2012 Winter Edition
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BINSA Brain Injury Network of SA Inc
In 2012 – BINSA turned 20 and we are celebrating all year with BINSA – goes Platinum Members, friends and stakeholders are welcome to join the year-long party and become a BINSA financial member during our Platinum year - 2012
BINSA formally recognised for its 20 years representing the interests of all SA’s impacted by an acquired brain injury (ABI) On 31 May the SA Parliament formally acknowledged BINSA‘s 20 years dedicated representation of the interests of people with an ABI, their families and carers. We sincerely thank the Hon Carmel Zollo MLC and the Hon Ian Hunter MLC (Minister for Disabilities) for such affirming recognition. full speech inside
Brain Injury Network of SA Inc (BINSA) 70 Light Square, Adelaide SA 5000 T 08 8217 7600 F 08 8211 8164 Country Callers 1300 733 049 E info@binsa.org W www.binsa.org Office Hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday or call individual staff on their direct extensions BINSA’s new website coming soon www.binsa.org
BINSA is accredited at Certification level of the Service Excellence Program
BINSA hosting a full week of Brain Injury Awareness Week (BIAW) Mon 6 August to Fri 10 Aug - details inside. We invite everyone to come.
It is a testament to many other people who incorporated the organisation back in 1992 and who understood that there was a huge gap in representation, support and understanding of the needs of those effected by an ABI.
Mission striving to increase awareness, acceptance and relevant services in all SA jurisdictions to improve the quality of life, independence and community inclusion of anyone impacted by an acquired brain injury Our thanks go especially to the (ABI) BINSA pioneers including Dawn Today BINSA remains focused on its Brooks, Pam Kirkham and the many Peak Body ‘representational’ role previous Committee of Management providing advocacy, information, representatives, dedicated staff and support and facilitation - to influence volunteers. They made sure to build and improve the current services a foundation so that BINSA would or those needed, so an equitable endure, as we can attest to in 2012. share is achieved for the SA ABI constituency. We believe BINSA’s strength lies in its That’s what it’s about!
IN THIS ISSUE 2 3 4-5 6-7 8 9
Comings - Goings - Conferences What’s happening - EO Reporting BINSA Programs and Services Photo Pages Feature article - Pt Pirie and SEABIN Advertising, Links etc
RTP Course yRTP Info Session for 16-25yrs BINSA Planning Events Cttee 5 BINSA Winter 2012 Newsletter RTP Course - Kelly and Lauren 10 RTP Mentor Training 11 BINSA COM & Staff EOFY dinner 15-16 BIA-EO Network mtg - Sydney 16 Springbaord Program resumes 17 RTP Course BIA - BINSA NDIS/NIIS consultation - for People with an ABI and families / carers 18 RTP Mentor Training BIA - BINSA NDIS/NIIS consultation - for Prof
20 24 25
26 27
Stakeholders/Service Providers Re-Wired Fitness BINSA staff Meeting RTP Course RTP Mentor Training City Coffee Club Carers Support Group BINSA COM meeting Re-Wired Fitness RTP Course
AUG 1 3 5-10 5 6 7
RTP Mentor Trainng Re-Wired Fitness 2012 Brain Injury Awareness Week (BIAW) - full details inside 2012 BIAW set up 2012 BIAW day one - Arts Day 2012 BIAW day two - key theme session - Mild Concussion and BINSA BIAW Launch 2012 BIAW day three - ABI constituency - focus on services, relationships and sexuality 2012 BIAW day four - professional dev focus on ‘resilience and a return to work after traumatic ABI 2012 BIAW day five - Awards Day
14-15 17 21 22 23 TBA 23-24 24 31 TBA
close and thanks SA Disability Services Conference Re-Wired Fitness BINSA staff meeting BINSA COM meeting City Coffee Club Re-Wired Fitness on Wednesdays SEABIN - Mt Gambier - incl BINSA session - Uniting Care Wesley BINSA session Uniting Care Wesley - Pt Adelaide Re-Wired Fitness Northern Coffee Club
yRTP Course for 16-25 yrs Re-Wired Fitness Resuming Control - families/carers BINSA COM mtg/City Coffee Club
You are welcome to submit stories or other items to be considered for inclusion in the newsletter. Please forward to the BINSA office at any time.
BINSA comings and goings Going... Staff Jan Palmer - Advocate It would seem that July is a very significant month for Jan and BINSA - Jan commenced here on 4 July 2011 and regrettably she will be leaving us on 5 July 2012. Jan has been an exemplary Advocate and we thank her deeply for her efforts and, her commitment to those with an ABI. Now we have to wish her well as she pursues a different career direction with the Pt Adelaide/Enfield Council - closer to home. On a positive note, Jan will be working with people who are accommodated in Supported Residential Facilities (SRFs) and that is something that BINSA is very involved with too - so we will definitely be able to continue to gain the benefit of Jan’s skills - even if it is ‘externally’ through another organisation. Our very best wishes Jan for what we know will be a very interesting and challenging new vocation. Rupert Saunders - Springboard Program Support Worker (SPSW) We said farewell to Rupert recently too - he had one of our casual SPSW positions - Rupert was successful this year in gaining a place in the Adelaide Uni Masters in Psychology course - and so has to focus on his studies. He has promised to come back when he has some spare! time - ha ha ... but we were very pleased to have had his experience and commitment and it’s great that our future Psychs will have had a direct hands on knowledge and awareness of the effects on someone who has suffering an ABI. On a personal level, BINSA was able to provide support and advice to Rupert when his own family experienced an ABI - his father suffered a stroke - so it was an opportunity for BINSA to give something back. Thanks Rupert - good luck with the study and best wishes for your father’s full recovery.
Coming ... staff Jordan Forrest - Springboard Program Support Worker (SPSW)
Consultations & Conferences
Jordan has fitted seamlessly into BINSA since his arrival in late April to join our small team of casual Springboard Program Support Workers (SPSW). Jordan had responded to our call for volunteers and at first assisted us on the front desk in reception, but we soon realised that his skills lay in direct support of our participants in Springboard Program and so we are very happy that it has worked out for both of us - especially as it has given Jordan an opportunity to work within the disability sector. Welcome to BINSA.
Brain Injury Australia - roundup National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) Brain Injury Australia (BIA) and BINSA are hosting two upcoming consultation sessions: one for our ABI constituents and the other for our allied professional stakeholders including service providers.
The first session we invite ‘She’ who keeps coming back! Delores people with an acquired brain injury Wells (ABI) and their families/carers. When:Tues 17 July 2012, 11am-1pm At her recent ‘significant’ birthday, Martin, incl light finger lunch her husband of many years, spoke lovingly of ‘our’ Delores as someone who was For the second session we invite know as the ‘firm one’! professional stakeholders and service providers. Thanks goodness - Delores is back ... When: Wednesday 18 July 2012, BINSA will be undergoing 2 very important 2.30pm-4.30pm incl afternoon tea certification audits: one for the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP); Both sessions will be @ BINSA 70 and, the other for the Australian Service Light Square Adelaide Excellence Standards (ASES). And who *RSVP: day before to Karen Arthur better than Delores to led us in the process. Delores has rejoined us in a small on 8217 7600 or CC 1300 733 049 or email karen@binsa.org consultancy role until the end of December 2012. But the other good news is that 2012 SA Disability Conference Kelly Weckert (currently one of the Cohosted by Disability Services cordinators of RTP) is joining Delores 14-15 August 2012 Stronger Together in undertaking the preparatory work It’s great that BINSA scored a session which means we have the start, we hope, relating to our Buddy Project. of some succession planning in such an Conference enquiries can be directed to important aspect of our ongoing work in retaining our professional status as an organisation that can meet strict service standard certification and program audit requirements.
Thank you Delores and Kelly - we’re all raring to SOP and roll! A newly funded research project. An information session will be held on Monday 16 July 10am-11.30am Room 1 (Lecture Theatre) Flinders Uni Victoria Sq. Campus (crn Flinders St and Vic Sq.) For more information and details of the project contact: families4families@flinders.edu.au or call 0433 388 250 Open to anyone interested in ABI.
What’s happening at BINSA on the ‘Square’? Executive Officer Reporting An aspect of BINSA’s operations that we think is perhaps not so well understood is that BINSA is not a general service provider but rather as the Peak Body we are there to represent the interests of the ABI constituency. Certainly as part of that we do offer a small number of selective services, that are not available elsewhere and allow us to demonstrate specific ABI needs through an evidentiary process. This means BINSA is recognised as having well established governance arrangements, meaning we are able to manage any perceived and or real conflict of interest. This puts us in front when we negotiate/ highlight the urgency/special needs of a case when we meet with the various government agencies and respective Ministers. On a day to day basis one constant that all of us here at BINSA deal with is the need for more services and support. A substantial amount of our time is therefore spent advocating on your behalf, representing these needs to the government and opposition parties, key government agencies, the justice system, service providers, specialist medical services, guardianship board and so on - in fact wherever your need lies, BINSA will go. BINSA has been actively involved in an advisory capacity in the roll out of the: Statewide Rehabilitation Clinical Network Acquired Brain Injury Model of Rehabilitation for South Australia by the South Australian Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service (SABIRS) based at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre: new proposed service provisions include: • • •
Behavioural Consultancy Service Concussion Clinic Brain Recovery Clinics
BINSA is also frequently asked to assist with professional development and awareness raising around ABI issues for staff in various service settings e.g. hospital, accommodation services, allied health professionals, specialist employment agencies. To that end we are developing educative material which we aim to deliver in a number of sessions during 2012-13 In all of this, a critical operational principle that BINSA observes, is to work closely and collaboratively with allied agencies and services that have either been established or are being established, relevant to ABI.
We seek constantly to improve and or extend their capacity so public and private resources are more effectively utilised. As we know there’s never going to be enough to meet every need so better to ensure we work together! BINSA is also an advocate of quality assurance and measurable service standards being applied to any provider of disability services. This means there is improved certainty of service delivery and some guarantee that an agency/organisation is being audited or working to some form of regulation that aim to safeguard clients and or participants. This applies to BINSA too. Vulnerable people expect no less. So while we are frequently asked to recommend services to our ABI constituency or their families/carers - our general position is to include advice on what’s out there as far as possible but we can’t recommend any specific service or professional unless there is evidence of recognised professional standing. _____________________________________ Last month we wrote about the significant policies and activities BINSA and many key disability stakeholders had been involved with. These past 3 months have been extremely important in advancing many of these; especially the announcement of the rolling out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) from 2012-13. The Australian Government has committed $1 billion in this year’s Budget to support the first stage of the NDIS. From the middle of next year, around 10,000 people with a disability, their families and carers will start to benefit from the first stage in selected sites around the country. The SA Government has committed $20m towards a SA trial site - with a focus on young children up to 14 years of age. Brain Injury Australia (BIA) together with BINSA will be hosting 2 separate consultation sessions on 17 July and 18 July to be facilitated by Dr Derek Brookes who has been recruited to undertake the development of a national policy position, bringing in the views of all of the BI agencies around Australia and those of our ABI constituency and allied professional stakeholders. This is, to ensure that ABI is given the focus it needs when the NDIS eligibility, assessment and so on are determined. These tools need to work for those with an ABI. Full details
are on the flyer inserts - pick your session and come along. ____________________________________ BINSA Website - progress
We are working hard behind the scenes on reinventing our BINSA website www. binsa.org and the first stage of the new look site and improved functionality - we’ll be revealing the proposed design and look and feel shortly to a representative group and then we are aiming to be up and commencing towards late July 2012. _____________________________________ BINSA recently became a member of Energy Partners Program to improve our knowledge and understanding of energy costs, especially as this may impact on those we represent. Through this we can arrange for anyone who is interested to be trained as an energy auditor. Give us a call if you are interested. We are also continuing our campaign to simplify the Heating and Cooling rebate scheme application process so that it is easier for people with an ABI condition who may meet the eligibility conditions. BINSA is also maintaining its membership of an Energy Alliance Group which is represented by other disability sectors who are significantly impacted by increasing energy costs. There are a number of actions we can all try to follow and these include: Audit your energy use follow a Step-by-step guide for determining your water heater options o Apply for SA solar hot water rebate Call the Energy Advisory Service on 8204 1888, freecall 1800 671 907 _____________________________________ Ok that’s it for now - mark your diaries with all the interesting 2012 BIAW activities and sessions 6th-10th August and do nominate someone for the 2012 BIAW Achievement or Service Excellence Awards - full details see the nomination form insert Best regards Mariann ____________________________________ PS - in case you have been wondering about our ‘recent’ look of the newsletter... this is undergoing review too and there will be a totally new design unveiled for the 2012 Spring edition - so keep an eye out.
BINSA Programs and Services
May you all enjoy the mid-year break and return rested and ready for a very action packed second half of the year.
as soon as possible from Carers/Family, who would like to be better equipped in their roles.
Take care
The Northern Coffee Club has not been attracting any attendees in recent times. We hope that this is a sign that people are not needing the service any more, but will be canvassing the previously regular participants to gauge future interest in alternate meeting options in the north. Please contact Chris if you have any interest in being involved in developing these new arrangements.
Victoria Zelipski Coordinator Springboard _________________________________
Counselling BINSA would like to acknowledge the substantial funding we receive from the SA Department of Families and Communities (DFC) for the following services and programs.
Springboard Program My goodness I can hardly believe that it is the middle of the year, but here we are all rugged up as we head into winter and the second half of the year.
Counselling here at BINSA takes many forms, with many different outcomes. Some of the more common issues dealt with in counselling include; Developing insight into acquired brain injury (ABI); supporting families and friends through the often difficult journey alongside somebody with ABI; assisting adjustment to life after ABI; and reviewing life’s opportunities and chosen directions.
Springboard Program has been a steady ship sailing with only a few changes, It has been a very rewarding experience we have welcomed new volunteers and for Chris and hopefully those that have students, who have settled in and continue been seen, albeit in different ways. to deliver BINSA Springboard values and unique program. Chris Farrand works in Counselling on Fridays and can be contacted on 8217 I would like to take the opportunity to 7601, Tuesdays to Fridays. share the story of one of our participants Lee McEgan as he enters the transition Chris Farrand – Counsellor phase of his Springboard Therapy.
The City Coffee Club has seen new and regular members coming along and this is an encouraging trend. We welcome anyone with an ABI to attend.
Chris Farrand – Coordinator C&LL _________________________________
Buddy Project The Buddy Project has had an interesting couple of months as it celebrates its 1 year anniversary. We now have a total of 14 buddy matches that continue to explore community activities, hobbies, and new interests and reach new goals.
_________________________________ Community Learning and Lee McEgan acquired a brain injury (ABI) as a result of motor vehicle accident in July Lifeskills (C L&L)
We continue to receive feedback about the project highlighting the strength and positive role that one-on-one services of these kinds can achieve.
2011-12 is shaping up to be a big year. The second Assuming Control Course began on Thursday 29 March with 11 registered interested participants and will conclude 24 May.
‘Buddies’ continue to meet on a regular basis, growing in confidence and resilience, which has been helped by an increase of online, email information and group communication.
This year, we have Adel Uni Psychology Master’s candidate - Vicki Penglis - many thanks - performing an evaluation of the program, which will add support to the voiced opinions of previous participants regarding the benefits and worth of the program.
The project has been accepted as one of the session during the Disability SA Conference in August which will provide an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the buddies and volunteers to date.
He has been a participant with Springboard from 2007-2012. Lee was 22 years old when he had his accident and during his time at Springboard made such great progress year after year. I first met Lee when I came to BINSA as an agency support worker; he was the first participant I worked with so this has been a time of reflection for me as well. I feel very privileged to have been with Lee at the beginning of his Springboard rehabilitation and now as the Coordinator to be there at the end of his participation in Springboard and the start of his next adventure. Lee’s transition goal is to obtain employment by the end of the year. As a first step Lee has joined the BINSA Reconnect Transition Program (RTP) and is enjoying the experience very much.
We aim to add this to our annual reporting so our funders - DCSI - will have a better appreciation of what is being achieved with a very small amount of $s. Please contact Chris Farrand on 8217 7601 if you are interested in being involved in any future courses.
We are also developing a similar course for Carers/Family being run for the first time - mid-year. This will be an exciting The Springboard participants, volunteers venture, involving the fostering of an and staff would like to wish Lee every understanding and appreciation of success as he moves on with his life. some of the subtleties and difficulties commonly associated with (caring for We look forward to celebrating the people with) brain injury and looking at graduation at the end of the year with Lee, the support services that are available. his family and friends. We encourage expressions of interest for this educational and supportive program
We look forward to highlighting the projects outcomes in terms of friendship and a growth in independence and social confidence. I am grateful for the honesty, dedication and care the volunteers continue to show in their commitment to the project and it is always a highlight in my day to hear about the inspiring work our buddies do week after week. If you have any questions regarding the project– feel free to contact Lauren on 8217 7605 or via email lauren@binsa.org
Lauren on 8217 7605 or via email Lauren@binsa.org _________________________________
Since March we have completed two more RTP programs with another great crew of mentors and participants.
BINSA would like to acknowledge the substantial funding we receive from the Federal Department of Families and Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) for the following program.
_____________________________________ In the Advocacy role I have had the opportunity to work with many individuals and their families to represent them or to encourage them to advocate for their own interests in the community and to also make informed choices. Although I have only been here at BINSA for twelve months, I have enjoyed offering support to people with an ABI in relation to a whole host of issues, some of which can be accommodation, medical, employment, insurance and legal issues. Legal issues can be complex at times and I have been fortunate to be able to consult with and refer people to David Fabbro, a partner with Andersons Solicitors and a number of others.
We have enjoyed and been humbled by our participant’s journey and are grateful for all of the inspiration, patience and humour that our mentors brought to every session of the program. Thanks to Terry, Colin, Trevor, Rob, Rhonda, Mary, Bev, Adrian, Phil, Lesley, Robert, Steve, Bob, Angela and Scott for their stories and enthusiasm. We have also just kicked off our Winter RTP group, where we have just recently explored the brain and acquired brain injury and continued to develop friendships and bonds within the group. We are looking forward to continuing to see the personal and social growth of our participants and hearing their stories, challenges and triumphs as well as seeing the excellent work of our mentors in helping to provide strategies and tips from personal experience. Our ‘juggler’ colleague Chris Farrand has been busily helping the RTP team while managing his many other BINSA commitments.
Through their sponsorship support of BINSA, David has consulted here at BINSA bi-monthly providing one free advice session to individuals with an ABI and their families regarding any legal matters.
Chris has been coordinating the RTP Alumni, where two events have been held – one at the Botanic Gardens with special guest Ann Madigan in May, and one at the SA Museum in June.
Unfortunately, my time at BINSA is coming to an end on 5 July as I will be leaving to take up a new position within a local council that is close to my home. I have made some great friends here and will miss my colleagues and everyone at BINSA.
He is busy planning future events and would encourage any keen RTP alumni to become involved in the organisation and planning of Alumni events for the rest of 2012 – give him a call on 8217 7601 or an email at chris@binsa.org if you are interested.
Good luck and I hope our paths cross again sometime in the future.
The next Alumni event will be held in late July – so keep your eyes out for more information to come soon.
Jan Palmer - Individual Advocate _________________________________
BINSA gratefully acknowledges the Motor Accident Commission (MAC) for sponsoring the Reconnect Transition Program (RTP)
Reconnect Transition Program (RTP) Another big couple of months have passed for Reconnect Transition Program (RTP) team.
The RTP team have a busy few months ahead with mentor training planned for July, a Youth RTP (yRTP) planned for September as well as our usual RTP program starting in late September. If you would like any details on these programs - the team would really like to hear from you. We would like to thank all of our participants, mentors, Alumni, and BINSA Staff for their continual support and encouragement.
Kelly and Lauren (Co-coordinators RTP) and Chris (RTP Assistant) _________________________________
BINSA Administration Just a short message from the administration side of BINSA. Well, what a busy few months we have had, what with celebrating 2012 Volunteers Week with all our wonderful volunteers, hosting meetings across SA, co-ordinating courses, updating our database and completing a volunteer recruitment drive. Phew, it really keeps all of us on our toes – more of this will be revealed inside, so keep reading. Our 2012 Winter Newsletter is ‘packed’ with information so make sure you have your beverage beside you and your diary to note all the important dates, like 2012 Brain Injury Awareness Week – it’s going to be great. We would also like to offer our warmest and sincere thanks for all your kind donations and those who have taken out financial memberships so far in 2012. Remember from 1 July 2012 we turn into a new financial year: 2012-13 - so your membership may need to be updated or we’ll certainly welcome new members. Just contact me on 8217 7600 or CC 1300 733 049 or email me on karen@binsa.org
Cheers – Karen Arthur Coordinator Administration ______________________________
Re-Wired Fitness The Re-Wired Fitness circuit is now in the final weeks of the second group of Adelaide participants. The program has been a great success, seeing three people already transitioned into regular fitness activities and more facilities being tested for current participants. Re-Wired is a program of fitness classes for individuals with an ABI with the goal of transitioning into regular fitness programs in their local area. We have also seen the implementation of Re-Wired in Mount Gambier with some very happy participants. Re-Wired will run on Friday afternoons in the second half of the year in Adelaide with a view to starting a second group on Wednesday afternoon as well. If you have any enquiries or would like any further information please contact
Catherine on 8217 7600 or CC 1300 733 049 or email catherine@binsa.org
Geoff’s farewell
BINSA Photo Spread
2012 National Volunteer Day – BINSA afternoon Tea The BINSA ‘volunteers’ crowd!
Joanna Andrew BINSA Chair Presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Volunteer Abdul Basonbul
BINSA staff and COM Members
Catherine Young at the BINSA Stall for the Mt Gambier Disability and Ageing Expo
Lara Breeding from NDS presents for our NDS Open Forum
Northern Acquired Brain Injury Network
Lee McEgan’s Farewell Kaitlin Harkess, Damien Lynch, Coalina Mills, Delores Wells, Victoria Zelipski, Cindy Gillespie, Francis, Dani Moss Suzy Roylance, Wayne Avery, Lee McEgan
RTP picture names: from top left: Phil Dohnt, Terry Somerville, Colin Windsor, Bev Wiles, and Robert Brady (front): Robert Semmens, Lesley Russel and Steve Hogan
Representatives from Pt Pirie stakeholder
Lauren’s RTP Group: March – May 2012
Trudy- Ann Doyle informed us all of the Chris and Lauren discussed the hidden changes to the Disability Support Pension aspects of ABI, and overviewed the The 21st of June saw Catherine Young and as well as the local changes in regards to services that BINSA provides both from Kelly Weckert head back to Mt. Gambier Medicare. Trudy has eagerly agreed to be our office in Light Square, and what has for the third SEABIN – South Eastern present at the next meeting to keep us all up been achieved in the south east. Acquired Brain Injury Network meeting for to date with the roll out and implementation the year. This meeting was held in one of in regards to these changes. The forums main focus was on exploring the many meeting rooms the Mt. Gambier local issues and scoping the circumstances Library has to offer. The aim of these network meetings is of ABI in the north. to provide individuals, service providers With great parking, easily accessible and those with an interest in ABI to We finished off the day with a visit to the facilities, friendly staff, and comfortable find out more about local resources and United Care Wesley offices in Pt. Pirie surroundings all who attended were ready opportunities that exist within region. – the hub for all their north services and to get down to business, especially those discussed BINSA and NABIN with staff who had stopped to grab a coffee from the If you would like any more information members. café on the premises! about the SEABIN meetings please The trip was a great opportunity for contact either Catherine or Kelly on the team to learn and appreciate the We would like to recognise and thank 82177600 or 1300 733 049 Para Quad for the generous use of their local challenges, but also growth and conference room up to now, due to the Kelly Weckert development in the area of brain injury – growing nature of this network it was and the hard work and passion that service providers do for individuals impacted by decided at the last meeting an alternative space was needed. an ABI. SE ABI Network (SEABIN)
The June meeting saw progress of the Ladies Lounge, a group of local women who have been impacted by the effects of ABI, getting together with others for ‘coffee and chat’ mornings.
We would like to thank the team at ABC North and Disability Services for being such excellent hosts. We would also like to thank all the people we met for sharing their experiences and knowledge.
Discussions were held in relation to extending the group to include activities If you would like to know any more such as cake decorating (and then of about BINSA’s regional involvement or course eating) knitting for charity and NABIN contact BINSA on 8217 7600 or CC activities that can be undertaken while still 1300 733 049 or email karen@binsa.org being able to have a good yarn – no pun ____________________________________ intended! To find out more or get involved _________________________________ please contact the BINSA office. Northern Acquired Brain Injury Network (NABIN) BINSA in Pt. Pirie SEABIN round (well square) table
Chris and Lauren headed up to Pt. Pirie on the 27th of June to scope out local issues and meet service providers in the area ahead of the launch of the Northern Acquired Brain Injury Network (NABIN). The day started with an exclusive radio interview at ABC North, where Chris and Lauren discussed ABI, BINSA, and what was being done and local concerns regarding ABI up north. It was a great chance to give the community some approachable information about our services and our hopes of facilitating NABIN. This was followed by a morning tea – where 15 individuals from local service provisions including Disability Services, Homecare Plus, Orana Accommodation, United Care Wesley and Community Accommodation & Respite Agency came together in a meet and greet forum.
Advertising, Links, Resources and Information Items are provided as a service to BINSA newsletter recipients DISCLAIMER: BINSA advises that the views expressed in any material or by any organization included in this newsletter are not necessarily those of BINSA. For information about Disability Parking Permits, see: http://www.sa.gov.au/disability/ parking ________________________________ Purple orange newsletter: Latest edition from the Julia Farr Association is: http://www.purpleorange.org.au _________________________________ SA Community News: latest edition available at:
Co-ordinator: Jaime Gardner; Assistant: Charmaine Mahar http://web.mac.com/crpwebsite/ crp/Menu/Entries/2007/1/20_ Contact_Us_P: (08) 8201 3311 F: (08) 8201 3646 _________________________________
Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU) Who is Eligible for BIRU? A person must: Be over 18 years of age and have an acquired brain injury. http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/? Require a 24 hour residential facility. u=8ff14cd76156632d480c6d631&id Have identified rehabilitation goals =f0a70edc7b&e=[UNIQID] focusing on promoting independence _________________________________ and quality of life in the community SACOSS bulletin: the latest bulletin or in supported accommodation. Be from the South Australian Council medically and psychiatrically stable. of Social Service (SACOSS) is available at: BIRU How to Refer? Currently referrals are made through the BIRU http://www.sacoss.org.au/ Liaison Nurse (08) 8222 1688 publications/ebulletin/ (direct line) or (08) 8378 3201 (paging _________________________________ service) _________________________________ Brain Tumour Alliance Australia _________________________________ (BTAA) Proof the brain has a mind of its Welcome to our organisation own ... check this link
available here: The only national Australian organisation for the brain tumour patient, http://www.theglobalmail.org/mobile/ family and caregiver. feature/proof-the-brain-has-a-mind-of-itsFreecall number: 1800 857 221 own/51/ _____________________________________ http://www.btaa.org.au/
Radio broardcasts and links
behind bars: mentally ill trapped in prison politicsMap: Alice Springs 0870 Medical experts are appealing to the Northern Territory Government to address a law that sees mentally impaired people kept in jail indefinitely, without being convicted ... _____________________________________ Stroke patients regain speech By Emily Woodgate Updated June 25, 2012 13:58:25 see this link G:\Communications\Newsletters\2012\ Winter 2012\Links and news\Stroke patients regain speech - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).htm Australian scientists are confident new brain stimulation research will help longterm stroke and Parkinson’s Disease patients speak again. The new approach, pioneered by Professor Bruce Murdoch from the University of Queensland, uses magnetic pulses to stimulate damaged areas of the brain. “We can either switch on parts of the brain, or switch them off,” he said. Professor Murdoch says the four-year study has had remarkable success improving speech and tongue movement in patients who have had Parkinson’s and stroke complications for more than five years.
FAQ to the BTAA website. See: http://www.btaa.org.au/GliolanFAQ. html http://www.theibta.org/ and or http:// www.theibta.org/
_________________________________ Flinders University Community re-entry program The Community ReEntry Program (CRP) is a community based rehabilitation program developed for adults with an acquired brain injury (ABI). The aim of the program is to provide opportunities for further development of life skills, interpersonal skills, pre-vocational skills, individual talents and social recreational experiences.
The program is available to any person with ABI in a 50-km radius of metropolitan Adelaide.
Mentally impaired held in NT jails without conviction
Lateline by Suzanne Smith
check this link - the truth about dishonesty!
go to this link G:\Communications\Newsletters\2012\ Winter 2012\Links and news\Mentally impaired held in NT jails without conviction - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).htm Updated June 26, 2012 09:14:46 Video: Mentally ill in jail ‘tantamount to torture’(Lateline)Related Story: Kept
http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/ programs/drive/unearthing-the-truth2cabout-dishonesty/4101464 We all tell the odd white lie here and there, but why do we lie and is it really that bad? A US-based behavioural economist has researched this subject, and found that if we don’t see the consequences of our lies, we’re more likely to keep lying, but still think of ourselves as relatively moral people.
Patron Professor Richard Clark
Committee of Management (COM) (voluntary) Elected Office Bearers
Springboard Support Workers 8217 7610 Cindy Gillispie Jordan Forrest Margaret O’Leary Springboard Re-Wired Fitness Catherine Young Sessions 8217 7607
Chair - Joanna Andrew Vice Chair - Pam Kirkham
Counsellor (Friday) and Community Learning and Lifeskills (Thursday) Chris Farrand 8217 7601
Advocate (Vacant recrutiment in progress) John Harley (consultant) Tues,Thurs and Fri 8217 7608
Megan Barratt Dean Fyfe Neville Hamilton-Brown Alison Lamshed Nadia Moffatt
BINSA Staff Executive Officer Mariann R McNamara 8217 7609 / 0412 195 296 Coordination Administration Karen Arthur 8217 76000/8217 7606 Coordinator Springboard Victoriai Zelipski 8217 7604 Springboard Program Assistant Catherine Young 8217 7607
Co-Coordinators Reconnect Transition Program Kelly Weckert Tues and Wed 8217 7613 Lauren Moulds Wed and Fri 8217 7605
Specialist Consultants July-Sept 2012 James Burdon - Awire_Design - Website Graphics Kathy Carruthers - Corporate Consultant - HR Michal Dutkiewicz - BIAW and Website Illustrator Angela Gregory – Finance Officer John Harley – Advocacy Consultancy Susan Hillier PhD – Physiotherapist Vicki Penglis - UniAdel Masters of Psychology (Health) Evaluation - Assuming Control Natahsa Sari - Website Project Ann Walter – Co-ordinator Clinical Education Speech Pathology IT and Website Contractor – InterIntra
Volunteers: July-Sept 2012 Springboard Program Anik Janyooyen Colette Albino David Bajjali Elizabeth Higgins Erica Chung Kim Wigg Morneer Ackarie Nerebel Suobiron Patrick Kui Robert Semmens Tanya Davey Valmai Mackenzie Vanessa Seymour Wolf Karschimkus
Student Practicum
Flinders University Cas Laheney 2nd yr Bachelor of Disability & Community Rehabilitation Carrick Education - Diploma of Community ServicesWork Tba
Program Advisory/Events Support Cttees RTP Adrian Horan Donna Langdon Terry Somerville Springboard Professional Members Group
RTP Mentors Adrian Horan Bev Wiles Rhonda Baker Robert Semmens Terry Somerville Trevor Goodwin
Cheri Archer Delores Wells Fiona Creed Liz Williams Wolf Karschimkus
Anne Woodcock Delores Wells Helen Page Jo Goldsworthy Kim Wendall Vanessa Seymour
general Keryl Beesley Reception Colette Albino Natasha Sari Penny Sommers Vanessa Seymour Virginia Chen
BINSA Events