Biotecnika newspaper 1st jan 2018

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January 1st, 2018.

Vol. 02 NO 1







This multilayered envelope, which contributes to cellular integrity and modulates permeability, is required for life and serves as an interface to the external milieu. Several essential protein machineries are present in the cell envelope, where they engage in processes that are important for envelope assembly and protection. Many of these machineries span the periplasm, with components in both the IM and OM. The pathways that assemble the envelope and that monitor envelope integrity are tightly coordinated in order to sense and respond to damage. Professor Jean–François Collet, of the Université Catholique de Louvain, one of the study’s co-authors, said, “On the wall there is a protein that serves as a guard, and so when there are antibiotics coming this protein will feel that and will then turn inside and reach another protein on the inner membrane, and they will communicate.” Scientists removed the physical connection between the outer membrane and periplasm

and discovered that the bacteria lost the ability to sense defects in the envelope. Drugs that target the envelope structure in the cell wall may be an effective method for destroying these cells. Even a slight increase in the size of the periplam disrupted the communication between the layers of the envelope.


Scientists Cash In On Weakness in Bacterial Cell Wall

By Disha Padmanabha

Path-Breaking Study, Scientists Cash In On Weakness in Bacterial Cell Wall to Fight Ab Resistance



“This work identifies a potential new target for novel antibacterial therapies that could be used to treat bacteria that are resistant to other classes of antibiotics, but there is a long way to go before this could lead to new drugs,” said Dr Richard Stabler, co-director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Antimicrobial Resistance

Although the multilayered architecture of the cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria was first described in the 1960s, we are still unraveling the links between the structure of this cellular component and its functions in the cell. The envelope of these bacteria consists of an inner membrane (IM), a classical phospholipid bilayer around the cytoplasm, and an outer membrane (OM), an asymmetric structure with phospholipids in the inner leaflet and lipopolysaccharides in the outer leaflet. The space between the IM and the OM defines the periplasm, a cellular compartment that contains the peptidoglycan, a polymer of glycan strands cross-linked by short peptides that provides shape and osmotic protection to cells.

Centre, who was not involved with the study. Although this research is certainly in its infancy, the scientists believe that if they can develop necessary methods/techniques to achieve their hypothesis, then they may have a valid way to combat multi-drug-resistant bacteria.

“We showed that if you increase the distance between the two walls, the protein will turn inside and try to reach its friends on the inner wall, but it will not be able to reach them,” write the authors of the paper. The team believes that by messing with proteins controlling the distance between membranes, they can disturb the overall architecture of the cell envelope. They are currently working with drug companies to develop new substances that are able to disturb bacterial cell walls and ultimately fight disease.



080-395-34707 1

Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

Breakthrough Alert: Researchers Edit Faulty Gene to Disrupt Hearing Loss Hearing requires the conversion of acoustic energy into electrical signals. Sound waves travel through the ear and wash over the hair cells of the inner ear, which bend under pressure and send an electrical impulse up the auditory nerve to the brain. Nearly half of all cases of deafness are due in some part to genetic factors, and many of those gene mutations affect the functioning of hair cells. The most common cause of genetic hearing loss, accounting for 20 percent of cases, is a recessive connexin 26 mutation on the GBJ2 gene. For people with the condition, hearing loss begins in childhood and deafness ensues within 10 to 15 years. A recessive disease mutation requires a copy of the mutation from both parents. By contrast, one parent can pass along a dominant disease mutation like the one in the TMC1 gene, cause of 4 to 8 percent of cases of genetic hearing loss. TMC1 creates a defect in a protein that helps convert sounds into electrical signals, while the healthy copy of the gene is simply ignored. Now, in a ground breaking study, researchers have been able to prevent deafness in mice using gene editing.

gene Tmc1. In doing so, it lays out a potential pathway for treating other genetic causes of hearing loss. Liu performed his experiments on a type of mouse known as a Beethoven mouse. These mice carry a defect that causes them to lose their hearing starting early in life. It’s probably not what caused the famous German composer Ludwig von Beethoven’s deafness. Still, the same defect does cause deafness in some families. The researchers then injected the gene editing tool inside the ears of the live mice; the molecular scissors were able to precisely cut the disease-causing copy of the gene without disrupting the healthy copy. Eight weeks after the injection, hair cells in treated ears resembled those in healthy animals – densely packed and tufted with hairlike bundles. The hair cells of untreated mice, in contrast, looked damaged and sparse. Then the researchers conducted a hearing test on the mice by placing electrodes on their heads and monitoring the activity of brain regions involved in hearing. Researchers needed more sound to spark brain activity in untreated mice compared with treated mice, the team found.

“We’re hopeful that our results will help guide the development of similar strategies,” says David Liu, a genetic engineer at Broad Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University.

On average, after four weeks, treated ears could hear sounds about 15 decibels lower than untreated ears. “That’s roughly the difference between a quiet conversation and a garbage disposal,” Liu said.

The research relies the CRISPR–Cas9 editing system to knock out a mutant form of the

Because CRISPR-Cas9 can be guided to any gene, rewriting DNA with gene editing

By Disha Padmanabha Treatment with Crispr was shown to preserve sound-detecting hairs in the inner ear of mice (white box, left). Without the treatment, these hairs disappear (white box, right). Photograph: Gao et al. /Nature 2017

is akin to rewriting software. Other forms of deafness attributable to an errant copy of a single gene might also be ameliorated using the same technique. Altogether such cases amount to about 20 percent of genetic deafness. Lustig, who works with patients with hearing loss every day, says Liu’s results are “significant” and offer hope for gene editing as a treatment. “It’s not around the corner,” he

says, “but we’re on the pathway.” Moving forward, delivery methods, improved efficacy, and an investigation into potential side effects are top priorities. These steps are crucial if we’re to find out whether the procedure could give medical professionals a way to restore their patients’ hearing. “There’s still quite a bit of work to do before this approach might be used in humans,” Liu said.

FDA Approves First Gene Therapy to Treat Rare Inherited Vision Loss “Today’s approval marks another first in the field of gene therapy — both in how the therapy works and in expanding the use of gene therapy beyond the treatment of cancer to the treatment of vision loss — and this milestone reinforces the potential of this breakthrough approach in treating a wide-range of challenging diseases. The culmination of decades of research has resulted in three gene therapy approvals this year for patients with serious and rare diseases. I believe gene therapy will become a mainstay in treating, and maybe curing, many of our most devastating and intractable illnesses,” said FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D. “We’re at a turning point when it comes to this novel form of therapy and at the FDA, we’re focused on establishing the right policy framework to capitalize on this scientific opening. Next year, we’ll begin issuing a suite of disease-specific guidance documents on the development of specific gene therapy products to lay out modern and more efficient parameters — including new clinical measures — for the evaluation and review of gene


therapy for different high-priority diseases where the platform is being targeted.” The Food and Drug Administration has now approved Spark Therapeutics’ Luxturna, the first directly administered gene therapy approved in the U.S. that targets a disease caused by mutations in a specific gene- Leber congenital amaurosis. It is the first FDA-approved gene therapy for a genetic disease, the first and only pharmacologic treatment for an inherited retinal disease (IRD) and the first adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector gene therapy approved in the U.S. Luxturna is a gene therapy that’s directly administered to patients who have a condition called biallelic RPE65 mutation-associated retinal dystrophy. The disorder is caused by defects in a gene which helps produce a protein critical to normal vision. With Luxturna, a healthy copy of the gene is inserted into retinal cells (with the help of engineered viruses) in order to produce the necessary protein and restore vision.

By Disha Padmanabha

The defective gene that causes the disease can be passed down for generations undetected before suddenly appearing when a child inherits a copy from both parents. Only a few thousand people in the U.S. are thought to have the condition. Luxturna is delivered via two injections — one for each eye — that replace the defective gene that prevents the retina, tissue at the back of the eye, from converting light into electronic signals sent to the brain. The Philadelphia-based Spark Therapeutics said it will announce its price in early January, but suggested its own analysis put the value of the therapy in the $1-million-dollar range. Key to the company’s reasoning is the assumption that Luxturna will be given once, with lasting benefits.

“This approval is a watershed milestone,” said Benjamin Yerxa, Ph.D., chief executive officer at the Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB), a nonprofit organization focused on research for preventing and treating blindness caused by IRDs. “For people with an inherited retinal disease and for other patient communities, this decision may create important momentum for investigational gene therapies. The Foundation is very pleased that our early investments in research have helped lead to the approval of Luxturna. And we encourage patients to get genetic testing so they can help advance the research and possibly benefit from this treatment or other gene treatments as they emerge.”

Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.


By Disha Padmanabha

Tall people are literally the giants among men, walking around with near total impunity, being given every advantage along the way. But sometimes, the blessing can also be a curse. Also, while on the topic, scientists have always wondered how tall trees accomplish the task of moving nutrients over long distances. Trees present a critical challenge to long-distance transport because as a tree grows in height and the transport pathway increases in length, the hydraulic resistance of the vascular tissue should increase. Although species that actively load sugars into their phloem, such as vines and herbs, can increase the driving force for transport as they elongate, it is possible that many trees cannot generate high turgor pressures because they do not use transporters to load sugar into the phloem. Therefore, researchers at the at the Harvard University examining how trees can maintain efficient carbohydrate transport as they grow taller by analysing sieve tube anatomy, including sieve plate geometry, using recently developed preparation and imaging techniques, and by measuring the turgor pressures in the leaves of a tall tree in situ. They also found that “the pressures that develop in the leaves of a mature red oak tree are sufficient to drive transport of sugars all the way to the roots,” said Noel Michele Holbrook, a research team member who is

a professor of biology and Charles Bullard Professor of Forestry in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard. “We now have evidence that all plants — both small and tall — use the same mechanism to transport sugars,” Holbrook said. “And we now understand how trees can get tall without running into transport limitations associated with their size. Our research answers a multidecade debate about how sugars are transported in trees.”

plates,’” Holbrook said. “Thus, the pressures needed to drive phloem transport are much lower than had been predicted.” The team believes that their work holds important implications for food production. “The majority of food generated by photosynthesis moves through the phloem,” she

said. “If there are ways to make plants more productive in terms of having higher photosynthesis, then they will also need the ability to transport those sugars to the tissues that we eat. Thus, understanding how plants make efficient transport systems could contribute toward the development of higher-yielding crops and more productive trees.”

The research team took extensive measurements of the structure of the sugar-conducting tubes along the length of many trees, while also measuring the hydraulic resistance in these tubes. “To sample the phloem, one of the most delicate and easily wounded tissues in the plant, we had to cut away the outer bark. In the big stems, we did this using a hammer and a chisel, not tools that we typically use in the lab,” Holbrook said. The team also measured the pressures in the leaves of a tall tree by using a fluorescent microscope they hoisted up into the tree canopy. “We found that the resistance to moving the sugar-rich phloem sap does not increase linearly with the transport length because the phloem transport cells in the main stem, especially toward the base, were wider and longer and also had more porous ‘sieve

Michael Knoblauch, a plant cell biologist from Washington State University, led the development of the instruments used in the research.


Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

A Complete Look at the Protein behind Sense of Touch Often ignored when we talk about our fundamental senses, the sensation of touch is a fundamental part of our daily experience. From temperature to texture, your sense of touch has been in constant communication with your brain. In 2016, a team of scientists revealed that a protein first discovered at TSRI in 2010 is directly responsible for sensing touch. Now, the same team at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have solved the mystery of the structure of Piezo1, a member of a family of proteins that convert physical stimuli such as touch or blood flow into chemical signals. “This structure provides a fundamental understanding of how proteins sense mechanical force, and will shed light on regions within Piezo1 that can be targeted using small molecules or antibodies,” says Ardem Patapoutian, PhD, a TSRI professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, who co-led the new study with TSRI Professor Andrew Ward, PhD. Piezo1 and Piezo2 are mechanically activated ion channels that mediate touch perception, proprioception and vascular development. Piezos are distinct from other ion channels and their structure remains poorly defined, impeding detailed study of their gat-

ing and ion permeation properties. When Peizo1 senses mechanical force, it opens to allow ions to pass into the cell, starting a chain of events that send a signal to the brain—in other words; Piezo proteins control the sensation of touch. In order to further study this proteins’ function and structure in detail, the team carried out with a high-resolution imaging technique called cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM), shows that Piezo1 is made up of three curved “blades” circling a central pore. The researchers believe these blades move in response to mechanical force, which opens and closes the pore to let ions through to send the signal to communicate touch. A beam-like structure serves as the backbone for each blade. An “anchor domain” surrounds the pore where the blades meet the middle. The Piezo1 structure is unique because it appears to be an “all-in-one” protein, meaning it does not need to connect with other proteins or cell structures to do its job transmitting a signal. The researchers state that the next step in this research is to examine the overall architecture of Piezo1 and determine how each piece works. They hope to look at this protein in different conformations besides the closed conformation seen in the current study.

By Disha Padmanabha

Biocon to Invest in Uttar Pradesh Health Sector, Intends to Encourage Entrepreneurs in State Bengaluru-based biotech, Biocon, headed by Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw reportedly is to invest in the healthcare centres of Uttar Pradesh and encourage entrepreneurs in the biotech space, especially the startups, to work in the state. “She said that a survey should be conducted in all districts of UP, including Gorakhpur, for starting e-health care centres under a pilot project. She further suggested that a campaign be launched to attract investors in the health sector,” said a member of UP’s delegation which was in the city as part of the road show organised by the UP governmentas a precursor to the investors’ summit in February 2018. Industrial Development Minister Satish Mahana said during the road show that under the IT policy in UP, the startup carps fund has been increased from Rs. 100 crores to Rs. 1000 crores. Establishment and Industrial Development Commissioner Anup Chandra Pandey said that the state government is giving the status of specific industry to the plants being set up for solar power generation. All solar energy production projects have been granted exemption from obtaining environmental nod. There is a separate session for


NRI under the UP Investors Summit. “Project developers will be provided with ‘no-objection certificates’, full exemption in stamp fee and electricity cess for 10 years on purchasing ceiling land of at least 5.058 hectares. All solar energy generation projects will be given exemption from obtaining environmental NOC,” he said.

By Disha Padmanabha

Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

Yale Scientists Develop Simple Test to Identify Viral Infections

Upper respiratory illnesses are common, yet there is no rapid diagnostic test to confirm more than a handful of common viruses as the cause. To identify biomarkers, or indicators, of viral infection applicable to many different respiratory viruses, researchers at the Yale University have developed a new test. The test measures Ribonucleic acid or protein molecules in human cells can accurately identify viral infection as a cause of respiratory symptoms. Performed with a simple nasal swab, the test might be a quicker, cheaper way to diagnose respiratory viral illnesses than current methods, said study author Dr. Ellen Foxman, professor of laboratory medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. When developed into a measure that can be used in a physician’s office, it will contribute significantly to the treatment of very sick patients and young children, and will help prevent the misuse of antibiotics.

“It’s a simpler test and more cost-effective for looking at viral infection,” said author Ellen Foxman. “Instead of looking for individual viruses, our test asks the question: ‘Is the body fighting a virus?’” said Foxman. “We found we can answer that question very well.”

In the process of developing this test, the team identified three RNAs, and two proteins, that are “turned on” by a virus. They then investigated whether measuring the expression of the genes, or levels of the proteins, could predict the presence of a viral infection. The researchers found that the RNAs and proteins were both accurate predictors of respiratory viral infection, confirmed by subsequent testing for common viruses. The RNAs predicted viral infection with 97% accuracy. This method also picked up viruses that are not identified by many current lab tests, they said. The research team’s goal is to create a geneor protein-based test available for general use within one to five years, Foxman said. Also, a major upside of the test is that it could help limit the unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics. Although antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, they are often incorrectly prescribed for viral infections. “There’s a big problem with antibiotic overuse,” Foxman said. “Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them can be harmful, especially for kids.” The team has a patent pending on the test, and the eventual goal is for it to become a widely used diagnostic tool.

By Disha Padmanabha

Lights, Plants, Action: Ancient Algae Analysis Reveals Photosynthesis to be a 1.25 Billion Years-Old Process

If it wasn’t for photosynthesis, we’d all be dead. Most plants would cease to exist, carbon dioxide would flood the air, and oxygen wouldn’t replenish. Suffice it to say we’d all be screwed. It is the ultimate source for the energy that fuels us, the oxygen we breathe and the organic molecules that form our bodies. It is the cornerstone for familiar ecosystems such as tropical forests, grasslands and coral reefs. In fact, each of these terms in turn places an emphasis on the photosynthetic organisms forming the foundation of their respective ecosystem. Now, according to a new study by researchers at the McGill University, the process of photosynthesis in plants first took place 1.25 billion years ago. The world’s oldest algae fossils are a billion years old, according to the new analysis by earth scientists at the University. Based on this finding, they also estimate that the basis for photosynthesis in today’s plants was set in place 1.25 billion years ago. The algae Bangiomorpha pubescens was discovered in Arctic Canada in 1990 and has been at the center of multiple studies, but

scientists haven’t been able to figure out precisely its age. Some estimates pegged its age somewhere between 720 million and 1.2 billion years. But the latest study resolves this confusion and puts the age of the algae and basis of photosynthesis at 1.25 billion years. In order to pinpoint the fossils’ age, the researchers pitched camp in a rugged area of remote Baffin Island, where Bangiomorpha pubescens fossils have been found there, despite the occasional August blizzard and tent-collapsing winds, they collected samples of black shale from rock layers that sandwiched the rock unit containing fossils of the alga. Using the Rhenium-Osmium (or Re-Os) dating technique, applied increasingly to sedimentary rocks in recent years, they determined that the rocks are 1.047 billion years old. “That’s 150 million years younger than commonly held estimates, and confirms that this fossil is spectacular,” says Galen Halverson, senior author of the study and an associate professor in McGill’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. “This will enable scientists to make more precise assess-

By Disha Padmanabha

ments of the early evolution of eukaryotes,” the celled organisms that include plants and animals. Because Bangiomorpha pubescens is nearly identical to modern red algae, scientists have previously determined that the ancient alga, like green plants, used sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Scientists have also established that the chloroplast, the structure in plant cells that is the site of photosynthesis, was created when a eukaryote long ago engulfed a simple bacterium that was photosynthetic. The eukaryote then managed to pass that DNA along to

its descendants, including the plants and trees that produce most of the world’s biomass today. “We expect and hope that other scientists will plug this age for Bangiomorpha pubescens into their own molecular clocks to calculate the timing of important evolutionary events and test our results,” says McGill PhD student Timothy Gibson, lead author of the new study. “If other scientists envision a better way to calculate when the chloroplast emerged, the scientific community will eventually decide which estimate seems more reasonable and find new ways to test it.”


Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

JOBS TIFR RECRUITING PROJECT SCIENTIFIC OFFICER | SALARY OF RS. 52,000/- P.M. TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH (Autonomous Institution of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India)Sy.No.36/P, Gopanpally Village, Serilingampally Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dist. Hyderabad – 500 107 Tel: +91(0) 40 2020 3040 Website: www. Applications are invited for the following post tenable at Hyderabad. Please visit our website for application details and prescribed requirements php/staff-positions/. Name of the Post : Project Scientific Officer (C) Age Below : 28 Pay Band + Grade Pay (Rs) : Rs. 52000/TME : Rs. 52000/- (including HRA) Project Scientific Officer (C): Temporary for one year and may be renewed each year upto a total period of three years depending upon performance and requirement. Essential Qualifications : Post Graduate in any field of Biology with 60% marks (in aggregate) Essential Experience : Minimum 1-2 years’ experience in Wet Laboratory Research. Desirable Experience : Excellent command of written and verbal communication in English.

Job Requirement: •

Assisting biology faculty in the development and implementation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for safe, responsible and ethical conduct of biological laboratory research at TIFR Hyderabad. Training biology students and staff in safe, responsible and ethical conduct of biological research at TIFR Hyderabad via classroom as well as laboratory presentations. Arranging the training of new faculty, staff and trainees in the proper use of biological research facilities at TIFR Hyderabad and ensuring compliance with the institutional SOPs. Overseeing the constitution of institutional biological and research safety and ethics committees by inviting appropriate member scientists. Interfacing with respective government agencies to ensure timely submission and review of the specific laboratory research and safety protocols. Coordinating with vendors, TIFR administration and scientists for the tendering, acquisition and maintenance of major common biological equipment, supplies and establishment of infrastructure for common biological research areas

How to Apply : General Information: Higher starting salary could be considered for deserving candidates for the above posts. Selected candidates are liable to be transferred to other Centres / Field Stations of the Institute, if required. Prescribed age should not exceed as on July 1, 2017 for the above posts. Post for the general category (Unreserved) – SC/ST/OBC/PWD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates can also apply.

Selected candidate may have to work in shifts/outside office hours and on Saturdays/ Sundays and holidays. Applications from the candidates will be accepted ONLY ON-LINE. Candidates applying for above posts and who are eligible for age relaxation as per extant GOI rules are required to submit applications by POST, along with a copy of relevant certificate in support of age relaxation (for example ex-servicemen, persons with disabilities etc.). [SC, ST & OBC candidates applying for unreserved posts are not eligible for age relaxation and should apply online]. Incomplete applications and applications without photocopy of certificates in support of age relaxation and applications received after the last date shall not be considered. Applicants in Government/Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertaking must apply through proper channel. Applicants, who do not send their applications through proper channel, if called, will be able to participate in the recruitment process only upon submission of the NOC from the competent authority. However, an advance copy of application along with relevant enclosures may be submitted by post before 20 January 2018. Such applicants are not required to apply online. •

On-line applications must be submitted by 20 January 2018 and applications by post must reach In-Charge, Establishment by 20 January 2018. Applicants who are required to send the applications by post must super scribe the post applied for, advertisement No. & serial number of the post on the envelope. The format of the application is as prescribed for on-line applications.


Card / Pan Card / Passport / Driving License). c. Date of birth / Proof of age. d. Educational Qualification (all mark sheets and certificates). e. Experience Certificate/s. f. Conduct certificates from two respectable persons g. Candidates applying for the above post reserved for Persons with Disability (HH/OH) should be suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability for the benefit of reservation. Candidates will have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by thecompetent authority in the prescribed format. PWD candidates belonging to SC/ST/ OBC will be given further age relaxation as per extant GOI rules. •

Outstation candidates called for interview for the above posts will be paid single second class (non air-conditioned) return train fare for the journey by the shortest route from the nearest railway station of their place of residence to the nearest railway station of the place of interview on the production of photocopies of onward and return journey tickets. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for the recruitment process to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Mere fulfilling the essential and desirable qualifications will not entitle an applicant to be called for the recruitment process. More vacancies may also be filled through this advertisement. The Institute reserves the right not to fill any/some posts herein advertised. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.

The candidates are required to produce following original documents with copies at the time of the recruitment process:

Important Dates :

a. Printout of online application form. b. Identity proof (Aadhar Card/ Election

Registration begins Registration closes

: 22-12-2017 : 20-01-2018

FRESHERS JOB : JRF POSITION @ ST. JOHN’S RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SJRI) | MSC LIFE SCIENCES APPLY The St. John’s Research Institute (SJRI) is a part of the St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, which is run by the CBCI Society for Medical Education. From its inception, St. John’s has set before it an ideal of excellence in academic courses as well as service to society as a result of which it has truly become holistic both in its outlook and in its approach to the problems of community


Division :




B.Sc. / M.Sc. Nutrition / Life Sciences

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Contact person:

Experience :

Project Title:

Lincy Thomas


Analytical Project

Contact No. +91-80-49467010 / 49467011


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Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

Languages :

cy – the pregnant women attending BBMP hospitals will receive 2 different dosages of calcium supplement. They will be followed up during pregnancy for outcome measures such as preeclampsia and preterm.

English and Kannada Location : Bangalore, Karnataka

Core Responsibilities:

No. of Vacancies: 1

• •

Salary: Rs.25000/-pm (all inclusive)

Brief Description about the Project: Calcium intervention trial during pregnan-

Recruitment of pregnant women Data collection and follow up during pregnancy and of the infant post-delivery Channelizing the study protocol with social workers and other team members for completion of various study milestones Reporting day-to-day activities to the

study co-ordinator Specific Activities:

• • •

How To Apply:

At hospital OPD – recruitment of subjects, data collection and follow up Channelizing with the social worker and lab technician, home visits for supplement distribution, compliance monitoring Data entry

Key Skills: • •

Basic personnel rapport maintaining skills Record maintenance and home visits

Compliance recording Basic computer knowledge Willing to learn newer techniques

E-mail cover letter, CV and the names & contact details of referees to pratibha@, and cc to For more information, please visit our website Application Due Date: 11th January, 2018

FRESHERS JOB : PHD CANDIDATES APPLY @ SAHA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS FOR RESEARCH POSITION Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, an autonomous institute under the auspices of the Dept of Atomic Energy, GoI, invites applications on e-mail from candidates for temporary positions of Research Associates (RAs) in the various Divisions of the Institute. Name of the Position :

Tenure : The tenure of Research Associates may be decided by the Institute as per overall sanctions available to them for this purpose. Such appointments will be for a period of two (02) years with the possibility of extension for one (01) more year. Associateship:

Research Associate (RA) No. of Positions : 01 Name of Division : Crystallography & Molecular Biology Division Age : Maximum 35 years as on last date of receiving the application.

(a) Rs. 36, 000/- PM for RA-1+HRA (b) Rs.32, 000/- PM, for scholars who have submitted Ph.D. thesis and are yet to receive their Ph.D degree (provisional or otherwise) +HRA (c) Rs 38,000/- PM for RA-2+HRA In addition the other admissible benefits are applicable. Essential Qualification : Ph.D in Physical and Biophysical sciences

or Scholars who have submitted Ph.D. thesis and are yet to receive their Ph.D degree (provisional or otherwise) Desirable Qualifications : Candidates with fresh PhD having working experience in different biological aspects of proteins. How to Apply: Procedure for Applying Interested and eligible candidates should apply by email only to with the subject matter ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF RA-2017’. A copy of the same is to be forwarded to the choice of division as per list. Crystallography & Molecular Biology Division(C&MB) :

The following details are to be appended in the application: (a) Complete Bio-data Proforma with e-mail ID/ Phone No. (b) Details of qualification i.e. Examination passed, year, division, and percentage of marks from Graduation onwards (c) Details of Publications (d) Details of Conferences/workshops attended (e) Each application should include the details of three (03) referees with contact details including email. All applications are to be received on or before 31st January, 2018. Please keep track of details/amendments on the website

SCIENTIFIC OFFICER – QUALITY CONTROL (MICRO) @ PANACEA BIOTEC | APPLY ONLINE Panacea Biotec is a leading research based Health Management Company. We are engaged in research, development, manufacture & marketing of Vaccines, Bio-Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceuticals (Rx & OTC) of international quality and Health Services. All Panacea Biotec plants are accredited by international agencies and they follow current Good Manufacturing Practices, as per WHO guidelines. We offer stimulating work environment & a career that spells growth. In tune with our plans, we require young, aggressive, dynamic, high performing and result oriented professional. Designation : Sr. Scientific Officer /Scientific ficer-Quality Control-Micro Job Description :

• • • • • • •


Responsible for performing the sterility testing of active raw materials from the production blocks and maintaining its records. To perform sterility test for pre sterilized articles and maintaining its records. To perform the activities related to process validations and maintaining its records. To performs in process samples To execute qualification/validation protocol of equipment’s. To prepare product specification and standards test procedures. To prepare validation /qualification protocol of equipment’s. To review the log of media preparation ,environment monitoring ,critical utilities testing, in-process testing, growth promotion test, culture maintenance and other logs of microbiology lab To prepare procedural/operational/ product specific standard operating

• • •

procedures. To identify the isolates using API Kit and make the library of the microorganisms isolated from the sterility failure/environment/critical utilities. To maintain the inventories of The Lab To qualify the microbiologist for the various testing done in the microbiology lab To executive All QMS.

Experience : 1-6 Years Age : 25-35 Years Industry Type : Biotechnology/ Microbiology Functional Area :

In process Quality Control / Audit and Compliance Education : MSc-Biotechnology, MSc –Microbiology, B.Tech.-Biotechnology Compensation : At par with the Industry Department : Quality Control -Microbiology Location : Lalru -Punjab How to Apply : Email : pradeepupadhyay@PANERABIOTEC.COM


Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

BIOSCIENCES PROJECT OFFICER RECRUITMENT @ WWF – WORLD WILDLIFE FUND WWF-India, one of the largest conservation organizations, engaged in wildlife and nature conservation in the country, invites applications for the post of Project Officer-Great Indian Bustard Conservation, from candidates with an inherent sensitivity towards the conservation of nature and environment. The great Indian bustard is a Critically Endangered species which needs urgent conservation measures. WWF-India has been partnering with the Rajasthan Forest Department and local communities for conservation of the great Indian bustard in the Desert National Park. A dynamic biologist, with a zeal to work on one of the Critically Endangered birds in one of the most spectacular habitats, is needed by WWF-India. The candidate is expected to work for field surveys, data analysis and report preparation for GIB and its habitat in the DNP. Some of the activities have already been undertaken and advanced planning for securing GIB habitats is one of the tasks for the candidate. Job Title : Project Officer- GIB Conservation

The Job Profile: Program Implementation and Technical Support • Carry out the field surveys on GIBs and their habitats in the DNP. • Assist the Forest Department and stakeholders in field surveys, data analysis and report preparation with conservation recommendations. • To assess factors that are attributed to putting pressures on long term survival of GIB. • Assist the state forest department in implementing the recommendations for GIB conservation. • Regularly update supervisors on progress. • Responsible for technical reporting pertaining to GIB conservation initiatives carried out by WWF-India and its partners in and around DNP. Networking, Coordination and Communication •

Location : Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Coordinate with supervisors, as well as communication team at WWF-India Secretariat for communicating progress as well as success stories from the project area. Capacity building of the forest depart-

• • •

ment personnel in DNP on field surveys, data analysis as well as report preparation. Regularly interact with various Govt. department(s), and community groups and other stakeholders for planning out and implementation of project activities and updating them with the progress as and when required. Analyze information collected from field and prepare technical reports as per requirement. Publish scientific papers on the tiger monitoring in the peer reviewed journals. The candidate will be responsible for effective liasoning with stakeholders including Govt. department(s), Institution(s), and NGOs for any issues pertaining to planning and implementation of project activities.

Qualifications, Experience and competencies required: • •

M.Sc. in Wildlife Science/ Bio-Science or related subject from a reputed University in India or abroad. At least two years’ experience in monitoring Endangered/ Threatened species and their habitats, particularly in the state of Rajasthan/ Madhya Pradesh/

Gujarat needed. Apply Via Email to: Submission Details : Please submit an up-to-date CV (mentioning your full name in the resume attachment), giving details regarding compensation received in the present assignment, expected salary, and three references. Last Date for sending applications: 5th January, 2018 In order to ensure that your application is sorted correctly, please mention “Project Officer-GIB Conservation” in the subject line. The vacancy is open to Indian Nationals only. Applications of only the short listed candidates will be acknowledged. WWF-India is an equal opportunities employer. Applications from qualified women are encouraged. Remuneration will be competitive with Indian NGO pay scales and will depend upon candidate’s experience levels and the overall WWF-India salary structure. WWF-India does not provide housing, telephone or vehicle facilities

INNOVATIVE YOUNG BIOTECHNOLOGIST AWARD FUNDED PROJECT POST @ IISER PUNE Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune is a premier autonomous Institution established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, for promotion of high quality science education and research in the country. Institute invites applications from Indian nationals having excellent academic record and relevant work experience for the following position purely on temporary and contractual basis under the funded project: Job Title – Project Assistant / Project Fellow Project Code – 30815218 No.of.Posts – 1 Project Title: “Characterization and comprehensive genome-wide analysis of histone deacetylase, PfHda1 that may regulate expression of var genes involved in virulence and pathogenicity of Plasmodium falciparum”. Age Limit: Not more than 28 years as on closing date of advertisement


Tenure of Appointment: Up to December 22, 2018

Consolidated Emoluments: Starting from Rs. 16,000/- to Rs. 28,000/- + 30% HRA per month based on qualification / valid CSIR NET / GATE or equivalent scorecard and based on experience.

Qualifications: M. Sc. / M. Tech in Life Sciences from a recognized University / Institute with a consistent first class academic record ( with minimum 60% marks) and relevant research experience as evidenced from thesis / dissertation carried out in a reputed scientific institution. Preference : Hands on experience with Plasmodium and basic molecular biology techniques. Practical experience in gene cloning, assay development and protein purification will be an added advantage. How to Apply: •

Interested candidates should send the application by email in the prescribed

format available below this advertisement (convert into PDF Format) addressed to on or before January 10, 2018. Please mention “Project Assistant / Project Fellow, Proj. Code: 30815218” in the subject line of the email. The list of the shortlisted candidates for selection process with details of date, time and venue will be put up on the Institute website below this advertisement and candidates will be informed by e-mail only. The PDF of the application form sent by email must be printed, signed and dated by the applicant along with recent (no less than 6 months) passport size photograph and photocopies of relevant certificates and other testimonials in support of age, qualification, experience etc. will be collected at the time of selection process. Applicant must bring all the original certificates at the time of selection process for the purpose of verification, along with one set of photocopies.

Application Deadline – January 10, 2018

Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

INTERNSHIP / SCHOLARSHIP candidates will undergo orientationprogram on IPR at New Delhi for one month. After orientation, candidates will be placed as Interns in and around the Coordination Centres at Delhi, Pune, Chennai, and Kharagpur for hands-on-training. How to Apply:

DST – Women Scientists Scheme-C (WOS-C) | Training W/ Stipend in Intellectual Property Rights Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology Women Scientists Scheme-C (WOS-C) (Internship in Intellectual Property Rights) Call for Applications- 10th Batch Women Scientist Scheme (WOS) is a flagship programme of KIRAN Division of Department of Science & Technology (DST). Through one of its components- ‘Women Scientist Scheme-C (WOS-C)’- it provides one year on-the-job training in the area of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC) of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) has been entrusted with implementation of WOS-C

Applications should be submitted through online mode only. Applications received in any other form will not be considered. Link for online form is available at Whom to Contact: For detailed information please contact Mrs. Sangeeta Nagar, Scientist-E, TIFAC, New Delhi-110016 [Email:, Phone: 011-42525802]. Last Date for Online Submissions: 19th January, 2018 Implementing Agency: Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC) Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) [An autonomous body of Department of Science & Technology (DST)]

1. Only women candidates are eligible to apply. 2. Applicant should be of Kerala origin and unemployed. 3. Age limit : 45 years 4. Applicant should have qualified post-graduation with minimum 60% marks. 5. Applicant should have a valid Ph.D. registration in an institution of academic/ research excellence in Kerala including R&D institutions, University Departments, Govt. Aided colleges, in any of the streams; Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture or Medicine (STEAM). 6. Applicant should have completed Ph.D. course work. 7. Only those research scholars who are under a career break during the course of their Ph.D. programme due to maternity or other valid reasons are eligible to apply. 8. Applicant should not have completed 4 years as on the date of Ph.D. registration. 9. Applicant should not be receiving any fellowship or grant from any other source. Research Fellowship : The scheme offers monthly Research Fellowship of Rs. 20,000/- + 10 % HRA in the first two years and Rs. 25,000/- + 10 % HRA in the third year, along with an annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/-. Features: •

Eligibility Criteria: •

• •

(1) Women with Indian citizenship (2) Minimum essential qualification: Master of Science; Bachelors in Engineering/Technology or equivalent. Age: Minimum 27 years; Maximum 45 years as on 01-01-2018 Note: a) Women in permanent position are not eligible to apply and b) those who have already undergone training (partially or fully) in any of the earlier batches or those who are undergoing training in the ongoing batch are not eligible to apply. Desirable qualification: a) Proficiency in handling computerized database, collection, collation, analysis and report preparation, (b) basic understanding of various IPR aspects & issues with logical aptitude towards scientific developments across the world and experience in research, preparation of project reports, term papers and similar activities.

Stipend: M.Sc in Basic or Applied Sciences/B.Tech/ MBBS or equivalent degree : Rs.20,000/- pm M.Phil/M.Tech/M.Pharm/M.V.Sc or equivalent degree : Rs.25,000/- pm Ph.D in Basic or Applied Sciences or equivalent degree : Rs.30,000/- pm Selection & Training Procedure: An on-line examination will be conducted at various centres throughout the country. Based on exam merit, candidates will be called for interview for final selection. During training, selected

Back To Lab – Fellowship Programme For Women Researchers (Research & Post-Doctoral) About the scheme: The “Back-to-Lab” programme of Women Scientists Division offers Research and Post-Doctoral Fellowship to women who have break in their career, to facilitate their re-entry in science research. The fellowship is provided normally for a period of 3 years. The selected Research/Post-Doctoral Fellow has to work in a reputed research institution under the guidance of a Scientist Mentor, who is a permanent faculty of the institute. RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP Objectives: To provide Research Fellowship for women research scholars who had to undergo break during the course of their Ph.D. programme due to family commitments or other valid reasons, so as to facilitate re-entry in research. Who can apply? Applicants should satisfy the following conditions.

The candidate should choose a Scientist Mentor (preferably the Research guide) who should be a permanent faculty of the institution and should have atleast 5 years left in service in the Institute. The Scientist Mentor should constantly monitor the progress of the project, facilitate smooth implementation of the programme and ensure timely submission of financial utilization certificates by the institute to KSCSTE.

Research Fellowship : The scheme offers Post-doctoral fellowship of Rs.32,000/- + 10 % HRA p.m along with an annual contingency grant of Rs. 50,000/-. Features: The candidate should choose a Scientist Mentor who should be a permanent faculty of the institution and should have at least 5 years left in service in the Institute. The Scientist Mentor should constantly monitor the progress of the project, facilitate smooth implementation of the programme and ensure timely submission of financial utilization certificates by the institute to KSCSTE. Duration: Normally for 3 years. However, on successful completion of the project, in the case of exceptionally meritorious post-doctoral works, the work could be continued to a further period of one to 1½ years with fellowship support, subject to the recommendations of the project review committee. Address for Communication: The Head Women Scientists Division Kerala State Council of Science, Technology and Environment Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom (P.O), Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004 Ph: 0471 2548208, 2548346 e-mail:

Duration Normally for 3 years. POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP Objectives: To provide Post-Doctoral Fellowship for unemployed women researchers so as to facilitate their re-entry in Science research. Who can apply? Applicants should satisfy the following conditions. 1. Only women candidates are eligible to apply 2. Applicant should be of Kerala origin and unemployed 3. Age limit: 50 years 4. Applicant should have qualified Ph.D. as on the date of application and should have scored minimum 60% marks for post-graduation. 5. Applicant should have chosen an institution in Kerala belonging to the category of R&D institutions(National/State level)/ University Departments. 6. Applicant should not be receiving any fellowship or grant from any other source.

EMBO Symposia 2019: Funding of 60,000 Euros – Applications Invited Applications Invited : India | EMBO Symposia 2019 : Funding of 60,000 Euros The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance (India Alliance) and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) are looking to fund interdisciplinary meetings that cover the latest developments in research areas underserved in India. These meetings should address discovery and innovation through an interdisciplinary approach, with the speakers and participants discussing important global challenges in the context of the life sciences. Funding : The maximum funding available for an India | EMBO Symposia is 60,000 Euros.


Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018. Eligibility: India | EMBO Symposia must take place in India, but scientists from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply, independent of their nationality. India | EMBO Symposia must cover frontier, pioneering and interdisciplinary areas of life sciences that are underserved in India, and include speakers with interdisciplinary expertise. Furthermore, the application should include a list of (mostly) confirmed speakers. Applications must meet the following criteria to be accepted: • Applications must cover an area of research that is underserved in India. • Scientists from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply, independent of their nation-


ality, but the meetings must be held in India. • Meetings must be focused on frontier, pioneering and interdisciplinary areas of life sciences, and include speakers with interdisciplinary expertise. Please note: After the meeting, the organizers must provide a position paper on the theme that includes a plan to catalyze research in that area in India. India Alliance may consider funding research in that area following expert advice and review. Funding: The maximum funding available for an India | EMBO Symposia is 60,000 euros.

Application process: The deadline for applications for meetings taking place between the 1st of January 2019 and the 31st of December 2019 is 15 February 2018, 14:00 CEST. Applicants will be asked to complete an online and an offline application form. All incoming applications are screened to ensure eligibility requirements are met. The decision on which proposals receive funding is jointly made by the EMBO Course Committee and the India Alliance Meetings Committee in May. All applicants are informed of the outcome of their application by email shortly after the committee meetings. For detailed information on the eligibility criteria, application process, key dates, for-

mat of the meeting and required documentation, please consult the application guidelines or visit India | EMBO Symposia website. Contact: Please do not contact the committee members directly. This may lead to your application being excluded from the review process. Please write to for questions related to the proposal and for technical questions related to the application system

Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.

ADMISSIONS Eligibility :

ticket number.

Post-Graduates with a valid fellowship (CSIR, UGC, DBT, ICMR, INSPIRE or other relevant ones).

B. The list of candidates shortlisted for interviews shall be available on the website of the institute as well as on the Notice Board of the institute by March 30, 2018.

How to apply?

C. Interviews will be held at the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi from 13th to 15th June, 2018.

PhD Admissions 2018-2019 @ NII – National Institute of Immunology National Institute of Immunology (NII) invites applications for its Ph.D. programme. Cutting-edge research at the institute encompasses broad interdisciplinary areas – • • • •

Infection and Immunity; Genetics, Molecular, and Cellular Biology; Chamlcal, Structural, and Computational Biology; and Reproduction and Development

Minimum qualifications: A. M.Sc. in any branch of Science (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics) M.Tech., M.B.B.S., M.V.Sc.,M.Pharm. or equivalent qualification as per the norms of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi B. At. least 60% aggregate score or equivalent grade in Senior Secondary Certificate (10+2), Bachelor’s & Master’s degree is required. Due relaxations in aggregate score will be applicable to SC/ST candidates. Rounding off of percentage score to next integral value is not permitted. C. Candidates appearing for the qualifying examination this academic year are eligible to apply; they will be admitted provisionally pending satisfactory fulfilment of the above requirements at the time of joining. D. Reservations of seats: 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST, 27% for OBC (non-creamy layer) and 3% for Physically Handicapped as per statutory norms. Selection procedure: A. NII will select candidates for the Ph.D. programme through the following CHANNELS: I. Entrance Exam to be conducted by NII at five different centres – New Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata and Guwahati on February 18, 2018 (Sunday). II. Joint Graduate Entrance Examination in Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBI LS-2018) to be held on 10th December 2017). Candidates applying through this channel must submit a separate application to NII, New Delhi, along with application fee, indicating their JGEEBILS hall

D. Candidates selected after the interviews will be enrolled for the Ph.D. programme of NII in academic affiliation with JNU, New Delhi. Candidates joining the programme will be paid second class train fare on providing the proof of journey. Ph.D. Programme: A. The programme will start on July 09, 2018 and the allotment of laboratories will be made within two weeks based on the performance of the candidate in the written test and the interviews, and his/her choices of research area. B. The institute currently provides a Fellowship of Rs 25000/- per month. Selected candidates who are already fellowship awardees from CSIR, UGC, ICMR, DBT or DST will have to avail those fellowship only, as per rules governed by the respective agency. C. Shared hostel accommodation will be available on request. Application Procedure: Online application fee of Rs 1000/- for (GEN/OBC/PH) and Rs 500/- ­ for SC/ST. Candidates should submit their applications online for admission through either of the two CHANNELS using NII admission portal. The details of the application process are available at Applications should be submitted online only (visit website Online application facility will be available at the NII website from 27th November to 10th January 2018 by 5.00 PM. Applicants having difficulty in accessing NII Ph.D. admission portal may contact the ‘ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, (Academic & Training) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY, ARUNAASAF ALI MARG, and NEW DELHl-110067’. Tel: 011-26717101, 01126703662 or 011-26703762. Email: Name of the candidate and his/her date of birth should match the corresponding entries In the Secondary School Certificate or equivalent. Candidates must ensure that the information furnished in the online application is true and correct. If any discrepancy is observed at any stage, NII reserves the right to cancel admission. Application Deadline – 10th January 2018

Using our simple one-page online application form:

PhD Program 2018 Admissions @ DRILS – Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences Ph.D. PROGRAM 2018 DR. REDDY’S INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES

Read about our past students and more, on our social media pages: Application Deadline : Applications will be accepted until January 30, 2018. Intake will be based on position availability and requirement. Shortlisted candidates will undergo interviews before final selection.

About DRILS: The Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences was conceived in the context of globalization, to foster research competence in India and to bridge the divide between academic research and the pharmaceutical & biotechnology industries.. The institute was incorporated as a non-profit entity under Section 25 of the Indian companies act, facilitating operational autonomy. Construction of the DRILS building comprising 44 labs and an administrative block and spanning ~130,000 sq.ft. in area, began in 2004 and was completed in January 2007. The institute was inaugurated as a public-private partnership research institute on 29th January 2007, a culmination of the efforts and initiative of the Andhra Pradesh state government, Dr. Reddy’s laboratories and the University of Hyderabad. The institute is located in the southeast corner of the campus of the University, one of the largest and greenest campuses in India. Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences (DRILS) is a non-profit research institute located on the campus of the University of Hyderabad ( DRILS announces admission to its 2018 Ph.D. program. Ph.D. Research will involve specific topics in Chemistry or Biology (details can be found on our website). Why DRILS? • • • • • • •

Outstanding research ambience. Student-centric faculty and teaching philosophy. Faculty members from globally recognized academic centers and industry. Research in frontier areas of Chemistry and Biology, exposure to a crossdisciplinary environment. Focus on translational research and research incubation. Located within a vibrant, world-class academia-industry cluster.


Vol. 02 NO 1

January 1st, 2018.


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