The Yellow Jacket

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The Yellow Jacket Autumn '13

Proudly produced by WVSU students in an on-going learning lab.

Issue Three

Yellow Jacket Staff Editor-in-Chief Bianca Prince is the editor-in-chief of The Yellow Jacket. She is seeking a major in English as well as minors in Journalism and Technical Writing. Additionally, she is an editor for the Kanawha Review and president of the English Club. She is an avid animal lover and photographer.

Assistant Editor Jessica Clark is the assistant editor of The Yellow Jacket. She is seeking a degree in English with a minor in Spanish. With her degree, she hopes to teach English as a second language. Jessica is also a member of the English Club and an editor for the Kanawha Review.

Staff Writers Marta Tankersley, named WVSU Journalism Student of the Year 2013, is a junior communications major. She writes for the Charleston Gazette, WV Executive Magazine and works with PRSSA and Tower Communications. Marta is engaged to WVSU graduate CR Hays.

Michael Snead is an Art History and History major who started as a Regents student before deciding to go for a double major. He is a member of the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society and president of the Pinnacle Honor Society.

Jason Robinson is a communications major entering his sophomore year. He also has an interest in pre-law and the legal profession. He won “The Best Defensive Attorney Award” at the West Virginia University School of Law Summer Institute. Jesse Jenkins is a senior communications major with a focus on business and advertising. When he is not at school, he works full-time as a manager at Books-AMillion. In his spare time he enjoys reading, making films, and watching them. Bobbie Spry is a communications major with a minor in English. She is the president of the National Broadcasting Society, member of Pinnacle, Alpha Epsilon Rho, and Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Societies. Next to her family, WVSU is the most important thing in her life.

Lena Lambert is a sophomore here at West Virginia State University majoring in Social Work. She lives in Nitro with her husband and 3 sons. She is involved with the Social Work Organization, and is looking forward to her first year with the Yellow Jacket. Rose Taylor is an English Professional Writing major and a native of West Virginia hailing from Roane County. She is a junior and this is her first semester writing for the Yellow Jacket. Cody Cummings is a communications major with an avid interest in video games. He hopes to work in video game production after graduation. Tabatha Paluso is a senior professional writing major. She is a member of the GSA and English Club. She hopes to graduate in May and go on to get her MA in Journalism at UCSB.

The Yellow Jacket is published by West Virginia State University students throughout the fall and spring semesters as part of an on-going learning lab. Approximately eight issues are published throughout each individual semester. Issues are published bi-monthly. Free copies are distributed on the West Virginia State University campus. The Yellow Jacket is dedicated to being a trusted source of news, entertainment and discussion for the students of West Virginia State University. © 2013 Yellow Jacket. Content may not be reproduced without permission. Faculty advisor: Dr. Jessica Barnes Pietruszynski.


West Virginia State University Participates in the Greater Charleston Heart Walk by Lena Lambert

On Saturday, September 7, over 1,000 people participated in the Annual Heart Walk in downtown Charleston. Approximately 20 West Virginia State University students, staff, faculty and alumni were among the participants. When asked if he was pleased with the turnout, WVSU Student Activities Program Coordinator Christopher Jackson said that at first he was not. Jackson said that WVSU actually had numerous people sign up for the Heart Walk, and he soon realized that many of them walked with other groups. So while they didn’t walk with the WVSU team, they were still there participating in the Heart Walk. Jackson said that the event was overall a learning experience, and with it they learned how to do things differently in hopes to get better student involvement for next year. Jackson said that students were not required to pay a fee to walk but participants were given the option to donate if they wanted to do so. “To show support for the cause. Every family is affected in some form by heart disease,” Jackson said when asked why it was important for WVSU to be involved in this event. He said

this was the same reason why it was important for the students. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of all Americans. According to the Heart Walk website, “Heart disease also kills more women than all forms of cancer combined.” Given that West Virginia ranks as one of the states with the highest obesity rates, many students here in this state may be concerned with this disease. Whether you’re male or female, young or old, this disease can reach anyone. So, what can you do? Make plans to participate next year. Talk to your friends and encourage them to walk with you. Share your story of your grandmother, your uncle, or

even your friend who has had heart issues. Learn the risk factors involved with heart disease, and make sure your family and friends knows them. Lead by example. If you’re not living as healthy as you could, do something about it. Move. Skip those parking spaces up front, and park at the back of the lot. Walking is great exercise, and why not get some in while you’re on the way to class? Eat healthy. Skip the candy bar and chips, and grab that apple. Visit the Health Center here on campus and ask the WVSU Medical Staff any questions that you may have concerning your health. Come on WVSU, let’s get heart healthy!

The WVSU team poses for a picture before the walk. Photo Credit | WVSU Facebook


Interview with WVSU English Professor, Book Editor by Jessica Clark

“Fed from the Blade: Tales and Poems from the Mountains” is an anthology edited by Cathy Pleska, one of West Virginia State University’s own English professors. The book consists of both poetry and short stories from 28 of our wonderful local authors. The theme is centralized around the mountain state and everything it entails. “Fed from the Blade” was nominated for the Appalachian Book of the Year Awards by Appalachian Writers Association 2012. We talked to Pleska and asked her about the anthology and what inspires her. Yellow Jacket: How did you first become involved with "Fed from the Blade"? Cathy Pleska: I was president of West Virginia Writers, a state-wide nonprofit dedicated to writers and writing. I was approached by Michael Knost about editing an anthology representing the work of West Virginia Writers members. I hesitated a few months because as the president selecting members’ work, I felt it constituted a conflict of interest. Finally, I said yes, provided I made the selections with no names attached to the work. I received 170 entries, from which I chose 28 pieces. Woodland Press, an independent press in Logan, WV, published it last October. The sales have been quite good. It’s a collection of tales and poems from the mountains. YJ: Are you currently working on any other projects? If so, could you tell us a little about them? CP: I just sent a collection of my radio essays, with introductions, to West Virginia University Press. The working title is: Radio Active: essays aired on West Virginia Public Radio. Fingers crossed they’ll accept it for publication. I’ve been invited to write more essays for public radio, so I hope to record new ones soon. I am now president of an independent, nonprofit press, Mountain State Press. It’s been around for 35 years. I am revisioning it and hope to work to make it more prominent and successful. I have at least four other books in mind I want to write. Lots of ideas, just

not a lot of time. YJ: Would you ever consider making writing/editing a full time career? CP: An editing career means a tremendous amount of work and tight deadlines. If you thrive on that, then I suggest you go for it. Money is greater for editing, and if you establish good working relationships with people/companies who need edited work, you’ll do well. Writing as a career means you don’t make as much money, which is why people often combine to two. While writing is what I love to do best, I am a thoughtful writer and it takes me a long time to be happy with the work. Therefore, I’m not making that much money from writing; however, as you build a reputation as a writer (and editor) you get calls for teaching writing workshops. If you publish books, you could possibly be invited to be a writer in residence at different schools and national workshops. I have been invited to teach writing workshops regionally. I don’t personally know anyone who is rich from writing and I know dozens of published writers. Exceptions exist, of course. Do what you love and the money will indeed follow; just don’t expect to be Stephen King rich, but you can, if you start early, make a decent living, sometimes, a good one. And don’t quit the day job, in my case, teaching.

5 front of me, mostly jean-clad, except for one pair of varicose vein-covered legs, legs that blundered down to old lady shoes. Then I heard the mayor announce: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our first lady of literature—Pearl Buck!” There I was—directly under a Nobel and Pulitzer prizewinning author. I knew her book, The Good Earth. Given the varicose veins, I think it sank into my psyche that authors must be real; ergo, maybe I could become one someday. YJ: Was there anything that you found particularly challenging about this project?

Pleska often does local book signings. Photo Credit | Pleska

YJ: What/who first inspired you to become a writer? CP: I was a veracious reader all my life. My mother read to me as a child and that began the love for writing. But going through school, I’d never seen an author, so they were kind of ethereal to me. Where they real? I wasn’t sure what one would look like. I was around 12 and at a parade in Marlinton, WV. It was raining, and I was short enough to slip under the bleachers lining Main Street. I was watching the legs dangling down in

CP: Well, as I mentioned earlier, choosing the pieces anonymously for Fed from the Blade, but also the challenge was the diversity of the works. How do you choose fiction, nonfiction, and poetry and get it all to balance and blend in one collection? As I read through the pieces, I began to notice some had the same tone. An edgy sort of tone, regardless of the genre. Even the funnier ones. So I chose them based on that “feeling.” I think the pieces work together well. Two more challenges were choosing the title and the book cover. Finally, I heard poet Sherell Wigal recite one of her poems, “I am the Daughter.” A line in that poem provided the title, “One aged man, who sliced green apples with a pocket knife, fed me from the blade, and left before I learned his tunes.” It was tweaked to fed from the blade. I looked for a long time for cover art, but finally, I grabbed up my father’s knife (I had inherited), an antique bowl and bought green apples and took the photo myself. The book was born.

Construction Fencing Goes Prillerman and Gore Halls



by Bianca Prince

The first signs of construction on the new dormitory were seen on September 6 when construction fencing was placed around Prillerman and Gore Halls. The bright yellow fencing expands the east and west lengths of both former dormitories, to the south end of Gore Hall and the

north end of Prillerman Hall. The sidewalk between the two buildings is also closed during construction. Students are advised to take extra time to get to their classes as these sidewalk closures may cause disruptions in their commutes to class or work.


Veteran Spotlight: Justin Wilcox Justin Wilcox served in the Marine Corps from July 1999 to September 2003. While in the Marines, Justin was deployed to many places around the world. He has been to Africa, Greece, Saudi Arabia, and Spain, just to name a few. He also served as a combat engineer during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. During his time in service, Justin received many honors and medals, including the Purple Heart, the Presidential Unit Citation and the Iraq Campaign Medal. After leaving the military,

by Jessica Fisher

Justin came to WVSU to earn his degree. He is an Education major with an emphasis in physical education. He will begin his student teaching next semester and will graduate in May 2014. Justin is married to his wife of eight years, Lynsi. Together they have two children: daughter Colleen, 7, and son Canden, 3. When not busy with the demands of school, Justin enjoys camping, running, and obstacle courses, such as “Warrior Dash” and “Tough Mudder.”

Photo Credit | Jessica Fisher

Center Assists Student Veterans

by Jessica Fisher

The transition from military life to higher education can be an overwhelming experience. The loss of friendships, purpose, identity, and structure of military life can be disorienting for those transitioning. On top of that, student veterans typically feel isolated because they find it difficult relating to their classmates and adjusting to campus culture because of the very different life experiences they have had. Despite these obstacles, studies conducted by the Veterans Administration have shown that when adequate support services are in place, student veterans

ted to providing this support and ensuring all of our military students succeeds. The center is here to assist our military veterans make a successful transition to University life, navigate various processes, and provide a welcoming space where veterans can meet and talk with one another. Also, last spring a Student Veterans of America chapter was started here at WVSU to help our student vets feel more engaged in student life. The Center is located in Sullivan Hall, room 333. Please do not hesitate to stop by or call 304-766-3290.

tend have higher GPAs and retention rates than other students. West Virginia State University is committed to providing an environment in which our military students and veterans can thrive while pursuing their education and career goals. We have established the Military Student Services Center which is a stand-alone office to assist current and prospective students make a successful transition to University life, navigate various processes, and provide a welcoming space for our veterans and military students. The Military Student Services Center here at WVSU is commit-


Student Creates “Storytelling Experience” by Bianca Prince

Skeen Theater hosted “The Jacket: A Storytelling Experience” on September 26. The event brought out talented West Virginia State University poets and story crafters who shared their works. The Yellow Jacket sat down with creator Scotty White and asked him about the event. Yellow Jacket: What inspired you to create this event? Scotty White: I am inspired by this national event called The Moth, which is a storytelling in a poetry slam format. YJ: What was the response like from both students and staff? SW: I've gotten a positive

WVSU Hosts West Virginia Constitution Presentation by Bianca Prince

West Virginia University College of Law Professor Robert M. Bastress hosted an event titled “The Making of the West Virginia Constitutions: 1861-1872” in honor of Constitution Day on September 17. Bastress discussed the secession of West Virginia from Virginia in 1863 and also the events leading up to it, including the framing of the state’s constitution in the years leading up to its secession. Bastress authored “The West Virginia State Constitution.” The book analyzes our state’s

constitution through the years. Bastress also teaches classes in constitutional and West Virginia constitutional law at WVU, a press release by WVSU said. “I think the late U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd would smile on us for combining West Virginia constitutional history with Constitution Day,” History program coordinator Dr. Billy Joe Peyton said of the event. The event was held in the Wilson University Union and was free to attend. The public was encouraged to participate.

response from students, staff and faculty. It's an exciting event to have. YJ: What is the talent on our campus like? Has any of it surprised you? SW: We have some amazing slam poets, writer and storyteller's here at WVSU. I want to share that with everyone else and perhaps inspire others. We have a talented group of students and it's good to let the University know that. Showcasing our talent should be one of our priorities. Scotty White is the Student Representative to the Board of Governors.


Wireless Woes by Marta Tankersley For returning students and the University community, it is no secret that the old ‘wvstate’ unsecured wireless Internet system had its connectivity and signal strength problems. In fact, according to a survey completed about a year and a

half ago, student’s number one complaint was the wireless Internet. In an effort to correct the situation, the administration set forth to install West Virginia State University’s new $750,000 secured wireless

system. Starting from the ground up, technicians have installed 10 gig fiber rings around all the major buildings on campus and installed almost 500 brand new access points, re-wired several (Continued on next page)

9 buildings and installed wireless Internet in buildings where none existed before, according to new Information Technology Director Alan Skidmore, who was hired just this summer and specifically charged to upgrade the system with top priorities being efficiency and costeffectiveness. The installation of a secured network was determined to be the best way to appropriately deal with existing bandwidth limitations. Student enrollment instructions seemed simple enough, using existing state user names and passwords. But, not so fast. The installation, although nearly complete, is not without its glitches. “We are experiencing growing pains,” said Skidmore. If you enrolled in the secure network and have tried to access the Internet on campus this semester with your cell phone or laptop, you probably have your own personal story about signin errors, denied access and general frustration with the system. “I can’t even get my cell phone connection [in Cole Complex],” accounting major Josh Ginther said. “It’s inconvenient when you are trying to do homework on campus,” education major Christin McLaughlin said. “I can only connect to the old wireless system,” business

management major Gabe Roberts said. Communications major Sean Snider said he can’t connect anywhere on campus because he uses a Mac instead of a personal computer. “They don’t know the operating system,” he said. Today’s students rely heavily upon Internet access to complete school-related tasks and many take online courses which require access. It’s very important on college campuses to have reliable Internet services. Yellow Jacket Editor-inChief Bianca Prince said she uses the Internet continuously. “As an English major, I download some texts as I need them on my Kindle as well as use the Internet for research papers and other homework,” said Prince. “Overall, I would say a good 75 percent of my work is done with the aid of the Internet.” If you are like these students, you definitely have questions about what is going on. Skidmore was happy to give me some answers. It has been determined that some of the newly purchased Dlink brand equipment is not operating correctly. The manufacturer is working with WVSU to remedy the situation. Until then, there will still be access problems. Patrick Moore, who is part of the team of professionals

working to remedy the situation case by case, said sometimes the access points seem to “lose their minds” and do not interact correctly with the modem. His first recommendation is to go to password and change your password. “If you are still having a problem and don’t report where it’s occurring, we cannot fix it,” he said. You may contact the IT Department at (304) 766-3261 or at If all else fails, go to the IT Department in Hamblin Hall and get hands-on assistance. In the meantime, here are some tips to getting better wireless connections: 

Update Wireless Drivers  Don't Use Unauthorized Wireless Devices  Don’t Use Wireless Printers  Don't Use Cordless Phones  Avoid Operating Microwaves within 10 feet of your computer  Upgrade Your Wireless Card to 802.11a/g/n “Once this is all said and done, when we get these bugs worked out and the internet speed cranked up at the end of the year, it will be more than adequate,” Skidmore said.


Who’s Who at WVSU

by Bobbie Spry

Name: Yellow Jacket Hometown: Institute, W.Va. For those of you who have been asleep under a rock since you enrolled at State, I’m the Universities’ mascot, the Yellow Jacket (not bee). I would first like to rectify the assumption that I’m in the family of the bee. This is false, I am indeed a wasp. The bee rumor was a cruel prank started by the flea invested Herd! I told them, there’s no need to be green with envy, but would they listen? As I was saying, yellow jacket is the common name in North America for predatory wasps of the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula, thank you Wikipedia. Yellow Jackets are social hunters living in colonies containing workers, queens, and males, which is why I choose to make West Virginia State University my home. This campus is full of hard workers, beautiful queens (check out Coronation October 4), and males. One of the things that has surprised me the most about my State experience, is the lack of student involvement. I mean, I’m out there busting my stinger to ignite school spirit while so many are napping in their dorms or sitting in their cars waiting for that next class to start. Come on people, get out and make something of your college experience! As for me, I’m involved in everything, it’s how this whole mascot thing works. A few things you may not know about me is that I enjoy cold cuts as opposed to processed, summer to spring, showers to baths, Drive-ins to theatres, and sushi! I would say that if I could have one super power, it would have to be teleporting! I’m a busy yellow jacket that’s in high demand, my

Photo Credit | WVSU

lifestyle would most certainly benefit from teleporting! I am currently taking a few courses to remain a key contributor to society. I would have to say that TV production is my favorite. I enjoy the buzz of current events and news. Spanish is a close second. Esto es como una chaqueta amarilla habla a español, translation: This is how a yellow jacket speaks Spanish. As far as professors go, I love too many to just pick one. I have two goals for the next year. 1.) Get a make-over. This will happen right before homecoming, so be on the lookout for a new and improved me! 2.) Commandeer a room in the new Judge Damon J. Keith Scholars Hall.

Calendar of Events for WVSU Student Veterans of America 10/4 Meeting at 11:30 in the Vet Lounge (333 Sullivan) 11/1 Meeting at 11:30 in the Vet Lounge (333 Sullivan) 11/9 Veterans Day / Marine Corps Birthday Celebration, time and location TBD 12/6 Meeting at 11:30 in the Vet Lounge (333 Sullivan)


Van Gogh Painting Discovered A huge discovery was made by the Van Gogh Museum last week when a lost painting of the late Dutch master was authenticated. The painting, titled ‘Sunset at Montmajour’, is believed to have been created in 1888, two years prior to the artist’s death. The painting depicts the countryside of Arles, in southern France, where van Gogh was reportedly working before his death. The discovery has made a huge impact on the art world. Dr. Øvrebø, professor and Chair to the Department of Art here at WVSU, gave a statement on the event. “Since ‘Sunset at Montmajour’ style-wise fits quite well in with other van

by Tabatha Paluso

painting is a genuine Van Gogh, its value instantly catapults.” This was found to be true for ‘Sunset’ which, since its legitimation, has been estimated to be worth tens of millions, according to James Roundell, the director of modern pictures for Photo Credit | the Dickinson galleries in London and New York. However, nothing Gogh pieces, our reactions to its has been said about whether the ‘discovery’ tell us more about us current anonymous owner will be than about van Gogh and the selling the piece in the future. It painting,” Øvrebø said. “It does will be on display at the Van not really matter to me whether Gogh Museum in Amsterdam ‘Sunset at Montmajour’ was starting on September 24 as part actually painted by Van Gogh. of the “Van Gogh at Work” What I find much more exhibition. More information interesting is how we as a culture about the painting can be found in treat art, and the criteria we have the upcoming October issue of adopted for valuing art. What The Burlington Magazine. matters is that when art authorities decide that the

September Is Hunger Awareness Month September is Hunger Action Month! One in every 6 Americans go hungry each day and that is even more so true in the Mountain State where more than 20% of households last year struggled with food hardship, according to Union Mission. In March, West Virginia State University opened its own food pantry on campus to help prevent our students from having this problem. The pantry is run by volunteers and is located at Curtis Complex in room 203. It is currently open 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and 12:30 p.m. to 1:30

p.m. on Wednesdays. They are also open by appointment. There is always a need of shelf stable food such as cereal, canned fruit, pasta, pasta sauces, canned vegetable, macaroni and cheese and canned meat. There are not refrigeration units in the food pantry, so everything that is

by Jessica Clark

donated must be non-perishable. There is also a need for toiletries. Money donations are accepted for the pantry in the following locations via collection containers: Wallace Hall, Ferrell Hall, Cole Complex, and the Student Union. WVSU students will be able to go to the food pantry once a week and they will need to fill out a short form that provides counselors with some basic information. For more information or an appointment contact Kellie Toledo at (304) 766-3262 or


Developing Time Management Skills Developing time management skills can help increase effectiveness in the personal and academic success of a college student. Many students arrive at college and struggle with time management as they adapt to their new independence. Other students may struggle because they have additional roles to play such as being a student leader, an employee, a parent or a partner, all in addition to having academic work. Effective time management skills are critical for students’ success. Counseling and Academic Support Services at WVSU helps students develop their time management skills through workshops and individual meetings with one of the department’s staff members. These are some of the tips we often share with students: Keep a semester calendar. Having a semester calendar helps you see the big picture of what the semester will look like. It provides an overview of important dates. Fill out your semester calendar as soon as you receive all of your class syllabi, during the first week of classes. Write down dates in the calendar for events that will

require your attention during the semester. Presentations, exams, papers, job or internship interviews, special family or friend events, and school breaks are all great examples. Your semester calendar will help you determine when is a good time to visit home, to enjoy some free time, or to spend the weekend at the library. Have a weekly calendar. Dedicate time once a week to organize for the week ahead. Use a weekly calendar to see more of the day to day and to remind you of important commitments related to your different roles in life. First, write down the dates and times when you will be busy doing things such as going to class, attending meetings, appointments or practice; eating, sleeping, exercising, working, volunteering, spending time with family, friends, or alone. Once you have all of those commitments written down, determine when you will




study. It is recommended that you study 2-3 hours for every credit hour you are taking. For example, if you are taking 12 credit hours you should plan on dedicating around 24 hours per week. If you divide 24 by 7 it gives you an average of 3.5 hours that you should study per day. Review the weekly calendar daily either in the morning or the night before so that you don’t forget anything important. Prioritize. Think about the tasks you need to accomplish and prioritize them by the order in which you need to accomplish them. Try not to leave things for the last minute, divide big tasks into smaller ones and start accomplishing individual pieces in advance of your deadline. Spend more time (continued on next page) planning and less time focusing on distractions like watching TV and spending time on social media. Keep track of the tasks that you accomplish. If you plan ahead and accomplish tasks earlier, you will be able to attend to emergencies (for example: a flat tire or a sick family member) without jeopardizing your academic work. Be intentional about achieving your goal of graduating from West Virginia

13 State University. If you feel that you could benefit from help with your time management skills, contact Karla Neal,

Student Success Coordinator at (304) 766-5125 / or stop by Counseling and Academic

Support Services in 125 Sullivan East which is open Monday - Friday, 8:30-5:00 p.m.

Guest Speaker Jessica Lynch Heads Upward Bound 2013 Leadership Summit by Jason Robinson

West Virginia State’s success in college and Upward Bound and life. The KISRA and Upward Bound Math Engrade organizations and Science high school also provided information programs held their valuable information for Leadership Summit at the students in the campus September attendance. Parents were 14, 2003. present as well to learn Retired US Army about the different soldier and POW options and resources Private First Class available for college (PFC) Jessica Lynch Jessica Lynch speaks at WVSU. Photo Credit | WCHSTV readiness. was the special guest The Leadership speaker for the program. students about a variety of Summit also featured guest Jessica survived after being programs and organizations United States Army Major D. ambushed and captured by designed to prepare students for Moore as he spoke to students enemy forces on March 23, the admissions process and about the benefits of a career in 2003 while deployed in Iraq. success throughout their college the United States Armed Forces. Nine days later, she was rescued years. Classes for student and by US Special Forces becoming “Early preparation is the parent guests started at 9:00 am the first female POW ever key”, said Jason Luyster of and concluded around 12:00 rescued and the first successful College Fund West Virginia. pm. The luncheon that followed rescue since World War II. Mr. Luyster expressed that gave an opportunity for staff, Lynch now testifies to College Fund West Virginia has students, parents, faculty, and citizens around the nation about many useful resources like the guest speakers to greet and how intangible traits such as preparation for standardized network with one another, determination and perseverance testing and financial aid links to creating strong bonds that will can help a person overcome grants and scholarships. strengthen the local community challenges and live happy, The WVeMentoring and prepare students for a successful lives. organization provides students collegiate education. The summit provided with online mentors that help  information to future college guide and groom students for


Marketing and Partnerships Attribute to Freshman Enrollment Increase at WVSU

by Jason


Freshman enrollment numbers have increased from 291 to 432 students during this 2013 fall semester, according to WVSU News. President of the Admissions Department Amanda Anderson is very pleased with this semester’s increase and explains what factors were responsible for the jump in enrollment numbers for first time college students. “The increase in enrollment was contributed to two factors; an intense effort in marketing the university and using partnerships to investigate issues and accomplish goals. This is a wonderful university and I would like everyone to know about what we have here at West Virginia State. We also wanted to build upon the foundation that was laid before my arrival. With the foundation laid, we are using the momentum from the previous year’s efforts to continue to successfully admit students to

Image Credit | WVSU

the university as well as serving the community as a whole.” Admissions marketing actions included college fairs and weekly tours. West Virginia State University alumnus has also been a key factor in the marketing of the university. “Alumni act as advocates of the university by working, using their experience to aid recruiting efforts.” said Anderson. Through launching recruitment initiatives, a greater population is reached through a concentrated effort in the local high schools and community.

Community partnerships also have been part of the reason for the spike in enrollment numbers this fall as well. Anderson mentioned that partnerships with high schools created smooth transitions for students seeking admission to the university. “The college admissions process can be very challenging for many high school students approaching graduation and we want to give students the best chance possible at admission to our university.”


Assistant Coach Sean Lloyd Named Head Baseball Coach in Waiting by Bianca Prince

Sean Lloyd will take over as Head Coach of the Yellow Jackets baseball team when current coach Cal Bailey retires after the 2014 season concludes. Lloyd is currently the West Virginia State University athletic director, a position he has held since 2008, and assistant baseball coach. Lloyd has held the assistant coaching position since 1994, when Bailey offered him the position. Photo Credit | WVSU

“Sean is a long-time, dedicated member of the State family. He has served his alma mater with pride under his mentor and close friend, Coach Bailey. Since my arrival on campus, I have been impressed with his ability to lead the University’s athletics department and foster relationships on campus and throughout the community. His impact on State has been significant and I am confident that he will continue to make positive and lasting contributions both on and off the field,” WVSU President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D., said in a press release on September 4. Lloyd was a player under Bailey before becoming his

assistant. He took the position though he was still eligible to play for another year, according to the press release. “He had faith in me early. He said when I started, ‘You are going to be the hitting coach and the third base coach,’ and there’s been no looking back,” said Lloyd. Lloyd has proven to be a success during his coaching roles. Forty-six WVSU hitters have made it to the AllConference team while six have been drafted into Major League Baseball. A graduate of Braxton County High School, Lloyd graduated from WVSU in 1995. He earned a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Marshall University.

Turtle Invites Students to Join Philosophy Club


Marta Tankersley

Class was interrupted Aug. 29 at 10:30 a.m. when students noticed people in the plaza near Jordan-Drain Library gathered, apparently watching a small animal frolic in the grass. Frolic might not be the right

Photo Credit | Bianca Prince

word, since, from a closer perspective, the identity of the creature was revealed. A turtle with a sticky note inviting students to join the newly formed Philosophy Club on its back lumbered through the grass while students snapped photos. “I don’t really know what a philosophy club is,” said chemistry major Sherman Bernett, “but I would join just to find out.” And that is exactly the effect club president and education major Jonathan Brown wanted.

He and vice president Matt Chesebrough used the turtle as a publicity stunt to drive interest in the club and increase membership, Brown said. If you are interested in joining a club designed to help strengthen logic, productivity and foster better relationships, the Philosophy Club is right for you, Brown said on his recruitment letter posted around campus. For more information, find them on Facebook or email Brown at


Hopes Still High for Yellow Women’s Volleyball Team Jacket Football Has Strong West Virginia State University Men’s Football team has had its ups and downs over the last few years. With the recent Schedule, Strong hiring of Coach Anderson hopes road high with expectations of a winning program coming back to the WVSU alma mater. Leadership Unfortunately, the Yellow Jackets are off to an 0-2 start by Justin Rogers

and all hopes of a winning season are fading; or are they not? WVSU has struggled with holding their opponents this season under 30 points per game, while the Yellow Jackets have averaged under seven points a game. There is a bright side to this season. Coach Anderson will turn this program around and there is plenty of time to do so. Turnovers have plagued the Yellow Jackets and that can easily be fixed by the coaches and staff. With just a little time and practice the program will come back to form. Another bright side is homecoming is just right on the horizon. Students and faculty will give this team any motivation it deserves to press on for the rest of the season. WVSU Football this season is lacking some size, but what they may lack in size they make up in speed and agility. The promise of this factor is if the Yellow Jackets can fix the turnovers and play with a sense of intelligence and insurgency to pull out a victory then a successful season will be upon us. Until then we will keep our hopes high and continue to carry out our West Virginia State Football pride.

Photo Credit |

by Justin Rogers

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The West Virginia State University Women’s Volleyball team comes in with a strong schedule this year and is very promising to make a run at the Mountain East Conference Championship. The team has started their year with three wins and three losses, defeating Ohio Valley at the Shepherd Challenge on September 15, before heading into Mercy/Hurst/Ganon Tournament. The tournament is held in Erie Pennsylvania and has a four matches schedule for the lady Yellow Jackets. The women return back to conference play September 27 at Fleming Hall to face Wheeling Jesuit University. Lacking senior leadership in the program this year the women look to continue to raise the bar each and every week on this year’s hopeful season.


Two New iPhones Revealed—Meet the 5s and the 5c by Bianca Prince

Apple unveiled the newest additions to their iPhone line at an event at their headquarters in Cuppertino, Calif., on September 10. The iPhone 5c, the cheaper of the two, was available for preorder on September 13 and released for purchase a week later. The 5c comes in five different colors and comes preloaded with iOS7, Apple’s latest software for the iPhone. “It’s simpler, more essential,” says Jony Ive, senior vice president of design for Apple, in a video uploaded to the manufacturer’s website. “Yet it’s more capable and, certainly, more colorful.” The 5s, marketed as the upgrade to the

iPhone 5, will feature what Apple call it’s A7 chip. The A7 is the first 64-bit chip to be featured in a smartphone. Senior vice president for marketing at Apple, Phil Schiller, said during the event that the chip was twice as fast as the processor in the iPhone 5. The camera in the 5s will also feature upgrades. The camera will feature bigger pixels, which Dan Riccio, senior vice president of hardware

More Images of the iPhone 5s and 5c

detect fingerprints. This sensor means that you fingerprint can be used as your password for unlocking your phone as well as making purchases from iTunes and the App Store. Your Photo Credit | Apple fingerprint, Apple says, will not be sent to their engineering, says will databases or stored on provide a better iCloud, nor will it be photograph. The camera sent to anyone. The iPhone 5c starts will also have a F2.2 at $99 for a 16GB aperture, eight model and $199 for a megapixels and larger sensor area. In an Apple 32GB model. It will be video, Ruccio explains available in white, that this means you will coral, yellow, blue and see greater detail in green. The iPhone 5s starts your photographs as out at $199 for a 16GB well as less noise. The camera will also be able model and increases to to shoot slow motion $299 and $399 for the 32GB and 64GB videos. models, respectively. It The most noteworthy will be available in new feature is the integration of Touch ID, three colors: gold, silver Apple’s new sensor to and gray.

Images Courtesy of ATT


Jonas Brothers to Perform at Clay Center Famous pop trio the Jonas Brothers will be performing at the Clay Center as a part of their Clay Center Photo Credit | Paige Kaitlyn Concerts Presents series this fall. The group will be performing on October 25 at 7 p.m. Tickets are already on sale. The popular act consists of brothers and former Disney stars Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas. The group rose to fame in 2007 with the release of their selftitled album, which reached number five on the Billboard charts. The following year they starred in the Disney movie “Camp Rock,” and later starred

by Bianca Prince

in the highly-anticipated sequel, “Camp Rock 2.” The brothers are also known for their relationship troubles, often chronicled in the media. Youngest brother Nick was the subject of Miley Cyrus’ song, “7 Things I Hate About You,” while middle brother Joe was ridiculed by former flame Taylor Swift for breaking up with the country starlet in a 27-second long phone call. The oldest brother, Kevin, currently stars in an E! reality television series, “Married to Jonas.” Danielle Deleasa, his wife, recently announced that she is pregnant. Tickets for the performance are $45, $65, $85 and $125. For further information, contact the Clay Center box office in person or by calling 304-561-3570. Tickets can also be purchased through

Music Reviews for September (in the form of Tweets) by Josh Weeks Hello, word readers! Print is still alive and well, right? It's not? Really? Huh. I really thought that whole Internet thing was a flash in the pan. Well, that's probably why the editors at Pitchfork have yet to reply to my numerous emails about joining their internship program. Anyway, here is your monthly music wrap-up in under one hundred and forty characters (or less) for the month of September. Janelle Monae, The Electric Lady- Historically, proto-pop about androids has been very successful in the mainstream, but this might break the trend! Blorp stars.

Arcade Fire, Reflektor- Bleak AltDance from a Canadian Indie band? I literally can't think of anything more exciting than that. Maybe a black & white music video?

MGMT, MGMT- Self-titled albums are always great, and abbreviated band names are *so* cool. Wasting my time listening to it. 8 thrift stores out of 13.

Katy Perry, Roar & Miley Cyrus, Wrecking Ball- Technically, any "sound" is considered "music." These two songs accomplish that, I suppose. Stinging the bee holder in the eye? Subjective.


Drake, Hold On, We're Going Home & The Weekend, Kiss LandUnderground nobodies who are clearly ripping off Tom Waits & have absolutely no vocal range. No way those drum sounds are real. 5 stars.


“The World’s End” Mixes Slapstick and Sci-Fi, Doesn’t Disappoint by Jesse Jenkins

“Why should getting older affect something as important as friendship?" says Simon Pegg's character, Gary King, in the end of the Summer blockbuster, “The World's End.” Directed by Edgar Wright, this film marks the third and final part of his Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy; the others consisting of Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Hot Fuzz (2007). The film stars Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, and many other recognizable faces from popular movies out of the United Kingdom. With a run time of 109 minutes this wasn't the shortest film this season, but it surely wasn't the longest. The film’s plot begins with Gray King (Simon Pegg) in his attempts to reunite his high school friends and achieve what they started 20 years earlier: the Golden Mile, consisting of one pint of beer from 12 different pubs across their childhood hometown of Newton Heaven. Peter Page (Eddie Marsan), Oliver "O-Man" Chamberlain (Martin Freeman), Steven Prince (Paddy Considine) and Andy Knightley (Nick Frost) have all since moved from town and went on to lead successful lives, except Gary, who has amounted to nothing much over the last 20 years. After convincing all of the men to return to their hometown, they begin the pub crawl and find that every pub has been “Starbucked” as they called it, a term that can only be defined by uniformed commercialism. They are all unrecognized by the townsfolk, to

which only Gary finds odd, the others logically assume it's because they have been out of town for 20 years. Once they arrive at the third pub, Gary is refused service, and everyone heads out the doors. Outside, Gary finds some discarded pints and finishes them off hinting at his hidden alcoholism. Later he reveals that the only thing keeping him going is finishing the Golden Mile and connecting to his childhood. Gary starts a fight with an exceptionally agile teenager in the restroom, knocks his head off and discovers the teen to be a robot. Being gone so long, the crew goes looking for Gary in the rest room and sees the remains of the teen. The roboteen’s “friends” come into the restroom after the first teen goes offline and a brawl ensues between the two groups. Not knowing how deep this “Invasion of the body snatchers” scheme goes, the team decides to try to finish the pub crawl to avoid detection. The film was support by an awesome soundtrack featuring the Doors, Blur, and other gnarly bands. Once the sci-fi aspects of the film start coming into play, the special effects used are superb. Exploding heads and

Photo Credit | Focus Features

dismembered body parts aplenty! The plot was really deep considering the film was marketed as a comedy. Gary King suffers from alcoholism and had struggled with drug addiction. The only downside to the film that's worth mentioning is the fact that the beginning of the movie is so long. The majority of the films action comes from the latter third of the movie, and until that point it was almost starting to drag out and feel too prolonged. But the film far from disappointed, and it's British and slap-stick humor sprinkled with sci-fi action did well to entertain viewers.


Grand Theft Auto V: Never Leave the House Again by Cody Cummings

Hello fellow gamers and readers! Today’s review is going to be on one of the already most popular games in the world to date, Grand Theft Auto V. Developer, Rockstar, has already announced the game is expected to reach a total of one billion in sales, dominating any game in history on release and sales. Is GTA5 really that great of a game or is RS just blowing smoke? Once playing GTA5, it will become apparent that it’s easily one of the best games of all time and that goal of 1 billion isn’t so far-fetched. GTA5 is unique, using three main protagonists instead of only one to progress through the story and playing in the openworld. Instead of being the outsider, it’s now about doing missions that apply to the goals and life-styles of each individual character: Michael, the retired and unhappily married bank robber who wishes for one last perfect score and to better understand his kids; Franklin, the street thug who wishes to get out of the gang lifestyle but keeps finding himself sucked back in; then there is Trevor, the embodiment of destruction and a complete redneck psychopath who gamers will fall for instantly from the start. You can play, at any time, with any character you see fit by switching between the three. Each character will be doing his own different thing within the world while the player is using

someone else. If playing as Franklin, Trevor can go on a killing spree while being chased by cops who can either jump to either shake the cops or use another character to help him. Missions can now be planned ahead, whether they are big heists or crimes which you can go loud and stupid or stealthy and smart on. When doing missions with the gang together, different viewpoints with other characters open to take the missions’ different ways. There is also a new ranking system of bronze, silver and gold on nearly all missions for added replay. Rockstar wanted to push the current consoles to the max and the game looks downright amazing. The music, sound effects, and voice acting are the best in gaming, causing you to never mute again. Gameplay is just awesome, with literally an endless supply of things to do and fighting mechanics are

smoother and stable. Replay value is endless, able to do anything: replay old missions for better scores and customize characters, guns, cars and safe houses to change your experience as much as you like. Soon there will be the release of GTA Online but that will be reviewed another time. GTA5 is both different from its predecessors but also the same with elements from every GTA game in the series and mechanics from other top Rockstar games. Using nothing but some of the best tools from their games, Rockstar has truly crafted a masterpiece. GTA5 feels more alive and more interactive than any other game in the series, even than other games that aren’t Rockstar! With over 100 hours of gameplay and a vast-changing open world to explore, you’ll never wish to leave San Andreas.


Benefits and Drawbacks of Biking to Class by Rose Taylor

Biking to class may not be a real option for some commuting students, but others who live on campus or close by may consider the benefits of having a bike. There are the obvious health benefits, but it is also faster, and allows a little more freedom. The Better Health Channel in their article “Cycling – Health Benefits” states that cycling is beneficial because it is a low impact form of exercise, a good muscle workout, easy, good for strength and stamina, as intense as you want, a fun way to get fit and is time-efficient. Low impact means that it causes less strain on your body than other forms of exercise and it is a good muscle workout because it works all the major groups of muscles in your body. Cycling also doesn’t require a certain level of skill unlike other sports and you can ride as fast or slow as you want. The price of a bike is something to consider, and may be a drawback. At Walmart the price of a bike may range anywhere from $80 to $800 depending on the quality and type of bike you want. At, the lowest asking price for a professional bike is $300 and the highest is $2,600. For the casual cyclist, however,

a professional bike isn’t necessary. Cycling is much faster than walking, so if you’re afraid you’ll be late for class, just take your bike. With the fence up around Prillerman and Gore Hall, one of the main avenues through campus is blocked but bikes allow for more freedom and speed to make up for the time lost walking around the fence. Walking in the heat of late summer can be extremely unpleasant, but on a bike the wind generated from the speed at which you’re travelling cools you down as you go! There is also the problem of the sidewalks on campus. There isn’t a separate trail for bikes and thus the sidewalks must be shared. This presents a certain amount of danger for staff and students as well as the cyclist. Many times going beside the pavement onto the grass is the only possible way to avoid a collision. Another problem may be tied

Photo Credit | Victoria Pickering

to inclement weather. In rain, riding a bike is either impractical or just extremely unpleasant. The only way to keep from getting soaked on a bike while it’s raining is to use a raincoat. During the winter the buildup of ice on sidewalks can also be very dangerous. Avoiding students, drainage grates in the grass and ice all at once is a possible recipe for disaster. A small problem with riding a bike is that there are very few bike racks on campus. Bikes have to be locked up to various railings or lamp posts outside of buildings rather than a designated area. Also, the time wasted locking up or unlocking the bike reduces the benefits of the speed of the trip by a small fraction.

I Am a College Student I’m a commuter student, and one day last week, my neighbor brought over a gift for me one afternoon after I had returned home. It was a mason jar with a pretty, frilly material wrapped around the lid. Inside, the jar was filled with chocolates. Along with the gift was a card, and the envelope said “to Lena, the college girl”. It has been a long time since I would have been considered a girl, but it was so encouraging to have someone acknowledge the fact that I am in college.

You see, I have found since returning to college last year after a twenty year break, that most people don’t

see me as a college student. I’m an older adult taking college classes. I’m an adult learner. Not a real student. Funny that… I sure pay a lot of tuition to not be a real student. I read the same textbooks, listen to the same lectures, and study the same information as the real students. I take the same tests and face many of the same stresses as a real student. I am a non-traditional student in a classroom with traditional students, working in the same learning environment, and striving for the same degree. Why does that make me a lesser student? Because certainly not being considered real somehow makes me less, right? Sometimes that is the perception, but it is not the reality. While it seems that the traditional student has the

The opinions, values and beliefs expressed in opinion editorials and letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the opinions, values and beliefs of the Yellow Jacket or West Virginia State University. Pieces will be published at the editor's discretion.

greater advantage - they have youth on their side, lots of energy, usually less responsibilities, and thus more time to spend on their courses, the advantage isn’t always theirs. The nontraditional student has experience on their side; they know what is needed, and why their education is so important. They don’t take the college experience for granted. They know to be prepared, and to grab hold of every advantage that they can. This isn’t to say that this describes every single student, traditional and nontraditional alike. However, don’t dismiss the adult learner. It takes determination and courage to go for your dreams at any age. So, yes, I am a college student. I’m proud to be a college student at West Virginia State University. And I’ve got a sweet gift from an encouraging friend to remind me of this fact. -Lena Lambert

WE VALUE YOUR OPINION Send your own opinion piece or letter to the editor to Submissions must be 300-500 words. Include your name, major, year and a phone number. Phone numbers are for verification and will not be published.

October Events Michael Blackson Comedy Show When: Fri, October 4, 9:00pm – 10:30pm Where: P. Ahmed Williams Auditorium, Ferrell Hall Homecoming Parade When: Sat, October 5, 10:30am – 12:00pm Football vs UrbanaFootball vs Urbana When: Sat, October 5, 1:30pm – 4:30pm Time Management & Study Skills Workshop When: Tue, October 8, 3pm – 4pm Mental Illness Awareness Day When: Thu, October 10, 11am – 2pm Where: Wilson University Union ACSS Family Movie Night When: Fri, October 11, 7pm – 10pm Where: Wilson University Union Criminal Justice Fair When: Thu, October 17, 9:30am – 1:00pm Where: Wilson University Union Domestic Violence Awareness Day When: Thu, October 17, 11am – 2pm Football vs UC When: Sat, October 19, 1pm – 4pm Maul of the Dead When:Thu, October 24, 7:30pm – 10:00pm Where: Skeen Theatre (119 Cole Complex) Red Cross Blood Drive When: Fri, October 25, 10am – 4pm Where: 134 University Union (map) Sponsored by Omega Psi Phi Trunk-n-Treat When: Tue, October 29, 6pm – 7pm

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