The Monthly Planet - Dec. 1984

Page 1

MoncbJy Planet

Green Party Invades America

The N:rth~st Creen tEtwork has recently been organizoo in BellingtBm. This orgpnizatioo is striving to develop cont.acts with 'Creen ' nnvements across the st.ates. Its goals are twofold: to ooucate arrl provide a forun for developing int®'ated, ecologically sensitive politics, lifestyles, and culture in rur area.

The N:rth~st Creen fEMrk is a derivative of tha <reen Party that in Europe. The ''<reen" IIDVanent W:l.S startoo in GernBny in 1978 with the title "Creen Actioo Future" and coined tre sl~ ''rte are neither left nor right, are in front." In 1980 tre creen nnvement a recogniza:1 political P:ll"ty am in 1983 they had captured 5. 6% of the popular vote arxi 'Zl ooats in tha Genmn parliIIB1t in Bern. There popularity has continEd to f!l'OI t:hrruglrut El.Irope arrl has rDf m::>Va:i to lt>rth krerica.

01 11.lgust 10-12, 1984 in St. Pa.ul, Mi!n:!sot.a there W:l.S a ~ting held to orgpnize the lrIErican <reen Party. People of varials arrl diverse bc:ckgroorx:Is cane ~ther to a!:K the questioo, ''W1at \o0.11.d the future be like in a 'O'-eerl' sooiety?" After discuss.ioo arrl arguie1ts a nuni:>er of i.ssLes surfaced. It W:l.S decided

1984 Volume 6, umber 2
Doug Price
Com mued 1111 J



Contributingditow L auneStephan DougPrice.Da\eMcFaddenDougDoby~. RichChrappa.Em,tGayden


SpecialthankstoJayne.helleyforher lm,canddevotion,andtoBenJamin Shdleyforthespecialjoyhebring

Editor's Note

Happy Holidays!

Sea.s::,n'sQ--eetingsfranthe EhvirorlrentalCenterstaff!Itis duringthist.irreofyearthat peopleS=elJltocoosiderothers withnnregcxxiwill than atarry othertine. ve ropethatthisis trueforallpeopleinallplaces. To.isis.ste has beendedi<B ted todrers-allofthosepeoplemo actforthe gcx:xi oftherestof us.ItIIBY be recyclinger perhaps dem:nstrat:i.rgfora<Buse theybelievetobeh<n:>rable;it ist:.rerepeople WD ~ialrespcnsibilitiesthatnake lifeforallofushigherin quality.Perocnalinitiativeis v.hat nBkes thirg3v.Urk. Icannot nan:e thein:iividual.s here,tutIthinkyru kncM vtX> yru are. Yoo have oor ~testpraise andbless~forthisooliday serua1 an:ithosetocare. Thankycu.

To Our Read rs

rlw .\11111/lit, i'lanl'f isapubltc-auonthat stri\'1·stoinfmmt·11tntainandstimulatt'1 thought011t't1\11onmc111,di,stH'S.Wt',thr H/' tJff. knowth.111·11vironnwntal int1•11• t ,tndtont1·1ninotconfirud w ju t tlw <' JHItand t ht·r,ulic,ds.B~ hro,11l1·11ing t ht·f«Huofthe J>lan1•t ¼ I' hopC'111,tpp1•,iltn,1 < ornmunitwidl' .1udwn11·.I1·tu,know ½ hatvoulikt·or \H1tddlik1·to~,,.Ill tlw /'/anl'f ; tl'adcr p.11ti1ip,1t1on11mit,•din ,ill asp1·tt,of1t public,1ti1111.

Jlw\H'\,.,l'p11•,<'dh1·11•1na1<'not neei·s.11rh1lio~,·ttftht•1\\:-.oti,1tcd.tud<"nl m,trl\nltlw,uhcrtr~,·"

Theory Into Practice


N astlooavay :in S<agitCounty's (asCBdefoothillsisatustl:i.rg agrarianprcrlucticn.Squash, ct.ires,peas,beets,<Brrots,potatoes,raspberries,strawberriesall grcM undertheincredib]ydiligmt careofSarah.Foss, Cale Kahn,arrltheseventeenarployees ofcasccrl.ianFarm:3.

(asCBd.ian Farm isnotjust arotherlocaltann;theirstoryis Cl'lefullofpersnu. value canbina:lwithasensitivityfor thedamndsofhealthconscicus people. withrutpesticides,cl'ani<Blfertilizer,mrahmvyreliameupai fossilfuels.Peoplethatare hmlthan:ienvircrmaltccnscioos createasubstantialIIB.rketfor thefarm'sprcduce.

Thefarmbeganin1972witha µiilosoJi}ycoosidered,atthat tizre,quiteidmlistican:ia willingoosstooverlodctoostatus QLOforagriculturalpractices.

ItsS.1Cress can beverifiedby the gru,,th instaffonthefarm. In1983,justCl'le year ago,tre farmarployai six people. Qle yearlaterthey now arploy seva1t.een:"It'sJ:X1E!l()IJH1alhew nudlit'sgrc:w1,"says.Foss,t1I never\tO.lldhavebelievaiit!t1

'Ihenerbersof this labor forcehaveprova1totheircanmmitythatncn-conventiooal farming nethcxis can be usai toa nnre profitablea1Cl than tooccnvmtiaal;profitable :in ternsof capitalcootsas\\ellasloog-term sustainability.t1Ithinkthat the largerconventietlalope.ratioosare hEB.dingforalotoftrooblet1mys lbss.

To begin with,thefarm's process:i.rg equiµ11mt runs car:plete]yoffofelectricity, electricityprovidedbytooir hydrrelectricgenerator.The diverta:ifrana nearby stream w-iidl is channeloo c:lGm asteep

Thegmeratorcreatesan averageoffiftykilovatts per hrur,ofwti.chon]ythirty are uredatarryCl'letime.'IheCMners havefamialucrativebusinessin sell:i.rgtheirexoossto localutilities.

W1a1 oilprices exceai acanµ3.tablelevel,thefarmiscap:3.ble ofdistillingethamlforvehicular ~1. !:braI) vegetation aoo \.ll'IIBrketableprcrlucefordistillingalloW:3 the fann toproouoo ED:>lJghfuelfortheirneeds. W1a1 gpsolineiscreapencug)1,these scraps are ooldaspigfea:l.

'Ihe(asCBd.ian Farm isquite laborintensivev.hichmvesm:ney toallofthecapital costs an:ifuelC01S1.1IPticndeIIB11ded bythe n:ore conventiooal nailanizaticn.

Thestructuresenthefarm inclui:irg the prCXJess:i.rg aoo storage .facilitieswereccnstruct.edthra.Jg'lthehelpof frien:ls,ne:ighborsan:irelatives. Inaddition,ninety-fivepercent ofallservicean:irep:3.irs takes plaoo en sitewiththehelpoftre farm'sdrop-inIIEChanic.

W1en askedW1Ypersistsin laboring01thefarm,C<>-<W1er Sarah lbs.s replied-

"I like to\-A'.rkcutside.I liketobepartofna.ture's cycle.Ican'tseenvselfdoing anythingelre.Ftcdisabasic neErl an:iI like toprovidethis need.I'mintov.Urk:i.rginalabor intensiveatuosµiere.It'savery cooperativeventure arxl that's fulfilling :in itrelf.t1


Continued from I thataninterim be fornaiof inter"T'egiooalcorrespcndenoecanmitteesccnposerlofregicra.l reµ--esentatives W"X> wruldemourageanulti-levelIIDVaIBltontile local and natiooalpolitical SCEfle.

TheCreenPartyis tase:i upcn ten key They in:::lude: 1ecologicalwisdan2.dooe1tralizationofgoverrm:mt and economics3.grassroots J:::airxracy resp::nsibility6.inclusive1ess am occialresp::nsibility9. mnviolent10.f<X!US 00 the future.

Fcologicalwisdanincludestile ideathat \-e arepartoftileecosystem,notincontrolofit. The<reenssaythat \-e need to live within theecologicallimits of our plaret,inprovetilerelaticnship betvam citiesand camtrysides an:i t.oprotectall

thingsfromunnecessaryharm. In othervOr'ds,they our role as guardiansoftheEarthrather than ccnquerors.

Theyambelievethat \-e are toocentralized; they fear are arocmculture;thatthere needs to be rrnredecisioo--O'Bking activity01tilelocallevel, peopleneedto be involved am in centraloftheir a..n lives.

'Im Q'eel1 Partyalrobelieves in enployeeavnership an:i wcrkplace~cy.Theyasserttrat \-e needt.orestrmture incarB distribJtiontoreflectthev.ealtil

FCDC - Hope For Econo m y

TheFoorthC.Omer~veloJ]lHlt Corporaticn (Fax;) is \tatcan Camty'srewhope in tilebattle agp.instadeclininglocalOOC>l1Cley'. Theccrixrati01 is tileresultof aneccncmicdeveloµJEntstra t.egy dcnebytheStanford Fesearch Jhstitute. 'Im Cili.fomia thinktank feltgreatercoordinatioo be~ trepublicandprivate sect.orscruldhelprevitalizetile localec<XXJitY. 'Im city and camtygoverrmaitsrepresenttile µ.iblic33Ctor within the FCOC. ThePortofBel.lingtBman:lthe OlaIIi:>er of O:mrerce and Industry representtheprivatecaners.

Since itscoocepticnlast ~ring,theccrpraticnhas taka1 steps by recuring funds forboo localoocrmri.cstooies.stuqy willreS:aro1in:iustrialdiversifi.cati01 within &>ia!

Fax; feels there areIIBl1Y possibilitiestodevelopB.C. m::lustriesin \tatcan Crunty. In ordertofa.scilitateGuadian

develoµJEnt, the Fax; m.JSt learn nnre al:nltspecificB.C.narkets and caipmies. 'Im industrial diversificati01stuqy will hopefully helpidentifythere caipmiesthat are interested in exp311dingto \tatcan Crunty.

The secxni stuqy will developan CNe.rall narketirgstrategyfor W1atcan Chmty.Thestuqy will researehtrelaW3 and SJr'r'CXJl'xiingimustrialdeveloµIB1t in \tatcan Crunty. 'Im study's fin:iingswilltbe1beusa:lt.o µ.ibliooa guide thatattracts and ~rsquesticnsforprospective B. C.developers. Fax; stu:iies will n.m CCl1CUrr'elltly in tilehope thattheircooroinatioowill sµirk aninterestin W1atcan Camty. C.Orp::>ratioo is still in its infamy and treirstu:iies wen 't be ccnpleta:luntilrextSlllllrer. f'evertheless,e}q)eettheFax;to creates:xIEbiglavesin Wlatcan Crunty.corporatioo'sdecis:ioos will urrlrubtablyaffectthe area'squalityoflife,an:ifor this reas::n akne the F(1C derervesourattentioo.

createdby~tivitiesootsideof trenmetary eccnarv suchas hoosekeepers,i:arents,~e1ers, and volunteers. In addition,they feelthat \-e IDJSt restrictthe size and J:Oierofrraj:>rcorporaticns.

The<reenswmttorerluce defenre and uretheexcesscapital to care fortiledisadvantagErl, this means helping trem tohelp thEm9elves instead ofcreatinga dependenceongoverrmmthandoots.

Ingeneral,the G"eens are lookingtocreateaSCXJietytrat hasavisionofthefuturethat is ecologicallysrund, has ah:ig:l degreeofpergnal,occial, and globalresponsibility,peace and equality.

Tofi.rrlout roore al:nlttile activitiesoftileBel..lin€t1a1Jl G"eens,Calta.ct:MJrth\-estG-'een tetv.ork,P.O.fux4036,Bellingham,WA 98ZZ1 forinfonratioo.


The existence of an interna.tia:al cartel of uran:iun praiucers has been kr™1 since 1976, W1e11 the Fria-rls of tre Earth in Pllstralia obta:inoo secret dcctmmts from a minirls firm in that cruntry. Cara:ia has been h.iglly inplicated since ocnE of the Il'Eetings of the cartel \-ere org;mized by officials fran their D3i:artnalt of Ehergy, Mines am'Ces. Canada went oo far as to pass le.gislatioo it a felony to have aey µ.iblic camunicatioo of rraterial relating to uraniun rrarketing. law has since been limited cruy to industry and goverrmant, i.e., those already involved in the cartel. Q->rups of Canadian Indians have been protesting the uranium mining on their lands for mmy YEBrS rn-,. This P3st ~r, an AJM ( ~ican Irxiian M:>varent) .9..lrvival Qu..ip t.ol.lrai Ellrope to express their position. To quote Jdm Craham, spokeSJBn: ''It's an international struggle. If yoo can stop the "newkiller" in:iustry in Europe, and if we can stop the uranillll mires in Cara:ia, \te '11 be helping each other." M::nt>ers of the toor in Ellrope ~t with industry and goverment people to ask for Slrll things as fences to curtail the mire sites and tailings am to pressure the Qmadian goverrm:mt to supply adeqwte health coverage for the people living in the surro.JOOing area.

S:i.sketdla,an In:iians have been particularly affected by uranillll mining, am the 83rd at Wtllistoo Lake in oorth-central &sketdla,an be~ lraniLln City and Prince Albert is inviting people to care to visit than this SUIIIEr to see for tianselves vilat the ccn:litioos are. At sare hearings this fall, goverment officials fran Ehvircnne.1t Carada told another grrup of na.tives not to vUT"f; that they w::uld have to canp riglt oo top of the tailings day am night for 3 \-eeks to

Uranium Hypocrisy

receive a lethal dooe of radiation!

The problems of radiatioo contaminatioo fran mires are not \tell umerstocx:l. M::re radiatioo rEllBins in the tailing.s than is extracted for use by in:iustry am military yet _p3.thways for this radiaticn are mt \tell sttrlied am m:ney for researdl is negligible.

Qmada has Il'Bde a point of returning the last of their ruclear missiles to the U.S. this i:ast SU11001"; l:n/ever, at the san:e t:ilre a govemIIB'lt carpmy, Atomic Ehergy of Canada Ltd., is prearing to build the largest 'rxnmilitary' tritiLID plant in the v.Or'ld. 'IritiLID is to replenish the active car:ponents in hydrogen barbs as \tell as for the

yrur envircnnalt. \ae are not wi.llirg to destroy a.Jr CWl lam by uraniun mining either. N::> uranium mires have been opened in a..eden because of stroog local resistence. '' 'Ihe letter \.BS addressed to the D3i:art;nmt of Ehergy, Mires, and'Ces of tre CbvernIIEnt of Qmada.

The Minister of Ehergy, Mires, and'CeS dur~ the early seventies \tBS of the key o~ of the secret uraniun cartel \ cootrols the supply of fuel to uraniun plants arum the vO"ld. Qmadian policy has been cynically naniµ.iJated umer to guise of na.ticral sacurity to drive the price of uraniLIIl fran seven dollars a pam:i in 1973 to over forty dollars a pam:i in 1978. The narg:in ~3:!d over tenfold. At that tiloo, uranitlll W:lS the foorth largest export f'ron Canada. year, Qmada will overtake the U.S. as the largest uraniun praiucer. Yet still, the requests of t:hore people nnst closely effecte:1 by these operations are being ignored.

narufacture of new ~s. Because tritiun is in shcrt supply in the u.s. , this effort can be seen as a direct ccntributicn to the arms prai~tion of the U.S. military. Irrlian people have been aWire of the ~isy in the Canadian positioo of disarnane1t for quite a wu.le-the evidence is in their rack yaro.

In a letter date:1 Miy a)th, 1984, ~lve reµ--esentatives fran seven El.Jropean na.tioos representiig the Creen Party asked PrinE Minister 'Irudeau to safeguard the lives and future of C:lradian Iaiians living in the areas polluted by radicactive W3.Stes. In a letter date:1 '1Ioo 6th, 1984, a IlEii>er of the c.enter Party in ~en wrote: ••~en gets a large i:art of the uraniun for energy plants f'rcm & \ae regret very uuch that \te share in the respcnsibility of the destructioo of 4

Just as their ism n~lear irrlustry wti.dl is not rrarried to military by security, techoology, aoo overlapping resruroes--there is oot Slrll thing as peaceful uraniLID min.irg. In a i:aPe.r written in N::>nay for the Earth Ehb3ssy Office in Van::loover, BC, Published this lugust' Miles Cbldstid{ \-rote: "-for close to a d~e, arnrur pieroing, imErliary rullets have been DBde rut of deplete:1 uraniun ( 00). Further, DU is u3:!d in b.11.lets n:eant to hit people directly. This inforoaticn has been a closely gl.BIUed military secret." 'lhe advant.ages of. using depleted uranium are that it is cheap-a byprcxiuct of the enricinent i:rooess, it is better (heavier than J..eaj) for arnrur piero~, and it is a na.tural incEmiary wuch tmns with a toxic srd(e that enters the lungs am ca.1ses a skw dmth. .An of6,500toosof 00 has beenµ.it intoa.rnBIIB1tsystems.

Cbingtacktotresuppressirn ofinfornaticn. Frea:ian of infornatirn does notyetexistin C3radaum.erJ.e€p.luamate.There is a law totreeffect,rut tre dateofinplaJB1tatirni.sacruple of years c:k:w1 treroad.The res1X11SibilityofgoveITlIIB'ltofficials is S:ifegtm'doo inCanada byanethcdofcreatooccnfusioo arxirutrigltdeceit,arxi tre rightsofCaradianstoinfornatioo en treproresresofenvi.rormmtal revieware reguJar1y igrored.

It is krnmthat there are specificfocdchains(licha1caribru-mm)Wlichdeliverdoses ofradiractiveelem:ntsat nuch hig1er rates than treoonn,rutan int.e.graterlasseSSIHltislacking arxieva1in the caresof kncw1 toxinslikePoloniun(an:iother dat®1tersoftrehigllyDDbile Fa.dengp.sw-1ich leaks rutofthe tail~) there is notena.lgl naiicaldatatopredict the outCCJIB ofcontaminatioooo tre poople~\'E dokn::M,~ver,ofthe history of the CanadianQ:Jvenmmt trying t.o coverupthetruth. In trecareofnercury p:>is:ning of Wiansinthe <raszy F1atsarea of\testemChtario,tresyuptans \.ereoisnisserlas'chrcnicalcooolisn' by rmdicalexpertsuntila £pareredootor W3.S bro.Jghtover by anenvi.rorm:mtalgrruptochalla,gethestaten:mts,sayingthat the levels be~ experienced by theWians\.erehigh enough to killpeoplein£p:u1 arxi that tre Wians nust haveanincredibly higlresistence.

Theresi.stenceof the Wians will bedan:nstratooinanot:rer fa.shimrYJW.Theywillhaveto dealwith the mires in33skatcheWill,an:iwithmiprHltsallaJ.oog the uraniun fool chain. Thereis atinetodi.scllss the problems, wtif the govenmmtwillnot hcmr the truedisca.lrse am will contirue to resort to tacticsof tyramy'tha1 those pooplebeing danBged will have to resort to othertacticsaJro.Inanopa1

declaratioototrepeoplesoftre globe,thesepeopleare asking f~ assistance.

Peopleare oow orgpnizingto figltthis irx:lustry. TheEarth Ehtassy,Pox 3183, Vamouver, BC , CanadaV6B3X6 is keepingintrudl with a neoorkofintematicm.l orgmizaticnsfiglting uranium traffic.ThelirEricanIniian M:>varent has a3..trvivalCh>up OfficePox8536,S3skatooo,S3skatch~.TheCreenPartiesin Europe arealsoinvolvai.

Bemorethananarmchair environmentalist!The EnvironmentalCenterneeds yourideasandyourenergy. We'vegotideastoobut yourinvolvementisthe importantelement.Action iswhatchangesthis worldandyoucanhelp ustoheightenawarenessofenvironmental issuesonourcampus andinthecommunityWant tobringaspeakr,oordinateaprogram?Visit us.Wealsourgyout0 visittheResourceLibrF.ry onthefifthfloorof HuxleyCollegeWe're locatedintheViking Unioninroom113orcall usat676-3460,xt.20.

Ii Corne backtolife• OPE.N D~IL'/ ! 11.1~ COMM.ERCIAL ST 1'airhawn commwualttDt\8 co~ Quality Printers Now Featuring Silkscreening! ! ..__.~ 1204 11th St. 733-1935 5 ~Ea~.,i~\ 8 \ Attention Readers!
LaurieStephan.Coordinator RogorT~ylor,Asst.Coord Just Down the Hi II 1059 N State

Reca1t]yIjoinerlthe A.S ! €cycleCenteronarrutinepickup run. As v.e w::rka:i,Icooldn't ffilp tutfeelthatthepeople observing us thrughtof us as garbagepid<ers.

ThisW3.Sro~erjudging !ran the pizzacrusts,plastic cups,amothergprtage IIBl1Y people terx:i to tbrav intothe recyclingbarrels. An1 oothe otherhand,I'msurethatnuchof theW3.stevtlichisrecyclable has been thra,minto garbage durpsters vtlichareoftenfurtheravay than therecyclingbins.

Tor:re,thisirrlicatesthat g:JJE peopleareuninforroodor just dcn'tcare.SaJEpeoplej..lst don't think recycl.i.rgisforthem, thatitis sona:ne elsesbusiness.

! €cycling is rruchnore than a simpleoccupatiooforactivists and3)-called"granolas",itis]yjudicioosama1vircm:ental]yreressary.Jecycling is an aspectofcamunityresponsibilityvtlichcallsfor,and deserves,ahigherrateofp:uticiµltion.

TheScrilrer-funtamdicticr.ary definesgarbage as 1•kitcl'a1 refuse.am2.vO"'thless,vile,or inferiornatterof any kind. Th definiticns are ccntradictory,forallkitcl'a1natter is oot'\.a'thless,vile, er inferior."Vegetablevasteranbe carpostoo is easilyrecycledintouseful items such Mmy oottJes can besterilizedand refillerlamall glass canbe raooltoofornewprcxiucts. Ehergy costsforrecycledaltrninllll are ninetypel"Oelltless than thesane prcxiuct300lterlfranrawore. Tin,v.hich is wide]yusErlfor rust-pr<x>fplatingisa"strategic"iretalthatrrustbe.inportoo am _ bartered forifootrec]ajnai.

.Accordingto1982figuresin theBellingramProposal, tw:> millioodollars per year is spent en vastedispo$l•fhlfthisSllD

Recycling Benefits All

isforincineraticnamJ..arrlfi.11, theotherhalf is spent to pay for collecticnamtransixrtatioo. /ddednon-€C0l100li.ccostswlu:ie airpollutioofranincineration, and leachingoftoxicclanicals intogram:lvateratJ..arrlfi.lls.

Fesrurresarelost by people careless]ydiscardingpackaging andothernaterialsthatarecoosidereddisposable.&rl1practiresCB.useaheavier reliance upcnscaroevirginnaterials,nnre pollution thralgp prooessing,and ackiiticmla1v:ircrmmtaldanBge franmin.irgandt:inbercutting. Inackiiticn,aesthetic values are seldomccnsiderooincostana]yses. All oftheseeffects are refJecta:ifinancial]y W1et1 tOJgher pollutioocentralsamcleanup fees are considered. Mmy of thesecostscculdbereducerlor ellininatoo thralgp respcnsible dispo$lof'\.astes11•

This p..irpose is served by oo recyclingcrfpnizaticnsinBel1.i.nglam- TheAsscciatedStu:lents ItacyclingCe:lteramBellingram O:mnmity! €cycling.The ASCR and the BCR are ootccnpetitivea1terprises,tutcooperative.They share facilities,IJB.rl<etinfonmtiooandideas. BCR is ccnpen$ta:lfornaterialstheydeposit at the ASRC and pay tmnfor shared laboramequiPIB1t.This j:>inteffortdenmstratesthe possibilityamvalueofa university-{XJIIIl.nlityinterface.

The largest obstaclefacing therecyclir:{seffortinBellinghamistheproposerl~rgy lecoveryFacilityvi1ichwruldproduceelectricitybyburningtrash. 1hspiteofa1982resoluticn statingagcaloftventy-f.ive per-rent3:)lidW3.Stereducticn frcm recycling,thepresentplansets thereductiooataccnstantrate of thirt.een pereait.ThernF plans are ooredoninaccurate figures. Figures providerl by ldvCXBcy8:xn:Jootrics,afirm aiding the BCR initsrecycling

politics,statethatthepresent facility consLIIES hum.redtms ofW3.steperday.They 5:JY the proposerlfacilitywrulddEfIBl'rloo hm:ired tonspercayferoperation.Thiscity has not taken intoaccoontpossibleincreasesin recylir:{sactivity arxi ifit is farce1to,nayhaveto curb recyclingeffortsinoroertofeed tre generator.

Bellingramrea:istolook closeratrecycling as well as otherW3.stedisposalnethcx:is. Iecyclirgpartial]y pays foritself thraJgh reducerlW3.stetobecollected and thralgp sale ofreusablenaterials.kNCCaJYFcax>iretricsestinatesthattrena,, facility will costtventyoo mil.lioodollars to operate.Iecyclingeffortsv0.1ld cost Jess than amillicninadditi<J.18.lfurrls tosignifi.cant]yn=rl.lce\oB.ste.

! €cyclingcutscostsinvaste disposal,lessensdepen:ience en fore:iiJ'l narl<:ets, ~s envircrmmtaldaIJBge,n=rl.lcespollution,andcontritutes to carmmity cdlesivenessamfeelingsof respcrisibility.It is acause v.ellwcrthourefforts.

Fbr nnre infon:ratioo enhewyoocanccntributetothe recyclir:{seffortcontact tre ASRC at676-3)88 er QrrolR:nlelloof BCR at 734-6201. Jhp.1t andideas will alrobev.elcarmatthe AS Ehviralrental Center in VU 113.


01J..l]y9,1984thestatedepartm:mtsofFcology am Fisheries deniedthePeterKiewit(hipany dredging permitsitneededin oroertoccnstructan.irrlustrial plantatCherryPoint.It's the seccndti.Ireplansfordredging havebeenvetoedat the point, thusreinforcingthestate's str.ictstanceonshorelinedeveloIlJBlt.'Ihedecisionserva:ito protectvalLlableOBrinerero.irces. thforturateJ.y,itleft W1at.can Camtywitha~en:ploynent problan.

Mijor.irrlustries,mcethe ccunty'slifeblood,areinastate ofdeclire,an:i local politicians are anxiooslyattenpti.ngtodiversifythearea'sarploynentt:Bse. Cherry Point has f:ig.lredheavily inthearea'sdevelopientplans foraccuplereas:ns. Olerr'Y Pointis~ofthefewrermining sites~ the restG::astthat affon:isdeepvatershippingaccess. lrrl o-a-,ry Pointa.J.rea.dyis thehareforother najor .irrlustrialplants.

'IheKiewitdecisioo dashed localpoliticians' hopes for an eaS'foolutiootothearea'sent>loy nentproblem.futDDrethanthat, thedecisiooforca:iccuntypoliticianstoaltertheireconanic develoJll81tstrategies.Q:>until new the ccunty has beenableto carm.turerploynentvia:irrlustrializationalong O'a"ry Point.fut with the declineofnatural rero.t.r(leoo.S:rlindustries,this alternative has becare increasi.rgly haro torealize.Chmty politiciansm.JStincreasinglylook foralternativesto tre Jarge rescurce intensive.irrlustriesthat definedprosperity only tenyears ago.

'Ihestringa1tstar.darossurro.n:l:ingdeveloptentalong Cherry Pointhavere:iefirropriorities for ecaxmic developtentinw-iatcanCbmty.IdEBl]ycamtypolit.icianswculdliketoattract exprtfi..nnsarploying ben..een 20-

Kiewit Gets Cut

100people. 'Ihis idESlvasarrivedatby natclrill?; national iregatrerrlswiththeecommiccooditionsinN::>rtll~stWishington.

'Ihe grcwth .irrlustriesoftaiayare largelyserviceoriented, am they general]yarployfe\-erpeople than rescurceintensiveindustries.

'IhePU31forfirmsthatexixrt theirprcductisaresultoflocal eccnmi.ccm:iitioos.'Iheccunty desperatelyneedstoimreasethe anomtofretaildollarsinthe area.M3rchantsarepresently havingtocarpetewith~amther foraquicklyvanishingdollar. ThissituationisJarge]ytobl.anE fortile98percentb.Jsiness failurerat.ein W1atcan Cbunty. ~rt firms donotcarpet.efor retaildollarsbeca.lsetlleirproductsareooldrut.side the ccunty. 'Ihus,these firms canbeusa:ito ccm:at the bJsiressfailure problem.

Attracting these firms iseassier sa:id thandone.Iarrluse oo.ttles,carplexpermitprocesses, and cut.dated zcni.rg ccxieshave ofta1cali:>ina:ito ftustra t.eprospectivedevelopers.Asif this is ootemugh,thereareother problemsstaringdevelopientorientedpeopleintheface.Ieal estatevahes are artificially hlgh due toCarad.ian lam ~latioo 3:Jie yearstack. Im. nanyof thecamty'sprine.irrlustrial l00:1tioosJackinprovaoontslike reads,se\-ers,arrl lights. 'Ihe costoftheseinprovaoontsis staggering,]ytothedeveloper.

WlatcanCbmtypoliticians are Wl"T."'ently trying torerolvethese problemsthatcreatedevelopiental inertia.tuildingpa-mitprocessisbeingdrastical]ysjmplifiedtoacccmxiatethedeveloper's neoos.Firms seeking torelocate likeaquick and eaSf permitprocessbeca.lsetlley are often operatingonalimitedt.i.ueframe. Zmingan:i lam usestatutes are als:>beingrevanpedtoclear l4>

ani:>iguitiesthathaveoften lead to ql.Bn"els in tbe past.Finally, W1at.can politicians are investigatingst.ateandfederalfina.ming optioosforraid,se\-er,an:i industrialinprovenents.'!heyare hopingthatgovemne1tfinancing programswillhe]pdefray the cost oftheseinprovenents.

Aside .trcm thefeelingthat local.irrlustrieshaveblos.c:mai, there areotherreas:nsthatecon::micdeveloJlIEl1.tisapriority forlocaldecisionrmkers. fusinesses an:i localgovemnait areb..lsilyJ)."'eparingforvisitors oo theirW3.YtoVamooverfor ~'86. 'Ihe tcurist'sdollar cx:uldopen up a nwr:iad ofpossibilitiesfordevelop-rentthatlast ~11 past theexp:>sition. I.real politiciansllllSt,however,cooroinaterIBrketingprogramsthathighlight the area 'secCl'lOOlicasse t.s forprospectivedevelopers.This task IIBY be challenging becauseit will require pti:>lic an:i privat.e sector31pport.Itrenainstobe seenwhetherthesesectorswill gettheirheadstcgetherintine for the exJX)sitioo.

'Ihe Kiewitdecisioo DEY have turnedcuttobeablessingin disguise.Althrughdeveloprentat CherryPointisstillanissue, the Kiewitdecision has forced local politicianstoreassess theiri:rioritiestovaros Jarge irrlustr:i.alizationaloQgthepoint. Asaresultnanycreativealtema.tivesforecommicdeveloµoont havesurfaced.~se new i:rioritiesfordeveloµoont are especiallyemcuragingbecausetheyhave instilla:i an overr-:iding cmcemto protectthearea's tmique am beautifulerwircrmalt.ThepU31 for sraller industriesexenplifies thissteeringaW3.yfrcmprojects with naj:>r irreversibleenvi.r'CtlDe1tal:inpicts.O'-EBtivityis often the keytosuccess, am tre Kiewitdecisicncruldbeseenasa positivemtalyst.It has forced localpoliticiansto think about alternativesthatnay~11usher prosperityinto21stcentury BellinglBm



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