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- World Language (Independent Study)
Philosophy And Placement
World language students at Windward will be proficient communicators in the target language of their choice, demonstrating the ability to explore a variety of topics while displaying sensitivity to the nuances of cultural differences. Students will develop higher level analytical skills, including but not limited to critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability within the language. They will be linguistic risk-takers and confident in their ability to be creative with the language in real-world situations. Through exposure to a variety of experiences designed to bring language outside the classroom and into the world, our students will graduate as participating citizens of the global community.
In World Language, placement in the Honors sections is determined by testing, proficiency, and teacher recommendation. It should be noted that the Honors sections of World Language courses are significantly different from the regular sections, and strong performance in a non-Honors class is not by itself an indication that a student should be placed in the Honors section. Movement to an Honors section is possible with a teacher’s recommendation, but in most cases, such a shift requires summer work and a placement test.
Middle School students are required to take a world language in both Seventh and Eighth Grades. In grades 9-12, students are required to complete three years of the same language. Alternatively, a student may take two languages, both through level two. Students have the opportunity to continue into a level five or Advanced Placement course with the approval of the Department Chair. The University of California requires two (and recommends three) years of study of the same language other than English.