WVU Law Viewbook 2012-13

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West Virginia University College of Law 2013



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From the Dean Strengths Changing the World Clinics Courses The View Ahead Gateway to West Virginia In Context Student Life Admissions Building for the Future Contact Us

The West Virginia University College of Law is a vibrant, student-centered law school within a strong public research university. You’ll find broadly experienced professors who will challenge your assumptions, demand well-reasoned positions, and insist that you achieve more than you ever imagined possible. You’ll also learn from your classmates, who will debate well into the night and tackle a case for the Innocence Project the next morning. Both intense and satisfying, WVU Law will be the educational experience of a lifetime.


The West Virginia University College of Law offers a rigorous curriculum that will equip you to practice law in a complex world. Recognizing this strength, the nation’s top 250 law firm ranked WVU Law in the top 50 “Go-To Law Schools.” You’ll discover intellectual rewards in every area of study, from energy and environmental law to litigation, family, and public interest law. Our curriculum provides the best of traditional legal education as well as new areas of study that address emerging challenges in global economy. Our accessible faculty members are outstanding teachers, scholars, mentors, and leaders in legal education. At WVU Law, you’ll also enjoy the vitality of nationally recognized public research university while thriving in our 405-student College. If you have a deep interest in the law, please consider WVU Law. Joyce E. McConnell William J. Maier Jr. Dean and Thomas R. Goodwin Professor of Law






Receive a valuable education. U.S. News & World Report ranks WVU Law among the nation’s top tier law schools.

Learn from accomplished professionals. Patrick McGinley helped draft the Upper Big Branch Mine Report and has testified to the U.S. Senate on Energy and Natural Resources.

You’ll learn by doing.

Get support from great services. Meredith Career Services Center Academic Excellence Program Professional Writing Center Well-Being Week Peer Mentoring Groups Additional WVU Services Bar Course

Michael Blumenthal is a frequent guest on NPR News.

Take hands-on courses. Trial Advocacy Appellate Advocacy Business Transaction Pre-Trial Litigation

Ranked 33 out of 50 by the National Law Journal “Go-To Law Schools” based on the percentage of graduates who go to work in the National Law Journal’s top 250 law firms. Find a job. 93.5% of Class of 2011 were employed 9 months after graduation.

Anne Lofaso has testified before the National Labor Relations Board and briefed members of Congress on the NLRB’s new rules.

2.4% of Class of 2011 were in full-time advanced courses 9 months after graduation.

Marjorie McDiarmid and Chuck DiSalvo have won the Legal Aid of WV STAR Award for their Legal Aid service.

Pay less for more. WVU Law was ranked in the Top 40 Best Value Law Schools by preLaw magazine.

Gerald Ashdown’s scholarship has been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Get involved. International Programs Externships Public Interest Work Clinics

Live the Student Honor Code. Students are guided by the Student Code of Professional Responsibility. Above: WVU Law students with Associate Professor Atiba Ellis.

“Through the Veterans’ Law Caucus, the school helps student veterans support one another while attending law school.” L.G. Corder

2012 Alumnus 3

Learn more about the Center for Energy and Sustainability

If you have a passion for justice, an interest in how our legal system contributes to society, and a desire to learn a discipline that is both structured and creative, join us at WVU Law. Together, we’ll change the world. THE CENTER FOR ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY West Virginia is at the center of energy production. The energy industry in West Virginia is the cornerstone of the state’s economy, and the Center is well positioned to play a prominent role in shaping the energy and environmental policies of the future. Become a leader in energy law and policy. The Center conducts objective, unbiased research and policy analyses providing a forum for issues to be explored by various stakeholders, and promotes policies that balance the demand for energy resources alongside the need to reduce environmental impacts.

Rich in coal, gas, water, and wind, West Virginia has long been at the center of energy production. Pictured: A windmill farm on Friars Hill, WV Photo by: WVU College of Law third-year student, Ben Long


Focus on the future. • Receive training to become the next generation of energy and environmental attorneys. • Promote sustainable practices. • Train local officials in sustainable land use policy practices. • Encourage development of clean energy technologies. • Advance the role of utilities in pursuing clean energy.

LAND USE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LAW CLINIC The Clinic works with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), local governments, and communities within watersheds in West Virginia to provide transactional legal assistance to protect and enhance water quality and promote sustainable land use practices. Work with professionals. $4 million in funding for the Clinic has been provided through settlements with coal companies under the Clean Water Act. The funding is devoted to hiring several fulltime professional staff members who work with students who address land use and watershed protection needs in West Virginia.

FIRST ENERGY MOOT COURT COMPETITION IN THE NATION WVU Law established the nation’s first moot court competition focused on energy and sustainability issues in March 2011. The competition has grown from 7 teams in the first year to 18 teams in the second year, and we expect a field of 32 teams in the Third Annual Competition in March 2013. The competition promotes development of appellate advocacy skills, with a particular emphasis on the convergence of energy and sustainability issues. Student involvement The competition is coordinated by a student-led moot court board.

“Through the Center for Energy and Sustainability, students have an outstanding opportunity to gain valuable experience in addressing the most compelling and challenging issues of our time.” James Van Nostrand Director, Center for Energy and Sustainability


“The College of Law’s excellent clinical programs allow law students to provide critical legal services to clients throughout the state of West Virginia. We believe this is experiential learning at its best.” Patricia Lee

JOINT DEGREE PROGRAMS AND COLLABORATION Students can combine valuable skills and complete two degrees in less time than if each were pursued independently.

In the Child & Family Law Clinic, WVU’s Medical-Legal Partnership in cooperation with the Pediatric and Adolescent Group Practice Clinic at WVU Children’s Hospital engages students from the College of Law and School of Medicine in complex health care issues and introduces such tools as the Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney.

Alternatively, students can also work collaboratively with other colleges at WVU to take classes of their interest. JD/Executive MBA With the College of Business and Economics, the College of Law offers a joint degree program leading to a JD/EMBA.

WVU College of Law Visiting Associate Professor of Law Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program Former McDonald’s Senior Corp. Counsel Winner of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneurship of the Year Award for Community Service

JD/MPA With the Division of Public Administration, the College of Law offers a joint degree program leading to a JD/MPA. CLINICAL LAW PROGRAMS

Qualified some who are students, admitted to practice under Rule 10 of the Admission to Practice Rules, serve eligible clients in law clinics under faculty supervision. The clinics expose students to all phases of lawyering: interviewing and counseling clients; advocating in trial courts, before administrative tribunals, and in appellate contexts; drafting briefs and pleadings; and negotiating. We emphasize the role of a lawyer, with particular attention to the Rules of Professional Responsibility. -Child & Family Law Clinic assists children and families with limited income who need free legal assistance in civil matters, including family law, family violence, education, housing, government benefits, and healthcare.


- The Civil Law Clinic provides civil legal services with concentrations in family law, social security and supplemental security income, and consumer debt relief along with a Veteran’s Assitance Program.


The Immigration Law Clinic serves foreign citizens who are facing deportation, asylum, and other immigration proceedings.



The Innocence Project provides legal services to help exonerate wrongly convicted individuals. -

The Tax Clinic provides legal services to low-income taxpayers residing in West Virginia who need to resolve a tax controversy with the Internal Revenue Service.


The U.S. Supreme Court Clinic researches and drafts briefs for clients pro bono before the Supreme Court of the United States, working primarily on criminal, immigration, prisoner, and civil liberties appeals. -


This clinic provides transactional legal services to individuals, non-government organizations(NGOs), and governmental entities.

How to Apply Applications must be submitted to and accepted by both Colleges.


This clinic assists nonprofit entities and small businesses with startup, transactional, and problem-solving issues.

“The experience has been unlike any other in law school. I was challenged by my peers and the clinic leaders in discussing and advocating for key issues facing our nation’s highest court. Not only were my analytical and writing skills improved, but I had the opportunity to assist people in solving their legal problems.” Laura Omps

Pictured: Michael Cary, Class of 2011

Class of 2012 Supreme Court Clinic Participant


West Virginia University College of Law Courses

Advanced Lawyering & Skills Training Advanced Legal Resarch Appellate Advocacy Business Transations Drafting Child & Family Advocacy Clinic Civil Law Clinic Entrepreneurship Clinic Federal Governmental Externship Federal Judicial Externship Immigration Clinic Innocence Project Intercollegiate Moot Court Law Review Legal Interviewing, Counseling, & Negotiating Legal Reasoning, Research & Writing Legislation (seminar) Lugar Trial Advocacy Pretrial Litigation Professional Responsibility Supreme Court Practice (seminar) Trial Advocacy U.S. Supreme Court Clinic

Environmental, Energy & Sustainability Law Agriculture & Rural Lands Coal, Oil, & Gas Energy Law & Practice Energy Law Survey Energy Regulation, Markets, and the Environment Environmental Justice Seminar Environmental Litigation Seminar Environmental Law & Policy I, II International Environment Law & Arbitration Land Use Planning Natural Resources Law Nuclear Law and Policy Permitting and Siting of Energy Facilities Renewable Energy & Other Alternative Fuels Sustainable Development Seminar The Energy Business: Law & Strategy The Science and Technology of Energy

Business & Commercial Law Analytical Methods Bankruptcy & Advanced Bankruptcy Business Organizations Business Torts Business Transactions Drafting Coal, Oil, & Gas Comparative/International Workplace Law (seminar) Contracts Employment Discrimination Employment Law Entrepreneurship Clinic Federal Income Taxation Health Care Financing and Reform Insurance Law International Business Transactions Labor Law & Advanced Labor Law Non-Profit Organizations Payment Systems Sales & Secured Transactions Securities Law Taxation of Business Entities

Family Law Child and Family Advocacy Clinic Child Protection & Law Domestic Violence Law Elder Law Estate Planning Family Law Family Mediation (seminar) Gender & Law (seminar) Wealth Transfers


Intellectual Property Art Law Business Torts Cultural Property Cyberspace Law Entrepreneurship Clinic Genetic Property & Law (seminar) Intellectual Property Patent Claims Prosecution and Drafting Patent Law Trademark Law

International Law Brazilian Law & Politics Comparative Law: European Union Comparative Law in Mexico Immigration Law International Business Transactions International Environmental Law International Human Rights International Law International Trade Jewish-Islamic Comparative Law National Security Law (seminar) Refugee & Asylum Law Litigation & Conflict Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution Business Torts Civil Law Clinic Civil Procedure Conflict of Laws Criminal Law & Advanced Criminal Law Criminal Procedure E-Discovery Evidence Federal Courts Health Care Torts Medical Malpractice Pretrial Litigation Remedies Torts & Advanced Torts Public Law/Public Interest Law Access to Public Information Administrative Law Civil Disobedience (seminar) Civil Rights Constitutional Law Consumer Law Democratic Transitions (seminar) Education Law Election Law Energy Law Environmental Justice (seminar) Environmental Law & Policy I, II Natural Resources Law Privacy Law Public Service Externship State and Local Government Law WV Constitutional Law Perspectives Advanced Criminal Law: Crime Documentaries American Legal History Jurisprudence Justice: A Philosophical Inquiry Law & Psychology Lawyer as Storyteller Lawyers & Film Lawyers & Literature Lawyers as Leaders

Seminars Advanced Contracts & Commercial Law Advanced Torts Animal Law Bioethics & the Law Civil Disobedience Comparative & International Workplace Law Comparative Constitutional Law Corporate Constitutional Law Constitutional Litigation Corporate Governance Democratic Transitions Election Law Empirical Legal Methods Environmental Justice Environmental Litigation Gender & Law Intellectual Property Issues in Energy Law Land Transactions Law & Socioeconomics Lawyers & Legislation Race/Racism & American Law Refugee & Asylum Law Religion & the Constitution Supreme Court Practice Sustainable Development

Labor and employment law expert Professor Anne M. Lofaso is an outstanding mentor and was named WVU Law’s 2010 Professor of the Year. With extensive experience at the National Labor Relations Board, she has opened doors for students in the D.C. labor regulatory agencies.

First-year Courses (Required) Civil Procedure Jurisdiction Contracts I Criminal Law Torts I Civil Procedure Rules Constitutional Law Professional Responsibility Property I Two semesters of Legal Research and Writing Upper-level Courses (Required) Appellate Advocacy One perspective course One of the following: Trial Advocacy A Clinic Business Transactions Drafting Federal Externship Program Research seminar Note: Some courses are not offered every year.


INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Summer study abroad WVU Law has programs in Brazil and Mexico Take introductory courses in international law, trade, transactions, environmental law, and human rights. Lectures and seminars are taught in English by local and WVU Law faculty. Receive academic credit for participation in any ABAapproved program sponsored by an accredited American law school. Students have recently studied in Italy, Argentina, and China. EXTERNSHIPS Extern in government and nonprofit settings. Externships are available in state and federal agencies. Work full- and part-time with U.S. District Courts and Courts of Appeals in our Federal Judicial program. Learn firsthand about the federal court system and the judicial process.

MOOT COURT This student organization is devoted to excellence in oral and written appellate advocacy skills. Moot Court participants develop self confidence, intellectual agility, and the ability to function well under pressure. George C. Baker Cup Manage and compete in this intramural appellate moot court competition and represent WVU Law at intercollegiate, national, and international competitions. Help coordinate WVU Law’s National Energy & Sustainability Moot Court Competition. Members receive class credit for participation. MARLYN E. LUGAR TRIAL ASSOCIATION This organization’s mission is to further academic excellence and professional competence in the field of trial advocacy. Compete across the U.S. on the traveling trial advocacy third-year team. Students from all three years compete in an intense, multiround competition for the Lugar Cup. GEORGE R. FARMER JR. LAW LIBRARY We have the largest public law library in West Virginia with more than 300,000 volumes and equivalents.


“ADR teaches law students how to use all the tools in the legal toolbox, not just the courtroom. ADR gives law students a background for helping clients resolve cases the way 95% of cases are resolved in modern legal practice–without going to court–and serves as a foundation for the real-world practice of law." Roger G. Hanshaw, Ph.D. WVU College of Law Alumnus



2012 Baker Cup Competition winner, Adam LoCascio, and the WV State Supreme Court of Appeals

PUBLIC INTEREST Credit-bearing experiential learning programs, summer and post-graduate fellowships, and pro bono activities are all designed to provide invaluable hands-on learning to enhance professional skills and instill the value of service into our student community. Through public service, we encourage students to become leaders who seek creative solutions toward achieving equal access to justice in society. WV LAW REVIEW Founded in 1894, the West Virginia Law Review is the fourth oldest in the nation. The professional, studentgoverned legal journal publishes articles of interest to legal scholars, students, legislators, and members of the Bar three times each year. Members receive class credit for participation. PROFESSIONAL WRITING CENTER The Center’s writing specialist works with students as they create documents for coursework or job searches and supports students on Law Review, Moot Court, and other scholarly endeavors.

STATE SUPREME COURT IN RESIDENCE Experience live court up close. Each spring, the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals is in residence at WVU Law. The Court hears oral arguments in our Lugar Courtroom, where students witness live court proceedings and arguments before the state’s highest court. Members of the Supreme Court also serve as judges for the final round of the annual WVU Law Baker Cup competition. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE PROGRAM The Academic Excellence Program (AEP) seeks to enhance the academic performance of all students in their first year of law school. To this end, the program provides regular wokshops on critical skills such as note-taking, outlining, time management, and test-taking; helpful handouts; and individual counseling. Bar Preparation is also provided by the Center. It is a 1-credit hour shortcourse for third-year students in the spring semester.

• • • • • • • • •

Access to Symplicity, Career Services Manager On-campus Interviews Individual and Group Career Counseling Mock Interviews Individual Résumé and Cover Letter Review Résumé and Cover Letter Workshops Professional Attire Workshops Etiquette Dinner Workshops Workshops on Traditional and Nontraditional Career Opportunities • Career Resource Library • Access to Additional Job Search Tools


Employment rate: 93.5% Returned to school: 2.4% Number in class: 125 Employed: 116

CLASS OF 2011 JOB OFFERS: Bar required/Full time jobs: Bar required/Part-time jobs: JD Advantage/Full time jobs: Professional other full time jobs: Professional other part-time jobs: Full-time degree seeking students: Unemployed (2 not seeking employment): Unknown:

92 1 14 6 3 3 5 1

Based on a class of 125 students

Of the 116 students in the Class of 2011 who were employed, 104 (90%) were employed in WV, PA, MD, VA or DC. Of those, 91(79%) were employed in WV.

Average Starting Salary: (based on 61 students reporting)


Employed 9 months after graduation (93.5%)

Employed at graduation (62.9%)

AREAS OF PRACTICE Academic (3.4%)




Public Interest (2.6%)

Judicial Clerkships (13%)

Business (20%)

Private Practice (61.2%)


The Monongahela River winds through Morgantown, voted one of America’s most livable cities. Just 15 minutes from downtown is Coopers Rock State Forest, with 12,000 pristine acres, trails for hiking, biking, and skiing, and scenic overlooks that frame breathtaking natural beauty. Other state attractions include New River Gorge, Canaan Valley, and Blackwater Falls. Pictured: Pocohantas County, WV Photo by: WVU College of Law third-year student, Ben Long

WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY Our land-grant research university’s 13 colleges and schools offer 193 bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and professional degree programs. Almost a dozen of our graduate programs have been ranked by U.S. News & World Report as among the best 50 in the country. Law students enjoy the vibrant campus community of a major university.

Photo by Ben Long

Photo by Ben Long

Photo by Ben Long

MORGANTOWN With a metro-area population of more than 83,000, Morgantown is the cultural, commercial, and medical hub of the state’s north central region. It has been nationally recognized for its quality of life: 3rd best small town in America by Men’s Journal, 10th “Best Small Metro” by Forbes, 12th overall “Hottest Small City” by Inc., 29th smartest place to live in the U.S. by Kiplinger’s, and one of the “Best Sports Cities” by Sporting News. Diverse downtown shopping and restaurants Downtown offers 75 retail shops and more than 30 restaurants—from micro brews to Middle Eastern, Japanese to vegetarian— along a main street with unique local boutiques. The Wharf District, a milelong stretch of converted warehouses and new development along the Monongahela River, offers the new West Virginia Public Theatre and riverfront


restaurants. Residents celebrate with events that include an annual hot-air balloon festival, jazz and wine festival, triathlon, and fireworks display. A WVU student ID provides free transportation on all city buses and the Personal Rapid Transit, a computer-directed system that glides between campuses. To roam farther, Morgantown is only a day’s drive from six of the eight largest U.S. metropolitan areas, including New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. WEST VIRGINIA Wild and wonderful Its natural amenities attract outdoor adventurers around the world for Rock Climbing Whitewater Rafting Kayaking Fly Fishing Spelunking Mountain Biking Hiking Skiing Beautiful and historic scenery The state is dotted with covered bridges and historic sites. It is also home to worldclass resorts and awardwinning golf courses. Balanced energy and environmental interests Long known for its logging and coal mining industries and political and labor history, West Virginia today balances energy demands with environmental interests.


RECREATION CENTER The College of Law is within walking distance of the University’s Student Recreation Center, featuring Wide variety of courts Climbing wall Elevated running track Olympic-size pool Smoothie Cafe Outdoor equipment rental Classes & programs Evening/weekend child care


Pictured: Cooper’s Rock Photo by: WVU College of Law third-year student, Ben Long 16

For a change of pace, try whitewater rafting or kayaking on magnificent wild rivers. Hike the Caperton Trail. Listen to live music at the riverfront Amphitheater. Explore a historic fort. Catch a Broadway play. Go crazy for Mountaineer football or basketball. Boredom is not an option.

The Alliance for Social Justice Alternative Dispute Resolution Society American Civil Liberties Union American Constitution Society Animal Law Society Black Law Student Association Christian Legal Society D.C. Club Defense Trial Counsel Democratic Law Caucus Energy Law Association Environmental Law Society International Law Society Federalist Society International Law Society International Society of American Lawyers Labor Law Society M.E. Lugar Trial Association Moot Court Board OUTlaw Paladin Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity International Public Interest Advocates Real Estate Law Society Republican Law Caucus Sports and Entertainment Law Society Student Association for Justice Student Bar Association Veterans’ Law Caucus West Virginia Education Law Association West Virginia Intellectual Property West Virginia Law Review Women’s Law Caucus

ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT The WVU Creative Arts Center and other campus venues offer touring Broadway productions, popular performers, musicians, comedians, dancers, films, and guest lecturers. The University’s Student Union, the Mountainlair, sponsors WVUp All Night, a program of activities, events, comedy shows, classic films, and blockbuster movies. Public radio’s “Mountain Stage” offers live performances throughout the year.

SPORTS When 60,000 fans pack Mountaineer Field, the doubledeck structure rocks, from the time the nationally famous marching band starts its pregame performance until the team takes the field to sing “Country Roads” after each home victory. WVU Law has a front row view from it's location atop law school hill.


CLASS OF 2014 Applicants: 1157 Enrolled: 141 BEYOND STATISTICS

Our students represent a variety of backgrounds.

DIVERSITY Since our first female graduate in 1895, we’ve been a leading law school for women.

We view the admissions process holistically, considering your academic achievements, as well as your interests, contributions, and understanding.

Our Women’s Leadership Council is extremely active, hosting women leaders throughout West Virginia to speak on issues women often face in the law profession.

We still require all applicants to demonstrate an intellectual capacity to handle a rigorous course of study. A good GPA and LSAT score are important, but our main concern is:

We have facilities and services for those with disabilities.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Does WVU Law average LSAT scores? No, decisions are made using the highest LSAT score. Is there a required undergraduate major to be accepted into WVU Law? No, we encourage students to major in something that they will enjoy because a strong GPA is very important. However, we do recommend that you complement any academic program with classes that will develop your reading, writing, verbal, analytical, and critical thinking skills.

Average LSAT: 154 Average GPA: 3.41 Average age: 24 What will you bring to the law school classroom and to the legal profession?

Age range: 21-44 Male: 64% Female: 36% Resident: 67% Nonresident: 33% Minority: 20% Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 11:1 2012-2013 FIRST-YEAR ESTIMATED COSTS

Our facilities are designed to accomodate students with varying physical abilities, and we work with individual students to provide services, including transportation, note takers, or special equipment.

Tuition & fees: $17,240 residents; $32,924 nonresidents Books & supplies: $2,250 Living expenses: $10,064 Loan fee offset: $100

We actively recruit students who have been traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession, including minority and nontraditional students. In addition, minority students have the opportunity to participate in the Minority Clerkship Program that pairs them with area law firms, judges, and other legal professionals.

Computer purchase: $1,500 Financial aid: To apply, complete a FAFSA. ADMISSIONS TIMELINE September 1: First day applications are accepted January 1: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available online “Law Review has a longstanding tradition of excellence and academic integrity, and I am honored to be a part of that.” 2012-2013 Editor-in-Chief Amber Moore

March 1: Admissions application deadline March 1: WVU Law financial aid application deadline July 1: Transfer application deadline

(Top): 2011-2012 Editor-in-Chief Jessie Reckart attends the WV Law Review annual symposium (Above): Second-year, Marvin Sapp, speaks to incoming students at the Annual Admitted Student Luncheon. 18


Building for the Future CONTACT WVU LAW


Office of Admissions West Virginia University College of Law P.O. Box 6130 Morgantown, WV 26506-6130

A visit is the best way to determine if WVU Law is the best fit for you. Sit in on a class, tour the law school, meet with current students-it’s your day. The Office of Admissions will work with you to create an individual schedule that meets your needs. Contact us today for an appointment. We look forward to meeting you!

Telephone: 304.293.5304 Fax: 304.293.8102 E-mail: wvulaw.admissions @mail.wvu.edu


New York








• Morgantown • WVU

Washington, DC



Website: www.law.wvu.edu






Groundbreaking: Summer 2012 The 20,000-sq-ft addition will include 2 New Classrooms State-of-the-art Courtroom Distance Education Room Clinical Wing Conference and Interview Rooms Energy Law Center College of Law Event Space

“Law school is a different world, and until you've lived it you won't know what to expect. The student blog gives a glimpse into a day in a student's life at WVU College of Law. There you can find advice from current students, discussion of upcoming social events, and all things uniquely Morgantown. Written entirely by current students, the blog is a great way to take a quick look into what life is like at WVU College of Law.”

studentblog.law.wvu.edu 20

Zak Kinnaird

Student Blog Chief Editor

West Virginia University College of Law University Avenue & Law Center Drive Morgantown, WV 26506-6130 Founded in 1878, the West Virginia University College of Law was accredited by the AALS in 1914 and the ABA in 1923. West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Institution.

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