Women's Voice Magazine - Vol 14 Canada

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REVIVE Chronic




Climate Crisis


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Dr. Katharine K.


12 Climate Crisis Investing in Women – Answer to the

Photo: Jake Davis


Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies – by Stephanie Rubino, ND


Quarantine 15 – by Marita Schauch, ND


Mighty Minerals Vital for Mood, Digestion, and Nerves – by Jennifer Brix, ND


Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light – by Stephanie Rubino, ND


Lack of Sleep Risk Factor in Alzheimer’s


Forest Floor Is Vital for Children’s Immunity – by Marita Schauch, ND


Unable to Conceive? You’re Not Alone! – by Karen Jensen, ND


Heavy Metal: Cooking With Cast Iron – by Kate Rhéaume, ND

– by Kate Rhéaume, ND


The Rewards of Seated Exercise


Natural Advances in Chronic Pain Relief


Quercetin – Nature’s Answer for Protection Against Viral Infections – by Michael T. Murray, ND

– by Jennifer Brix, ND


Charge Up Your Body’s Renewable Energy – by Kate Rhéaume, ND


Candidiasis Restoring Balance – by Karen Jensen, ND


MEDICAL & SCIENCE EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE At Women’s Voice®, we are committed to providing our readers with real health solutions from real physicians. To ensure our editorial excellence, we have assembled medical professionals who are dedicated experts and leaders in natural health to serve on Women’s Voice Medical & Science Editorial Advisory Committee.



Dr. Kate Rhéaume graduated from McMaster University and completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, class of 2002. She followed with a two-year residency during which she taught classes and supervised at various teaching clinics.

Dr. Stephanie Rubino is a licensed naturopathic doctor who completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. In addition to her clinical practice, she educates the public and other health professionals about a range of health and wellness topics, and the safe use of natural health products.

KAREN JENSEN, ND Dr. Karen Jensen was in clinical practice for 25 years and although she is retired, she continues to write books and educate on the naturopathic approach to wellness. She is author or co-author of seven books, her most recent is Women’s Health Matters: The Influence of Gender on Disease.




Karlene Karst holds a BSc in Nutrition and is the founder of the Sea-licious® line of products. She is a mom of three active kids, an avid food and recipe creator, and an author. In her latest cookbook, This Kitchen Is for Dancing, Karlene shares 100 delectable, health-conscious recipes. Follow Karlene on Instagram @karlenekarst

Dr. Gaetano Morello is a published author and licensed naturopathic physician. Recently he has been appointed as a Clinician at the newly created Complex Chronic Disease Program located at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is the first naturopathic doctor to hold such a position at a major North American hospital.



Dr. Julie Reil is an internationally recognized physician, health and nutrition advocate, speaker and Women’s Voice author. She developed the Genityte® urinary incontinence procedure and the Triple Tone Treatment®. Dr. Reil founded Shiloh Medical Clinic in Billings, Montana.

Dr. Michael Lyon is a UBC faculty member and is a published researcher in the fields of nutrition, appetite regulation, dietary fibre, and blood sugar regulation. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine through the American Board of Obesity Medicine and he completed a three-year family practice residency in 1988.



Dr. Marita Schauch is the author of two books Making Sense of Women’s Health and Collagen Myths & Misconceptions. She also co-authored The Adrenal Stress Connection. In addition to her clinical practice, she lectures across North America educating people on positive lifestyle choices.

Dr. Arya Sharma, MD/PhD, FRCPC, is Professor of Medicine and holds the Alberta Health Services Chair in Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. He founded and is currently Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network and Past-President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons.

WOMEN’S VOICE VIEWPOINT WV is building a global community of like-minded women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and backgrounds who care deeply about each other, natural health, and the delicate ecosystem of our planet.

Dr. Jennifer Brix is a licensed naturopathic doctor. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology with distinction from the University of Victoria and completed her professional training at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, BC.

Editor: Nancy Frances Cheeseman Editorial Assistant: Brinda Navjee Art Direction: Stephen Rank, Beata Stolarska Graphic Designers: Celia Bowes, Rut Shapira, Jasper Van Meurs PUBLISHED BY Women’s Voice Magazine 104–3686 Bonneville Place Burnaby, BC V3N 4T6 For general inquiries, please email us at info@womensvoice.com



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ADVERTISING POLICY Only products exclusively distributed to natural health stores will be advertised in this magazine.

EDITORIAL NOTE The information in this magazine is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed health professional. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, sold, or distributed without prior authorization. All article references can be found at womensvoicemagazine.com Women’s Voice® is a registered magazine in Canada and the United States. Canada: 1811559 / USA: 87249676 Real Solutions by Real Physicians for Real Women’s Needs® Cover Photo: Jake Davis

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Leave those LEAVES

As we begin to sense warmer weather on the way, many of us decide it’s time to “get out there and clean up the leaves,” the ones that didn’t get raked up last fall. We may have left them there because the weather turned blustery and dampened our energies, or maybe we learned that a cover of leaves keeps down weeds in the garden and offers the soil some beneficial nutrients, which is true. But there’s another reason that leaving the leaves

– as much as possible – is environmentally important.

It’s about the bees and other pollinators Some bees do their overwintering a few inches below soil surface, and a layer of leaves affords them an extra layer of needed protection. But it’s not just bees that are pollinators; the category includes butterflies and moths that spend the colder months as an egg, a caterpillar, a chrysalis, or a full-grown adult. Those species that don’t use the leaf cover simply for

protection may lay their eggs on the leaves or disguise their cocoons or chrysalises to blend in with what nature intends to give them for the job – our old, brown, and gray leaves. If you must remove leaves: Do it as late as possible, giving creatures every chance to survive into warmer weather. Remove only lawn leaves, not leaves that fall on the garden. Not only do these garden leaves provide homes for pollinators, they provide nutrient-rich mulch for

your plants and flowers. And when you remove leaves, try not to break them up. Shredded leaves make a great addition to your compost, but the shredding also kills overwintering insects that will be beneficial to your landscape in the warmer parts of the year. Remember, Nature’s idea of what constitutes a healthy, beautiful yard is different than ours.

Belongs to the People Michigan’s White Pine Springs, Ontario’s Canada Aberfoyle Complex, Colorado’s Ruby Mountain Springs, and Florida’s Ginnie Springs.

The Pacific Northwest’s Columbia River Gorge is lush and green, studded with creeks, tributaries, and waterfalls. To the international giant, Nestlé, all of that water looks like money flowing away to the sea... instead of into the six packs and cases of bottled water they sell under a variety of brand names. Earlier this decade, Nestlé decided they wanted that Columbia River Gorge water. They didn’t need to tap that much of the resource, they said, just 150 million gallons each year. In return, they promised the state of Oregon they’d bring much-needed jobs to a nearby town. But Oregonians rose in opposition and launched a years-long fight against the company. Eventually, the people of Oregon won. Nestlé moved on in search of another resource, in perhaps a more receptive place or maybe somewhere near what you call home: California’s San Bernardino National Forest,

These are the five locations that a nonprofit organization called The Story of Stuff Project wants Nestlé to give up on, and not only because the group opposes the plastic pollution caused by the bottled water industry. No, the real impetus is that Nestlé wants to sell its water operations, and activists see this as the last opportunity to ensure that water rights owned by the company in these states and provinces don’t become part of the deal.

“In the context of a global pandemic, increasing droughts, and wildfires across North America… it’s clear that WATER SHOULD BE CONTROLLED BY THE PEOPLE, not private corporations.”




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Natural Remedies

for Seasonal


Goodbye winter, hello spring! After a lengthy winter, there’s great excitement for longer days, warmer weather, and blooming flowers. Yet, this time of year can be troubling for seasonal allergy sufferers. Tree pollens, grasses, ragweed, and outdoor molds are common allergens that can enter the body through mucous membranes found in the nose and respiratory tract. In response, some people may overproduce an antibody known as immunoglobulin E (IgE), leading the immune system to overreact. IgE travels to specific immune cells called mast cells which trigger the release of mediators like histamines to help get rid of these allergens. Histamine release initiates the very familiar allergy symptoms of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, nasal congestion, and runny noses. Unfortunately, with the increase of allergic conditions over the last 70 years in high-income countries, their occurrence is now a worldwide public concern. Genetic changes, environmental exposure, and nutritional changes in food may all be contributing factors to this rising trend.

Thankfully there are complementary solutions to help manage symptoms, support immune function, and stabilize mast cells to reduce histamine release, so we can all enjoy the beautiful spring days.


Found in many plant foods such as capers, apples, berries, onions, and grapes, quercetin is a bioflavonoid that offers a wide range of health benefits. Quercetin is a potent antioxidant that works with vitamin C to protect tissues from free radical damage and reduce inflammatory compounds. When it comes to allergies, research has shown quercetin can stabilize mast cells, reduce histamine


release, decrease pro-inflammatory markers, inhibit specific enzymes, and modulate the immune system. These actions can lead to reduced inflammation, as well as seasonal allergy relief. In addition to consuming the mentioned quercetin-rich foods, look for highly absorbable quercetin supplements that overcome quercetin’s limited bioavailability. For example, LipoMicel technology uses a unique micelle delivery system to provide a form of quercetin that has up to 10 times higher absorption than standard forms. Quercetin dosage recommendations range from 500–1000 mg per day.


Many might think of horseradish as simply a pungent spice that goes nicely with meat and fish, however horseradish has also been recognized for its medicinal actions. The characteristic flavour and aroma of horseradish is due to it being rich in the compound known as glucosinolates. Horseradish also contains enzymes and nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamins C and A, and the flavonoids, kaempferol and quercetin. As far as allergy support is concerned, horseradish appears to soothe irritated airways, maintain blood circulation, and open the sinus cavities. Horseradish has also been shown to have antiinflammatory actions by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory compounds, as well as antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Freshly grated horseradish root can be added to salads and vegetable or chicken broth. For a more convenient and effective approach, look for enteric-coated horseradish supplements that protect the stomach while providing consistent levels of active ingredients. 10


It is estimated that 70–80% of the immune system is located in the gut, so it stands to reason that an imbalance of gut bacteria can impact immune system function. Gut bacteria can be supported with probiotics and may be a key factor to supporting allergies. Research has shown that probiotics modulate immune responses in allergic rhinitis and may have the potential to alleviate the severity of allergy symptoms. In a review of 23 randomized trials, researchers found that those who took either a probiotic supplement or consumed foods rich in probiotics had improved allergy symptoms and overall quality of life. Additional research has shown combinations of common probiotic strains can improve quality of life during allergy season. Support your gut bacteria by incorporating fermented foods such as sauerkraut,

miso, kefir, yogurt, and kimchi into your diet as they, along with standardized probiotic supplements, provide high amounts of good bacteria.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen for allergies? That’s right! Bee pollen is very nutritious, providing nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fatty acids. Bee pollen has been used for centuries to address various conditions, including seasonal allergies. Worker honeybees collect flower pollen, which is packed into small pellets with nectar, enzymes, bee saliva, and wax. Although consumption of bee pollen can be beneficial for health, there is still much to learn about the use of bee pollen in humans. However, one study showed that mice who were fed bee pollen had reduced binding of IgE to mast cells, explaining its anti-allergic actions. Please note that individuals allergic to bee stings should avoid the use of bee pollen.

Along with the inclusion of natural health products, consider these other approaches to support the body and reduce allergy symptoms this long-awaited spring. • Consume a traditional Mediterranean diet, high in fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. • Practise nasal irrigation with saline (salty water) such as with a Neti pot to help clear out mucous. • Place a HEPA air purifier in your bedroom or any other area of your home, and regularly wash or replace air conditioner and furnace filters. • Keep all doors and windows closed as much as possible. • Clean your home regularly ensuring to regularly wipe all surfaces, vacuum floors, and wash bedding. • Leave your shoes outside and change your clothes after being outdoors. Consider a shower before bed to remove pollen collection on skin and hair. • Stay inside when pollen counts are high.


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Meet Dr. Katharine K. Wilkinson

Investing in Women – Answer to the




author, strategist, teacher, and one of 15 women who will save the world,” according to Time magazine. Her books on climate include All We Can Save, The Drawdown Review, the New York Times bestseller Drawdown, and Between God & Green. A former Rhodes Scholar, she is co-founder of The All We Can Save Project, in support of feminist climate leadership, and co-host of A Matter of Degrees, telling stories for the climate curious. Find her @DrKWilkinson



In May of 2019, Dr. Katharine Wilkinson and two friends took a break from a climate change summit in Aspen, Colorado, and went for a hike along the Roaring Fork River, a seminal outing they now refer to fondly as their “rage hike.” Wilkinson was at the conference to facilitate a roundtable on climate change solutions, a topic she knows inside and out. Her co-authored book, Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, had become an immediate New York Times bestseller when it was published in 2017, and since then she’d become something of a luminary in the climate movement. More than a million people had seen her TED Talk on climate and gender equality. She had become an advisor for the podcast hosted by Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. And Time magazine would shortly name her one of 15 “women who will save the world.” Still, despite her resume (which also includes a Rhodes Scholarship and a doctorate from Oxford), Wilkinson knew that she and women generally receive short shrift in climate circles. The Aspen conference was no different, and as the three women hiked along the river, they sized up the challenges they faced. Why were climate

discussions shaped almost entirely by white men, they wanted to know? Why was there rarely representative diversity in the room? Why did solutions inevitably tend towards engineering fixes and economic policies? Where were the more holistic considerations of systemic societal changes, cultural issues, or spiritual dimensions? The women also grappled with why female climate leaders struggled to get funding. “I have friends doing amazing work in climate science and policy and organizing,” Wilkinson says today, recalling that transformational walk in the woods. “But sometimes they struggle to pay the rent. How is this possible in the 21st century?” The more the three hiked, the more they became inspired to change these dynamics. One of the women, marine biologist Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, was excited about a book idea Wilkinson had mentioned, and soon a proposal began to take shape. They could assemble a collection of climate essays by women. Many women. Many different kinds of women. Black, white, indigenous, rural, urban, young, old, and experts from every conceivable field. “We could bring together this mighty chorus of voices,” Wilkinson says. “We could show what the climate movement can be at its best.”

Their efforts came to fruition last fall when All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis was published. The book’s 41 essays, 17 poems, and original artwork amount to a climate feminist call to action, a call to transform a broken planet by means that are characteristically feminine, things like compassion, connection, creativity, and collaboration. Our energy infrastructure, our means of growing food, the never-ending competition that imbues society at every level, all of this needs to be upended and transformed if humanity hopes to survive, the book insists. The book’s chapters group essays into categories such as our relationship with the planet, advocacy, persistence, and reframing the problem. “To transform society this decade – the clear task science has set before us – we need transformational leadership,” Wilkinson and Johnson write. “We need feminine and feminist climate leadership, which is wide open to people of any gender.” Wilkinson, a native of Atlanta, had been passionate about the environment since high school, but its intersection


with feminism was something she hadn’t really explored until her research for her previous book, Drawdown. That book examined the 100 most promising solutions that might take humanity to the point of “drawdown” (when we stop not only emitting greenhouse gases, but start removing them from the atmosphere) by 2050. The solutions included the usual suspects, like wind energy and high-speed rail. But there were also solutions involving gender equality that, on first blush, aren’t typically associated with global warming. For example, ensuring all girls can go to school and all women can access the reproductive healthcare they desire, has benefits for the planet. Wilkinson is the first to note that population is not a central driver of climate change – fossil fuels, big corporations, and high consumption are. But how many people call this planet home is one piece of the puzzle, and access to education and healthcare can mean smaller families by choice and less demand for food, electricity, transportation, buildings, and assorted stuff, all of which reduces emissions. Or consider small-scale farming. Women constitute the majority of the world’s farmers, but because millions of them lack basic rights to financing, equipment, and land title, they typically produce two-thirds of what men produce on the same amount of land. Close that gap and farmland becomes more productive, decreasing the need to clear forest for more agriculture. Conserving forests reduces emissions substantially. Fundamental human rights are good for people and the climate. All We Can Save takes the concept of climate feminism to a whole new level. The book begins with the inspiring story of Eunice Newton Foote, who in 1856 conducted an experiment with an air pump, two glass cylinders, and four


thermometers. She placed different gases in the cylinders and compared what happened to them when heated by the sun. The cylinder containing carbon dioxide (CO2) trapped more heat and stayed hotter longer, leading her to conclude that CO2 can warm the planet. But Foote wasn’t just a scientist. She was also a women’s rights campaigner. Her signature appears on the 1848 Seneca Falls “Declaration of Sentiments,” a proclamation created during the first women’s rights convention in the United States. The upshot is that climate science was created by a pioneering feminist. Tragically, until recently, this was all forgotten because shortly after Foote’s CO2 paper was published, physicist John Tyndall produced his own more detailed work on heat-trapping gases and was subsequently credited with founding climate science. “The Eunice Newton Foote story is very personal for many of us,” Wilkinson says. “The idea that climate science and gender equality have been paired since day one, that’s more than poetic. I went to Oxford, where a climate research unit is named after Tyndall. We don’t even have a photograph of Foote.” Among the many insightful essays in All We Can Save – Abigail Dillen on leveraging environmental laws to transform society, Heather McTeer Toney on celebrating African American women pushing for climate justice, Amy Westervelt on mothering and the climate movement – is adrienne maree brown’s* elegant, two-page piece on “emergent strategy.”

evolution depend more upon critical, deep, and authentic connections, a thread that can be tugged for support and resilience.” Wilkinson’s advice, when people ask how to help with the climate crisis, reflects brown’s wisdom. She encourages people to create and nurture a “climate squad,” a group of folks with which they can bond more deeply and take the plunge together. “We POPULATION IS NOT face something A CENTRAL DRIVER mind-bogglingly It’s the shortest OF CLIMATE CHANGE – daunting,” she essay in the book, FOSSIL FUELS, says. “It’s too but it might best BIG CORPORATIONS, scary to do alone.” capture what needs AND HIGH She advises squad to be done. brown CONSUMPTION ARE. members to ask defines emergence themselves, “What as “the way complex are your superpowers? systems and patterns Are you a teacher? arise out of a multiplicity of A lawyer? An artist? A farmer?” relatively simple interactions.” She Find a way to contribute your gifts, points out examples of emergence all of them. If your gang’s skill set everywhere. Oak trees individually adds up to lobbying the city council don’t plan to communicate with or to create more bike lanes, do that. If hold tight to other trees in preparation it makes more sense to volunteer for for the next storm, but this nonetheless the political campaign of a candidate happens. “Under the earth, always, committed to the climate issue, do that. they reach for each other,” brown Do anything. Be bold. For inspiration writes, “they grow such that their roots and for strengthening the bonds in are intertwined and create a system of your group, go to Wilkinson’s website strength that is as resilient on a sunny allwecansave.earth and form an All day as it is in a hurricane.” Likewise, We Can Save Circle. Not unlike a book human cells have no concept of society, club, circles provide the structure but they do their thing – they grow, for 10 meetings, each focused on split, complexify, interact, and find a section of the book. “Hold a circle their purpose. From this, complex and see what comes of it,” Wilkinson organisms emerge, then systems, then says. “It will help you determine movements, and ultimately, societies. a path forward.” brown says that whether we know it or not we are constantly affecting and Recently, Wilkinson and Johnson changing our civilization through our co-founded The All We Can Save interactions with others. “Many of us Project. The primary goal of the project have been socialized to understand is to fund and uplift transformational that constant growth, violent leadership. “Among other things, we’re competition, and critical raising millions of dollars to create an mass are the ways award that supports feminist climate to create change,” leaders to do their best work,” she says. she writes. “But The name of the award? The Eunice emergence shows us Newton Foote Award. that adaptation and

*Author prefers her name to be in lowercase.



Find Dr. Katharine Wilkinson on Twitter and Instagram @DrKWilkinson and find her podcast “A Matter of Degrees,” co-hosted with Dr. Leah Stokes, on all major platforms.

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15 BY MARITA SCHAUCH, ND You’ve probably heard of the “Freshman 15” often used to describe the typical weight gain that happens in the first year of college when your parents aren’t around to guide your eating habits. (Are cheese fries a food group?) Many of us have found ourselves in the same boat coming out of quarantine.

Introducing the “Quarantine 15” Whether you were eating out of boredom, stress eating, or not used to being home all day with access to the refrigerator, many of us let things slide a little bit with our weight maintenance. It may also comfort you to know that you’re not alone. A recent survey conducted by Optimum Nutrition showed that more than half (51%) are exercising less than before the pandemic, 45% of participants reported gaining weight, and 42% say they are eating less healthy. Rest assured, this is a judgment-free zone, we gotta do what we gotta do to 2 16

get by, but if you wonder what’s the best way to shed off any extra pounds, I’ve got you covered. I will share three popular diets and examine what works and what doesn’t work, and give you the recommendations and the best strategies I show my patients for weight loss.

THE KETO DIET This diet has been getting a lot of buzz over the last few years, with many people swearing by it and showing off dramatic body transformations. The basic foundation of keto is a high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carbohydrate diet to put your body into a state called “ketosis” where your body begins to use “ketone bodies,” a type of fuel that the liver produces from stored fat instead of sugar. WHAT WORKS: This diet is shown to support an initial weight-loss period, but its mechanics are not yet fully understood. It is theorized that eating a high-fat/low-carb diet reduces your total caloric intake, reduces hunger, and balances blood sugar levels. WHAT DOESN’T WORK: There are concerns about the toll it takes on your liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. It can also lead to side effects such as fatigue,


muscle soreness, headaches, and constipation. Another point of concern is how many people drastically limit vitamin, fibre, and mineral-rich fresh fruit and vegetables on this diet to keep their carbohydrate levels below a certain threshold.

INTERMITTENT FASTING Intermittent fasting is not a diet in the traditional sense as it does not touch on what you eat, but when you eat it. The concept of intermittent fasting can mean a lot of different things logistically, but it centres on structuring the way you eat to have periods of fasting. Some people choose to eat normally five days per week and then fast, or drastically limit food intake for two (non-consecutive) days per week; others prefer to limit “eating hours,” often skipping breakfast and eating from noon to 6 pm. WHAT WORKS: Intermittent fasting shows a lot of promise in many areas of health, including weight loss, and works

by reducing your overall calorie intake and boosting your metabolism. WHAT DOESN’T WORK: What you eat does matter, and unless you’re also eating the right foods for your body, the benefits of this plan will not work out. (Binging on burgers and fries for 2 hours and then fasting for 22 hours defeats the purpose.) As with other restrictive diets, it can lead to rebound eating and also opens you up to ignoring your body’s hunger cues because you’re outside of your “eating window.”

VEGAN OR PLANTBASED DIET Many people who are vegan make that choice for ethical or environmental reasons, but it has also gained popu-

larity with people as a feasible way to lose weight. Vegan diets come strictly from plant sources, with no meat or animal products consumed, whereas plant-based diets have more flexibility. WHAT WORKS: Plant-based diets have a lot of fibre, which can lower your calorie intake while keeping you full. Also lots of fruits and vegetables are always a good thing! WHAT DOESN’T WORK: There is a lot of vegan junk food out there, so just avoiding animal products doesn’t automatically equal healthy. It can also be difficult for some to consume enough protein on a plant-based diet, and there are certain nutrients, such as iron and vitamin B12, that you will probably need to supplement to get adequate amounts.

SO WHAT DO I RECOMMEND AS THE BEST OPTION? The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all diet and no magic solution. Diet culture is toxic and filled with the “yoyo” effect where people lose weight and experience short-term benefits, and then go back to their old habits once the diet is over to become a vicious cycle to set you up for failure. With my patients, we create long-term lifestyle changes that work for each unique individual. However, there are a few things I can recommend that work effectively, and they are all pretty much universal.

Dr. Marita’s Top 5 Weight Loss Tips 1


I’m a big believer in letting your body guide you in deciding what to eat. Take the time to learn what works for your body and notice your body’s internal cues. Eat when you’re hungry, check in on what you’re craving, and notice when you’re full. Your body is your most significant source of wisdom for what to eat and when. This also includes indulging in moderation, because deprivation will never be sustainable, and eating for joy is important too!

regulation, and can affect nutrient absorption in your gut so that the body is fooled into thinking it is “starving” and therefore retains fat supplies.



Hormone imbalances can significantly impact your ability to lose weight, especially if you are using artificial hormones such as birth control pills. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and stress can also cause weight gain.



Start with the basics, for instance, a vitamin D and/or a premium multivitamin/mineral. Many supplements help regulate a healthy metabolism depending on the root cause, but one of my favourites is berberine. Berberine works to restore insulin sensitivity needed to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and supports weight management.

5 2


You matter and making changes that last is worth it overall. Quick fixes are tempting, but going in it for the long haul and making positive changes guarantees not having to diet every few years, and it is healthier for your body.


Inflammation causes a host of health issues, but can also affect your ability to lose weight or promote weight gain. This is because inflammation alters your body’s hormone

Be kind to yourself, have patience, and let go of perfectionism. The adage “Health is Wealth” will never go out of style, and focusing on how you feel is the best indicator of true health.




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The Rewards of

Seated Exercise Whether you’re a senior with mobility issues or you’re stuck sitting at a desk working from home all day, these five seated exercises will improve your mood, cognitive function, and leave you feeling energized. A study published in the British Journal of Medicine showed exercise and resistance training of moderate intensity, for as many days of the week as possible, improved cognitive function in people over 50. One area all the experts agree on is that exercise is essential to strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, prevent weight gain, improve sleep, and increase mobility. You can add years to your life, making this simple routine a part of your weekly schedule. Be sure to check with a doctor before starting any exercise program.

WARM-UP Start with a warm-up, then move on to the five seated exercises, followed by the cool down. The five seated exercises are meant to be a circuit that can be performed more than once. Ideally if you can do the circuit 2–3 times, that would be optimal.


shoulder press

While standing, turn your head to the left, pause, then to the right, pause. Repeat 12 times.

12 REPS Holding two small dumbbells, elbow towards opposite knee, right side, then left, then with feet on the ground, perform a shoulder press.


While standing, raise your arms to the side so they are parallel to the ground and then twist your body to the left, pause, then to the right, pause. Repeat 12 times.

bicep curl

While standing, perform a low-impact, modified jumping jack; arms reach overhead while moving one leg at a time side to side.

12 REPS Using dumbbells, perform a bicep curl and at the same time raise both legs slightly. Bring arms back down and feet to the floor. Then immediately perform a lateral raise with both legs moving out to the side. Bring arms and legs back to the centre.



dumbbell row



Using dumbbells, lean forward, straighten your arms and then bring dumbbells up to your waist, elbows towards ceiling, squeeze shoulder blades and pause for 2 seconds.


To protect your lower back, sit upright, while making sure to lean your back into the chair.


kickback/ calf raise

dumbbell shoulder fly



With dumbbells in hand, slightly lean forward and perform a tricep kickback and at the same time go onto balls of feet (calf raise). Bring heels to the ground after completing the tricep kickback.

Dumbbells in hand, drive arm forward and lift legs up at the same time, then arms out to the side, along with the leg at the same time. Then bring legs to the ground and arms back to the centre.

COOL DOWN Complete these

Marching with feet (while seated) and arms up and down – breathe in and exhale out. To maximize this stretch, move a bit towards the edge of chair.


While seated, move your arms up and inhale, then as your arms come down, exhale slowly. Perform this movement for about 1–2 minutes.


Put arms straight out and clasp hands, round your back and head down for a nice deep stretch. Hold the stretch for 5–10 seconds and repeat three times.

stretches after your workout to prevent soreness, lengthen muscles, decrease muscle tension, and promote muscle relaxation. Take 5 or more minutes to cool down.

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provides fast relief from chronic pain, slows down cartilage degeneration, maintains healthy bones, and encourages repair of connective tissue.



has been shown to provide advanced relief from chronic pain and can increase mobility without discomfort.


active at least 10 minutes per day • Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies TIPS Stay Avoid sugar and junk food • Drink adequate water • Watch your waistline


joint and cartilage supplement that stimulates the formation of key components of cartilage, minimizes joint pain, and protects against the deterioration of cartilage. This formula is ideal for people on low-sodium diets.


reduces inflammation and pain. It combines trusted, effective, herbal supplements such as boswellia, white willow bark, devil’s claw, and antioxidant-rich InflamRelief™ for natural pain relief and healthy joint function.




provides key foundational nutrients – MSM, glucosamine, and chondroitin for healthy cartilage and joint pain relief.


ADVANCES in Relief


1adults in 5

experiences pain lasting longer than three months


ain is the second most common reason for visiting a health care practitioner. In North America, one in five adults currently experiences pain lasting longer than three months, which translates to millions of people living with pain that significantly interferes with their lives. Consequences of chronic pain include changes in work habits and income, sleep patterns, personal relationships, and mood. These invisible consequences can be a harsh reality for many because of the emotional and physical impact it has on quality of life; 23% say they have felt that “life isn’t worth living.” Making matters more complicated is that pain is a subjective response that cannot be measured. Because of this and the often complex nature of pain, I have found that I need to be creative with my patients’ pain management plan.



PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE After suffering injuries on horseback and car accidents, I know first-hand that injury prevention is not always possible! Those who experience pain from repetitive strains or poor posture should implement practices to prevent injury, including mindful movements, regular stretching, and working with different therapists to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system. A common condition I see every day is “text neck” from poor posture because of forward slouching. Keeping screens at eye level can help avoid straining your spine and reduce injury risk. Finally, dodging the sitting epidemic that so many of us find ourselves in can prevent the worsening of chronic pain from sedentary living.


Chronic pain will often never fully resolve, but providing your body with proper nutrition, hydration, stress reduction, and movement can help ensure a best-case scenario for achieving pain relief. Stress-reducing practices such as yoga can significantly improve pain perception, improve the body’s structure and function, support healing, and help individuals better cope with pain. Eating well and maintaining a healthy weight is also key to keeping pain under control. An antiinflammatory diet, one void of processed foods, gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol, fried foods, and commercial animal products, can reduce the body’s inflammatory burden. In contrast, eating more leafy greens, organic poultry and wild fish, avocados, nuts and seeds, berries, and cruciferous vegetables can support metabolism and weight while lowering overall inflammation.

say they have felt that “life isn’t worth living.”

COMMUNICATION, UNDERSTANDING, AND EMPATHY The inability to communicate pain effectively can lead to delays in diagnosing some conditions. Pain is a private experience. I encourage my patients to find different ways to talk about their pain to help them make sense of their unique situations. Using complex and creative expressions can empower those who feel that standardized numerical scales do not capture their pain intensity. Empathy is more likely to be elicited by encouraging effective listening, assessment, with ultimately better treatment outcomes.

Nutrient deficiencies can enhance and contribute to chronic pain. Low levels of vitamins B6 and B12 exacerbate nerverelated symptoms, while vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for osteoarthritis, and low magnesium contributes to muscle tension. Inflammatory joint pain and swelling are more responsive to antiinflammatory nutrients like curcumin and omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Pain management requires a holistic approach I see a number of patients in my practice, specifically for acute and chronic pain management. Besides educating on lifestyle and preventative measures to reduce pain, I use cold laser, acupuncture, and Bowen therapy. I have also started using a new natural health product that has provided many of my patients the relief they’ve been searching for.

The impressive nutrient showing so much promise is palmitoylethanolamide, or PEA for short. PEA is a naturally occurring fatty acid amide produced in the body in response to stress, injury, and inflammation. PEA is also found in foods such as egg yolks, safflower, and soybeans, and has been researched for its unique and varied health benefits for 80 years in over 300 studies. It is now receiving attention because of its crucial role in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a signalling network that communicates with other systems throughout the body, helping to regulate them, reducing pain, protecting nerves, combatting injury, reducing inflammation, and mediating a resolution. 24


In randomized clinical trials, PEA has been shown to reduce pain levels in various chronic conditions, from low back pain, sciatica, and carpal tunnel syndrome to osteoarthritis and temporomandibular (TMJ) pain. It has also shown promise in treating major depressive disorders, but in contrast with true cannabinoids, it does not produce any psychoactive side effects. In most cases, improvement occurred with 400–1200 mg daily. It is incredibly safe, tolerated in athletes, children, and seniors, and has been studied alone and in conjunction with pharmaceuticals, including antidepressants, neuropathic pain drugs, and opioids, often allowing for a reduction in pain medication. For many, living with pain is part and parcel of everyday life. Effective treatment often requires a team of health care practitioners, lifestyle measures, avoiding the sitting epidemic and pharmaceuticals, which can have devastating side effects. But, with a holistic approach including natural supplements like PEA, pain reduction and improved quality of life is within reach for many, without adding insult to injury.

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Protective Measures for

IMMUNE SUPPORT Breakthrough in


Until now, one of the biggest challenges with quercetin has been its lack of water solubility. We have overcome this challenge via our latest technology: a unique liquid micelle matrix. This groundbreaking process solubilizes quercetin into liquid, allowing it to be absorbed up to 10x better than regular quercetin.

Why blood vessel protection is more important than ever Emerging research suggests that some viruses may cause blood vessel damage, often in response to the body’s inflammatory response. This causes a great deal of stress to the immune system. The unique antioxidant effect of quercetin supports healthy blood vessels by reducing the oxidative damage to vessel walls. Such protection even extends to the capillaries, which supply nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body.

The system of blood vessels in the human body measure over 96,000 km! They are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell and can be found in every square inch of the body.


Playing Politics With

Pesticides women. Toddlers and children? Their levels of exposure could be 11–15 times greater than what is considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

That conventionally grown apple you’re about to eat may have something on it, something you don’t want to ingest. The same is true for all non-organic crops such as peaches, cherries, oranges, and corn. And this substance has found its way into about 60% of the milk on the market, and even into some water sources. Maybe by now you’ve guessed we’re talking about pesticides, but actually, a quite specific one called chlorpyrifos (CPS). This chemical spray is known to be especially dangerous to children, even at low levels of exposure. Researchers who study child development have seen the pesticide affect IQ levels, language development, memory, emotional response, and behaviour.

Unfortunately, studies show that the public’s exposure to CPS is not low. Government estimates are that babies, children, and pregnant women are all consuming unsafe levels of the chemical. Babies are believed to be ingesting levels five times greater than what is safe, and the same appears to be true for pregnant





5 times higher

It shouldn’t be surprising that CPS would have been banned back in 2017, but the government bowed to industry pressure and allowed the chemical to remain in agricultural use. In response, environmental groups sued and eventually prevailed. A federal appeals court has subsequently ruled that the EPA, must decide by mid-July whether to reverse the previous actions and restore the ban. The Environmental Working Group’s president, Ken Cook, says it’s never too late to do the right thing, and the sooner the better in this case. “If the president had followed the advice of its scientists, chlorpyrifos likely would not be in the food and milk kids eat and drink today.”


11–15 times higher

BRAIN FOG, FATIGUE, and PAIN? Increases mitochondrial energy

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Our body as a whole, and every single cell within it, needs energy to operate. This need is met by cellular batteries called mitochondria. These tiny power generators capture the energy released from the breakdown of food molecules and transform it into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the human body’s energy currency. The process requires oxygen, and 90% of what we take in with every breath is delivered directly to the mitochondria for their use. The human body is a power transformer thanks to these organelles, but that’s not something we should take for granted. With a little know-how, you can keep your biological batteries operating at warp speed – full power.

2 30


On average, a cell in the human body contains about 2,500 mitochondria. A beating heart or quickprocessing brain has 40 times the number of cells with approximately 100,000, so the mitochondria’s energy process passes around electrons like hot potatoes. The electron shuffle created by the energy process produces a toxic by-product from rogue electrons, also known as free radicals. Even at optimum efficiency, mitochondria are the main

generators of free radicals in our cells, which is the unfortunate cost of fast energy production. Think of free radicals as the polluting exhaust that comes out of a car’s tailpipe. For that reason, the mitochondria maintain a system of free-radical fighters, and many of the nutrients required for energy production double as antioxidants. As we age, mitochondria decline in quantity and quality. This is widely thought to be a


As with most aspects of the aging process, the rate at which mitochondria decline is not inevitable. You can support your mitochondria through aerobic exercise and building muscle mass, both of which stimulate the creation of brand-new cellular power generators. Since mitochondria rely on nutrients to do their job, supplying those in abundance will help optimize energy output and minimize free radical collateral damage. Here are a few specialized nutrients that are particularly useful in this regard.

Superoxide dismutase

The much less famous superoxide dismutase (SOD) is also a heavy hitter in the antioxidant department, providing a frontline defence against reactive oxygen species, the most abundant type of free radical. Levels of SOD diminish with age, leaving us more vulnerable to oxidative stress over time. The race is on to exploit SOD’s potential as an anti-aging pharmaceutical, but since SOD is natural, it is already available as a nutritional supplement at health stores.


A primary mitochondrial protector, glutathione defends against oxidative damage directly, as well as by activating a small army of electron “sponges” that sop up free radicals. Glutathione is depleted by heavy exercise, environmental contaminants, stress, alcohol, and smoking, and levels begin to decline with advancing age. Maintaining adequate protein intake and eating cruciferous family vegetables, such as broccoli, helps support healthy glutathione activity.

consequence of aging and a driving factor of the aging process. As mitochondria dwindle in number and become less efficient, they produce more free radicals and less energy. Less power and more exhaust are a hallmark of performance decline in any engine, and mitochondria are no exception. The extra free radicals generated by inefficient mitochondria accelerate age-related conditions like heart disease and dementia.


Acetyl-L-carnitine is a readily absorbable form of the amino acid L-carnitine, which plays a critical role in burning fat for energy. Acetyl-L-carnitine has earned a reputation as a weight loss aid by acting in the mitochondria. L-carnitine shuttles fatty acids into the mitochondria where they are transformed into ATP. By delivering a powerful energy source, L-carnitine nourishes the mitochondria themselves. In studies on elderly animals and humans, acetyl-L-carnitine has a rejuvenating effect on mitochondria, helping to revitalize both structure and function.

Coenzyme Q10

If you’ve heard of one nutrient for mitochondrial function it is probably coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10. CoQ10 is often referred to as the spark plug of the cellular engine. This vitamin-like molecule can both give and receive electrons as they pass down the energy assembly line that ultimately creates ATP. Given its key role in electron transport, it is convenient that CoQ10 also acts as a powerful antioxidant, mopping up errant electrons before they can do damage to surrounding tissues.

Whether you feel like your energy dimmer switch is always turned halfway down – or off completely – simple steps and key nutrients can turn up the flow of power by tending to your mitochondria and protect against age-accelerating free radicals.



Vital for Mood, Digestion, and Nerves BY JENNIFER BRIX, ND

Minerals are essential nutrients our bodies need, but they don’t always get their fair share of the limelight because we always associate them with bone health. However, minerals are vital to good health, and it’s high time we give mighty minerals the respect they deserve. Minerals are essential cofactors in hundreds

of processes in the body and include magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium, iodine, potassium, zinc, and other trace elements such as boron, chromium, and copper. Each one is unique, with functions ranging from mood and digestion to metabolism and nerve function. Unlike some vitamins, our bodies can store numerous minerals, but deficiencies can still arise. Interestingly, a major cause of mineral deficiency is the state of the globe’s topsoil.

SUPPLEMENTATION IS NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY, BUT FOR MANY, A MULTIMINERAL (RDAs) TO PREVENT CAN PROVIDE THE RECOMMENDED DIETARY ALLOWANCES (RDA DEFICIENCIES. Vegetarians, vegans, athletes, the elderly, those on medications, and even super clean eaters have greater risks of mineral deficiencies because different factors dramatically impact our bodies’ ability to absorb minerals from food or supplements. Nuts, seeds, and legumes can contain high-phytic acid levels that block iron, zinc, and calcium absorption. Antacid and blood pressure-lowering medications prevent optimal absorption of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, whereas stress can drain magnesium from the body. Exercise depletes calcium, potassium, and zinc, while iodine which is vital for thyroid function, has been low in vegans and clean eaters who limit salt intake. When choosing a mineral replacement, liquid and ionized forms are preferred to enhance absorption and bioavailability. Select supplements that are naturally sourced, rather than synthetically manufactured, and gentle on the stomach. Moreover, supplements that contain RDAs are more convenient as they only require one dose per day. Whole Earth & Sea® Deep Ocean Minerals is a liquid supplement that provides these benefits. It is a 100% natural and sustainable product harvested from deep ocean water 662 metres in-depth in a pristine coastal water nature reserve in British Columbia. Containing over 70 essential minerals and trace elements, this “liquid gold” gives structure to our organs, tissues, and bones as well as helps maintain fluid balance, pH balance, and membrane permeability. It is an environmentally friendly product and rigorously tested for contaminants to ensure that it is free of heavy metals, pesticide and herbicide residues, and GMOs. Making smart food choices and taking a good supplement will prevent mineral deficiencies and undesirable symptoms, but the best part is you can watch with delight when you see your skin glow and your hair shine.



Whether or not we are growing our food, eating only organic, or buying processed fruits and vegetables, the world’s soil lacks the minerals it once had, making it very difficult to get essential nutrients. In conventional farming practices worldwide, nearly half of the topsoil has disappeared in the last 150 years, which affects crop yields, increases erosion, causes dead zones, and ultimately contributes to nutrient depletion. MUCH OF NORTH AMERICA’S CROPLAND HAS LOST HALF OF ITS ORGANIC MATTER! In 2004, the Journal of the American College of Nutrition released a study that compared the nutrient content of crops grown in 1950 with levels in current produce and found DECLINES AS HIGH AS 40%!



I’M SO EXCITED TO SHARE A NEW PRODUCT WITH MY PATIENTS WHO SUFFER FROM INFERTILITY AND PCOS. COMMON SYMPTOMS OF PCOS High levels of androgens (testosterone and androstenedione) Elevated fasting insulin levels Obesity, particularly around the waist Increased facial hair and thinning hair on the head (due to high testosterone) High estrogen and low progesterone Ovarian cysts Irregular menstrual cycles – lack of ovulation

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder that can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, ability to have children, hormones, heart, blood vessels, and even her appearance. PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility. I’m thrilled to recommend all-natural PCOSense™ to my patients.

1 in 10

WOMEN of childbearing age has PCOS, and it can occur in girls as young as 11 years old. Historically, PCOS was believed to be caused entirely by the surplus production of androgens (male hormones), but recent research shows that high insulin levels and insulin resistance are also key instigators. PCOS can also have a genetic component, and often runs in families. Research demonstrates that some

women with PCOS can have lowgrade inflammation. Inflammation caused by a poor diet, environmental toxins, and stress, which can all lead to an excess burden on one of our main detoxification organs – the liver. Some foods help balance blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance. I recommend my patients stay away from prepackaged sugar-laden foods, soda, chips, and crackers, and eat foods that do not cause insulin to rise quickly like whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, fatty fish, and healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, and coconuts. Add lots of organic leafy greens to fight inflammation.

PCOSense is a complete natural health solution for women with PCOS. It is one of the first formulas to combine myoinositol and D-chiro-inositol at a 40:1 ratio, plus folate and vitamin B12. PCOSense supports normal menstruation and fertility, healthy blood sugar balance, and reduced serum testosterone in women with PCOS.

BENEFITS OF PCOSense Aids in the management of hormonal

and metabolic symptoms of PCOS Promotes healthy glucose metabolism and reduces insulin resistance Supports ovarian function, egg quality, and fertility in women with PCOS May support in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes in women with PCOS Supports a regular menstrual cycle and reduces serum testosterone in women with PCOS PCOSense powder easily mixes with water, and is available in natural health stores.


Protect your eyes


Your eyes are fascinating! As the second-most complex human organ, the eye is composed of more than 2 million working parts. Since 80% of our perceptions come through our eyesight, it is understandable that of all the human senses, vision is most researched. Unfortunately, visual impairment is very common and often due to advanced age, refractive errors, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and medical conditions such as diabetes. Thankfully, over 80% of global visual impairment is preventable or treatable. Regular eye health exams, using protective eyewear, and smoking cessation are well-known strategies for eye care. Protecting our eyes against the negative impact of blue light overexposure is also extremely important for eye health promotion.



What is blue light? Blue light is a natural part of sunlight, along with red, orange, yellow, and green light rays. When it comes to blue light, there is good news and not so good news. First, the good news! Blue light plays a very important role in supporting our circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle – its presence signals our bodies to wake up in the morning and its absence signals our bodies to rest at night. In addition, blue light helps improve mood and alertness, along with memory and cognition. Now, the not so good news. Our modern-day activities have increased day and night exposure to many artificial sources of blue light from LED lighting, computers, smartphones, and other digital devices. In fact, North Americans are self-reporting spending an average of nearly 11 hours per day looking at screens that emit blue light!

When it comes to eye health, blue light with a short wavelength between 415 nm and 455 nm can pass through parts of the eye, specifically the cornea and lens to the retina, leading to eye concerns such as dry eyes, cataracts, and AMD. Eye strain, headaches, and fatigue are other reported concerns. In addition, evening exposure to this high-energy blue light can stimulate brain activity, decrease melatonin secretion, and increase adrenocortical hormone production, leading to hormone imbalance and a disrupted sleep-wake cycle.

Protect your eyes from blue light overexposure by following these 3 easy steps!


Consume the best foods for eye health

Research supports the benefits of specific nutrients for eye health such as omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, zinc, copper, and vitamins C and E. Consuming plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables, legumes and fish, food commonly part of a Mediterranean-type diet, can provide many of these nutrients shown to support eye health, and possibly reduce the risk of AMD. Research has shown that computer workers who took omega-3 fatty acids EPA (360 mg) and DHA (240 mg) for three months had significant improvement in dry eye symptoms such as decreased rate of tear evaporation and increased tear secretion. Rich sources of EPA and DHA include cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies, as well as plant-sources such as walnuts, chia, hemp, and pumpkin seeds. Highquality fish oil supplements can also provide beneficial amounts of EPA and DHA to support eye health.


Supplement with lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin

Lutein, and its stereoisomer, zeaxanthin, are carotenoid pigments found naturally in the eyes, concentrated particularly in the macula and retina. Consumption of these carotenoids has been shown to increase macular pigment optical density, thereby improving protection against harmful blue light. Astaxanthin, another well-

known carotenoid, has been shown to support improvement in different eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, AMD, glaucoma, and cataracts. As an added bonus, astaxanthin supports skin health due to its antioxidant and photoprotective effects! While lutein and zeaxanthin are found in foods such as dark leafy greens, carrots, and pumpkin, astaxanthin is found in shrimp, crab, and salmon. Your local health food stores will also offer quality supplements for these nutrients.


Frequent breaks and wear blue light glasses

Taking regular breaks from electronic devices is a must to reduce eyestrain, headaches, and blurry vision. Organizations such as The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommend the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 ft away. In addition to the advantages of wearing sunglasses to protect the eyes from the sun’s UV rays, wearing blue light filtering glasses may also be beneficial while using electronic devices. One study found the use of blue light glasses to be an effective intervention to improve sleep, work engagement, and task performance, while reducing counterproductive work behaviour. Other options for reducing blue light exposure from screens include blue light filters on eyeglasses and blue light filter apps on devices.


BEAUTY for your

WHOLE BODY Total Body Collagen™ features essential nutrients that promote healthy skin, muscles, and connective tissue.

UNIQUE FORMULA FEATURES Verisol® hydrolyzed collagen – A select group of three amino acids which helps increase skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles and facial lines Hyaluronic acid – For joint lubrication and healthier, more supple skin L-tryptophan – For building lean muscle mass PLUS L-glutamine, vitamin C, and biotin


LACK OF SLEEP Risk Factor in ALZHEIMER’S BY KATE RHÉAUME, ND We’ve all felt the effects of a poor night’s sleep. We expect fatigue, but brain fog, slow reflexes, lack of focus, and even memory gaps that follow a night of tossing and turning can be daunting. Driving while tired is just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. Fortunately, we can rest easy knowing that the next good night’s sleep will restore our faculties, but be aware, a consistent lack of sleep quality may significantly affect brain function over the long term. Evidence now points to sleep quality as a predictive factor in the development of dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common form of age-related memory loss. One long-term study followed middle-aged men, who were initially cognitively healthy, for an average of 40 years. It found that participants who reported more sleep disturbances over time had an increased risk of developing dementia later in life. Correlation doesn’t prove causation, however. Changes in sleep-wake cycles are known in people who already have AD. Just because people who sleep poorly are more likely to develop dementia later, doesn’t mean that the lack of sleep has a negative effect on brain health over the long term. Perhaps people predisposed to AD also tend to sleep poorly. However, shorter-term studies suggest a causative connection between inadequate sleep and cognitive health. One study revealed that just a single night of experimentally interrupted sleep in young men resulted in higher tau levels, a brain

protein marker for Alzheimer’s disease.

Stages of slumber Sleep is a dynamic process. We pass through several different stages and phases throughout the night, each characterized by distinct electrical activity patterns in the brain. Early in the night, we tend to spend more time in deep, non-dreaming sleep. It is specifically a lack of, or interruption in, this type of so-called slow-wave sleep (SWS) linked to problems with long-term brain health. A 2019 study showed that seniors who spent less time in this type of sleep developed higher levels of abnormal brain proteins linked to AD. One reason a lack of deep sleep might predispose someone to dementia is because that specific period of rest is when the brain eliminates toxic by-products as part of normal metabolism. Accumulating cellular junk that is not removed regularly can be a source of free radicals and inflammatory compounds that interfere with neurons’ optimal functioning.

Nightly cerebral housekeeping that occurs primarily during deep sleep is key to brain health maintenance. To complicate matters, since older people tend to sleep less and more lightly, the chicken-and-egg principle is likely at play here in the later decades of life.

Better sleep now Increasing the time spent in slow wave sleep (SWS) may one day be a therapeutic target for preventing or managing Alzheimer’s. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for a new drug or gadget to get you there. Physical exercise and socializing lengthen the time spent in the deepest sleep stages. Supplemental magnesium increases SWS in people 60–80 years old. There’s more to learn about the impact of sleep on cognitive function. Regular good rest may be critical for preserving mental sharpness with age. We all experience the occasional bad night, but if lack of sleep is a regular occurrence for you, it is worth taking steps to improve your sleep quality. Your brain will thank you.


SCIENTIFIC GUEST EDITORIAL Michael T. Murray, ND is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. Dr. Murray has written over 30 books promoting health, including the best-selling Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. For more information, go to DoctorMurray.com

QUERCETIN NATURE’S ANSWER FOR PROTECTION AGAINST VIRAL INFECTIONS INTRODUCTION As scientists around the globe search for ways to address the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19, there is a high level of excitement for numerous natural products that might offer some benefit. One in particular is quercetin, a plant pigment in the flavonoid family. Available as a dietary supplement, quercetin is also found in many fruits, especially citrus, apples, and berries; green leafy vegetables; seeds and nuts; green tea and other medicinal plants; dark chocolate; and red wine. What are the health benefits of quercetin? Quercetin exerts significant health benefits as an important dietary antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. These effects are critical in protecting cells that line the surfaces of the body and blood vessels. This benefit is important for respiratory tract health, especially for the health of the small sac-like alveoli in the lungs where oxygen is transferred into the blood. The alveoli are lined by a single layer of specialized cells that quercetin has long been known to protect. Most recent scientific investigations on quercetin have focused on its potential to fight infection by boosting immune function, as well as exerting some antiviral effects. Quercetin can enhance white blood cell activity and help mobilize these cells to areas of infection. 38 2


Most recent scientific investigations on quercetin have focused on its potential to fight infection by boosting immune function, as well as exerting some antiviral effects.

In regard to direct antiviral action in human cell cultures, quercetin has been shown to block the infectivity of a variety of viruses by inhibiting multiple processes in the virus life cycle. A human clinical trial in athletes suggested these effects translate to quercetin reducing upper respiratory viral infections. In the study, 40 trained male cyclists were given either quercetin or a placebo daily for three weeks. As in other studies, quercetin

improved physical performance (by 57%). This was expected, but the unexpected finding was that it also reduced upper respiratory tract congestion and other symptoms. In fact, only one of the 20 cyclists given quercetin developed cold symptoms, while nine of 20 in the placebo group displayed respiratory tract symptoms.

replication of SARS‐CoV‐2. It exerts multiple sites of inhibition of the virus.

Quercetin and COVID-19

How to get the best results with quercetin

For several reasons, quercetin became a candidate as a true supportive to COVID-19. Initially, many nutritionally oriented physicians began recommending quercetin for its ability to possibly enhance the antiviral effects of the ionic form zinc. When zinc is unbound to other molecules, that is, when it is in a free ionic state, it exerts significant action in blocking viruses from replicating by inhibiting an enzyme produced by the virus known as replicase. This enzyme is what a virus uses in order to replicate itself within human cells. Quercetin is known to act in creating a channel, known as an ionophore, which allows free ionic zinc to enter the infected cell and block viral replication. Quercetin is also complementary to vitamin C.

These preliminary findings need to be tested in clinical studies. There are currently three clinical trials underway monitoring patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Unfortunately, there are no current studies using quercetin as a preventive measure.

Regular quercetin is not absorbed very well. Fortunately, there are specialized forms of quercetin that show enhanced absorption. For example, one popular form creates “micellar” quercetin. In this form, quercetin is encased in fatty acids to form a protected inner compartment. The micellar quercetin is more soluble and up to 10 times better absorbed than regular quercetin. The dosage recommendation as part of a nutritional supplement program to support immune function for this form is 250 mg once or twice daily.

The science on quercetin’s anti-coronaviral activity has evolved further showing additional specific actions useful against SARS-CoV-2.

The micellar quercetin is more soluble and up to 10 times better absorbed than regular quercetin.

One of the key aspects of the infectivity of SARS‐CoV‐2 is the presence of specialized proteins on the spikes, found on its surface, that allow it to bind to and then penetrate host cells to cause infection. Quercetin exerts significant inhibition on the binding of specific spike proteins in docking to human cells. Quercetin has also been shown to directly neutralize viral proteins that are critical in the

Quercetin is very safe, and no side effects have been reported. However, quercetin may increase the absorption of some drugs, including chemotherapy agents and high blood pressure medications. If you are taking any drugs in these classes, use the lower dosage of 250 mg once daily.



Sleep is absolutely essential for both body and mind Tossing and turning all night can impact your immune system. Infection-fighting cells and antibodies are reduced during periods when you don’t get enough sleep. Tranquil Sleep combines L-theanine with melatonin and 5-HTP. These ingredients exert a gentle, yet powerfully synergistic effect to calm nervousness and promote restful, deeper sleep. Tranquil Sleep helps you fall asleep more quickly, and wake up refreshed to support whole body health.

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Hippocrates first recognized the importance of gut health and disease, and over the years, a small group of physicians and scientists have held this belief. Recently, this innate wisdom of the past is now the main area of interest in clinical research.

The gut is host to an immense population of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. When healthy, these little critters comprising the microbiome are vital to maintaining immune function, preserving the gut lining integrity, controlling pathogenic bacteria, preventing allergic reactions, and keeping our brains healthy as well as preventing neurological disorders. Once established, microbial communities are relatively resistant to change. However, factors such as stress, inflammation, diets high in refined sugars, chronic constipation, and overuse of antibiotics can cause modifications to the microbial balance, commonly referred to as dysbiosis.

Candidiasis is a fungal dysbiosis widely caused by the yeast Candida albicans.


Candida lives on the skin, mouth, throat, gut, and vagina without causing any problems. Candidiasis, however, can cause many different symptoms, depending on the site of infection including: bladder infections, thrush, skin rash, vaginal yeast infection, disorders of the immune and endocrine systems, mood swings, depression, fatigue, gas and bloating,

constipation/diarrhea, bad breath, difficulty concentrating, nasal congestion, and an overall sense of feeling unwell. Most people today have some degree of candida overgrowth. In my clinical practice years ago, I would recommend a modified candida cleanse for my patients because I found that many of their health concerns would immediately improve.

SUGGESTIONS FOR A MODIFIED DIET FOODS TO AVOID:  Sugars of all types and foods that contain refined or simple sugars  Yeasted bread, pastries, and other baked goods (alternatives include corn tortillas and burritos, unyeasted crackers or rice cakes, sprouted breads, and yeast-free and sugar-free breads) FOODS TO BE EATEN CAUTIOUSLY:  Fruits (no more than two daily)  Cereals and other whole grain products (ensure they are yeast free and sugar free)  High-carbohydrate vegetables (e.g., squash, potatoes, carrots, and beets)  Cheese (small amounts, 2–3 times per week)  Alcoholic beverages in moderation – avoid beers (yeasted) FOODS THAT CAN BE EATEN FREELY:  Fresh, unprocessed meats, poultry, and fish  Eggs  Raw nuts (except peanuts and cashews) and seeds  Flaxseed and olive oil  Green leafy vegetables  Butter and yogurt This modified candida diet is recommended for about six weeks, and most people are able to follow it much more easily than severe restrictions for shorter periods.



The primary goal of a candida cleanse is to restore the microbiome’s balance by reducing food which encourage the growth of harmful microorganisms, then using antimicrobial supplements to kill off the harmful bacteria, and then restoring beneficial microflora with probiotics.

CANDIDIASIS TREATMENT OPTIONS Garlic has been used as an antimicrobial agent for thousands of years, and provides antifungal effects. Curcumin, the yellow pigment isolated from the turmeric has antifungal activities against various kinds of fungi such as candida species. Other effective antimicrobial agents include grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, and olive leaf extract. Peppermint oil has been used for centuries as a remedy for nausea, indigestion, abdominal bloating, and can help with many of the unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms causes by candidiasis. Probiotics such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the intestines inhibit the growth of unfriendly organisms by producing antimicrobial factors. These bacteria are found in foods such as yogurt, miso, kefir, sauerkraut, and fermented juices. These foods, as well as probiotic supplements will provide greater colonization of the friendly bacteria. Daily use of probiotics is suggested while following the dysbiosis cleansing protocols, and regular use thereafter. If you eat foods that are high in friendly bacteria, then you do not need to take a daily supplement, though you may wish to use one at least two days per week to maintain adequate levels of the friendly microbes. One of the first doctors investigating the many different health problems caused by candida was Dr. William Crook. In 1982, he introduced the concept of candida, revealing a much wider range of health problems than was recognized by the medical establishment. He knew this theory would be slow to gain acceptance, if ever. Despite the criticism and occasional ridicule, his research and positive public response led him to write the book The Yeast Connection that has become a classic for people suffering from candida-related problems. Today, candidiasis, such as thrust, vaginal yeast infection, or diaper rash, is still very seldom acknowledged in western medicine. And yet, over my 30 years in clinical practice, I found that the modified candida cleanse helped my patients achieve excellent health and overall well-being both physically and emotionally. For more information and tips for assessment and treatment for dysbiosis, please refer to my book, Three Brains: How the Heart, Brain, and Gut Influence Mental Health and Identity, which is available in some health stores or Amazon.ca


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Forest floor is vital for immunity BY MARITA SCHAUCH, ND

As a nature lover, I know the benefits of getting outdoors. I can feel my whole body exhale, and my worries seem to melt away when I immerse myself in the trees, fresh air, and blue sky. I know all too well that “cooped up” feeling when I haven’t had any vital fresh air in a few days. More and more scientific research is beginning to understand the benefits of nature on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We’ve discovered that being in nature reduces anxiety, eliminates depression, and lowers blood pressure, but now there is research that shows how being outdoors boosts your immunity. In a recent study out of Finland, research showed that interacting with the forest floor changed children’s immune systems for the better.


THE STUDY Researchers undertook a 28-day experiment in 10 different urban daycare facilities. The study comprised of three groups of 75 children aged 3–5. In the first group, the daycare facilities were set in a natural environment and took children on daily outings into nature. The second group updated their play yards with a real forest environment. They rolled out grass and grew plants commonly found in a forest floor’s undergrowth, such as blueberries, dwarf heather, and mosses. They also allowed children to get their hands dirty by giving them access to green materials and encouraging them to care for plants


in planter boxes. As for the third group, they operated with standard gravel or pavement yard throughout the study.

THE RESULTS In one month, the children exposed to green materials (groups 1 and 2) had healthier gut and skin microbe diversity. They also had higher T-cell and other immunity markers in their blood than before the study, compared to the children in urban daycares with standard pavement yards. “The results of this study support the biodiversity hypothesis and the concept that lower biodiversity in a modern living environment may

lead to an uneducated immune system and consequently increase the prevalence of immune-mediated diseases,” the researchers concluded.


While prior research had showed a link between exposure to greenspace and better immunity, it was still not yet shown to be a causal factor until this study.

Children in urban environments tend to have higher rates of asthma and allergies than those who live in rural areas. While air pollution could also be a factor, this study points directly to lower biodiversity as the potential cause.

While the study will need to be replicated on a larger scale, it confirms the impact of low-biodiversity environments on the immune system’s urban areas.

“It would be best if children could play in puddles and dig in organic soil.” – Ecologist Aki Sinkkonen (University of Helsinki)

WAYS YOU CAN BOOST YOUR CHILD’S IMMUNITY LET THEM GET DIRTY Exposure to the earth’s soil microbiome greatly impacts the microbiome diversity on your child’s skin and in their gut, and positively affects their immunity. Get children involved in the garden or let them dig around in the dirt and moss in the woods. There’s a reason kids are always naturally drawn to the earth, mud, and muck. Clothes can always be washed. Make sure the outdoor space you’re letting your children play in is not sprayed with chemicals or pesticides. Some states have adopted laws to warn residents about the safety of lawns or turfs, as well as when and where pesticides and herbicides have been sprayed. Ask local leaders. If you live in an urban environment, create a kitchen herb garden or several organic flower boxes, and let your children dig and grow their flowers and herbs.

VISIT NATURE A 5x MINIMUM OF FIVE TIMES PER WEEK As stated in this study, exposure to green materials at least five times a week was beneficial. Whether this is a visit to the woods, a local park, or your backyard, encourage outdoor time in greenery. This can be a fun thing to do as a family and boost immunity together!

FEED CHILDREN AN IMMUNE-BOOSTING DIET Whole, organically grown foods with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables is always the way to go. Cutting down on inflammatory foods such as refined sugar, white flour, and ice cream help keep immune function strong as well as adding probiotic foods, such as miso soup or kombucha, to your child’s diet.

SUPPLEMENTS TO SUPPORT HEALTHY IMMUNITY Adding a vitamin D supplement goes a long way to support a healthy immune system and maintain energy levels in the darker winter months.

Make sure your children also get plenty of vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants for the immune system.

ENCOURAGE GOOD SLEEP HABITS Getting the right amount of sleep is essential for immune health, but even more important for your child’s growing body. To prepare your child, create a regular schedule, and stick to it. Two hours before bedtime, unplug from electronic devices, draw a warm bath, tuck your children in bed and read them stories. Create a nightly ritual together to ensure peaceful rest for your little ones (and you!). As a woman who loves the great outdoors, I hope that this study encourages you and your family to spend more time connecting with nature. We are still seeking the scientific understanding of nature’s vast benefits, but you can feel the benefits beyond reason or understanding when you spend time outside. Human beings are not separate from nature, we are a part of it, and science is finally catching on.


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&Ins mniac Up at night, sleepy all day – that’s not good for anybody, including bees and other flying insects. British scientists have discovered that neonicotinoids, a particular class of pesticide, are wreaking havoc with the bees’ body clocks. Cellular changes caused by pesticides make it hard for flying insects to tell day from night. Specifically, the chemical makes bees reluctant to forage during the day and more prone to making their rounds at night. Of course, at night, flowers are not open, so bees cannot harvest pollen. This is terrible news, given that 90% of wild plants and 75% of the world’s leading crops depend on animal pollination – mainly bees. We owe one out of every three bites of food we eat to honey bees. In the United States alone, bees increase crop values by more than $15 billion each year.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SUPPORT THE BEES? Ensure the people you vote into office support the ban of dangerous chemicals. Stop using weed killer on your grass. Let dandelions and clover grow in your yard. Stop using and supporting pesticides and herbicides. Buy organic when possible. Get to know your local farmer and buy CSAs (community supported agriculture). Shop at natural health stores who support local produce. Plant bee-friendly flowers and herbs, such as lavender, borage, and poppies.

Place a large jar lid or a shallow For a long time, we’ve known that bee container in your garden and populations are threatened by habitat loss, keep it filled with water so the climate change, and disease. We’ve also bees have a place to re-hydrate. learned that certain pesticides are lethal to Add a few tiny twigs or a few the bee population. But this new research rocks, so the bees have shows us how neonicotinoids pose a place to land in the The next a dangerous threat to bees. container. time you bite into Besides interfering with the a delicious, juicy piece bees’ circadian rhythm, of fresh fruit, remember the research also discovered these tiny creatures and how that these pesticides can hard they work for your health damage baby bees’ brains and enjoyment, and please and make their mothers poor consider all the things caregivers. you can do to help them survive.


You’re Not Alone! BY KAREN JENSEN, ND

Conception Protocol for Women and Men You and your partner have decided that it is time to start a family; however, you may experience difficulty becoming pregnant like many other couples today. Recent medical studies report an alarming trend: fertility rates in women and men in the United States and Canada are declining. At least one in eight couples encounter fertility challenges, and approximately 15% cannot conceive after one year, and 33% are turning to fertility treatments. What’s affecting fertility? Is it something we are eating or not eating? Is it our toxic environment? What forces are challenging our fertility, and how can we fight back? Perhaps the most basic measure of a civilization is reproducing successfully to meet future demands. Although reproduction is fundamental to civilization’s future, it is also the factor that makes it most vulnerable. The reproductive system, the growing fetus, and the infant are susceptible to disruptions, whether from lack of nutrients or the everincreasing exposure to toxins in our food and environment. Sometimes, infertility affects one partner, or a network of predisposing factors can hinder fertility. For women, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the major causes of infertility and several other factors such as endometriosis, and thyroid and ovulation disorders. They have also found vaginal lubricants to affect sperm motility negatively. The most common cause for men is sperm quality, quantity, and motility. Abnormal semen is responsible for about 75% of all male infertility cases. Determining the cause of infertility is difficult, and sometimes there may not be detectable physiological causation. The bottom line: sperm counts for men in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand have declined by 2 48


over 50% in the last four decades. A good deal of research has focused on exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), like Bisphenol A, industrial chemicals, electromagnetic frequencies, heavy metals, and pollution. Other research has pointed toward changes in our modern lifestyle, including decreased physical activity, increasing body mass indexes, and less healthy diets. No matter what the causes, the trend is alarming.

Conception support Supplements Omega-3s (EPA and DHA) directly impact improved sperm motility, concentration, and structure. Studies show that the rate of successful pregnancies in previously infertile couples increased by 40% when the level of omega-3 fatty acids were normal.

For women, studies show that omega-3 fatty acids lower the risk of premature birth, and taken during breastfeeding may facilitate the child’s brain development. WomenSense® EstroSense® is a formula that helps maintain healthy hormone levels by targeting estrogen metabolism. EstroSense helps women who are experiencing estrogen-dominant symptoms such as irregular menstruation, no menstruation, PMS, or heavy periods. It is also beneficial for men experiencing an imbalance of estrogen to testosterone, where they are converting more testosterone to estrogen. Vitamin D has a positive effect on sperm motility and normal sperm structure. Vitamin D is also an emerging factor influencing female fertility and in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes. L-carnitine has been found to improve fertility in women and improve sperm motility in men.

Additional nutritional support for women Folic acid is an essential vitamin in pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects. Studies have shown that infertile women are deficient in folic acid (folate or vitamin B9), and that supplementation has been shown to reverse infertility. Women’s Multi Probiotic supports imbalances in the vagina’s microflora. Changes in microflora have been linked to reproductive failure and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm labour, miscarriage, and spontaneous preterm birth.

Additional nutritional support for men Zinc picolinate increases sperm counts and motility. Studies show an increase

of 74% in total normal sperm count in previously subfertile men taking 66 mg of zinc on a daily basis, particularly when folic acid (5000 mcg daily) is added to the supplementation. Vitamin C enhances sperm counts and motility, and in combination with vitamin E improved pregnancy rate by 100%. Vitamin E enhances sperm binding to egg and improved the pregnancy rate by 21%. The emotional, physical, and financial burden on couples who experience infertility are devastating, but there are many things a couple can do to improve their chances of conception. For more detailed information on causes, testing, and infertility treatment, please refer to Dr. Jensen’s book Women’s Health Matters: The Influence of Gender on Disease.

Avoid common food allergens – An overactive immune system is more likely to

Tips for women and men

to increase fertility

attack its own body cells, and the link between food intolerances and anti-sperm antibodies is well established. The two most widely spread food intolerances are gluten and dairy.

Limit hot baths, hot tubs, and saunas – While hot baths and saunas have a myriad of health benefits, the heat can take a toll on sperm. In one three-year study, five of 11 men who stopped taking hot baths were able to raise their sperm count by nearly 500%.

Minimize electromagnetic radiation exposure – Avoid carrying cellphones on your body or in your pocket, and using laptops or tablets on your lap.

Get checked for sexually transmitted disease (STDs) – You may not be aware you have an STD as there are no obvious symptoms for some of them. One example is chlamydia, which is very common. In men, chlamydia leads to sperm abnormalities, and in women, it can lead to scarring and blocked fallopian tubes and miscarriage. Avoid smoking and minimize alcohol intake – According to some experts, even moderate consumption (1–2 glasses of wine per week) can increase prolactin and suppress ovulation. Nicotine appears toxic to sperm, and thus, smoking can interfere with fertility.

Stay active – Reports suggest that women who stay active are able to conceive more readily than those who do not.

Eat organic foods – Whenever possible, eat organic foods and follow a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet. Try to reduce stress! – Stress hormones can cause imbalances in many of the reproductive hormones involved in fertility including FSH and LH, decreased progesterone and testosterone, and elevated or decreased estrogen.

Use clean body care products and avoid harmful chemicals – Using clean body care will minimize exposure to EDCs.


When I was growing up, my mom mostly used a cast iron frying pan because that is what her mother had done.




The science of seasoning

I passively absorbed how to use and treat a cast iron pan and never thought much of it. For the first few years out on my own, frequently moving as students do, I was not in a rush to buy bulky cookware. I went through a few cheap, lightweight, non-stick frying pans, which inevitably peeled. As my interest in natural medicine developed, and I learned more about the toxicity of the chemicals used in non-stick coatings, acquiring safe, non-toxic cookware quickly became a top priority. After investigating a confusing array of options, I settled on a good old cast iron. After all, when in doubt about the healthy choice, do what grandma did. Over the years, I have had several guests to my kitchen comment on my pan with some fascination. “Oooh, you use cast iron, huh? Cool!” And I kept hearing, “Aren’t those pans fussy?” (False) Or, somewhat horrified, “I’ve heard you don’t use soap on those!” (True, mostly) If you are the least bit cast iron curious, here’s some advice on using the pan hiding in your basement, or you might feel confident investing in a brand new one.

my surprise, my thoughtful relative did not ruin my pan! If your pan gets rusty, you can quickly fix it. Seasoning is not As most people have heard, a wellsomething that happens once and stays handled cast iron pan develops on forever. For post-cooking cleanup a protective, non-stick coating, of many dishes, like omelets, grilled somewhat confusingly referred to as cheese, and pancakes, a simple wipe “seasoning.” The coating has nothing with a paper towel will suffice and leave to do with salt or spices, though. the pan perfectly seasoned. Dishes Instead, it is a thin layer of that contain acid, such as polymerized (bonded) tomato sauce or wine, will fat, which seals the remove the seasoning. CAST IRON IS porous iron surface. Scrambled eggs also stick, Soap breaks down that FORGIVING. so the pan will need to be fatty layer, which is why re-seasoned after cleaning it is a cast iron no-no. with very hot water and a nylon A well-meaning relative once gave brush to remove stuck-on bits. my excellent pan a thorough scouring How do you season, or re-season, with hot soap and water when I was a pan? Heat it on the stovetop over not home. They also left it to dry, medium-high heat. When the pan is squeaky clean, with no oil to protect hot, apply a thin layer of oil or fat, just the cooking surface, which promptly enough to coat the surface. Too much rusted. I was not happy. But, much to 50


oil will make the pan sticky. Lard is traditional and works well, but any oil will do. Butter contains proteins that can burn or give the pan an off-taste. Allow the pan to cool completely after oiling, then store. Think of re-seasoning, when required, as part of kitchen cleanup.

Iron, lady

One of the hard-and-fast cast iron rules is to never soak in water and never put it away without oiling (seasoning) it. Make sure the pan is hot before you put food in it to prevent sticking. Don’t be intimidated by cast iron. There are very few things now that you will own for a lifetime, but your cast iron pan is one of them, and the best part is, that it will keep getting better with age.




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