3 minute read
Honors Mandarin Language and Culture
Prerequisite: Mandarin 4, Honors Mandarin 4, or placement test.
Conducted primarily in Mandarin, students continue to develop the skills in order to handle dayto-day situations through more communicative skills. The goal is to become an intermediate-mid learner. At this level, students have a higher degree of competency in all four language skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Students are expected to present information on most familiar topics and beyond by using a series of complex sentences. Students engage in the exploration of both historical and contemporary Chinese culture through a wide array of authentic sources while they further refine and expand their knowledge of the Chinese language. Modern Chinese history will be introduced in class and students will explore the relationship between the mainland and Taiwan. Students read independently and interpret selected literary works in order to discuss contemporary issues as presented in literature, magazines, newspapers, videos, and online resources. Students continue to hone their understanding and appreciation of culture and interact comfortably with native speakers.
AP Chinese Language & Culture
Prerequisite: Mandarin 3 with departmental recommendation and placement test, Mandarin 4 Honors designation and departmental recommendation, or Mandarin 4 with departmental recommendation and placement test.
Conducted entirely in Mandarin, this college-level academic course is designed to advance linguistic proficiency across all modes of communication by engaging students in the exploration of cultural practices (patterns of social interactions), products, and perspectives (values, attitudes, and assumptions). The course provides students with opportunities to develop language proficiency across the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Students explore historical, sociopolitical, and cultural issues using a variety of media from authentic resources in order to promote interdisciplinary connections, language competence, and cultural awareness in real-life settings. Students also develop critical thinking in the discipline by integrating the skills of research, analysis, interpretation, contrast, and synthesis in order to enhance their speaking and writing communicative skills through informal and formal presentations.
Spanish 1A (7-8)
This course introduces students to the Spanish language and is designed for students with little to no prior exposure to Spanish. Our curriculum provides an opportunity for students to learn Spanish by listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and it exposes them to the traditions, customs, and culture of Spanish speaking countries. The course is conducted primarily in Spanish and provides a solid foundation at the novice-low level. Students at this level can communicate on some very familiar topics using single words and phrases that they have practiced and memorized. Students develop basic receptive and productive skills through practice of useful structures, forms, and vocabulary related to school, family, friends, sports and pastimes, travel and weather, and shopping. At the end of Spanish IA, students use the present and immediate future tenses to express basic needs and discuss everyday situations.
1B (7-8)
Prerequisite: Spanish 1A or departmental approval.
A continuation of Spanish 1A, this course allows students to continue their focused study of the underpinnings of the Spanish language in a more creative way. Conducted primarily in Spanish, students continue to practice productive and receptive skills in all four aspects of language acquisition: interpersonal communication, listening and reading comprehension, and written production while exploring elements of the Hispanic culture. By the end of Spanish 1B, students will reach the novice mid level and communicate with more confidence in basic everyday situations and on familiar topics related to family, school life, travel, and shopping while making important cultural connections and comparisons with their own culture.
Spanish 1
Conducted primarily in Spanish, this course introduces students to the Spanish language and the culture of the Hispanophone world and is designed for students with little to no prior exposure to Spanish. The main objective is to develop students’ communicative linguistic proficiency and competency while promoting cultural sensitivity. The course is conducted primarily in Spanish and provides a solid foundation at the novice-low level. Students at this level can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that they have practiced and memorized. By the end of the academic year, students should be able to express themselves and engage in basic conversations on familiar topics using simple phrases supported by memorized language in areas of immediate relevance.
Spanish 2
Prerequisite: Spanish 1B, Spanish 1, or placement test.
A continuation of Spanish 1A and B, this course emphasizes the acquisition of meaningful language skills stated by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Students learn and explore sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Students communicate in simple routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Students describe in simple terms aspects of their backgrounds and immediate environments. Students also work to acquire cultural and pragmatic competence by engaging with cultural materials from throughout the Hispanic world. By the end of this course, students should acquire novice-high to intermediate-low level of proficiency in all productive and receptive skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking).