasionally difficult periods, belly fat, sleep difficulties, hot flashes, and much, much more.” – Marita Schauch, ND

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-11 10:23 AM

Daily Multivitamin Vital for


2020 has been all about immune health. In the past, I might have given a talk or two in late summer to prepare for the fall’s cold and flu season, or not, as this topic was never a hot topic of interest. I suspect most people didn’t think about seasonal illness until they got sick because they thought winter sniffles, sneezes, and even fevers, were just a part of life. The pandemic with the focus on immune health has changed that perception forever!



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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-23 2:32 PM


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ONE RECENT STUDY POINTS TO THE HUMBLE MULTIVITAMIN AS A POWERFUL TOOL IN THE RESISTANCE AGAINST UPPER RESPIRATORY ILLNESS. Multivitamins have taken a beating in the press in recent years as being a waste of money. Well, think again. In July 2020, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients underlines the difference that a simple step – namely, taking a daily multivitamin – could make in staying well, especially for people over 55. People in this age bracket tend to get sick more often than younger adults and fare worse when infected. It is clear to the medical community that immune support solutions are essential for this significant demographic.

NUTRITIONAL STATUS is a fundamental factor in immune health. After middle age, the risk of having a vitamin and mineral deficiency increases. Conservative estimates indicate more than a third of older adults in North America and Europe are deficient in one or more micronutrients, which occurs because nutrient absorption decreases with age. This deficiency combined with changes in eating habits and a reduction in appetite, can create an immune system decline. Eating a diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, and getting enough protein is a viable part of the solution. Carefully formulated, high-quality nutritional supplements provide tremendous immune system support, and there is a growing body of evidence to back this up. In a study entitled, “The Effect of a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement on Immune Function in Healthy Older Adults: A DoubleBlind, Randomized, Controlled Trial,” men and women between 55 and 75 years of age were given either a multivitamin and mineral supplement, or a placebo pill that looked identical, but contained no nutrients. Neither the participants nor the investigators knew who was taking the intervention and who was getting the placebo until after the trial was finished. After 12 weeks, researchers measured

nutrient status, various parameters of immunity, and self-reported illness. Study subjects kept a diary of how many days they were sick, as well as symptom severity. Incredibly, people taking the multivitamin had a whopping 70% fewer days getting sick than those taking the placebo. Illness severity was also reduced, with supplement takers mostly experiencing only mild symptoms. This study uncovers a meaningful clinical outcome. While the paper’s discussion primarily focused on the importance of well-known immune boosters such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, it is worth mentioning that the supplement formulators had the wisdom to include the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A of 700 mcg or roughly 2300 IU. Despite widespread and unfounded rumors of vitamin A toxicity, it is a critically essential nutrient for health. While the topic has been under-examined in North America, research in other parts of the world suggests that

vitamin A deficiency among older adults is common and negatively affects immune health. The mineral selenium is another immune system ally included in the study that often gets overlooked. Nutritional status plays a significant role in health resilience – and it’s an arena where we have control. A shortage of any nutrient can impact our well-being. In addition to vitamins A, C, D, and zinc, the research underlines the importance of probiotics, quercetin, and B vitamins for resisting seasonal flu. Enjoying a more nutritious diet and taking dietary supplements raises nutrient intake at any age. When it comes to immune health, making a small investment in a quality multivitamin appears to provide inexpensive health insurance.



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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-23 2:32 PM


Listening is an

Some of us have a solution to everything. A friend or family member brings us an issue that’s causing frustration or pain, and we’re all too ready to share lots of unsolicited advice – do this, say that, look at it this way. We’re all trying to help, but some of our responses can be problematic: “Just stay away from him,” “Pretend you didn’t hear it,” “Unfriend her.” Quick fixes such as these don’t address deeper or more long-standing issues that may underlie a single incident. Here are some tips on listening for a more harmonious outcome. MINIMIZING IS TERRIBLE, TOO. “Don’t make it such a big deal,” “She couldn’t have meant that,” “You’re imagining things.” These responses are attempting to negate someone’s feelings. They leave people feeling that they’re the ones in the wrong.

EMPATHIZE. We may think it’s better to empathize, and it is. But even as we try to do the right thing, there are ways to make matters worse for the person we’re trying to help. Sometimes, it ends up being a competition, sounding like we’re trying to shift the focus of the conversation to our own hurtful experiences. “I know what you mean because I…” “You think that’s bad? Well, listen to this!” Merely listening with a kind heart is an art, especially when someone is hurting; this is not the time for you to play a game of “can you top this?” Other attempts at empathy add a new layer of uncomfortable emotion to the burdens our friend or relative is carrying. For example, we might blame the victim for making us miserable. “Why are you telling me such an awful thing?” Or, we might make the hurt individual’s specific concern seem part of a big, continuing, and maybe impossible pattern. “I’m getting worried about you, because you seem to be getting worse, not better, with this stuff.”

So, what does help when we’re trying to assist a person in physical or emotional pain?

HERE’S A LIST OF WHAT PEOPLE WHO WERE HURTING HAVE SAID WAS HELPFUL TO THEM: Listening without judgment or trying to fix anything Sharing a meal Sitting with the individual Going for a walk Giving a big “virtual” hug (for the time being) Recognizing there is a need, not ignoring or avoiding Showing patience Just being there

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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-24 11:07 AM


1:07 AM


Sleep is absolutely essential for both body and mind Tossing and turning all night can impact your immune system. Immune support cells and antibodies are reduced during periods when you don’t get enough sleep. Tranquil Sleep® combines L-theanine with melatonin and 5-HTP. These ingredients exert a gentle, yet powerfully synergistic effect to calm nervousness and promote restful, deeper sleep. Tranquil Sleep helps you fall asleep more quickly, and wake up refreshed to support whole body health.

your racing mind to quickly promote relaxation and support for occasional nervousness without causing drowsiness. For the ultimate sleep, take Pharma GABA together with Tranquil Sleep.

Delicious magnesium drink powder Magnesium is vital to hundreds of enzyme reactions. In fact, more health benefits are attributed to magnesium than to any other mineral, including calcium. This relaxing mineral is a shock absorber, helping to protect the nervous system from experiencing excessive stress. Renowned for its ability to relax muscles and relieve tension headaches, magnesium is the original chill pill.

Melatonin benefits the immune system Melatonin, one of the key ingredients in Tranquil Sleep, is the link between your body’s circadian rhythm and the immune system. Immune cells have melatonin receptors on them, which points to the important relationship between getting a good night’s sleep and optimum health. Declining melatonin levels that occur with age coincide with immunosenescence – a decline in healthy immunity that takes place in later decades of life. Supplemental melatonin restores the all-important day-night and seasonal rhythms for optimal health.

Tame nervous tension quickly with 100% natural GABA Pharma GABA® is a naturally sourced form of the important brain compound gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Our GABA calms

Available only in natural food and supplement stores. naturalfactors.com

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-11 10:28 AM

Omega-3 Never Tasted So Good! SeaRich® Omega-3: Delicious, Pure & Wild SeaRich Omega-3 is made using the freshest and highest quality omega-3 fish oil. To create a truly delicious family of products, we have blended our fish oils with natural, non-GMO flavors, including monk fruit (a near-zero calorie sweetener). Available in delicious Lemon Meringue and Coconut-Lime flavors – formulas that every member of the family can enjoy!


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-11 10:27 AM

0:27 AM




We are all too familiar with the sore throat and runny nose that herald a winter sniffles case. But fever, chills, body aches, and extreme fatigue? That is more than a mere cold. That’s the flu. Here are five flu survival strategies.


Rest Now is not the time to be a hero, and think you can power through this. You need rest. Even if you could muster the energy to work, you should not, even from home. Sleep and rest are potent allies in this battle. They will help you recover faster than trying to soldier on.


Bone broth

Far beyond an old wives’ tale, oldfashioned chicken soup has been subjected to scientific scrutiny and still stands its ground. Chicken bone broth helps relieve upper respiratory symptoms better than plain hot water, for example. It also seems to have the ability to send white blood cells in the right direction, essential for infection recovery. Not surprisingly, Grandma’s recipe fared better in studies than store-bought varieties.

It’s worth keeping some homemade broth in the freezer for just this reason or check out the growing selection of frozen broth available at your local health food store. Sip frequently to stay hydrated and feel nourished.


Echinacea The flowers, stems, and roots of the purple coneflower have long had a reputation for being immune-support herbs. Despite the extensive history of traditional use, early studies failed to find benefit – because they used dried echinacea products. Drying echinacea kills its active ingredients, so don’t expect relief from echinacea tea or powdered herb in a capsule. Look for a liquid or softgel encapsulation supplement with the words “fresh extract,” “standardized,” and “clinically proven” on the label. These robust delivery systems show great promise to reduce the severity and duration of seasonal illness.


Black elderberry The dark purple berries of the Sambucus nigra plant are used in herbal medicine to help relieve both cold and flu symptoms, including runny nose, congestion, fever, cough, and sore throat. A 2019 study conducted at the University of Sydney, Australia, showed that compounds from elderberries could directly inhibit the entry of the virus and replication in human cells. It also appeared to help the immune system have a more coordinated response to the invading pathogen. Beware of black elderberry syrups or concoctions prepared by well-meaning neighbors or purchased at the local farmers’ market. Black elderberry seeds contain toxic compounds, so they are excluded from standardized manufactured blends.


The warming socks treatment If high fever is making you miserable, then appropriate over-the-counter fever relief is in order. If you feel it’s bearable, then try an old-timey hydrotherapy trick, the warming socks treatment. For this, you will need one pair of thin, cotton socks and one pair of thick, wool socks. Soak the cotton socks in cold water then wring them out as much as possible. Put the cold, damp socks on your bare feet. Cover with the dry, wool socks. Go to bed and bundle up under the covers. When you wake up, you’ll be surprised to find the cotton socks are warm and bone dry – and you are feeling cooler, and more relaxed. Repeat as needed.


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Empathy in Conception and



We often hear that our Thirties are the new Twenties. Perhaps this is true for many when it comes to the “marriage, work, and kids” perspective, but women’s ovaries and their eggs don’t get any younger. These decades are considered the most transformative period of our adult lives, and the decision to have children can often move other priorities out of the way, especially for women.

At the age of 23, a university professor asked me if I wanted to have a family. I, obviously unsure, said, “Yes, maybe, one day.” She followed this by saying, “Women today need to choose between family and career if they want to succeed at one of those things.” So, I consciously decided that I would choose my career, since I was single and was accepted into Naturopathic Medical School, with four years ahead of me followed by more years of practice to pay off the inevitable student loan debt. As a naturopathic doctor, I had witnessed my patients struggling with infertility in their twenties; therefore, I knew getting pregnant in my mid-thirties might be an issue. However, my husband and I were committed to having a family. I began my pre-conception journey, and we started trying. Despite being in excellent health, I wondered whether i would be able to get pregnant? 1


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PRE-CONCEPTION HEALTH In the US, birth rates for women ages 15–44, known as the general fertility rate, sank to a record low of 58.2 per 1,000, reflecting a trend of having children later in life. Aside from age, other causes of female infertility include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, fibroids, autoimmune disorders, and lifestyle factors, affecting the quality of the eggs themselves. A woman’s fertility journey begins in the womb, so nine months before you lay eyes on the world, your eggs’ destiny has already been dictated. A woman can have as many as seven million eggs in her ovaries when born, but many die off before hitting puberty. The rest will be released every menstrual cycle throughout your lifetime, with their quality continuing to deteriorate as you age. To preserve the quality of a woman’s eggs, the mitochondria of these cells need support. Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelles in our egg cells, but eventually, like an old battery, they will run out of energy to keep the egg cell going. If you are a woman in your thirties or beyond, healthy mitochondria mean better eggs. To keep your mitochondria happy, antioxidants from a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, and specific supplements such as Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) help quench free radical damage that impacts your eggs’ quality. Getting a full workup with a health professional and taking a prenatal multivitamin with active folate should also start before conception. Many of us have a gene mutation affecting the ability to activate folic acid optimally. If you don’t know what your DNA says, take a methylated form anyway, as it can’t hurt. Folic acid is crucial for a healthy pregnancy early on, and often by the time you find out you have conceived, it’s already doing its job.

MAINTAINING A HEALTHY (AND HAPPY!) PREGNANCY After we successfully conceived, my focus shifted to having the healthiest pregnancy possible. I reviewed all the symptoms, bodily changes, potential complications, and exciting moments that can happen each month of building a baby. But I was not quite ready for all the feelings, frustrations, and challenges. Empathy is not learned, it is developed, and it grew immensely in those early months for my pregnant patients – past and present. My first shock was that pregnancy brain is a real thing! There was an instance where after grocery shopping by myself, I returned to my car and sat in the passenger seat waiting to go. I forgot where light switches were in my house, and the names of people I knew well were gone entirely. Tears would appear with minor frustrations, and irritability was a common reaction to minor daily stressors. Keeping a healthy brain meant balancing my blood sugar by eating more frequent, small meals, which also helped me stave off heartburn and gestational diabetes. When I broke down and had to have a bowl of ice cream, I added a heaping tablespoon of chia seeds to balance my intense sugar cravings. Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), was also crucial in supporting my brain and the baby’s neural development, which is key in the second and third trimesters. Constant headaches plagued me for two weeks and were completely unexpected. Acupuncture and chiropractic care became a lifesaver. Chewable ginger was my safe go-to for nausea, and relaxation techniques were implemented to keep my stress levels low and ensure a solid sleep, which I knew may soon be over (temporarily!). Chamomile tea helped both calm me and support my digestion. For my leg cramps, magnesium bisglycinate powder in warm water became part of my nightly routine to ease and help me sleep more comfortably. To keep my immune system healthy, I made sure to take additional vitamin D and echinacea at the first sign of a sniffle. Towards the end, red raspberry leaf tea became my midday drink, which was welcome in the cold winter months. This gentle herb taken closer to your expected delivery date nourishes the uterus and prepares for labor. With only a few weeks to go, I have moments of fear of what is to come. There will undoubtedly be changes to my lifestyle (I CHERISH my eight solid hours of sleep), and emotional challenges will arise. But with my tribe of health professionals, friends, and family, I feel supported, and my fears are subsiding. As my pregnancy journey comes to an end, I have become more empathetic, patient, and have embraced this unique and awe-inspiring process.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-23 2:57 PM

MAGNESIUM BISGLYCINATE is a gentle, stomachfriendly magnesium that supports mental calm and sleep.

QUERCETIN LIPOMICEL MATRIX provides 10x higher absorption than standard quercetin. This antioxidant supports immune and blood vessel health, as well as helps lower oxidative stress.


C EXTRA + QUERCETIN is a dynamic duo of vitamin C and quercetin for healthy sinus, respiratory, and immune health.

provides antioxidant support for foundational health.


is a plant-based formula made from non-GMO safflower seed oil for occasional pain and discomfort.




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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-23 9:57 AM

9:57 AM

Happiness How to Hack Your


Are you suffering from the winter blues? Seasonal depression is typical this time of year, with around 5% of the US population experiencing it annually. However, before you get ready to move to the beach, it’s important to note that one of the happiest countries in the world is not a tropical paradise, it’s… Finland. Yep, you read that right.

The Finnish people have even created their own “Finnish Guide to Happiness,” which includes ice baths, drinking alone in your underwear, forest walks, and picking berries. Before you go plunging into an ice bath or drinking alone in your underwear, I’d like to note what I believe is the secret to Finn’s success is that they’ve figured out ways to hack their happiness hormones. Stay tuned as I share some ways to flood your body with feel-good hormones that may sound a bit more appealing. Let’s dive into the four key happiness hormones – dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin – and how to “hack” them.

DOPAMINE Dopamine is a “pleasure” hormone, and it becomes stimulated when we strive towards a goal, so sometimes

it’s nicknamed the “reward chemical.” Dopamine motivates us to take action to achieve a plan so we can experience the pleasure of the reward. How to hack it: • Create a checklist. Nothing produces more dopamine than putting a checkmark next to completed items on your list. • Dive into organizing a junk drawer or cleaning your closet – the brain loves to access things quickly! • Set monthly or daily goals – having specific, realistic, and achievable goals stimulate dopamine production. Purpose makes us happy. • Schedule a massage if possible, go for a walk, turn off all your electronics, have a bath, start a gratitude journal. • Eat healthy and nutritious food; bookmark food blogs; experiment with new recipes and get the whole family involved.


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• Celebrate the little wins – finish a book, grow a strawberry or a tomato plant.

ENDORPHINS Endorphins are the body’s natural painkiller. They are released when the body is in pain or under stress, and also in response to activities such as exercise, eating, and sex. How to hack it: • Laughter is the BEST medicine – turn on a comedy show or read a funny book, or simply tell a joke. • Use essential oils in the bath to relax and unwind.

• Find 5 mins daily to create a quiet space to meditate. • Expose yourself to sunlight, a significant vitamin D source, which also helps produce more serotonin. • Cycling, swimming, and running also helps produce serotonin. • Walk in nature or forest bathe. • Eat foods high in tryptophan like turkey, or pumpkin and sesame seeds. • Supplements such as 5-HTP are not habit-forming and support healthy levels of serotonin.

OXYTOCIN Oxytocin is the “love” or “cuddle” hormone. Oxytocin is released by hugging, touching, and orgasms in both men and women. Many individuals in 2020 experienced low levels of oxytocin in isolation due to the pandemic.

• Enjoy dark chocolate, which is also a great source of magnesium for relaxing muscles and reducing stress. • Exercise – especially anaerobic exercise – helps us cope with chronic pains by activating endorphins. Turn off the news and move your body.

How to hack it: • Play with a pet. If you don’t have any pets, maybe a friend or neighbor has a dog you can walk or play ball with. Volunteer at a local animal shelter – or perhaps foster a dog? • Massage – but if that’s not possible, give self-massage

– self-massage has benefits, but does not replace a regular massage. When getting a massage from a masseuse, the brain can’t anticipate the next move, so while self-massage is very beneficial, it will never be like a proper massage. • Hold hands or cuddle with your loved ones. • Give someone a compliment. Tell a friend or a family member how much you appreciate them. Giving compliments releases large amounts of oxytocin. The biggest takeaway here is that happiness is a daily practice. In the pursuit of happiness, we are often chasing something outside of ourselves, a job, a salary, a vacation, or a partner to make us happy, but we fail to realize that a happy life is in the joy of our everyday moments. Being present and grateful for our planet and everything and everyone in it bring true joy and happiness. And this type of mindset requires the cultivation of fullness and richness of each moment. A truly fulfilling life filled with happiness is waiting for you... if you choose it.

SEROTONIN Serotonin boosts our mood and encourages social contact and the ability to have fun. When serotonin decreases, you become irritable, depressed, sad, and your spirit is low. How to hack it: • Choose positive thoughts – focus on everything you’re grateful for, and your brain will fill with serotonin.



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2020-11-26 3:51 PM

Why does fiber make your gut irritable?


Fibers such as inulin, bran, and wheat are high in FODMAPs and they can irritate the digestive system. So what needs to change? Switching to a low-FODMAP diet, in other words a more digestible fiber, is a good idea.

A low-FODMAP diet can promote digestive health by helping with occasional constipation and diarrhea without causing excess gas or bloating.

Natural Factors ORGANIC Reliefiber™

is low-FODMAP certified and dissolves rapidly. Reliefiber is so easy to use!




Exclusively available in natural health stores. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2020-11-11 10:26 AM 2020-11-26 3:51 PM

COMPLETE MULTI-PURPOSE FORMULA Ultimate Probiotic 12/12 Formula Probiotic with prebiotic for long-lasting action • Helps restore and maintain intestinal health • Promotes favorable gut flora • Supports healthy bacterial balance for immune and digestive health

Healthy colon and small intestine

Potency guaranteed through expiration

naturalfactors.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-25 2:03 PM


2:03 PM



C & D Daily for Immune Support A DOCTOR’S PERSONAL PROTOCOL If you knew just about everything there is to know about prevention during a pandemic, what would you be doing to protect yourself? Besides wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, and instituting a routine of regular handwashing, that is. In a recent interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US’s best-known expert in infectious disease and a 2020 Time magazine Top 100 influential person, was asked for some details on his prevention regimen. Dr. Fauci touted the immuneboosting basics – getting regular exercise and adequate sleep. The 79-year-old former runner says he tries to get a 3.5-mile power walk into his busy schedule almost daily. But, interestingly, you won’t find any

exotic pills or powders in his medicine chest. Indeed, Fauci eschews immunesupportive supplements in favor of two humble vitamins – D and C. “If you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection,” he said on Instagram Live. Indeed, studies have confirmed that untreated vitamin D deficiencies raise a person’s risk of getting sick. As for vitamin C, the doctor describes it as “a good antioxidant,” one that supports the immune system and various functions at the cellular level. The National Institutes of Health also showed in 2017 that vitamin C appears to support the body’s immune and respiratory system. Dr. Fauci suggests supplementing with one or “at most” 2 g per day of vitamin C.

Suspecting a long cold winter, Dr. Fauci’s final suggestion is a wise one – to “hunker down” and await the arrival of a safe, proven vaccine.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-24 11:06 AM



NATURAL HEALTH STORE Crafted from organic, premium, plant-based food ingredients and additional essential vitamins and minerals not normally found in standard all-in-one shakes, VegiDay® Vegan Organic All in One Nutritional Shake has everything you need — in one delicious, nourishing scoop. In three delicious options: FRENCH VANILLA, DECADENT CHOCOLATE, and NATURAL UNFLAVORED.








Exclusively available at local natural health stores. Find a store near you at:


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-16 12:23 PM

2:23 PM


A Must for Healthy Teeth and Gums BY MARITA SCHAUCH, ND

SMILE. How do you take care of your teeth? Most people will answer that inquiry with brushing, flossing, and trips to the dentist, but did you know there are supplements* that support your teeth and gums? These supplements are not only good for your pearly whites, but they also help support the rest of your body.


Calcium is an essential element in building strong teeth and bones. It is critical to have adequate levels, or the body will leach calcium from teeth and bones if it is in short supply in your diet. Dairy milk is fortified with calcium, but if you are a non-dairy drinker, it is vital to either supplement or consume lots of leafy greens, canned fish, almonds, cauliflower, or cabbage for adequate dietary calcium.


Phosphorus acts as an important support for calcium in maintaining teeth and bones, and plays a vital role in tooth and gum health.


With insufficient vitamin D levels, your body is not able to properly absorb calcium or phosphorus. Many Americans, especially in the northern states, do not get adequate levels of vitamin D, so a supplement is often recommended for most adults and children.

COENZYME Q10 or COQ10 CoQ10 helps reduce inflammation and can help with bleeding gums as a result of gingivitis.


Zinc is an important trace mineral in your saliva that helps fight against bacteria and plaque growth, which may lead to tooth decay and gum disease.


As proven by the early sailors, vitamin C is essential for gum health. It helps maintain connective tissue and collagen production, and helps support a healthy immune system to prevent gum disease.


Probiotics are not just for your gut. They also help fight off gum disease and tooth decay by increasing the number of good bacteria in your system.


If you get canker sores or a sore

mouth or tongue, it could be a sign of vitamin B deficiency. Niacin and riboflavin are particularly beneficial for oral health.


You knew it was good for your eyes, but did you also know it is also good for your mouth? Vitamin A helps with mucous production to keep saliva flowing in your mouth. This, in turn, reduces plaque and harmful bacteria, which lead to cavities and gum disease.

Here is to happy, healthy smiles from the inside out! *Always consult with your health professional in deciding whether a supplement is right for you.


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Demystifying Supplement




The use of natural health products (NHPs) is widespread and continues to increase around the world. The latest survey conducted by the Council for Responsible Nutrition shows that supplement usage is higher than ever before, with 77% of Americans reporting that they take them regularly. From multivitamins to protein supplements and herbal products, there is a vast selection of NHPs to choose from at local pharmacies, health food stores, and online. Although these products are numerous and easily accessible, have you ever stopped to think about the quality of the supplements you are purchasing? Are you 48

and your family consuming products that are regulated and safe to take? Questioning quality of NHPs is extremely important as concerns of supplement adulteration

are on the rise. With source ingredients and finished products coming from around the world, there are multiple concerns that products may contain cheap ingredients, impurities, and possibly pharmaceutical drugs. An analysis of the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) warnings from 2007 to 2016 showed that unapproved pharmaceutical ingredients were identified in 776 dietary supplements, especially with products commonly marketed for sexual enhancement, weight loss, or muscle building. Common pharma-


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-18 3:14 PM


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An analysis of the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) warnings from 2007 to 2016 showed that unapproved pharmaceutical ingredients were identified in 776 dietary supplements.

ceutical adulterants can include appetite suppressors, stimulants, antidepressants, anxiolytics, diuretics, laxatives, anabolic steroids, and prohormones. As a mom and naturopathic doctor, supplement quality is extremely important to me since adulterated and unregulated supplements can lead to possible adverse events and significant health risks. Without a doubt, the health of my family and my patients is vital. Therefore, I always seek to recommend and use products that are safe, accurately labeled, contaminant free, and responsibly produced. When looking for high-quality supplements, here are a few key features to look for.

REPUTABLE MANUFACTURER First off, become an educated buyer and research the company and brands you are interested in purchasing. Are these companies reputable and reliable? Avoid companies that have poor quality control

and unsafe manufacturing practices. You can investigate whether a particular company follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), has a history of recalls or complaints, can scientifically support product claims, and provide exceptional customer service policies and service.

GOOD LABELING PRACTICES Being a reputable manufacturer also means being transparent, and good labelling practices will show this. Product labels are a point of interaction between you and the natural health product. Labels should clearly and accurately identify brand, the product name, and its claims; active and inactive ingredients; strength, suggested usage, cautions, and expiry dates and storage instructions. In addition, labels should indicate the product’s lot number, an important indicator of quality control.

THIRD-PARTY TESTING Since ingredients and finished products are coming from all over the world, it’s crucial that products are analyzed and tested for allergens, pesticides, solvents, GMOs, heavy metals, microbes, and pharmaceutical agents. Analytical methodologies that detect these impurities are critical to ensuring product quality and protecting public health. One organization that verifies the safety, quality, and integrity of natural health and food products is ISURA®. ISURA is an independent, not-for-profit analytical testing and certification organization. To analyze raw materials and ingredients, ISURA utilizes state-of-the-art high-performance equipment such as mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and DNA sequencing among others. Mass spectrometry works to detect over 700 contaminants! Testing with ISURA helps confirm that products are authentic, pure, potent, and made with manufacturers that follow GMP. ISURA performs contaminant testing above and beyond US and Canadian guidelines. Visit isura.ca for more information.

CONCLUSION Looking for quality should be your number one priority when choosing natural health products for you and your family. Remember price does not always verify product quality, so whether online or in store, be careful of overpriced supplements. In addition to using reputable companies and brands, reviewing product labels and ensuring third-party testing, shop where you will find knowledgeable staff to answer your important questions.

ISURA means certified clean. Any products displaying this seal assure you that they have passed the most rigorous testing in the world. ISURA can test for over 700 potential contaminants.


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2020-11-26 3:51 PM 2020-11-18 3:14 PM

CoQ10 Crucial for Cellular Energy BY KAREN JENSEN, ND Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 has a reputation for being a potent antioxidant, and it is best known for heart health; however, its benefits reach far beyond the heart. CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone or ubiquinol, which shares the same root word as “ubiquitous” is crucial for every cell in our bodies. The antioxidant properties of CoQ10 increase the efficiency of our energy powerhouses, the mitochondria. The mitochondria produce approximately 90% of the body’s energy, and they depend on CoQ10 for smooth functioning and protecting every cell in the body. Plus CoQ10’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms combine to offer exceptional protection from developing chronic disease. There is evidence for CoQ10’s protective effects in the brain and nervous system, lung conditions, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, fertility, eye health, immune system, and infertility.

CoQ10 is so effective in managing migraine headaches that it is listed among the 11 most effective “drugs” for preventing migraines by the Canadian Headache Society.


Examples that contribute to oxidative stress and the increase in free radical formation that causes damage to cells and tissues include mental-emotional stress, environmental toxins, (radiations, pollutants, heavy metals), pesticides, cosmetics, food additives, and industrial chemicals.

Oxidative stress and inflammation are a root cause of neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). CoQ10 is attracting increasing attention as scientists look for ways to prevent these diseases and treat their causes, rather than merely treating symptoms. Studies reveal some startling associations regarding CoQ10 supplementation, and reduced migraine headaches and common mental health issues. Research shows that migraines may result from a decrease in cellular energy levels, and studies have found that almost 33% of a population with migraines had CoQ10 levels below the standard. Studies of CoQ10 supplementation in children, adolescents, and adults show substantial decreases in the frequency, duration, and a significant reduction in migraine symptoms.


Mental health issues have common roots in mitochondrial dysfunction and elevated brain oxidative stress levels. People with these issues have higher oxidant damage markers and lower cellular antioxidant levels than healthy controls, and CoQ10 is typically lower than average. Restoring natural levels of antioxidants such as CoQ10 is an essential approach. The body typically makes a sufficient supply of CoQ10, but levels may decline with age, especially in those over 60. When CoQ10 levels fall, mitochondrial dysfunction increases dramatically, and cellular aging is accelerated. Studies have also demonstrated that CoQ10 has significant longevity benefits for humans.

With the ever-increasing environmental factors that cause oxidative stress in our bodies, most people could benefit from taking this cost-effective nutrient to provide significant added insurance against various health issues.


of a population with migraines has CoQ10 levels below the standard.


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2020-11-26 3:52 PM


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2020-11-26 3:52 PM 2020-11-11 10:15 AM

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2020-11-26 3:52 PM 2020-11-24 10:45 AM

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