2 minute read

Welcome Kevin Peberdy introduces our new CEO, Sarah Fowler


By Kevin Peberdy, WWT Chief Operating Officer

We were delighted to welcome Sarah Fowler as our new Chief Executive in March. Previously Chief Executive of the Peak District National Park Authority, Sarah has always been drawn to water and is passionate about connecting people to green and blue spaces. Indeed, wetlands feature prominently in her career with the Environment Agency, English Nature, The Wildlife Trusts and the RSPB.

Sarah is now getting to know WWT’s work, both in the UK and internationally, leading the delivery of our refocused strategy, and developing our next five-year strategic plan. She is already an active spokesperson, ensuring our voice is heard and that the value of wetlands is better understood. You’ll be hearing more from Sarah in future issues of Waterlife. When Martin Spray stepped down in 2020, I was asked by our Trustees to steer WWT through the worst of the pandemic and refocus our work to ensure it remains relevant in the modern era. It was hard to imagine then how greatly our lives would be impacted by Covid two years later.

But I am proud of how WWT has not only weathered the storm but emerged from the pandemic even stronger. I am particularly proud of our renewed sense of direction and the many groundbreaking wetland projects that are now up and running, despite all the issues.

I am always humbled by, and grateful for, the support of all our staff, volunteers and supporters. The ability of wetlands to help tackle the current environmental crises, both for our wildlife and for our own futures, has never been more important. And the opportunities to place wetlands front and centre as a solution have never been greater.

It’s been my privilege to lead WWT through one of the most difficult periods in its long history, and I look forward to supporting Sarah in my role as Chief Operating Officer in realising the huge opportunities for the charity.

We can’t wait for you to meet Sarah Fowler, our new Chief Executive There’s nothing quite like a visit to London Wetland Centre in summer. We pride ourselves on making nature accessible to everyone, especially in the city

Tom Marshall

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