Biotecnika Times Newspaper 20 march 2018

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March 20th, 2018.

Vol. 02 NO 12






possible Solution for co2 ? Goodyear debuts the wackiest green concept yet at the 2018 Geneva International Motor Show - Oxygene Quite literally bringing the future of mobility to life as a visionary solution for cleaner, more convenient, safer and more sustainable urban mobility. By Disha Padmanabha

GOODYEAR GOES GREEN, UNVEILS MOSS-LINED TIRE THAT EATS CO2 AND PUTS OUT OXYGEN The concept tire has a unique structure that features living moss growing within its sidewall. This open structure and the tire’s tread design are planned to absorb and circulate moisture and water from the road surface. As the tire absorbs and circulates moisture and water from the road surface, photosynthesis occurs, and therefore, releases oxygen into the air. What’s more, the tire would also capture energy generated during photosynthesis and use it to power electronics inside it, such as onboard sensors, a customizable safety light, and an artificial intelligence processing unit.

structure through speed-of-light LiFi technology, and illumination will help it signal when the vehicle is turning or brakes are being applied. “Oxygene is meant to challenge our thinking and help drive the debate around smart, safe and sustainable future mobility,” said Chris Delaney, president of Goodyear Europe, Middle East, and Africa, in a press statement. “By contributing in this way to cleaner air generation, the tire could help enhance quality of life and health for city-dwellers.”

Oxygene is also airless and puncture-free, with a shock-absorbing open tread structure that improves grip in wet conditions. Goodyear says the Oxygene can also communicate with tires on other vehicles and with infra-



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Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.

Immunotherapy Hydrogel for Enhanced Cancer Therapy Cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs) are a type of drug sometimes used in immunotherapy treatments, usually administered through a simple injection. The problem is that the drugs end up being circulated throughout the body, which diminishes the concentration at the tumor site and results in them being flushed out of the body relatively quickly. Therefore, in a new study, researchers from the Rice University and the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth), have now developed STINGel- a combination of immunotherapy drugs called stimulator of interferon gene (STING) agonists with an injectable hydrogel that releases the drug in a steady dose to activate the immune system to kill cancer cells. According to Rice chemist and bioengineer Jeffrey Hartgerink, the concentration of CDN is key to attacking the cancer. “The normal approach to CDN delivery is simple injection, but this leads to very rapid diffusion of the drug throughout the body and reduces its concentration at the site of the tumour to very low levels,” he said. “Using the same amount of CDN, the STINGel approach allows the concentration of CDN near the tumour to remain much higher for long periods of time.”

The use of slow-release multidomain peptide (MDP) gels allows the continuous delivery of immunotherapy drugs over a period of time. When injected as a liquid, the hydrogel turns semisolid within the body and degrades gradually. STINGel was tested in vivo on rats, alongside control groups with CDN alone, control collagens with CDN, and MDP with no CDN. Just one out of ten rats injected with CDN alone or via the collagen survived beyond 105 days. However, six of the ten rats treated with STINGel lasted past this point. It was also observed that they were resistant to further cancer cells implantation, indicating their immune systems had adapted to detect and kill future occurrences of that particular cancer.

By Disha Padmanabha

Hartgerink added: “The CDN we used in this study is currently in clinical trials. We think that our STINGel approach has the potential to significantly broaden the scope of this powerful immunotherapy drug to a larger range of resistant cancers.”

A synthetic, injectable hydrogel developed at Rice University boosted the toxicity of a new class of cancer-fighting immunotherapy drugs. This scanning electron microscopy image shows the self-assembled nanofibers that make up the hydrogel. Courtesy of the Hartgerink Research Group

Environmental Exposures Have Greater Impact on Gene Expression than Ancestry Environmental exposures, coupled with genetic variation, influence disease susceptibility, and deconstructing their respective contributions remains one of the principal challenges in understanding complex diseases. Individuals with different genotypes may respond differently to environmental variation and generate an array of phenotypic landscape. Such gene-by-environment interactions are thought to be pervasive and may be responsible for a large fraction of the unexplained variance in heritability and disease risk. However, a new Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)-led research has found that environmental exposures, including air pollution, affect gene expressions associated with respiratory diseases much more than genetic ancestry. The work provides a unique window into how environmental exposures can switch various genes on or off, creating a gene expression signature that may interact with or override other inherited factors and even offer an early signal of future health problems. To study the impact of geography on health, the researchers investigated RNA-seq data from a subset of approximately 1000 individuals in a biobank called Cartagene, a growing database of biological samples and health data from approximately 43,000 Canadian


residents between the ages of 40-69. A relatively small group of French settlers came to Quebec in the 1600s and founded a new colony. Some of them left and founded Montreal, while others went north to a town called Saguenay. Because travel was so difficult in the brutal cold, the populations were quickly isolated, leading to genetic bottlenecks. This resulted in genetic signatures that reveal not only if someone is of French Canadian origin, but also the specific town of their ancestors. Since then, some French Canadians from Montreal moved to Quebec or Saguenay, or vice versa, creating a natural reciprocal transplant experiment that enabled the researchers to explore how genetic ancestry and location determine gene activity. The researchers found a larger effect from current geographical location: genetic Montrealers living in Montreal had gene activity that was more similar to that of other residents of Montreal than to genetic Montrealers living in Saguenay, for instance. “By looking at the reciprocal transplant, we can say that people in the same environment, even if they have a different genetic background, have very similar gene expression in the blood,” said Marie-Julie Favé, a postdoctoral fellow at University of Montreal and the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research,

By Disha Padmanabha

who led the research. “We were surprised to find that we were able to stratify genetic ancestry within Québec, identifying individuals whose descendants were from Montreal versus Saguenay for example. This helped us to show how most gene expression is not derived by ancestry, and that environmental exposures associated with living in a particular city or region are more impactful on gene expression associated with disease traits than heritable variation” said Dr. Philip Awadalla, senior author of the study. One of the main findings of the study was that exposure to higher levels of particulate matter and nitrous dioxide in the Saguenay

area affected the expression of genes associated with oxygen pathways and respiratory function. This resulted in higher rates of respiratory ailments such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The study also revealed that there are genetic variants that control how a person’s gene expression responds when exposed to environmental stimuli. “Our study shows how one can use the large scope and scale of data in Canada’s largest health cohort to better understand how our genes interact with environmental exposures and shape individual health,” says Awadalla. “I encourage all those engaged in this type of research, both in Canada and around the world, to take advantage of this resource.”

Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.

Stretchable Sweat pH Sensing System a Promising Alternative to Frequent Blood Tests A Glasgow University research has now spun out a sensor that could end all the pin-pricking blood test woes. The scientists led by Professor Ravinder Dahiya, head of the University of Glasgow’s School of Engineering’s Bendable Electronics and Sensing Technologies (BEST) group, have built non-invasive, stretchable, wearable sensor system capable of monitoring the pH of the wearer’s sweat in real time as a means of tracking chronic conditions such as diabetes more easily and effectively. Made from a graphite-polyurethane composite and measuring around a single square centimetre, it can stretch up to 53% in length without compromising performance. It will also continue to work after being subjected to flexes of 30% up to 500 times, which the researchers say will allow it to be used comfortably on human skin with minimal impact on the performance of the sensor. The sensor uses near-field communication to wirelessly transmit its data to an accompanying smartphone app called ‘SenseAble’ which allows users to track pH levels in real

time. This was demonstrated in the lab using a chemical solution created by the researchers which mimics the composition of human sweat. Lead researcher Professor Ravinder Dahiya said: “Human sweat contains much of the same physiological information that blood does, and its use in diagnostic systems has the significant advantage of not needing to break the skin in order to administer tests. Now that we’ve demonstrated that our stretchable system can be used to monitor pH levels, we’ve already begun additional research to expand the capabilities of the sensor and make it a more complete diagnostic system.” “We’re planning to add sensors capable of measuring glucose, ammonia and urea, for example, and ultimately we’d like to see a system ready for market in the next few years.”

By Disha Padmanabha

Volatiles Derived from Plants Offer Solution against Antifungal Drug Resistance Despite advances in preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic interventions, invasive fungal infections cause significant morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. The burden of antifungal resistance in such high-risk patients is becoming a major concern. Now, in an attempt to combat this, researchers at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology in Belgium have developed a novel screening method for identifying antimicrobial properties in certain plant-derived volatile substances. The research project, led by prof. Patrick Van Dijck, is rooted in the growing problem of antifungal drug resistance. Candida cells, for example, are quickly becoming tolerant to fluconazole, the most-used antifungal drug. Next to exploring experimental new techniques, scientists also seek to repurpose existing substances. Plant essential oils (EOs), metabolites obtained by steam distillation or cold citrus peel pressing, may offer interesting opportunities: they are made up of compounds that help protect the plant against microbial or herbivore attacks. The team collected 175 different essential oils onstituting a collection of over one thousand different small molecules. The aim was to identify biologically active compounds present in these complex mixtures. They therefore developed a new class of assay that

allowed to identify new volatile substances with antifungal activities over a distance. Prof. Patrick Van Dijck (VIB-KU Leuven): “We screened our whole collection of EOs for vapor-phase mediated antifungal activity against two human fungal pathogens, Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. Interestingly, we found that approximately half of the EOs and their compounds had vapour-phase-mediated activity against bothCandida species. Surprisingly, C. glabrata, the most drug-resistant species of the two was on average even more susceptible. In contrast, none of the currently used antifungals showed any vapour-phase-mediated activity.” Co-author Adam Feyaerts (VIB-KU Leuven): “Our findings are for instance a starting point for the development of molecules that could also be used in vaporizers. After all, volatiles can access otherwise hard to reach areas. Think of possibilities such as maintaining hygiene in hospitals or treat patients with lung infections. There are agricultural options too, such as preventing post-harvest contamination or protecting crops against pests.” By Disha Padmanabha


Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.

Malaria Infections Could be Controlled through Eating Habits: Study The discovery of daily rhythms in parasites dates back to the Hippocratic era and a taxonomically diverse range of parasites (including fungi, helminths, Coccidia, nematodes, trypanosomes, and malaria parasites) display rhythms in development and several behaviours. Yet, how rhythms in many parasite traits are established and maintained remains mysterious, despite their significance, as these traits underpin the replication and transmission of parasites. Multiple, convergent, evolutionary origins for circadian oscillators is thought to be explained by the fitness advantages of being able to anticipate and exploit predictable daily changes in the external environment, as well as keeping internal processes optimally timed. The environment that an endoparasite experiences inside its host is generated by many rhythmic processes, including daily fluctuations in the availability of resources, and the nature and strength of immune responses. Now, an international team led by the University of Edinburgh have concluded that malaria might be brought under control by managing the eating habits of infected people or animals. They found that changing the feeding times

of the animals, by allowing them to eat during the day instead of at night, altered the timing of parasite multiplication from night to day, in line with the mealtime of the mice. Scientists saw that feeding time meant that malaria parasites grew in number and thus the disease became stronger. In other words, altering feeding times may disrupt multiplication rates in malaria, which could be a good strategy to manage the disease. The sudden increase in multiplication rates in malaria parasites can be linked to sugar levels that jump when animal is eating. Allowing animals to eat during the day instead of at night, altered the timing of parasite multiplication from night to day. Therefore, it is possible to disrupt the multiplication rates of malaria parasites – this could be achieved through diet changes or some medication. “We were surprised by how strongly malaria infection responded to changes in the eating times of the mice they were infecting. This offers a new avenue for research. If we can disrupt the link, it could reduce both the impact and the spread of malaria infection,” said Kimberley Prior, of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Edinburgh.

By Disha Padmanabha

Nanowire Artificial Photoreceptors Restore Vision in Mice Light entering an eye passes through the transparent retina and is mostly captured by the visual pigment-containing photoreceptors. Retinal degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration lead to irreversible damage or even loss of photoreceptors, which can result in serious impairment of vision and eventually blindness. Now, Chinese researchers representing a huge leap in retinal prosthetics, have developed artificial photoreceptors based on gold nanoparticle-decorated titania nanowire arrays for restoration of visual responses in the blind mice with degenerated photoreceptors. The human-designed photoreceptors take the form of nanowires studded with tiny gold flakes, which help tune the array to respond to light in the visible range. The wires are surgically implanted in the same space that the photoreceptors once occupied, and they remain in physical contact with retinal cells to pass along electrical impulses to the visual cortex. “Nanomaterials are very thin, and ocular implantation surgeries are highly practical in clinical contexts,” said Zhang Jiayi, a corresponding author on the paper and a lead researcher at Fudan’s State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology. “As such, the application of this research on the blind will be simple and convenient,” she told Sixth Tone. To test their artificial receptors, the team


first altered the mice’s genes so that their natural receptors degraded. The researchers implanted the metallic receptors in a few mice at a time, and watched as their subjects began responding to green, blue, and ultraviolet light. The mice’s pupils dilated, confirming the new photoreceptors were working and that the mice were responsive to light. The photoreceptors were left in for eight weeks, during which none of the mice displayed any negative side effects or injury. “Some of the implanted eyes reached the same level of [pupil light reflex] as that in wild-type mice, indicating the recovery of light sensitivity in multiple colors,” the study authors note. Although the mice cannot see in full-color yet, the researchers believe it will be possible to obtain color vision if they develop nanowires that are sensitive to specific colors. Five months post-surgery, wrote Zhang, the mice with nanowire retinal implants produced responses in the visual cortex that were similar to wild-type mice with no history of retinal disease. The formerly blind mice perceived green, blue, and near UV light with a spatial resolution of 100 micrometers, although the researchers said that they still needed to improve the response to red light and low-light situations. The team is still working to improve the implanted mice’s perception of red light and dim

By Disha Padmanabha An illustration shows how nanowire arrays restore vision in blind mice. Courtesy of Zhang Jiayi

light. Eventually, Zhang said, they hope their artificial photoreceptors “can reach sensitiv-

ity similar to that of a human retina.”

Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.

Threatening Amphibian Fungus Could be Curbed Using eDNA Analysis Amphibian chytridiomycosis caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is an emerging infectious disease that has been associated with mass mortality and extinctions of amphibians worldwide. World’s approximately 6,000 amphibian species and many of those species develop the disease chytridiomycosis. In fact, infection with Bd has been called “the worst infectious disease ever recorded among vertebrates in terms of the number of species impacted, and it’s propensity to drive them to extinction. Amphibian population declines due to chytridiomycosis can occur very rapidly— sometimes over a just a few weeks and disproportionately eliminate species that are rare, specialized and endemic (e.g. those species that are most unique). Because of these characteristics—rapid progression of population declines and loss of very important amphibian species—urgent mobilization of efforts to preserve amphibian species are required. A new system of analysis called the eDNA could now offer a solution. This new technology being developed at Washington State University could help save amphibians around the world.

Known as environmental DNA, the tool detects telltale bits of genetic material that living creatures shed into their environment, and enables wildlife scientists to confirm the presence of a wide variety of aquatic organisms without the hassle of finding them. This new study demonstrated how eDNA could provide an early signal of where Bd die-offs may occur which would help conservationists take action to save amphibians afflicted by the pathogen. “If we can predict when an outbreak is imminent, we can proceed with management actions such as anti-fungal baths that kill Bd,” said author of the study, Colleen Kamoroff, a former WSU natural resources graduate student, who is now a wildlife biologist at Yosemite National Park. “Mountain yellow-legged frogs in the Sierra Nevada have experienced a population decrease of over 90 percent in recent years. Environmental DNA could help save these frogs and other species of amphibians around the world from extinction.” Kamoroff originally went to California’s Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park in 2015

By Disha Padmanabha

to determine whether eDNA techniques can be used to detect when non-native fish had been successfully removed from high alpine restoration lakes. The lakes are home to two federally endangered species of mountain yellow-legged frogs. “I was curious if Bd would be detectable at the lakes I took samples from even though there were no sick looking frogs at the time,” Kamoroff said. “So I decided to run the eDNA samples I originally collected for the lake restoration project to test for the presence of Bd.” Upon further investigation, the team found Bd in the eDNA samples from all three lakes

where there was a die-off but did not detect the pathogen in the eDNA samples taken from the other lakes. Their research demonstrates eDNA could be a promising, non-invasive method to screen lakes and other bodies of water for the presence of Bd. Currently, the only way to test for the pathogen is take skin swabs from afflicted amphibians. “Unlike skin swabs, eDNA does not require the capture or handling of the animals you are trying to protect,” Caren Goldberg, an assistant professor in the WSU School of the Environment said. “We think the technology will prove very useful in preventing the spread of Bd in the future.”

3D Printed Stethoscope to Overcome Medical Supply Shortage A Palestinian-Canadian doctor has now designed a low-cost stethoscope using a 3D printer, the first in a series of inventions he hopes will help alleviate medical supply shortages caused, in part, by an eight-year blockade on the Gaza Strip. Since its introduction in 1819 by René Laennec, the acoustic stethoscope has been an integral part of clinical medicine. Despite the lack of major structural design innovations over recent decades, modern stethoscopes can be an expensive part of the physician’s armamentarium, often costing several hundred US dollars. The high cost of modern stethoscopes remains a significant barrier to physicians and allied health professionals practicing in the developed word and in low- and middle-income countries, where few affordable high-quality options exist. The first in what he hopes will be a line of 3D-printed medical supplies produced by his open-source organisation the Glia Project, Dr Loubani said the stethoscope can be made for just $2.50 (£1.62). Furthermore, the doctors who have tested out the equipment have said it is as effective as stethoscopes by leading brands, despite being a fraction of the price. The Glia project was born sometime after the 2012 Israeli incursions into Gaza, where Loubani and his medical colleagues were in short supply of the life-saving equipment and forced to listen to the heartbeats of scores of wounded Gazans with ears placed on chests.

“I had to hold my ear to the chests of victims because there were no good stethoscopes, and that was a tragedy, a travesty, and unacceptable,” Loubani told the Chaos Communications Camp in Zehdenick, Germany. “We made a list of these things that if I could bring them into Gaza, into the third world in which I work and live, then I felt like I could change the lives of my patients. “I wanted the people I work with to take it, and to print it, and to improve it because I knew all I wanted to do was bring the idea.” The stethoscope, called the Glia model, was made using free open source software to keep costs low and allow others to easily access the code. With the Glia template, the stethoscope can be made in less than three hours and can be produced by anyone with a 3D printer and access to ABS – a plastic used to make garden chairs and Lego – can create the device. The results of the study show it has the same acoustic quality as the best stethoscopes on the market. The device also consists of a plastic tube found in Coca-Cola machines, which Loubani said are all also found everywhere, and a circular piece of plastic from a common DuoTang folder that serves as the stethoscope’s chest piece or diaphragm. “We really want everybody to be able to access these devices,” he said. “I’m not interested in getting rich or selling these devices to anybody, nor do I think this is the way to

By Disha Padmanabha

do it, instead what I want, is for every patient to be able to receive the same care that my patients in Canada can receive.” “Use of the open source approach in every aspect of this project contributes powerfully to the body of medical device research,” said Gabriella Coleman, PhD, noted scholar on technology and open source software. “This research gives a guide for others to create medical-grade open access devices that can reduce costs and ultimately save lives.” Loubani foresees a future in which lifesav-

ing medical devices, like dialysis machines and electrocardiograms, can be 3D printed around the world for a fraction of their former cost. Inspired by the open source software movement, he keeps all his code on GitHub and encourages doctors and hardware hackers to contribute to the project in a collaborative way. The device is currently in clinical use by physicians and allied health professionals in Gaza and is also being trialled clinically at the London Health Sciences Centre, in London, Ontario.


Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.

Scientists Isolate Circadian Clock that Regulates Drug-Dosing Schedule They say there’s a time for everything— though you might not know it from looking at a pill-bottle label. Most say how many pills to take, but not when to take them. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have uncovered the circadian clock involved in regulating the permeability of the blood–brain barrier has been found. The mechanism, which emerged from a study of an antiepileptic drug’s effectiveness in a fruit fly seizure model, points to possibilities for improving drug-dosing schedules. Between 40 and 50% of all genes in the body appear to be linked to the circadian clock in their activity. And the study sheds light on several genes that respond to the circadian rhythm and change their activity in a cyclic manner around the clock. Hundreds of genes get involved, with 3,186 genes in the liver alone showing this daily pattern. One very interesting finding of the study is the presence of two time periods, just before dawn and dusk, when particularly large shifts in gene activity take place. This is when significant changes in our activity level, alert-


ness and mood can occur. This is also when the metabolic activity of our body changes. “There have been hints in past studies that the opening of the blood brain barrier fluctuates over 24 hours and now we see, for the first time, direct evidence that a local circadian clock exists in the barrier,” Amita Sehgal, PhD, a professor of Neuroscience in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator said. “More importantly, we have identified a novel daily regulation that could have implications for the timing of taking medications targeted to the central nervous system.” The investigating team used a dye to demonstrate how clock signals are transmitted across the BBB requires gap junctions, which are expressed cyclically. These are protein complexes organized into channels in cell membranes that allow ions and small molecules to pass between cells. Specifically, during the night, magnesium passes through

By Disha Padmanabha

the junctions to decrease its concentration in cells that form the tight barrier, therefore allowing substances to permeate the brain. In order to test if the cyclical permeability might also lead to a better outcome if brain drugs are administered at night, they gave mutant flies prone to seizures the anti-epileptic phenytoin. While the incidence of seizures did not vary over the course of the day-night cycle, flies given the drug at night had a shorter time to recovery after seizures

compared to flies given phenytoin during the day. Those findings suggest that timing the delivery of drugs that act in the brain should consider when the barrier is open as well as other cyclical aspects of neuron physiology. One relevant line of research is to identify the drugs most likely to be targeted by the mechanism that drives a rhythm in BBB permeability

Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.


Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship for 2017-2018 Official notification for Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship for 2017-2018 is out. Indian Nationals with a PhD are eligible to apply for this Fellowship. Candidates with a PhD in biotechnology, bioinformatics and related areas are encouraged to apply Online for the Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship for 2017-2018 as Per the details below: Applications are solicited from Indian nationals working in overseas research institutions for the “Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship”, a re-entry scheme of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. Aim of the Fellowship The scheme is conceptualized with the aim of attracting highly skilled researchers (Indian Nationals) working overseas in various cutting edge disciplines of biotechnology (agriculture, health sciences, bio-engineering, energy, environment, bioinformatics and other related areas), by providing them an attractive avenue to pursue their R&D interests in Indian institutions. Who is eligible to apply ? The applicant should possess a Ph.D., /M.D., or equivalent degree with an outstanding track record as reflected in publications and other recognitions and with at least three years of post-doctoral research experience of which last two years should be from overseas laboratory. Only candidates (Indian nationals) working overseas are eligible to apply. Those who have already returned to India within one year of the closing date of this advertisement but without a job are also eligible. Researcher’s upto 45 years of age as determined on closing date of application are eligible to apply. Incentives of being a Ramalingaswami fellow This is a senior fellowship programme, and awardees are to be considered synonymous to the Assistant Professor/Scientist-D level. Fellows selected are entitled to take up teaching/research assignments and supervising Doctoral/MS students.

The scheme provides a consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs. 1,00,000/- p.m. In addition, a House Rent Allowance of Rs. 18,500/- p.m. is given to fellows. In case host institute provides accommodation to the fellow, no house rent allowance is admissible. The fellowship is taxable as per Govt. of India rules. Fellows will receive a research/contingency grant of Rs. 10.00 lakhs for the 1st & 2nd year; Rs. 7.50 lakhs for the 3rd & 4th year; Rs. 5.00 lakhs for 5th year for purchase of consumables, minor equipment, international and domestic travel, engaging manpower and other contingent expenditure to be incurred for the implementation of research proposal which is a part of fellowship and Institutional overhead Rs. 50,000/ year DBT encourages host institutions to provide medical benefits, transport allowance, leave travel allowance and other benefits as per their prevailing norms as applicable to their employees of the rank equivalent to Assistant Professor/Scientist D out of their own resources/ funds. Fellows retain an option for drawing either the fellowship or salary if they are appointed at a suitable permanent scientific position. Fellows opting for salary can continue to avail the research /contingency grant with prior approval of DBT. Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellows could take up fellowship at any of the scientific institutes/ universities in the country. However, application should be duly forwarded by the competent authority of the host Institute. Fellows/Awardee can change his/her host institute only once during the tenure of the fellowship with the prior no objection certificate from the host institute who has forwarded the application (Director/Registrar/ Vice-Chancellor/Dean as the case may be). Only one nomination will be considered. Awardees are eligible to apply for research grants to any of the funding agencies towards accomplishment of research proposal. However, the Co-PI has to be a permanent employee of the host institution. Tenure of fellowship Fellows can draw fellowship for a term of five years. Fellowship is further extendable for another two years on fresh appraisal of performance of the fellow; only fellowship & HRA will be admissible during extension period. No research/contingency grant will be provided during the extension period. Those who are able to secure permanent positions will not be considered for 2nd term. How to Apply: Applications may be sent as per proforma downloadable from DBT website (www. and duly forwarded by the competent authority to Dr. Meenakshi Munshi, Adviser/Scientist “G”, Department of Biotechnology, Block-2, 7th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110 003, both as a hard copy as well as Soft copy. The applications not forwarded by the host institution will not be considered. Soft copy to be mailed at Email :- only as a single file latest by 15th May, 2018. Application Deadline – latest by 15th May, 2018.

DIFFERENT IN CONTENT, AND PREFERABLY FIELD AND FORM, FROM THE APPLICANT’S PREVIOUS WORK. Applications should be submitted by mail to: / Bewerbungen sind zu richten an: Prof. Dr. Susan Neiman Einstein Forum Am Neuen Markt 7 14467 Potsdam Germany

Einstein Fellowship – 2019 Applications Invited Apply for a Einstein Fellowship 2019. Check out the official notification for more Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation – Einstein Fellowship 2019. Please check the details given below: The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation are offering a fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their previous research. The purpose of the fellowship is to support those who, in addition to producing superb work in their area of specialization, are also open to other, interdisciplinary approaches – following the example set by Albert Einstein. The fellowship includes living accommodations for five to six months in the garden cottage of Einstein`s own summerhouse in Caputh, Brandenburg, only a short distance away from the universities and academic institutions of Potsdam and Berlin. The fellow will receive a stipend of EUR 10,000 and reimbursement of travel expenses. Call for Applications: Candidates must be under 35 and hold a university degree in the humanities, in the social sciences, or in the natural sciences. Applications for 2019 should include a CV, a two-page project proposal, and two letters of recommendation. All documents must be received by April 15, 2018. At the end of the fellowship period, the fellow will be expected to present his or her project in a public lecture at the Einstein Forum and at the Daimler and Benz Foundation. The Einstein Fellowship is not intended for applicants who wish to complete an academic study they have already begun. How to Apply: A successful application must demonstrate the quality, originality, and feasibility of the proposed project, as well as the superior intellectual development of the applicant. It is not relevant whether the applicant has begun working toward, or currently holds, a PhD. The proposed project need not be entirely completed during the time of the fellowship, but can be the beginning of a longer project. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO FELLOWSHIPS WILL BE GIVEN FOR DISSERTATION RESEARCH. THE PROPOSED PROJECT MUST BE SIGNIFICANTLY

Or by email to: For more information, call or fax the Einstein Forum at: phone: +49-331-271780 fax: +49-331-2717827 FAQ 1. What kind of projects can I propose? Your proposed project must not be part of your dissertation or thesis, and the application documents must be in English. Otherwise, there are no limitations on the project you may propose as long as you can defend your idea as interesting, original, and feasible during the fellowship period. Please also consider whether the facilities available to you here would suitably allow you to pursue your project. 2. How different should my proposed project be from my previous work? There is no hard and fast rule, nor is there a formula for how the proposal should look. All you need to demonstrate is that you have not already done work– e.g. master’s theses, published essays, books, etc.– directly related to your proposed project. You should have already given significant thought to your project idea. 3. Can I propose two projects? The fellowship is awarded for just one project. As such, we recommend focusing on strengthening just one proposal. 4. Should I attach the letters of reference in my application, or should my recommenders send them separately? We will accept both, but we recommend that your reference letters be emailed to us directly by their respective authors. 5. Is TOEFL/IELTS required? We require only the documents listed. We do not require TOEFL/IELTS results in your application, as your application should already reflect mastery of English. 6. When will I hear back about my application? We will acknowledge receipt of your submission as soon as possible. The application

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March 20th, 2018. review and interview processes begin in May, with final decisions released by the end of June. 7. When does the fellowship take place? Although the exact dates are flexible, the 5-6 month period of the fellowship should preferably take place during the summer months and end within the calendar year. 8. Is it mandatory to stay in Einstein’s summer house?

ly impact our understanding of the immune system’s role in cancer. ELIGIBILITY: •

Yes. As part of the Einstein Fellowship, we expect the fellow to reside in Caputh. 9. What may the stipend be used for? The stipend is intended to cover living expenses and project expenses incurred during your fellowship period. 10. Can my family come? Does the fellowship cover travel expenses of family members?

Your family may accompany you during the fellowship period. The fellowship will not cover their travel expenses.

11. My application was rejected. Can I reapply next year?

As long as you still fit the other eligibility criteria, you may reapply for the fellowship next year with a new proposal.

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Cancer Research Institute (CRI) Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Apply for Cancer Research Institute (CRI) Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Official Notification for CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. 2018 Cancer Research Institute Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program notification check out all of the details given below: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:

Applicants for the CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program must be working in areas directly related to immunology or cancer immunology. An eligible project must fall into the broad field of immunology with relevance to solving the cancer problem. Applicants must have a doctoral degree by the date of award activation and must conduct their proposed research under a sponsor who holds a formal appointment at the host institution. Applicants with 5 or more years of relevant postdoctoral experience are not eligible, with the exception of M.D. applicants, who should not include years of residency in this calculation. Only in exceptional circumstances will applicants who have already spent 3 or more years in a sponsor’s laboratory by the start date of fellowship be considered for a fellowship award. The fellowship can be performed in the United States or abroad, but must take place at a non-profit institution. There are no citizenship restrictions. Only one fellow per sponsor may apply per application round, and faculty sponsors may not have more than three CRI-supported fellows at any time.


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Newly awarded fellowships provide a stipend of $55,000 for the first year, $57,000 for the second year, and $59,000 for the third year. In addition, an allowance of $1,500 per year is allotted to the host institution for use at the sponsor’s discretion to help pay for the fellow’s research supplies, travel to scientific meetings, and/or health insurance. Deductions for administrative overhead are not allowed from either the stipend or the institutional allowance. Payments are made monthly in U.S. currency to the host institution. APPLICATION DEADLINE: The application deadlines are April 1 and October 1; when those dates fall on the weekend, applications are due the following Monday. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Eastern Time on these dates. Applicants are notified of fellowship committee decisions within approximately 10-12 weeks of the application deadline. Fellowships can be activated three months after the application deadline but no later than one year following the deadline. Awards activate on the first of the month.

Applications must be submitted electronically. Paper applications will not be accepted. The application process requires you to complete a PDF application form for institutional signatures and certification. You must also complete an electronic application form, which requires you to upload supporting materials. Completing the PDF Application Form Before you submit the online application form, you must first complete the PDF application form. Fill out the form, print it, and obtain signatures for the Institutional Certifications section. Signatures will be required

An Internal Review Board (IRB) or certifying officer, who can attest that the proposal is in compliance with government and institutional regulations The institution’s administrative officer The institution’s financial officer

When your form is complete, you should scan it as a PDF and upload it with your other supporting materials when completing the online application form. Uploading Supporting Materials: After you have filled out all required fields on the online application, you will be asked on the final page of the application to upload, in this order, the following supporting documentation in one PDF document: •

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How to Apply:

The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology. A panel of scientists drawn from our Scientific Advisory Council rigorously evaluates each candidate, the intended sponsor and training environment, and the nature and feasibility of the proposed project. The Institute seeks hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies in both immunology and tumor immunology. The applicant and sponsor should make every effort to demonstrate the potential of the proposed studies to direct-

from the following individuals:

The entire PDF application form, beginning with the cover sheet. Please make sure all signatures have been obtained for section three. Brief description of the applicant’s background and research accomplishments. List of other funding sources to which applications have been or will be submitted, with due dates. Applicant’s curriculum vitae and bibliography. Brief summary of your project, including a description of how the proposed research is relevant to understanding the role of the immune system in cancer and/or the treatment of cancer through immunological means. Abstract of research in non-technical English explaining the importance of the proposed research and its potential clinical relevance. The abstract will be used for fundraising purposes and submitted to CRI’s lay Board of Trustees. Concise research proposal (background, significance, specific aims, materials and methods) not to exceed 6 pages inclusive of tables and figures, exclusive of references. Applications exceeding this page limit will be disqualified. *Letter from the sponsor introducing the applicant and describing the sponsor’s qualifications to direct the proposed research. The letter must contain assurance that the applicant’s project will be conducted under the direct supervision of the sponsor. Finally, sponsors are asked to indicate whether the application was written by the applicant and also whether any preliminary data included in the proposal was generated by the applicant or by the lab prior to the applicant’s arrival. *Sponsor’s curriculum vitae/biosketch, bibliography (limit bibliography to past 5 years or to publications relevant to proposed research), and a list of sponsor’s current research support. *Two letters of recommendation are required. One letter must be from the applicant’s thesis advisor. Applicants who received an M.D. or otherwise who do not have a thesis advisor should have some other qualified individual submit this letter. The second letter should be from an individual well acquainted with the applicant’s work. The sponsor may not submit one of these letters. If the sponsor was also the applicant’s thesis advisor, you must contact CRI for further instruction.

Only PDF documents will be accepted. All files must be combined into one document and named according to the following formula: if your name is John Brown, your file should be called Brown, John.pdf. Do not submit multiple attachments. When you have finished uploading the attachments, click “Submit.” You will receive a notice confirming that you have successfully submitted your Application Form. Immediately after, an automated notification from CRI will be sent to your email address, also confirming submission. If you encounter problems uploading your attachment, email it to Be sure to note the application number, which will be assigned to you at the time of submission. Online applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. Eastern Time on the deadline date. If the deadline falls on the weekend, applications will be accepted until the close of business that following Monday. We strongly suggest submitting your applications as early as possible to provide ample time in case your application is incomplete. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Note on Letters of Recommendation: *Documents 8 through 10 may be submitted directly by referees via the web as a PDF. On Page 5 of the online application, please specify e-mail addresses for those providing letters of support. Referees will then be sent a link where they will be prompted to upload their recommendation letter. Please note that the application should not be submitted by the applicant until referees have uploaded their letters. While direct submission is preferred, referees may instead scan a copy of their letter as a PDF and email it to In cases where the referee submits the recommendation letter to the applicant, the applicant should scan the original, signed letters and collate them into the supporting documentation attachment that is uploaded at the time of electronic application submission. If recommendation letters will be included with the supporting documentation or emailed to, there is no need to provide e-mail addresses for referees on Page 5 of the online application. All letters should be scanned in grayscale at a maximum resolution of 300 dpi to keep file size to a minimum. Do not scan in color, as this will significantly increase the file size, which could potentially cause uploading problems. Formatting Guidelines: Any documents you attach to your online application form must be typed single-space using a 12 point or larger font size. Application Deadline : April 2, 2018

Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018. in a science related field. A $1500 (or international currency equivalent) scholarship will be awarded twice a year for one student in the fall semester and one student in the spring semester. Eligibility: • • •

R&D Systems Scholarship Application Fall 2018

Official Notification is announced for R&D Systems Scholarship Application Fall 2018. Scholarship Application Fall 2018 Notifications. Check out all of the details on the same below: R&D Systems is proud to support education in science with a scholarship program established to students who are pursuing a degree in a science related field. The R&D Systems Scholarship Program will be awarded to students pursuing a degree

Applicants must have a major declared in a science related field. Open worldwide. Enrolled or accepted for enrollment (baccalaureate, graduate, associate degree, or diploma) with a declared major in a science related field.

How to Apply: Download and complete the scholarship application form. • Submit a transcript of all college/ post-secondary coursework (if high school student submit high school transcript). • Submit a written statement addressing the following topics: 1. Submit a 140 character statement/tweet on what you believe is the biggest hurdle for people working in your specific field of interest and why 2. Write a personal statement of 500 words or less on how you plan to use

your degree to further advance science in your field of interest. Selection and notification process: •

Deadline for this application is July 20, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. MST. • Finalist will be notified by August 3, 2018. Submission guidelines: •

Please submit your application online or email it to scholarship@novusbio. com by July 20, 2018 to be considered for the Fall 2018 R&D Systems Scholarship.

FAQs: Do I need to submit official transcripts? No, we will accept either unofficial or official. Are the written statements required? Yes, both topics listed are required. There is no word count for the list and you can format how you would like.

com or mail it to Novus Biologicals, LLC, Attention: Lisa Ikariyama, 8100 Southpark Way, A-8, Littleton, CO 80120, USA. What majors qualify? Any science related major. If you haven’t declared your major yet, please use the written statement for how you plan to use your degree to be considered. What is the fee? There is no fee. When will you send me the check? If selected, we will send the check directly to the university listed in the application to disperse. Contact Details: Questions? Please email Lisa Ikariyama at, call at 303730-1950 or or read our FAQs. Application Deadline – July 20, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. MST.

Do I need to email or mail this in? You can email it to scholarship@novusbio.

ADMISSIONS Ph.D. in Engineering: Eligibility Criteria: (i) A master’s degree in engineering with marks/CPI not below the specified minimum. or

PhD Research Admissions 2018 @ IIT Kanpur

a bachelor’s degree in engineering or science (4 year programme) with a minimum of 75 percent marks/7.5 CPI and a valid GATE score (the requirement of GATE score is waived for candidates with bachelor’s degree in engineering from the centrally funded technical institutes (CFTIs)). or

Official Notification for PhD Research Admissions 2018 @ IIT Kanpur. Interested and eligible candidates apply for a PhD Biological Sciences & Bioengineering programme 2018 that is available. For more information on the eligibility details, application procedure of IIT Kanpur 2018 as per the details below: Applications are invited from Indian as well as foreign nationals for admission to Ph.D., M.Tech., M. Des. and MS (By Research) programmes 2018-19-I Semester (commencing from July 25, 2018) in the following departments/interdisciplinary programmes: Ph.D. (Engg.) : Aerospace Engineering * Biological Sciences & Bioengineering * Chemical Engineering * Civil Engineering * Computer Science & Engineering * Electrical Engineering * Industrial & Management Engineering * Materials Science & Engineering * Materials Science (Interdisciplinary Programme) * Mechanical Engineering * Photonics Science & Engineering (Interdisciplinary Programme).

a master’s degree in science or an allied area while satisfying each of the following three criteria: (a) a minimum of 65 percent marks/6.5 CPI in the master’s degree, (b) first division in bachelor’s degree, and (c) JRF/95 percentile or higher in GATE score. For admission into Ph.D. in Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, applicants having master’s degree in pharmacy/medicine/ veterinary science with marks/CPI not below the specified minimum, or bachelor’s degree in pharmacy/medicine/veterinary science with a minimum of 75 percent marks/7.5 CPI, may also be considered. For admission into Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, applicants with master in computer applications while satisfying each of the above criteria in (a), (b) and (c) may also be considered. (ii) A valid GATE score is required for the candidates with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Design/Architecture, except in the case of candidates with bachelor’s degree in

Engineering from the centrally funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs). The candidates with master’s degree in science must either have a valid GATE score or must have qualified for/ in JRF/NET. Financial Assistance: Financial aid (in the form of Institute Assistantship) is available to the regular (non-sponsored) students of M.Tech./M. Des./MS (By Research) and Ph.D. Programmes. Student is expected to carry out the assigned duties for teaching and Research Assistantship. The M.Tech./MS (Research) student currently carries a monthly stipend of Rs.12,400/- for 8 hours of work per week. For Ph.D. students the corresponding financial assistance (for Engg./Sciences/Social Sciences) is Rs.25,000/- for the first two years and there after it is raised to Rs.28,000/- respectively for another three years. Students may also avail financial assistantship from external funding agencies (such as UGC/CSIR/NBHM etc.). In addition to the above several attractive fellowships from Industries/DAE are also available.

Indian Nationals can apply only through online mode of application. Foreign Nationals can apply only through off line mode. PhD applicants must arrange for two letters of reference as well. For this purpose, the names of the referees along with their e-mails addresses are to be provided by the candidates in the online applications portal. ( The referees will be contacted electronically through an auto generated mail to submit their recommendations online. The application fee is Rs.400 for General and OBC candidates and Rs.200 for SC/ST and all PD candidates (including General and OBC). The application fee is waived for ‘Foreign National’ candidates. Separate application form is to be filled for each program.

GENERAL INFORMATION: (i) Reservations (for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PD candidates) shall apply as per Government of India rules. (ii) For Application Form, Reference Letter Form, Information Brochure, Eligibility Criteria, linkages to concerned department and other relevant details visit: Important Links Application Procedure: The online applications portal (for Indian Nationals only) will be available from 15/03/2018 (10:00 AM) till 04/04/2018 (05:00 PM).


Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.

IISER Berhampur PhD Admission 2018 – Official Notification IISER Berhampur PhD Admission 2018. Calling all candidates who are from an MSc background to apply for the PhD Programme Admissions 2018 at IISER Berhampur. IISER Berhampur has officially announced the phd admissions 2018. If you are looking for phd admissions, then check the July 2018 PhD Programme Admissions at IISER Berhampur as per the details given below: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur invites applications from highly motivated students for admission to the PhD programme starting from July 2018. Currently, IISER Berhampur offers PhD programme in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics disciplines. Students with a Master’s degree or equivalent in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics OR in any relevant interdisciplinary area closely related to the basic science are encouraged to apply for PhD programme. PhD students must successfully complete course work, qualifying examination, seminars, and a dissertation. Besides the mandatory requirements, students are encouraged to participate in several professional activities such as workshops, review meetings and conferences. All doctoral students are also expected to participate in the undergraduate teaching programme of the Institute as a part of their training. Please note that the precise eligibility criteria for July 2018 admissions may vary from department to department which are given below. A glimpse of the research areas open for admission are provided below and further information about individual faculty profiles and areas of research can be obtained from the IISER Berhampur website. Prospective students satisfying the eligibility criteria are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the research areas of our faculty members for suitable match of interest. Research Areas:

Broad Area Of Research: Life-history evolution, Sexual selection and sexual conflict, Fungal Molecular Genetics, Circadian Rhythms. Eligibility:Minimum Qualification:

Application Procedure: Please download and save the form on your computer, and then open it directly in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader and select/type the information in the boxes provided and click save to store the information.


the Institute/University reports: 1. Only marks, percentage will be considered. 2. Only grades, CGPA/CPI will be considered. If CGPA/CPI is reported on any scale other than 10 (eg. 4 point/ 8 point scale), an equivalent CGPA/CPI will be calculated as per the following formula: CGPA/CPI in a 10 point scale = (CGPA/CPI Obtained×10)/PS PS = Point scale used by the Institute/University. 3. Both marks and CGPA/CPI Percentage equivalent of CGPA/CPI, as indicated on the transcript/gradesheet, will be considered, if absolute grading was followed. CGPA/CPI ONLY will be considered, if relative grading was followed. • Exceptionally brilliant candidates with B.Tech./MBBS/MCA also apply for Ph.D. programme in Biological Sciences. • Additionally, a National level examination like National Eligibility Test (NET)/GATE/UGC-JRF/CSIR-JRF/ DBT (JRF A category)/ICMR (JRF category I)/NET-LS/INSPIRE-PhD/ JGEEBILS or any other recognized score is mandatory. The certificate/fellowship MUST be valid at the time of admission. • Students whose results for CSIR-UGC NET Fellowship or ICMR-JRF category-I or DBT-JRF or INSPIRE-PhD or any other equivalent fellowship are awaited may also apply with their roll number(s) mentioned in the application. Such candidates may walk-in for the interview provided they have qualified examination for any of the above fellowship before the interview date. Such candidates will not be sent a call letter for the interview. However, they should write to the head of the department, Department of Biological Sciences at (with a CC to and inform if they will attend the interview. • Candidates who are appearing or are about to appear for final examinations of the qualifying degree programme are eligible to apply for PhD programme. However, if selected, admission to the PhD programme would be conditional upon their completing the qualifying degree with the defined marks criteria. • A relaxation of 5% of marks, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, will be allowed for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PD categories. • Mere fulfilling the eligibility criterion does not entitle a candidate to be called for the test and interview.

M.Sc./M.Tech. Degree in the relevant discipline with a minimum of 60% marks or CGPA/CPI of 7.0 on a 10 point scale. (Overall percentage/CGPA/ CPI; not only in majoring subject) If the transcript/grade sheet issued by



Important Instructions: • • •

All communication with candidates will be by e-mail only. Kindly check this website for periodic updates. Candidates who are appearing or are about to appear for final examinations of the qualifying degree programme are eligible to apply for Ph.D. programme. However, if selected, admission to the Ph.D. programme would be conditional upon their completing the qualifying degree with the defined marks criteria, before July 31, 2018. Selection will be based on interviews of the short-listed candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. Date of interview will be communicated to shortlisted candidates by e-mail and the same will be available on the Institute website. TA will be paid to SC/ST candidates appearing for the interview as per Govt. of India norms. Reservation will be applied according to Govt. of India norms. Relaxation of eligibility criteria for SC/ST and PD applicants will be as per Government of India norms. Candidates belonging to reserved category will have to submit relevant certificates, if selected. Applying does not automatically guarantee that a candidate will be shortlisted for interview. The respective departments may use additional criteria (based on academic performance and/ or performance in the national level tests) in order to shortlist candidates for interviews depending on the number of applications received. Applicant’s age should not exceed more than 28 years at the time of joining. Age relaxation of 3 years will be given for OBC (Non Creamy Layer) and 5 years for SC/ST/PD/Female applicants. All selected candidates will be eligible for either Institute fellowship of Rs. 25,000/- per month or fellowship as per the norms of the funding agency, in vogue, subject to satisfactory performance in their course work.

Contact Information: In case of any application-related queries, please contact the respective departments (with a CC to Biology: Important Dates: Closing Date of Application : April 30, 2018 Interview Dates : May 22-29, 2018

JNCASR Research & Integrated PhD Programme Admissions 2018 Apply Online at JNCASR for Research & Integrated PhD Programme Admissions 2018. Check out JNCASR – Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research 2018 PhD Admissions. Check out all of the details on the same below: JNCASR has a bright and diverse student body. At present, there are 291 students registered in the various academic programmes of the Centre. While the majority of these students are pursuing Ph. D. degree, we also have students enrolled in our Integrated Ph. D., M. S. / M. S. (Engg.) programmes. The student population at JNCASR is drawn from across the length and breadth of the country; in addition, we frequently have foreign students visiting the Centre under various exchange programmes. The majority of new students joining the Centre during the August semester each year are admitted, based on their performance in interviews carried out in the early summer. Certain programmes also consider admitting students halfway through the academic year (i.e., at the start of the January semester). In order to be eligible for consideration in these interviews, students have to meet various academic criteria, as specified under the various degree programmes listed in the menu page. Admission in these programmes is fairly competitive. All students who are admitted to the Centre’s programmes receive stipends that are more than adequate to cover their tuition and living expenses, including hostel fees, etc. We generally expect students to take less than five years to complete a regular Ph. D. programme. Students who are admitted to the Integrated Ph. D. programme also get an M. S. degree, typically three years into their programme of study. In addition to carrying out research, students take a combination of required and elective courses. The majority of courses are held on-campus, and taught by the Centre’s faculty members. However, students can also choose to attend a few courses at other scientific institutes in the Bangalore area. In addition to regular academic courses, there are also seminar courses, and we have recently introduced a course on scientific writing. After completing two years in their Ph. D. programmes, students have to pass an oral comprehensive examination, where they present and are quizzed about their research, as well as the material covered in their coursework. Since 2002, the Centre is recognized as a “Deemed to be University” by the University Grants Commission, and students’ degrees are awarded directly by JNCASR. Since the

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Vol. 02 NO 12 inception of the Centre, 324 degrees have been awarded; these include 178Ph. D.’s, 87 M. S. degrees (Integrated Ph. D.), 55 M. S. (Engg.) and 4 M. Sc. (by research – Biological Sciences). Students who are alumni of the Centre have gone on to enjoy successful academic careers, and are currently spread out across the world. RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Interdisciplinary research interests are also encouraged Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit Research in the Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit is in diverse areas of biology bound by the common thread of biomedical applications. The current research areas fall into the categories of Infectious Diseases, Cell Cycle, Chromatin organization and Transcription Regulation, Developmental Biology and Genetics. Students have the opportunity to use approaches involving molecular biology and biochemistry, genetics, modern cell and developmental biology and the most recent genomics approaches. INTEGRATED (INT.) PH.D. PROGRAMME IS OFFERED IN MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE GENERAL INFORMATION This programme is offered only for the August session of admissions. The advertisement for Int.Ph.D programe is released ONLY during February/March every year.

March 20th, 2018. The minimum eligibility criteria is mentioned below. Kindly note that these criteria are for applying only. The committee will shortlist candidates for written test. •

Minimum Requirement

Candidates should have a minimum of 55% marks at the B.Sc as applicable to the area . Candidates who are appearing for their final examination in B.Sc. can also apply. •

Eligibility criteria and Mode of Selection for the areas mentioned below:

Materials Science: Students with Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Science can apply. Candidates are expected to have sound knowledge in the fundamentals of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Candidates who have qualified the JAM 2018 written test for Master’s are also invited to apply. Selection will be through the Joint Admission test for Master’s (JAM) and/or JNCASR’s written test, followed by interview at Bangalore for the shortlisted candidates. The JNCASR written test for Materials Science will be held only at JNCASR, Bangalore. Interviews for the shortlisted candidates will be held the same day or the following day. Chemical Science: Students with Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Science with Chemistry as a major and mathematics as a subject at least up to PUC (10+2 level) can apply. Candidates who have qualified for the JAM 2018 written test for Master’s are invited to apply. Selection will be through the Joint Admission test for Master’s (JAM) and/or JNCASR’s written test, followed by interview at Bangalore for the shortlisted candidates. The JNCASR written entrance

test for Chemical Science will be held only at JNCASR, Bangalore. Interviews for the shortlisted candidates will be held the same day or the following day. or you can call up at :(080) 22082777 (080) 22082777 (from Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m hours only)

Biological Science: Students with Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Science can apply. Selection will be through JNCASR’s written test, followed by interview at Bangalore for the shortlisted candidates. The JNCASR written entrance test for Biological Science will be held only at JNCASR, Bangalore . The candidates shortlisted from the written test will be called for interview the same day or the next day.

Importance notice for prospective applicants:

Instructions for applying (only after the release of advertisement): • •

Candidates are advised to read the Instruction in the application form carefully before applying. Please note that the criterias mentioned above are prerequisites to apply ONLY and will not be mandatory for short listing or selection/admission to the programme . The candidates shortlisted for written test and/ or interview will be communicated by email and post.

Scholarships/Fellowship: Selected students will receive a scholarship of Rs. 15,000/- p.m. for the first two years. Successful students will receive M.S degree on successful completion of their course work and research project/thesis and continue for Ph.D. programme with a fellowship and fees as applicable to a Ph.D student.

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Interviews for admitting students in respective Units/programmes will be held subject to the vacancies available. Selection to the degree programmes of JNCASR are subject to excellent academic background score/percentile/ rank obtained in national fellowship exams,in addition to the recommendations of the referees and performance in the interview. Mere fulfilling the essential qualifications / eligibility criteria will not entitle an applicant to be shortlisted for interview. The committee shortlists the candiates for written test and/or interviews based on the departmental criteria. The Units offering admission will be mentioned in the application form. The Centre has the right to cancel, at any stage, the admission of a candidate who is found to have been admitted to a course to which he/she is not entitled, being unqualified or ineligible in accordance with the rules and regulations in force.

Application Deadline – 15th April 2018

Your queries could be either mailed to : ad-

JOBS R&D CAREERS @ COCA COLA | QA MANUFACTURING POSITION VACANT If you are on the lookout for a research career in mnc’s like Coca-Cola then check the details on the job, requirements, application procedure, below. For Bsc and MSc food sciences, biotechnology QA executive positions are available. Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd is hiring for executive manufacturing position as Per the details below. For More Details on Careers at Coca Cola, Job and Career Opportunities at The Coca- Cola Company. Name of the Position : Executive – Manufacturing – QA Job ID : 5367 Location : Bidadi – India Job Description: Vertical : Supply Chain Job Function /Sub Function : Manufacturing- QA Job Objective : Responsible for super-

vising and assist with necessary production testing to ensure that the highest quality standards are maintained for products to be released to the warehouse. Functional Reporting To : TL- QA Supervises : Operators & Casual Labour Key Customer Internal /External Customers : Production, Stores Job Responsibilities: • Line sanitation and Documentation (Proportioner, Filler, and Bottle Washer). • GV Pressure Gauge/Density Meter/Thermometers Calibration and documentation. • Syrup release procedure and Proportioner operation. • Bottle inspector’s evaluation and validation. • Collection and labelling of Shelf life samples. • Take feedback from Shelf life samples and market samples analyst and take actions if

required. • Glass fragment control program, Ozone monitoring, Temperature monitoring and validation and documentation (related of area of operation). • Finished product release as per the procedure and follow the requirements. • Line sanitation as per specification and its documentation. • Maintenance of GHP and GMP practices in line operation. Job Requirement: Minimum Education : B. Tech/M. Sc.Food Tech/Food Science/Biotech Minimum Work Experience : 3-4 years of relevant experience in Beverage/Food industry Competencies/Skills/Abilities: Behavioral Competencies: • Drives Innovative Business ImprovementStage 1

• Objective Analytical Thinking- Stage 1 • Takes Initiative to deliver results- Stage 1 • Works effectively with others and Influence others- Stage 1 • Develops & inspires others- Stage 1 • Lives the values- Stage 1 Functional Competencies: • Equipment Management- Competent • System Compliance- Competent • Food Safety & GMP Requirements- Competent • Environment process design and compliance- Competent • Quality Process Compliance: WTP & ETP, Sugar Process- Competent • Container preparation, filling & proportioning & QA tests- Competent • Quality Process Compliance- CIP & COP Process- Mastery • Quality Process Compliance- Product release (Taste test)- Competent It Knowledge : Working knowledge of MS Office. Travel : Almost nil


Vol. 02 NO 12

March 20th, 2018.

ITC JOBS : RESEARCH ASSOCIATE POST VACANT FOR MSC MICROBIOLOGY Msc microbiology candidates are eligible for a research associate position available at ITC R&D Centre. ITC R&D Centre is hiring for research associate post, msc microbiology candidates are requested to apply for the position. For more details on this check out all of the details below: Job Title : Research Associate

Experience : 1 – 4 Years Location : Bengaluru

Job Responsibilities: •

Be responsible for the assigned responsibilities on deliveries thorough the project schedules that he/she handles with specific emphasis towards claims substantiation. Be expected to excel in tedious research, applies sound analytical thinking and provides explicit documentations. Be required to extensively network, de-

• • • •

sign and coordinate studies with external CROs, analyse data and draw conclusions for claims suitability, within agreed time. Develop microbiology bioassays and document scientific reports and literature evidence to support product claims. Work in teams to enable development of product concept, pack text, pamphlet/brochure design, advertorials & promoter training on time. Be expected to independently contribute by devising solutions to frequently encountered problems within his/her group. Be expected to operate on his or her routine work area with minimal supervision. Be expected to demonstrate flair for experimental design and working on multiple tasks within the given time. Develop consumer demonstrations to communicate product benefit and contribute to build brand image. Be expected to be aware of market re-

search, consumer immersion, product and packaging desirables and benchmark analysis. Will participate in idea generation and troubleshooting activities within the group.

Role Overview: •

The JRA would be responsible for planning, coordinating and executing claims substantiation activities specifically requiring Microbiological techniques across different categories and Brands within PCP R&D on defined timelines. The JRA is expected to be well versed with Microbiology laboratory skills e.g. aseptic and sterile techniques, optical microscopy, bacterial staining, plating methods (streak, spread, pour, replica), isolation, enumeration and identification of bacteria/fungi, use of biological safety cabinets, media and buffer preparation, diagnostic biochemical tests for microbes, use of

selective media and relevant anti-microbial bioassays like time-kill, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Checkerboard etc.). The JRA would be required to extensively network, liaise closely with Commercial team and coordinate studies with various external testing labs (CROs) and analyse data received and draw conclusions for claims suitability. He/She is required to align and establish procedures, methods and bioassays relevant to the Microbiology and participate in creation of novel and differentiated product claims and consumer demonstrations.

Qualification : • •

Masters Degree – Microbiology with 1-3yrs Experience in FMCG or allied Industries PG – MS/M.Sc(Science) – Any Specialization, Microbiology

BIOSCIENCES WALK-IN DRIVE @ SYNGENE | HYBRIDOMA SCIENTIST VACANCIES MSc & MTech candidates with biotech, biochem and microbiology background are eligible for a walk-in at Syngene. MSc Candidates walk-in at Syngene Bangalore for Scientist vacancies. Syngene has announced March 2018 recruitment drive for biotch, biochem and microbiology as Per the details below: Job Title : Hybridoma Scientist – Bio-Technical Research Associate/Scientist Experience : 2 – 6 yrs


No.of.Posts : 03

Location : Bengaluru – India

Role Category : R&D

Employment Type : Permanent Job, Full Time Job Description: •

Experience in monoclonal antibody generation using hybridoma or other platforms.

Experience in cell based assays, immunological assays Expertise in flow-cytometry, preferably multi-color and sorting Expertise in animal handling and in vivo experimentation Experience in molecular biology proliferation), western blotting, IHC with antibodies.

Educational Qualification: •

M.S/M.Sc./M.Tech (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology) with 2- 6

yrs relevant experience. We are not looking for Ph.Ds

Walk-In Details: • • •

Date of Interview – 24th March 2018 Time of Interview – 9 AM onwards Venue of Interview – Syngene International Ltd Plot 2&3, Bommasandra Phase IV Biocon Park, Jigani Link Road Bommasandra Bangalore.

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