Biotecnika newspaper 15 may 2018

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May 15th, 2018.

Vol. 02 NO 20









PhD Mandatory WHAT IS NEW? A PhD degree is the most valuable asset that an aspiring academician can have. PhD research will help to improve your abilities to understand and solve problems, increase your confidence, make yourself a better communicator and gain skills that may lead to a better job, even in many fields apart from academics.

By Disha Padmanabha

PHD MANDATORY FOR UNIVERSITY TEACHER & PROFESSOR POST – NEW GOVT RULE A doctoral degree is not just a passport to a world of research and new knowledge, it is also a valuable asset that increases one’s chances of earning higher paid in more satisfying jobs. It is an investment, a certificate of one’s special abilities that can give them an advantage on the job market. It is a foundation that can lead to the publishing of papers, awarding of grants and other kinds of recognition by your peers. And now, more importantly, it is a soon-to-be UGC requirement for teachers in universities. So far, at the entry level, the minimum eligibility requirement for an assistant professor was that they should have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) and have a Masters degree. But now, according to a draft policy document obtained by the Hindustan Times, a PhD will be a must for teaching at university level from the year 2021 onwards, even for assistant professors, which is the entry level

designation for instructors in universities. According to the chairman of the pay review commission for the seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) and the current chairman of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) VS Chauhan, NET as the minimum eligibility criteria is important for a diverse country because there are so many different subjects. Further, teachers will undergo a mandatory, month-long induction programme before starting work, and will also have to devote two hours to mentor students for extra-curricular activities. Apart from new qualification and eligibility criteria for teachers, UGC is also planning to introduce the Academic Performance Indicator and will also introduce simplified evaluation grading system to make the process easier. The promotions of the associate professor will be on the basis of teaching-metrics

whereas in universities it will be on the basis of research and teaching. “The Seventh Pay Commission had recommended that PhD should be the minimum eligibility for recruitment at universities. After much consideration, it was decided that it should be applicable from 2021. NET as the minimum eligibility criteria is important for a diverse country and as there are so many different subjects,” said VS Chauhan, who was the chairman of the pay review commission for the seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC), and is the current chairman of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).

sity. Singh added that it was ironical that because it isn’t in the Top 500 globally, the University of Delhi will, in effect, not be able to hire its own PhDs directly and require them to clear NET. “I have first-hand knowledge of so many doctoral students of the universities whose doctoral work have been deemed outstanding at the global level and have been published in outstanding research journals. Such PhDs will be humiliated by making them take the NET exam,” he added.

“I am unaware as to what has prompted these changes. I am sure that there must be some wisdom behind them,” said Dinesh Singh, former Vice Chancellor of Delhi Univer-



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Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018.

IIT Roorkee Team Identifies Chikungunya Tackling Molecule Chikungunya is perhaps one of the lesser known viruses transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. Certain parts of Africa, Southeast Asia, and India report the some of the largest number of cases each year. The disease usually results in painful and disabling symptoms, although rarely causing grave complications resulting in death. Now, researchers at the IIT Roorkee have discovered a molecule, they report is capable of antiviral activity against Chikungunya virus. This capability was found to achieve about 99 per cent reduction in the virus. Dr Shailly Tomar of the Biotechnology department at the institute said, “Chikungunya is gradually becoming a major public health concern, with many affected by it every year. There is no vaccine or antiviral drug available in the market for the cure of chikungunya currently. The treatment focussed on relieving the symptoms associated with the virus infection. Developing a new antiviral drug molecule can take over a decade and that

is the reason why we are looking at repositioning existing, approved drugs and testing these to see if they might inhibit or kill pathogenic viruses.” Specifically, the study includes the potentiality of piperazine as a pharmacotherapeutic agent, and its binding to the hydrophobic pocket of capsid protein, present in the culprit virus, offers a new perspective for therapeutic intervention, thereby inhibiting the spread of the virus. In the course of their investigation, the team headed by Tomar began employed two molecules identified earlier- Pep-I and PepII — for their inhibitory activity. They found that Pep-I — has superior antiviral activity against the virus when compared to the other molecule. The small molecule was discovered to be effective in binding to the protein of the virus (nsP2 protease) which prevented the virus from replicating. The team then hypothesised that any molecule that inhibited nsP2 protease should also possess a antiviral activity.

Scientists Hatch Synthetic Embryo Using Stem Cells Sans Gametes Although stem cells mimic development, a stem cell-based model of the blastocyst is lacking. The blastocyst aka the early mammalian embryo forms all embryonic as well as extra-embryonic tissues- including the placenta. Its structure consists of a spherical thin-walled layer, known as the trophectoderm, that surrounds a fluid-filled cavity sheltering the embryonic cells. From mouse blastocysts, it is possible to derive both trophoblast and embryonic stemcell lines, which are in vitro analogues of the trophectoderm and embryonic compartments, respectively. Now, scientists at the Maastricht University in the Netherlands have used trophoblast and embryonic stem cells, coaxed them to cooperate trophoblast and embryonic stem cells. “This is the first time we have created structures in the lab from stem cells which have the potential to form the whole organism – the baby, placenta and yolk sac,” Leader of the scientific team Dr. Nicolas Rivron says. For those fearing this may also result in human cloning, rest assured. Rivron insists his research simply “helps to understand the perfect path an early embryo must take for a healthy development.” He explained that his work revealed that “it is the embryonic cells that instruct the placental cells how to organise and to implant in utero.” “By understanding this molecular conversation, we open new perspectives to solve problems of infertility, contraception, or the adult diseases that are initiated by small flaws in the embryo,” explained Rivron. Examples of conditions that can potentially be


cured by the new findings include diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. First things first- all embryos, normally begin as blastocysts— an internal cavity that contains a small cluster of embryonic stem cells, and an outer layer of stem cells called trophoblasts. These inner embryonic cells form the embryo, while the trophoblasts eventually morph into the protective placenta that surrounds this embryo. Now, coming to mammals, a blastocyst, which is a hollow sphere made out of fewer than 100 cells forms days after an egg is fertilized. Once this blastocyst is implanted in a uterus, the cells that form the sphere becomes the placenta, while the cells inside the blastocyst becomes the embryo. The researchers from the present study have managed to successfully creat an artificial embryo that incorporates allows the cells to naturally intermingle, including the placenta cells. When they implanted their model into mice, cells were seen to divide and fuse with the mother’s blood vessels, inciting pregnancy just like a natural embryo would. And to create this “blastoid”, they grew the inner and outer stem cells separately; and later introduced them within a mixture of molecules that encouraged communication and mangling. For the first time, it is now possible to form early model embryos in unlimited numbers that implant in utero. Prof. dr. Niels Geijsen, principal investigator at the Hubrecht Institute: ‘We now have a new way to study the earliest stages of embryonic development,

By Disha Padmanabha

To test out this theory of theirs, the researchers carried out antiviral studies using cell lines. “The studies confirmed that both molecules had significant ability to kill the virus. The Pep-I molecule was very efficient in killing the virus — 99% reduction in virus at 5 microMolar,” says Prof. Tomar. The Pep-II molecule exhibited reduced antiviral activity of only 50% even at a higher concentration of about 200 microMolar.

first authors of the paper. “We found even when the concentration of the two molecules was less than 50 microMolar, they were able to effectively inhibit the protease. Generally, when less than 50 microMolar concentration produces good enzyme inhibition it is considered good in terms of potency and effectiveness,” says Harvijay Singh who is the other first author of the paper.

“When 10 microMolar of Pep-I was used no viable virus could be detected in the culture. The antiviral activity was tested by adding the molecules directly into the virus culture. The two molecules also reduced the viral RNA thus confirming the antiviral activity,” says Rajat Mudgal from the Department of Biotechnology at IIT Roorkee and one of the

“Our research has showed that piperazine, a drug existing in the market, is successful in curbing the spread and replication of the Chikungunya virus in a lab setting. We are currently testing the molecule on animals hope to take this to clinical trials soon,” said Tomar.

and to explore the influence of environmental factors on development and disease.’

path to a new biomedical discipline. We can create large numbers of model embryos and build up new knowledge by systematically testing new medical techniques and potential medicines. It also dramatically reduces the need for animal experimentation’.

Prof. dr. Clemens van Blitterswijk, department chair at the MERLN Institute of Maastricht University: ‘This research opens the

HANDHELD 3D BIOPRINTER COULD REVOLUTIONIZE WOUND REPAIR TREATMENT Researchers at the University of Toronto, have now designed a 3D-handheld skin printer that might soon enable healing of deep wounds in a matter of minutes by evenly printing out layers of skin tissue on top of them. The three layers of the skin are: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis; and patients with deep skin wounds will often have damage to all these three layers of their skin. Split-thickness skin grafting, wherein healthy donor skin is grafted onto the surface epidermis and part of the underlying dermis of the patient, is the current preferred treatment, the technique has its own set of shortcomings. And this is where the handheld skin 3D bioprinter steps in to save the day. “Most current 3D bioprinters are bulky, work at low speeds, are expensive and are incompatible with clinical application,” said U of T Associate Professor Axel Guenther.

This handheld bioprinter, in contrast, weighs less than a kilogram and is roughly the same size as a small shoe box. It does not require much in the way of operator training. Also, what makes it cooler is its appearance- it kind of looks like a white-out tape dispenser, but with the tape roll replaced by a microdevice that forms tissue sheets. “Our skin printer promises to tailor tissues to specific patients and wound characteristics,” said PhD student Navid Hakimi. The researchers, in the future, plan to add several capabilities to the printer, including expanding the size of the coverable wound areas. They also plan to perform more in vivo studies. The team hopes that sometime in the near future, they can begin running clinical trials on humans, and eventually revolutionize burn care.

By Disha Padmanabha

Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018.

Researchers Develop Color Correction Contact Lenses Using an economic process involving rhodamine derivative non-toxic dye, researchers at the University of Birmingham have now designed contact lenses to help correct color blindness. Although there already exist a number of corrective lenses and glasses for color blindness, the scientists argue they tend to be expensive, sometimes ranging into hundreds of dollars, and their technology, in contrast, feature specific dye that aims to treat different varieties of color blindness. In the course of their study, the scientists dyed these inexpensive soft commercial contact lenses with the non-toxic rhodamine derivative dye, as it is known for its ability to absorb certain wavelengths of light in the optical spectrum. The team found that the dye blocked the region of the frequency spectrum between the red and green perceived by two sets of corre-

sponding optical cones simultaneously- this blocks the most light, avoiding having the colors in that region from triggering red and green optical cones. To test this, researchers used the dye on a glass slide and had participants look through the glass. They were asked to look at several numbers through the dyed lens, and to observe if there was any improvement to the colours or the clarity of the number. Later, they were enquired about their surroundings and were asked to note whether they saw any improvements in their colour perception. The results verified that these tinted lenses can be used to enhance the colour perception of people affected by colour vision deficiency. Further patient studies are now underway. “Contact lenses are of interest for colour blindness correction because it is easier

By Disha Padmanabha

to correct the entire field of view,” said Dr Haider Butt, lead researcher on the project. “The dye processing we carried out does not need any complex preparation, it is not toxic to the human eye, and our method could be easily used in both glasses and contact lenses at low cost.”

Lead researchers Dr. Haider Butt said: “We are now looking into using a similar process to correct purple-blue color blindness, and also to bring together a number of dyes to make lenses perform for both red-green and purple-blue color blindness simultaneously. We are about to commence human clinical trials shortly.”

Breast Cancer Drug Discovered to Expedite Cancer Cell Growth HER2 receptor protein is chiefly responsible for telling cells to divide- and when it aggregates or when cells have too many copies of this protein, it tends to cause damage in the form of breast cancer. Cells with too many of these proteins, especially breast cancer cells are found to have up to 1000 times too many – divide uncontrollably. And this causes the cancer to grow. While there are a few efficient HER2 signal blocking anticancer drugs in the market, the most effective ones are found to be those that work by preventing these receptor proteins from building its faulty signals. These are the kinase inhibitors and the most popular of them is called the lapatinib- which was found to be not as successful in clinical trials as the medical community had hoped. Furthermore, researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have now found this drug to be counterintuitively boosting the growth of breast cancer cells. “In recent studies, HER2-targeted therapies that combined lapatinib with the antibody treatment trastuzumab successfully controlled HER2-positive breast cancers at first, but did not improve longer-term disease-free survival,” said study co-senior author Tony

Ng, MD, PhD, of Kings College London, according to a press release. “Our new findings could help us design future studies to improve combined HER-targeted therapies.” “If certain breast cancer drugs can cause cancer cells to grow more rapidly in particular circumstances in the lab, we need to evaluate carefully if that might happen in subsets of patients as well,” cautioned the Francis Crick Institute’s Jeroen Claus, Ph.D. “Determining these risk factors could help doctors decide which patients may benefit most from these drugs.” Lapatinib is used in combination with other cancer drugs and chemotherapy to aid in the treatment of patients with a particular type of advanced breast cancer, but failed clinical trials as a stand-alone treatment. In the current investigation under discussion, the research team employed a combination of biochemical, biophysical, and computer modelling tools, to discover that this sketchy drug caused HER2 receptors on cell membranes to pair up with a partner receptor called HER3. They noted that when these inhibitor-induced HER2-HER3 pairs were combined

By Disha Padmanabha

with naturally-occurring growth signals from outside of the cell, they were able to rearrange themselves into an active, signalling pair. And in this state, it was observed that the HER2-HER3 pair became very efficient at telling the cells to divide, more so than cells that haven’t been treated with the drug. Peter Parker, joint senior author of the paper and Group Leader at the Francis Crick Institute and King’s College London (KCL) said: “Although our study was in breast cancer cells, it gives us new insights into the nuts and bolts of what happens to HER2 when you try to block it and raises some interesting questions around how we should approach designing drugs against HER2 positive breast cancer in the future.” Tony Ng, a clinician scientist heading the School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences at KCL, and joint senior author of the paper said: “In recent patient studies, HER2 targeted therapies that combined lapa-

tinib with the antibody treatment trastuzumab successfully controlled HER2 positive breast cancers at first, but did not improve longer term disease-free survival. Our new findings could help us design future studies to improve combined HER2 targeted therapies.” Justine Alford from Cancer Research UK, said: “By revealing surprising insight into the biology of HER2 and how this molecule may respond to certain drugs, this important lab research could guide future work into sophisticated new treatments that target HER2 in a more effective way. “As many breast cancers are triggered by HER2, drugs blocking its action have become cornerstone treatments for these diseases and they’ve shown great success. But sometimes these treatments can stop working, so there is a pressing need to develop new drugs that can overcome this issue and help improve the outlook for these women.”


Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018.

Fasting Enhances Regeneration Capability of Stem Cells: Study Our diet, undeniably, has profound effect on our health and now, MIT researchers have put forward a study that suggests fasting could possibly reverse the regeneration capability of intestinal stem cells that is known to decline as we age. The study demonstrated how fasting dramatically improved the stem cells’ ability to regenerate, in both aged and young mice. Stem cells in all parts of the body, including the ones in the intestine are in charge of growing new cells in the organ. They maintain the lining of the intestine, which is shed and replaced every few days, in addition to fighting off infection and repairing damage to the tissue. And as we age, these stem cells get less and less effective at their job. “Fasting has many effects in the intestine, which include boosting regeneration as well as potential uses in any type of ailment that impinges on the intestine, such as infections or cancers,” says Omer Yilmaz, an MIT assistant professor of biology, a member of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, and one of the senior authors of the study. “Understanding how fasting improves overall health, including the role of adult

stem cells in intestinal regeneration, in repair, and in aging, is a fundamental interest of my laboratory.” “This study provided evidence that fasting induces a metabolic switch in the intestinal stem cells, from utilizing carbohydrates to burning fat,” said David Sabatini, an MIT professor of biology, a senior author of the paper. “Interestingly, switching these cells to fatty acid oxidation enhanced their function significantly. Pharmacological targeting of this pathway may provide a therapeutic opportunity to improve tissue homeostasis in age-associated pathologies.” The team supported their study using animal models. They put their mice models on a 24-hour fast following which they extracted the intestinal stem cells and grew them in a culture dish, allowing them to determine whether the cells can give rise to “mini-intestines” known as organoids. “It was very obvious that fasting had this really immense effect on the ability of intestinal crypts to form more organoids, which is stem-cell-driven,” Whitehead Institute post-

By Disha Padmanabha

doc Maria Mihaylova said. “This was something that we saw in both the young mice and the aged mice, and we really wanted to understand the molecular mechanisms driving this.” The team further sequenced the messenger RNA of stem cells from the mice that fasted, revealing the fasting made the cells to switch from their usual metabolism, which burns carbohydrates such as sugars, to metabolizing fatty acids.

This switch generally occurs through the activation of PPAR transcription factors, which turn on many genes that are involved in metabolizing fatty acids. They also found that on turning off this pathway, fasting could no longer boost regeneration. In the future, they intend to study this metabolic switch further and find out how it provokes stem cells to enhance their regenerative abilities.

Biotech News China Brain Project: New Brain Science Facility to be Set up at Beijing The past few years have witnessed a global awareness of the importance of brain research, as exemplified by large brain projects initiated in Europe, the U.S., and Japan. And in this regard, Beijing has announced plans to build a brain-science research centre that will rival in size some of the world’s largest neuroscience organizations. It will likewise fill in as the core facility for the country’s long-awaited brain project — China’s version of the high-profile brain-science initiatives under way elsewhere in the world. The new facility will be one of the primary solid advancements in the national China brain-research project, which has been under discussion for a long time, however, it is yet to be formally announced. On 22 March, an agreement was signed establishing the Chinese Institute for Brain Science, Beijing, naming two neuroscientists — Peking University’s Rao Yi and Luo Minmin of the National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing — as co-directors. Luo says that he will oversee the approximately 50 principal investigators who will have laboratories at the new centre, with Rao assuming responsibility of external grants that will bolster around 100 investigators throughout China. The new brain institute will not be part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Rather,


it will collaborate with the academy, along with Beijing’s other leading biomedical institutions, including Tsinghua University, Peking University and the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. The Chinese undertaking is expected to complement ongoing projects worldwide with its rapidly growing cadre of top neuroscientists, abundant supplies of research monkeys, the country’s heavy burden of people with neurological diseases and its big investments in brain-imaging facilities. “The brain is such a complex system that significant efforts are needed to tame this complexity at an international level,” says Katrin Amunts, scientific research director of Europe’s Human Brain Project. China has the potential to provide important insights that relate to the work of other projects, she says. This year, Luo intends to utilize 180 million Chinese yuan (US$29 million) provided by the Beijing municipal government to enlist the initial first five or six research groups, and to install them in a building already constructed by the municipality, which is across the road from his institute. While operating at its full capacity of 50 researchers, which Luo plans to have within five years, some 400 million Chinese yuan per year will be required, which Luo hopes to

By Disha Padmanabha

secure from the country’s brain-science project, with a substantial amount still coming from Beijing. In the meantime, other facilities are preparing their bids for support from the national brain project. A large science park under construction in Shanghai will house a ‘southern centre’ for neuroscience research. Another programme expected to be indispensable to the country’s brain-science initiative is an international mesoscopic connectome project,

being designed by Mu-Ming Poo, director of the Institute of Neuroscience in Shanghai. Connectome projects attempt to map out all the neural connections in the brain. What is certain is that China’s political and scientific leadership has come to realize that the country’s pursuit of innovation could be in jeopardy without breakthroughs in basic research.

Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018.

New Study Unties DNA Knot to Improve Sequencing Accuracy Long DNA molecules can self-entangle into knots. And these knots occur in biological systems to serve the purpose of a model system for polymer entanglement, and affect the efficacy of modern genomics technologies. Now, researchers at the MIT have, for the first time, discovered factors that determine whether a knot moves along the strand or “jams” in place using a technology that stretches and images these structures. “People who study polymer physics have suggested that knots might be able to jam, but there haven’t been good model systems to test it,” says Patrick Doyle, the Robert T. Haslam Professor of Chemical Engineering and the senior author of the study. “We showed the same knot could go from being jammed to

being mobile along the same molecule. You change conditions and it suddenly stops, and then change them again and it suddenly moves.” The team designed a unique microfluidic system constituted by a T channel with an electric field that diverges at the top of the T. A DNA molecule located at the top of this T will be pulled equally toward each arm, forcing it to stay in place. Later, the team discovered that they could well manipulate these knots in pinned DNA molecules by varying the strength of the electric field. In their experiments, the team noticed that when the field is weak, knots tend to move along the molecule toward the closer end. When they reach the end, they unravel. And

By Disha Padmanabha

conversely, when it is strong, the DNA is forced to stretch out fully, causing these knots to jam in. Dmitrii Makarov, a professor of chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin, who was not involved in the study, describes it as “an elegant experimental demonstration that knots in DNA can ‘jam’ under tension, just like macroscopic knots do in our everyday

experience. This work also provides important fundamental insights into friction on molecular scale, a phenomenon that is still poorly understood.” The researchers, in the future intend to study other phenomena related these knotted proteins, including the process of untying more complex knots as well as the interactions between two knots in a molecule.

Graying of Hair Linked to Dysregulated Immune System Hair pigmentation over the course of a lifetime depends on melanocyte stem cells that reside in the hair follicle. Throughout the lifecycle of our hair, melanocyte stem cells function as a reservoir for the melanocytes that produce the pigment that renders our hair color. And the loss of these stem cells leads to the graying of hair. Now, a team of NIH researchers along with their counterparts at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, have put forward an investigation offering insights into graying of hair in response to other external factors such as stress or immune system reactions. “Our research looks primarily at how stem cells are affected by age,” said Melissa Harris, Ph.D., corresponding author and assistant professor in the UAB College of Arts and Sciences Department of Biology. “Using current genomic tools, we are able to look at the whole genome to gain a better understanding

of which genes are expressed and when, and this allows us to better address the question of why we age the way we do. Hair-graying and melanocyte stem cells make up the models we use to study this process.” “Evaluating mouse models of hair-graying using genomic tools can reveal key aspects of melanocyte stem cell biology,” said Harris. “Using this approach, we discovered a novel role for the melanogenesis-associated transcription factor, or MITF, in repressing the expression of innate immune genes within cells of the melanocyte lineage in mice.” These animal models also allowed the team to discover how artificial elevation of the innate immune response either through a genetic mechanism or through virus exposure mimics results in significant melanocyte and melanocyte stem cell loss and leads to the elevated production of non-pigmented aka gray

By Disha Padmanabha

hairs. Also, another interesting find involves the functioning of the interferons’ signalling pathway usually triggered by infected cells that was found to lead to the loss of melanocytes and melanocyte stem cells when increased in frequency.

Harris speculates that this might be why some individuals acquire gray hair early in life. “Perhaps, in an individual who is healthy yet predisposed for gray hair, getting an everyday viral infection is just enough to cause the decline of their melanocytes and melanocyte stem cells leading to premature gray hair,” Harris said.


Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018.


Please contact scholarship@novusbio. com for any questions. Questions? Please email Lisa Ikariyama at, call at 303-730-1950

How to Apply: 3 Steps Letter of intent • • •

Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program 2018 – Official Notification

Research is a critical component for the development and advancement in the life science community. We want to further scientific achievement by helping students who are interested in developing a career in science. The Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program is awarded to students pursuing a degree in a science related field twice a year. A $1500 (or international currency equivalent) scholarship will be awarded to one student for the fall and spring semesters. Eligibility: • • •

Applicants must have a major declared in a science related field. Open worldwide. Enrolled or accepted for enrollment (baccalaureate, graduate, associate degree, or diploma) with a declared major in a science related field.

How to Apply: • •

• • •

Fill out the scholarship application form. Submit a transcript of all college/ post-secondary coursework (if high school student submit high school transcript). Submit a written statement addressing the following topics: Submit a 140 character statement/tweet on what your favorite scientific discovery is and why. Write a personal statement of 500 words or less on how you plan to use your degree to further advance science in your field of interest.

Submission Guidelines: • • •

Please submit your application by July 20, 2018 to be considered for the Fall 2018 Novus Biologicals Scholarship. Deadline for this application is July 20, 2018 11:59 p.m. MST. Finalist will be notified by August 3, 2018


Submission deadline: ~ May 31, 2018 Review by Directors and Evaluation Panel members Invitation to submit full proposals: ~ June 30, 2018

Full proposal • •

Indian nationals with research interest in sciences, check out the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program 2018 notification. Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program 2018 official notification is out for interested Indian nationals. Check out all of the details on the eligibility, selection process, guideline and such below:

extension of 2 years YS Fellows should be physically relocated to one of the IBS Centers.

Korean Government Young Scientist Fellowship @ Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Korean Government has initiated the Young Scientist Fellowship at Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Eligible candidates check out the details on how to apply for the Korean Government Young Scientist Fellowship at Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Check out all of the details on the same below: Background and Purpose: With the vision of “Making Discoveries for Humanity and Society,” the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was established in 2011 by the Korean government to advance essential sciences in Korea. Twenty-eight Research Centers have been launched and each Center has been yielding remarkable outcomes in different fields of research. The IBS “Youthful Scientist Fellowship” started in 2016 to assume a dynamic part in cultivating cutting edge basic science pioneers. We trust this partnership offers chances to conduct independent research by using state-of-art infrastructure and to develop based on collaboration with leading researchers. We trust that the YS Fellowship serves as a stepping stone for our research fellows to be appointed as independent principal investigators at illustrious institutions worldwide. Eligibility: Within 5 years of obtaining a PhD or under the age of 40 with a PhD (born no earlier than January 1, 1978) * Ph.D. candidates must be conferred with Ph.D. degrees before August 31, 2018. * Researchers currently participating in the IBS research centers are NOT eligible to apply. Condition & Benefit: • •

Annual budget of KRW150-300M per year including KRW60-70M salary Appointment for 3 years with possible

Submission deadline: ~ August 31, 2018 Review by Directors and Evaluation Panel members Invitation for an interview: ~ September 30, 2018

Interview • • •

Interview and presentation: ~ October 31, 2018 Comprehensive review by Evaluation Panel chairs Announcement of final YS Fellows: ~ November 30, 2018

Apply via homepage (http://www.ibs. no later than May 31, 2018 (KST). For Queries: • •

Research Evaluation Team (ysf@ibs. For details, please visit the IBS homepage at

Dr. P. N. Bahl Award for the Biennium 2016-2017 (Crop Science Area) 3rd Dr. P. N. Bahl Award for the Biennium 2016-2017 in the area Crop Science, notification is out. ICAR – Dr. P. N. Bahl Award for the Biennium 2016-2017 official notification for Indian Nationals with Award of Rs. 50,000/- Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the information posted below on the same: The nominations/ applications are invited for the 3rd Dr. P. N. Bahl Award from Scientists/ Academicians of Indian nationality from all branches of Crop Sciences. The Award: The Award carries a sum of Rs. 50,000/(fifty thousand only) with Commendation Certificate. Eligibility: Nominee/Applicant should be an active scientist up to the age of 45 years who is engaged in the relevant field of research in Crop Sciences in India. The award shall be made for notable and original research (both fundamental and applied) in the relevant field as evidenced in the form of publications, monographs, papers, patents, varieties and technologies developed and popularization, dissemination and adoption of technologies by stakeholders. The candidates shall be judged on the basis of results of contributions made by them during the last ten years preceeding the year of award. In the case of claim based on development and adoption of new· varieties, the final trials should have been completed within the five years preceeding the year of award. The awardee will be required to deliver a lecture based on his/her research contributions/achievements at the time of award presentation. TA & DA to the awardee will be paid as per rules. How to Apply: Nominations/ Applications (seven copies) complete in all respects as per proforma available at Post Graduate School, IARI/lnstitute website should reach the Head, Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012 latest by 30th May, 2018. The institute is not responsible for any postal delays. Deadline: latest by 30th May, 2018

Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018. • •

identified overseas institutions in case of Indian candidates and identified Indian Agricultural Universities (AUs) from ICAR-AU system in India in case of overseas candidates.


Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships 2018-2019

Number of fellowships available every year for a programme leading to Ph.D. degree under this scheme will be thirty (30). The allocation of fellowships between Indian and Overseas candidates will depend upon the availability of good candidates in the identified priority areas Eligibility: •

30 fellowships are available for Indian and Overseas nationals at Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships 20182019. Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships 2018-2019, thirty fellowships are available for Indian and overseas candidates. Check out all of the details on the same below: Overview: In its continuous endeavors towards improving and managing the benchmarks, quality and relevance of higher agricultural education in the nation, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) here-inafter, referred as the Council, has organized International Fellowships with double purpose for (I) human resource development in cutting edge advances, and (ii) exhibiting the quality of Indian farming framework abroad. The goal is to create skilled human resources that are prepared in the distinguished best research centers on the planet (for Indian competitors) and correspondingly uncover abroad contender to the best Indian Agricultural Universities (AUs) in the ICAR-AU framework (containing State Agricultural Universities, Central Agricultural University Imphal, ICAR-Deemed Universities, Allahabad Agricultural Institute-DU, Central Colleges having rural workforce) for making a pool of scientist-envoys for improved future co-activity. Title: The fellowship is named as “Netaji Subhas – ICAR International Fellowship (NSICARIF)” and the awardee will be called “NS-ICAR International Fellow”.

• •

• •

How to Apply: • •

Purpose: The NS-ICARIFs are accessible to help Indian/Overseas nationals for seeking after doctoral degree in farming and associated sciences, in the distinguished prior areas, to the •

Indian contender for study abroad in the distinguished overseas Colleges/ Institutions having solid research and teaching capabilities and Overseas candidates for studdy in the best Indian AUs in the ICAR-AUs framework.

Location: For study in the identified institutions having strong research and teaching capabilities and adequate strength in terms of faculty and infrastructure facilities, the NS ICAR-IFs are tenable at:

Master’s degree in agriculture/allied sciences with an Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) 6.60 out of 10.0 or 65% marks or equivalent will be the eligibility requirement for the NS-ICARIFs The fresh candidates should not be more than 35 years of age on the last date prescribed for receipt of applications. The upper age limit for In-service candidates will be 40 years on the last date for receipt of applications. The notification for fellowship will contain the detailed eligibility requirements. Netaji Subhas- ICARIF would be available for both, fresh and in-service candidates. However, the fresh candidates should have completed their qualifying degree not more than two years before the specified date in the year of admission. The in-service candidates from India should be employed in the ICAR-AU system. The Council will identify and announce the priority areas of research and the list of institutions for admission, one year in advance, for availing the Netaji SubhasICAR IFs.

The candidate should submit an application for the fellowship, on-line, in the prescribed format. The area of study and the line of the proposed research work should be in the identified priority area relevant to Indian/Global agriculture as identified by the Council and the same shall be notified one year in advance. The applicant shall provide two references along with their contact Email addresses, in support of his application, who may be directly contacted by the Council for obtaining comments in the prescribed format on his candidature. One of the two referees should preferably be his/her supervisor in the current occupation (if employed) and one who is an expert in the area and well acquainted with the candidate’s work. The applicants for the ICAR-IF must obtain at their own level, an acceptance of their admission in the Ph.D. degree programmes with identified area of study at the identified Indian AUs in case of overseas applicants and the identified overseas institutions in case of Indian applicants. Such acceptance letters should preferably be enclosed with the application for the fellowship. The candidates should satisfy themselves regarding admission and course requirements of the university before identifying these as a place of study.”. Indian diplomatic missions in foreign countries will also be informed through e-mails.

Applications for NS-ICARIFs will be invited on annual basis through announcements published in Indian national newspapers and the notification on ICAR website “http://www.icar.

Amount payable to the International fellowship candidates: Ph.D.

Amount net exceeding

Lump-sum payments towards contigent and preparatory expenses

Indian fellows going abroad

US$ 2,000/- per month

US$ 1,000/- per year

Overseas fellows in India

INR 40,000/- per month

INR 25,000/- per year

• •

tification. The selected awardees will be provided financial aid for travel and hospitality. The Oration will be printed in Institution bulletin.

How to Apply:

ICMR-NIIH Diamond Jubilee Oration Award – 2018 | Official Notification

Three sets of hard copies of nominations must be sent to The Director, ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology, 13th floor, New Multistoried Building K.E.M Hospital Campus, Parel Mumbai-400012,India and the exact same ought to be emailed to Dr. V. Babu Rao in or directorniih@gmail. com Deadline: on or before 30th June 2018

ICMR-NIIH Diamond Jubilee Oration Award – 2018 notification has been announced. Indian nationals with relevant eligibility can apply for ICMR-NIIH Diamond Jubilee Oration Award-2018. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details on eligibility, application procedure and such below: Overview: ICMR-NIIH DIAMOND JUBILEE ORATION AWARD is instituted from the National Institute of Immunohaematology and will be granted every alternative year. This award is meant to recognize gifted Indian researchers in recognition of the outstanding involvement in Hematology/Immunology/ Transfusion Medicine in the purview of their Institution. The research performed in India from the nominees in the previous 10 years are going to be taken under account for the award. Eligibility: Any citizen of India under age 50 years on June 30, 2018 will be qualified for the award. •

• • •

The applicant must be working for minimum 10 years or longer in the field of Hematology/Immunology/Transfusion Medicine The applicant must have minimal 10 original articles printed in National/International journals as a primary author or corresponding author. A committee of experts appointed by the Director of this Institute will pick the ideal candidate. This award is going to be delivered each alternate year in the month of November/December in the Institute. The awardees will be given a Silver Plaque along with also a Citation cer-


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Friday, 25th May 2018; for details see: Date of online test : Sunday, 27th May 2018 Interview dates : Between 5th and 6th June 2018 Programme starts on : Monday, 23rd July 2018 For application forms, queries and correspondence :; Mobile: 9482864314

M.Sc. in Human Disease Genetics 2018-2020 Admissions @ Centre for Human Genetics Official notification for M.Sc. Human Disease Genetics Admission 2018-2020 at Centre for Human Genetics, Bengaluru has been announced. Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in any area of biology or medicine are eligible to apply. For more details on the overview of the programme, eligibility, fees, application forms etc. check the information given below: CENTRE FOR HUMAN GENETICS Biotech Park, Electronics City Phase I, Bangalore 560 100 M.Sc. in Human Disease Genetics (2018-2020) (Degree awarded by Bangalore University) The Centre for Human Genetics, Bangalore, invites applications for admission to the M.Sc. programme in Human Disease Genetics for the session 2018-2020. This is a unique interdisciplinary programme at the interface of modern biology and medicine. It covers fundamental cell and molecular biology, population biology, statistics, human genetics, genomics, clinical genetics and genetic counselling. The curriculum consists of lectures, laboratory work, seminars and discussions and includes a strong component of research, case studies and activity-based learning. The programme can be viewed as a first step towards a professional career in human genetics, disease diagnostics and allied bio-medical fields or towards advanced studies leading to a Ph.D. or MD degree. Eligibility: A Bachelor’s degree in any area of biology or medicine. Motivated candidates with an undergraduate degree from other streams can also apply. Selection will be based on a national-level online test followed by an interview. Students appearing for the final year exam as well those who are waiting for the results may also apply. Fees: Subject to University approval, the course fees are estimated to be Rs. 1,75,000/- for the two-year course. Fee concession is available to eligible applicants. Important Dates: •

Last date for receiving applications :


FL or IELTS results with your application if available. Previously affiliated applicants: Candidates previously affiliated with an IMPRS group for more than 3 months are considered “internal candidates”. In general, internal candidates are eligible for admission. They may join a research group for PhD thesis work if the previous affiliation with this group did not exceed 12 months. Internal candidates must demonstrate outstanding performance and the highest potential in order to be invited for interviews. To avoid any favoritism or bias, group leaders associated with an internal candidate will not be involved in judging the candidate’s qualification for admission. Application Details:

PhD Admission 2019 @ IMPRS Cell, Developmental & Systems Biology Germany

Please review our eligibility requirements prior to application. To officially apply for our program, you must complete the online application form within the publicized deadlines. Applications, or parts thereof, submitted by any other means are not considered. Most of the document should be self-explanatory, but please review our FAQ if you have questions.

IMPRS Cell, Developmental & Systems Biology has announced calls for PhD Admissions 2019. PhD Admissions 2019 at IMPRS Cell, Developmental & Systems Biology. Admissions 2019 for PhD at IMPRS Cell, Developmental & Systems Biology. Check out all of the details on the same below:

Step-by-Step Application Process

Eligibility Requirements:

2. Complete registration Registration requires some personal background information from the applicant, as well as contact details of two referees. Please make sure to provide correct contact information, as this cannot be modified after registration. In general, referees should be familiar with your academic and/or laboratory research performance to provide a useful assessment. We advise you to include the principal investigators who supervised your thesis work. Your referees will receive an email invitation to submit their recommendation online. You will receive an email confirmation as soon as these recommendations are received. Please contact your referees directly for clarification should you not receive these confirmation receipts in a timely fashion. If necessary, you may add up to two additional referees before the registration deadline.

We seek applications from talented and creative young scientists who are curious by nature and hunger for new solutions under our research mission. Successful candidates possess a burning ambition to shape the future of science and the ability to thrive in a highly competitive, interdisciplinary environment. We expect truly excellent prior academic performance and research experience. Successful candidates exhibit potential to conduct challenging, top-notch research towards a PhD degree. Distinctive proficiency in textbook scientific knowledge is essential. Enthusiasm and collegiality are also vital. Requirements: Admission is based solely on prior scientific qualifications and future potential. This ensures the recruitment of only the highest qualified candidates in a fair and transparent manner. Applicants must hold, or anticipate receiving, a Master’s Degree in Life Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Applied Mathematics, or Engineering before taking up PhD thesis work. Applicants holding an excellent BSc degree are also welcome to apply, given that independent research and a written thesis is part of the curriculum. As English is the working language of the program, applicants should demonstrate a high level of spoken and written English proficiency. We recommend including TOE-

1. Request an account Request an account for our online application system. Please use an email address that will remain valid throughout the application process. You will receive access to the online application form immediately.

3. Complete your application Please complete all parts of the application form and upload relevant University certificates and official transcripts documenting your entire post-secondary education. For ongoing studies, please provide the latest transcript documenting all results obtained to date. Furnishing of TOEFL/IELTS and GRE examination results is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. We recommend generating a PDF file of your application for your reference. 4. Submission Our application system requires your completed online application form, along with

two recommendations, before final submission is possible. All of these materials must be received prior to the published application deadline. You will receive an email confirming the successful submission of your application. Admission Process: Admission is based solely on prior scientific qualifications and future potential. We wish to recruit only the highest qualified candidates in a fair and transparent manner. Applicant Evaluation Completed eligible applications will proceed to evaluation. The first evaluation takes into account the applicants’ national education system, and is carried out by internal experts of the respective educational system. Additionally, we may conduct phone or Skype interviews during the evaluation process. Qualified applications are recommended to faculty members for further assessment. They jointly short-list the candidates to be invited for the interview week in Dresden. The interview week in Dresden The final selection for our program takes place over the course of one week onsite at MPI-CBG. The Monday of the interview week is reserved for arrival, a brief welcome, and research group presentations. On Tuesday, the Admission Committees interview each candidate for 30 minutes. These interviews cover general knowledge questions according to the applicant’s scientific discipline and evaluate the candidates’ qualification for entering our program. Candidates who pass the Admission Committees are in principle eligible for admission, and will proceed to the next round. Interviews continue with the group leaders on Wednesday and Thursday, combined with lab visits. Final interviews and lingering questions are addressed on Friday morning. Selection results will be communicated that afternoon. Full details of the interview week will be sent to invited candidates only. Participation in the interview week is essential if you wish to be considered for admission to the IMPRS-CellDevoSys. Admission offers Admission offers to join the IMPRS-CellDevoSys are made by the end of the interview week. Admission is granted by the Dean based on feedback from the Admission Committee and group leader interviews. In general, offers are associated with a particular research group. Start of PhD thesis work Primary supervisors usually identify individual starting dates with the newly accepted PhD students. For the spring selection, the latest possible starting date is 1st October of the year of admission.

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Vol. 02 NO 20 Funding & Tuition: Financial support The IMPRS-CellDevoSys offers full financial support during thesis preparation, up to 4 years. Financial support is granted via an employment contract according to 65% TvöD E13(German tariff for employees in civil service). Health insurance, pension contribution, and other social benefits are included in the contract. The net take-home pay for PhD students (after taxes and deductions) is a minimum of 1,450 Euro per month. Tuition fees There are neither tuition fees for participating in the PhD Program nor for being registered as a PhD student at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Official enrollment at the TUD as a student is optional; the biannual enrollment fee at the TUD is about 260 Euro and includes the so-called Semesterticket, which entitles you to use the public transport system in Dresden and surrounding areas.

May 15th, 2018. graduate degree who don’t have a fellowship but have qualified JGEEBILS examination conducted by NCBS/TIFR held on 10th December, 2017 are also qualified to apply. Shortlisted applicants in the JGEEBILS results based on NCCS criteria will be just called for interview. Limited amount of fellowships will be provided by NCCS to the selected students who don’t have fellowship from CSIR/ DBT/ ICMR/ UGC/ DST-Inspire/BINC nevertheless have qualified JGEEBILS and are chosen by NCCS. Submission of program to NCCS-Ph.D. programme does not automatically ensure that a candidate will be shortlisted for interview. Shortlisted candidates meeting NCCS standards can appear for interview to be held at NCCS through 3rd and 4th July, 2018. Detailed eligibility requirements are provided here under. Eligibility for PhD Programme: •

Important Dates:

NCCS PhD Admission – August 2018 | Official Notification NCCS, Pune has announced the PhD Admission – August 2018. Only post graduate students with valid qualification are eligible to apply for Ph.D. Admission August 2018 National Centre for Cell Science, Pune. National Centre for Cell Science NCCS PhD Admission – August 2018. Check out all of the details on the same below: NCCS PhD Admission- August 2018 NCCS, Pune, invites application from eligible candidates for admissions to PhD Programme of August 2018 session. The candidates should be an Indian National, having consistently good academic record with strong motivation to pursue research in modern biology leading to a Ph.D. degree and with eligibility that has been mentioned below: Applicants with just post graduate degree and having valid fellowship from CSIR/ DBT/ICMR/UGC/DST Inspire qualified in NETLS or GATE examination/BINC are entitled to apply. Applicants with post

Interview: One-on-One interview will be held at NCCS, Pune of all shortlisted candidates as per the selection criteria set by NCCS. Details of the interview process/schedule will be published on the NCCS website along with the list of shortlisted candidates on 13th June, 2018. Second class train fare by shortest route will be paid to only SC/ST Candidates as per rules. Candidates should make their own arrangements for stay

Cost of Living It is fairly easy to hold a high standard of living in Dresden, since the costs of rent, food, and other staples remain low. Several articles have recently noted that Dresden is one of the cheapest cities for students in Germany. More informations on

tach accurate copy of Caste Certification / Newest non-creamy layer certification together with the application form and Originals must be brought at the time of Interview. Application Fee of Rs. 100/ only (‘ One hundred only) ought to be sent along with the application form in the shape of a Demand Draft payable to DIRECTOR, NCCS in PUNE. Application Fee need not be paid by SC/ST students.

• • •

Applicants should have Masters (postgraduate) degree in any branch of Sciences Together with Interest in pursuing research in Modern Biology and with at least 55 percent or Equal Grade Point Average (GPA) and with a valid fellowship from CSIR/DBT/ICMR/ / UGC/DST-Inspire qualified in NET-LS or even GATE examination/BINC etc. Applicants with post graduate degree, who do not have individual fellowship but Have qualified JGEEBILS exam conducted by NCBS/TIFR on 10th December, 2017 will be qualified to apply. Applicants will be shortlisted according to JGEEBILS Results by NCCS standards for interview. NCCS decision in this regard will be final. Please mention your JGEEBILS December, 2017 Reference Code on the very top of the Application form in the specified location. Applicants that have a fellowship and exect to be awarded M.Sc. Degree by end of July 2018 can also apply. Their selection will be provisional and will be cancelled if the final results aren’t produced by the end of November 2018. On completion of screening of all applications, shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview, whose schedule is given below. Candidates who have qualified only for Lectureship in CSIR-UGC (NET) and the “Project List of ICMR” are not eligible. Other terms and conditions of the fellowship will be as per the norms of the funding agencies. The upper age limit for JRF shall be 28 years which is relaxable as per rules. Fellowship will be activated as per the funding agencies’ guidelines on Direct Benefit Transfer basis. In such cases NCCS will not be responsible for providing fellowship. Reservation will be as per GoI guidelines.

at Pune. Selected candidates will need to stay for two days more for interaction and finalization of guide. Applicants should bring all originals along with a attested copy of following documents at the time of Interview. 1) Birth certificate/ proof of Date of birth. 2) SC/ST/PWD category certificate from competent authorities. 3) Statement of marks of each year/semester of graduation. 4) Statement of marks of each year/semester of (M.Sc.) 5) Fellowship/ NET-LS /GATE Certificate/ JGEEBILS Admit card. 6) For OBC category, valid Non-creamy layer certificate. For Queries: Applicants should e-mail at Phone enquiries will not be entertained.


Last date of receipt of application at NCCS with all required 28th May, 2018 documents.


Publication of list of shortlisted candidates called for Interview at NCCS

13th June, 2018


Date(s) & Time of Interview

3rd and 4th July, 2018 from 9:00 AM onwards


Declaration of Result Interview

4th July, 2018 evening


Declaration of Allotment/Finalization of Guide

19th July, 2018


Expected date of joining at NCCS

1st August, 2018

Selected candidates who fail to produce M.Sc. Final examination mark sheet/certificate with at least 55% marks on the date of joining will be given a provisional admission. The admission will be cancelled if the final results are not produced by the end of November 2018. No further request for the time extension will be entertained.

How to Apply: Interested candidates who fulfill the above criteria can submit their typed application In the prescribed format linked below. The finished hardcopy Application form together with the copies of M.Sc. Marks statement and Fellowship certificate/ admit card should be sent to the Dean (Academics), National Centre for Cell Science, S. P. Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411 007 on or before 28th May, 2018. SC/ST/ OBC candidates should additionally at-


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May 15th, 2018. only are also eligible to apply. The certificate of JRF eligibility has to be uploaded. JRF qualified candidates also have to submit their application through online process. However they need to appear for the entrance exam and have to also secure minimum marks i.e 50 percentile in the entrance exam otherwise they will not be considered for the admission process.

The fee is to be paid by NEFT/RTGS Online Payment System. The details of the institute bank details are: • • • • • •

Eligibility Criteria:

Biotech AdmissionsCoursePh.D PhD Course Admission 2018 @ JIPMER – Official Notification Candidates with an MSc background in Biochemistry and Microbiology can apply for PhD Course Admission 2018 at JIPMER. JIPMER PhD Course Admission 2018 official notification is out. JIPMER PhD Admission 2018 for Biochemistry and Microbiology Candidates. Check out all of the details on the same below: Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) (Course Code : 8911 ): The Institute invites applications from eligible candidates for admission to Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) Courses in the following departments. The total number of seats is 24. The no.of seats with different Groups is as follows:1. Candidates with Medical qualification – 3 seats 2. Candidates with Biological Sciences qualification – 18 seats 3. Candidates with Non- Biological Sciences qualification – 3 seats Grouping:

Candidates belonging to Biological Sciences Qualification i.e Master’s Degree (Two/ Three years course) M.Tech / M.Sc. / M. Phil. / M.V.Sc / PG Degree in the list of courses mentioned in the eligibility criteria from a recognized University.

• • •

M.Tech. Biotechnology/ M.Tech Biomedical Engineering/ M. Tech. in Engineering designs M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc Biochemistry/M.Sc. Biotechnology/ M.Sc Molecular Biology/M.Sc Life Sciences/M.Sc Biophysics/ M.Sc. Microbiology /M.Sc Biotechnology / M.Sc Biotechnology/ M.Sc Medical Microbiology/ M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry/ Human Genetics/ M.Sc. (Human Physiology) / Human Anatomy/ M.Sc. Neuroscience/ M.Sc. Medical Lab Technology/ M.Sc Neuro technology/ M.Sc Pathology/Pharmacology M.Sc. Pharmacology/M. Pharm.

Candidate having eligibility under biological sciences category should have secured at least 60% marks in the last qualifying examination. Candidates with JRF Qualifications: Candidates who have qualified NET examination (with fellowship only) conducted by UGC/ICMR / CSIR / DBT / DST – Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) within two years


Biochemistry – M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry/Biochemistry (2 seats) Clinical Immunology – M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry/Biochemistry (1 seat) Microbiology – M.Sc. Microbiology/ MLT (Microbiology)/ Biotechnology (2 seats) Pharmacology – M.Sc. Pharmacology/ M. Pharm. M.Tech. / M.Sc. Biotechnology M.Sc. MLT (1 seat)

Candidates with Biological Science qualification who have qualified in the entrance exam are eligible to choose in any one of the above said departments as per the eligibility criteria fulfilled. However, the total no. of seats for Candidates with Biological Science qualification shall not exceed 18 seats. Minimum & Maximum Duration of Course: 3 years for non-Medical Post Graduates & 5 Years maximum at the discretion of the Competent Authority respectively. How to Apply: • •

2. Candidates with Biological Sciences qualification:

Candidates need not send hard copy of application. Candidates who are seeking admissions are required to apply via online-mode only. (Any other mode of application will be rejected/not accepted) Candidates can check the homepage link / and navigate to the link “Apply on-line B.SC/P.B.D/M.SC/ M.P.H/Ph.D Courses admission – 2018”.

Application Fees: Application fees for each category as mentioned below to be paid by the candidate using ANY ONE of the modes of payment mentioned below. No other mode of payment will be accepted. a) Net Banking b) Credit Card c) Debit Card Toll Free Number – 18002669416 Help Desk Email ID –

c. All other candidates: ₹ 200/-

Ph.D. Program 2018-2019 Admission @ IIT Dharwad

BioSciences and BioEngineering (BSBE) Ph.D. Program 2018-2019 Admission at IIT Dharwad has been announced. IIT Dharwad Admission Ph.D. Program 20182019 official notification is out. Ph.D. Program 2018-2019 Admission for BioSciences and BioEngineering (BSBE) at IIT Dharwad. Check out all of the details on the same below: Eligibility for Ph.D. Admission: MSc./B.TechM. Tech. /M.Phil. or equivalent in Bioinformatics/Biotechnology or other allied biology subjects. Candidates who are yet to complete their qualifying examinations, but expect to complete all the requirements for admission eligibility (including all examinations, project dissertation, viva-voce etc.) can also apply provided they can produce the necessary certificates by July 30th, 2018. Required: •

MSc/B.Tech– Must have Valid GATE Score/ Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of CSIR/UGC/ DBT/ICAR/ ICMR/ ICPR/PMRF or DST INSPIRE Fellowship. M. Tech and M.Phil. – GATE/JRF desirable but not essential.

Minimum Score Required: For General/OBC category candidates and/ or for candidates where no concession in academic performance is called for, the eligibility criteria in the qualifying degree (M.Tech./M.E.) is First Class as specified by the University. If the University doesn’t specify the division/class, then either: 1. a minimum of 60% marks (without round off) in aggregate. 2. a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) or Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) of 6.0 on the scale of 0-10; with corresponding proportional requirements when the scales are other than on 0-10, (for example, 4.8 on a scale of 0-8). For SC/ST category candidates, a relaxation of 5% in the qualifying degree is applicable How to Apply: Read the instructions given in the brochure carefully before filling up the application form. You are required to submit the application ONLINE only. No downloadable forms are available. The application fee is as follows: • •

Women candidates: ₹ 100/SC/ST/PwD category candidates: ₹ 100/-

BANK: State Bank of India Account Name: IIT Bombay (IIT Dharwad) Account No.: 35636327083 Branch: I.I.T. (Powai) IFSC: SBIN0001109 MICR: 400002034

The transaction details like: UTR/ITR/Transaction Number with date are to be necessarily provided in filling up the Online Application Form. The Application Form without valid online payment details will not be considered. Application FEE is Non-Refundable. Important Dates To Remember: • • • • •

Last date of application: 30-06-2018 Announcement of shortlisted candidates: 02-07-2018 Date/s of examinations: 09-07-2017 and 10-07-2018 Announcement of Results: 10-07-2018 Registration: 25-07-2018

Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018.


Vol. 02 NO 20

May 15th, 2018.


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