Brain Injury Network of South Australia Inc.
BINSA Mission BINSA strives to increase awareness, acceptance and relevant services in all SA juristictions to improve the quality of life, independance and community inclusion of anyone impacted by an acquired brain injury (ABI).
70 Light Square Adelaide SA 5000 T 08 8217 7600 F 08 8211 8164 CC 1300 733 049 E W Office Hours 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday
Brain Injury Network of South Australia Inc. (BINSA)
We invite you to join the
What does BINSA offe r? BINSA, as the peak body representing those impacted by an ABI has a responsibility to ensure anyone with an ABI is given equal consideration in all areas of services, support and care.
ABN 33 176 035 211 Complete and return this TAX INVOICE Payment available through Cheque, Money Order, or Electronic Funds Transfer (see below)
Representation at state and national levels.
Regular communication and information
- Quarterly newsletter
- Website
- Articles and journals
- Seminars and workshops
Information packs about acquired brain injury (ABI).
Programs including*
- Springboard #
- Advocacy #
- Counselling
- Community Learning and Lifeskills #
- Reconnect Transition Program #
- Buddy Project #
-Re-wired Activity #
Individuals with an ABI, their families and significant others are entitled to the protection of their human, legal, civil and consumer rights Individuals with an ABI deserve the highest
- One off projects
Contact BINSA for referral and program eligibility
standard of care and support.
# Professional and tertiary student practicum (by
Individuals with an ABI are sometimes not recognised as having any form of disability, because of the often ‘hidden nature’ of their injury. This may result in them missing out on benefitting from the consideration given to others with a more highly visible disability. Therefore BINSA holds the following at its core
Purpose • • • •
Identify needs and represent issues Advocate for change and action on issues that cause disadvantage Identify develop and initiate improved services Be well informed and actively share information
Deliver specialised services where appropriate.
Values • •
We give voice to people with ABI We demonstrate mutual respect and courtesy in our respective roles.
details. negotiation).
Brain Injury Network of South Australia Inc. 70 Light Square Adelaide SA 5000 Individual or Family Membership .................................................. $10.00 Organisations ......................................................................................... $25.00
Postcode: State: Telephone: Fax: Email: I enclose my payment of $ Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)- BankSA BSB- 105 900 Account Number 157593640 Ref: Your Name & Mship
New Membership
Membership renewal
Donation ($2.00 or more tax deductible)
Please send newsletter via:
Type of membership
Individual with an ABI
Spouse I Partner I Significant Other
Family Member