Biotecnika Times 2020 New Year Special - FREE Download

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December 31st, 2019

Vol. 03

NO 111

Toll Free Number: 18001-200-1818

Happy New Year 2020



December 31st, 2019

Vol. 03

NO 111

Toll Free Number: 18001-200-1818









December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

The First Human Head Transplant Maybe Just A Decade Away – Claims Scientists A former NHS neurosurgeon has claimed that the first-ever human head transplant could be successfully performed by 2030. HE BELIEVES HOW HE KNOWS HOW THE FEAT OF MOVING A PERSON’S CONSCIOUSNESS TO ANOTHER BODY COULD BE MADE TO WORK. By Rahul Mishra

Bruce Mathew, a former clinical lead for neurosurgery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals, while working on a science fiction novel with the Institute of Futurology founder Michael Lee when he realized the potential key to making the HUman Head transplant surgery a success. He believes that in a Human Head man volunteer lined up, suggested his Dr. Mathew would be of no help to Transplant surgeons should consider work could pave the way to immor- those with spinal injuries, it could transplanting the head as well as the tality. help those with degenerative musspinal cord. cle diseases. Dr. Mathew added that While the method suggested by there are still doubts as to whether Previously, few scientists striving to make head transplants a reality have mainly focused on methods that sever the spinal cord. Dr. Mathew considers this idea as “utterly ridiculous.” Due to advancements in nerve surgery, robotics, and stem cell transplants, Dr. Mathew believes that it could be possible to reattach an entire spinal cord and its corresponding head to another body before 2030. Dr. Mathew thinks the strategy of transplanting the whole brain and the spinal cord would be the most effective procedure. Dr. Mathew adds, “The spinal cord is the most profound thing imaginable. You need to keep the brain connected to the spinal cord.” In 2017, Sergio Canavero claimed to have performed a successful First Human Head Transplant- on a human corpse based on a method that cuts the spinal cord at the base of the neck. Dr. Canavero claimed electrical stimulation proved First Human Head Transplant had been a success. Still, other scientists criticized the claims and pointed to his previous claim of success with a monkey, which never regained consciousness and would have remained paralyzed if it had done so. Mr. Canavero, who has a willing hu-

the head and spine could be made to integrate with another person’s DNA successfully. He believes stem cell transplants could be used to prevent rejection.

December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111



Vaccination On Wheels Initiative By IIT Hyderabad Backed By GATES Foundation A fellow of the Center for Healthcare Entrepreneurship, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Jignesh Patel, has launched a Vaccination-on-Wheels Initiative, a first-of-its-kind service in India, in Pune. THE VACCINATION ON WHEELS INITIATIVE IS LAUNCHED IN COLLABORATION WITH THE BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION. By Rahul Mishra

The foundation has provided funds to Mr. Jignesh Patel under its Grand Challenges Explorations. Called Vaccination On Wheels Initiative, it will go to schools, colleges, and corporate offices, to offer vaccination services at their doorsteps. The Mr. Jignesh Patel and team program was launched on December 15, 2019. This unique, unconven- Mr. Patel added that the initiative is Paediatrics (IAP) standards for chil- team successfully administered 27 tional, low-cost, creative and high on to support the government and socie- dren. vaccinations to children from low-inconvenience model has been designed ty in getting children fully immunized come group families. with the idea of reaching to the lowest as per WHO and Indian Academy of On the day of the inauguration, the strata of the society. Mr. Jignesh Patel founded Jivika Healthcare to provide this vaccination service. Additional features of the Vaccination On Wheels Initiative include: • Providing low-cost vaccination services to the low-income group of the population. • To create awareness about the government’s immunization program and sells only those vaccines which are not provided through the government. • Cold chain maintenance as per WHO guidelines with state-ofthe-art equipment. Prof. Renu John, Co-Head, CfHE, and Head, Department of Biomedical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad congratulated Mr. Patel on launching the Vaccination On Wheels Initiative. He highlighted that the program offers unique initiatives to cover the last mile in delivering vaccines to people of all strata of society. Jivika Healthcare Social Workers will explain how vaccines can save the lives of children & money by avoiding hospitalization. Every week between Monday to Saturday, the social workers create awareness and utilize Sunday to invite interested families to visit the clinic for the vaccination drive.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

These Worms Love Eating Plastics & Maybe A Solution To Plastic Problems According to a new Stanford University study, tiny mealworms can consume various forms of plastic, including potentially toxic plastic additives in Styrofoam with zero ill effects. THE PREVIOUS STUDY AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY HAD SHOWN THAT THESE MEALWORMS ARE CAPABLE OF CONSUMING DIFFERENT FORMS OF PLASTIC. By Rahul Mishra

The Stanford study on mealworms is the first to look at where chemicals in the plastic end up after being broken down in a natural system. The study serves as a proof of concept for deriving value from plastic waste- in this case, the gut of mealworm. Anja Malawi Brandon, a Ph.D. student, and the study lead added that the Mealworm Toxic Plastic Degrascientists were surprised to notice that dation- Can They Save The World these tiny mealworms are capable From Plastics? of degrading toxic plastic additives without it building up in their body Mealworms in the experiment exover a prolonged period. pelled about 50% of the polystyrene they consumed as tiny, partially deMealworm Toxic Plastic Degrada- graded fragments & the other half tion- The Previous Study In the previous study, Stanford scientists & collaborators at other institutions discovered that mealworms, which are easy to cultivate & widely used as food for animals ranging from chickens to fish & shrimp, can subsist on a diet of various types of plastic. The researchers found that microorganisms in the worms’ guts biodegrade the plastic in the process. However, concern remained about whether it was safe to use the plastic-eating mealworms as feed for other animals. Scientists could not eliminate the possibility that harmful chemicals in plastic additives might accumulate in the worms over time. Brandon and the team of scientists used Styrofoam or polystyrene, a standard plastic typically used for packaging and insulation, that is expensive to recycle because of its low density & bulkiness. It contained a flame retardant called hexabromocyclododecane, also known as HBCD, that is commonly added to polystyrene. The additive is used to improve plastics’ manufacturing properties or decrease flammability.

as carbon dioxide. With it, they discharged the HBCD – about 90% within 24 hours of consumption and substantially all of it after 48 hours. Mealworms that fed a steady diet of HBCD-laden polystyrene were as healthy as those on a regular diet.

While hopeful for mealworm-derived solutions to the world’s plastic waste crisis, Stanford scientists caution that lasting answers will only come in the form of biodegradable plastic replacement materials as well as reduced reliance on single-use products.


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


Chemical Modification Of DNA Ends For Better CRISPR Efficiency The researchers from the University of Illinois achieved the highest rate of gene insertion into human cells using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing system, which was the greatest challenge in CRISPR based clinical gene therapy. THIS NEW CRISPR TECHNIQUE FOR GENE INSERTION INVOLVES THE CHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF THE ENDS OF DNA TO BE INSERTED. IT IS FIVE TIMES EFFICIENT THAN THE CURRENT APPROACHES. By Namitha Thampi

They tested the technique in human kidney cell lines and saw 65% insertion at one site, which was previously 15%. Nature Chemical biology published the research led by Huimin Zhao, chemical and biomolecular engineering professor at the University of Illinois. Although CRISPR is being widely used for knocking out or turning off genes, it was not an efficient tool to knock in or insert a gene in human cells.

study of gene’s functions and study of how the gene expression is affected by cancer or other structural changes in a chromosome. The genetic conditions or diseases caused by a missing gene can be rectified by the efficient insertion of DNA through the knockin method.

insertion. Varied sizes of end modified DNA fragments were then tested using CRISPR-Cas9 to target and insert at specific sites. They observed two to five times improved efficiency even with the larger DNA segments which are often difficult to insert.

An efficient gene knock-in method is critical for gene therapy applications and basic biological research to study the gene function. A good knock-in method enables the labeling of genes,

The team modified the DNA to be inserted in 13 different ways and came up with a conclusion that any small changes at the end of the DNA increased efficiency and speed of the

The chemical modifications at the end improved the stability of DNA fragments. Often the DNA fragments get degraded from the ends by the cellular enzymes while trying to insert.

The chemical modifications might have protected the ends. The higher rate of insertion could be because of the increased stability and increased amount of DNA getting into the nucleus. Zhao’s team is already employing this new technique to tag the genes under function studies. He said this new CRISPR technique for gene insertion has a very simple strategy, but it works.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


CDRI Collaborates With Cipla: Global Drug Discovery Partnership Cipla’s association with CSIR and CDRI has been ongoing since 1942, and Cipla has benefited over the years from the expertise developed at the labs of CDRI and IICT.

Two stalwarts of the CSIR with whom Cipla has been closely associated in the past have been Dr. Nitya Anand and Dr. AV Rama Rao. Now Cipla and CDRI are embarking on a futuristic program under the auspices of CSIR for the development of newer global drugs.

CDRI Collaborates With Cipla: Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Dr. Kundu added that this collaboration was an excellent example of a Public-Private Partnership leading to the country’s progress. This collaboration is not something

new. CSIR-CDRI and Cipla have earlier for the drug delivery process. In the year 1995, chandonium iodide drug used against neuromuscular blockers as well as guggulipid drugs for hypolipidemic are some of the examples of drugs developed under one such venture.


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


First Cancer Immunotherapy Vaccine To Hit Clinical Trial Vaccitech Oncology Limited (VOLT), in collaboration with Cancer Research UK, plans to bring a novel immunotherapeutic vaccine strategy to patients with lung cancer. VACCITECH LTD AND LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH TOGETHER DEVELOPED A VACCINE TREATMENT THAT WOULD STIMULATE THE BODY’S OWN IMMUNE CELLS TO ATTACK THE CANCER CELLS. By Namitha Thampi

The new treatment will introduce the cancer-associated antigens MAGE A3 and NY-ESO-1 to the dendritic cells, also known as the antigen-presenting cells, causing an immune response that produces cytotoxic T cells. The cytotoxic T cells will then target and kill the antigen-expressing cancer cells. This is the first time a viral vaccine program is going to be used in the treatment of the most common type of lung cancer, the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Similar vaccines for the treatment of last stage Prostate Cancer are under clinical trial. The first clinical trial of the therapeutic vaccine, in combination with the current standard of care and first-line treatment for NSCLC, will be sponsored by Cancer Research UK’s Centre for Drug Development (CDD). The Phase I/IIa trial will examine if receiving the immunotherapeutic vaccine improves the effect of chemotherapy and anti-PD-1 treatment. The trial will also investigate the extent of the ability of the vaccine to stimulate a safe and effective anti-cancer immune response in NSCLC patients. Cancer Research UK’s director of drug development, Dr. Nigel Blackburn, said: “This partnership with VOLT is an important step to help accelerate this promising immunotherapy and could help more people survive lung cancer, which remains very hard to treat.” This new approach of stimulating the immune system against the cancer cells using modified adenovirus could be a completely novel way to kill the cancer cells. The previous clinical trials had shown the high specificity of experimental cancer vaccines and their ability to induce a robust immune

response. These cancer vaccines against the MAGE A3 and NY-ESO-1 antigens could be a potential immunotherapeutic that could generate a persistent level of CD8+ T cells to kill the cancer cells.

Once the clinical trial is completed, VOLT will have the rights for commercialization and further clinical development of the cancer vaccine. If VOLT refuses to take up the responsibility, Cancer Research UK will be given the rights for the same.

The clinical trial will be performed on 80 NSCLC patients across multiple locations in the UK by the end of 2020 through the Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) network.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

Top 10 Biotech Movies You Must Binge Watch Before This Year Ends! Do You love watching science fiction? Well, I am sure most of us would have watched at least one sci-fi that would have left a mark on our minds. TWISTING OUR IMAGINATIONS, SCIENCE FICTION IS ONE OF THE GENRES THAT THE MAJORITY OF US LOVE WATCHING. By Rahul Mishra

Real science fiction is one that makes you think after the film ends. How About Science Fiction that is more inclined towards Biotechnology? Hailing from Life Science background, this will surely excite you! We present you a list of Best Biotech Movies- Top 10 Must Watch Movies 1. Gattaca:

2. Rampage

sclerosis, a degenerative nerve disorder that will gradually stop her being able to perform, she asked friend, a revolutionary reproductive researcher, to assist her creating her clone so that she can pass her music onto her daughter. Even though cloning of humans is illegal, the scientist agrees for the same. The film raises ethical conDavis Okoye, a primatologist, who is cerns about human cloning. close friends with a rare albino silverback gorilla, has his life turned upside 4. Elysium down when he discovers CRISPR has been used to mutate his primate buddy into a gigantic, uncontrollable beast. Rampage feature second on our list of Best Biotech Movies.

This is an all-time favorite movie. I’m sure sci-fi lovers would have watched this movie, but if you haven’t, then please consider watching this classic. The film draws on concerns over reproductive technologies that facilitate eugenics, and the possible consequences of such technological devel- The premise of this film is that CRISopments for society. PR technology is designated as a “Weapon of Mass Destruction and A movie based on Genetics study, i.e., Proliferation,” and a biopharma coma study on heredity and the variations pany has misused the science, creatthat occur on heritable traits, is con- ing large, hybrid animals, who have sidered as our first biology movie. unchecked aggression. Okoye strugReleased in 1997 and directed by An- gles through the action-packed movie drew Niccol, the film Gattaca tells the to try to reverse the CRISPR process story where one’s genetic makeup de- to save his gorilla and set right the termines people’s societal classes. It’s “science went wrong.” safe to say that this movie predicted gene editing and CRISPR technology 3. Blueprint: decades before they were invented. In 2003 the movie was released. This Set in a future society in which most movie is based on the Biotechnolochildren are conceived in-vitro, and gy concept, the very idea of cloning. disease is predetermined using genet- Cloning is the process of creating copic selection techniques, the GATTA- ies of DNA, cell, or organisms. This CA speaks the story of one of the last biology movie deals with the story of naturally conceived children. Watch first-ever cloned human beings and the movie to know more about his the search for everlasting life. real-world struggles and the ways he A world-famous pianist and composovercomes it. er, who finds out that she has multiple

Released in 2013 we had to include this in our list of Best Biotech Movies. Elysium imagines life in the year 2154. Elysium revolves around Biotechnology. A technique that allows society to cure disease. But there’s a twist! Only the rich people who live on a space station, have access to this technology. Meanwhile, the earth is overpopulated, and people suffer from poverty and famine. An American embarks on an epic mission to bring equality to the world divided by access to scientific developments. Will his efforts save the world?

5. Blade Runner 2049

The New Blade Runner- Blade Runner 2049 has won 2 Oscars for cinematography and visual effects, this film deserves mention in our list. As in the original movie, bioengineered humans known as ‘replicants’ are slaves. The lead character in the film, played by Ryan Gosling, is a ‘Blade Runner’ whose job is to track down and kill ‘rogue’ replicants. If you liked the original films, this movie is a mustwatch. Loved Biotecnika’s Best Biotech Movies List? Scroll down to discover more. 6. Splice


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

In this movie Vincenzo Natali, two scientists decide to ignore the ban on research using human embryos and try to illegally create a hybrid creature with the ultimate goal of achieving fame. Eventually, the scientists manage to experiment with human embryos without any funding and while still being required to do the research they’re paid to do. What happens next? The duo manages to splice the human DNA, and that results in a dangerous creature.

coastline. Once inside Area X, she discovers a world of landscapes filled with creatures. As dangerous it may seem, Area X is beautiful. Watch the movie to find out what happens next! 8. Lucy:

stomach of Lucy. Once during a confrontation with one of the criminals, this drug packet of her stomach leaks and spread to her nervous system. Watch this excellent piece Luc Besson which has a unique plot and has bagged various awards. 9. Downsizing:

7. Annihilation

Annihilation is a science fiction psychological horror film released in 2018. The movie is written and directed by Alex Garland. The movie is based on an excellent book of the same name written by Jeff VanderMeer. Lena, a biologist and former soldier undertakes a mission to uncover the fate of her husband inside Area X- a sinister & mysterious phenomenon that is expanding across the American

In this movie, the main character Lucy is mischievously asked by her boyfriend to deliver a suitcase in a business partner. The briefcase has a powerful blue crystalline synthetic drug (CPH4). While the delivery of the suitcase is in process, a Korean mob abducted her and converted her into a drug mule for trafficking drugs to different countries. These criminals surgically implement the drug packet containing CPH4 into the

One of the Best Biotech Movies, the movie tries to find out the cause of overpopulation and global warming. Biologically, overpopulation means to surpass the carrying limit of its ecological niche. This rise in population happens due to an increase in birth rate, drop in death rate, which leads to upsetting the ecological balance by depleting natural resources. In this movie, a Norwegian scientist invents a process called “cellular miniaturization,” wherein the lab rat reduces to 1/100 of its size. The scientists then applied the process to the main character of the movie. Watch


the movie to find out what happens next. 10. Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story: The biology concept of the film is Neurosurgery. The movie is about the life of a famous neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson at the John Hopkins Hospital. In the film, Carson’s beginning is as a poor student, and ultimately, he becomes a famous medical doctor in a prestigious university. In the history of neurosurgery, a medical team of 70 members was led by Dr. Carson to separate the conjoined twins Benjamin and Patrick Binder. After the operation, the twins had suffered some complications, but both survived. This operation by Dr. Carson is considered the first successful attempt to separate conjoined twins in the history of medical science. I know, some of you by now will be like – “Hey, you missed out this movie… it’s my favorite”. True, there are hundreds of other mind-boggling science fiction movies worth watching but these are some of the relevant movies related to the Biotech field. Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy with a Tub Popcorn!



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

CRISPR Modified Tomatoes – Ideal For Urban Gardens & Outer Space New CRISPR Urban Tomato plants whose fruit grows in compact bunches like grapes has been developed by researchers from New York’s Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. PROF. ZACH LIPPMAN, COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY PROFESSOR, AND HHMI INVESTIGATOR SAID THAT THE PRIMARY GOAL OF THIS NEW RESEARCH IS TO ENGINEER A WIDER VARIETY OF CROPS THAT CAN BE GROWN IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTS OR OTHER PLACES NOT SUITABLE FOR PLANT GROWTH. By Rahul Mishra

The New CRISPR Urban Tomato plants’ most notable feature is its bunched, compact fruit, which resembles a bouquet of roses whose flowers have been replaced by ripe cherry footprints, claims scientists. tomatoes. They also mature quickly, producing ripe fruit that’s ready for Earlier this year, the UN Intergovharvest in under 40 days. And you can ernmental Panel on Climate Change eat them. (IPCC) warned that more than 500 million people are living on land alProf. Lippman added that the tomaready degraded by deforestation, toes taste great and have great shape changing weather patterns, and overand size. use of viable cropland. By shifting some of the burdens of growing the Most importantly, they’re eco-friendworld’s crops to urban and other arly. That’s good news for anyone coneas, there’s hope that desperate land cerned about climate change. mismanagement will slow. These New CRISPR Urban TomaA significant advantage of the urtoes would reduce the usage of harmban farm includes year-round in cliful fertilizers that have an adverse efmate-controlled conditions, reduced fect on the environment. It would also space required for cultivation among help in the reduction of global carbon

other benefits. That’s why it’s beneficial to use plants that can be grown and harvested quickly. More harvests per year result in more food, even if the space used is very small. The team created the New CRISPR Urban Tomatoes by fine-tuning two genes referred to as the Self Pruning (SP) & SP5G genes which control when the plant stops growing and when it flowers and fruits. Past research has shown that tinkering with these genes can unintentionally lead to small yields and the tomatoes having a bad flavor. Therefore, the researchers had to be careful to ‘tune’ the plant’s genome just right.

Searching for a third player, Lippman’s team recently discovered the gene SIER, which controls the lengths of stems. Mutating SIER with the CRISPR gene-editing tool and combining it with the mutations in the other two flowering genes created shorter stems and extremely compact plants. By making crops and harvests shorter, Professor Lippman believes that agriculture can reach new heights. Prof. Lippman highlighted that NASA Scientists have expressed their interest in the New CRISPR Urban Tomatoes.

December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111



“Smart-Toilets” Developed By Scientists at University of Wisconsin-Madison Scientists develop Smart Toilets – University of Wisconsin-Madison Scientists are developing “Smart Toilets” for better health analysis. THE ABILITY TO MONITOR AND IMPROVE HEALTH IS BEING TRANSFORMED BY USING SMART WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES, BUT NOW COMES A LOW-TECH COMMODITY, THE HUMBLE TOILET, WHICH COULD HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO OUTPERFORM ALL THE OTHER WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES. By Prathibha HC

The ability to monitor and improve health is being transformed by using This graphic illustrates how an integrated “smart toilet” system might work as a real-time method of monitoring health. While the application may be smart wearable technologies, but now years away, proof of principle is being developed in the lab. DASOM (SOMI) HWANG,JOSHUA COON LAB, University of Wisconsin–Madison comes a low-tech commodity, the humble toilet, which could have the plications it comes with. Doctors can teins. potential to outperform all the other Over a 10 day period, around 110 samples were analyzed and the team understand your health better through wearable technologies. created snapshots of day-to-day “Smart Toilets”, but with this tech- These will detect the presence of nology, your personal life could be other markers that might be an early The two scientists set to develop health of each individual. pried by anyone. As the urine sam- warning of cancer or diabetes along smart toilets, which can detect kidney ple is sent to the physician’s office, with the detection of fluctuations in diseases, diabetes, urinary tract infec- The scientists behind the smart toian online hacker or even an employ- the levels of these substances. tions, and other metabolic disorders let, Joshua Coon and Ian Miller are the two participants in the study and ee will be able to see the individual’s before the appearance of symptoms. they were able to find that the mo- lifestyle and health by intercepting A remote eye can be kept on their the data. patients as the data could be beamed A team of scientists at the Universi- lecular makeup of their urine showed directly to GPs or to your smartphone. ty of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Mad- them how much they exercised, how MIT and European Space Agency ison) is constructing this smart toilet much they had slept, how much over(ESA) have teamed up with sanita- As reported in the Telegraph, Fitand it is in developmental phases cur- the-counter medication they had taken and how much alcohol or coffee tion specialists last year, to create the Loo is based on the technology used rently. ‘FitLoo’, which will gather the data by astronauts to monitor their health they had drunk. through sensors located inside the aboard the International Space StaThis technology can collect and Within 5 years, they hope to have bowl and will screen urine for the tion (ISS). compile your health information right the finished ‘smart toilet’ available presence of extra glucose and profrom your own home, and scientists but the scientists are aware of the imclaim that this is a non-invasive way of health analysis.

Urine has a virtual liquid history of an individual’s sleep patterns, exercise, nutritional habits, medication use, and other lifestyle choices. Metabolic links to more than 600 human conditions, including some of the major killers such as kidney disease, diabetes, and cancer are contained in the liquid. The research team at UW-Madison is incorporating a portable mass spectrometer that can pinpoint markers in samples before any symptoms show up in the individuals. They analyzed their urinary metabolites using machines known as gas chromatography and mass spectrometers.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

Detecting Blood Cancer Using Artificial Intelligence New research has found that one of the most common forms of blood cancer – acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can be detected using Artificial Intelligence. AI CAN DETECT THIS BLOOD CANCER WITH HIGH RELIABILITY. By Prathibha HC

This research study was published in the iScience journal and it said that the research team’s approach was based on the gene activity of cells found in the blood. They said this can possibly accelerate the beginning of therapy and could support conventional diagnostics. The symptoms of AML, in the early stages, can resemble those of a bad cold but AML should be treated as quickly as possible as it is a fingerprint of gene activity, called the life-threatening disease. “transcriptome” for this study. A research group leader at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Only certain genes in each and every Diseases (DZNE), Joachim Schultze cell, depending on its condition, are said, ” On the basis of our study, with actually “switched on” that reflects in a blood test, it seems possible that their gene activity profile. the suspicion of AML can be cleared In the current study on AML, the exquickly by the family doctor.” act same data were derived from cells Schultze, who is also Head of the in blood samples and spanning many Department for Genomics and Immu- thousands of genes was analyzed. noregulation at the LIMES Institute of the University of Bonn in Germa- Schultze said, ” There is imporny added that ” The patient is referred tant information about the condition to a specialist when the suspicion is of cells found in the transcriptome. confirmed. The diagnosis could then The classical diagnostics are howhappen much earlier leading to early ever based on data that are different. Therefore, we wanted to find out what therapy.” The researchers focused on a kind of can the analysis of the transcriptome

using artificial intelligence, i.e., trainable algorithms, achieve.” For the study, samples from around 105 different studies and data more than 12,000 blood samples were considered. The samples were taken from around 4,100 individuals who had been diagnosed with AML, the remaining ones had been taken from healthy individuals or from individuals with other diseases. The researchers had parts of this data set fed in their algorithms. The information about the sample, if it came from an AML patient or not was included in the input.

Schultze said, ” Then, the transcriptome for disease-specific patterns were searched by the algorithm. This process is called machine learning and it is a largely automated process.” Further data was analyzed based on this pattern recognition and the algorithms classified samples into two categories – Samples without AML and AML containing samples. Schultze said, “Conventional diagnostics could be supported by this method using artificial intelligence when it is used, and it can help save costs.”


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


GlaxoSmithKline Turns To AI For Drug Development The Pharma giant- GlaxoSmithKline is ramping up its use of artificial intelligence & would be recruiting 80 Artificial Intelligence specialists by the end of 2020. HOWEVER, THE UK’S LARGEST DRUGMAKER BY REVENUE IS STRUGGLING TO HIRE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SCIENTISTS & ENGINEERS FROM AREAS SUCH AS SILICON VALLEY. By Prathibha HC

Therefore as an alternative, the drugmaker is looking to former employees in the US Navy, academia, and the music industry to fill positions in the new team. The positions are spread ascross London, San Francisco, Heidelberg, Boston, and Philadelphia. The new GSK AI Drug Development unit will be headquartered in San Francisco, with one GSK execu- gram. Artificial Intelligence will be tive admitting competition for AI pro- used to help find treatments for confessionals is fierce. ditions such as autoimmune diseases & cancer, including rheumatoid arTony Wood, GSK’s senior vice-pres- thritis. ident of medicinal science & technology, said that GSK is sourcing the In recent years, the increasing use of best minds of the planet, and the com- AI in the drug development industry petition is fierce. Mr. Wood highlight- has begun to transform the drug deed that there are very few AI experts velopment process. Drug developacross the globe. ment traditionally takes years, but AI can speed the process up as well as Among those to be hired will be increase the success rate of new medqualified researchers as a Ph.D. or icines from 10% currently. master’s candidate who will be working on AI drug development projects GSK AI Drug Development- The in London under a new fellows pro- Process Adopted By GSK

GlaxoSmithKline believes in targeting specific proteins and molecules. This target-specific drug development approach would increase the success rate of the drug. This has led GlaxoSmithKline to invest heavily in human genome research, which involves analyzing interactions of genes, including gene therapy, which aims to fix genetic defects and re-engineer patients’ cells to fight disease. The main base of GSK’s Artificial Intelligence team will be next to a new laboratory focused on function-

al genomics in San Francisco that the drugmaker is building in partnership with the University of California. GSK recently developed one of the first gene therapies, for a rare immune deficiency known as “bubble baby” syndrome called Strimvelis. With more Artificial Intelligence-based drug development in the pipeline, we can expect GSK to come up with breakthrough research soon.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

India’s Biologics Market To Hit $12 Billion By 2025 – Reports India, now the emerging hub for biosimilars and biologics, always possessed the skills to work on small molecules required to make generic drugs. Still, they lacked the skills and environment to develop reverse-engineered versions of biotech drugs. HOWEVER, THE LAUNCH OF 123 BIOSIMILARS, IN ADDITION TO THE 201 ACTIVE ONES BY PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, IS CHANGING THE COURSE. By Rahul Mishra

India has now 95 approved domestic biosimilars, the highest in the world. At the Global Bio-India 2019 event held in New-Delhi, the global analytics firm Clarivate Analytics released the report. According to the Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises (ABLE), India’s biologics market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 percent to hit $12 billion by 2025. The first biosimilar was approved by the regulatory authorities in 2000. 98 biosimilars were approved by September 2019.

SCO) and DBT on August 15, 2016. This encouraged more than 2700 biotech startups in the country,100 biotech incubators, and 600 biotech companies. The numbers are going To simplify the regulatory pathway to increase by four to five fold in the to get faster approvals and cGMP next five years. manufacturing processes assuring quality, safety, and efficacy, the re- The report also stated than among vised ‘Guidelines of Similar Biolog- the globally developed ten blockbustics’ was released by Central Drugs er molecules in 2018, only two were Standard Control Organisation (CD- small-molecule therapeutics. India is

ready to be capitalized by biotherapeutics, as the companies are beginning to develop many biosimilars in India, and the biotech skills of biotech and pharmaceutical industries are in the phase of growth. Senior solution consultant of Clarivate Analytics, Mandakini Goel stated that biologics have achieved major market share in India with respect to the total market and revenue. The

$200 billion biologics in 2013 has grown to $386 billion by the end of 2019 at a CAGR of 10 percent. By 2027, the global biosimilar market opportunity is expected to grow to more than $70 billion. In the next two to three years, the biosimilar market is going to grow in response to the recent regulatory approvals and the patent expirations of more than 10 blockbuster biologics in the near future.


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


Jumping Genes and Its Role During Stress Revealed In A New Study In human DNA, only one percent of the DNA codes for proteins while the rest, approximately half of the remaining genome is made of sequences that used to be called “junk” and these sequences can jump from one location to another copying themselves into RNA or DNA. AT MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL (MGH), AN IMPORTANT ROLE OF ONE OF THESE JUMPING GENES DURING STRESS WAS REVEALED IN THE PREVIOUS RESEARCH BY A RESEARCH TEAM. By Prathibha HC

The same group discovered a surprising new property of this jumping RNA in this new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In the genome, the sequences that jump from place to place are generally known as transposable elements and we still have not fully understood their role in health and disease. However, for a long time, these elements have been suspected to be more than just parasitic elements without good function. An investigator in the Department of Molecular Biology at MGH, Jeannie Lee, MD, Ph.D., and her colleagues in their original study found that one of these transposable elements, short interspersed nuclear element (SINE), present very abundant, known as B2 in mice and ALU in humans makes an RNA that is cut when together with a protein called EZH2. They were, however, not aware of how the RNA was cut at that time. Scientists have now cracked the code and found that B2 and ALU cut themselves. It was considered until four decades ago that enzymes were made only by proteins and that only enzymes can cut the building blocks of RNA and DNA, the nucleic acids. Yet, in 1982, it was shown that RNA can function as enzymes as well, these RNAs are known as ribozymes This discovery won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1989. Currently, there are 15 classes of ribosomes been described, but most of these are primarily observed in viruses and bacteria. There are very few of them known in mammals such as humans, with their functions remaining mostly unclear. The Lee group’s discovery puts a new twist to the ribozyme story because of the abundant presence of B2 and ALU in our cells. Lee said, “Hun-

dreds of thousands of B2 and ALU copies are present in our DNA and during stress, they are expressed massively. The amount of ribosome activity is mind-boggling!” It was found that when B2 and ALU were subjected to heat or other forms of stress, they become activated and if not, they are normally silent. Also, by interacting with the EZH2 protein, their RNA-cutting activity is enhanced

It was noted that those cells are continually challenged by stress, and a swift response could mean the difference between life and death. She said, ” It seems highly adaptive when self-cutting RNAs are hinged with the induction of stress-related genes. There would be no requirement for the new synthesis of gene products and instead, the main event would be the protein factor, EZH2 recruitment,

that stands ready to be mobilized and exists already.” There might be important clinical implications of the findings for helping the body to respond to stress, like during the development of autoimmune diseases, or infections or cancer.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

A Lottery System For Children To Get Novartis World’s Most Expensive Drug For Free Novartis, a pharmaceutical company has planned to set up a lottery system for giving away the most expensive drug in the world for free to children.


Novartis lottery system for this expensive drug is called a managed access program. For babies under the age of two, living in countries where Zolgensma is not approved, this program would establish a bi-weekly draw in the lottery system, but patient advocates are concerned that picking “lucky” people isn’t the best way to tis lottery program for the expensive do things. drug. In this program, until the children The group said in a statement that, ” are no longer medically eligible, they We are yet to be convinced that meetwill simply stay in the program if they ing the unmet medical needs in this are not chosen. severe disease through a health lottery system is an appropriate way or TreatSMA, the British advocacy not.” group describes the program as akin to pick “lucky” kids for receiving the The subsidiary that developed the life-saving drug over others and has drug, AveXis, said that in the US, expressed concern with the Novar- the drug was approved by the Food

and Drug Administration in May and since then the growing demand for this drug outside the US lead to the initiation of this program. In around three dozen companies, Novartis is still trying to get the drug registered. AveXis said that with the advice of a “bioethics advisory committee”, this program was created and the manufacturing constraints are managed.

On January 2, the dosage lottery is set to start. For spinal muscular atrophy, only two drugs are approved in the US. Zolgensma and the other drug is called Spinraza, which needs recurring doses. For the first year, the first costs $750,000 and for each following year, it costs $375,000. Now with this program, such an expensive drug can be got for free through this new lottery system.

December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111



Top 5 Career Oriented Certification Courses For Biotech & Life Science Students Are you a biotech or life science graduate confused about how to get into the career you are passionate about? Or are you a job aspirant who feels inferior about your skills? BIOTECNIKA HELPS YOU TO GET THE RIGHT SET OF SKILLS. By Namitha Thampi

Biotecnika has carefully designed the perfect certification courses to get you trained in the most demanding skill sets that will help you to get your desired job and climb up the stairs of your career. They give you a deep insight and expertise of various techniques to make you best suitable for career opportunities. Certification courses boost your chances of getting hired. You can pick the right course for you from the 15 certification courses available at Biotecnika dedicated to CRISPR related studies to improve health, agriculture and stores. Food technology. You can find the Let’s look at Biotecnika’s top 5 cer- list of top research institutes and bitification courses for Biotech and Life opharma companies in India who are into CRISPR research here. There are Science students. many job opportunities available re1. CRISPR BASIC CERTIFI- lated to CRISPR research in both research institutes and biopharma comCATION COURSE panies. You could become a junior CRISPR is the headline in the sci- research fellow, a research scientist or entific community since 2013. The a Ph.D. student at these laboratories discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 tool both in India and abroad. The annufor genome editing marked the begin- al package ranges from .32 million ning of a new era in molecular biol- to 2.7 million based on the qualificaogy. Experts believe that this cutting tions. edge gene-editing tool has the potential to transform our planet. That is Why take CRISPR basic certificawhy this course is placed first among tion course? the top certification courses in life science and biotech. Compared to The CRISPR basic certification the conventional gene-editing tech- course is your first step towards purniques, CRISPR is reliable, efficient suing a career in the booming field of and precise in targeted editing of live CRISPR research. The course helps cell genome. CRISPR has powerful you understand what is CRISPR, its potential applications like correcting applications, limitations, controverdisease-causing genetic errors, elimi- sies, future and career opportunities nating deadly pathogens like HIV, the in CRISPR technologies. The 7-day recreation of extinct species and pro- course conducted by Biotecnika experts will update you with the latest duce better, healthier food. information about CRISPR and the Course Participation Certificate you Discounted Price: Rs 699/attain at the end of the course will Eligibility: Students in their B.Sc / boost the chances of you getting hired B.Tech / M.Sc / M.Tech who aspire to in the job. Having a certificate in the work on cutting-edge research tech- most promising technique will indeed make you a better candidate for the nologies. job. Career Prospects REGISTER For CRISPR Basic CerCRISPR has revolutionized Indi- tification Course an research also. Currently, there are many research institutes, laboratories, 2. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIand biopharma companies in India GENCE IN BIOLOGY CERTI-


Biology Certification course?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with the simulation of human intelligence by machines. It would be easy to find what part of our modern world artificial intelligence hasn’t touched rather than counting its applications in our life. Some of the most common examples of artificial intelligence (AI) are chess-playing computers, self-driving cars, deep learning, and natural language processing. AI is becoming widespread in Biology also. Nowadays, AI is being used in drug discovery, healthcare, genomics, proteomics, synthetic biology, and phylogeny, etc. AI is already here at its future of the world.

Students in their B.SC,,,, M.Phil, and Ph.D. and working professionals are eligible for this course. This Certification course will familiarize you with the applications of AI in Biotech & healthcare companies. This will prepare you for the near future where AI would be a part of all fields and companies. You would understand how new companies are being established combining biology and artificial intelligence and how it is revolutionizing healthcare.

Discounted Price: Rs 699/Eligibility: Students in their B.Sc, B.Tech, M.Sc, M.Tech, M.Phil, Ph.D.; Teacher, Lecturer, Professor, Scientist, Research Student, Entrepreneurs & Biotech Enthusiasts. Career Prospects A vast amount of career opportunities are available in artificial intelligence today. The expertise in artificial intelligence will make you eligible for high paying jobs like machine-learning engineers, data scientists, research scientists, research engineers, etc. There is a great need for artificial intelligence experts in healthcare, computational biology, and synthetic biology also. Why take Artificial Intelligence in

Register For Artificial intelligence in Biology Certification Course 3. NEXT-GEN SEQUENCING CERTIFICATION COURSE Next-generation sequencing(NGS) is a powerful platform that has enabled the sequencing of millions of DNA molecules simultaneously. This breakthrough innovation is finding its applications in personalized medicine, genetic diseases, and clinical diagnostics with its high capability to sequence multiple individuals at the same time. NGS enables the researchers to rapidly sequence whole genomes, deeply sequence target genes, sequence RNA, analyze epigenetic factors like DNA-methylation, sequence cancer samples, etc.

Next Page>>>>



Discounted Price: Rs 999/-

for statistical analysis. This is a very tion without employing at least one of important Certification Courses in bi- these techniques. Eligibility: B.Sc, B.Tech, M.Sc, otech. M.Tech, M.Phil, Ph.D. Candidates – Discounted Price: Rs 1499/Teacher, Lecturer, Professor, Scien- Discounted Price: Rs 999/tist, Research Students also apply Eligibility: All Life Science gradEligibility: Students pursuing their uates, postgraduates, teaching and Career Prospects B.Sc / B.Tech / M.Sc / M.Tech / PhD industry professionals along with who aspire to work in the clinical re- research enthusiasts can apply. A baBeing one of the most used tech- search field. sic level of knowledge about various niques in research laboratories, NGS concepts involved in life science is brings a lot of career opportunities in Career Prospects required. Personalized medicine, Preventive medicine, Gene Therapy, and Drug A four-year bachelor’s degree is Career Prospects Development. Some of the job oppor- the minimum qualification required tunities are Associate Scientist, Field to become a clinical data manager. One could easily find molecular biApplications Scientist, Sr Scientific Clinical data management is an im- ology jobs in government research Researcher, Scientist II, Microarray portant department in all pharmaceu- labs as well as the R&D section of and NGS Curator and Program Man- tical companies and clinical research different pharmaceutical companies. ager. There are numerous openings organizations. CRO’s & Pharma They could work on different medical for skilled candidates in R&D, Cor- Companies, IT Organizations, Bio- development fields like drug develporate, and Commercial sections of tech MNC’s and various Government opment and stem cell research. They highly reputed institutes and indus- led Departments have very promis- mainly design and perform experitries. If you are a person interested ing jobs in CDM. Some of the jobs ments on cells and molecules in the in research, you could also join for include Clinical Data Manager, Clin- laboratory to get insights about celluPh.D. in NGS. Get the list top compa- ical data coordinator, Bio-statistician lar functions and mechanisms. They nies and institutes carrying out NGS and Clinical data reviewer. The annu- get satisfactory payment in both govresearch here. al package of clinical data managers ernment and private firms. The avranges from 290k to 960k. erage monthly salary varies between Why take Next-gen sequencing 15k and 30k. Candidates could also certification? Why take Clinical data manage- find Ph.D. positions and teaching poment certification? sitions that would offer more salary. If you are a student, teacher or prospective researcher, you could make A career in Clinical data manage- Why Take Molecular biology techuse of this certification course to learn ment requires knowledge in both niques certification? Next-Gen sequencing, understand healthcare and computer science. research prospects and be informed That is why you need to undergo about the current career opportunities training programs like the Biotecnika in this field. The participation certif- Clinical data management certificaicate in NGS will highlight your re- tion course to acquire knowledge in sume and enhance your chances of computer technology, record managegetting hired. ment, and healthcare information systems. Most of the recruiters prefer to Register For Next-gen sequencing hire candidates with prior knowledge certification and certificates in CDM. The clinical data management certification course 4. CLINICAL DATA MAN- with Oracle Clinical Software can inAGEMENT CERTIFICATION crease your chances of getting hired COURSES as a clinical data manager after your graduation. Clinical data management(CDM) plays a critical role in the data collec- Register For Clinical data managetion stage of clinical research. A huge ment certification amount of data is generated during clinical trials called clinical data. This 5. CERTIFICATION COURSE clinical data has to be collected and ON MOLECULAR BIOLOGY managed strictly following the regu- TECHNIQUES latory standards to ensure that the data is completely error-free. The clinical Molecular biology deals with the data collected is analyzed for effica- mechanisms of gene transcription to cy and safety. This analysis becomes generate the mRNA, translation of the basis of approval for product de- mRNA to proteins, and the role of velopment in the pharmaceutical in- these proteins in cellular functions. dustry. Clinical data management in- Some of the commonly used techvolves data design, collection, entry, niques to study molecular biology validation, cleanup, analysis, report- are polymerase chain reaction(PCR), ing, and presentation. The objective Expression cloning, Gel electrophoof clinical data management is to pro- resis, and macromolecule blotting. duce high-quality data that comply The molecular biology techniques with clinical trial protocols and speci- play a crucial role in research as no fications and are accurate and suitable biology research laboratory can func-

December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

To be efficient in wet-lab experiments in the laboratory, strong theoretical knowledge about the techniques is necessary. The most common questions from the recruiters are about the techniques. Various institutes in India provide hands-on experience in molecular biology techniques. But before the hands-on experience, it is important to understand the basic concepts and applications of these techniques. Thats why Biotecnika has brought you this course to enhance your knowledge in molecular biology. This certification courses in life science will familiarize the students with various techniques commonly employed in research areas like immunology, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, plant and animal biotechnology. Register For Molecular biology techniques certification? Certifications are a worthwhile investment and these are the top 5 certification courses in life science & Certification Courses in biotech based on its relevance and scope in the current world. Be a fresh graduate or experienced professional, make sure you refresh your knowledge with certifications so you can climb up the stairs of the career you wished for.


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


How To Become A Marine Biologist? – Eligibility, Career Path & Salary Details Did you ever stand on the shore and wondered what treasure is hidden in the deep blue sea? Where are the waves coming from, and who are the neighbors of the jellyfishes or the shells? DID YOU EVER HAVE THE URGE TO DIVE IN AND EXPLORE THE DEPTHS? – IF YOU HAVE, THEN A MARINE BIOLOGIST JOB IS PERFECT FOR YOU. By Ms. Somhrita Pal

The term “marine biologist” is applied in many disciplines and jobs in the marine sciences. Though many biologists study both which deal with the study of marine life, and also deal with the physical properties of the sea, Marine biology or Marine science is the study of the environment and all aspects of life in the sea. This includes marine animals, plants, and other organisms, including both vertebrate and invertebrate, in shallow seas, deep oceans, and the laboratory. The main aims of marine biology are to understand the marine world better and to comprehend and predict changes in ecosystems affected by natural disturbances and human. So a marine biologist might be a biological technician, ichthyologist, microbiologist, systems analyst, fishery biologist, marine mammalogist, or a mathematician. Marine Biology Fields That You Can Choose This is a broad-ranging career. You could go into academic research, fieldwork, laboratory work, consulting, outreach, or policymaking. You can choose from any of the following• Marine ecologist and dive operations manager • Reef restoration project manager • Marine biology technician • Ocean Engineering • Marine Archeology • Marine Geology • Aquatic Veterinarian • Research Assistant • Fishery data manager • Environmental engineer • Professor in marine ecology • Postdoctoral fellow • Oil spill response specialist • Consultant in marine ecology • Marine biotechnologist • Scuba Diving Instructor and Underwater Filmmaker • Marine policy expert

Although most roles require good research and scientific skills, specializing in a particular area, even a strong technical skill, is usually required for career progression – whether in coastal management, invertebrate biodiversity, fisheries biology, reef ecology, or marine pollution. There are a number of marine science-related undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, but the key to having a successful career in these streams is by having relevant experience, either voluntary or paid. To prove your commitment and to develop your skillset, you need to be constantly on the lookout for opportunities and seize them at the right time as there is a lot of competition for jobs in this field.

broader-based science degree, like botany, zoology or microbiology, you need to do postgraduate in the marine-related study. Careers in marine biology are often research-based and, while it’s possible to study marine biology undergraduate degree and enroll in a semi-employed position on a conservation science project or go straight into volunteering, postgraduate study is required for better career prospects. Postgraduate degrees range from Tropical coastal management to Masters in tropical marine biology and aquatic ecology and conservation. To have your career options open, studying more general science-based undergraduate degrees is suggested, after which you can specialize in your Master’s degree. Qualifications If you’re following an academic path in marine geochemistry or To become a marine biologist, you’ll chemistry oceanography, ocean and need to focus on a marine-oriented earth science, and behavioral ecology, degree such as: PhDs can be advantageous. Marine research organizations and universi• Marine biology ties conduct Ph.D. programs, and you • Marine biology and coastal ecol- may be able to undertake your studies ogy/oceanography on a part-time basis while working. • Marine science The selection of a supervisor is essen• Ocean and earth science tial. It’s better to select someone who • Oceanography is working in the specialist area that interests you. You can enroll in programs like Bachelor of Science in Marine Bi- Some of the Best Marine Biology ology, Master of Science in Marine colleges in India Biology, Certificate courses in Marine Biology, Master of Philosophy Marine biology is an ever-evolving (M.Phil.) in Marine Biology. Doctor field, so continuous professional deof Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Marine Biol- velopment in technical and practical ogy according to your qualifications skills, and relevant research is a vital and eligibility. part of the work. It also evidences If your undergraduate degree is a your passion, commitment, and drive.

The colleges offering various courses related to Marine Biology: • Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala • Karnatak University, Karnataka • Andhra Pradesh University, Waltair • Annamalai University, TamilNadu • Pondicherry University, TamilNadu • Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat • National Institute of Oceanography, Panaji • Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad What Skills Do You Require? Depending on your area of expertise, you will need to have different types of skills: • If you are in fieldwork, then you should be comfortable in flexibility to work short-term contracts on varied projects with variable hours. You should be adaptable to live in basic living conditions in minimalist environments, to live-aboard research vessels, and to work in all types of weather. • Have the capacity to work with a variety of people from government officials to local fisherman and to activists and professors whether working in an expedition team at sea or a part of a research team in a laboratory, you Next Page>>>>



should have strong teamwork skills. • Have high levels of physical fitness for fieldwork and experience in practical areas such as boat handling, scuba diving, and first aid a methodical and analytical mind for analyzing and interpreting data giving attention to detail for recording observations and accuracy in results if you’re working as a technician, then laboratory skills, such as sequencing, writing risk assessments, and standard operating procedures, strong numeracy, and IT skills is a must. • If you are interested in teaching and supervising students for academic university roles, then strong communication skills are required for report writing and academic publications. What Are Your Responsibilities? Your duties as a marine biologist will depend on your area of work and could include: • Conducting species inventories, monitoring and testing sea creatures exposed to pollutants • Collecting and analyzing samples and data-using processes such as coring techniques, geographic information systems (GIS), visual recording and sampling • Collecting and preserving specimens of unknown species and diseases and ranges or movements of marine population and mapping their distribution. • Carrying out environmental impact assessments evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, including socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts • Interviewing fishermen, stakeholders, and local divers, about animal behavior and local marine practices • Lecturing on policy, planning, and management of aquatic activities • Conducting expeditions on fishing and research vessels in polar, temperate and tropical seas • Scuba diving to survey endangered organisms and implementing preservation strategies • Designing scientific experiments and collating findings • Conducting educational and awareness-raising work by presenting talks to the public, fellow academics, and commercial employers and government min-

isters. • Senior-level management of new and existing projects within or outside an academic environment like preparing detailed reports for funders, commercial organizations, agencies, governmental bodies such as the oil companies drilling on the seabed. • To help improve the ways in which we look after our oceans we need to communicate the latest advances in marine science through academic conferences, publications or outreach. • The scientific information necessary to manage the marine environment best needs to be provided to policymakers and need to advocate this in the policy process through government liaison, press, and media. What kind of Work experience do you require? It’s essential to get some work experience to stand out from the competition. If you’re interested in a career in research, then approach your university supervisors, professors, or Ph.D. students who are working on some projects and ask if you can assist them in that why you will get some handson experience. You could also volunteer as a research assistant to a specialist, attend conferences, present papers. Send applications to organizations that interest you, such as museums or environmental consultancies or aquariums. This will help you build up a range of skills and understand what you enjoy before specializing. In terms of fieldwork, consider volunteering for marine conservation organizations, local charities, local wildlife trusts, ocean clean-up organizations and sanctuaries and rescue centers (this includes paid-for experiences across the world). Marine Biology Job Aspects Marine scientists are employed by universities, international organizations, marine research institutes, government agencies, commercial companies, and not-for-profit organizations. Examples include: Marine biologists have a chance to work as a scientist in Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute & Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture in its various research centers along the coast of India. There are many academic institutions that teach

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the subject as well as carry out research in this vast field. Jobs may be advertised on marine institute websites and universities, as well as on the websites of major companies. Career opportunities are also available in Oil India, the government sectors like the Meteorological Survey of India, Department of Oceanography, Geological Survey of India, etc. What can you expect from this job? You can always choose a fieldwork-based career or a lab or classroom-based career.

(1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of ₹5,07,061. On the other end, a senior level marine biologist (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of ₹8,78,858. • At the start, one can earn between Rs 12,000 – Rs 20,000 in the public sector, depending on the organization, a marine biologist can earn up to Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 45,000 per month in an Indian Organization and around Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 in a foreign organization. • The salary of Marine biologists is comparatively higher in foreign countries.

Upcoming Avenues in the Field of • University work is usually of- Marine Biology fice and lab-based, although you might get plenty of oppor- Marine biotechnology research is tunities for short or long-term one of the emerging specializations expeditions abroad, like, If you which is applicable in many areare interested in dolphins or oth- as. The biomedical field associated er marine mammals, research with research to develop drugs from programs do exist in UC Santa marine organisms, and Molecular Cruz and the University of Ha- Biology where research is based on waii. The study of marine mam- marine organisms- from microscopmalogy and fish has many disci- ic bacteria, plants, and animals to plines: anatomy and physiology, marine mammals- to detect their exethology (behavior), taxonomy posure to pollutants, diseases, and and systematics (the study of the source of contaminants affecting their classification and evolu- them, come under this field. Marine tion), natural history (the study biotechnology research uses the latest of how a species lives) and ecol- breakthroughs in modern molecular ogy (how they interact with their biology, cell science and genetic enenvironment). Scripps Institu- gineering to solve basic problems in tion of Oceanography at UC San marine resource biology; to improve Diego, and some other universi- the production of chemical, food, enties, may not have specific pro- ergy resources and medical, from the grams on marine mammals, but ocean; and to develop new products they do have graduate students and industries based on more efficient doing marine mammal-related use of the ocean’s resources. research. Marine Biology, one of the most • Fieldwork can be laborious. all-encompassing fields of OceanogYou might be diving for several raphy which deals with the study of hours a day or working at sea in life in the ocean and all of its biologchallenging weather conditions. ical manifestations. Marine biology relates to all marine organisms, from Remuneration for Marine biolo- small plankton to giant whales. gists: So all the marine enthusiasts out The salary level of Marine Biolo- there, you can definitely think of gists can vary greatly depending on a taking up this exciting field as your wide variety of factors, such as their career. level of education and experience, where they work, and many other factors. Their salary level can also depend on whether they are employed by a government agency, private-sector organization, or a non-profit organization. A marine biologist working with smaller institutions earn less than those working in elite research institutions. • The salary is relatively higher in the private sector. • An entry-level marine biologist


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


This Is The Secret Mantra To Become A Successful Researcher! Do you consider yourself, impatient? Unable to wait for more than three minutes for something to happen, and have high chances to get irritated with anything that gets delayed? Then you cannot survive in the research field. ONE NEEDS TO LEARN TO BE PATIENT TO SURVIVE & BE SUCCESSFUL IN THE FIELD OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. By Dr. Violet & Prathibha HC

Patience is a virtue in scientific research. Successful Researchers keep working without knowing when or where they would get significant breakthroughs, or if they will ever get it. This uncertainty does not diminish their persistence and passion in the long term, although their patience is tested from time to time. It is crucial to have a bit of patience when one is pursuing scientific research to lead a happy life. What is patience actually? Patience is often thought of as a mean of two poles of behavior. It is a mean between excess of recklessness and deficiency of sloth. Patience is the quality of waiting calmly without complaining and as the saying goes “Patience is a virtue” because when one is into the scientific research field, one ought to face disappointments be it in a delay of procuring the reagents or getting research article checked by the Project Investigator and so on. So this is why research requires patience. To inculcate patience, one should not get frustrated. One should have the ability and determination to take challenges in life and be prepared to face failures without losing hope. The one and foremost thing to do is focus on the research work. Patience is the most important factor in nurturing successful researchers of the new generation. Ambitious people who are impatient are less likely to succeed professionally or personally. Previously only religions and philosophers used to praise the virtue of patience; now, even researchers are starting to do so. Recent studies have come to the conclusion that good things really do come to those who wait and display patience. Scientific Research-backed benefits

of patience are: • Patient people enjoy better mental health – They tend to experience less depression and negative emotions. Why? Because they can cope better in stressful situations like when one is into research. Patient researchers are less likely to report health problems like headaches, ulcers, diarrhea, and better sleep and hence can become successful researchers. One type of patience is interpersonal patience, which doesn’t include waiting, but it involves facing annoying people with equanimity. So when one is into research, the guide or principal investigator is one of the most annoying people. • Along with this, there might be some colleagues or seniors who have irritating behavior. When one learns to be patient toward others, then one tends to be more satisfied with their lives. The other type of patience involves waiting for something. Now, who can understand the pain of waiting, better than the researcher, as for receiving one Ph.D. degree, researchers have to wait for a minimum of five years? This waiting can lead to frustration or despair, but if one knows to be patient, it gives hope. One needs to also show patience over daily hassles that one faces in research like malfunctioning or very slow computer system provided for students, weak internet strength, long advance bookings of instruments, which hinders the work

of the researcher. The students who have inculcated this type of patients are more satisfied with life and have fewer chances to be depressed. • Persistence – To have a successful scientific research career, one should be persistent and patient. Persistence comes with patience. During the research, one needs to apply for funds. One crucial fact is, grant funding rarely comes on the first attempt. One has to apply many a time. It’s competitive. Many a time it happens that a researcher submits a half-dozen grant applications before they finally achieve their first grant. The Ph.D. researchers who get a stipend from the government for pursuing research need to have a high level of patience as sometimes it happens that they do not receive their fellowship for more than a year. After enquiring and running to various departments like institute billing department, UGC or CSIR body, which is to release the fellowship, taking many trips many times even after this turmoil, they do not receive their fellowship. Patience and persistence go hand in hand with—not only does it take patience to be persistent, but the process of writing a proposal, applying and then waiting for a grant to be reviewed requires a good deal of patience Patient people are better friends and colleagues. Patience allows individuals to tolerate flaws in others, there-

fore exhibiting more generosity, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. Now why patience is required in research? Because research is teamwork. One research article has quite many authors who contribute to a particular portion/ experiment. For one researcher, it is not possible to operate all the instruments required for a specific topic of research, so one needs to have amicable behavior with other researchers, and this is only possible if one exhibits patience with others. In other words, patience is more of a skill that one needs to practice when in research. Patience can also involve some personal discomfort emphatically to alleviate the suffering of those around us. In our relationships with others, patience reflects an act of kindness. • Another positive trait of patience is patient people even tend to be less lonely, perhaps because they can make and keep friends. Research can make people go under depression and feel left out, but if one is patient, one will never be left alone. • Patience also helps students to get things done, which means one can get their Ph.D. degree only if one is patient. During pursuing a Ph.D., many researchers tend to leave it halfway, why? Because they lack patience. To become a successful researcher, Next Page>>>>


CAREER ADVICE it is proven that people with patience exert more effort toward their goals than other people did.

Now everybody may not be born patient, but there are everyday ways to build patience as well. Here are some strategies that can help inculcate patience into impatient researchers and make them successful researchers. • Reframe the situation: Becoming impatient is not just an automatic emotional response; it involves a certain amount of thoughts and beliefs too. If a colleague is taking time to finish the cell culture and leave the Laminar airflow,

you can fume about them being unpunctual, or see those extra 15 minutes as an opportunity to get some reading done. Patience is linked to self-control, and consciously try to regulate our emotions, helps in training our self-control muscles. • Practicing mindfulness can also make us more patient. It makes one less impulsive and more willing to wait for a particular task to be completed. Taking a deep breath and noticing your change in feelings of anger can help one to respond with more patience. • The very fact that we are humans, we have the inborn feelings of frustration and adversity. Prac-

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ticing patience in everyday situations that one faces in research institutes, like with respect to punctuality, a challenged co-researcher—will not only make life more pleasant in the present but will also pave the way for a more satisfying and prosperous future. • Patience endows us with the quality of taking a step back instead of aggressively reacting to some situation or to someone who’s frustrating you. One can invest meaningful time in research when it comes to building his relationships with the coworkers. In fact, patience gives the researcher the liberating breath one always longed for.

Here is a quote to conclude, “One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life” ~ Chinese Proverb. So one should be positive in life, be it research or any other field. One needs to observe things and situations in a positive aspect to make one’s life happier. And to attain that positivity, one needs to be patient. So be patient and play your long game, you will surely win the game!


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111


How Biotech & Life science Candidates Can Apply For Jobs At Kendriya Vidyalaya? KVS – Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan established in the year 1962 runs the longest chain of schools in India. As of 2010 statistics, it had a total of 1067 functional schools in different states of India with approximately 1060011 students. THERE ARE THREE KVS SCHOOLS IN OTHER COUNTRIES AS WELL INCLUDING KATHMANDU, TEHRAN, AND MOSCOW. By Dr. Violet & Prathibha HC

The principal objective behind the establishment of Kendriya Vidyalaya was to provide education under a common program throughout India. KV schools are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and the syllabus and study material is developed by NCERT. Primarily education is catered to the children of transferable employees of the Government of India- Defence, Para-Military, etc., and others including those living in remote & undeveloped locations. Apart from maintaining uniformity by following a common syllabus and common textbooks throughout, Kendriya Vidyalaya aims for excellence in school education at basic minimum fees. The course work in the bilingual medium. The system followed is of co-educational and composite from class 1 to 12. In collaboration with other institutes like CBSE and NCERT, it promotes educational research, training, and innovations in education. To maintain good quality teaching a high ratio of a teacher-pupil ratio is maintained. From a financial point of view, it is quite affordable with no tuition fee for boys and girls up to class 8 and 12, respectively. Even similar benefits are provided to SC/ST students and children of KVS employees. The final objective of Kendriya Vidyalaya is to inculcate the spirit of unity in diversity, national integration and create a sense of “Indianness” among children. Further, put an impetus on the overall growth of children in our country and develop a united, prosperous and progressive society for a better-developed future. A total of 1,196 Kendriya Vidyalayas are present in India in the below-listed states. • • • •

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daman and Diu Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Lakshadweep Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal

Biology related Job Opportunities at Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment of teachers is done by Kendriya Vidyalaya from time to time as per requirement. The recruitment might be for all India basis where posting can be anywhere, in any school or individual Kendriya Vidyalayas. Both regular and temporary recruitment is done for the post

of Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) & Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) for secondary and senior secondary level. Eligibility Biotech life science candidates are eligible for both TGT and PGT -Biology posts. The salary expected for these posts is in the range of approx. Rs. 30,000 to 35,000. Kendriya Vidyalaya hires for the below posts on a regular basis: • Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) – Biology • Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) – Biotechnology • Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) – Biology • Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) – Biotechnology • Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) – Science TGT – Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) The essential qualification for Biology students to get into Kendriya Vidyalaya is either four years Integrated degree course in the concerned subject from Regional College of Education, NCERT with at least 50% marks in aggregate or Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects from a recognized university. In the latter case, it is mandatory to have an additional B.Ed degree from a recognized university and should have cleared the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), conducted by CBSE.

PGT – Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) • The essential qualification is either two years Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc course in concerned subject from Regional College of Education, NCERT with at least 50% aggregate or, • Masters Degree in Botony/ Zoology/Life Sciences/ Bio. Sciences/ Genetics/Micro Biology/Bio-Technology/ Molecular Bio/ Plant Physiology given that they’ve researched Botany and Zoology at Graduation level from a recognized university with at least 50% aggregate marks. But in case a candidate is having a Masters’s Degree from another university it is mandatory to have B.Ed or equivalent degree from a recognized university. For both the posts the candidates are expected to be well versed and have teaching proficiency in both English and Hindi languages. Additionally, having knowledge of computer application is a desirable qualification. How To Apply: • For Kendriya Vidyalaya Biology Jobs – eligible candidates are expected to apply in the prescribed application format along with a copy of essential documents

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within the last date of application as per the instructions are given in the advertisement. • In most of the advertisements Apply online option is present but many a time walk-in interviews are scheduled at the respective Kendriya Vidyalaya branch.

• Based on the fulfillment of eligibility criteria candidates are shortlisted, and the names are displayed on the institute website. These candidates are further screened via interviews conducted at a specific venue. Finally, the selected candidates can personally receive commu-

December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

nication and even their names dynamic, self-motivated and passionare displayed on the institute ate teachers who are ready to take the website. responsibility of building the Nation’s future. So, self-discovery and imJob opportunities for Biotech life provement is the key to any success science candidates are many but hav- because, ing appropriate skills apart from the basic degree is very important. Ken- “Opportunities don’t happen, you driya Vidyalaya Sangathan looks for create them”.

Top 50 Fields Of Biology You Can Make Your Career In – Best Biology Career Options By ‘life,’ we mean a thing that can nourish itself and grow and decay – Aristotle THE BRANCH OF SCIENCE THAT DEALS WITH THE STUDY OF LIVING CREATURES AND THEIR LIFE PROCESSES ARE KNOWN AS BIOLOGY (GREEK WORDS, BIOS = LIFE, LOGOS = STUDY). By Rahul Mishra

It encompasses all aspects of the study of living creatures like their occurrence, external form, internal structure, classification, ecology, organization, economic importance, nutrition, health and other body functions, life history, reproduction, inheritance, and origin. Being a multidisciplinary subject, ‘biology’ tern is often replaced by the terms – biological sciences or life sciences. There are vast areas of sub-disciplines in Biology. Some of the areas of biology have been around for years, while others are relatively new. The new, as well as previously existing field of biology, are developing continuously & providing new opportunities. This article will provide you with in-depth information regarding the same. As someone who is interested in Biology/ Life Sciences, you might be wondering which are the Best Biology Career Options. Biotecnika bring you the list of Best Biology Career Options- With A Detailed list of career opportunities and growth in future Fields of biology, such as zoology and genetics, can be general topics and contain many specializations within each area. For example, an ethologist is an ecologist who studies animal behavior. Although when we look at a broader term, an ecologist

is someone who studies the interac- Let’s Have A Look At Best Biology tion of animals with its environment. Career Options. Here’s A List of Top Therefore you can see from the above example, one discipline in biology can have several other sub-fields. During the course of biology study, one gains a broad range of knowledge that helps him to understand the diversity of life. One get’s to the role of biology in society – including the environment, energy consumption, healthcare, agriculture & much more. During the degree program, the skills that you gain will be as important as knowledge. If you want to get into the research field you should work on your thought process of designing experiments. You should also develop a habit of applying scientific principles to problems, and further communicate these findings in a relatable manner. Many potential jobs exist for a biology degree. There are enormous fields which one can choose from. While choosing the Best Biology Career Options, you should be confident enough and stay positive and motivated.

50 Fields


December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

1. Taxonomy: In biology, taxonomy is the science of identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms. If you like contemporary Biology, this field is for you! And as we know, there are millions of species left to be discovered; therefore, taxonomy has immense opportunities and growth. 2. Morphology: The study of the external features of an organism including the structure, color, size, shape, and relative position of various living organs of a living being. After pursuing a course in morphology, You can become a professor in top-notch colleges. 3. Anatomy: Are you fascinated about the internal features of living organisms? Then this field is worth considering. Anatomy is the study of the internal structures after dissection. B. Sc. in Anatomy is a 3- year undergraduate course in science. It is a study of the organs, tissues, and structures of the bodies of humans, animals, and other organisms, and also an academic exploration of human evolution, stem cell development, genetics, and biodiversity. 4. Histology: The study of tissue structure and organization as observed under a light microscope. After getting a degree in histology, you can work in scientific institutes, research labs, pathology, etc. with lucrative salary and incentives. 5. Cytology: Study of the different forms and structures of cells, including the behavior of the nucleus. You can work as a cell biologist in industries as well as research labs. Cell biologists are in demand as their skills are required in drug discovery, immunology, cell signaling, and various other research projects. 6. Biochemistry: Biochemistry is concerned with the chemical & physicochemical processes that occur within living organisms. It includes the study of Bio-organic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry, Human Physiology, Microbiology and Virology, Basic Immunology, Enzymology, etc. B.Sc. (Biochemistry) degree course also includes the study of the structure and function of cellular components 7. Biophysics: The science of the application of the laws of physics to a biological phenomenon. Top Indian Universities such as AIIMS Delhi, Manipal University and University of Mumbai

offers three years undergraduate program in Biophysics 8. Biotechnology: This branch involves the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of microbes for the production of hormones, antibiotics, etc. B.Sc. Biotechnology is a 3-year undergraduate course. The minimum educational qualification required to apply for the course is 10+2 in biological science stream completed from a recognized educational board. As a biotechnologist, you will have immense opportunities in academia as well as industry. 9. Botany: If you love plants, this is the subject for you. The scientific study of plants, including their structure, physiology, ecology, and genetics. B.Sc. Botany is an undergraduate degree course for a 3-year duration. The course deals with the study of plants and their physiology, anatomy, reproduction, etc. Further, you can go on to pursue a master’s in this discipline and subsequently earn a Ph.D. This will help you build a firm career in the field of botany. A botanist is even being hired in industries dealing with medicinal plants etc. 10. Cell Biology: It is the study of cell structure and function, and revolves around the concept that cell is the elementary unit of life. Cell Biology features in Best Biology Career Options due to the diversity and broad career prospectus it provides. 11. Ecology: It is the branch of biology that studies the relations of organisms with one another and also to their physical environs. B.Sc. Environmental Science & Ecology degree holders have different career options in numerous specializations of Environmental Science, for example, Environmental Chemistry, Water & Watershed, Toxicology and Risk Assessment, etc. 12. Evolution: Evolution defines the course through which different kinds of living organisms have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. Are you curious about the evolution of earth and mankind? Do you agree with the hypothesis of evolutionary biologists regarding evolution? If yes, then this sub-discipline of biology will be highly rewarding for you. 13. Genetics: It is the study of genetic variations and heredity in living organisms. Subjects usually studied in the B.Sc Ge-

netics curriculum are Microbial Genetics & Technology, Cell Biology, Population Genetics, Biostatistics, Genome Organization, Biochemistry, etc. You can earn your master’s degree post bachelor’s. Top research institutes in India provide a Master’s degree solely dedicated to genetics. 14. Immunology: It is the branch dealing with medicine and biology involving immunity. This sub-discipline of biology has applications in various disciplines of medicine such as virology, dermatology, organ transplantation, oncology, parasitology, and bacteriology. Immunology has vast scope for aspirants. You can also work as a visiting immunologist in various hospitals. The students who are doing training in doctorate can avail of the placements with high salaries in private hospitals depending upon their experience. 15. Marine Biology: The scientific study of organisms present in the ocean and other marine water bodies. A person who specializes in the field of Marine Biology and pursues Marine Biology Courses is commonly known as a Marine Biologist. They are trained professionals to examine various sea creatures. Since a large proportion of earth is full of oceans & water bodies, the demand for Marine Biologists is on the rise. 16. Microbiology: Microorganisms, along with their activities, are fundamentally important to almost all processes on earth. A microbiologist is someone who works in the domain of microbiology. He is a scientist who makes a thorough study of the microorganisms. Microbiologists examine the characteristics of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. By pursuing microbiology, you can work in academia as well as industry. 17. Molecular Biology: The branch of biology dealing with the structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins. A program in Molecular Biology are offered mainly at the master’s level. After pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in any life science discipline, you can opt for a Molecular biology course. Molecular Biologists find employment opportunities in research labs established by the Government or in the R&D departments of various private drug companies. You can work in industries pertaining to drug


development, genetics, stem cells, etc. 18. Mycology: It is the scientific study of fungi, involving its characteristics, classification, and life cycle. Mycology can be considered as a niche field of microbiology. Mycologists study the properties of fungi. They also study the ways these eukaryotic organisms can be used to benefit society and also the potential risks it may pose. A bachelor’s degree in microbiology can help you enter this niche field. You can find job opportunities in the agricultural sector and food industries as a Mycologist. 19. Parasitology: It is a branch of biology dealing with the study of parasitic organisms. A Parasitologist scientifically studies parasites and their relation to their host environment. Parasites may have a positive as well as the negative impact on its prey. The role of a parasitologist is to study both the aspects and put them to practical use. 20. Photobiology: Photobiology is defined as all biological phenomena involving non-ionizing radiation. Scientists have found that photobiological responses are the result of chemical and/ or physical changes induced in biological systems by non-ionizing radiation. This is one of the emerging fields of biology with immense scope. One can start a career in photobiology by pursuing a degree in Biophysics and move up the ladder. 21. Food Safety Analyst: Food biology is gained importance in the past 2 decades with increasing concern about food safety. You will have the opportunity to work in top government institutions after earning a degree in Food technology. It’s mandatory worldwide for all Food Manufacturing companies to have a Food Analyst in order to cross-check & maintain the quality of Food materials & beverages. Each country has a government body in order to regulate the quality of the food supplied to the mass, like the FSSAI in India & FSIS in the United States. As per FSSAI, a candidate should hold a Master’s degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Dairy Chemistry or Food Technology, Food and Nutrition, or hold Bachelor of Technology in Dairy/Oil or hold a degree in

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Veterinary Sciences in order to be eligible for a Food Analyst post. 22. Physiology: The study of physiology prepares you for a wide range of careers. It is the study of organ functioning in living organisms. Physiology graduates can also use the general skills and knowledge they have acquired to pursue a career in a variety of workplaces including the medical and research sectors. 23. Plant Physiology: It is a sub-discipline of botany dealing with the functioning or physiological reactions specifically in plants. After pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physiology, you can undertake a specialization in plant physiology if you have an inclination towards botany. Plant physiologists can find job opportunities in the agricultural sector, research laboratories, etc. 24. Radiobiology: It is an emerging branch of biology involving the study of the action of ionizing radiation and it’s effects on living beings. Radiation biologists study the effects of various types of radiation on living things. Careers in radiation biology are chiefly available in healthcare, private industries, or government facilities. A career in radiation biology can include work as a medical physicist, radiation biologist, nuclear medicine technologist, and radiation therapist. All of these professionals work within the medical field, using radio technology to treat patients. 25. Structural Biology: It is an amalgamation of biochemistry, molecular biology, & biophysics that is concerned with the molecular structure of biological molecules. Post-master’s in the field of biochemistry or molecular biology; one can proceed in this field by taking up research projects. Bioinformatics and computational biology techniques are key in Structural Biology. 26. Theoretical Biology: Do you love math and biology? If you’re struggling to decide which to major in, you may not have to choose. Careers in theoretical biology give students the opportunity to use their knowledge of numbers in a lot of important ways, such as analyzing biological theories and systems. There are a lot of education options for this career. Students can major in mathematical biology or computational biology. Most jobs in this field require an advanced

degree. Bachelor programs offer courses in biological cell models, biophysics, and computational mathematics. Master degrees offer courses in statistical theories and stochastic processes. 27. Virology: The branch of science concerning the study of viruses. In India, virology is available after the bachelor’s degree program, i.e., at the master’s level. With an increase in virus-related diseases in India, the career is of virologist is very challenging as well as rewarding. The National Institute of Virology, Pune is a premier institute in India imparting a Master’s course in Virology. 28. Zoology: It is the scientific study of the classification, structure, behavior, physiology, and distribution of animals. With the increasing disbalance between living beings and mother nature, a Zoologist is one who can keep a check on the wildlife aspect of it. If you love wildlife and everything in it, then this could be the job for you. Being a zoologist means that you will be studying how different animals in the wilds connect with everyone else in the ecosystem. Most zoologists work in local, federal, or state government. Depending on your work assignment, you may mostly work in the field to gather data or remain in the laboratory to conduct experiments on data that have already been gathered by your colleagues. 29. Genetic Counsellors: Genetic counselors are professionals who are in-charged of assessing different gene strands or DNAs to know the level of risk an individual has in contracting a particular disease or disorder. When you work as a genetic counselor, you can expect to be more exposed to a hospital setting, laboratories, or clinics. Each genetic counselor is trained to analyze genetic data through different mediums and translate them into detailed information for families to understand. 30. Epidemiologist: Epidemiologists are public health professionals who are in-charged of studying various patterns of human diseases and injuries. At its core, it requires professionals to do detective jobs in determining the sources of diseases, especially during outbreaks, and find a solution to stop them from spreading out. Previously, epidemiologists are more exposed to the fieldwork, but now most

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people just work in their laboratories and conduct experiments. 31. Embryology: It is the study of fertilization, growth, division, & differentiation of the zygote into an embryo. Embryologists work with people who possess reproductive problems like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or difficulty in conceiving and are looking into in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other reproductive alternatives. The main purpose of an embryologist is to work upon undeveloped egg cells (oocytes) to examine their health and check if they can overcome fertility issues. Post bachelor’s, you can proceed with M.Sc in Clinical Embryology. You can get placed in leading IVF hospitals and centers 32. Cryobiology: The study of the effects of very low temperatures on life. This is an emerging area in biology with wide applications. 33. Paleontology: It is the study of remains or fossils and impressions of the past organisms available in the rocks belonging to different ages. Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils, the remains of ancient organisms in order to investigate past life on earth or prehistoric life. They conduct research on prehistoric life forms and the evolution of plant and animal life through the examination of fossils. Paleontologists should possess high-level computer skills as well as be competent in statistical analysis. One must possess good interpersonal skills as well as oral and written communication skills. This is due to the fact that they will be most often required to work with a team of professionals. 34. Astrobiology: It includes scientific inquest that deals with the possibility of life in outer space. This interdisciplinary field requires a comprehensive, integrated understanding of biological, planetary, as well as cosmic phenomena. Astrobiology encompasses the search for habitable planets in our Solar system and the galaxy; Currently, there are very few degree programs available in astrobiology. It is an excellent field of biology. Do you aspire to work at NASA? They are always on a lookout for astrobiologists. There is no well-defined career pathway to become an astrobiologist. You should be able to make connections and approach labs that are

pursuing research in this field. 35. Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics or computational biology is the use of information technology in the field of molecular biology or applying computer technology to biological research and management. Hereby computers are used to gather, store, analyze, and merge biological information. It is an emerging interdisciplinary research field and is progressively getting used to boost the standard of life. Bioinformatics Career Scope & Job prospects have become widespread after the merging of the information technology sector has taken place with that of molecular biology. Job prospects are in all sectors of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and biomedical sciences, in research institutions, hospitals, and industry. Top Indian Universities provide bioinformatics in Bachelor’s as well as masters level. 36. Quality Control & Quality Analyst: Quality Control & Quality Assurance (QC, QA) involves management & procedures to preserve and enhance the quality of products or services. It comprises of a multilayer system of protocols, checks, audits, and corrective measures used to ensure top quality data is picked up from fieldwork and laboratory analysis during any drug investigation or other related Scientific Procedures. So far, we have looked into the broad fields of Biology which are the best career options for students planning to pursue a career in the Biology/ Life Science field. Below are a few more specialized fields of biology with a rewarding career. Though these fields have lesser job opportunities but its ideal for passionate students who want to work in a diverse & different arena of biology. 1. Actinobiology: It is a relatively new branch of biology dealing with the effects of the radiation on organisms. Sounds interesting, right? Actinobiology has become relevant in space travel due to cosmic radiation. NASA is on a continuous lookout for candidates with expertise in actinobiology. 2. Anthology: It is the branch dealing with the study of flowers. Anthropologists can seek

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employment in the cosmetic & Ayurvedic Industry. 3. Pharmacognosy: The branch of science concerned with medicinal plants and leveraging its effect for the benefit of humans. This field is a highly emerging filed with loads of research happening all across the world. Leading Pharma Giants like Novartis, Novo Nordisk frequently hires for this post. 4. Pharmacology: It is the study of the synthesis of medicines and their effects on organisms. In combination with specialization in Pharmacognosy – this filed can fetch you jobs at leading biopharma companies all across the world on a condition that you have some amount of experience in this field. 5. Agroforestry: The branch is concerned with the form of land being used on which of herbaceous crops and cultivation of trees crops. Govt Ministry of environment-related Institutes & Organizations is on a constant lookout for people with this specialization. 6. Agronomy: It is the science dealing with the crop plants. 7. Sericulture: Study of the silk industry in relation to the culture of silk moth and pupa. Central silk board is a leading govt organization in India, where one can seek job opportunities in this sector. The apparel industry also have vacancies for sericulture degree candidates. 8. Enzymology: The branch concerned with the study of enzymes. Though it sounds an uncommon filed, its a part of Biochemistry and thus has loads of research job opportunities. 9. Ethology: Ethology is a sub-discipline of zoology dealing with animal behavior. Ethologists analyze and attempt to understand the reasons behind animal behavior. This is more than just a zoo research position: some ethologists work for governments, large companies, and other industries. A graduate degree is generally required to work in this field. 10. Paleozoology: It is the study of fossils and their distribution worldwide. 11. Horticulture: It is the study of flowering as well as fruit plants. A horticulturist is a person who uses his skills and knowledge in the production of plants. The main aim of horticulturists is to improve plant growth, quality, nutritional value, yield, and re-

sistance to insects, diseases, and environmental stresses. 12. Pisciculture: The study concerned with the rearing of fish. The fish industry is huge in India & abroad thus opening career opportunities for those who have a specialization in this field. 13. Pathology: It is the study of various diseases found in human beings. With this specialization, you can easily get a job in the diagnostics industry. 14. Toxicology: It is the study of chemicals and it’s harmful effects on humans and other living organisms. Toxicologists & Biochemists work hand -hand in a lot of research projects. There you go, above was a list of Best Biology Career Options – Top 50 List. These are the top 50 biology fields where you can make a successful career. For pursuing a BSc Biology degree, the basic eligibility criterion is to qualify 10+2 or equivalent examination in Science stream, securing a minimum 50% marks in Biology subject and/or in aggregate from a recognized board. A few institutes may conduct entrance tests as well. BSc Biology in any of the above-mentioned disciplines is a three-year bachelor’s degree course. Upon completion of a B.Sc in a biological science stream, you can opt for master’s to get better employment opportunities. You can appear for top entrance exams conducted in India as a gateway to premier colleges in India. These exams may include IIT-JAM, JNU CEEB, JGEEBILS, etc. Some of the employment areas where you can utilize your talent with

a higher degree in Biology are as follows: • Agricultural Research Services • Biotechnology Firms • Botanical Gardens • Botanical Survey • Broadcast Companies • Clinical Research Organizations • Colleges/Universities • Conservatories • Environmental Management and Conservation • Farm Management Organizations • Fermentation Industries (including Breweries) • Fertilizer & Chemicals Plants • Food Institutes • Plant Genetics • Herbal Products Companies • Hospitals • Plant Genetics Research Centres • Research and Development Firms • Scientific and Medical Equipment Suppliers • Medical Research • Medical Laboratories • National Parks • Pharmaceutical Companies • Seed And Nursery Companies • Wildlife and Fishery Departments

• • • • • • • • • • • • •


Forester Geneticist Horticulturist Laboratory Technician Molecular Biologist Museum Educator Mycologist Natural Resources Manager Nursery Manager Plant Biochemist Plant Explorer Plant Researcher Science Advisor

Thus, it is evident that the subject of Biology has the potential to offer an extensive range of employment opportunities in both governments as well as private sectors. A lot of development has been done over the years in the subject of Biology, and thus there is a great room for the aspirants in the time to come – Best Biology Career Options. Further, getting work experience in the area of biology, one is interested in is an important aspect to develop a career in this field.

In a job market that is highly competitive, relevant experience can show one’s commitment to the career and also develops one’s practical skills. This practice will also give you A Doctorate or Master’s degree the opportunity to make professional holder in any discipline of Biology contacts. their Career Options increases and you can find more opportunities. It Also, if you are unsure about the offers ample job opportunities which area of biology which interests you, include the following: work experience can impart a beneficial insight into what the work is like. • Biology Content Developer Taking up internship projects in a re• Biology Researcher search lab, attending a national and • Biological Technician international conference, and gaining • Botanist practical exposure apart from good • Conservationist academics is the key to build a suc• Ecologist cessful career in biology. • Environment Consultant • Farming Consultant All the Best!



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

How To Write A Good PhD Proposal – PhD Application? Every PhD requires a good proposal for its perfect accomplishment. Writing a good research proposal is often a crucial part of the PhD application and also the first step when starting with research. THE PURPOSE OF WRITING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL IS TO PRESENT YOUR INTEREST OR PASSION FOR A PARTICULAR SUBJECT, TO DEFINE A PROBLEM IN THAT FIELD OF STUDY, TO PUT FORTH YOUR IDEAS AND APPROACH TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM, THE EXPECTED OUTCOME, AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE. By Dr. Sunita Adak

It is a document that helps the reviewer to evaluate a PhD candidate as well as for the candidate it is a plan for conducting research. Hence, selection for PhD and its execution is dependent on a good research proposal. In this article, we have mentioned a few steps which can help you – How To Write Good PhD Proposal. PhD proposal A PhD proposal is primarily an outline of the proposed research work. This helps the reviewer to evaluate your understanding, clarity, and foresight about the proposed research work. So, it is important to provide the details of approach, methodology, feasibility, and timeline. It is a plan according to which a research work can be executed but is essentially flexible. A proposal should define a question or a research gap in a subject area and provide an approach to solve it. It should highlight the originality of the idea, explaining the significance of the probable outcome. Ultimately it should reflect the potential funders or supervisors, the importance of the proposed research and your eligibility to undertake it. The usual length of a PhD proposal may be in a range of 2000 – 3000 words and has a specific format. Both the length and format vary depending on the specific requirement of an institute. Hence, it is important to check the rules, format, and requirements for proposal writing at the institute website before applying. Purpose of PhD Proposal A potential applicant can showcase his/her ideas and passion for the respective field of study through PhD proposal. So, it should be persuasive enough to grab the attention of the readers and convince them about the

significance of the study. To achieve this, it is important to present your idea clearly and briefly. Often writing a good proposal is considered as an attribute for a potential researcher. For a reader, often a potential supervisor, tutor, research sponsor or selector, a PhD proposal is a way to assess the applicant. One can judge the originality and quality of the idea, the depth of knowledge and skill, clarity of thinking, analytical power, practicality and feasibility of research project from a good proposal. A proposal also gives a view of the timeframe, resources and expected expenditure required for the research apart from the anticipated outcome. A research proposal shows your knowledge about the existing research done in the same or allied fields. One can focus on the knowledge gap and propose a solution for the same or propose a methodology to test something. All these must emphasize on the significance of the proposed research. Often a proposal can help a candidate get selected to an appropriate research team in an institute. If one is quite focused on joining a specific lab, then it is important to visit the lab or its PI and discuss his/her interest, get to know their research and requirements, prior to writing a formal application. Features of a PhD proposal A good proposal needs to be crisp, written in accordance with the set format and word limit. It should provide a literature review about the research so

far done and highlight the knowledge gap. Formulating a clear, innovative, and original aim with the capacity to address a significant knowledge gap is the essence of a good proposal. The objectives designing must be done very carefully with proper thinking as it will reflect the depth of knowledge and understanding. A clear research approach and methodology along with expected outcome must be included in a proposal. It should be persuasive writing to convince the reader about the significance of the study. Have a check on the scope, timeline and budget as often they may not be reasonable or feasible. Try to match the scope with the research work going on in the department. Moreover, the most important aspect is, the proposal should be flexible and not fixed. A good proposal evolves with the progress in research in accordance with results, comments, approaches and even review of the literature. A good research proposal needs to be well structured and in case applying for more than one department, then take time to write a separate proposal for each. Never follow the practice of making generalized aims or objectives. Often these parameters are looked for during the selection process. Parts of a PhD Proposal (How To Write Good PhD Proposal) An important part of How To Write Good PhD Proposal is its structuring. The structuring of a research proposal varies from one institute to another. Hence, it is very important to check

the format thoroughly and follow it. In many cases, as such no format/ template is specified then a general format can be followed. Sometimes the research proposal is written after admission to an institute or selection, then the pattern may change a little. A good research proposal must include the following subheadings: 1. Title, 2. Supervisor (in case after admission and supervisor allotment a proposal is written), 3. A short review of literature, 4. Aim or objective of the research, 5. Work plan, 6. Methodology and Resources, 7. Expected Results, 8. Synopsis, and 9. Reference. 1. Title The title is the first way to introduce your topic. So, framing the right title is a key task. Better to keep it short and simple rather than long and complicated. It must clearly indicate the proposed research topic highlighting some keywords like maybe the key question or the key approach. 2. Supervisor Details of the Supervisor may be included only if the proposal is written after the selection and supervisor allotment or someone has agreed to su-

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December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

pervise prior to official selection. One can state the name, designation, and department of the supervisor. 3. Review of literature Under this section, a short review of the research topic on so far work done must be included. It should give details of the existing knowledge, literature, data, etc. and identify the research gap (theoretical or practical) where your work can be fitted in. Mainly review of literature gives an overall view on the research status in a specific field, helps to identify the gaps and shows the future prospect. It would be wise to sight some existing research on the topic from the department/institution you are interested in to establish the suitability of your work. 4. Aim or objective of the research This an important section of the proposal that mainly describes the research question and the reason behind it, thus an important step one must know about How To Write Good PhD Proposal. What exactly you are trying to do through this research, find a solution or test something or expand some knowledge base, prove something or disprove something? The answer to this question needs to be given in a simple clear statement, that is the aim of the research. To fulfill the aim stepwise approach is needed and these are the objectives. Objectives, breakdown the aim and should be in logical order to achieve the intended outcome. They need to be concise and clearly framed which can give a stepwise solution. Each solution should link the next objective and the final objective must help to achieve the intended outcome. 5. Work plan A work plan is like a research design or layout of the research describing the structure and major approach. The approach of research might include theoretical, conceptual, practical or empirical study. A work plan must clearly discuss the approach and the rationale behind choosing it. Any specific parameter or objective might also be mentioned under this. Moreover, it must include the proposed timeline for achieving this and its feasibility. 6. Methodology and resources This section describes the methodology and techniques one is planning to use. What is the equipment and

resources needed to conduct the research? How the experiments will be conducted? What way data collection will be done and further analyzed and represented? A detailed description of all these must be included in this section. These are the basic sections which one must know about How To Write Good PhD Proposal. Further, this section may describe the rationale behind choosing those resources or methods. What way it might be better than other existing methods? What could be the advantage and/or significance? Any limitations are expected and if so, then how they can be tackled? It should also emphasize on the feasibility and expected timeframe to get the results. Often this section includes budget, specifying the proposed expenses in equipment, resources, data collection, traveling, etc. This makes the PhD proposal more realistic and highlights your passion for the research, thorough understanding of the topic and clarity of thinking. 7. Expected Results

Here one can focus on the expected outcome of the proposed research and highlight the expected contribution in a specific field. A detailed discussion on this is important to establish the originality of the research work, emphasis on the existing problem/ knowledge gap and show the significance of the research in solving the problem or expanding the existing knowledge. 8. Synopsis The synopsis is a brief summary of the proposed research. It provides an outline of the key features about the investigation like what is being studied, why it is being studied and how the study will be done, etc. Along with these aspects, it must also briefly describe the expected outcome and its significance. 9. Bibliography This section includes all the references like articles, book chapters, books, conference presentations, etc. or any such written material followed by you for the present proposal. It is


important to select appropriate texts rather than enlisting all that is available without a critical analysis of its suitability. Conclusion So by now you must be having some idea on – How To Write Good PhD Proposal. PhD proposal is the heart of any research work and often an important part of a Ph.D application. It the best way to represent the research idea by a candidate and to assess an applicant by the potential supervisor or sponsor or assessor. Hence, writing a good proposal is a critical criterion for selection. A well-structured proposal should be according to the institute format and include title, review of literature, aim/objectives, work plan, methodology, results, synopsis, and bibliography. It is important to write a clear, crisp, realistic, and engaging proposal aligned to the scope of work going on in the respective department to make it convincing. A convincing proposal is equivalent to successful Ph.D selection.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

Why People From Different Countries Differ in Looks? What is your skin color?? There might be an easy answer for this, like, brown, black, white or yellow. But think deeper once! The first thought which might come in your mind about the colour is ‘white’ or ‘black’. Really…Is that so?

Episode 60 By Dr. Ankita Trivedi

Ask yourself once again! If you put your hand on a blank piece of black or white paper, does your skin still look white or black ? or does it appear more tan or brown? OR Just by looking at the initial appearance of a person, can you tell from which specific country a person belongs? You will look at their hair, clothes or face shape and can attempt to make a guess at their country of origin before you talk to them. There is a substantial variation in some human traits! Like hair color, eye color, height, weight, skin color, build, etc. However, variation is observed within other species also. Have you ever wondered…Why people differ in Looks? Why are people all different colors? What makes skin different colors? Why traits vary so much?? So does the difference have a purpose in itself? Did we evolve to vary in appearance, and what is the purpose of this variation? Hello Everyone! Welcome to yet another interesting episode of Podcast– Voice of Biotecnika. Today’s voice is Dr. Ankita and I am going to share some fascinating facts regarding something that each one of you questions to yourself on a daily basis. Guess! Why I am so dark? Why I have thin hair? How I can look smart & beautiful? Today’s topic of my talk is this only- Why people from different countries differ in looks? People come in all sorts of different colors and traits. Why is that? Firstly, there is the Selectionists view – Long ago, it was noticed that people from different parts of the world often had different skin colors. All you must have noticed that. Tropic people usually had darker skin than people who lived in colder climates. Over time, scientists learned that variations in skin color appeared to be adaptive traits, that passed through genes from

parents to their offspring. And you know what…these traits corresponded closely with geography & the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, we can say most traits or demographic patterns of variations exist for some kind of purpose. For example- Why do Scandinavians tend to have blonde hair ?? Blonde hair might be offering some kind of advantage in Scandinavia over the other hair colors. Either a naturally or sexually selected advantage.

for a hundred years. All Asiatics look alike, while to the Asiatics, all the White men look alike. Why does this happen ?? The reason can be simple, as we have more experience of members of our own race & so we find it easier to remember their faces. OR other races are generally perceived to have fewer unique personal attributes & therefore to have more in common with one another. Don’t you think these justifications aren’t mutually exclusive?

Secondly, there is a Neutralists view – Scientist known as Motoo Kimura proposed the natural theory in the 1960s. According to him most variation and traits have evolved by natural processes. Great! Neutralists would argue that the demographic variance we see in humans & of course within animal species, is mainly due to the random Genetic Drift. For example, Scandinavians might be blonde because the humans that colonized Scandinavia were, coincidentally blondes.

Let us consider an example of three nationalities, Japan, Korea, and China. People from all three areas look similar or look like Alike. Right! Can you differentiate among people easily ?? NO, But today I will tell you some of the differences among people from these areas. How they differ from each other in their looks? All the differences are based on cultural as well as natural characteristics.

In a nutshell, it can be said that – Human variability is attributed to a combination of environmental and genetic sources. If I say that facial recognition plays a key role in human interactions, it will be not wrong ! There has been a great interest in understanding the evolution of human abilities for individual recognition & tracking social relationships. Right! Nevertheless, the other-race effect is a well-established phenomenon that we’ve known about

These 3 nationalities are all very different in their origins, which lends weight to the assertion that although they share some traits, they are very different from each other. Japanese have largely originated from southeast Asia & Indonesia. In China, different minorities mix different genetics. It consists of minorities with influence from the Middle East, Russia and Mongolia, Appearances also vary depending on the respective area of China. Lastly, if we talk about Korean people, early settlements in South China and Taiwan can be considered as their point of origin. The languages of these countries are totally different

in addition to their origin. So, simply it can be accepted that their appearances have differences too!OR We can say that people from different countries differ in their LOOKS and APPEARANCES. Though people from Japan, China & Korea share similarities in their skin type and body shape; people may look somewhat similar, but you can easily notice some real & huge differences in their FACIAL FEATURES. Longer & wide face is seen in Japan, prominent jaw & higher cheekbones in Korean people, while the Chinese have a rounder face. There is a difference in their ‘WINDOWS OF THE SOUL’: the eyes also. Bigger & angled downwards in Japanese, Angled upwards in Chinese & smaller eyes in Koreans. Apart from these features, they differ in dressing style & makeup too which adds the extra difference in their overall LOOKS. Okay, now do you think only above mentioned reasons can be the only cause for the differences in looks of people living in different places or countries?? I missed one important factor. I’ve had the privilege of traveling around some parts of the world and experience different CULTURES. It was very interesting & fascinating to me and at the same time surprising too There are certain standards of beauty around the world. Different rituals are followed in various countries that make people belonging to

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December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111

different parts differ in their looks ! own and unique appearance/looks. Interesting Right!. Being Uniquely you Is Beautiful in You all know & it’s easy to see that all Cultures. Therefore, it doesn’t matBEAUTY is truly in the EYE OF THE ter where you come from! No matter BEHOLDER, even if certain beau- what’s your culture! You should rety practices may seem truly odd. In member one thing- What makes you Bali, women have filed, pointy teeth as a Human especially beautiful and & large feet; lip and ear-stretching attractive is your ability to be Unique rituals are seen in parts of Africa and and Special. South America, different parts of the world and countries follow certain rit- People differ from each other is obuals & practices for developing their vious. Thoughts, feelings or behav-

ior of an individual is not coded by Genes. Right! Rather they code for proteins that modulate & regulate biological systems. Several studies & reports suggest that specific alleles are related to specific personality traits. Hence, it can be concluded and accepted that differences in traits are under the polygenic influence and are moderated by environmental experience. As of now, you all could be a ‘SU-

Happy New Year!


PER-RECOGNISER’. You all have that powerful ability to minutely identify barely glimpsed human faces. With this particular note, I would like to end my talk with you all. Stop cursing yourself for your looks, you can’t change them now! Right. Though LOOKS MATTERS, Try to be just YOU! Every individual is different in some or the other way. Keep tuned in for another interesting episode of Voice of Biotecnika- Podcast.



December 31st, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 111





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