Biotecnika newspaper 27th nov 2017

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November 27th, 2017.

Vol. 01 NO 2








By Disha Padmanabha

With an illustrious career, Dr. Karunagaran stands as an inspiration to many young, aspiring scientists. A true scholar, Dr. Karunagaran has taught biochemistry at Coimbatore and part-time at SriKrishnadevaraya University, in a teaching career that spanned well over a decade in addition to pursuing his Ph.D. at the same time.

Exclusive Interview With Dr. Karunagaran, HOD – Dept of Biotech, IIT Madras His Alma Maters are JIPMER, Pondicherry where studied medical biochemistry, and Weizmann Institute, Israel where he received postdoctoral training. He is at present, the Head of Department for Biotechnology at the prestigious IIT Madras after working there since the year 2006. Specialised in cancer biology, Dr. Karunagaran has aced the fields of Biomedical and Biochemistry prior to training with the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, US. Armed with an enormous amount of in-depth knowledge in cancer logistics, his transition from being an educator to a researcher with publications that are considered classical citations is both incredible and highly inspiring- about which he talks about in much detail in our interview video. Dr. Karunagaran also provides insights into the field of signal transduction and shares his exemplary command over the subject.

country’s famed institutions with a vision to “tackle this deadly disease”. “People correlate scope with money,” says Mr. Karunagaran “[rather than that] consider the research avenues [in biotechnology]… it is a fantastic area of research” in an argument about why biotech students shouldn’t drop out or be disheartened. During the course of the interview, the man behind the very successful biotech department at IIT-M also divulges initiatives taken by the college to encourage young scientists & entrepreneurs, and drive enthusiasm towards the field of biotechnology. He further stresses the importance of competitive exams such as CSIR NET for any individual with a flair for research and a curious mind “making an attempt to pass these exams will definitely go a long way in achieving their goals,” he says.

“What kind of MicroRNAs would work as oncogenes [interested me], and how we could use this knowledge to treat cancer,” he says as he describes his years of work at one of the


Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.

JNU Researchers Formulate Water-Based Herbicides Herbicides that kill plants by inhibiting specific vital functions do not distinguish between crop plants and weeds. Such non-selective herbicides are generally applied before sowing/emergence of crop plants and their residual effects may affect crop performance. There is limited flexibility in the schedule of their application and their use requires caution. And the public’s increasing demand for safe “green” products has resulted in many new environmentally-friendly products becoming available for controlling weeds in the garden and landscape. Entering the league is a new technique devised by scientists at the Prestigious JNU that uses herbicides prepared simply by the use of water instead of organic solvents. Chemical weed-killers have a huge list of drawbacks. They’re expensive, harmful to other plants, pets and children, and most of all, can leach into water. When you use an herbicide and it rains soon after, all those chemicals end up in storm drains heading straight out into natural water supplies. Herbicides and pesticides have been responsible for fish kills and algae kills. Alternately, they settle into the soil and work their way down to the natural groundwater level, where they can get into household and commercial wells directly, and eventually end up in streams and ponds.

the waste products are washed away and removed using water instead of organic solvent. Also, the whole process is more pollution free. “Approximately five times more volume of organic solvents is required as compared to water in the preparation of same amount of herbicide. Using water is not only cost effective measure but also the whole process is pollution free as compared to using organic solvent,” said Dr BS Balaji. “25 litres of water will cost maximum 60 rupees while same amount of organic solvent would cost around Rs 3,000 to Rs 4,000,” he said. This would highly reduce the cost of herbicide production thus making it available to the farmers at much cheaper rate. However, what is required is its large scale production at industrial level. Balaji told that he has applied for “provisional patent” at the “Indian Patent Office” and meanwhile is also trying to scale up with industries for its large scale commercial production. “We have to take it from Lab to industry,” he concluded.

By Disha Padmanabha


The brain-child of Dr BS Balaji, Associate Professor at JNU’s School of Biotechnology, this herbicide prepared using water in place organic solvents involves the process where

KERAla government

to back student startups

The agency is now reaching out to students of biological sciences with a campaign to promote innovation and entrepreneurship and encourage them to establish start-up ventures in biotechnology.

By Disha Padmanabha

“This represents a new dimension in our evangelisation drive that has so far focussed on engineering institutes,” says Saji Gopinath, CEO, KSUM. The Pinarayi Vijayan-led government has also decided to revise norms in the state IT policy to align with the national Startup India campaign, providing greater incentives to startups in Kerala. State IT Secretary M Sivasankar issued orders in this regard this week following a proposal from the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) on schemes to develop an additional 500,000 sq ft of incubation space outside of the existing incubators in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and Kozhikode. KSUM recommended the participation of private sector to help realise the goal of the 2014 Kerala Technology Startup Policy of creating one million sq ft of IT incubation space, a statement said. The KSUM also has plans to establish a network of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres (IEDCs) in bioscience colleges. “Students from these centres can progress to bioincubators. We are also talking to the MIT Fab Lab Foundation, US, on


Kerala has been single-mindedly focused on building a thriving startup ecosystem for a while now, and the Kerala Start-Up Mission (KSUM), the nodal agency for implementing the state’s startup policy is an organisation pioneering this change.

setting up a Biofab Academy dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship in molecular and synthetic biology,” Dr. Gopinath said. “A spin-off benefit for students dabbling in start-ups is that they can dramatically improve their employability, thanks to the exposure to real-life situations,” says Dr. Gopinath. “Most students of biological sciences move on to research and teaching. The Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) is reaching out to students

of biological sciences with a campaign to promote innovation and entrepreneurship and encourage them to establish start-up ventures in biotechnology. Private and government funding for start-ups stood at 263 crore in the year 2015-16. It has also come up with a Kerala-based venture capital funding scheme for start-ups.” The activities initiated in the IEDCs are expected to equip the students to come up with

innovative ideas for professional mentorship and funding.

Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.


Cell culture is a process where the cells are taken from an animal or plant and grown artificially under controlled conditions. The traditional way of growing cells in the lab is over the surface area of a flask and then detaching them chemically or enzymatically for use. The cells are produced in batches but the batch size is limited to the area upon which the cells are grown. This restriction is a well-recognized bottle-neck in therapeutic cell manufacture. But now, researchers at the Newcastle University have developed a coating which allows individual stromal cells to get detached and peel away from the surface on which they are grown. This creates more space so that further cells can grow in their place – continuously. The team has also demonstrated that the process works across a range of stromal cells including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Che Connon, Professor of Tissue Engineering and author of the paper, said: “This allows us to move away, for the first time, from the batch production of cells to an unremitting process. Remarkably, with this continuous production technique even a culture surface

the size of a penny can, over a period of time, generate the same number of cells as a much larger-sized flask. The concept also represents an important innovation for cell-based therapies, where treatments can require up to a billion cells per patient. With our new technology, one square meter would produce enough cells to treat 4,000 patients, while traditional methods would require an area equivalent to a football pitch!” “Our new technology also offers complete control over the rate of cell production, so it could be scaled up using existing stacked culture flasks to produce one billion cells per week, or scaled down so as to fit a bioreactor on the head of a pin.” The team’s study addresses this challenge, describing a special “peptide amphiphile” coating that allows adherent cells to reach a steady balance between growth and detachment. The self-detaching cells are then produced in a continuous bioprocess and available for use in a variety of downstream applications without losing their original characteristics. The potential reduced size of a continuous cell bioprocess has obvious ad-

vantages in terms of lower production costs and increased coverage and application. Martina Miotto, a PhD student from the Institute of Genetic Medicine, who is first author on the paper, said: “The concept of a continuous bioprocess is currently used to produce biopharmaceuticals such as vaccines and anti-cancer antibodies, but never before for cells. “There is a fantastically high number of patients in need of cell therapy, such as those suffering from heart, cartilage, skin and cancer related diseases. Our new technology provides a much-needed solution while saving costs, reducing materials and improving the quality and the standardisation of the final product.”

Scientists Design CRISPR/Cas9-edited, Self-Destructible Transgenic Mosquitoes Yellow, Three-Eyed, Wingless Mosquitoes Created Using CRISPR Gene Editing Tool with the Cas9 enzyme embedded in their germline. The development of CRISPR/Cas9 technologies has dramatically increased the accessibility and efficiency of genome editing in many organisms. In general, in vivo germline expression of Cas9 results in substantially higher activity than embryonic injection. However, no transgenic lines expressing Cas9 have been developed for the major mosquito disease vector Aedes aegypti. The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is the principal vector of many arboviruses, such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and zika. These pathogens are globally widespread and pose significant epidemiological burdens on infected populations, resulting in hundreds of millions infections and over 50,000 deaths per year. Due to the hazards they impose, many methods for controlling Ae. aegypti populations have been implemented, with the most common being chemical insecticides. However, chemical control has proven incapable of stopping the spread of Ae. aegypti, primarily due to the mosquito’s ability to rapidly adapt to new climates, tendency to oviposit in minimal water sources, desiccation-tolerant eggs, and quick development of insecticide resistance. Therefore, significant efforts are currently underway to discern the underlying molecular and genetic mechanisms important for

arboviral vector competence, with the overall aim of developing insecticide-free ways to disrupt viral disease cycles. Joining the league, researchers at the University of California, Riverside have developed transgenic mosquitoes that stably express the Cas9 enzyme in their germline. The addition of Cas9 will enable the use of the CRISPR gene editing tool to make efficient, targeted changes to the mosquitoes’ DNA. As proof of concept, the researchers used the system to disrupt cuticle, wing, and eye development, producing completely yellow, three-eyed and wingless mosquitoes. Their long-term goal is to use Cas9-expressing mosquitoes together with another technology—called gene drives—to insert and spread genes that suppress the insects while avoiding the resistance that evolution would typically favor. Aedes aegypti are major carriers of dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and zika viruses, and are rapidly becoming resistant to commonly used pesticides. This is just a first step, however, according to lead researcher Omar Akbari, an assistant professor of entomology at UC Riverside, who published the study. Ultimately, the plan is to combine CRISPR-Cas9 with the use of gene drives systems, a technology that in-

creases the chance for a particular gene to express from a parent organism to its offspring.

TECHNIQUE THAT ALLOWS CONTIONUS PRODUCTION AND COLLECTION OF CELLS obtain the power to effect an entire species. Therefore, the gene drives should be dealt with great thought and educated hesitation. The dangers don’t seem to concern Abkari, he concluded, “Next steps should be undertaken to identify the regulatory sequences that can be used to express the guide RNAs from the genome, and once these sequences are identified gene drives in the species should be turnkey.”

“These Cas9 strains can be used to develop split-gene drives which are a form of gene-drive by which the Cas9 and the guide RNA’s are inserted at separate genomic loci and depend on each other for spread. This is the safest way to develop and test gene drives in the laboratory to ensure no spread into the wild,” Akbari said. The team is aiming at using Cas9-expressing mosquitoes together with another technology called gene drives. This will cause the mutations to spread and also avoid the resistance to reproduction that the mosquito will display toward mutated mosquitoes that evolution would typically favor. Gene drives significantly raise the odds, from 50% to 99%, that a gene or set of genes will be transmitted to offspring. This count can possibly increase to 100% when a target gene is subjected to disruption in multiple sites, an approach known as multiplexing that has recently been mathematically modeled by researchers. Gene drives can be involved to bias genetic inheritance in favor of genes that are self-destructive and spread rapidly, similar to those that disrupt fertility, and could be a cost-effective and environment-friendly approach to control the populations of disease-spreading insects. However, using gene drives does bring with it some unwanted effects. One of the most concerning thoughts is that a gene drive could


Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.

Purify Your Water with Burnt Wood “Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink,” as the old saying goes. A more apt statement for these times might be, “water, water everywhere, but is it safe to drink?” And if it’s not, what is a reliable water purification process? Engineers at the University of Maryland have now found that porous types of wood from trees like poplar and pine can greatly increase the efficiency of water-to-steam conversion under sunlight. Their findings could be used in a simple and inexpensive biodegradable device for water purification. “I think there are many, many materials that can be used in solar steam generation, but wood really stands out in terms of performance as well as cost,” says senior author Liangbing Hu, Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering in the A. James Clark School of Engineering and the University of Maryland Energy Innovation Institute. While different materials can be used, including graphite and copper nanotubes, Hu and his team found wood to be effective–but not all types of wood are equal. Of the species they evaluated, the more porous types like pine and poplar were most efficient. They observed that denser species, like the

tropical hardwood cocobolo, generate steam at a slower rate since they have fewer pores through which water can travel. The team tested the solar steam generation efficiency of wood blocks with a range of densities, each the size of the palm of a hand and only 1 or 2 mm thick. To darken the wood so it could better absorb heat from the sun, they carbonized (burned) the top of each block, and then they measured the rate at which water traveling through the wood was converted into steam. They found that elements of the wood’s structure helped facilitate the process efficiently, with microscopic pores and larger channels allowing water to flow quickly and continuously to the sun-heated surface.

By Disha Padmanabha


Hu believes that porous wood has the potential to generate freshwater on a large scale sometime in the near future. He envisions wooden solar steam generation devices being used in water treatment plants across regions with plenty of saltwater and sunshine, from California to Singapore to Saudi Arabia. “We are trying to push this technology further for use as a product, eventually, for addressing water issues with high efficiency,” Hu says.

BEING BORN IN JANUARY COULD UP YOUR RISK OF DIABETES Babies born in winter have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life and fall babies have a greater lifetime risk of depression. What might explain these curious connections? A team at Columbia University has studied the health records of over ten million people across three different countries and discovered some compelling links between a person’s lifetime disease risk and the month they were born in. It has become increasingly clear that prenatal and early childhood environmental exposures can affect one’s health in adulthood. However, studying these links poses special problems. “A conventional prospective study would be lengthy, costly, and, above all else, unethical,” said study leader Nicholas Tatonetti, PhD, assistant professor of biomedical informatics at Columbia University and in Columbia’s Data Science Institute. “But we can address these questions by analyzing health records, looking for connections between birth month—as a proxy for environmental exposures—and actual health outcomes.” In a 2015 study, Dr. Tatonetti and Mary Regina Boland, PhD, a former CUMC graduate student now at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, analyzed the health records of 1.7 million people in


New York City, finding intriguing links between birth month and long-term disease risk. For instance, asthma risk was greatest for babies born in July and October. “But that study didn’t reveal what the mothers may have been exposed to during these months that might account for the increased risk in their children,” said Dr. Tatonetti. “To answer those questions, we needed to look at several countries, with a variety of climates and seasonal exposures.” In the course of this study, electronic health records from 10.5 million individuals from the United States, South Korea, and Taiwan were analysed using a method developed by Drs. Boland and Tatonetti. The study found that mothers who were exposed to low levels of sunlight during the third trimester of pregnancy had babies with an increased lifetime risk of type 2 diabetes. For babies born in New York City, a birthday between December and March, when light levels are lowest, corresponded to an increased diabetes risk. A mother’s increased exposure to fine air par-

ticulates during the first trimester was associated with her child’s increased risk of atrial fibrillation (a potentially dangerous abnormal heart rhythm). In New York City—where air pollution is highest in the summer—that means babies born in the winter are at highest risk. Similarly, mothers who were exposed to high doses of carbon monoxide—which varies seasonally depending on location— during the first trimester had babies with an increased risk of depression and anxiety. “All of our major findings linking birth seasonal patterns with variance in environmental exposures fit into known mechanistic pathways,” said Dr. Boland. “This is crucial because it demonstrates the utility of our method and further underscores the importance of environmental exposures during development and the impact they may have throughout life.” The study also demonstrated that the strongest factor in determining whether a child would later be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was not birth season. Rather, children who were younger than their peers at the time they

were enrolled in school had a higher risk of ADHD, with an 18 percent difference in risk between the youngest and oldest children. While the findings of this study are similar to those of single-country studies, this is the first to investigate relative age and disease in multiple countries with four different school enrollment cutoff dates. “Overall, our findings demonstrate the importance of environmental factors, including socio-environmental factors such as relative age, on the development of childhood diseases,” said Dr. Boland.

Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.


PUBLISH YOUR RESEARCH WORK IN ESTEEMED JOURNALS - CALL FOR PAPERS @ ICBHE 2018 BY SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY About Sathyabama University Sathyabama University was established under section (3) of the UGC Act, 1956 (A Christian Minority Institution) by JEPPIAAR EDUCATIONAL TRUST in 1987. It is a pioneer institute imparting knowledge in the areas of engineering, science, technology and education. The institution’s progress and contribution in the field of technical education for over two decades made the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India to grant Deemed University status on 16th July, 2001 and University status on 13th September, 2006 under section(3) of the UGC Act, 1956. About the School of Bio & Chemical Engineering The School of Bio & Chemical Engineering is a conglomerate of four disciplines of technology namely the Department of Biotechnology, Department of Bioinformatics, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering. The faculty has a greater mission of upgrading the quality of technical education of the students that caters the need of twenty first century. About the program The International Conference on Bioengineering on Health and Environment, ICBHE’17, organized by the School of Bio and Chemical Engineering to promotes exchange of novel thoughts and creative ideas amongst academicians, industrialists, students and research scholars. This forum provides expression of innovative research experience as oral and poster presentation where there’s freedom to discuss, debate and defend their findings to benefit all concerned. Conference Themes BIOTECHNOLOGY | INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY | BIOINFORMATICS | SYSTEM BIOLOGY |BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Call For Papers Authors are requested to submit a one page abstract of their original and unpublished research work on or before 30th November 2017 via email through icbhe2017@gmail. com. All the papers submitted for the conference will be reviewed by peer committee before selection. Upon acceptance full length manuscripts of the conference will be published scopus and Web of Science (WoS) indexed Journals. Virtual Presentation Researchers from abroad are encouraged to make use of virtual presentation opportunities. For more details, please contact

List of Journals IOP Conference series : Material Science & Engineering Current NanoScience Journal of pure and applied microbiology Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Guidelines to the Authors Authors are requested to submit the full paper in format not exceeding 8 pages inclusive of Abstract and References. Templates of Abstract Submission and Full Paper Submission Abstract Template – Download Full Paper Template – Download Templates of Abstract Submission and Full Paper Submission. After the acceptance of the abstract the authors will be intimated to submit the full papers. Full papers will be peer-revieweSubmission of abstract/full paper needs to be done electronically via the SUBMISSION link (or) Conference Mail id On Acceptance of the Abstract, at least one of the authors MUST register on or before 30th November, 2017 along with filled in registration form and along with DD or proof of Wire Transfer for the inclusion of the paper in the proceedings Full papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be published in Scopus indexed Journals Accepted papers must be presented in the conference venue according to the Program Schedule. Failure to do so will result in exclusion of the paper in the Scopus Indexed Journals During Payment via Wire Transfer kindly mention ICBHE 2017 after your name. Important Dates Abstract Submission: 30th November, 2017 Intimation of Acceptance: 10th December, 2017 Submission of Full Paper: 15thJanuary, 2018 Early Bird Registration: 05th December, 2017 Last Date for Registration : 24th December, 2017 Conference Dates: 8th-10th January, 2018 Invited Speakers Prof. Bulent MERTOGLU, Department of Bioengineering, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. MUHAMMAD BAHI, Chemistry Dept, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University Dr Imene ZENDAH EL EUCH, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université de Tunis el Manar Dr. P.V. Shivaprasad, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (NCBS-TIFR) GKVK Campus, Bangalore.

Dr.Aswin Sai Narain Seshasayee, Reader-F, National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS-TIFR), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, GKVK, Bangalore. Prof. P. Gautam, Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai Dr.Nahren Manuel Mascarenhas, Department of Chemistry, Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, Vellore Dr. Kannan A, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Col. Dr. A. Jayakrishnan, Ph.D., FASc., FNA, Professor, Department of Biotechnology Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai. Dr. Agastian S. Theoder, P., Associate Professor, Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Nungambakkam, Chennai. Dr.Senthilkumar Muthusamy, Institute of Molecular Cardiology; Diabetes and Obesity Center, Department of Medicine, University of Louisville, USA. Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept of Anatomy, NUS, Singapore Dr. Swaminathan Palanisami, NVICO, Chennai Dr. S. Suresh Kumar, Dept of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Dr. S Gokul Shankar, Dept of Biochem, Faculty of Medicine, Aimst University, University in Bedong, Malaysia. Mr M. BALA SUNDARAM, Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Aimst University, University in Bedong, Malaysia. Advisory Committee Dr. G. K. Suraishkumar, Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, IIT Madras Dr. B.Gopalan, Chief Scientific Officer & Director, Drug Discovery Research, Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Chennai. Prof. Elangovan Vellaichamy, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Madras, Chennai, India. Prof. Annie Abraham, Prof & Head, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Kerala, Trivandrum. Dr. Shashi Kumar Rhode, Group Leader, Metabolic Engineering, ICGEB, New Delhi, India Prof. Mukesh Doble, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Madras Dr. V. Natarajan, Scientist-G, Director, Research & Innovation Centre, IIT Madras Research Park, Chennai. Dr.K. Purna Sai, Senior Scientist, Biological Material Laboratory, CSIR-CLRI, Chennai. Prof. S. Sudhakar, Prof & Head, Dept. of Biotechnology, M. S University, Tirunelveli. Dr. N. Thajuddin, Prof & Head, Dept. of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. Dr.Suresh kumar, Department of Medical

Microbiology and Parasitology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Dr. AM Murugan, Assistant professor, Department of Botany and Microbiology, King Saud University Senthilkumar Muthusamy, Affiliation Institute of Molecular Cardiology; Diabetes and Obesity Center, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America Dr.T.Thirunalasundari, Professor and Head, Department of Industrial biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, India S.GokulSankar, Associate Professor in Microbiology Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, Kedah, Malaysia Accommodation Accommodation for research scholars and participants will be arranged in University Hostels as per the request ( first come first served). For both Indian and foreign participants those who are in interested to stay in hotels will be arranged on a payment basis. Contact Us Organizing Secretary : Dr. T. Sasipraba, Pro Vice Chancellor, Sathyabama University. Email Convener: Dr. Anima Nanda, Dean , School of Bio and Chemical engineering, Contact no: 9443786840 Dr. Antony V Samrot, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Contact no:9894647825 Dr. C Valli Nachiyar, Professor,Department of Biotechnology, Contact no:9840059604 Co-Convener: Mr. G Narendra Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Contact no: 9445266138 Ms. Raji P, Assistant professor, Department of Biotechnology, Contact no:9789842114 Coordinators: Ms. Rashmi Jenna, Contact no:9940537185 Ms. C Sai Sahithya, Contact no:7358743216 For More Details Visit

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Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH ABSTRACTS INVITED As you know, the incidence of cancer is relatively higher in developed countries and as India is becoming developed, so is the high incidence of cancer. After highly successful six TCR (Translational Cancer Research) conferences in India,7th International Conference on Translational Cancer Research is being organized from February 8 -11, 2018, in Chennai (Madras) , India. Important Dates Hostel accommodation (students) December 5,2017 Abstract submission November 30, 2017 Regular registration December 31, 2017 Late registration January 01,2017 onwards (If available) About : In the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, it became acceptable for doctors to dissect bodies to discover the cause of death. The German professor Wilhelm Fabry believed that breast cancer was caused by a milk clot in a mammary duct. The physician John Hill described tobacco snuff as the cause of nose cancer in 1761. This was followed by the report in 1775 by British surgeon Percivall Pott that chimney sweeps’ carcinoma, a cancer of the scrotum, was a common disease among chimney sweeps. With the widespread use of the microscope in the 18th century, it was discovered that the ‘cancer poison’ spread from the primary tumor through the lymph nodes to other sites (“metastasis”). How cancer was treated before these therapies came along, is also equally important. These so called ancient therapies included overall change in life style including dietary habits, exercise, yoga, meditation, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani. For instance Ayurveda describes different stages of tumorigenesis as chronic inflammatory and intractable diseases with the possibility of developing malignancy, precancerous growth or probable malignancy, granthi (benign landular swelling), and arbuda or definite malignancy. According to Ayurveda (a science of long life) which has been around 5000 years, cancer results from lifestyle errors, such as unhealthy foods, poor hygiene, or poor behavior, or from physical trauma, all leading to imbalances of vata, pitta, and kapha, resulting in injury to the inner layer of the dermis (rohini, the sixth layer of the skin) and the formation of abnormal branches of blood


vessels. Our current conference is focused on both ancient as well as modern treatments that are available for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Registration before November 30, 2017 for submitting abstracts for award session is compulsory

communicated by e-mail to the conference secretariat. Registration fees includes: Participation in

The broad topics to be covered in this meeting are : Modern medicine and cancer treatment Personalized medicine, targeted therapies, OMICS, microbiome and cancer treatment Ayurveda in cancer treatment & Prevention Yoga in cancer treatment & prevention Traditional Chinese Medicine in cancer treatment & prevention Diet/nutrition in Cancer treatment & prevention Some of our past distinguished speakers have been: Drs. Michael Karin (UCSD), Vishva Dixit (Genentech), John Mendelsohn (MD Anderson), S. Nagata (Osaka Univ), Ray DuBois (Phoenix), Curtis Harris (NCI), Shanker Ghosh (Columbia), Margaret Foti (AACR), Alberto Mantovani (Milan), Caroline Dive (Manchester), Yves Pommier (NCI), Ellen Gritz (Houston), Mansukh Wani (North Carolina), Susan Horwitz (New York); Shiv Grewal (National Cancer Institute) and Axel Ulrich (Munich). First conference in Trivandrum was inaugurated by the then President of India, Dr. Abdul P. J. Kalam; second conference in Mumbai (Lonavala) by President of Tata Cancer Center, Dr. Kateyn Dinshaw; third conference in Bhubaneshwar (Orissa) by Chief Minister of Orissa Mr. Navin Patnaik; fourth conference in Udaipur (Rajasthan) by Chief Minister of Rajasthan Mr. Shiv Raj Patil and fifth conference in Vigyan Bhavan, Delhi by Vice President of India, Honorable Hamid Ansari; sixth conference in Ahmedabad (Gujarat) by Ex-Director of the Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Pankaj M. Shah. Oral/Poster Presentation awards: There will be 10 oral/poster presentation awards. Scientific committee will select outstanding abstracts (received before November 30, 2017 from each category for oral/ poster presentation awards. Presentations of the selected outstanding abstracts will be evaluated during the conference and award winners will be announced. The award presentations will be separately evaluated in various categories including (i) P.G. Students (ii) JRFs/Ph.D. Students (iii) SRFs/Junior faculty members etc.

Instructions: • All the abstracts for invited talks and oral/ poster presentations should be submitted before deadline. • Name of presenting author should be highlighted in bold and underline. • One delegate will be able to give only one presentation. • Last Date of Abstract Submission is November 30, 2017. • Abstract must be typed and presented in English. • Use the Font type Arial and Font Size 10. • The Abstract should not exceed 350 words. • It is mandatory to mail a soft copy to • Poster size: 4ft W x 3ft H (soft board and pins will be provided) Last Date for Abstract Submission is 30th Nov, 2017 Filled registration form should be sent to: Dr. Karunagaran, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Madras, Chennai-600036. Note: 1. Please send the filled form along with Cheque /DD, to the conference secretariat. 2. Please mention your Name, City and Mobile No. on the backside of Cheque/DD. 3. Registration confirmation will be sent by e-mail only after receiving the duly filled Registration form along with the registration fees and realization of cheque/ D.D. 4. The official receipt of the registration will be handed over to you at the registration desk during the conference. 5. Student delegates MUST submit proof and a letter signed by Head of the Institution /Department /Supervisor on the Institute letter head. 6. In case of bank transfer, details should be

inaugural function, participation in all scientific sessions during the conference, conference kit, Conference book and other educational materials, Lunch on 8th -11th February 2018 at Westin hotel. SPONSORSHIP DELIVERABLES We are happy to inform you that the 7th International Conference on Translational Cancer Research is scheduled to be held on FEB 08 – 11,2018 Westin Hotel, Chennai. Industries will have the option of being a Platinum, Gold or Silver Sponsor. Industries also have the opportunity to put up stalls at the conference venue during the entire period of the conference. I request you to take this unique opportunity to be a partner in the progress towards the Biological revolution in India. THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE SPONSORING COMPANIES : Platinum Rs. 3 lakhs. Stall (big) + 3 representatives Gold Rs. 2 lakhs. Stall (big) + 2 representatives Silver Rs. 1 lakh. Stall (big) + 1 representative Industry – Rs. 15,000 ( 1 representative, without stall) Stall size 3 meters X 3 metersX 3 meters (big) Small 2 meters X 3 meters X 3 meters

Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.

JOBS POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWS@ MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR BIOLOGY OF AGEING The Department for „Molecular Genetics of Ageing“ headed by director Prof. Dr. Adam Antebi at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing is looking for full time Postdoctoral Research Fellows (job code 27-2017). The Antebi Department for “Molecular Genetics of Ageing” investigates how diet, reproduction, and hormones impact animal life span, mostly using the worm Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism. The overarching goals are to reveal conserved and convergent mechanisms of longevity, and to understand how hormones and small molecule metabolites affect metabolism, signal transduction and ageing. We apply a multidiscipli-

nary approach combining, genetics, systems biology, cell and molecular biology, imaging, biochemistry and mass spectrometry in order to understand the biology of ageing and age-related disease. We seek a highly motivated, ambitious, and talented scientist to join an enthusiastic and collaborative team in an outstanding scientific environment to perform research on longevity mechanisms in a worm model system. The research topic will most likely revolve around the functions and regulations of the nucleolus during the aging process. Qualifications: The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D.

in a relevant research area such as molecular biology, genetics, or biochemistry and has a strong track record of accomplishment. Prior experience with model organisms (yeast, worm, fly, mouse) would be welcome, but are not required. The applicant should have a keen interest in the biology of ageing, and excellent written and oral communication skills. The working language is English; knowledge of the German language is not required.

in our laboratory, your CV and bibliography as well as, contact information for 3 references, in electronic form as one single pdf-file via our online application platform until December 31st 2017.

Application: Then please upload your complete application documents, containing a one-page letter with a personal statement describing your scientific accomplishments and your interests

For further information about the Institute and the Antebi department please see

Informal inquiries are welcome and should be sent to recruitment-AA@age.

GOVT JOB @HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED(HPCL) BIOTECH & MICROBIOLOGY CANDIDATES APPLY ENGAGEMENT OF FIXED TERM PROJECT ASSISTANTS FOR HP GREEN R&D CENTRE, BENGALURU Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is a Government of India enterprise operating in the Oil and Natural Gas sector which has been conferred with the Navaratna Status. Apart from various other innumerable recognitions, it also ranks at 384 in fortune global 500 list and 48 in Platts top 250 Global Energy Companies in the year 2016. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR FIXED TERM PROJECT ASSISTANT: To assist Scientists carrying out research project(s). Prepare samples for establishing methods of analysis & carrying out routine analysis related to the assigned project(s). Monitoring batch reactions for optimizing reaction conditions Running pilot plants in shifts. Carryout any other job(s) assigned by the reporting scientist. EDUCATION QUALIFICATION AND WORK EXPERIENCE: Discipline : BSc Prescribed full time degrees : Microbiology Biotechnology Note: At the time of application, the candidate should have proof of award of Degree. Candidates (belonging to General and OBC-

NC category) should have secured minimum 60% marks (aggregate marks of all semesters/ years) in qualifying degree examinations and Post Graduation degree, relaxed to 50% (aggregate marks of all semesters/years) for SC/ ST/PWD candidates. Candidates with Integrated Courses can also apply. Candidates should have passed qualifying degree examinations and awarded degree in the above mentioned disciplines. All Degree/ Diploma qualifications should be full time regular course/s from AICTE approved / UGC recognized University/Deemed University. Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved / recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/AICTE. Wherever CGPA/DGPA or letter grade in a Degree/Diploma is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application as per norms adopted by University/ Institution. Soft copy of the detailed CV to be uploaded along with the Application Form. AGE LIMIT: 28 years or below as on 20 November 2017. Age relaxation for OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates will be applicable as per the Presidential Directives. MODE OF SELECTION : Selection will be made on the basis of screening of applications and Testimonials as per the eligibility norms and written test (depending upon the no. of applications) of eligible candidates followed by personal interview by the Selection Committee.

Candidates shortlisted after initial scrutiny will be intimated thru portal. Candidates are advised to visit the portal from time to time for completing this exercise. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. STIPEND: An all-inclusive stipend of Rs.30,000/- to Rs.40,000/- per month depending on qualification & experience, is payable. This includes HRA, Accident Insurance, Medical Insurance, etc. the company does not provide any transport facility for commuting to office. However there is a sharing bus facility which has to be availed by the PROJECT ASSOCIATEs on pay and use basis. Breakfast and lunch facilities are provided at the office premises for which a nominal monthly lumpsum amount will be deducted. The premium towards Insurances will be deducted from the stipend. As part of the discharge of their duties they may be required to travel to other locations. Work related travel expenses will be separately reimbursed as per the entitlements. HOW TO APPLY: Login to and click on Career Opportunities. Visit Engagement of Fixed Term Project Assistants at HP Green R&D Centre Bengaluru under ‘Currently open Job advertisements’. Read all the instructions given on the website carefully. Candidates should keep scanned copy of Passport size photo (in jpg/gif format less than 500 kb) and Soft copy of the detailed CV (including brief description of PhD topic in case of PhD candidates) ready before filling online application form. Fill in the online application form with all

the relevant details carefully (details once submitted cannot be modified). Upload Scan copy of your latest passport size photograph and Detailed CV. Upon completion, submit the online application by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page You will get a system generated unique 12 Digit Application / Reference No. Please note that this Application / Reference No. is important and will be required for all future references throughout the selection process. Candidates are advised to take a Printout of the Online Application Form , affix his/her recent passport size photograph, put his/her signature at the space provided and keep with him/ her safely for future reference. Candidates are not required to submit hard copy of the application form to HPCL Candidates with multiple applications for same discipline are liable to be rejected. The details filled in the online application form will be considered final and no changes will be entertained w.r.t. personal/ any other details, later on. Interested candidates should only apply online on our website under Career Opportunities section. Any further corrigendum / addendum would be uploaded only on our website Candidates may write to e-mail: for any further queries and information. Important Dates: Commencement of online application : 20 November 2017 Last date of online application by candidates : 11 December 2017


Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.

GOVT RESEARCH JOB VACANCIES @ZSI - ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Interested and eligible candidates are requested to appear before the selection committee on 05-12-2017 at 11:30 AM for the following posts for Himalayan fellowship “Lepidoptera (Insecta) as potential Indicator Taxa for tracking Climate Change in the Indian Himalayan Landscape” under NMHS programme at the Zoological Survey of India, Head Qtrs., ‘M’ Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053, West Bengal, India. Position I Name of the Post : Himalayan Research Associate (HRA)

Desirable : Prior work experience in the Indian Himalayan Region/ Knowledge / experience / interest in taxonomy/ecology/DNA Barcoding/Molecular phylogeny/climate change with at least one publication in SCI journal. Proven experience in Data analysis, GIS, Bioinformatics, Science writing and communication. Position II Name of the Post : Himalayan Junior Research Fellow Age Limit : up to 28 years Fellowship :

Age Limit : up to 40 years Fellowship : [RA-I Rs.36,000 RA-II Rs. 38,000 RA-III Rs. 40,000] +HRA Essential Qualification : M. Sc. & Ph.D in Zoology/Life Sciences/ or equivalent*

[JRF Rs. 16,000 for first two years and SRF Rs. 18,000 (after two years & fulfilling requirements)] + HRA Essential Qualification : **M. Sc. in Zoology/ Life Sciences/ any branch of biological Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University

Desirable : Experience /knowledge/interest on field data collection for DNA Barcoding/ Bioinformatics/Taxonomy/Molecular Phylogeny/ Ecology/GIS/ Climate change. * Candidate with Ph.D. thesis submitted may also apply. ** Desirable qualifications are only indicative in nature. In case of exceptional candidates, these may berelaxed. UGC/CSIR NET JRF/GATE qualified candidates would be awarded fellowship in line with DST norms, while otherwise competent/ suitable candidates would be provided fellowship as mentioned above which are likely to be amended as per ZSI norms Duration : Initially up to 31st March 2018, may be extended for further period(s) based on satisfactory performance of individual and funding. How to Apply: Candidates appearing for the walk-in-interview are required to register from 10:00-

11:00 AM on the day of interview at Zoological Survey of India, ‘M’ Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053. Candidates should bring the duly filled-in application with attested true copies of testimonials of qualifications, experience, date of birth etc. along with copies of mark sheets of all examinations. All original documents should be produced at the time of registration No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates for appearing for the interview. Interested candidate may contact Dr. Vikas Kumar,, +919674944233 for details/quarries. The application form can be downloaded from the Zoological Survey of India website Walk-In Details: Date of Interview – 05-12-2017 Registration Time – 10:00-11:00 AM Time of Interview – 11.30 AM onwards Venue of Interview – Zoological Survey of India, ‘M’ Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053.

HPCL HIRING FOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE POST WITH MONTHLY STIPEND OF RS. 60,000/ENGAGEMENT OF FIXED TERM RESEARCH ASSOCIATES FOR HP GREEN R&D CENTRE, BENGALURU Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is a Government of India enterprise operating in the Oil and Natural Gas sector which has been conferred with the Navaratna Status. Apart from various other innumerable recognitions, it also ranks at 384 in fortune global 500 list and 48 in Platts top 250 Global Energy Companies in the year 2016. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR FIXED TERM RESEARCH ASSISTANT: To prepare project proposal including work plan on the specific research topic assigned to the candidate. To carryout research activities on the specific topic including literature search, set up experimental facilities, if required, carryout experimental/ pilot/ simulation studies. Interpret results and undertake studies for further development/ improvement. Prepare technical reports. Carryout any other activities that are assigned from time to time. EDUCATION QUALIFICATION AND WORK EXPERIENCE: Discipline : PhD – Bio Sciences Prescribed full time degrees : Bio Energy


Microbiology Molecular biology Life Sciences Candidates should have at least 3 years of Laboratory experience of working on Bacterial, Yeast or Fungal Molecular Biology areas/ projects during their PHD work. The candidates should be well versed with microbial culturing, bioprocess optimization, cloning, sequencing and analysis, protein purification etc. Candidates with PhD in Microbiology & Biotechnology with Molecular Biology as a part of their thesis will be preferred. Note: Candidates should have passed qualifying degree examinations and awarded degree in engineering and/or PhD in the above mentioned disciplines. All Degree/Diploma qualifications should be full time regular course/s from AICTE approved / UGC recognized University/Deemed University. The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved / recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/ AICTE. Candidates with Integrated Degrees should have done a Full Time Course. Candidates with Integrated Courses can also apply. Wherever CGPA/DGPA or letter grade in a Degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application as per norms adopted by University/ Institution. Soft copy of the detailed CV including brief

description of Ph.D. topic to be uploaded along with the Application For AGE LIMIT: 32 years or below as on 20 November 2017. Age relaxation for OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates will be applicable as per the Presidential Directives. MODE OF SELECTION : Selection will be made on the basis of screening of applications and Testimonials as per the eligibility norms of eligible candidates followed by personal interview by the Selection Committee. In the event of number of applications being large, corporation will adopt shortlisting criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number by any one or more of the following methods : On the basis of higher educational qualifications than minimum prescribed in the advertisement. On the basis of higher experience in the relevant fields than minimum prescribed in the advertisement On the basis of number of patents/high impact factor publications By holding a written test. Candidates shortlisted after initial scrutiny will be intimated thru portal. Candidates are advised to visit the portal from time to time for completing this exercise. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.

STIPEND: An all-inclusive stipend of Rs.50,000/- to Rs.60,000/- per month depending on qualification & experience, is payable. This includes HRA, Accident Insurance, Medical Insurance, etc. The company does not provide any transport facility for commuting to office. However there is a sharing bus facility which has to be availed by the Research Associates on pay and use basis. Breakfast and lunch facilities are provided at the office premises for which a nominal monthly lumpsum amount will be deducted. The premium towards Insurances will be deducted from the stipend. As part of the discharge of their duties they may be required to travel to other locations. Work related travel expenses will be separately reimbursed as per the entitlements. HOW TO APPLY: Login to and click on Career Opportunities. Visit Engagement of Fixed Term Research Assistants at HP Green R&D Centre Bengaluru under ‘Currently open Job advertisements’. Read all the instructions given on the website carefully. Candidates should keep scanned copy of Passport size photo (in jpg/gif format less than 500 kb) and Soft copy of the detailed CV (including brief description of PhD topic in case of PhD candidates) ready before filling online application form.

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Vol. 01 NO 2 Fill in the online application form with all the relevant details carefully (details once submitted cannot be modified). Upload Scan copy of your latest passport size photograph and Detailed CV. Upon completion, submit the online application by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page You will get a system generated unique 12 Digit Application / Reference No. Please note that this Application / Reference No. is important and will be required for all future references throughout

November 27th, 2017. the selection process. Candidates are advised to take a Printout of the Online Application Form , affix his/her recent passport size photograph, put his/her signature at the space provided and keep with him/ her safely for future reference. Candidates are not required to submit hard copy of the application form to HPCL Candidates with multiple applications for same discipline are liable to be rejected. The details filled in the online application form will be considered final and no changes

will be entertained w.r.t. personal/ any other details, later on. Interested candidates should only apply online on our website under Career Opportunities section. Any further corrigendum / addendum would be uploaded only on our website

Important Dates: Commencement of online application : 20 November 2017 Last date of online application by candidates : 11 December 2017

Candidates may write to e-mail: for any further queries and information.

GOVT JOB: SCIENTIST B POST VACANT @CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Central Pollution Control Board (Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change) ‘Parivesh Bhawan’ East Arjun Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India is a statutory organisation under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). It was established in 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1974. CPCB is also entrusted with the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. It serves as a field formation and also provides technical services to the Ministry of Environment and Forests under the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Job Title – Scientist B No.of.Posts – 01 Age Limits – Not exceeding 35 Years. NOTE: There shall be no upper age limit in respect of officers already working in the Central Pollution Control Board for the above posts of Scientist ‘B’. Age relaxation to the highly experienced candidates shall be

considered by the Competent Authority on the merit of the case.

plication form can be downloaded from our website

Qualifications: Essential Qualifications – Master’s Degree in Chemistry (02 Posts) & Microbiology (01 Post) from a recognized University or Institution. Preferential Qualifications – NET Qualified / Ph.D.

1. Application should be sent either in English or in Hindi and in the prescribed proforma itself. 2. The number of posts likely to increase or decrease. 3. Place of Posting : Anywhere in India. 4. Only Indian Nationals need to apply. 5. The Board reserves the right not to fill up the post, if it so decides. 6. No correspondence/representation will be entertained in regard to the call for interview and/ or selection. 7. The crucial date for determining the age-limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from the candidates in India. 8. The upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/ Persons with Disability/ Ex-Serviceman etc. shall be as per Annexure-I. 9. Self attested photocopy of certificates/ Testimonial is required to enclose with application. 10. Apply through proper channel, if in service. Advance copy will not be entertained in any way. 11. Experience specified for the above posts shall be the experience acquired after obtaining the Essential Educational qualifications. 12. Applications should be sent either in English or in Hindi and only in the prescribed proforma and the information/data must be provided under the respective item itself (neatly handwritten or typed out in A-4 size paper – 210 x 297 mm). Specific response [in-

How to Apply: Prescribed application form along with recent passport size photographs, should reach The Senior Administrative Officer (Recruitment), Central Pollution Control Board, “Parivesh Bhawan”, East Arjun Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032, latest by 17.12.2017. Last date for the Applicants from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh, division of J&K State, Lahaul and Spiti-District & Pangi Sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, the Andman & Nicobar Islands or Lakshadweep will be 01.01.2018 for the applicants applying only against the Direct Recruitment posts i.e. Sl. No. 01-05. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The name of the post must be superscribed on the envelope. For applying more than one post, apply in a separate form. Prescribed ap-

cluding yes/No/Not Applicable] to each item must be provided and no item shall be left blank, failure of which would render the application liable to be rejected. The candidates shall not make any changes to the prescribed proforma on their own accord. Failure to comply with these instructions would render the application to be rejected. 13. It may be noted that if, at any stage, it is discovered that an attempt has been made by the applicant to willfully conceal or misrepresent the facts, his/her candidature will be summarily rejected or his/her employment terminated. 14. In case, the certificates are available in any other language other than Hindi or English, the translated copies of such certificates, duly attested, either in Hindi or English, should be sent along with the applications, failing which the same would not be treated as a proof and such applications will be rejected. The Abbreviations used for PwD’s are as OA- One Arm, OL-One Leg, OAL-One Arm & One Leg, BL-Both Lag, BLOA-Both Leg & One Arm, BLA-Both Legs Arms, MW-Muscular Weakness, B-Blind, LV-Low Vision, HH, Hearing Impaired. Application 17.12.2017




GOVT LIFE SCIENCES JOB @WII WILDLIFE INSTITUTE OF INDIA/ RS. 50,000/- P.M. SALARY The Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun invites application for Walk-in-interview for engaging Project Associate and Project Assistant for Project entitled “Assessing the Impacts of Power-Lines on Avian Species in the Arid Plains of Western Gujarat” purely on contractual basis for a period of one year. The EQ, DQ and other details of the position. is as provided below : Position I Name of Position : Project Associate (one position) Age : Not exceeding 40 years as on the date of interview. Upper age limit in case of applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories may be relaxed as per the rules. Monthly Emoluments : Rs. 50,000/- (Consolidated). This is inclusive of HRA.

Essential Qualifications : Master’s degree in Life Sciences/ Wildlife Science/Zoology/ Botany/ Forestry/Ecology/Environmental Sciences with 60% aggregated marks and above from a recognized university. Desirable Qualifications : Experience in population and habitat assessment; GISspatial mapping, good analytical skills; ability to work in harsh field conditions; good management skills. Knowledge of local area and avian migratory pattern. Candidates having PhD and with >2 years’ research experience will be preferred Work Description : Candidate will conduct field research, surveys, tagging, data collection, analysis and report-writing. Position II Name of Position : Project Assistant (one position)

Age : Not exceeding 35 years as on the date of interview. Upper age limit in case of applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories may be relaxed as per the rules. Monthly Emoluments : Rs.25,000/- (Consolidated). This is inclusive of HRA. Essential Qualifications : Master’s degree in Life Sciences/ Wildlife Science/Zoology/ Botany/ Forestry/Ecology/Environmental Sciences with 60% aggregated marks and above from a recognized university. Desirable Qualifications : Experience in field sampling and surveys, good communication skills; ability to work in harsh field conditions. Knowledge of local area and avian migratory pattern. Work Description : Candidate will travel extensively and conduct sampling and surveys, assist in tagging and other field work.

How to Apply: The candidate should report by 0930 hrs for scrutiny of documents on 4th December, 2017 followed by an Interview on the same day at 1100 hrs. The Institute will not provide accommodation for candidates appearing for the interview. Candidates should bring the duly filled-in application with attested true copies of testimonials of educational qualifications along with certificate of extracurricular activities; date of birth, mark sheets of all examinations etc. All original documents/ certificates must be produced at the time of registration for necessary verification. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The application form can be downloaded from the Institute’s website


Vol. 01 NO 2

November 27th, 2017.

JRF POST @SRM UNIVERSITY/ MSC CANDIDATES WORK IN DBT PROJECT Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India funded project titled “A study on immunogenetic profile of inflammatory components influencing H.pylori induced Gastric cancer in Indian Tamils”.

encing H.pylori induced Gastric cancer in Indian Tamils”.

Job Title : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Fellowship: Rs 25,000 plus HRA per month for three years as per the DBT norms.

No.of.Posts : 01 Project Title : “A study on immunogenetic profile of inflammatory components influ-

Principal Investigator: Dr. Megala J, Assistant Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur 603 203, Tamil Nadu.

Duration: 3 years till the completion of the project.

Essential Qualification: M.Sc/ M.Tech in Biochemistry/ Genetics/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology. Desirable Qualification: Candidates with hands-on experience in advanced molecular techniques and a strong background in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. Candidates who are CSIR-NET/GATE qualified will be given preference. How to Apply: Eligible candidates are requested to send their application within 15 days of this ad-

vertisement via email to Dr. J. Megala (Email: Candidates short-listed for the interview will be intimated through e-mail. Note: Selected candidates will be registered for PhD program under SRM affiliation. No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.

BIOTECH & FOOD TECH POSITION VACANT @CFTRI/MSC & M.TECH CANDIDATES WALK-IN CSIR – Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru a constituent national laboratory of council of Scientific & Industrial Research Institute (CSIR), invites applications for the walk-in interview from eligible candidates for recruitment of 1 (One) position of PROJECT ASSISTANT LEVEL II initially for a period of one year or till the project is over on a temporary contractual basis in the project entitled “Maternal Nutrition and Lactation in India” (GAP-0518) funded by NIH, tenable at the Food Safety & Analytical Quality Control Laboratory, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore, Karnataka Job Title : Junior Research Fellow Emoluments : Rs.25,000/-per month (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) plus 20% HRA. Essential Qualifications: First class in M.Sc. or M.Tech. in Biotechnology or Food Technology with good academic records.

Desirable : The candidate with six months to one year prior experience in liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry is highly desirable Terms & Conditions: 1. Candidates should not have exceeded 30 years of age as on 27.11.2017 i.e. the date for the walkin interview. Age relaxation as applicable by Gov. of India rules for SC/ST/OBC and women candidates will be considered. 2. The engagement of PA is exclusively for the above mentioned research work. 3. The engagement will be contractual and on purely temporary basis for a maximum period of one year or co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier. 4. The engagement under the externally funded project does not confer any right/ claim whatsoever either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee for regular appointment in CSIR-CFTRI, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions precedent.

5. Performance of the PA will be reviewed every six months. In case the performance is not satisfactory, the fellowship could be terminated with one month’s notice or one month’s stipend in lieu thereof. 6. No TA/DA will be given to the candidates for attending the interview. 7. If already the candidate is working in CSIR-CFTRI “No objection certificate” from the PI is mandatory at the time of interview How to Apply: Interested eligible candidates may appear for walk-in-interview and report to Dr. Kannan Rangiah, Scientist Fellow, FS&AQCL, CSIR-CFTRI Mysuru–570020, Karnataka on 27.11.2017 at 10.00 A.M. While attending the interview, candidates are requested to bring all the original supporting documents for date of birth, educational qualification, caste certificate (if applicable) and experience certificates for verification along with your com-

plete Bio-data with e-mail address/contact phone number along with attested copies of the necessary certificates and passport size photo In case, large number of candidates turn up for the interview, the candidates will be short-listed by a duly constituted Screening/ Selection Committee and only short-listed candidates would be interviewed. CANVASSING IN ANY FORM AND / OR BRINGING IN ANY INFLUENCE, POLITICAL OR OTHERWISE WILL BE TREATED AS A DISQUALIFICATION FOR THE POST APPLIED FOR. INTERIM ENQUIRIES WILL NOT BE ATTENDED TO. Walk-in Details: Date of Interview – 27.11.2017 Time of Interview – 10:00 AM Venue of Interview – Dr. Kannan Rangiah, Scientist Fellow, FS&AQCL, CSIR-CFTRI Mysuru–570020, Karnataka

SCHOLARSHIP Name of the Award : Jawaharlal Nehru Award for P.G. Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences 2017.

ICAR Awards 2017 – 18 Awards of INR 50,000/- & 2 Awards of INR 1.00 Lakh In Cash + Citation 10

In order to promote high quality doctoral thesis research in priority/frontier areas of agriculture and allied sciences, ICAR has instituted 18 awards of ₹ 50,000/-in cash plus a citation and silver medal (gold polished) each to be awarded annually for the outstanding original research work in agriculture and allied sciences. This award is meant exclusively for the doctoral thesis related to agricultural sciences from Indian Universities. The Ph.D. degree/provisional degree for this award must have been awarded during the year preceding the year of the award i.e. 2016. A thesis will be considered only once for this award. Ap-

plicant must have evidence of publication of his/ her work in the form of published/ accepted form of at least one good research paper in a reputed journal having NAAS rating of ≥ 6 from the research work done for the Ph.D. thesis. The forwarding authority may give clear cut recommendation highlighting the merit of the research work. Objectives of the Award

This award is meant exclusively for doctoral thesis related to agricultural sciences from any Indian University. In addition a total of eighteen individual awards have been provided. Each individual award consists of Rs. 50,000 in cash plus a citation and silver medal (Gold polished). The eighteen awards will be given but not more than two awards in any one of the subject areas given below:

To provide recognition to outstanding original research done by doctoral degree students To provide incentive for enhancing the quality of doctoral thesis research To promote high quality doctoral thesis research in emerging priority areas Nature of the Award:

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Vol. 01 NO 2 Eligibility: Any Indian who has completed his Ph.D. degree in agricultural and allied sciences in the above areas. The Certificate of the degree/provisional degree must have been obtained during the year preceding the year of the award. A thesis will be considered only once. The research work must be original and must have a direct bearing on some relevant aspects of the agricultural production/management systems. The results obtained must have the potential of enhancing the production/ productivity/ sustainability of the relevant agricultural production/management system or substantially advance our knowledge. Must have published/accepted at least one good research paper in a journal having NAAS rating of 6 and above Evaluation Criteria: Conceptual clarity and coherence of the research problem Scientific, technological and socio-economic relevance and priority of the research problem Compilation, analysis and interpretation of existing literature, quality of illustrations andphotographs Organization of research work. Complementarity of the various experiments and investigations and their integration into a logical plan of work Conduct of the research programmes: Scientific soundness and technological modernity of the experimental methods and logical planning Scientific validity and accuracy of the analysis of experimental data Principal findings: To what extent do they meet the objectives of the research programme In what way the findings constitute a significant advance in our knowledge and understanding or help improve productivity and sustainability Research papers published and their quality as judged by the NAAS rating Patents copyrights applied and accepted. Procedure: Applications for the award will be invited during September/October of the year of the award. Applications made in the prescribed form obtainable from the Award Cell of ICAR, will be accepted up to the end of November/ December of the year of the award. The Judging Committee will screen the Applications, identify outstanding entries, and m ake recommendations to the Council along with the draft citations. If no outstanding entries have been received, no award will be awarded. Award 2 Name of the Award : Panjabrao Deshmukh Outstanding Woman Scientist Award 2017 All women scientists engaged in research in agricultural and allied subjects /extension in a recognized institutions are eligible for this award. The award consists of ₹ 1.00 lakh in cash and citation along with provision of equal amount of ₹ 1.00 lakh for motivating woman scientists and female students across the country including travel within a year of receiving the award. The awards are exclusively meant for individual women scientists. The forwarding authority may give clear cut recommendation highlighting the most significant achievements made by the scientists. Objectives of the Award

November 27th, 2017. To recognize outstanding research/extension work done by Women Scientists To encourage women scientists to strive for excellence in agricultural research and extension Nature of the Award: Two annual awards meant exclusively for outstanding women agricultural scientists. The award consists of Rs. 100,000 in cash and citation alongwith provision of equal amount of Rs. 1 lakhs for motivating Women Scientists and female student across the country including travel within a year of receiving the award. Frequency : Annual Eligibility: All women scientists engaged in research in agricultural and allied subjects /extension in a recognized institutions are eligible. The awards are exclusively meant for individual women scientists. Evaluation Criteria: i) The significance of the research & extension work. Its scientific, technological and socio-economic relevance and priority (ii) The specific objective of the work and the preparation of an appropriate plan of work to achieve those objectives (iii) The organization and conduct of the work (iv) The principal findings (v) The concrete recommendations emanating from the research/ extension work (vi) The acceptability and adoptability of the recommendations by the intended users (vii) Impact of the work in quantifiable terms Procedure: Application for the award will be invited during September/ October of the year of the award. Application made in the prescribed form obtainable from Award Cell, will be accepted up to the end of November/December of the year of the award. The Judging Committee will screen the nominations, identify outstanding entries, and make recommendations to the Council along with the draft citations. If no outstanding entries have been received, no award will be awarded Award 3 Name of the Award : Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Outstanding Extension Scientist Award 2017 The award is exclusively meant for individual extension scientist/teacher for excellence in agricultural extension methodology and education work. Two individual awards have been provided. An individual award would consist of ₹ 1.00 lakh in cash and a citation. Two awards have been assigned across the disciplines in agriculture & allied sciences. Applications must be submitted in the recommended format and should be duly authenticated and forwarded by the competent forwarding authority. Objectives of the Award: To provide recognition to outstanding agricultural extension work done by agricultural scientists and teachers in the ICAR – SAU system To provide incentive for excellence in agricultural extension methodology and education work

Nature of the Award: The award is exclusively meant for individual extension scientist/teacher. Two individual awards have been provided. An individual award would consist of Rs. 100,000/- in cash and a citation. Two awards have been assigned across the disciplines in agriculture & allied sciences. Frequency : Annual Eligibility: All agricultural scientist/teacher engaged in extension work education work in the ICARSAU system are eligible. Scientists and other functionaries working at equivalent levels of responsibility in the ICAR – assisted programmes outside the ICAR -SAU system are also eligible. The terminal stages of the extension education/work submitted for the award, including its impact assessment must have been completed during the five years preceding the year of the award. Evaluation Criteria: (i)The concept and organisation of the extension education/project under which the work submitted for the award has been undertaken. (ii) The specific objectives of the project work e.g. changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes; adoption of recommended technology, etc. (iii) The technological and socio – economic relevance. (iv) Any innovation made in the available methodology. (v) The impact on the knowledge/skills/attitudes/adoption of the direct contacties and the methodology used for impact evaluation. (vi) Impact on the production/productivity/ profitability/sustainability of the relevant enterprises of direct contacties. (vii) The diffusion of the impact to neighbours of the direct contacties. (viii) Problems encountered and solutions found. (ix) Refinement of the messages/technologies and the methodologies used if any (x) Suggestions for policy decisions for the improvement in the technology transfer environment in the relevant agricultural production system. (xi) Publications based on the project work Procedure: Applications for the award will be invited during September/October of the year of the award. Applications made in the prescribed form, obtainable from the Award Cell, will be accepted up to the end of November/December of the year of the award. The Judging Committee will screen the nominations, identify outstanding entries, and make recommendations to the Council along with the draft citations. If no outstanding entries have been received, no award will be awarded. How to Apply: The prescribed eligibility criteria, the guidelines and the pro-forma for applying for these awards may be downloaded from the ICAR website ( The applicants are required to submit their application in PDF format on our dedicated ICAR Award e-mail: ( In addition, one hard copy of the application form may also be submitted. In case of farmer applicants, they may submit three copies of applications duly forwarded and recommended by the appropriate forwarding/ nominating authority. The application(s) with complete documents sent through email, duly forwarded and recom-

mended by the appropriate authority should be sent to Dr. Shiv Prasad Kimothi, Assistant Director General (Coordination), ICAR, Room No. 204A, Krishi Bhawan, Dr.Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110001 so as to reach him on or before 31.12.2017. The last date for receiving the hard copy of applications duly forwarded and recommended by the appropriate authority for applicants in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, States/Union Territory in the North Eastern Region, Ladakh Division of J&K State and Sikkim is 15.01.2018. The candidates should also clearly mention their contact details (mobile No. and e-mail) along with Bank Account No., Bank Address, IFSC Code and PAN No and attach a copy of cancelled cheque . The Council will retain the award winning applications/thesis for the record. Each candidate will be judged on the basis of the originality and the applied value of the investigations as revealed in the documents submitted by him. In all matters relating to the award, the decision of the Council shall be final and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.

AIAS-COFUND Fellowships | Up to 15 Marie Curie Fellowships Available Up to 15 AIAS-COFUND (Marie Curie) Fellowships available: • AIAS has up to 15 AIAS-COFUND fellowships available for application by the most talented researchers from around the world. The fellowship scheme is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no 754513 and by Aarhus University Research. Two types of AIAS-COFUND II Fellowships: • AIAS-COFUND Junior Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers with a career of 2-10 years. Duration from 12- 36 months. • AIAS-COFUND Senior Fellowships for researchers with a career of +10 years. Duration from 6-18 months. Who can apply? • The target group of the programme is talented researchers with a PhD and a minimum of two years of fulltime postdoctoral research experience at the time of the application deadline. Applicants must comply with the following mobility demand: •

Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activities (work etc.) for more than 12 months in Denmark in the 3 years immediately prior

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November 27th, 2017. annual research expenses of up to £6,000 to further his or her research activities. Please ensure that applications do not include any ineligible costs

to the call deadline. Time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention, compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account. Why apply? • A fellowship at AIAS offers researchers a unique opportunity to pursue their own research project in an inspiring international and multidisciplinary environment. The AIAS-COFUND II Programme has a distinct focus on career development for especially young talented researchers, offering both academic mentorship, career development in transferable skills and opportunities to organize large-scale multidisciplinary and international conferences. The Programme seeks to enhance the fellows’ genuine understanding of the methodologies and approaches of other scientific disciplines at the highest level, thus making cross-disciplinary inspiration and initiatives possible. What is included in a fellowship? • A fellowship includes funding for travel, reasonable research expenses and a competitive salary. How to apply • Applications must be submitted online via the AU application system: • Important Dates: • Opening of call: Tuesday, 14 November 2017. • Deadline for applications: Wednesday, 24 January 2018 at 12.00 (noon) CET. • Evaluation period: February-May 2018. • Applicants will receive answers: June 2018. • Fellowship periods will commence: 1 October 2018 or 1 February 2019.

Duration: Fellowships are tenable for three years on a full-time basis. The Trust will support requests to hold the award part-time over a proportionately longer period for health related reasons, disability or childcare commitments. Fellowships must commence between 1 September 2018 and 1 May 2019.

Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships

The 2018 round opens on 1 January 2018. The closing date for applications is 1 March 2018.

Early Career Fellowships:

Contact: If your query has not been answered in these pages please contact Andreas Heiner on 020 7042 9863 or email aheiner@leverhulme.

Offering 50% match-funding for the salary costs of three-year academic research position, the scheme enables early career researchers to undertake a significant piece of publishable work. Applicants must have a track record of research, but should not have held an established academic appointment in the UK. Early Career Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a proven record of research. The expectation is that Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during their tenure, and that the Fellowships should lead to a more permanent academic position. Approximately 100 Fellowships will be available in 2018. Fellowships can be held at universities or at other institutions of higher education in the UK. Value: The Trust will contribute 50% of each Fellow’s total salary costs up to a maximum of £25,000 per annum and the balance is to be paid by the host institution. Given the prestige of the awards each Fellow may request

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru invites applications from academically bright and motivated students for the ICTS – S. N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program in the summer of 2018. This program offers a unique opportunity to undergraduate/masters students of Science and Engineering to work with faculty and post-doctoral fellows of the Centre and to participate in research at the frontiers of knowledge. Eligibility: Undergraduate students of science, mathematics and engineering, who are in their third, fourth or fifth year of the program are eligible to apply. Exceptional undergraduates in their second year may also apply. Masters degree students and those who have completed their undergraduate are also welcome to apply. How to apply: Interested candidates should apply online with their CV and relevant details. The applicants also need to arrange at least two recommendation letters. Applications will be normally reviewed around February/March every year (deadline for application: 15 January 2018).

ICTS – S. N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program – 2018 Bring together physicists, astronomers, cosmologists, mathematicians, biologists, students and researchers from all over the world, under one roof, to work together to solve the most challenging questions posed by nature, to discover the underlying structures across the sciences and to strive for the unity of



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