Wen Qin Selected works
Content 01 Weaving Hub /LYLQJ LQ WKH *UDIÀWL - Brooklyn affordable housing
02 Aquaworks Flow like water - Reimaging the water plantation
03 Argarian Picturesque Future Farm - A systematic design of a dye ecosystem
04 The Nest Fresh Air - Schenk-Woodman competition
05 Street Wonderland City Escape - A plausible pandora box prototype
--------------------------------------------------------------------Cuboid House (Structral project) Contrast between heavy and light
Rittenhouse Project (Revit project) BIM Labotory practice - Complex mutli-story commercial building modeling
Weaving Hub University of Pennsylvania, Stuart Weitzman School of Design, Fall 2022 Instructor: Ben Krone Work type: Individual The design intention for this project is trying to Weaving the lower-income community and artist groups together to soften the boundaries between different classes and bring an artistic vibe into the neighborhood. The housing aims to provide the local artists and visiting artists the opportunity to collaborate and provide them with a better creative workspace. The original concept was inspired by weaving techniques, from a series study of weaving techniques and patterns to transform from a 2 dimensional pattern into a three-dimensional object that contains spatial quality, to achieve the goal of weaving the units and exiting together, as well as weave the visiting artist and local residents together. After the weaving technique studies, I take the 2d transformation to 3D, then implement in the design strategies, such as weaving the space together, especially weaving the public space and artist’s residential area together to make a collision between the permanent artists and visiting artists
Left: Chunk - Cut Away Right: Site Map - overview of the red hook neighborhood
UG ÁRRU Floor Plan
Traverse Section 1
Traverse Section 2
Top render:1b1b unit bedroom Bottom render: 2b2b unit living space
Common courtyard render View from the semi-public courtyard space with the resident’s lobby
Perspective elevation render - Longitudinal ,PSOHPHQW JUDIÀWL RQWR WKH H[WHULRU IDFDGH WR HPEUDFH WKH DUWLVW FRPPXQLW\ DQG WKH neighborhood, view looking from south to the North
Aquaworks University of Pennsylvania, Stuart Weitzman School of Design, Spring 2023 Instructor: Dorian Booth Work type: Partner with Wei Wang Primitive form developement and all drawings are all done by me independently* As well as the physical model piece fabrication are mostly done by me* Our primary concept draws inspiration from Eduardo Paolozzi’s print, which uses offset language to illustrate simple components like arcs, lines, and curves. To start our design process, we integrated offset language into our initial industrial assembly model, which enabled us to explore and UHÀQH WKH XVH RI PXOWLGLPHQVLRQDO RIIVHW ODQJXDJH :H DOVR H[WUDFWHG D pattern language from our geometry pattern studies to inform and guide our design decisions. Overall, our material selection aims to create an industrial atmosphere while maintaining a contrast between the heaviness and lightness of the project. We meticulously considered the program distribution and site requirements WR HQVXUH D IXQFWLRQDO DQG HIÀFLHQW VSDFH $V VKRZQ LQ WKH FLUFXODWLRQ ÁRZV on the plan, we separated the entrance and circulation areas for staff and visitors, while maintaining opportunities for interaction, particularly in the educational areas. Most of the spaces are overlapped and also contain the adjacency quality of the space. For instance, we made the lab area partially accessible to visitors, allowing them to observe the water treatment process in action while ensuring necessary restrictions for equipment and testing zones. Additionally, the circulation tunnels serve multiple functions, including dividing visitors and guiding them around the water plantation safely. We also used the hardscape and soft scape to integrate the site with the surrounding neighborhood and create an inviting outdoor space that visitors can explore without entering the building. Left: Render - Zoomed in Top view Right: Physical chunk (quater of the project) model - 1/16 scale (16in tall, 18in wide) 3d print, plaster and vacumn form
Left side: Detail section Right side: Callout details
Left side: ISO Render(Overview) Right side top: Backside Right side bottom: Lab interior
Argarian Picturesque University of Pennsylvania, Stuart Weitzman School of Design, Fall 2023 Instructor: Florencia Pita Work type: Partner with Flora Fei Concept developement and form iteration developement are all done by me* All drawings and renders are all done by me independently* At the heart of our concept is the establishment of a self-sustaining ecosystem, a farm where we not only cultivate cotton but also harvest herbs and utilize natural resources like walnuts, wild berries, and persimmons for fabric dyeing. The unique technique of sun dyeing with persimmon juice adds an extra layer of artistry to the process, deepening colors through multiple photosynthesis cycles during dyeing. Crucially, our approach extends beyond sustainable fabric creation. It involves hosting and protecting the wild plants integral to our dyeing process, fostering a harmonious coexistence between nature and production. This holistic system not only champions sustainability but also introduces a novel idea—using the farm as a distinctive venue for fashion runways and events. Attendees can witness the entire fashion lifecycle, from cultivation to creation, amid the beauty of our ecologically conscious farm. In a world where the fashion industry often extracts from nature without giving back, our concept stands as a beacon of regenerative practices. By minimizing environmental impact, reducing waste, and embracing ethical fashion production, ZH DVSLUH WR UHGHÀQH WKH QDUUDWLYH VXUURXQGLQJ IDVKLRQ³RQH WKDW KRQRUV WUDGLWLRQ celebrates nature, and paves the way for a more sustainable future.
Left: Render - Zoomed in Top view Right: Color palette study in 2D aggregation with hatch/visual effections
Left: Notation study Composition study Right top: Notation aggregation study on site iterations Right bottom: On site color study iteration
Top: Render + Drawings Zoom-in activities Bottom: Topological and spieces study for program distribution
Physical model detailed model - 1/400 scale Model size: 18in length, 18in wide Techniques: Laser cut, 3D print
Physical model model - 1/1000 scale Model size: 40in length, 18in wide Techniques: CNC milling, Laser cut, string wraping
The Nest Schenk-Woodman competition, Fall 2022 Work type: Team work with Ross Mackenzie and Bohan Long (Contributed at drawings and modeling) Award: First place
...Reimagine the cityscape as a nest, the infrastrcture as its bones... The Nest’s proposal for the intersection of Noble Street and Ridge Avenue emerged IURP D GHVLUH WR FRQQHFW SHGHVWULDQ WUDIÀF RQ WKH VWUHHW OHYHO WR WKH 5DLO 3DUN XVLQJ a series of interventions which both respect and enrich the site. These spaces are divided into two basic programmatic portions, the scaffolding structure resting on the street level, and the “Eggs,” which are suspended above the Rail Park. The project seeks to harmoniously align both aesthetically and physically with the industrial and infrastructural aspects of the Rail Park and greater Callowhill. Further, The Nest aims to provide a variety of programmatic and spatial experiences for the user. The scaffolding structure is designed to accommodate public and semiprivate eating spaces which feature operable facade elements and are therefore adaptable to the needs of the user.
Left side: Exterior perspective render (Overview) Right side: Site plan Scale: 1’ = 1/16”
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Left side: Floor plan Top right side: The EGG circulation diagram Bottom right side: Cross section Scale: 1’ = 1/8”
Diagram showing 4 ways operable pannel function
Interior of the EGG perspective render
Street Wonderland UIC SoA/Architectural studio, 2018 Instructor: Stewart Hicks Work type: Individual This project concept was deveopled based on a community YMCA, from simply bringing people together into a space, to provide some unconventional experience in a simple medivial box. The “box” has become to a pandora box in the city, it will offer four different themes, which involve sports, wilderness, family playground and recycle work studio. This project is not only trying to make our city from a concrete forest to a place that offering people a fun and playful escape space. The exterior facade provide strong contrast comparing to the surrounding contexts, like an ancient artifact that just landed in the community that we live. Along a spiraling ramp that lead you to new and unexpected view engagement with the city, get higher see landscape of outside and inside acticities.
Left: Conceptual Render Right: Timeline diagram
Before we implement these modest urban scale wilderness recreation boxs into the city, we could tell there are more than half of the Chiagoan are expreiencing paled urban/ subrban life, which there are only a very limited amount of residents could have the opportunities to have diverse recreation options in their daily life. After we implement these recreational pandora boxs into the Chicago metropolitan area, we could see the differences right away, which aim to break down the boundaries between these different areas that are not only build up the areas that are lacks of parks and communications in the neighborhood. But also could reactivate some of the hiden gems in theurban/suburbans area, such as: beaches, vacant lots and abandonded facotry lots.
Circulation People could experience a ramdon four different themes that was choosen to offer people a space to enjoy unconventional wilderness in the urban/suburban areas. The goal of this program aims to create a all seasonal social gathering and recreational space for the communities, which could also be an city escape for residents. Ancient archs elements that are also offering a unconventional experience for people to view from the outside towards to the inside. Combing with the ramping system, which will offer an comprehensive experience to view the city from different angles. Image on the right hand is one of the selected locations, is locating at the upper north side of Chicago, near the Osterman beach.
Back to the wild
Green Machine
Do you have a travle bucket list but you never had the time to go? Do you want to see this wonderful world at once?
Do you have stuffs needs to be recycled? Do you want to see recycled arts&crafts? Do you need a place to work and present as a community artist?
Here is chance for you see the nature through LED screens, give you a unforgetable experience to the wildness world in the city, right in front of your home.
You can have it all in one, right here - green machine, a place for you to work and show your recycled arts
Announcement This is the place for you to escape right down the streets. Theme parks are open to welcome everyone who loves to try different things in the real world. All restrooms will be all gender-neutral restrooms. Please watch out for your children and personal belongings.
Floating in the real
Running in the wavy land
Do you miss the beach and summer? Do you love medival culture? Do you miss your past trip in Rome?
Do you want to run and play like a kid? Do you love wild mossland?
Here is the place for you to experience swim in the Roman Colosseum, this place have deep and shallow pools, diving platform and even sand pit for you and your family to explore.
This a place for every family worth to stay and play. You can run like a kids without any hestiation, like everyone does in this wavy land; to take sliders with your loved ones.
Back to the wild Inspired by the wilderness that are far away from the city, and places people have rare chance to go in our life, such as amzon forest, bottom of the ocean and rare geological places. This theme is aim to bring people into a wild wonderland that present wilderness in whole a different way, which to implement LED screen in a open plan to provide a immerisive experience in this theme.
Entrence 1. Gravel pit 2. Pond 3. Sunken plaza 4. Sand 5. Leafs pit 6. Underground entrence 7. Restroom and Lounge 2IÀFH
Green Machine Inspired by stacked recycle boxes, piled cuibical and cuboid boxes creates congested space within a gigantic box. This theme is aim to provide a free space for the community artisits and family to spend time make arts and crafts from recycled materials in the back, and there are some availble gallery space in the front for people to present their works. Green Machines take mterials like, paper,metal and yarns.
Entrence 1. Gallery Space 2. Recycle art shop 3. Reserved artist work space 4. Work space reserve center 0DQDJHPHQW RIÀFH 6. Outdoor lounge 7. Restroom 8. Maintenance
Floating in the real This theme is simply provide a open all season activity space for the community families, which aim for bringing people to a free and creative swim space down the streets. To provide a atmosphere like swim in the colosseum in a mordern day, this place include deep and shallow pools, as well as sand pit with joyful sliders. Also you will experience a different shower experience, which you will shower between corssed giant tubes.
Entrence Entrence 1. Restroom and lockers 1. Restroom and locker s 2. Sandpit and sand sliders 2. Sandpit and sand sliders 3. Chilling and shower area 3. Chilling and shower are a 4. Mini surf and foot massage area 4. Mini surf and foot massage area 2IÀFH DQG /RXQJH 5. Office and Loungearea 6. Spa and massage 6. Spa and massage area 7. Shallow pool 7. Shallow pool 8. Deep pool 8. Deep pool
Running in the wavy land Inspired by the primitive form of wild mossland, to use the softness as the whole theme quality and contour to create a space that provide warm and welcome atomsphere for the community residents. The whole theme is framed under a giant wooden structure. The roof top is for people to have quite WLPH JURXQG ÁRRU LV IRU SHRSOH WR HQMR\ UXQ OLNH D kid and play with their family.
Entrence Entrence 1. Water sliders W ater 2.1.Hide andsliders seek Hide and seek 3.2.Trampoline castle 3. T rampoline castle 2IÀFH DQG UHVWURRP Office chilling and restroom 5.4.Family zone 6.5.Mini slider castle zone F amily chilling 6. Mini slider castle
Cuboid House Structural project UIC SoA/Architecture construction technologies, 2018 Instructor: Dan Wheeler Work type: Collaborate with Lindsey Louisma (I was the concept producer and physical model maker, both of us been contribute on drawings) 7KLV SURMHFW ZDV LQWHQGHG WR EH GHVLJQHG DV D VPDOO OLYLQJ VSDFH ZKLFK LQFOXGHV D EDVHPHQW JURXQG ÁRRU DQG PH]]DQLQH OHYHO The main concept is to express the contrast between the exterior’s heaviness and interiors lightness. The material used in this strcuture is engineered wood, while the H[WHULRU IDFDGH DQG WKH LQWHULHU ÀQLVK DUH SO\ZRRG
Physical model 1’ = 1/4” materials: 1 inch thick foam core, 1/4 inch Bass wood and 1/64” plywood
Above left: Physical model picture Above right: Form developing diagram Below: Perspective section cut
Rittenhouse Project Revit project University of Pennsylvania, Stuart Weitzman School of Design , Spring 2022 Instructor: Dr. Franca Trubiano Work type: Individual