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Golf Team (7-8)
Meets Fridays 3:15
Students play a local course on Fridays and compete against other schools during the Spring. Some previous golf experience is recommended, although not required. Students who are part of the Golf team can also participate in other sports. The Golf team does not fulfill the Middle School athletics requirement.
Swim Team (7-8)
Meets Fridays 3:15
Students are welcome to join the Swim team and compete against other schools from the Pacific Basin League. Students who are competing in a Fall sport may also join the Swim team, which meets on Fridays after school. The Swim team is a co-ed sport that is offered in the Fall to our Middle School students. It does not fill the Middle School athletics requirement.
Physical Education: Peak Performance (9-12)
Physical Education teaches fitness concepts and conditioning techniques that will help students maintain lifelong health. This course will introduce the basics of weight lifting, fitness training, and sections of basketball, football, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, and collaborative games that employ eye-hand/ eye-foot coordination, teamwork, and strategy. Yoga will also be incorporated, introducing students to an additional set of tools for injury prevention, increased strength and flexibility, and stress management. Ninth grade students must take either Sports Training or Physical Education, or dance; ninth grade students who participate on a sports team at Windward or outside of school that competes in the CIF-SS will be supported in their athletic endeavors in the Sports Training course described below. Students who take dance in order to meet their Physical Education requirement cannot count dance toward their arts requirement.
Independent Study Physical Education
Independent Study Physical Education (ISPE) is an educational option that affords students the opportunity to extend physical education learning activities beyond the school campus and regular school hours. ISPE allows the student to explore physical activities not normally offered in the Windward Physical Education Program or extended hours of competition in club, travel, or advanced levels of sports offered. Each ISPE student will be partnered with a member of the Windward Athletic Department and required to check-in for class and to meet monthly for the duration of their enrollment in the ISPE program.
Sports Training (10-12)
Sports Training is a year-long physical education course for students who participate on a sports team at Windward or outside of school that competes in the CIF-SS. This class supports students by providing sports-specific skills, along with a focus on strength, agility, and injury prevention. The course is led by the Peak Performance Center staff and Windward coaches. Ninth Grade students who participate on a Windward team will automatically be placed into Sports Training.
Dance 1 - Physical Education: Introduction to the Fundamentals of Movement (year-long) (9-12)
Dance 1 is an introductory studio course designed for students, both minimally experienced and inexperienced. The class will explore new perspectives and approaches to dancing through a range of structured technique, improvisation/composition, and kinesiology. Emphasis will be placed on discovering movement creativity along with acquiring the physical strength, flexibility, alignment coordination, kinesthetic awareness and movement dynamics, as well as some dance history. Modern dance, ballet, and contemporary jazz will be the foundation of this class. Students observe live dance performances and complete written critiques. Students have the choice of receiving credit for Physical Education or Performing Arts when taking this class. If a student chooses to take P.E. credit, they must choose another arts class and must still attend class when involved in an after-school sport.
Dance 2 - Physical Education: Exploring Dance Fundamentals through Multiple Means (year-long) (9-12)
Prerequisite: Dance I or permission of instructor
Dance 2 is a studio course designed for students who have prior knowledge and experience in the area of dance. The class will continue to explore new perspectives and approaches to dancing through a range of technical aspects, improvisation/composition, and body conditioning. Emphasis will be placed on discovering movement creativity along with acquiring the physical skills of strength, flexibility, alignment-coordination, kinesthetic awareness and movement dynamics, as well as some dance history and theory. Modern dance, ballet, and contemporary jazz will be the foundation of this class. Students continue to observe live dance performances and to complete written critiques. Students have the choice of receiving credit for Physical Education or Performing Arts when taking this class. If a student chooses to take P.E. credit, they must choose another arts class and must still attend class when involved in an after-school sport.
Dance 3 - Physical Education: Introduction to the Contemporary Aesthetic (year-long) (9-12)
Prerequisites: Previous dance experience and permission of instructor.
Dance 3 provides intermediate level dancers the opportunity to deepen the study of ballet and modern technique, taking on more advanced combinations and movement concepts with an emphasis on release technique, floor work, and spatial awareness. Lessons in dance history and viewing dance footage will be implemented at this level to strengthen the students’ compositional skills in preparation for the demands of an advanced dance class. Students continue to observe live dance performances and to complete written critiques. Students have the choice of receiving credit for Physical Education or Performing Arts when taking this class. If a student chooses to take P.E. credit, they must choose another arts class and must still attend class when involved in an after-school sport.
Dance 4 - Physical Education: Designing Dance as Art and Practice (year-long) (9-12)
Prerequisites: Previous dance experience and permission of instructor.
The focus of this class is improving awareness, flexibility, control, technique, and the dancer’s ability to learn combinations all within a faster-paced environment. This class is designed to prepare students for college-level dance programs. Each student experiments with various styles of dance and work to further develop performance and compositional skills. The dancers further their knowledge of dance history by studying some of the people who have been instrumental in creating that history. Choreography is a key element to this class. Learning repertory in various styles is required. Assignments include completion of a research project and critiques of dance performances. Students have the choice of receiving credit for Physical Education or Performing Arts when taking this class. If a student chooses to take P.E. credit, they must choose another arts class and must still attend class when involved in an after-school sport. Students may choose to enroll in this course for a second year, beyond that extending into an Independent Study with the approval of the instructor.