Biotecnika Times - Newspaper - 18 June 2018

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June 19th, 2018.

Vol. 02 NO 31








PhD Mandatory WHAT IS NEW? A PhD degree is the most valuable asset that an aspiring academician can have. PhD research will help to improve your abilities to understand and solve problems, increase your confidence, make yourself a better communicator and gain skills that may lead to a better job, even in many fields apart from academics.

By Shekar Suman

Govt Circular Released : Ph.D. Mandatory From 2021 The Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry is doing away with the Academic Performance Index as a criterion for direct recruitment to Assistant Professors in Indian Universities. Similarly, promotion of teachers to Assistant Professors will no longer require publication of research in academic journal. In its latest announcement, a Ph.D. will be mandatory for professors before they can apply in college and universities starting 1st July 2021. The new UGC regulation will also affect teachers in colleges who are seeking promotion to Assistant Professors. In addition, the HRD also requires that to be eligible for promotion, Assistant Professors must have graduated from one of the Top 500 best performing universities globally. Nevertheless, the incentives given to teachers, including M.Phil and Ph.D. in 2010 have been retained. Assistant professors who wish to continue their research may do so but it will have no bearing in their promotion. At present, professors seeking direct recruitment only need to have a Master’s De-

2. API based PBAS has been removed. A new simplified teacher evaluation grading system has been introduced and research score added for Universities to improve research output.

8. For the first time, weightages are assigned for CAS in respect of MOOCs and E-Content in Universities and Colleges.

gree in Education and to clear the National Eligibility Test (NET). HRD Minister Prakash says that the exam will still be upheld for admission in fellowship programs.

3. Promotion criteria under CAS for University teachers have been made more research-oriented while in case of College teachers, CAS criteria are more focused on teaching.

9. Research clusters will be created in the Universities within the State for sharing research facilities, skills and infrastructure to ensure optimal utilization of resources and creating synergies for higher education institutions.

The full text of the announcement is available below.

4. For the first time provision for promotion will be up to Professor Level.


5. Special provision for recruitment of Assistant Professors in Universities and Colleges for Ph.D. Degree holders from a University/ Institution in the top 500 Global rankings has been made.

Highlights of Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers in Universities and Colleges and Measures for Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education In order to attract and retain the best quality teachers and other academic staff in Universities and Colleges, the UGD has brought out new regulations. The Highlights of the Regulation are as below: 1. Incentives to teachers as provided in the earlier Regulations of 2010 and subsequent amendments have been retained. These include incentives for M.Phil/Ph.D.

6. The Regulations mandate the introduction of one-month induction Programme for newly recruited Assistant Professors in Universities/Colleges/Higher Education Institution. 7. D Degree has been made mandatory for promotion to Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) in colleges from 01.07.2021. Similarly, Ph.D. Degree will be mandatory for direct recruitment to Assistant Professors in Universities w.e.f. 01.07.2021.


10. Up to 10% of the existing sanctioned strength of Profession in Universities shall be appointed as Senior Professors in the Universities. Senior Professors in Universities will be appointed through direct recruitment and through promotion under CAS. 11. Universities will accord permission and provider need-based facilities to College teachers to supervise Ph.D./M.Phil scholars. 12. Special category of medal winners in Olympics, Asian Games and Commonwealth Games in eligibility criteria for Assistant Directory/College Director, Physical Education and Sports, and Deputy Director, Physical Education and Sports in Universities has been made to promote sports in Universities and Colleges.


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Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.

Indian engineers invent a device that recycles diesel exhaust to ink Diesel exhaust is one of the major pollutants in Indian countries. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed India as one of the 15 countries with the worst air pollution, with smog levels flourishing at their peak during summers. According to the Indian government, the pollution is caused by diesel generators which are used to offset power shortages. During summer, at least 75 percent of the population use diesel generators to power up appliances such as air-conditioners and fans thereby belching black smoke into the air.

However, a team of Indian engineers from Chkr Innovation Private Limited in New Delhi has found the first-ever device that captures diesel exhaust and turns it into an ink. The device is designed to reduce at least 90 percent carbon-monoxide emission in the atmosphere caused by diesel-powered generators. According to Arpit Dhupar, one of the three engineers who developed the technology, “the device will help reduce pollution in major cities in India such as New Delhi, within a shorter time-frame.”

By Preety Suman When asked about the efficiency of diesel as ink, the team said that the ink product has already been used in many companies such as their own to print texts on mugs. How does the device work? Engr. Dhupar explained that the device will be attached to the generators to capture the Indian engineers invent a device that recycles diesel exhaust to inkdust particles from the cooled diesel exhaust. Once the soot particles are accumulated into the device, they are sold in manufacturers who process them to become ink. The Chkr Innovation has successfully installed 53 devices in government offices and real estate firms. One device is

also installed in Gurugram, a satellite city of New Delhi. The installation has collected over 500kg of soot, which translates to more than 20, 000 liters of ink. Another competitor Company, called Graviky Labs, based in the southern city of Bangalore has also explored similar technology. Currently, the company is in the process of recycling soot from diesel exhaust into ink. A 2015 survey by a US-based Health Effects Institute revealed that at least 100 million people die each year from the effects of pollution, 1.1 million of are attributed to air pollution in India. The Indian mortality rate accounts to at least one-fourth of the total mortality rate in the globe caused by air pollution.

NIV confirms Ribavirin as a potential treatment for Nipah Virus The scientists at the National Institute of Virology (NIV) are hopeful that the legal battle with Nipah will finally come to an end as they confirm Ribavirin’s potentials in treating Nipah Virus. As per NIV study, Ribavirin helps reduce viremia in patients infected with Nipah virus but there has been no proof yet that it is an effective treatment for Nipah. The doctors in Malaysia who have administered Ribavirin in Nipah-infected patients have also confirmed its promising effects in slowing the virus from spreading all over the body. For best results, the doctors advise that the treatment should be given within 2-3 days after an individu-


al shows symptoms of Nipah infection. In an interview with NIV-Pune director Devendra Mourya, he reveals that the institution is conducting further studies to ascertain the binding effects of Ribavirin with the Nipah virus. “At present, this is the only in-silico study carried out by scientists in India to prove the Ribavirin’s efficacy as an anti-viral drug,” says Mourya. Nevertheless, the doctors and scientists in India are hopeful that the number of patients treated by Ribavirin would continue to rise. Until then, there is no final call whether or not to make Ribavirin as the official treatment for Nipah virus. Ribavirin is commonly used to treat hep-

By Preety Suman atitis C but has been under scientific study for its potent effects in slowing down the viral infection caused by Nipah virus. The Nipah virus is a viral infection that first originated in Malaysia in 1998. At present, the virus has spread into India and as claimed many lives to date. In Ker-

ala, there are at least 16 people who have died from the infection and 10 Kozhikode. According to the Department of Health in India, the virus starts with a simple flu-like symptom, which can worsen in two days leading into a coma.

Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.

First-ever “reprogrammed” stem cells for treating heart disease

seek approval to conduct a clinical trial in a larger group of patients. Subsequently, the team will make it commercially available for the public under Japan’s accelerated system for regenerative medicine.

entists bypass a more expansive testing, rather than mere pilot trials,” says Zimmerman.

The treatment was first introduced in 2014 with the goal of expanding the availability of revolutionary life-saving medical procedures in Japan. However, the government has halted the system pending the determination of its safety and efficacy in treating heart diseases. It was suggested that sufficient data must first be established to prove that the procedure works before selling it out to the public.

Many researchers are still not convinced regarding the introduction of “reprogrammed” stem cell treatment for heart disease in the commercial market. Even if the treatment will be successful, there will always be some risks associated with it.

Experimentation Process Explained During the experimental stage, Dr. Saw and his colleagues utilized the iPS cells to generate 100 million heart-muscle cells. The team grafted around 0.1mm thick and 4cm long cells from these sheets and implanted them on a pig’s heart.

By Shekar Suman Scientists in Japan now have the “go signal” to use the “reprogrammed” stem cells in treating people who have heart disease. The experimental therapy will be applied to three people in Japan next year. The “reprogrammed” stem cells treatment is part of the revolutionary reprogramming technique and is only the second clinical pilot trial of the induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Yoshiki Sawa, a cardiac surgeon at the Osaka University explains that the treatment is created by inducing cells from body tissues to bring them back to an embryonic-like state. “It is in this form where they can develop into other cell types,” says Dr. Sawa.

During the treatment process, doctors will take thin sheets of tissues from iPS cells and implant them onto the defective human heart. These tissue sheets are expected to regenerate the damaged parts of the heart, which are usually caused by plaque build-up. Thomas Eschenhagen, a pharmacologist at the University of Hamburg, Germany, and chair of the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research is very excited to present the treatment to a wider public. “I am confident that the world is similarly eager to learn this new treatment considering that many groups of scientists are gearing towards the same direction,” says Eschenhagen. When all goes well in 2019, the team will

Clinical Trials in a Dish : New key to a faster drug development process

The studies have revealed that the implantation improved the organ’s function. However, since the implants do not literally integrate into the heart, the better approach is to release growth factors to help regenerate damaged muscles. “The advantage of using iPS cells is their ability to generate their own cellular matrix and maintain it without the infusion of foreign materials, thereby maintaining its originality,” says Dr. Sawa. “In contrast with engineered tissues, these are a much smarter way to deliver cells.” Dr. Sawa and his teammates have been conducting the study for over 15 years now. Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann, a pharmacologist at the University Medical Centre Göttingen in Germany who helped in developing the treatment says that the latest trial will be based on Dr. Sawa’s studies. Zimmerman is hopeful that the treatment will be successful so that they can hold a clinical trial at a larger scale. “This lets sci-

The government says that if Dr. Sawa’s team is planning to make the treatment commercially available, the efficacy of the new treatment must outweigh the risks. Thus, if people give up some existing treatments in favor of this new system, there is a 100 percent assurance that it will work. Yoshiki Yui, a cardiologist at Japan’s Kyoto University also suggests that the researchers must demonstrate the efficacy of their treatment at a larger population through a controlled clinical trial. The evaluation process should also observe ethical regulations and practices, and must pass the standards of demonstrating efficacy in medical researches. “At present, the biggest problem we’re facing is the lack of an adequate system for evaluation and controlled trial,” says Yui. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the health ministry in Japan argues that the system is already sufficient because even if the treatment is proven to be safe and effective, the researchers will have to continue demonstrating its efficacy to obtain approval for commercial use. Dr. Sawa agrees that a controlled clinical trial is still necessary even though it is not legally required under Japan’s rules and regulations. “The Ministry of Health has already approved our treatment to be tested in three patients next year which means that we’ve passed scientific and ethical standards,” says Dr. Sawa. “Whether it is entirely effective or not, that’s what we need to find out.”

A new article published in SLAS discovery reveals a new solution to hasten the drug development process called “Clinical Trials in a Dish” or CTiD. The CTiD aims to compress the rigorous process of formulating new drugs as opposed to the traditional scientific processes. Researchers at Coyne Scientific says that it takes at least 12 years to introduce a new drug in the market. “The process is disappointing not only for the government but also for the people who are desperately waiting for the possible treatment of their rare diseases.” With CTiD, scientists can test new drugs on patient cells before moving into the actual clinical trials. Consequently, they can make predetermination whether to continue or discontinue further development with more data produced at a much shorter time frame. It also helps reduce the unnecessary cost spent by pharmaceutical companies on prolonged experimentations and formulation errors. The concept of the CTiD is to identify the need for a multi-patient clinical trial while in the vitro setting and allow a wide range of drug testing for only 25 percent of the cost spent in the actual clinical testing environment.

By Shekar Suman

Insufficient data to support commercial sale

Recent demonstrations of CTiD produc-

es human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived (hiPSCs) cell types which reiterate the same drug responses of ordinary human beings. This opens the door to infinite possibilities of screening cell-based safety and toxicity in drugs while in the vitro setting. The CTiD also allows scientists to predict the varying effects of a particular drug based on the cells collected from the representative sample of human patients. In result, pharmaceutical companies can select safer drugs to move into clinical development and reduce abrasion. At present, the CTiD is still in the process of refining with the hope of revolutionizing the drug development for a better and coefficient drug availability and wider patient coverage at a shorter time frame.


Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.

Structure Of Amino Acid Transporter – ASCT2 Involved in Cancer Decoded Scientists at the Groningen University have discovered that ASCT2, a member of the amino acid transporter family, holds great potential in increasing the growth of cancer cells in the breast. Using a cryo-electron microscopy, they were able to closely study the structure of the protein through 3-D imaging. According to the report, ASCT2 protein transporter imports the amino acid glutamine in many tissues, thereby promoting the balance of amino acids in every cell. As the demand for glutamine increases in each cell, the amount of ASCT2 also increases. Consequently, the ASCT2 transporter becomes the docking point of various pathogenic retroviruses that are mostly cancer-causing. This is a surprising discovery and the very first in the history of their studies with amino acids. According to Slotbottom, there are several mutagenic studies about amino acid transporters that are parallel with theirs and the consistency in the results strengthens the accuracy of their research findings.

To gain a deeper understanding of how this family of amino acid transporter performs, the scientists expressed the human gene ASCT2 in yeast cells while the human proteins were purified for imaging. Cristina Paulino, an Assistant Professor of Structural Biology and the head of the University’s Cryo-EM unit set the cryo-electron microscope’s resolution to 3.85A, which enabled her to discover an outstanding new insight. “The subject was incredibly small for the cryo-EM, which makes it very challenging but we did it,” Paulino says. The study aims to help design drugs that will block the transport of glutamine through ASCT2 in order to prevent cancer-causing pathogens to linger in the cells. ASCT2’s Lift Structure through the Cryo-Electron Microscope Through the cryo-EM images, the scientists have discovered a familiar lift-structure in which the protein travels up and down through a cell membrane. “In the upper por-

BioTecNika Collaborates With BIT Mesra To Promote Biosciences .By 2025, Artificial intelligence will be on the Top Charts in everything including Healthcare, Education, Agriculture, population health management. Even Niti Ayog, Govt of India recently has proposed Employing Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Education & Agriculture Sectors.

orative partnership will effectively communicate and create biological technologies from discovery to design. Existing programs and value provided by both organizations will be enhanced through the cooperative use of financial and human resources to undertake

By Preety Suman tion, you’ll see the substrate entering into the lift and moving down to release the substrate inside the cell,” Paulino explains. “In the lower position, the protein structure was rotated way down deeper and to our surprise, the substrate exits through the same opening.”

design more rational cancer cell inhibitors.” There have been several experiments of blocking the transport of glutamine in small mice that showed promising results but the scientists are yet to perform a series of tests to support their conclusion.

Paulino’s group have always thought that the substrate would enter and exit through various openings in the membrane but the cryo-EM images have proven them wrong.

At present, PhD student Alisa Garaeva, the first author of the paper is making sure that the research will run smoothly.

According to Albert Guskoy, an assistant professor in crystallography, “Blocking glutamine is probably the best way to kill cancer cells and the research will help them and deliver special workshops, internships and technical events to a worldwide audience. About BIOTS, BIT Mesra BIOTS is one of the oldest student clubs of BIT. BIT Mesra has been growing steadily since 2005. It is a non-profit society under the de­partment of bioengineering. BIT Mesra, Ranchi motto is to establish a Research and Innovation Cell and to create a sound en­vironment for biotech startups to serve the Nation. They Provide Interaction between Biotechnology Students & Biotech industries, helping them resolve problems persisting in

Future studies will focus on configuring different ASCT2 movements in lipid bilayers. Studying the ASCT2 in different states will help the scientists understand how this particular protein functions. terms with Career & Research opportunities, As well make them aware of latest developments in the biotech sector. They have started Initiatives to spread awareness of Biotechnology and Bio-Science field and to give students industrial exposure as well as making them confident to go for innovative start-ups. Biotecnika’s sole aim since inception has been to promote Biosciences & research. We would love to join hands with people / Institutes / Colleges who share the same goal and would like to be a part of Biotecnika Revolution.

Startup numbers have also drastically increased in recent years in healthcare & Biotech AI space. Mega partnerships have been established in between Pharma Giants & biotech startups that employ AI for drug discovery. AI has been foreseen to be used in personalized Medicine, drug discovery, Laboratory assistance and much more. We at Biotecnika in collaboration with BIT Mesra have decided to conduct a Mega Event keeping this biggest transition in Healthcare & BT in mind, making us future ready: BIOTS, BIT Mesra has joined hands with Biotecnika to make this grand event a success. BioTecNika and the society of biotechnologists(BIOTS) BIT Mesra jointly will be taking ahead this initiative in order to educate the mass about the role of Artificial Intelligence in Biotech & healthcare and its future advancement. BIOTS – BioTecNika collaborative partnership also aims at exploring newer horizons in Biotech field ranging from Job Opportunities, Internship Opportunities, overall taking research to a newer level. The BIOTS BIT Mesra -BioTecNika collab-


By Preety Suman

Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.

Scientists For The First Time Synthesize Deadly Artificial Prions For the first time in the science history, scientists at Case Western Reserve University of Medicine (CWRU) have created artificial human prions with the aim to develop a cure for common brain disorders. Prions are deadly brain proteins that cause devastating infections in the brain. When they bind to normal proteins, they can create a terrifying domino effect that prods millions of minuscule holes in the brain resulting in genetic brain disorders and fatal damage. A common brain disorder associated with prions is the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) which generally affects at least one in a million people around the globe. According to Jiri G. Safar, a neurologist

at CWRU, the clones were formed through a series of test tube processes and using more advanced biophysical tools. Dr. Safar is hopeful that through this breakthrough, scientists will understand the replication of human prions and develop a certain drug that can inhibit their activity in the brain. During the experimentation process, the synthetic human prions were tested to transgenic mice and resulted in neurological dysfunction. The first deaths occurred after 459 and the second occurred after 224 days. There were already previous studies before using animal prions. However, they were not as conclusive and effective as compared to using human prions. The animal prions generally have a different structure and their replication process does not apply to humans.

By Preety Suman “With the production of synthetic human prions, researchers can finally engage in a feature-for-feature comparison”, says Dr. Safar. “The discovery will also open the

door to a higher possibility of discovering a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease considering that they spread through the brain in a similar way as CJD.”


Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.

SCHOLARSHIP & AWARDS Go to our How to Apply section to find out more about eligibility conditions and the best way to prepare your proposal. Application:

National Geographic Early Career Grant 2018 – Official Notification Check out the notification for the National Geographic Early Career Grant 2018. This is a grant that is available for candidates all over the world. Interested individuals can check out all of the details on the Application process, deadline, Project description and such below only on Biotecnika: All proposed projects must be bold, innovative, and potentially transformative and have a key focus on conservation, education, research, storytelling, or technology. Projects also needs to align into one of the three focus areas. We do not usually consider applications that encourage strictly laboratory or collections work. Grants are given on the basis of merit and exist independent of the Society’s other divisions. Please note this is an extremely competitive grant program; we get a lot more applications than we are able to finance. Project start dates ought to be a minimum of six months following the submission deadline to make sure any given funds are obtained in time. Learn more about our review process and timelines. Project start dates should be a minimum of six weeks after the submission deadline to ensure any given funds are received in time. Find out more about our inspection procedure and timelines. Early Career Grant Early Career Grants are intended to provide less experienced people a chance to direct a project. Grant projects last one calendar year or less. If you apply for at least 1 year of financing, your proposal will likely be sent straight back for you to revise and resubmit for another deadline. Projects are usually financed for US $5,000 and can’t exceed US $10,000. There’s not any maximum age limitation for Early Career Grant applicants. However, applicants should be at least 18 years old at the time of application submission. Applicants aren’t required to possess an advanced degree. Anyone with over five years of qualified expertise within the specialty of their project focus doesn’t qualify for the Early Career Grant and ought to make an application to an Exploration Grant instead. In case you have already received an Early Career Grant or some Young Explorers Grant from National Geographic, then you might submit a fresh proposal once you’ve shut your prior grant record.


All applications must be submitted through our online application system. We do not accept mailed or emailed applications. All application materials should be submitted in English. Early Career Grant and Exploration Grant projects last one year or less. Project start dates ought to be a minimum of six months after the submission deadline to ensure any awarded funds are received in time. Watch the Grant Opportunities page for advice about precise deadlines. Project Leadership:

Citizenship: We encourage applications from all over the world. If you’re planning to work beyond your home country, you must include the name and contact information for at least one local collaborator as a project team member at the application. Please note that the National Geographic Society doesn’t assist with visas. Learn more concerning our regional offices and programs. Deadline: All applications received by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on July 10 will be assessed and decided upon by November. Applications received after this deadline will be reviewed in the subsequent grant cycle.

Which are the Selectors looking for?

You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. But you may be a project member or co-applicant on multiple grants simultaneously. You have to submit a final report and media from any previous grants for which you were the leader before applying to lead a new project. Organizations can apply for grants, however, the individual within the organization that will lead the job –not the institution– ought to be the candidate and will be expected to meet the requirements of the grant. Students should not submit in their adviser’s name. The person responsible for executing the project should apply and write the application. Age Restrictions: All applicants should be at least 18 years old at the time that they submit a program. There is no upper age limit for Early Career Grants. However, if you’ve got more than five years of full-time, professional knowledge in the field of your project focus, you do not qualify for an Early Career Grant. Time in grad school does not count toward this experience limit. Stop by our Grant Opportunities page for more information about grant types.

In General Application Prerequisites

Rhodes Selection Committees are looking for young persons of outstanding wisdom, character, leadership, and commitment to support out of 23 Rhodes constituencies global. The four criteria governing the collection of Rhodes Scholars are:

Rhodes Scholarship For Indian Postgraduates to Study @ University Of Oxford Interested and eligible Indian Postgraduate candidates check out the Rhodes Scholarship at University Of Oxford. University Of Oxford has announced the Rhodes Scholarship For Indians Postgraduates. Check out the amazing opportunity that is available as Per the details on the same below: The Rhodes Scholarship is a postgraduate award that encourages exceptional students from all over the world to study in the University of Oxford.

Why Pick the Rhodes Scholarship? Additional Advantages of the Rhodes Scholarship The Rhodes Scholarship is a world-famous scholarship that opens up chances for Scholars before, after and during their time in Oxford. We provide a scholarship with a difference; not only covering the price of at least two years research from Oxford (fees and a living stipend), but also providing character, service and leadership development programs, a life-long Partner with continuous networking opportunities with Senior Scholars and, beyond that, a warm and encouraging community in which many of our Scholars develop enduring friendships. Simply speaking, the Scholarship is a life-changing opportunity for exceptional young individuals with the potential to make a difference for good in the world.

•literary and scholastic attainments (aca demic excellence) •energy to use one’s talents to the total (as attested by predominate in areas like sports, music, debate, dance, theatre, and artistic pursuits, particularly where team work is involved) •truth, courage, dedication to duty, sympa thy for and protection of the weak, kindli ness, unselfishness and fellowship •moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one’s fellow beings. Expenses covered by the Rhodes Scholarship: What does the Scholarship cover? The Rhodes Scholarship covers Oxford University (and College) fees as well as providing an yearly stipend. In 2017-18 that the stipend was 14,700 per annum (£1,225 per month). The terms of tenure document outlines how many years are insured by the Scholarship, as this is determined by course choice – for example up to three years of fees and stipend is offered to Scholars who opt to take on a DPhil (PhD) in Oxford. Along with the above, an economy class return flight is going to be reimbursed from the Trust to allow Scholars to fly into the UK to begin their research and also to fly home when their studies are complete. A settling in allowance is also provided on arrival (£225 in 2017-18), and the International Health Surcharge, which enables international students to access the UK’s National Health Service, is insured by the Trust to the duration of a Scholar’s tenure. Following choice for the Scholarship, the Rhodes Trust will even pay for the application fee required to apply to study in the University of Oxford. Application Guidance: Next page contains information to guide you through the application form.

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Vol. 02 NO 31 Preparing Your Personal Statement: The personal statement is your opportunity to tell your story on your own voice: Who’re you? What matters to you? Are you currently applying for the Rhodes Scholarship? What are you expecting to do on earth? What should you wish to study at Oxford and why. Your academic transcript, your curriculum vitae and your reference letters will provide the significant detail of your own responsibilities and achievements, yet this essay provides you the chance to throw the overarching story for the selection committee. You can see current Rhodes Scholars talking about the private statement here. Please note: You may be asked to sign a statement confirming that this essay is your own work and no external help was given in its own production or editing.

June 19th, 2018. two years), this in time could be converted into an Oxford MA b) Assess the entrance requirements for your chosen course at Oxford

Find out if you meet the criteria to become a Rhodes Scholar and then start your application. We offer scholarships in over 22 designated Rhodes constituencies, in addition to our International Rhodes Scholarships, visit our’Which Scholarship’ webpage for additional information.

SERB – JC Bose Fellowship Program : 2018 | Get Fellowship of Rs 25,000/ - pm + Research Grant of Rs.15.00 Lakh pa

You may need 4-8 referees based on the country/region to which you are applying, at least 3 of which must be academics below whom you have studied at University. You must also have referees who will testify to your character or your involvement in extra-curricular/ service or leadership actions. These referees must be men who have the ability to comment critically on if you fulfill the needs, non-academic essentials of the Scholarship and that will speak in detail to your character. A fantastic referee is somebody who knows you well, rather than a well-known person who just knows you superficially. Your referees will not typically be private friends, relations or contemporaries. Pick reliable men and women who are very likely to respond to your request for a detailed mention, as their reports will be critical to your application and insufficient references will disqualify your application. See the detailed Guidance for Referees about the appropriate country page.

The JC Bose fellowship is awarded to active scientists in recognition for their outstanding performance. The fellowship is scientist-specific and very selective. Eligibility •Should be an active scientist with a record of outstanding performance apparent from the award of SS Bhatnagar prize and/or fellowship of science academies (includ ing engineering, agriculture and medi cine). •The scientist should be in service at the time of nomination to this fellowship. •The nominee should be an Indian national working in institutions/Universities in India.

•Nominator should first register into the online website. •After log-in, go to Menu –> Proposal Submission –> Form Submission. •Some of the details of Nominee like Name,email,contact details, area of spe cialization,educational qualifications, em ployment details & research experience etc. have to be entered at the time of submission. •Research Contribution in Last 5 years of the Nominee has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB. Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format: •Recommendation Letter Contact person Details: The contact details of Programme Officers are given below: Dr. Pravakar Mohanty, Scientist ‘C’ Science and Engineering Research Board 5 & 5A, Lower Ground Floor, Vasant Square Mall,Plot No. A, Community Centre, Sector-5, Pocket-5, Vasant Kunj New Delhi-110070 Tel : +91-11-40000382 Email :


The Rhodes Scholarships for India A Partnership between the Rhodes Trust and the Second Century Founder, John McCall MacBain O.C.

The Rhodes Scholarship application form requires you to indicate which class you would decide to study at the University of Oxford should you win the scholarship. In considering your choice of class at Oxford, you need to:a) Check the Rhodes Requirements of Tenure – most, but not all, postgraduate courses are insured by the Rhodes scholarship (e.g. part-time courses are excluded by the scholarship as are courses which are in a level that is lower compared to a Experts – e.g. postgraduate diplomas and certificates are not covered by the pupil ). You can also use the scholarship to perform an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree with senior standing (i.e. taken more than

For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted:


Identifying Referees:

Deciding on a Course to Study in the University of Oxford:

Online Application Procedure

Each year, you will find five Scholarships offered for India. The first Indian Rhodes Scholars took up residence in Oxford in 1947, and since then more than two hundred Indians were given the Scholarship. Rhodes Scholars in residence in Oxford have compiled an’Unofficial Guide’ to composing the personal statement/essay, which the Selection Committee want to make accessible to all candidates. Scholars in residence have also provided to run an open group answering applicant queries so as to even the playing field for all applicants, you will discover the link to this group from the document. Opening date: 1 June 2018 Closing date: Applications for India must be received by midnight, India Standard Time, 31 July 2018

•The duration of the fellowship will be ini tially for five years. In case, the fellow su perannuates during the term of the fellow ship, the fellowship can be continued if a host institution is willing to host the fel lowship •The tenure of the fellowship may be ex tended for subsequent term of 5 years based on rigorous assessment of research performance during the tenure of the fellowship. A minimum of 25% of the applicants seeking extension will not be granted extension. •The fellowship can be availed up to 68 years of age. Nature of Support •The fellowship amount is Rs. 25,000 per month in addition to regular income. •Research grant of Rs. 15.00 lakh per annum. •Overhead of Rs.1.00 lakh per annum to the host institute. Nomination •The nominations can be sent by the Heads of the Institutions; JC Bose Fellows and Presidents of National science academies. •The nominations are received throughout the year. Selection Selection of JC Bose Fellows will be made periodically (normally twice a year) by a Search-cum-Selection Committee specially constituted for the purpose, as per the broad guidelines of the fellowship scheme

Frequently Asked Questions: Q1: For whom the J.C. Bose Fellowship is meant for? A1: The J.C. Bose Fellowship is meant to recognize active scientists for their out standing performance. The fellowship is scientist-specific and very selective. Q2: What are the eligibility criteria for applying/availing J.C. Bose Fellowship? A2: •Should be an active scientist with a record of outstanding performance apparent from the award of SS Bhatnagar prize and/or fellowship of science academies (including engineering, agriculture and medicine). •The scientist should be in service at the time of nomination to this fellowship. •The nominee should be an Indian national working in institutions in India. Q3: What are the areas covered under J.C. Bose Fellowship? A3: All Areas of Science (in the broadest terms) are covered by this Fellowship. Q4: What is the nature of support for the J.C. Bose Fellow? A4: The J.C. Bose Fellow will receive personnel Fellowship of Rs.25,000/- per month and a Research Grant of Rs.15.00 Lakh per annum. Rs.1.00 Lakh is provided as Overheads for the host institute.

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Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018. Q5: What is the upper age limit up to which the J C Bose fellowship can be availed? A5: 68 years. Q6: Can the JC Bose fellow continue the fellowship after superannuation? A6: The JC Bose fellowship can be con tinued after superannuation provided a host institution is willing to accept the fellow ship and provide all necessary infrastruc ture and administrative support.

Q13 : Can a fellow change the host insti tute during implementation of J.C. Bose Fellowship?

Q7: When can a person apply for the J.C. Bose Fellowship? What is the last date of acceptance of the application? A7: The nominations for the J.C. Bose Fellowship are accepted throughout the year and there is no last date of acceptance of the nomination.

Q14: What are the guidelines for super annuated fellows availing of the JC Bose fellowship along with any other fellow ship/ honorarium?

Q8:Who can nominate for J C Bose Fellows?

A9: The J.C. Bose Fellowship duration is 5 years.

A14: Superannuated JC Bose fellows can avail the award money provided for SS Bhatnagar Prize/Academy fellowships and honorarium/salary being provided by the host institution in addition to JC Bose fellowship. However, they are not allowed to avail any other fellowship of a similar kind such as DAE Raja Ramanna Fellow ship. Any misinformation in this regard may lead to full recovery of J C Bose fellowship with penal interest from the awardees.

Q10: How/When can the individual start his J.C. Bose Fellowship?

Q15: Is there a provision for extension of the fellowship?

A10: A letter is sent by the Science & En gineering Research Board to the Individual as well as to the host Institute informing the award of J.C. Bose Fellowship. On re ceipt of this offer letter, the Individual has to send acceptance letter indicating the month when he/she wants to start the Fellowship, and then the Institute will forward the acceptance letter to the Science & Engineering Research Board. Based on this letter, the Board will process for neces sary approvals and a Sanction Order will be issued to the host institute (and a copy to the J.C. Bose Fellow). When the grant money is received at the host institute, the J.C. Bose Fellow can start his Fellowship.

A15: •The fellowship can be renewed for a period of 5 years after rigorous assessment of research performance of the fellow during the tenure of the fellowship. The fellows will be required to submit a doc ument highlighting the research work done during the previous 5 years, with complete list of publications/patents, and manpower trained during the tenure of the fellowship. The criteria for renewal will be based on research performance. Any other accom plishment such as occupying leadership position will not be counted as factors. •Minimum exit of 25% of the fellows will be enforced while giving the extension of the fellowship.

Q9: What is the duration of the J.C. Bose Fellowship?

Q11: How does a J.C. Bose Fellow get his subsequent Grant? A11: The Grant for the subsequent years is released after receiving Statement of Expenditure (SE) and Utilization Certif icate (UC) in the prescribed format (avail able in the website). The SE and UC are to be submitted financial year wise i.e. from 01st April to 31st March. For the first year it would be from the Date of Start (DOS) to 31st March and subsequently from 01st April to 31st March.

Who can apply: Scientists/academicians with research background in Cognitive Sci ence and with routine position are encour aged to submit research proposal beneath CSRI.

A12: Yes, it is taxable.

A13: A J C Bose fellow can change the host institute during implementation of J.C. Bose Fellowship. He has to forward NOCs from both the Institutes along with final financial papers indicating balance unspent grant from the old institute and appoint ment letter from the new Institute indi cating the joining date and duration of the appointment.

A8: Heads of Institutions, JC Bose fellows, Presidents of Science Academies can send the nominations.

Individual Research Proposal (2018-19)

Q12: Is the personal fellowship received in J.C. Bose Fellowship scheme taxable?

Q16 : Is there a flexibility to utilize the research grant? A16 : A J C Bose fellow can change the host institute during implementation of J.C. Bose Fellowship. He has to forward NOCs from both the Institutes along with final financial papers indicating balance unspent grant from the old institute and appoint ment letter from the new Institute indi cating the joining date and duration of the appointment

Project length: The project is tenable for a Maximum amount of three (3) years.

Call for Applications For Individual Research & Post Doc Fellowship Under DST – CSRI Check out all of the details on the Department of Science and Technology (DST) Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI) 2018 Call for Proposals 2018. Interested candidates can check out the information on the objective, thrust research areas and application procedure details below:

Qualification: Candidates holding a Ph.D Degree in Science, Engineering and allied areas of Cognitive Science are eli gible for CSRI-PDF. People peo ple who have submitted Ph.D thesis will also be eligible to apply. Applicants with permanent position aren’t eligible. Age: 40 years maximum. Project length: The fellowship is tenable For two (two ) years.

CALL 1800 - 200 - 3757 Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI) is a Exceptional program of Department of Science and Technology (DST) that will be geared to revolutionize research in a Variety of areas such as,

Fellowship: Fellowship of Rs. 55,000/percent Month and research contingency grant of Rs. 2.00 lakh each year. Proposal Format

A) Nature and source of mental disorders of psychological, societal and neuro-chem ical source

The formats for Individual Project and CSRIPDF Can be found on DST sites: and

B) Design of greater learning tools and educational paradigms; and

How to Apply

C) Design of greater cognition based software technologies and devices, amongst others. Thrust Areas: Cognitive Science study comprises feelings, speech, memory, visual Perception and cognition, thinking & reasoning, social cognition, decision making, artificial intelligence, computational modeling of cognitive processes, psychology, cognitive growth along with other crucial elements derived from function in neurosciences, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, etc..


Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF) (2018-19)

Proposals can be submitted at e-PMS ( beneath KIRAN Divi sion in prescribed Format of ‘CSRI Indi vidual Proposal’ or’CSRI-PDF’ that is ac cessible at e-PMS and in DST website. 2 (2) hardcopies of uploaded research proposal or PDF applications should also be sent to Dr. Vandana Singh, Officer-incharge, Department of Science and Techn ology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016 by Speed Post. The envelope Ought to Be Superscribed with”Cognitive Science Research Initia tive (CSRI)” or”CSRI-PDF” because the instance may be.

Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018. ELIGIBILITY

Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Scholarship (International) Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Scholarship (International) notification has been released. This is open to Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral candidates in all sciences disciplines. Interested and eligible candidates, can check out all of the details on the same below: DESCRIPTION The Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Scholarships (International) are especially meant to encourage international students to undertake a research higher degree at Flinders University. The Scholarship covers global tuition fees and a stipend. Please notice: For visa purposes, theAGRTPS is a Commonwealth Sponsored Scholarship. A limited number (around 10) of AGRTP Scholarships are available each year and the scholarship around is extremely competitive. The AGRTP Scholarship is given to applicants who exhibit exceptional capacity for independent study. AGRTP Scholarships are believed on the basis of academic merit, academic study training and study indexes and performance. The scholarship is tenable for up to three years to get a Research Doctorate degree as well as 2 years for a Research Masters level. Successful applicants are expected to undertake whole time study and have to be commencing a study higher degree at Australia for the very first time. BENEFITS

The scholarships allow suitably qualified applicants to start a fulltime research higher level . The AGRTP Scholarship pays the global student tuition fees billed by Flinders University for a research higher level. Additionally, Flinders University provides the receiver with a generous living allowance paid at the rate of $27,082 (2018 rate). It’s tax exempt and indexed annually. An AGRTP Scholarship student who goes to Adelaide from abroad qualify to an institution allowance (after arrival at Flinders) up to $1,485 to help with relocation expenses and airfares, given receipts could be made by the pupil.

•Applicants should meet the University’s academic entrance requirements to get a Masters degree by research or Doctorate by research. •Applicants need to have completed at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Hons level (this is a four year degree with a significant research project in the last year) •Applicants should have fulfilled the English proficiency levels established by Flinders University for global students in the time of application. Pupils for whom English is a foreign language will have to give proof of their English language proficiency. •Applicants should not hold an equal research higher level qualification. Ap plications are open to students starting a research higher level in Australia for the very first time. •Applicants should not hold Australian citizenship, Australian permanent resident status or New Zealand citizenship. Please visit the attached terms of award for com plete eligibility criteria. •Please visit the attached terms of award for complete eligibility criteria. IMPORTANT APPLICATION INFOR MATION:

sive nature of this AGRTPS, applicants who haven’t printed are not likely to be aggressive. Academic Transcripts: You have to supply certified copies of university degree academic transcripts, translated into English, please don’t offer secondary college certifications or non educational awards or certificates. Research Proposal: You al of lining along

have to have a research proposabout 500 words in length, outthe issue, hypothesis or question with the methodology or strategy.

Academic Referees: Complete Section A couple of duplicates of this Academic Referee’s Confidential Report forms and forwards them to two appropriate referees of your choice. If possible the referees must have an informed, personal and expert understanding of your academic ability and also have the ability to exercise conclusion of your study possible. Indicate in your application type who the Referee Report forms are sent to. Academic Referee reports should be returned into rhdscholarships@ from 13 August 2018.

All candidates have to read the application guidelines provided below before filing an application. Incomplete applications won’t be accepted.

Research Supervisor:

Publications: You have to add up to five of your books, each followed with a completed coversheet; books without coversheets won’t be considered. Publications will be employed to evaluate the standard of earlier research in the subject which you would like to study at Flinders University. Candidates with more than five publications need to speak with their own Flinders University manager to pick the best . Explain briefly why those five were selected. Don’t supply more than five publications. Additional books may be said in your CV or in another list. Coversheets aren’t required for publications listed on the CV but not contained among the top five. To learn more concerning the entry of books: Normally, only books in English ought to be included among the top five. Publications in other languages will be approved only if the essence of the novel (by way of instance, a report to a government service ) dictates that a different language is the most suitable. Please be aware, because of the highly aggres-

You’ll have to have an active FlindersAuthentication Name (FAN) to finish this procedure. In case you’ve not studied at, or chose to Flinders University, you are able to register and submit an application for entry to some Research higher level employing the program portal. After completing your registration you’ll get a confirmation email, this can arrive within 1 hour for a chosen email address and may include your login information and instructions about the best way best to activate your FAN. In case you’ve studied at Flinders University over the previous 12 months it is possible to submit your application for admission to research higher level and for scholarship through the Student Information System. In case you’ve studied at Flinders University but graduated over 12 months ago you will have to reactive your FAN through the FAN reactivation webpage . With a busy FAN then you’ll have the ability to file your application for entry via the Student Information System as stated previously. In case you have already applied to study in Flinders, then you’ll have the ability to reactive your FAN through the FAN reactivation webpage , you’ll have to put in your Fist name, Last name, date of arrival along with your student ID, normally found on almost any letters delivered by the university for you personally. The system will have the ability to identify you accurately in the event that you’re able to put in your student ID.

To Make Sure your application is competitive and complete, please browse and attend the following:

You have to contact an academic team member and also have an informal agreement with that individual to oversee you if effective. Email proof of the manager’s agreement ought to be included along with your application. Applicants who don’t have a supervisor in the time of application won’t be considered to get an AGRTPS/FIPRS.

Research Training Program Scholarship (AGRTPS) and Flinders International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (FIPRS), then you’ll have to first submit an application for entrance to some Research higher degree (PhD or Master of Arts by research) followed closely by a program for your International RHD Scholarship group, that will create an application for either the AGRTPS and FIPRS.


Curriculum Vitae: An updated CV outlining your work experience, all research expertise, and a complete list of cited publications must be included along with your application. APPLICATION Format & Language All documents must be uploaded through the application portalsite, and ought to be in English. Please save a PDF and then scan and rescue in the Right orientation. Please name all files together with your family name and document title, such as: name_Transcript, name_publication 1. APPLICATION To apply for an Australian Government

With a busy FAN Then You’ll Have theAbility to submit your application for entry via the Student Information System as stated previously You’ll see the application form by choosing the My Applications tab on peak of the page, picking out the degree you would like to be admitted to and completing the form. As soon as you’ve finished the application for admission, you’ll have to complete an application for the scholarship. To do so, continue by choosing the My Scholarship tab and then make a new scholarship application. The scholarship application is named International RHD Scholarship – class. This application will guarantee you’re evaluated for the AGRTPS along with the FIPRS. As soon as your application is complete, including all compulsory questions and doumentation, your program will be evaluated. Assessment will begin after applications have closed. Applications close Friday 13 August at 5pm Australia, Adelaide local moment. Any questions regarding the application procedure ought to be made to the Student Finance Office via email at Any questions regarding this candidature application procedure ought to be made to the International Centre through email at


Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.

of CSIR. The place is available equally for Indian Citizens and ScientistfTechnologist of Indian Origin. The details are shown below:

make sustainable alternatives. Frugality and generating value for many using lesser substance, energy, and source could be the key attention Whilst bench-marking such creations

Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards 2019 The official notification for the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards 2019 has been announced. There are 5 categories in these awards for all types of Indian Nationals. Get a Fellowship/Grant of Rs. 15 lakhs. Interested candidates, check out all of the information below: Entries invited for Gandhian Young Technological Innovation – SRISTI Awards, 2019 SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions) has created three national awards for innovative student projects in engineering, biotechnology, agriculture, pharmacy, material science and other applied technological domains. These awards have been given Each Year during the Festival of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FINE), Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi in the month of March. Last date for entries: October 30, 2019 The awards are awarded to young student innovators from the following classes: 1.MLM (More from less for many), Frugal Innovation award- technology which econ mise on the usage of substance, are really inexpensive and sustainable manufacture alternative. 2.SRISTI socially relevant technological invention award-products/prototypes that address unmet societal needs or enhance the performance of existing alternatives, Improve affordability and/or Enhance cir cularity i.e. ecologcial compatability 3.Technological-edge award-ideas that push the frontiers in almost any technolgi cal domain 4.BIRAC-SRISTI award for biotechnologi cal/medical/healthcare creation 5.Hari Om Ashram Prerit Dr. Amulya K.N. Reddy GYTI Award Student projects which address a significant social, environmental or technical problem confronted by people or disadvantaged people/sectors/spaces or micro and tiny businesses, or have the capacity to affect a pressing national requirement are encouraged. The applications might be made by the students of technical institutions/universities including people who have completed academic class due 2018-2019. The faculty member, who have supervised the project, can apply on behalf of those pupils who’ve passed out and left the Institute/ University, Nevertheless the BIRAC-SRISTI award will be awarded only to pupil’s team keen to take their ideas forward. A: MLM (More from less from Many) award: This award will be provided to the creations that use less material/energy to


B: SRISTI social technological Award: The pupil projects that have a demonstrable evidence of concept/ model with substantial quantity of novelty and societal applications are eligible for this award. Any projects completed after or in 2016 could be submitted by the students or their faculty supervisors on their behalf. C: Technological edge award: A breakthrough or a substantial technological progress in almost any area of engineering, pharmacy, medical, agricultural or other areas will induce a student to qualify for this award. D: BIRAC-SRISTI award for biotechnological/medical/healthcare invention: A tech having possibility of attaining the masses or addressing a felt societal need or rendering it extremely affordable in comparison with accessible alternative is going to be chosen. As much as fifteen of those chosen innovations might be extended a supply of Rs.15 lac each, Another 20-30 idea might be allowed rupees one lac each for taking the idea forward once they add value to grassroots innovations in Biotechnological Innovation Ignition School (BIIS) in Sristi, Ahmedabad. ( The entire project report of the shortlisted projects will be necessary for final appraisal. Video, photos, evaluation reports, comparative advantage vis a vis present solutions in that domain, patent & literature inspection etc., has to be attached. Each of the shortlisted entries will be displayed by winners in the Festival of Innovations & Entrepreneurship Rashtrapati Bhavan in March 2019. The abstract of the submitted entries will be contained from database with due acknowledgement of the title of the group members, manager, faculty, department and some other contact info supplied. The display will be seen by top policy makers and professionals of the nation. The model might be kept or asked for display in a permanent display likely to be developed shortly at the national level with due acknowledgement of innovators, supervisors and the concerned institution. The nominations need to be submitted in and just abstract of the content submitted alongside innovator detail could be published at the website or shared otherwise. If the student want to possess incubation support, they ought to clearly indicate exactly the same within their nomination form. Bionest incubator supported by BIRAC, DBT, and Government of India welcomes applications from innovative biotech researchers. (www. For individuals interested in IPR assistance, support from a community of pro bono lawyers may be mobilised in concessional term should they show openness to join Bionest in SRISTI. For any question, please contact Team Techpedia-GYTI at, Telephone us at +919099258492. For looking at the awards given this season, please see w w w . t e c h p e d i a . i n , initiative. Looking forward to your enthusiastic collaboration to make India Innovative and Inclusive. Last date for submission of entries is October 30, 2019

The applicant should have:-

CSIR Distinguished Scientist 2018 | Scale of Pay : Rs. 2,05,4002,24,400/- pm CSIR is looking for Distinguished R&D professionals for the posts of Distinguished Scientist 2018. Scale of Pay : Rs. 2,05,400- 2,24,400/- pm for R&D Professionals. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same, that have been given below on Biotecnika: Launched in 1942, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is a Sovereign Society whose President is the Prime Minister of India. CSIR is internationally benchmarked now and continues to be rated 9th in the world among the 1207 Government associations based on this SClrnago Institutions standing World Report 2017 having a general international ranking of 75 from the world, covering 5250 Institutions. In the Asiatic area, CSIR positions at 14 overall from 1431 entities, also at No 3 one of 284 Government-funded research figures, with only Chinese Academy of Sciences and Japan Science and Technology Agency before this Council. Pioneer of India’s intellectual property motion, CSIR is awarded 90 percent of US patents awarded to some Indian publicly financed R&D organization. Approximately 13.8percent of CSIR patents are accredited. CSIR retains roughly 4500 Indian and Australian patents. CSIR publishes over 5700 papers In SCI journals each year & approximately 500 pupils get their Ph.D. yearly from its own institutions. The experience and expertise of CSIR is embodied in its own over 3600 Researchers Md roughly 5500 technical support employees besides roughly 8500 JRF/SRF/RA and project employees. CSIR has, through time, played a critical role in fulfilling the Science & Technology demands of the nation. CSIR’s Vision is to:”Pursue science that strives for international influence, technology that permits innovation-driven business and cultivate trans-disciplinary leadership consequently catalysing inclusive economic growth for the people of India”. The focus is on supplying Science & Technology interventions to benefit society, devefoping and transferring cutting edge technologies to business to boost national competitiveness, providing technology assistance to the tactical industry, catalysing S&T established entrepreneurship and developing a sustainable ecosystem for S&T established Human Resources development such as Skill Development. CSIR is trying to find visionary R&D leaders to form a brand new science and technology landscape in India in order to address international technological and scientific challenges as Distinguished Scientist through Its esteemed nationwide Laboratories/Institutes. Distinguished scientists will also spearhead translational study within their preferred frontier area In any of those part laboratories

(I) Proven history in areas of cutting edge Science & Technology with immediate advantage and interest in conventional and higher quality basic and application oriented S& T expertise directly applicable for CSIR and its own mandate. (ii) Leadership qualities necessary for building/nurturing new classes of Scientists and technologists in emerging areas of interest to the nation, and its own difficulties in maintaining With nationwide creation objective and their successful translation through the CSIR mandate. III General Conditions: Scale of Pay: Level 16 (Rs. 2,05,4002,24,400) of Pay Matrix according to the 7th CPC OR such consolidated cover as recommended by the committee. Tenure of Appointment: (I) Appointment of Distinguished Scientist will likely be on contract full time basis for a period upto five years or on a part-time basis for the exact same period at which the Distinguished Scientist will operate on a time sharing basis involving his/her parent company and CSIR, the routine of time discussing to be advocated by the Search-cum-Selection committee in consultation with the candidate. (ii) individuals named as Distinguished Scientists and that are under the age of superannuation will last until the age of superannuation and afterwards will continue as many as five years contract period roughly 65 years, whichever is sooner with annual inspection. (iii) Superannuated Scientists/Technologists could be appointed as Distinguished Scientists on contractual basis up to five years or until the age of 70 years with annual inspection, whichever is sooner. (iv) Only in extraordinary instances, the appointment or renewal of contract could go beyond 70 years, in case the Distinguished Scientist was recognized by high-quality recognition and awards/or outstanding social participation for technological alternative to federal grand challenges/problems. (v) Extension of tenure might be considered by an Assessment Committee. How to Apply: Applications for the position of Distinguished Scientist might be transmitted with short bio-data in the particular proforma through email for prep of synopsis. Application must also have a one to two page short on future programs, if chosen for the position of Distinguished Scientist. The application with detailed bio-data together with record of publications/patents etc. are also transmitted through email or by post to Director-General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 E-mail: or

Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.


International PhD Program in Life Sciences @ University of Geneva Official notification for International PhD Program in Life Sciences at University of Geneva. International PhD Program in Life Sciences at University of Geneva admissions 2018. Interested Master’s degree candidates for an International PhD Program in Life Sciences at University of Geneva, check out all the details on the same below;

Swiss National Science Foundation and generous compared to other global PhD programs.

given to people who Have a legitimate fellowship offer in the time of interview.

Geneva is a fundamental purpose in Western Europe, the home to many significant international organizations and companies, has a large assortment of cultural activities for all preferences, and gives an outstanding all-natural environment for outdoor pursuits.

•Joint CSIR-UGC-NET Test for Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR/UGC JRF/ SRF) •Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (DST–INSPIRE) •DBT Junior Research Fellowship (DBTJRF) •ICMR Junior Research Fellowship (IC MR-JRF) Any other national level fellowship •ASRB-NET candidate •GATE •Or any other equal national level evaluation.

Molecular Biosciences The Molecular Biosciences program concentrates on basic questions in the heart of life sciences. The groups in the program address a vast assortment of subjects about business, dynamics and function of biological systems. By way of instance, mobile traffic, signaling, gene expression, plant biology and developmental biology are among the subjects examined in different laboratories of this program. Ecology and Evolution

PhD Faculty in Life Sciences of the Faculties of Science and Medicine The University of Geneva Faculties of Medicine and Science combine their forces to offer an outstanding research and study environment in Life Sciences. Highly motivated students with a Master’s degree or equivalent are welcome to apply to two or one of its six advanced doctoral programmes. We’re a part of the gram in Fundamental lecular Life Sciences neva International

Global PhD proand Applied Moof Geneva “GePhD Program”

Ecology and evolution are essential scientific areas in our comprehension of life and biodiversity on Earth, and therefore are of growing social importance. The doctoral program in Ecology & Evolution brings together World Class research teams in an energetic and advanced academic community. The collaborative involvement of different University departments, the Botanical Garden and the Museum of Natural History of Geneva reflects this interdisciplinary and lively academic environment. The scientific excellence of the global top rated University is translated into many different top quality courses and actions. Additionally, engaging students are entitled to the actions arranged by the University Seminar of Occidental Switzerland (CUSO), expanding their media opportunities. Physics of Biology

The Faculty of Sciences at the University of Geneva Provides an outstanding research environment for studies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. The branches of Animal Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Plant Biology and the SPRI have united their efforts to supply an extensive educational background and chances in research which are essential to satisfy the scientific challenges of their future. All pupils in the program participate in a frequent program developing a group spirit and easing exchange. More than half research teams take part in the program offering a huge array of research topics. There are over 80 PhD students in the sponsor labs and we forecast roughly 15 new entries every year. All students entering the program are remunerated in line with the criteria of this University of Geneva, which can be above those of the

The program Physics of Biology provides interdisciplinary training towards a doctorate (PhD) in the interface between Biology and Physics. Research from the program aims at understanding biological methods in physical principles utilizing a huge selection of unique approaches. Groups participating in the program belong to various sections of the Faculties of Sciences and of Medicine. The intention of the program is to prepare one to pursue qualitative approaches to biological issues. It gives graduate-level coursework in mathematics and life sciences tailored for a desktop computer. By focusing on cutting problems in the interface between physics and chemistry and by constant participation from the lively conference program in Geneva, you’re guided to develop your individual study monitors. Apply before: Oct 1st 2018

PhD (Biotechnology) Program Admission 2018 @ Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB) Last few days left to apply for the PhD (Biotechnology) Program Admission 2018 at Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB). Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details on the PhD Biotech Admission 2018 process at Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB) given below:

Candidates that have appeared, or will be emerging, at the qualifying degree Evaluation (closing year/final term ) and whose result is still awaited can also apply. However, the entrance is pursuant to satisfactory fulfilment of this Aforementioned eligibility criteria/requirements in the time of joining. Fellowship:

Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB) (Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) Sector-81, Knowledge City, Mohali-140306, Punjab (INDIA) Advertisement No. CIAB/6(46)/2017-Gen PhD (Biotechnology) Program Admission 2018

The students admitted to this program will Need to avail the fellowship offered to them In different granting agencies according to their rules.

Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Mohali invites applications From the motivated students for entry to the Ph.D. degree program in Biotechnology with attention on Bioprocessing beginning from July 2018 session. CIAB is recognized center of the Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad to Conduct PhD (Biotechnology) program. The program will be conducted in CIAB and The degree will be given by RCB (www.rcb., an establishment of national Significance made by an Act of Parliament. Duration of Ph.D. course: The length is for five years and a maximum of 7 years. Place of Ph.D. research work: Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Food Science & Engineering and Chemical Engineering

The Specifics of Entry, Application Form, Ph.D. course work and Brochure are Accessible at CIAB site ( Eligible candidates can send their Applications by post for entry to the Ph.D. program to Administrative Office, Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Sector-81, Knowledge City, Mohali- 140306 (Punjab) and application fee of Rs. 500/in the form of Bank Draft in favor of “Chief Executive Officer, CIAB.” payable at Mohali/Chandigarh. Last date of application submission is June 20, 2018. The Application received after the final date won’t be considered. Date of Interview: July 2, 2018 The interview will be conducted to get short-listed applicants on July 2, 2018. The Purpose of meeting is to evaluate the pupil for his/her science ability and attention At a career in scientific research and advancement. Deadline: June 20, 2018

Number of Seats: 15 (Reservation of seats: according to GOI guidelines) Qualification Criteria: (i) Minimum eligibility: M.Sc. /M.Tech. /M.E./ M.S.(Pharm)/ or equal Degree in any branch of Biological Sciences/ Chemical Sciences/ Food Science & Technology/ Chemical Engineering or related discipline. (ii) Qualifying marks: 60 percent complete marks or equal score at the qualifying Degree (5% comfort will be awarded to SC/ST/OBC according to GOI standards ). (iii) In addition to the aforementioned conditions, candidates must possess qualified any of The subsequent national examinations. Preference will be


Vol. 02 NO 31

June 19th, 2018.


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