Biotecnika newspaper 6th dec 2017

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December 6th, 2017.

Vol. 01 NO 3





By Disha Padmanabha

This new research had elucidated a new understanding about the mechanism used by the body to form the lumen of a blood vessel. The study has fueled hope that such a discovery could facilitate new treatments for conditions where the blood supply to a particular body part is restricted. Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels arise from existing vessels, somewhat akin to how trees grow, with branches stemming out from the trunk. The study found that the process of angiogenesis in the human body requires a particular protein kinase, referred to as Akt, to be activated by the protein R-Ras. In theory, these observations could help researchers devise methods for regenerating blood vessels and restoring normal blood flow. By establishing how the body develops healthy new blood vessels, researchers could be one step closer to finding ways to induce production as needed. “Generating new blood vessels is similar

to the way trees grow; sprouts develop from existing vessels and then branch out further and further to restore vascularity,” Fangfei Li, Ph.D., postdoctoral associate in Komatsu’s lab said. Komatsu’s research team used a combination of 3D cell culture and living tissue to show that VEGF promotes vascularization, but the vessel structures formed are chaotic, unstable and non-functional. “Functional vessels need to have a lumen; a pipe-like opening that allows oxygenated blood and nutrients to travel through the body,” explains Komatsu, “and VEGF alone cannot fully support the formation of such a vessel structure.”



regeneration of blood vessels

New Study Provides Insights into Regeneration of Blood Vessels


This mechanism is necessary for the formation of the hallow structure, or lumen, of a blood vessel.” says Masanobu Komatsu, Ph.D., associate professor at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute. “The findings are important because they shed new light on the biological process needed to increase blood flow in ischemic tissues.”

architecture that promotes lumen formation,” Li added. “We propose that VEGF and R-Ras activation of Akt signaling are complementary to each other,” said Komatsu. “Both are necessary to generate fully functional blood vessels to repair ischemic tissue.” The next step is pursuing clinical studies to further investigate the combined signaling of Akt. The idea is to establish a method of prompting R-Ras activation via either gene therapy or via pharmacological means, alongside VEGF treatment.

The laboratory of Masanobu Komatsu, Ph.D., studies the regulation of blood vessel growth and remodeling to aid the treatment of cancer and heart disease.

“This study shows that there are distinct steps and signals that control the process. First, VEGF activates Akt to induce endothelial cells to sprout. Then, R-Ras activates Akt to induce lumen formation,” Li explained. “The second step involving Akt activation by R-Ras stabilizes the microtubule cytoskeleton in endothelial cells, creating a steady



080-395-34707 1

Vol. 01 NO 3

December 6th, 2017.

The World’s Smallest Tape Recorder is Here - Built Using Bacterial Cells! Tape recorders are obsolete, but the ones we are discussing are so different from the ageold, bulky tape recorders that were both intrusive and difficult to operate. We are about to find out more about.. say, Biological recorders. Yes! The world’s tiniest data recorder created out of microbes, capable of storing everything from poems to images. Researchers from the Columbia University Medical Center used molecular hacks to convert a naturally occurring gut bacterium in humans into the world’s smallest data recorder. Normally, when you hear “E.coli”, you think about that one time you went a little too hard at the all-you-can-eat buffet and walked away with a very unfortunate souvenir. But now, researchers have turned these Bacteria into little recording devices that can not only record their interactions with the environment but time-stamp the events, too. For the process of constructing the biological data recorder, the scientists modified a slice of DNA (a plasmid) to give it the ability to create more copies of itself in the bacterial cell, in response to an external signal. A second, separate recording plasmid was designed to trigger the recorder and track time. When an external signal is detected, the second plasmid is activated, leading to insertion. In a way, the genetically designed CRISPR-Cas system functions as a natural biological memory device. “Such bacteria, swallowed by a patient, might be able to record the changes they experience through the whole digestive tract,

yielding an unprecedented view of previously inaccessible phenomena,” says Harris Wang, PhD, assistant professor in the Departments of Pathology & Cell Biology and Systems Biology at CUMC and senior author on the new work, described in today’s issue of Science. Other applications could include environmental sensing and basic studies in ecology and microbiology, where bacteria could monitor otherwise invisible changes without disrupting their surroundings. Wang and the team used CRISPR-Cas, an immune system found in certain species of bacteria, to edit a plasmid into E.coli’s DNA. These edits gave the bacteria the ability to replicate itself when exposed to a specific signal. Another plasmid was then modified and added to act as a reference when the signal isn’t present. “In the absence of an external signal, only the recording plasmid is active, and the cell adds copies of a spacer sequence to the CRISPR locus in its genome,” the team explained. “When an external signal is detected by the cell, the other plasmid is also activated, leading to insertion of its sequences instead. The result is a mixture of background sequences that record time and signal sequences that change depending on the cell’s environment.” To generate their bacterial recording system the researchers engineered two different plasmids in a laboratory strain of Escherichia coli. The first plasmid created more copies of itself in response to an external signal. A second recording plasmid effectively marked time and expressed the required CRISPR/

By Disha Padmanabha

Cas system components. When there was no external signal, the recording plasmid continued to insert copies of a spacer sequence into the CRISPR locus. When an external signal was detected, however, the self-replicating plasmid was activated, leading to insertion of signal sequences. What you get is a background of spacer sequences that follow time, interspersed with signal sequences that were inserted as a result of changes in the cell’s environment. The CRISPR locus can then be read using computational tools. Initial tests with the TRACE system showed that recorded information was stable within cell populations over eight days. Having generated their prototype system, the team then demonstrated how it could be multiplexed, enabling the simultaneous recording of three different signals—in this case availability of the metabolites copper, trehalose, and fucose—in the cell population environment over three days. “This work enables the temporal measurement of dynamic cellular states and environmental changes

and suggests new applications for chronicling biological events on a large scale,” the authors conclude. “Our work enables new applications in biological recording. TRACE could be utilized to record metabolite fluctuations, gene expression changes, and lineage-associated information across cell populations in difficult-to-study habitats such as the mammalian gut or in open settings such as soil or marine environments.” At present, the recording system can handle three simultaneous signals at once while keeping track of the time for days on end. Elaborating on what’s next for TRACE, Wang concluded that the team is “planning to look at various markers that might be altered under changes in natural or disease states, in the gastrointestinal system or elsewhere.” The technology is still being developed, so for now, CRISPR recordings probably won’t disrupt the recent resurgence of the cassette tape.

A KILL SWITCH FOR MICROBES GONE ROGUE Over the past 60 years, human beings haven’t exactly been good stewards of their own environment and technological innovations. The proliferation of automobiles and other independent technologies has changed our weather patterns and, if we don’t alter our behaviours soon, the future of our planet. In the same way that we’ve augmented our climate through human interference and irresponsibility, we’ve also irrevocably changed the landscape of both beneficial and harmful bacteria through the use and overuse of antibiotics. Now the same doom-and-gloom rhetoric used so frequently by environmentalists regarding climate change is being applied to our future. If there’s a coming, man-made apocalypse, it might be the little stuff, rather than the big, that gets us in the end. And so as (in an attempt) to prevent this, Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering led by Core Faculty members Pamela Silver and James Collins have created “kill switches” in bacteria that cause them to commit suicide in laboratory conditions when they are not wanted anymore. The new kill switches are self-sufficient and highly stable in bacterial populations that evolve, and they last over many generations. They can ensure that only bacteria with intact synthetic gene circuits survive, or confine bacteria to a target environment at 37°C (body temperature) while inducing them to die at lower temperatures, as demonstrated during bacterial exit from a mouse intestinal


tract. Silver and her colleagues developed two new types of kill switches for added security. The first is known as the “essentializer,” which piggybacks off another type of kill switch known as the “memory element.” The memory element, derived from a bacteria-infecting virus called bacteriophage lambda, either remains silent or reports the occurrence of a signal by permanently turning on a visible reporter transgene that the scientists can trace. The signal can be any molecule, for example, an inflammatory cytokine in the gut or a toxin in the environment. The team devised a way that ensures the memory element is not lost from the genome during the evolution of the bacterial population over more than a hundred generations. During that time, the genomes of individual bacteria acquire random mutations, which also could potentially occur in the memory element, destroying it in their wake. The researchers introduced the Essentializer as a separate element at another location in the bacterium’s genome. As long as the memory element remains intact, either of the two bacteriophage factors that control its function also inhibits the expression of a toxin gene encoded by the Essentializer. However, the toxin gene remains somewhat “leaky,” still producing residual amounts of toxin that can kill the cell. To keep those residual toxin levels at bay, the researchers included a second gene in their kill switch, which produces low levels of an anti-toxin that can neutralize

small amounts of the toxin. “By tying the function of the memory element to that of the Essentializer, we basically link the survival of E. coli bacteria to the presence of the memory element. The removal of the memory element from the bacterial genome, which also eliminates the two toxin-suppressing phage factors, immediately triggers the kill switch to produce high amounts of toxin that overwhelm the anti-toxin and eliminate the affected bacteria from the population,” said first author Finn Stirling, a Graduate Student working with Silver. “To create this sophisticated system of checks and balances, we also made sure that the kill switches themselves remained fully intact, which is an important prerequisite for future applications; we verified that they were still functional after about 140 cell divisions.” Scientists named their second new killswitch “cryodeath.” The switch uses similar toxin/anti-toxin DNA splices. But the switch is synched with temperature, instead of another kill-switch. Shifting the bacteria from 37°C, where they are supposed to thrive, to 22°C, potently in-

duced expression of the toxin and killed the bacteria. In seminal proof-of-concept experiments, the team demonstrated the usefulness of Cryodeath in vivo. After introducing an E. coli strain containing the kill switch into mice, only 1 of 100,000 bacteria was viable in fecal samples. “This advance brings us significantly closer to real-world applications of synthetically engineered microbes in the human body or the environment. We are now working toward combinations of kill switches that can respond to different environmental stimuli to provide even tighter control,” said Silver. These kill switches could be just a couple of weapons in a wider arsenal against engineered bacteria going rogue. An MIT team developed a “deadman’s switch” and a “passcode” that would instantly kill a bacteria if one or more chemicals were missing, while Caltech researchers used thermal “walkie talkies” to relay instructions to bacteria in the body about when and where to release a drug payload, and to self-destruct when the job is done. By Disha Padmanabha

Vol. 01 NO 3

December 6th, 2017.


One of the mechanisms that the body uses to remove dying/dead cells is called efferocytosis (“to carry to the grave”). In efferocytosis, dying/dead cells are engulfed by phagocytic cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells. Generally, efferocytosis plays essential roles in tissue homeostasis, embryologic development, immunity, and resolution of inflammation. However, a new study found that efferocytosis of dying cancer cells may actually accelerate tumor growth. The most common site of prostate cancer metastasis is bone, with an incidence of 65%–80% in patients with advanced disease. Once cancer cells spread to bone, they significantly alter normal bone remodeling, resulting in bone fractures, nerve compression, pain, and hypercalcemia. In bone, cancer cells find a protective and supportive microenvironment that promotes metastatic outgrowth. The bone microenvironment is rich in factors that promote the mobilization, proliferation, and differentiation of proinflammatory cells, which interact with disseminated tumor cells, promoting survival and colonization. Persistent inflammation also exacerbates cell stress and tissue damage, causing apop-

totic/necrotic cell death. The clearance of dying cells occurs mainly through phagocytosis by macrophages and other cells. Phagocytosis of apoptotic cancer cells aka efferocytosis is a process often underestimated during tumor progression due to rapid clearance by phagocytes. Tumor cell death, significantly amplified by chemotherapies or other targeted therapies, triggers extensive efferocytosis, which has been suggested to accelerate further tumor growth at least in part by inducing M2-like macrophage polarization and resultant protumoral functions. Therefore, the researchers at the University of Michigan used in vivo models to investigate the skeletal tumor growth and apoptosis-inducible prostate cancer cells, and the role of apoptotic cancer cell clearance in skeletal tumor progression. The study found that with metastatic prostate cancer cells, efferocytosis produced a pro-inflammatory protein called CXCL5 that isn’t normally released during cellular cleanup in healthy situations. Researchers found this CXCL5 protein stimulated tumor growth. When researchers induced cell death in mouse bone tumors, it correlated with an increase of CXCL5, and the growth of tumors

with induced cell death accelerated. Blocking the CXCL5 protein in mice, however, hindered tumor progression. “In the presence of cancer, uncontrolled cell growth is also accompanied by a high, or significant, amount of cancer cell death,” and those dead cells must be removed, says study lead author Hernan Roca, associate research scientist at the University of Michigan School

of Dentistry. “The challenge for the future is to understand how to treat these patients to avoid this pro-inflammatory and tumor promoting response, while still preserving the essential function of cell removal.” The researchers also analyzed blood samples from bone-metastatic prostate cancer patients, localized prostate cancer patients, and normal controls. The results showed that patients with bone metastasis of prostate cancer had higher levels of CXCL5 in their blood. Collectively, these data suggest that efferocytosis of dying cancer cells increases expression of proinflammatory cytokines like CXCL5 to facilitate prostate tumor metastases in bone. Therefore, CXCL5 could be targeted to treat prostate cancer. More research is required to study the role of efferocytosis in other types of cancer.

Model of efferocytosis-induced prostate cancer tumor growth in the bone microenvironment.

Map Your Own Genome with Dante’s €149 DNA Kit

By Disha Padmanabha

Dante Labs, a company with offices in Europe and United States, has now launched a €149 (£139) advanced consumer DNA test, with interpretation, personal genetic service and 80+ online health and wellness reports. “We wanted to develop a new high quality, affordable test that fulfils our mission to make advanced genomics accessible to everyone,” Dante Labs CEO and Co-founder Andrea Riposati said in a statement. “Developing this test required significant investments in bioinformatics, genetics, European-level logistics and software.” The test is non-invasive, requiring a saliva sample, which can be collected using the kit at home and shipped back to Dante Labs for free. Customers can expect their test results within 3 weeks and can make sense of them

using personalized online reports, which provide more information about topics including the risk of heart attacks, muscle fatigue, digestion, blood and the side effects of different drugs. The company uses Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, which is a very powerful genetic testing tool. It allows an individual’s genome to be quickly and cheaply interpreted, and it has revolutionized healthcare, enabling personalized medicine. The company has developed the new test based on advanced microarray technologies

together with European and international academic and corporate partners. The test includes more than 500,000 SNPs. This opens the door for very interesting reports for customers, but at a very affordable price. This sort of technology is already available in the US but can be very expensive, particularly due to high shipping costs. Dante Labs looks to overcome this by bringing high-quality technology to the European market, without the frightening costs.


Vol. 01 NO 3

December 6th, 2017.

Google on a Spree, Partners with Key Players in Healthcare to Advance Medical Imaging

Medical imaging is a critical pillar of modern healthcare: It’s estimated that more than 300 million advanced imaging procedures are performed a year, and the majority of medical interventions require some type of imaging for diagnostic purposes. Next to genomics, medical images are one of the fastest growing data sources in the healthcare space. And in this direction, at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting in Chicago this week, several IT companies struck or extended deals with Google Cloud aimed at helping hospitals tackle the storage challenges posed by precision medicine, improve radiology workflows, bring machine learning to imaging analytics and more. Change Healthcare, for one, has extended a strategic partnership with Google Cloud to develop new tools for radiologists and other imaging professionals, exploring how artificial intelligence can better be brought to bear on clinical workflows and analytics projects. In its partnership with Change Healthcare, Google Cloud hopes to integrate the company’s artificial intelligence technology with Change Healthcare’s imaging expertise to give health providers more “data-driven insights.” Change Healthcare will also have access to use Google Cloud’s G Suite to allow physicians to better share medical images. “Change Healthcare is positioned to transform the value that imaging brings to healthcare providers. By working with Google Cloud in this strategic collaboration, we are poised to accelerate that transformation,” said Erkan Akyuz, executive vice president and president for Imaging, Workflow & Care Solutions, Change Healthcare. “In today’s dynamic healthcare industry, providers are


looking for new ways to improve patient care. That is why Change Healthcare will be working with Google Cloud to introduce innovative technologies and solutions to address the challenges healthcare providers face both today and in the future.” The relationship between Change Healthcare and Google Cloud will help enable easier and more natural collaboration for caregivers and provide deeper insights through pragmatic machine-learning solutions. These capabilities will be built on a broad cloudbased imaging data infrastructure that has the potential to be more cost-effective and reliable than other solutions available today. Change Healthcare’s ecosystem of technology, processes, and expertise can help its customers reduce costs, increase effectiveness, and may ultimately help improve patient and provider outcomes. “Change Healthcare is a well-established leader in healthcare innovations, and we are excited by the opportunity that this strategic relationship offers to the industry,” said Gregory Moore, M.D., Ph.D., vice president, Healthcare, Google Cloud. “We look forward to working with Change Healthcare to help them serve their customers, which include some of the largest and most complex healthcare providers.” Google is also partnering with Dicom Systems to launch a hybrid cloud vendor archive, de-identification and imaging data supply chain platform. The platform, which will be called the Universal Cloud Archive Adaptor, is designed to streamline the cloud adoption process and enable health systems to better store images. Now available on Google Launcher, customers can deploy the Dicom Systems Uni-

versal Cloud Archive Adaptor in minutes to test drive the cloud-based medical imaging library. Customers pay only for what they use and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) may yield up to 60% operating cost savings over other cloud providers. As an added incentive, optional participation in a de-identified imaging data lake earns customers a rebate on their operating cost. The Universal Cloud Archive Adaptor was designed to make cloud adoption simple while solving a number of concerns for healthcare organizations. The solution integrates with PACS, RIS, and EMR systems. There are no migration costs or termination fees. “We are setting our sights on a distinct segment of the imaging data supply chain: enabling machine learning and building neural networks that can ultimately supplement the work of physicians,” said Florent SaintClair, Executive Vice President of Dicom Systems. “As an industry, we’re just beginning to understand the building blocks necessary to design effective and reliable AI in imaging diagnostics. We could not have found a better, no-nonsense cloud provider than Google Cloud to deliver our vision. On their powerful infrastructure, we’re able to offer competitive pricing as well as a data rebate when our customers contribute their de-identified images for use. The data lake then becomes a unique source of raw data that can be used by AI researchers everywhere.” Beyond the Change Healthcare and DICOM Systems deals, Gregory J. Moore, MD, vice president of healthcare at Google Cloud, highlighted initiatives such as the one Kanteron Systems is pursuing with Google Cloud Platform in his blog post. Kanteron, which

specializes in clinical genomics, is leveraging Google’s cloud-based AI to make tools for radiologists, pathologists, oncologists and surgeons to bring precision medicine data to the point of care. Other Google partners – Ambra Health, lifeIMAGE, Nautilus Medical – are using cloud technology to expand and improve their medical image sharing networks, said Moore. And other companies, such as Zebra Medical Vision are using Google’s TensorFlow open source library and Cloud Machine Learning Engine as they train neural networks on existing radiology scans and develop new models to help clinicians detect specific conditions.

Vol. 01 NO 3

December 6th, 2017.

JOBS MSC JOB - SALARY OF RS.53,000/-p.m. @ NCCS - NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CELL SCIENCE, PUNE National Centre For Cell Science, Pune (An Autonomous Institution of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.) NCCS Complex, S. P. Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411 007. Ph.:(020) 25708000 Fax: (020) 25692259 Website: Email: The following post to be filled up purely on temporary basis through walk in interview at NCCS, Pune irn the project entitled “Establishment of Centre of Excellence for National Centre for Microbial Resource” Name of the Position : Technician ‘C’ (Lab) No.of.Position : 01 Age Limit : 30 years TME : Rs. 53,000/- pm with 5% increase per annum Essential Qualification & Experience: M.Sc. or equivalent degree with 1 year experience or B.Sc. or equivalent degree with 5 years’ experience. Desirable: In one or the more of the following: A) NGS data analysis especially with microbial genomics and metagenomics.

B) Molecular biology techniques like DNA extraction, PCR and library preparation for NGS. C) Database development/management. D) Working with linux high performance clusters and servers. How to Apply: 1) Candidates fulfilling the essential qualification and experience of the above posts may kindly attend the, walk in interview on the above dates mentioned in the tabulated format. 2) Candidates are required to bring application in the prescribed biodata format duly filled in and all origina1I documents/certificates/mark sheets along with one set of self-attested photo copies of all relevant certificates showing date of birth, qualifications, experience, details of the examination passed (SSC onwards), caste certificate, if any and other relevant documents at the time of interview. 3) Candidates reporting after 9.15 am will not permitted to attend the interview, which may be noted. 4) Application which is incomplete and/or not in the prescribed format will be strictly rejected. 5) The Director, NCCS reserves the right to enhance/reduce the number of posts and also cancel the recruitment process. 6) Additional percentage and experience cut-off will be applied during the selection

process with the approval of competent authority, if required. 7) Age limit will be considered as on date of interview. Age relaxation of 5 years in case of SC/ST candidates, 10 years in case of PH candidates and 3 years in case of OBC candidates will be given as per Government of India rules. Reservation as per Govt. of India norms will be followed. 8) SC/ST/OBC candidates must produce proof of their caste certificate from appropriate authority. In addition, OBC candidates must also produce latest/valid non-creamy layer certificate in the prescribed form for claiming the reservation benefits. 9) Age & Experience will be relaxed in exceptional cases by the Competent Authority. 10) No interim enquiries/correspondence/ communication of any sort will be entertained on this matter. 11) The above advertised positions are filled up purely on temporary basis for the limited time period on the project. The position will automatically co-terminus on the completion of the project tenure. The appointed person shall have no claim of appointment/absorption in funding agency or in NCCS/NCMR, Pune. 12) Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence will be treated as disqualification for the post. 13) The posts advertised shall be need based without any commitment for its filling. 14) Candidates working in Government

Departments/Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies should produce No objection certificate from their employer at the time of interview with a clear certificate that the applicant will be relieved within one month of receipt of appointment order, if selected. 15) No TA will be paid for attending the interview. 16) Selected candidates will have to join duty immediately on receipt of offer of appointment letter. 17) The candidates appeared for Tech ‘B’ (Lab) interview on 1ih October, 2017 need not appear for walk in interview. Their performance during that interview will be considered for this post. 18) Please download the prescribed biodata format. Walk-In Details: Date of Interview – 12.12.2017 Reporting Time – Starts from 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM Venue of Interview – National Centre For Microbial Resource, (NCMR) Pune NCMR Office, Sai Trinity Complex. Central Wing, 1st Floor, Raman Hall, Sutarwadi-Sus Road, Pashan, Pune 411021. Landmark: COSMOS BANK BUILDING

MSC BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES JOB @ CCMB/ RS. 8 LAKH PA SALARY PACKAGE Atal Incubation Centre – Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology. The company was created by CCMB, supported by NITIAayog (AIM), in 2017 to establish an effective platform to incubate and nurture the Startups in biotechnology. The company is focused on creating a bestin-class infrastructure to support the Startups in the area of bio- and medical technology, to promote entrepreneurial activities among academia and technology transfer. Name of the Position : Incubator Manager at AIC-CCMB Location of Job : Medical Biotechnology Complex, CCMB Annexe-II, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500039. Annual Salary : 7.20- 8.10 Lakh INR PA ( Inclusive of all) Response Email ID :

Job Description: Support CEO in managing operations such as executing pre-incubation & incubation activities, market assessment, coordinating with incubates, mentors, partners, investors, report preparation, support in managing incubator. Business incubation provides a nurturing, instructive, and supportive environment for entrepreneurs during the critical stages of starting up a new business. The goal of incubators is to decrease the chance that a startup will fail, and shorten the time and reduce the cost of establishing and growing its business. Develop and maintain close relationships with key stakeholders and mentors at our partner companies and manage the interests of our partners to ensure continued commitment and engagement.

Qualifications: Masters in Biological Sciences and related fields with work experience of 4-6 years and preferably 1-2 years in incubator management Essential- Good communication and people management skills Job is coterminous with the project. Contact Name & Number : Dr. N Madhusudhana Rao CEO, CCMB-AIC, Hyderabad 040-27192504

The candidate should have entrepreneurial spirit, focuses on tangible results, has a collaborative “can do” attitude and a desire for continuous improvement.


Vol. 01 NO 3

December 6th, 2017.

FRESHERS MSC LIFE SCIENCES JOB @ RCB - REGIONAL CENTRE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) is an academic institution established by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India with regional and global partnerships synergizing with the programmes of UNESCO as a Category II Centre. The primary focus of RCB is to provide world class education, training and conduct innovative research at the interface of multiple disciplines to create high quality human resource in disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of biotechnology in a globally competitive research milieu.

Job Title : Junior Research Assistant (Project) No.of.Posts : 1 Project Title : “Studies on epigenetic alterations during Salmonella Typhimurium infection and their long term implications”. Principal Investigator : Dr. C. V. Srikanth, Associate Professor. Duration : Initially for 1 year, may be extended on annual evaluation till the duration of theproject.

Fellowship : Rs 25,000/- + HRA @ 30 % Qualifications: Essential – M.Sc., M. tech or equivalent degree in life sciences and minimum 60% marks with NET/DBT-JRF or equivalent exam qualification. Application Instructions: Interested candidates should appear for walk-in interview with all his/her certificates at the above address at 10.00 am on 15th December 2017 along with filled application form

(attached here). Candidates who come after 11:00 am will not be considered. Walk-In Details: Date of Interview – 15.12.2017 Time of Interview – 10.00 AM Venue of Interview – Regional Centre for Biotechnology,NCR Biotech Science Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway, Faridabad 121001, Haryana. Phone: 129-2848800

CSIR-CFTRI HIRING FOR PROJECT POSITION MSC CANDIDATES ELIGIBLE CSIR-CFTRI invites eligible candidates to appear for a Walk-in-Interview for a 1 [one] position of Project Assistant Level–II on a temporary basis tenable at the Department of Protein Chemistry and Technology, CSIR-CFTRI under the research project “Cloning overexpression, purification and characterization of Listeria monocytogenes RecA, LexA and SSB proteins: Implications in recombination processes and in antibiotic resistance” (GAP-0500). Name of the Position : Project Assistant Level–II Emoluments : Rs.12,000/-(Rupees Twelve Thousand) per month consolidated Essential Qualifications: First class M.Sc. in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Microbiology or equivalent degree with good academic records.


Terms & Conditions: 1. Candidates should not have exceeded 28 years of age as on 11.12.2017 i.e. the date for the walkin interview. Age relaxation as applicable by Gov. of India rules for SC/ST/OBC and women candidates will be considered. 2. Age limit shall be relaxed for statutory groups and women as per rule. 3. The engagement of PA is exclusively for the above mentioned project. 4. The engagement will be contractual and on purely temporary basis in the project (GAP0500) for a maximum period of one year and is co-terminus with the project, if the project terminates earlier or till the funds are available, whichever is earlier 5. The engagement under externally funded project does not confer any right/claim whatsoever either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee for regular appointment in CSIR/CFTRI, against any post or otherwise

under any legal conditions precedent. 6. No TA/DA will be given to the candidates for attending the interview. 7. If already the candidate is working in CSIR-CFTRI “No objection certificate” from the PI is mandatory at the time of interview How to Apply: Interested eligible candidates may appear for walk-in-interview and report to Dr. K Neelakanteshwar Patil, Senior Scientist, Department of Protein Chemistry and Technology, CSIR-CFTRI Mysore on 11.12.2017 at 10.00 A.M. While attending the interview, candidates are requested to bring all the original supporting documents for date of birth, educational qualification, caste certificate (if applicable) and experience certificates for verification along with your complete Bio-data with e-mail address/ contact phone number along with attested copies of the necessary certificates and pass-

port size photo. In case, large number of candidates turn up for the interview, the candidates will be short-listed by a duly constituted Screening/ Selection Committee and only short-listed candidates would be interviewed. CANVASSING IN ANY FORM AND / OR BRINGING IN ANY INFLUENCE, POLITICAL OR OTHERWISE WILL BE TREATED AS A DISQUALIFICATION FOR THE POST APPLIED FOR. INTERIM ENQUIRIES WILL NOT BE ATTENDED TO. Walk-In Details: Date of Interview – 11.12.2017 Time of Interview – 10.00 A.M. Venue of Interview – Protein Chemistry and Technology Department, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore

Vol. 01 NO 3

December 6th, 2017.

EMBL-GSK POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW IN CRYO-EM OF CHROMATIN COMPLEXES Location : Heidelberg, Germany Staff Category : Postdoctoral Fellow Contract Duration : 2 years Grading : N/A Closing Date : 20 January 2018 Reference Number : HD_01208 Job Description: The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest ranked scientific research organisations in the world. The Headquarters Laboratory is located in Heidelberg (Germany), with additional sites in Barcelona (Spain), Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Hinxton near Cambridge (UK), Rome (Italy). EMBL has a strong focus on cutting edge technologies. Major activities are in the areas of imaging and structural methods (high resolution light microscopy, cryo-EM, tissue imaging), genomics (quantitative genetics, chromatin and RNA biology, microbiome), proteomics, metabolomics, biosensors and microfluidics, embryonic development).

About GSK: GSK, a science-led global healthcare company, brings to collaborations a vast knowledge around target validation and cutting-edge Drug Discovery technologies (e.g. compound libraries, screening platforms, chemoinformatics, structural biology, chemical biology/chemoproteomics). GSK acquired the EMBL spinoff Cellzome in 2012 and thus maintains a presence on the EMBL campus. We are seeking to recruit an outstanding postdoctoral fellow to explore the use of cryoEM to study small-molecule ligand-bound structures of chromatin complexes. In particular, we are planning to apply recent methodological developments (phase plate, automated EM grid dispenser etc.) in studying epigenetic targets. Develop protocols in grid preparation and data acquisition that increase throughput and support lead optimization in drug discovery projects. Acquire high reso-

lution data sets of ligand-bound chromatin complexes and other epigenetic targets thereby guiding ligand optimization and ultimately drug development. The position is part of a collaboration between EMBL and GSK. The successful candidate will join the Christoph Müller group at the Structural and Computational Biology Unit at EMBL Heidelberg, but will also closely interact with our industry partner GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). The candidate will be part of the EMBL Postdoctoral Program with access to training, mentorship and career development opportunities. In addition they will also benefit from participation in the GSK post-doctoral program, formal mentorship and various trainings/seminar series in drug discovery. EMBL is a leading international research organization with a collaborative and interdisciplinary atmosphere (see The cryo-EM facilities at EMBL are outstanding and include two FEI Titan Krios, one Talos Arctica and one Polara microscope equipped with state-of-the-art di-

rect electron detectors. Qualifications and Experience: The successful candidate holds a Ph.D. in structural biology or biochemistry. The project is particularly suitable for a postdoctoral fellow with solid previous experience in cryo-EM who is interested in utilizing and further developing cryo-EM methodology for studying epigenetic targets and visualizing small molecule ligands in the drug discovery process. The position requires exceptional motivation and commitment, the ability to work independently as well as in a team and excellent technical, organizational and management skills. A contract of 2 years, with an optional 3rd year, will be offered to the successful candidate. Application Instructions: Please apply online through

60+ FOOD SAFETY OFFICER POSTS @ WEST BE HEALTH RECRUITMENT BOARD - WBHRB Online applications are invited from Indian Citizen and such other national as declared eligible by Government of India for recruitment to the post of Food Safety Officer in the cadre of West Bengal General Service, under Commissioner of Food Safety, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal. Only online registration of Application ( including printing of Govt. Challan, where applicable ) will be allowed on the website ) between 01.12 2017 to 11.12.2017 ( before 8 PM ). Posts are temporary but likely to be permanent in future. The relevant rules and necessary particulars are stated in the following paragraph: A candidate should verify from the notified rules that he/ she is eligible. The condition prescribed cannot be relaxed. The recruitment will be made by selection but where a large number of applications are received, as a result of Advertisement, the Board may , for the purpose of short-listing, hold a preliminary examination. Scale of Pay : Rs. 90001- — Rs. 40,500/- , [ Grade Pay – Rs 4400/- ]. Other allowances will also be admissible as per Government order in force. A. Essential : (i) Holder of a degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology or Masters Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from a recognized

University. (However, no person who has any financial interest in the manufacture, import or Sale of any article of food shall be appointed to be a Food Safety Officer under the Food & Safety and standard rules, 2011) OR (ii) Holder of any other equivalent/ recognized qualification notified by the Central Government. (iii) Has successfully completed training as specified by the Food Authority in a recognized institute or institution approved for the purpose. Age : Shall not be less than 21 Years and not more than 36 years as on 1st. January, 2017, relaxable for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH candidates as per existing rules of Govt. of West Bengal provided that the upper age limit may be relaxed by the State Govt., by order. NOTE: 1) Reservation for exempted category shall be considered only when supported by Certificate issued by appropriate Authority, as defined by Directorate of Employment, Labour Department. Government of West Bengal. 2) Candidates have to submit a declaration that he! She has no financial interest in the manufacture, import or Sale of any article of food 3) Knowledge of Bengali and other languages as per the Government Order for the time being in force-Spoken & Written. 4) The applicant must be a citizen of India or such a person of other nationality as declared eligible by Govt. of India.

5) Age as recorded in Madhyamik or equivalent certificate will only be acceptable; Fee : Candidates must submit the application fee amounting to Rs. 160/- (Rupees one hundred sixty only) through Bank Counter in any branch of Banks participating in the GRIPS ( Govt. Receipt Portal System ), Govt. of West Bengal through duplicate challan, as generated after filling up the online application form with basic information. Govt Receipt Head of Account is ‘ 0051-00104-002-16’.

Note: Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply using Online Application Form much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid congestion on Web-Server on account of heavy load on internet/Website.

It may please be noted that after making payment to Bank, Candidates have to log in to the website with the log in ID & Password, already provided to them after registration through SMSI Email for payment verification and filling up page 2 of the application form. Money order, Cheque. Bank Draft, Cash etc. will not be acceptable. No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserved for any other examination. Important Dates : Website Link open — For on-line Registration of Applications ( including printing of Govt. Challan, where applicable ) :01.12.2017 to 11.12.2017 Payment of Fees at Bank Branches (Off line) :02.12.2017 to 18.12.2017 ( up to banking hours ). Last date of full submission of Form : 19.12.2017


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SCHOLARSHIP D institutions located in the state of Andhra Pradesh or National Research Organizations/ Institutions located in common capital Hyderabad . The host institution should provide necessary administrative and infrastructural support. The fellowship is purely a temporary assignment and is tenable initially for a period of 3 years. In exceptional cases, depending on the progress of research, the fellowship can be extended for 6 months. There is no provision to extend the tenure beyond three years except in exceptional cases.

APPCB Research Fellowship Scheme 2017 Introduction: The Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB), driven by the vision to foster economic growth with efficient environmental management, proposes to introduce a scheme for financial support to postgraduate students for doing PhD in the field of environmental Science and Engineering. These candidates can obtain knowledge, co‐operation, guidance or orientation on various subjects related to technical, scientific, legal, etc on environment problems with the help of experienced Professors/Researchers. The Board has, therefore, decided to launch a scheme to encourage such candidates undertaking Research and Development in the field of environment relevant to the state of Andhra Pradesh through Ph.D. with board financial assistance. Objective: The objective of this program is to acquire benefit of research for the Board, and betterment of the State through the students exploring in the environmental field. In this regard, the APPCB- Ph.D Fellowship will identify motivated young talented researchers and provide them support for doing research in frontier areas of Environmental Science and Engineering. Eligibility: The applicant should be an Indian citizen and hold a master’s degree in Science / Engineering from a recognized University. The applicant should have qualified UGC -NET or GATE or APSLET. The upper age limit for the fellowship is 25 years at the time of the submission of application. Age relaxation of 5 years will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST and 3 years for OBC/Physically Challenged & Women candidates. Nature & Duration of Support: The fellowship is tenable only in AP and in common capital Hyderabad and can be implemented in any of the government academic institutions, institutes of national importance and other recognized government R &


Fellowship details: The fellows will be entitled to receive the grants as given below: 1. Fellowship: As per rules of JRF prescribed by Department of Science and Technology, CSIR, Government of India (Rs. 25,000/- +HRA per month for first two years and Rs. 28,000/- +HRA per month for third year). 2. Contingency Grant Rs. 25,000/- per annum Contingency grant can be used for consumables, typing, stationery, photography, training, visit, participating in conferences within or outside the State. The fellows are not eligible to receive any other fellowship from any Government or Non-Governmental source during the tenure of the fellowship. However, they are eligible to receive any cash awards in the form of honorarium during the course of study in recognition of their research work. Selection & Mode of Application: The application form along with detailed CV of the candidate, certificate from the guide (Annexure-II) and format for guide (Annexure-III) should be submitted to the Member Secretary, APPCB. The applicant must identify a suitable Mentor under whom the proposed research wouldbe carried out. The selection will be based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee that will be constituted by the APPCB. If required, the applicants may be called for personal interview. Application Deadline – 20th December 2017

5 Doctoral Scholarships for Outstanding Young Researchers @ Kiel University Call for applications: 5 Doctoral scholarships for outstanding young researchers The Graduate School Human Development in Landscapes at Kiel University ( offers a unique research environment positioned at the interface of the Humanities, the Natural and the Social Sciences. Research at the Graduate School addresses interactions between physical and social landscapes in past worlds, and examines how past landscapes serve as a dynamic arena that catalyzes human activity in space and time. In particular, the Graduate School focuses on the role of environment, social relationships, material culture, subsistence, population dynamics, and human perceptions in promoting change in ancient societies and landscapes. The Graduate School addresses this interaction at multiple timescales and seeks scholars who are developing novel ways to approach some of the recent challenges by using their research on ancient worlds. Some of these challenges include, but certainly are not limited to, the emergence of social differentiation, mobility in societies, the early spread of disease, the impact of new technologies on past societies, and ideologies/ human perceptions of and responses to past environmental, climate, and social change. The Graduate School actively encourages applicants from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and welcomes the development of extensive theoretical frameworks to support the empirical/ applied work. The Graduate School has been granted funding by the German Excellence Initiative. Its sustainable development is ensured by the Johanna Mestorf Academy as a central institution of Kiel University. We invite applications for 5 PhD scholarships (to begin as soon as possible). The initial scholarships are granted for two years with the prospect of being extended for a third year. A monthly scholarship grant

currently amounts to 1450€. All scholarship holders can apply for research funds from the Graduate School. We are seeking highly qualified and motivated doctoral fellows to conduct high-quality interdisciplinary research. Eligible candidates must hold an outstanding university degree (MA, MSc or equivalent) in a field relevant to the multidisciplinary theme of “Human Development in Landscapes”. The graduate program is jointly offered by academics of the Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social and Life Sciences. Thus, the Graduate School fosters the formation of interdisciplinary PhD teams. The scholarship holders are affiliated with the Johanna Mestorf Academy at Kiel University ( Innovative research ideas are supported by the extensive infrastructure and graduate centre at Kiel University. Supervision will be provided at an interfaculty level. Candidates are invited to submit proposals for PhD research projects addressing one or more of the following general themes of the Graduate School: “Society and Reflection”, “Social Space and Landscapes”, “Adaptation and Innovation”. The applications should fit to the foci of the Clusters. Before submitting an application, candidates are strongly encouraged to contact potential supervisors within the GS to find out whether their proposed project fits into the research foci of the Graduate School. The result of this inquiry should be mentioned in the application. How to Apply: Applications in English, including an outline of the proposed PhD research project (max. 8 pages), a curriculum vitae, copies of credentials, proof of English proficiency, and two letters of reference, must be submitted until December 31, 2017 (date of post stamp). Applications should be sent as a hardcopy and one single PDF file to the coordinator of the Graduate School: Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller GSHDL / Johanna Mestorf Academy at Kiel University Leibnizstr. 3 D-24118 Kiel Inquiries regarding this call for applications should be addressed to: PD Dr Mara Weinelt Scientific Coordinator Graduate School Human Development in Landscapes Application Deadline – December 31, 2017

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December 6th, 2017. can be a maximum of Rs.50,000/-.

J.N Tata Scholar – Apply for JN Tata Endowment | Scholarship Amount : Upto Rs. 10 Lakh The JN Tata Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians has been helping Indian students since 1892 with loan scholarships for higher studies. People consider it a matter of great pride to be called a ‘JN Tata Scholar’. There are now more than 5,004 JN Tata Scholars all over the world. Scholarship Amount : The J. N. Tata Endowment awards a onetime loan scholarship only at the beginning of the course to Indian nationals for full time Postgraduate/Ph.D./Postdoctoral studies abroad, in all fields, irrespective of caste, creed, gender or community. The amount to be awarded to each scholar by way of the loan scholarship is determined on the basis of the norms laid down for the purpose, and does not cover the full cost of studies. The amount awarded as the loan scholarship ranges between Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs.10,00,000/-. All selected applicants do not necessarily qualify for the maximum amount. The selected scholars may also qualify for a gift scholarship and travel assistance from our allied Trusts as may be decided at the sole discretion of the Trustees of the concerned Trusts. A gift scholarship can be for a maximum amount of Rs.10,00,000/- and the travel grant

Eligibility Criteria Applicants should be Indian nationals who are graduates of a recognised Indian University, with a consistently good academic record and other achievements to their credit Students in the final year of the degree course and those awaiting results are eligible to apply. Mid-career professionals up to the age of 45, with a good academic record and experience in their fields for further research, specialisation or training may also apply. Candidates need not have the admission/ offer letters from the Universities to which they have applied for the academic year 2017-2018 at the time of making the application. Candidates may, therefore, update their application form once they secure admission and submit it again, using the same Login ID. Scholars going abroad for seminars, conferences and undergraduate studies are not eligible for a J. N. Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship. Selection for the Awards It is a matter of pride to be called a JN Tata Scholar. Staying true to our founder Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee’s vision of rewarding the brightest and the best, we follow a rigorous selection process. Candidates may note the following points. Apart from consistent academic performance, we give importance to participation in both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. A good GRE/GMAT/TOEFL/IELTS score is extremely important for those applying overseas. If you have received a low GRE score, it may be advisable to improve upon it, to increase your chances of receiving the loan scholarship. A good statement of purpose will make a significant difference to your chances. We have provided some guidance on our web site on how you can construct a good statement of purpose. After the initial screening of applications, candidates who are found suitable will have to undergo an online test, the date and time of which will informed to them.

Candidates shortlisted based on the online test will be called for an interview. Such candidates should mail scanned copies of the required documents before the time of the interview. The Interview Candidates should note that to be shortlisted for an interview is no guarantee of receiving the loan scholarship. The interview carries a significant weightage in the selection process and is conducted at Mumbai or through Skype by a Technical Committee from April 2017 onwards. Candidates should come prepared with knowledge of their subjects and suggested areas of interest, as they will be examined in depth and detail. The greatest weight will be given to depth of understanding of the chosen area of study and career path. There will be two interviewers, one of who is a Subject-expert Director of the Endowment The final selection of scholars for the award of the loan scholarship is based on the following criteria: Performance at the interview. Score at the online test. Score based on academic results, GRE/ GMAT/IELTS/TOEFL scores, extra-curricular activities, research work, statement of purpose, and work experience. All the Awards will be announced together by the first week of July 2017 by mail. The Trustees’ decision on the award of scholarships is final. Correspondence in this regard will not be entertained. Formalities to be completed The candidate and the guarantor (preferably a parent or a relative having the capacity to repay the loan) will have to visit the Administrative Office of the Endowment, by prior appointment, to complete the necessary formalities after obtaining the visa. They will be required to enter into a legal agreement with the Trustees and provide documentary evidence of the capacity of the guarantor to repay the loan. Repayment of the loan begins from the time the scholar starts earning or by the end of the third year from the availment of the loan,

whichever is earlier. The amount of repayment is 20% of the loan scholarship from the end of the third year to the end of the seventh year. Repayment of the loan must be completed by the end of the seventh year from the date of availing of the loan. How to Apply : Candidates have to register for the J N Tata Endowment loan scholarship for the year 2017-2018 by using their email I.D. After successful registration, a one-time password will be sent to the registered email I.D. which will be valid for 48 hours. Candidates can login using their registered email I.D. and password to proceed further. Candidates have to change their password within 48 hours. Candidates may complete the application form online in one visit or more than one visit but must remember to save the draft before exiting each time. There is a preview option before final submission. Candidates have to upload the statement of purpose (not more than 800 words) and a scanned copy of a recommendation letter (and no other document) specifically addressed to the Trustees of the J. N. Tata Endowment on the respective letterhead with full address, telephone and mobile numbers OR from the official email address of: a Professor of the College or University OR the Employer, in case the applicant is / was working Applications should not be sent by post. Please do not leave any field blank. You may write ‘Not applicable’. If the instructions are not followed and the information given by candidates on the application form is incomplete or incorrect, the application is liable to be rejected

Registration for the application form will be available till Monday, 12th March, 2018 till 12.00 noon. The completed application forms will not be accepted after Monday, 19th March, 2018 till 12.00 noon.


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ADMISSONS Marburg. The programme is taught in English, therefore all candidates need to demonstrate good working proficiency in English, and – unless they are native English speakers – provide evidence for this (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL). German is not a requirement for the programme, but German language classes are offered to students from abroad. Download our poster.

PhD Admissions 2018 @ International Max Planck Research School Since 2003 the International Max Planck Research School for Environmental, Cellular and Molecular Microbiology (IMPRS-Mic) offers an international PhD programme with excellent research opportunities for outstanding young scientists from all over the world. The programme provides interdisciplinary training in modern microbiology, state-ofthe-art research facilities, and mentoring by world class scientists. As an IMPRS student you will be given the freedom to embark on your scientific journey! Eligibility & Overview: We are looking for young, motivated scientists with outstanding qualifications a Master’s (or equivalent) degree. The ambition of the IMPRS-Mic is to provide students with a molecular understanding of cellular processes that allow microbes to compete, adapt and differentiate in their natural environments, and also to illustrate how microbes can be used in systems and synthetic biology. This requires integration of environmental, cellular, and molecular aspects of microbiology with quantitative and biotechnological approaches. The microorganisms we study include bacteria, archaea, fungi and microalgae, covering the following research areas: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Molecular & cellular microbiology Microbial metabolism Microbial diversity & evolution Microbial biogeochemistry Microbial ecology Microbial genomics Microbial symbiosis Modelling of microbial systems Plant-microbe interactions Protein structure analysis Synthetic microbiology Systems microbiology

Application: Our PhD programme is international and open to all students holding a Master of Science (MSc) degree, or equivalent, in biology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, bioinformatics, chemistry, physics or related fields. Applications will be considered even if the degree is not conferred until the programme starts in autumn of the respective year. Applicants holding an extended (at least 4-year) Bachelor degree may also qualify for the admission to the programme, but as a rule they need to attend additional courses at the Philipps-Universität


Students of the school are selected in a competitive selection procedure once per year. The application period starts in December and ends on January 31st; the study programme starts in October.

Research Group Areas: Further host groups will present their proposed PhD projects during the on-site selection in Cologne, Germany. Selection Procedure: Candidates are selected based on their academic qualifications and research accomplishments. 25 candidates will be invited to an on-site selection week. Selected candidates can start their PhD position between July and October 2018. All accepted students will be enrolled through the University of Cologne. Application Period: The online application platform for our PhD positions starting between July and October 2018 will be available until January 15, 2018. Advance your career with a CGA doctoral degree!

PhD Programme Admissions @ Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research We offer an international research environment, characterized by outstanding ageing research, excellent supervision, early independence in research and state-of-theart facilities. We are dedicated to providing first-class conditions for young scientists in a cutting edge and inspiring environment. Our competitive PhD programme provides a world-class starting platform for a successful career in science. The programme is highly selective and invites outstanding university graduates wishing to work towards a PhD in the fields of ageing and age-related diseases to become part of the vibrant and international research scene in the Cologne/Bonn area. Requirements: Our international and interdisciplinary faculty offers positions in the areas of cell or molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, bioengineering, pharmacology, neuroscience medical biology, translated medicine or related fields. We invite applicants with a Master’s or equivalent degree of the above mentioned or related fields. Applicants with a degree in medicine are equally welcome to apply provided they have sufficient relevant research experience. Furthermore, candidates require excellent written and spoken English skills (C1 level). Eligibility: You have to hold a degree in fields such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, bioengineering, pharmacology, neuroscience, medical biology or a related area. Furthermore, you must have gained sufficient research experience during your studies. Individual applications will be examined for eligibility on a case-to-case basis.

puses at Pilani / Goa / Hyderabad, for test and/or interview. Part time students : Candidates working in organizations situated in close vicinity of campuses of BITS Pilani will be admitted under this scheme. Assistantship (Stipend) : Those admitted to full time PhD programme will be considered for Project/Research Assistantships up to Rs. 25,000/-per month. Selected candidates will be required to participate in teaching and other developmental programme of the institute under the guidance of a mentor. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates should apply through the prescribed application form available online at www.bitsadmission. com and send print out of the filled application form along with the prescribed fee of Rs. 2200, to Dean Admissions, BITS Pilani, Pilani 333031, so as to reach at or before 5:00 pm., December 14th, 2017. Details of fee payment modes are available at the website while applying online. Please check https://www.biotecnika. org/2017/11/phd-programme-admission2017-18-bits-pilani-goa-hyderabad/

PhD Programme Admission 2017-18 @ BITS Pilani, Goa & Hyderabad Admission to PhD Programme for II Semester 2017-18 session. The link to apply for admission to On campus/Part Time PhD program at Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad campuses for Second Semester 2017-18 is now open. The last date to complete the application form online is 5PM, 14th December 2017. Programmes offered: Applications are invited for admission to PhD programme at Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad campuses under ‘Full Time’ and ‘Part Time’ scheme in following Departments during Second Semester2017-18 Eligibility Criteria for Admissions: Any Higher Degree such as M.E./M. Pharm./MBA/M.Phil of BITS or its equivalent with a minimum of 60% aggregate in the qualifying examination. Candidates with an M.Sc./B.E./B.Pharm or an equivalent degree with a minimum of 60% aggregate may also be considered for Ph.D. admission subject to their suitability and competence. For Ph.D. Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences, candidates with an M.A. and with minimum of 55% aggregate may also be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be called for a written test/interview for selections. Full time students : Candidates are required to devote their full time towards Ph.D. Short list ed candidates will be required to come to designated cam-

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December 6th, 2017. FULL-TIME The following candidates are eligible to register for the full-time Ph.D. programme. A candidate who has qualified for: a. Master’s Degree in the faculties of Arts, Sciences, Fine Arts, Languages, Commerce, Education, Management Science of this University or equivalent thereto

PhD Admissions 2018 @ University of Madras The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is awarded to a candidate who, as per these regulations, has submitted a thesis on the basis of original and independent research in any particular discipline or involving more than one discipline (inter-disciplinary), that makes a contribution to the advancement of knowledge, which is approved by Board of examiners as required. Eligibility: For purposes of admission to the Ph.D. programme, a candidate should have obtained a Master’s Degree with 55% marks in the qualifying examination.For SC/ST candidates and for candidates who have completed the PG degree before 1991, the minimum can be only 50% for admission to the Ph.Dprogramme. Registration for the PhD Programme: There shall be the following categories of candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme: a. Full-time scholar (with or without stipend or fellowship) b. Part-time scholar (teacher or non-teacher, internal vis-à-vis external) The candidates belonging to any of the above categories may register at University Departments, Affiliated Colleges, Research Institutions, or R & D Centres/Laboratories coming under these regulations.

PART-TIME (INTERNAL) A candidate, possessing any one of the qualifications prescribed under Regulation 2 supra and falling under any of the following categories, is eligible to conduct research on a Part-time basis (i.e., can conduct research while continuing as teacher, Executive etc.): a. A teacher working in the Department of the University or in an affiliated College of the University, Higher Secondary School or High School or Polytechnic within the territorial jurisdiction of the University provided b. Teachers of affiliated colleges holding NET/SLET qualification or M.Phil. degree with one year of teaching experience after M. Phil degree and Teachers of Higher Secondary Schools/High Schools and Polytechnic with two years of experience after the qualifying degree be allowed to register for Ph.D (part-time) programme. c. Teachers of affiliated colleges in the following disciplines, with one year of teaching experience without M.Phil or SLET/NET are permitted to do part-time Ph.D i) Computer Science, ii) Media Arts, iii) English, iv) Management, v) Natya, vi) Communication and Journalism, vii) Hotel and Catering Management, viii) Interior Design, ix) BioTechnology and x) Bio-Informatics. d. A candidate employed other than as a teacher in a permanent job in a registered firm/institution, within the territorial jurisdiction of the University with a minimum of FOUR YEARS of total working experience, after the qualifying degree and satisfying the rules framed separately by the Syndicate from time to time. e. Research Assistants/Technical Assistants appointed on a permanent basis by the University are eligible to register for Ph.D. programme on Part-time basis after confirmation of service. f. Candidate with M.L. Degree practicing as an advocate in any Court of Law or serving as

a Legal Advisor to/in a registered firm/institution within the territorial jurisdiction of the University with a minimum of FOUR YEARS of total working experience after qualifying degree. PART-TIME (EXTERNAL) Not withstanding anything contained in these regulations, candidates possessing anyone of the qualifications from the University of Madras or from any other University recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto, prescribed under Regulation 3.2 supra, and employed as a teacher, scientist or in any other related capacity (as recommended by the Selection Committee of the concerned department) in National/State level institutions, Universities, Research and Development (R&D) Centres/Laboratories and institutions outside the territorial jurisdiction of this University, in India and abroad, who are permitted by the respective organizations for pursuing research leading to the Ph.D. Degree of this University on a Part-time basis, while continuing in employment, may be permitted to register for the Ph.D. programme on a Part-time basis as external candidates two years after acquiring qualifying degree. These candidates are expected to do research in their place of employment and in addition, they should undergo such course work, examination and research work as may be prescribed by the supervisor/doctoral committee for a minimum of SIX MONTHS during the research period directly under the supervisor in this University. In addition to the Supervisor from this University, they shall have a joint supervisor from the institution where they are employed, provided such a supervisor is recognized as supervisor for Ph.D. programme by this University or the host University. In the case of non-availability of a recognized supervisor in the institution, the candidate’s research work shall be monitored by the Head of the institution. DURATION OF RESEARCH FULL-TIME A candidate registered as a full-time scholar for the Ph.D. programme possessing any one of the above qualifications as mentioned in Section 3 supra shall work continuously in the department under a supervisor for a min-

imum period of THREE YEARSafter provisional registration and before submission of the thesis. PART-TIME A candidate registered for the Ph.D. programme as a part-time scholar (both internal and external) shall work for a minimum period of FOUR YEARSafter provisional registration, before submission of the Thesis. EXEMPTION Exemption of ONE YEARfrom the minimum duration required is permissible in respect of candidates who possess an M. Phil./M.Phil.on INTER-DISCIPLINARYbasis or M.Litt. (in the relevant subject) or Master’s Degree in the faculty of Law, M.E and M.Tech. CONVERSION OF FULL-TIME REGISTRATION INTO PART-TIME AND VICE-VERSA Notwithstanding anything prescribed in these regulations, the University may permit conversion from Full-time research to Parttime research and vice-versa in respect of candidates registered, for valid reasons and subject to satisfying the regulations, rules and conditions in force. The period put in by the candidate will be worked out in the ratio of 2:3 for research put in before and after such conversion. How to Apply: Admissions for Ph.D. programme can be made four times in a year, i.e., January, April, July and October. Applications can be downloaded from the University websie and submit the same with processing fee of Rs.500/(fee exempted for SC / ST) The application forms will be available during the months of December, March, June and September every year for admitting the candidates for four sessions. Candidates should submit their applications on or before the first working day of a quarter, viz., January, April, July and October. Admission to Ph.D. programme shall be completed in the first month itself in each session. Registrations for Ph.D. may be done throughout the year


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December 6th, 2017.


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