2020 SEAS Award Recipients Program

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Student Choice HATFIELD AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING FOR FACULTY IN THE LECTURER AND PRACTICE PROFESSOR TRACK The Hatfield Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Lecturer and Practice Professor Track will be given to a full-time lecturer, senior lecturer or practice professor in Penn Engineering. The award recognizes outstanding teaching ability, dedication to innovative undergraduate instruction, and exemplary service to the School in consistently inspiring students in the engineering and scientific profession. Tania Khanna

FORD MOTOR COMPANY AWARD FOR FACULTY ADVISING The Ford Motor Company Award for Faculty Advising recognizes dedication to helping students realize their educational, career and personal goals. Paris Perdikaris

S. REID WARREN, JR. AWARD The S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award is presented annually by the undergraduate student body and the Engineering Alumni Society in recognition of outstanding service in stimulating and guiding the intellectual and professional development of undergraduate students at the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Liang Feng

Undergraduate Academic Committee Awards The Manfred Altman Memorial Award, founded in recognition of the outstanding qualities possessed by Professor Manfred Altman, is given annually to the freshman or sophomore in engineering who has best demonstrated initiative, innovation, and ingenuity in his or her studies. Quinn M. Gallagher

ENGINEERING ALUMNI SOCIETY E. STUART EICHERT, JR. AWARD The Engineering Alumni Society E. Stuart Eichert, Jr. Student Award is given annually by the Engineering Alumni Society to that student in School of Engineering and Applied Science who, during his or her junior year, best exemplifies the characteristics of selfless service to the University and the Community. Kathie Jin

ALBERT P. GODSHO ENGINEERING PRIZE The Albert P. Godsho Engineering Prize is awarded to the graduating senior in the School of Engineering and Applied Science who has been selected by the faculty as having displayed the best grasp of the mathematical principles underlying the profession of engineering. Alexandre O. Amice Kuanhao Jiang




BEN AND BERTHA GOMBERG KIRSCH PRIZE The Prize is awarded annually by members of the Penn Engineering faculty through the Undergraduate Affairs Committee to that member of the senior class in the Applied Science Program who, in applying the flexibility of |the program, has created a personal academic experience involving the most creative use of the resources of the University. Katharine M. Cocherl

MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD The Management and Technology Scholarship Award is awarded by the SEAS faculty to that member of the senior class in the Management and Technology Program who has created an innovative system and attained high scholastic achievement. Bharath Jaladi

WOLF-HALLAC AWARD The Wolf-Hallac Award was established in October 2000 to be awarded to the best graduating female senior from Penn Engineering who is seen as a role model, has achieved a high GPA (top 10%) of class and who has demonstrated a commitment to school and or community. Nidhi Kapate Karen J. Shen

The Hugo Otto Wolf Memorial Prize, founded by Otto C. Wolf in memory of his son, is awarded to that member of the senior class in each department of the School of Engineering and Applied Science who, during the senior year, by the thoroughness and originality of his or her work, meets with the greatest approval of the professors in charge. Steven Bursztyn Mei Chung Jacob Faber-Rico Alexander Geers Alexander Goodisman Xiran Han Lauren Hoang Vera Lee Richard Ling Samantha Lunt Roshan Patel Jacqueline Peng

PENN ENGINEERING EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AWARD This special award is given by the faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science to recognize and honor outstanding students for their service to the University. Priya Bhirgoo Sophia Moses Raj Bhuva Evan Paregol Ciara Brown Benjamin Porat Grace Chong Avery Price Liam Dugan Alexander Proschel Elom Dumenyo Weizhen Sheng Qiaochu Guo Arielle Stern Lauren Hummel Audrey Walsh Kevin Liu Jane Xu Diana Marsala Lauren Mcleod




Moore School Awards JOHN GRIST BRAINERD AWARD The John Grist Brainerd Award is given annually to that member of the senior class in the Moore School, who, in the judgment of the faculty of the Moore School, on the basis of his or her entire undergraduate performance, exemplifies the character, scholarship, professional attitude and broad interests required of the modern engineer. Sneha Advani

MOORE SCHOOL COUNCIL CWIKLA AWARD The Cwikla Award is awarded annually to that senior who, in the opinion of the faculty of the Moore School, has demonstrated the greatest overall improvement in scholastic attainment and character development since matriculation as a freshman. Aryaman Vir

E. STUART EICHERT, JR. MEMORIAL PRIZE The E. Stuart Eichert, Jr. Memorial Prize, established by Technitrol, Incorporated, in memory of Mr. Eichert, a company co-founder and distinguished alumnus of the Moore School’s Class of 1942, is awarded each year to students at the end of their junior year in the Moore School who, in the judgment of the School’s faculty, best demonstrate initiative, intellectual attainment, and commitment to the professional practice of engineering. Andrew Butt Jediah Katz Anderson Myers Hanbang Wang

The A. Atwater Kent Prize in Electrical Engineering is awarded each year to that member of the senior class in the Moore School who, during his or her junior and senior year has, in the opinion of the faculty of the Moore School, shown the greatest progress in judgment and in the general grasp of the broad principles of electrical engineering, greatest development in personality, and greatest promise of success in this field. Wesley Sheker

WALTER KORN AWARD The Walter Korn Award was established by the Korn family as an enduring tribute to their father, husband and friend. It is awarded annually to an outstanding senior in the Moore School who will be continuing on at the Moore School for a graduate degree. Selection of the recipient is made by the Moore School chairs and faculty, in conjunction with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. Celine Lee




Advancing Women in Engineering Award JAROS BAUM & BOLLES AWARD The Jaros Baum & Bolles Award was established in 2008 by Letetia Tedori Callinan (MEAM Class of 1983) and is awarded to a Penn Engineering student who has demonstrated a commitment to advancing women in engineering (e.g. through mentoring or as a role model). Carlie Bolling

Departmental Awards

BIOENGINEERING STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARD This Award was established by the faculty of the Department of Bioengineering and is given annually to a student in Bioengineering who has demonstrated, through a combination of academic performance, service, leadership, and personal qualities, that he or she will be a credit to the Department, the School, and the University. Katherine Simms

ALBERT GIANDOMENICO AWARD The Albert Giandomenico Award is presented annually to the highest achieving laboratory group selected from the undergraduate laboratory courses taught in the Department of Bioengineering curriculum. The award is intended to reflect several traits that include teamwork, leadership, creativity, and knowledge applied to discovery-based learning in the laboratory. Alisa Bhakta Gabriel Desantis Lauren Mcleod Caroline Raquel

HERMAN P. SCHWAN BIOENGINEERING AWARD The Herman P. Schwan Award was established by the faculty of the Department of Bioengineering as an enduring tribute to their colleague and friend, in honor and recognition of his outstanding achievements in Bioengineering, and in commemoration of the receipt of his honorary Doctor of Science degree in 1986 from the University. This award is given each year to a graduating senior who, in the opinion of the faculty, has demonstrated the highest standards of scholarship and academic achievement. Alexander Silva




CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY AWARD The American Chemical Society Award, established by the Philadelphia Section of that Society, is given annually to a senior in Chemistry and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering on the basis of scholastic excellence and demonstrated leadership in professional activities, upon recommendation of the faculties concerned. James Kwon

AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS DELAWARE VALLEY SECTION AWARD The American Institute of Chemical Engineers Delaware Valley Section Awards are given to one rising sophomore, junior, and senior who has the best academic record, and who demonstrates high promise in Chemical Engineering. The senior award also recognizes the student who is considered to be the best overall prospective chemical engineer. Jinwan Cho Oghenerut Onosode Akaash Padmanabha

AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTS’ MEDAL AWARD The Philadelphia Chapter of the American Institute of Chemists’ Medal Award is given annually to an outstanding young individual in the graduating class in Chemistry and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering upon recommendation of the faculty of those departments. Lauren Duhamel

The A. Norman Hixson Prize in Chemical Engineering is awarded to that student or group of students of the senior class in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with the most outstanding laboratory report. Liam Bartie Raj Bhuva Emma Buerger Ruby Pan

COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE THE COMPUTER SCIENCE ACADEMIC AWARD This award recognizes a student who has excelled in Computer Science coursework well beyond the requirement for the degree. Caroline Okun

DAWN AND WELTON BECKET DIGITAL MEDIA DESIGN ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS The Dawn and Welton Becket Digital Media Design Award is presented to DMD seniors who exemplify the ideals of the DMD program through outstanding achievement, citizenship, and mentoring Grace Gilbert Joshua E. Nadel




ELECTRICAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING RICHARD K. DENTEL MEMORIAL PRIZE IN URBAN TRANSPORTATION This prize was established by Mrs. Martha Clark-Dentel in memory of her husband Richard K. Dentel, a former student in the Department of Civil Engineering. It is awarded annually to a systems engineering student in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering who has had the best overall performance at the University in the area of urban transportation. William Wang

WILLIAM L. EVERITT STUDENT AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE The International Engineering Consortium (formerly known as the National Engineering Consortium, “NEC”) developed a program for the purpose of honoring students majoring in electrical and computer engineering and computer science. The William L. Everitt Student Award of Excellence is awarded to two outstanding students annually from each IEC affiliated university. Christopher Foley David Guardiola

INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS’ STUDENT AWARD The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Student Award is given on the recommendation of the IEEE faculty advisor to that senior judged to have achieved excellent professional development, who has made major contributions to the IEEE student branch. The award is a one year membership. Noah Tatman

The Victor W. K. Ku Memorial Award is presented annually to one student of systems engineering and one student of mechanical engineering, who at the end of their junior year best exemplify the ideals of high scholarship, personal discipline, and service to others for which Victor W. K. Ku, BSE (ME) ’70, MSE (ME) ’71, is remembered. Maher Abdel Samad George Popov

WOLF FAMILY AWARD IN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING The Wolf Family Award in Systems Engineering is presented to a senior systems engineering student in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering who has demonstrated the best overall academic performance during his or her studies at the University. Anelia Valtchanova

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING R. M. BRICK AWARD The R. M. Brick Award is named for the first chairman of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and is awarded to the graduating senior who has demonstrated, through a combination of academic performance, effort, and personal qualities, that he or she will be a credit to the Department, the School, and the University. Robert M. Brosnan Joel M. Chacko




MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AWARD The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Award is given annually to a student in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics in recognition of his or her outstanding efforts and accomplishments on behalf of the Student Chapter of the University of Pennsylvania. Perrin L. Bauder

VICTOR W. K. KU MEMORIAL AWARD The Victor W. K. Ku Memorial Award is presented annually to one student of systems engineering and one student of mechanical engineering, who at the end of their junior year best exemplify the ideals of high scholarship, personal discipline, and service to others for which Victor W. K. Ku, BSE (ME) ’70, MSE (ME) ’71, is remembered. George A. Popov

RALPH TEETOR AWARD The Ralph Teetor Award was established by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics in memory of its distinguished alumnus, Ralph R. Teetor, Class of 1912. It is awarded annually to that senior who in the opinion of the department’s faculty has demonstrated the qualities of ingenuity, creativity, scholarship, and service. Leora F. Korn Vijay R. Ramanujan

Management and Technology Program Awards The Naren Udayagiri Scholarship Award is presented in memory of Professor Naren Udayagiri, a distinguished scholar, valued colleague and outstanding educator. It is awarded to a junior Management and Technology student who has achieved distinction scholastically and has demonstrated his or her commitment to excellence in both engineering and business. Amit K. Gupta



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