Breaking News - NET Score To be Used For PhD Admissions 2024-25 : UGC Notice

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Universily Gronts Commission (Fm {emq, qrra vr+n) (ilinistry of [ducotion, Govl. of lndio)

\o.l-.{-I(t (iC,'-NllT I{oierr ('omm ittcc)/202{(N ll'l )/l106{8 NIarch 27,202117;Ial9t6


National E,ligibilitl 'Icst (NIIT) as an llntrancc -fcst for Admission to Ph.D.

'l'hc [Jniversity' Grants Conrnrission conducts thc National Iiligibility l'sst (NI'-'l ) through thc National 1'esting Agcncy (N1'A). The NII-| is conducted twice a year. in June and Dcccmber. Currently. the Nli'l scores are used (a) to award.lunior Research Irellowship (JRI:) and (b) as cligibility for appointmcnt as Assistant Professor lbr those with a Master's dcgrec.

Many universities conduct their cntrance tests fbr admission to thcir Ph.D. progran]mes. rcquiring the students to writc multiplc Ph.D. cntrance tcsts. 'l'o help thc studcnts with one national entrance test lbl Ph.D. admissions as a part ol implenrcnting the National llducalion Policy 2020. the U(iC constituted an expert commiltee to review the provisions of the National Iiligibility Test (NE'l').

Ilased on the expert committcc's recommendations. in its 578t1' Mecting hcld on l3 March 2024. the UGC has decided that from the academic scssion 2024-25. thc Nlll- score can be uscd for admission 1o Ph.D. programmes in placc of entrance tests conducted by the different universitics/H tlls.

From June 2024 onwards. therelore. the NII'f candidates will be declared eligible in three categories:

Category-1: Eligible for (i) admission to Ph.l). with JRF and (ii) appointmcnt as Assistant Professor.

Catcgory-2: Eligiblc lbr (i) admission to l)h.l). without.lRF and (ii) appointnrenl as Assistant Protcssor.

Catcgory-3: Eligiblc tbr adnrission to I'h.l). progralnmc only and not lbr thc award of .lRl: or appointl.Dcnl as Assistant Prol'essor.

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Contd... TtErqIrF {16,{ qFi, T$ kdt toooz I Eohodur Shoh Zolor ilorg, }lew Delhi- 1 10002 Ph., 0l l-Bfi6Zd8/R?39337 | E-moil : seq.ugc@nicin

'l'he determination of the eligibility of NEl' fbr difl'erent caregories is sunrmarized below:

Qualified lbr

I: li iblc for .III I] Assistant Proftssor Ph.D. Admission

Category-l: Award ol .lRF and appointment as Assistant Prol'cssor Ycs Yes Ycs

Catcgon'-2: Appointment Assistant Prol'cssor admission to Ph.D. AS and No Ycs Ycs No No Yes

Category-3: Admission to Ph.l). onl

-l-he rcsult ol NET will be dcclared in percentilc along with thc marks obtained by a candidate to utilize thc rnarks lbr admission to Ph.D.

1'he JRF-qualified studcnts are admitted into the Ph.D. programme based on an interview as pcr lhe University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures lbr Alr,ard ol' Ph.D. Degrec) Regulations. 2022.

lior students who quality in Catcgories 2 and 3.70% weightagc will bc givcn for tcst scores and 30% weightage lbr the interview tbr admission to Ph.D. programmes.-fhe Ph.D. admission will be based on the combined meril ol NET marks and the marks obtained in the interview/viva voce.

The marks obtained in the NET by the candidates in Categories 2 and 3 will be valid for a period oione year for admission to Ph.D.

-fhe notification and Bulletin ol' Information lbr thc NET June 2024 will be issued by the National I'csting Agency shortly at https://uqcnet.nta.


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