Biotecnika Times 6th August 2019 Weekly Edition

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August 6th, 2019

Vol. 03

NO 90

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Top 10 Research Techniques Required To Get Jobs In Biotech Companies



August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

PhD in India vs Europe vs US – Best Country To Pursue PhD Degree If affixing doctor ahead your name is a long-lived dream or you have a desire to enter into research to make inventions, then having a Ph.D. degree is mandatory for you. ONE MAY CONSIDER IT AS AN INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER TO THE BOOK OF INDEPENDENT RESEARCH. By Dr. Nidhi Hukku

A doctor of Philosophy is the highest university degree conferred completing a course of study. In most countries, Ph.D. remains a fundamental requirement for someone who wants to enter a career in academics also. Undoubtedly the requirements for doctoral degree vary immensely between different subjects, universities states, and countries. At some places, the doctoral degree includes only research whereas at other it may include following a specified syllabus, classes, exams or even taking undergraduate classes. In this artcile, we will discuss the pros & cons about which country is best for pursuing Ph.D. – Ph.D. in India vs Europe & US. Considering India to get a doctoral degree? The rising standard of higher studies in India and the growing costs of study programs across foreign countries is prompting more of the Ph.D. aspirants to chase their aspiration in India. The Indian doctoral program is an intense, advanced research qualification constructed for students who have completed postgraduate courses or in some cases undergraduate courses where there is a provision of the integrated Ph.D. program. What qualification you should carry to initiate your dream career? Master’s program is the minimum requirement to infringe into the Ph.D. program. Although an engineering student completing four years of course studies is also eligible to apply for a Ph.D. right after obtaining B. Tech degree. An insightful quote says: “Carefully observe the way your heart draws you and then choose that way with

all of your strength”.

• Lecturer/ Professor • Ph.D. supervisor • School Teachers

Thus it becomes substantially essential to consider all the pros and cons of considering Ph.D. in India before Non-academic options may inyou actually decide to invest your clude: crucial years of life into it. • Food / Pharma /Beverage IndusPros of Doing Ph.D. in India try • Scientific writing • Unsealing a plethora of career • CROs options! • Completing Ph.D. extends niche Worrying about the fee? of career search in India which remains constricted after doing • This may sound exhilarating to only graduation or post-graduathe candidates all over the world, tion. considering India for doctoral • Opt between regular or part-time studies is quite pocket-friendly. Ph.D.Candidates in India aspirHence, India could be a reasonaing for Ph.D. have the privilege ble destination to Ph.D. aspirants of having two options in their indeed. hands: • Depending upon the subject chosen or one chooses a private or Full- time: With an average comState University, budget of Ph.D. pletion time of 5 years in Full-time completion varies. Regardless stream type student needs to bestow of this fact Ph.D. expenditure is full time to research work attending very less in India as compared to the lab regularly. international standards. • Fee structure comprises of USD$ Part-time: With an average com1,000 per year or even less (expletion time of 6-7 years in Part-time ceptions are few private universtream student devotes only a part of sities). Admission and registratheir time to Ph.D. usually working as tion fees are also very nominal. a regular employee somewhere. • Ph.D. Funding is promising! • One can get the choices under CAREER OPTIONS AFTER various schemes for funding the PH.D.: Ph.D. Project. • Nowadays government organIn academics one may consider izations like CSIR, UGC, DST, the following options: ICMR, IITs are coming up with new ingenuities to boost the • Research assistant quality of research in India. • Postdoctoral fellow

Junior research fellowship-CSIR Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) is a foremost national Research & Development organization, is among the world’s largest publicly funded R&D organization. CSIR conducts NET (National Eligibility Test) twice in a year and offers lucrative scholarships to those candidates who qualify it with top ranks in addition to providing eligibility for lectureship in Government or private universities/ colleges anywhere in India Junior Research Fellowship-UGC University Grants Commission in India is the official body set up by the Indian Union government under the Ministry of Human Resource Development ensures the maintenance of standards of Higher Education. UGC also offers scholarships for Ph.D. followers if they get to pass the qualifying exam in relevant subjects. There are many other fellowships/ scholarships which are offered by other government organizations like: • ICMR fellowships awarded by ICMR(Indian Council of Medical Research) • JRF awarded by DBT(Department of Biotechnology)

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August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

• Prime Minister’s Fellowship awarded by DST (Department of Science and Technology) Cons Check for the organization’s repute! Fake Ph.D. is budding like a menace in India. You need to remain vigilant while selecting the university or organization for pursuing the Ph.D. program. Check the genuineness of the institute and never offer money to anyone for getting enrolled for a Ph.D. program. Oversupply of PhDs! – This may sound unpleasant to hear but for India, the second-largest populated country in the world, huge numbers of Ph.D. degree being awarded, thus the competition tends to be very high. Moving ahead in this article – Ph.D. in India vs Europe & US – We will focus next on the pros & cons of doing PhD in Europe & the United States. Thinking of Pursuing Ph.D. Degree Abroad? You may choose to land up into the United States of America or Europe to shape up your Ph.D. dream into reality. Certainly before doing that you must consider all the pros and cons of making your choice of destination. PH.D. IN EUROPE A common system for university degrees is followed by European Higher Education Area (EHEA) which consists of 28 EU members majorly Austria, Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The bologna process, an agreement between European countries to ensure compliance with the standards and quality of higher education qualifications was signed in 1999 at the University of Bologna. It follows the basic framework of academic degrees which has been distributed into three cycles which use The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS): • Each credit signifies a certain amount of learning hours for a course. A year of study usually carries 60 credits. • First Cycle: Award of Bachelor’s degrees with three years with a minimum of 60 credits per academic year (typically 180-240 ECTS) • Second cycle Master’s degree with two years with a minimum

of 60 credits per academic year (typically 60-120 ECTS) Pros of Doing a Ph.D. in Europe

grants, and external fellowships. • No pressure of qualifying exams! – If one opts for European Ph.D. program he is waived off any qualifying exam to consummate his work. However, in few countries like Sweden candidates have to appear for oral and written exams after completing half of their Ph.D. tenure.


students, the extra-economic aid may be grabbed in the form of five-year funding packages including tuition fee and a monthly stipend. • Some universities offer their individual fellowship program to fund PhDs apart from those offered at the state or national level. • Teaching may also support the students financially by providing teaching assistantships partially covering the tuition fee.

• Ph.D. is recognized across all the countries under EHEA! • The biggest advantage of doing Ph.D. from Europe is the doctoral program being a part of the Bologna Process will be considered by all the universities and Cons of pursuing a Ph.D. in Euemployers across all the coun- rope tries of Europe. • Invested number of years could • Bachelor degrees are not considbe less! erable! Cons of pursuing a Ph.D. in the • The time required to complete a • Not exactly could be considered United States doctoral degree is providentialas a disadvantage but unlike the ly less in European countries as US, Master’s degree is the min- • Time concern! – For fetching compared to the USA or in India imum requirement to step into a Ph.D. degree in America one as Ph.D. programs are shorter. European doctoral program. may have to give as long as eight • In European countries like Ger- • Getting a teaching experience is to ten years on maximum with many, Norway France or the out of reach! an average of five to six years even the United Kingdom, the • European countries do not offer though. Even students who have Ph.D. degree takes three years to many privileges to candidates completed their masters have to complete much shorter than the who are interested to obtain cover the same number of coursaverage span of six years in the teaching opportunity along with es as those who are undergraduUS or five years in India. research work. Some countries ates only. • The topic of the thesis! – In Eumay allow that but then it is not • Ph.D. cost can vary in between ropean countries, the Ph.D. topic a requirement of Ph.D. curricu28000$ to 40,000 $ per year alis chosen and is assigned to the lum. though the university one conindividual based on the project siders brings a difference to this snarled to the particular guide he PHD IN US – THE UNITED amount. wants to join as research follow. STATES OF AMERICA • The topic of the thesis! – In He must write a research proposthe US, candidates aspiring for al with the application for which Pros of pursuing PhD in the UnitPh.D. need to apply to a departhe must seek advice from the ed States ment of choice rather than a parpotential supervisor as a topic of ticular Ph.D. project. Once they research should be from the su- • Bachelor’s degrees are welget admitted to the department’s pervisor’s domain only. come! – Bachelor’s degree is the Ph.D. program they need to wan• No coursework is a privilege! – minimum requirement to obtain der in between different labs for Candidates aspiring for a Ph.D. a degree from the United States a time period of a year or so beprogram in European countries of America for all PhD programs fore they could actually choose can initiate their research work though Master’s degree may be their mentor or research project. from right from the moment they required for certain courses. Thesis topic may get fixed in the join as they have no or very less • Undergraduates enjoy an adthird or fourth year of doctoral course work. vantage over postgraduates that research. • Tuitions fee is trivial! – Ph.D. they may get their master degree • Putting a hand on lots of candidates possess the benefit of while doing Ph.D. only for which Course work – Candidates ashaving a low tuition fee unlike they are required to accomplish piring for American Ph.D. prohigh tuition fee for those pursucertain course work or may clear gram nonetheless of the previous ing Ph.D. in the US. An average few specified exams. experience have to varnish two tuition fee for a Non-EU/EEA • Prospects of having teaching to three years of courses along student is US$ 4,500 – 18,000 experience! – To take underwith seminars within their disper year. graduate lectures as teaching sertation domain. • Getting Salary simultaneously assistants remains part of the • Passing the qualifying exams is an advantage! – Now if one Ph.D. curriculum as it is one of becomes mandatory! – The US gets an extra penny in his pocket the clauses in funding package. has established the criteria for while doing a Ph.D., it is absoManaging tutorials or contributclearing the qualifying exams lutely like a cherry on the cake. ing in preparing exam exams pabefore commencing with core In many European countries, pers to sustain to be part of their dissertation work. This is basiwork contracts are provided to course. As a teaching assistant cally done to authenticate the the candidates during their tenmost Ph.D. students are expectcandidate’s knowledge over the ure in research work. They pay ed to effectuate a semester for discipline chosen for the study. into health insurance and even one class for a duration of two to The qualifying exam consists of unemployment insurance as emthree years. an oral and written part in addiployees. Nonetheless, in coun- • You may draw Extra emolutries where students don’t get the ments! – Although tuition fees outlook to work as an employee, are high for private American they are proficient to apply for Universities and even in Pubuniversity scholarships, research lic universities for international Next Page>>>>



tion to an oral presentation of the research topic. Completing the coursework and qualifying exams provide the steering wheel to the Ph.D. main course dissertation work. • The dropout rate is distressing! – In the United States alone on an average approximately 40 % of students drop out in different disciplines based on the data obtained by analysis done to

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find the successful completion of Ph.D. after 10 years of beginning. Maximum students escape in the second or third year of joining. Long-time duration, lack of clear structured support system initially, the burden of the qualifying exam and course studies, disagreement with the mentor, heavy expenses and often unemployment for all those years may lead to Ph.D. attrition.

Too often students with moonstruck eyes dreaming for Ph.D. plunge into the Ph.D. programs in various countries without precisely peeping into what Ph.D. programs in different countries entail. This article – Ph.D. in India vs Europe & will help you to review the advantages and disadvantages of opting India, Europe or America for pursuing Ph.D.

thousand miles begins with a single step”. Nevertheless, if you are deciding to invest years into making your dream career alive, it becomes immensely momentous to pick up the step in the right direction.

It is rightly said, “A journey of a

WHO Calls Worldwide Ban On Genetically Editing Embryos Last year – In December 2018, a Chinese scientist made a strong claim that he had secretly edited the genetics of embryos. Not just that, he also claimed to have implanted these gene-edited embryos into 7 couples undertaking IVF – out of which two women got pregnant. AMONG THE TWO COUPLES – ONE EFFECTIVELY DELIVERED TWIN GIRL BABIES, THAT HE JIANKUI, THE CHINESE GENETICIST THAT LED THE GENE-EDITING TEST, SAID WERE GIVEN NATURAL RESISTANCE TO THE HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV) INFECTION. By Preety Suman

This incident stirred a wave of fear in the scientific community concerned with its side effects. Now, WHO – The World Health Organization, the leading authority in worldwide public health and wellness, launched a declaration on 26 July stating its qualms with the practice of gene editing and enhancing in human beings. “It would be untrustworthy right now for any person to proceed with professional applications of human germline genome modifying,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, THAT Director-General, said during a committee conference.

Dr. George Church, a Harvard geneticist, in a meeting with The Associated Press, defended He Jiankui’s The recommendation originates attempt to modify susceptibility to from an 18-member specialist adviso- HIV from human DNA, calling it ry board to the THAT on human ge- “sensible” because HIV is “a signifnome editing and enhancing, formed icant and also expanding public wellin December after news about Dr. ness hazard.” He Jiankui’s gene-editing trials first emerged. The committee additionally UNESCO, also, has actually called suggested that WHO create an inter- for a restriction on the editing of hunational windows registry of all ex- man DNA and tampering with qualiThe THAT has actually asked that periments entail genome modifying, regulatory and ethics authorities in and also human genome modifying all countries put a quit and also reject particularly. approvals to gene modifying experiments that could bring about children The issue will be taken another look being birthed with gene-edited DNA at throughout a WHO conference in (a procedure called germline gene-ed- Geneva in August 2019. They will iting, where the modified DNA is also check into the instruments that passed on from generation to fol- can hinder and avoid untrustworlowing). This constraint will last till thy as well as undesirable uses of a time when the “ramifications have genome-editing in embryos before been properly considered,” consider- implantation as well as pregnancy. ing that genetics editing and enhanc- Some scientists have announced their ing in human beings provides unique assistance for the strong words from and also extraordinary moral and also THAT. technical obstacles, the THAT director-general said.

ties that are genetic. Moms and dads of the twin infant ladies, who supposedly had their DNA edited making use of a gene-editing innovation called CRISPR, do not wish to be determined or spoken with, according to Jiankui. There is no main paperwork released in a clinical journal to veterinarian Jiankui’s effort at providing the twin’s resistance to HIV using CRISPR.


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


Top 10 Research Techniques Required To Get Jobs In Biotech Companies There were times when having basic schooling was sufficient. Then, came the era when Graduation became a mandate. Afterward, postgraduate and doctoral degrees came into existence. THESE DAYS, ALMOST EVERYONE IS HAVING A POSTGRADUATE DEGREE OR THE HIGHEST OF ALL QUALIFICATIONS, A DOCTORATE. By Dr. Preeti Saini

Obviously, these are giving rise to huge competition, when it comes to getting a good salaried job. Does that mean all our efforts have gone in vain! No, no that is not true. However, looking at the employer’s point of view, the one who has the best experience in the relevant field is considered worthy of his attention. So, what exactly is the requirement to be an ideal candidate in the eyes of the recruiter? Let us have a look at certain research techniques which may assist you to build a strong career in the bio-companies, considering different types of bio-related companies. Top 10 Research Techniques Required To Get Jobs In Biopharma Companies. 1. HACCP refers to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. It is an internationally accepted research technique to prevent chemical, microbiological and physical contamination along the food supply chain. This is done by identifying the risks, establishing critical control points, setting critical limits, and ensuring control measures are validated, verified and monitored before implementation. The effective implementation of HACCP will enhance the ability of companies to: protect and enhance brands and private labels, promote consumer confidence and conform to regulatory and market requirements. All businesses (cereals, meat products, dairy products, fisheries, spices, and condiments, etc.) involved in the food supply chain from producers to retailers can use HACCP. For a job like Research Associate in the field of Food Science and Technology, one needs to have a good understanding of GMP, FDA, FSSAI, HACCP compliances. Additionally, they should be able to design & execute lab experiments/pilot scale and factory scale trials and to carry out

meticulous planning and documentation of all scientific work. Usually, an experience of 4-6 years counts. Now, what kind of students can have an understanding of these compliances? A PDF from cancer background? Of course, not. However, if someone does not have any prior experience in this field, they can still opt for a certification course from the National Centre for HACCP Certification. This involves Application for certification, pre-assessment, training, document review, certification audit and getting a certificate. Similarly, certificate courses for cGMP and FDA are offered by CfPA (The Center for Professional Advancement). 2. General molecular biology techniques pertaining to cloning and gene expression and also should be conversant with bioinformatic approaches to oligonucleotide design, in silico cloning, identifying genes and the use of basic alignment tools are also an essential requisite to be a part of the R & D team. Usually, a research candidate is required to work in multidimensions. But completing a Ph.D. does not necessarily mean that you will have the whole of skill set. But you can always get hands-on training via workshops. 3. Chromatographic techniques like Normal Phase and Reversed Phase chromatography are easier to understand concept-wise, however, in-practise it takes time to carry out standardization and getting the equipment running and damage-free. The issue being, no one is going to have

you handle the instrument by yourself. In the prominent laboratories like PU, NCL, as well, there is only provided to submit the sample and get it analyzed by the technician. Companies like Piramal Healthcare look for candidates either as an apprentice or permanent positions, who are required to have sound experience in basic protein purification and characterization work via chromatography techniques alongside basic immunohistochemistry techniques and ELISA assays. 4. To be a Quality Control Analyst, the basic requirement is to have an understanding of research techniques related to Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Biotechnology. Additionally, they demand the experience of Developmental Quality Assurance, review of Batch Manufacturing records of biological drug substance and drug product, knowledge of Change Control, Deviations, Investigation, CAPA, etc. QC Inspector, Manager Quality Control and Safety, QC Officer, Quality Engineer, etc. are some jobs which can be easily grabbed by having a hand on practice as well as theoretical knowledge in this field. Companies like Thomson Reuters, Reliance, Godrej, ITC, Unilever, etc. are willing to pay a salary ranging from Rs. 159000 to Rs. 767000/- pa in India, based on expertise and experience. 5. Ability to handle large data: Artificial Intelligence or Big Data handling is another need of the hour. We need skilled workers who can manage data in top biopharma companies

working in the areas of genomics, the human microbiome, crowdsourcing, drug designing, and clinical data. Varied companies are involved in handling courses related to Artificial Intelligence both offline and online. To name a few Amazon, Siemens Technology, Gartner India Research & Advisory Services, Accenture and Microsoft. They are actively looking for highly experienced ML Specialists, developers and engineers and are ready to pay anywhere between 1 Lakh to 3 Lakh monthly salary. 6. Statistics: Whatever may be the number of software which has occupied the market today, human intelligence and discretion remain unmatched. Although every master and doctoral research involves less or more of statistics, additional expertise is needed to get a job. Madurai Kamaraj University offers one year PG diploma in Biostatistics. Companies like Monsanto require Ph.D. candidates with a background in Plant Pathology, Plant Sciences, Genetics, and Plant Breeding, Quantitative Genetics, Statistical Genetics, Molecular Breeding, or related fields. 7. Bioinformatics: As a Genomic Scientist, one needs to have information about at least one programming language like Perl or Python or Ruby. They should have sound experience

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in R and Shell scripting, ideally to the level of handling large scale NGS datasets as well. Ideal candidate is the one with past experience in analyzing human WGS & WES data, detailed and updated knowledge of advanced Germline and Somatic NGS data analysis related tools for SNV, CNV and SV calling and databases for variant interpretation alongside experience in mathematical modeling, statistics/ multi-omics integrative analysis/ machine learning experience or knowledge in interpreting NGS data. These are quite high paying jobs ranging from 8 – 10 lakh per year. CADD, Modeling, Docking and many such techniques exist in the Bioinformatics field which can be mastered for high pay scale jobs. So, how do you get expertise in these fields? Again there are certificate and diploma courses available at Biotecnika.

on practice. Since these instruments 8. Clinical Research Associate are expensive, these need trained perCertification: Other than having sonnel. These techniques are needed basic degree in the related field one to find out the structural details of must have relevant research experi- molecules and compounds. ence. e.g. CCRP (Certified Clinical Research Professionals) provides 4 10. Nanobiology is another yet such courses, viz. Clinical Research emerging field that may provide betAssociate Certification, ICG GCP ter employment chances. As stated Certification, Clinical Trials Assistant before, it is not possible for each one Certification and Accelerated Clinical of us to get hands-on practice in the Research Associate Certification, the nanotechnology research techniques, prices for which range between 150 still, we can complete a course in nanobiology. This will cover everything USD to 2995 USD. from basics in the field of biological 9. Spectroscopic techniques are nanoparticles to use and fabrication. having wide applications in every Synthesis and characterization of nafield. These may include the either noparticles, nanofabrication include very simple type of UV-Visible spec- few of such techniques. Even the trometry, or very complex techniques starting monthly salary ranges from like Nucleic Magnetic Resonance, Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 60,000/- in this Circular Dichroism, Surface Plasmon field. Besides, there is always scope Resonance, etc. All of these need for other perks and benefits and a deep knowledge of related software, higher salary in multinational comrelated techniques as well as hands- panies. Of course, being a faculty is

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the most loved option but companies like Nano serendipity, Nanobiz, Aaxis Nano Technologies, as well as institutes like Institute of Nano Science and Technology are always ready to accept candidates with these skills. So here we are with the Top 10 List of Research Techniques Required To Get Jobs In Biopharma Companies. While the above-listed research techniques are the most trending ones which Employers are currently seeking in candidates, yet there are many more research techniques & skills available which one can acquire knowledge of. These are a few of the techniques which can lead you to a successful career path. There are a plethora of such opportunities available in the market which can assist you in building a resume strong enough to catch the attention of the recruiter and grab a highly paid job.


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


In conversation with Trevor Martin – CEO & Co-founder, Mammoth Biosciences Episode 42 By Preety Suman

In today’s world where diseases have become the best friend and continuous companion to humans for various lifestyle and environmental reasons, there is a huge need for its fast detection and treatment. Imagine the way google searches and finds information on the web, a machine searching and finding disease in your DNA or RNA. This has become real by the magnificent work done by Mammoth Biosciences.

The licenses, released in coopera- making use of these types of diagnostion with UC Berkeley, mark a pivotal tics at home. The company which is behind the turning point in the current CRISPR world’s first CRISPR-based disease IP battle. “We launched Mammoth with the indetection platform has announced that tention of addressing a much needed the United States Patent and Trade- Comparable to exactly how Goog- affordable, scalable, and high-qualimark Office (USPTO) has granted le searches as well as discovers in- ty platform for diagnostics and these the earliest priority patents for CRIS- formation on tFhe web, Mammoth’s patents takes us one step further in PR collateral cleavage diagnostic sys- system leverages the power of CRIS- achieving that goal,” explained Trevor tems. PR to look as well as discover DNA Martin CEO Mammoth Bioscience. or RNA that are indicative of illness. “These patents aid us in accelerating The US Patents cover comprehen- The firm aims to leverage this innova- the development of our commercial sive techniques that enable Mammoth tion to equalize illness detection, with product and open new doors for partto now offer DNA and RNA detection a vision to establish easy, affordable, ners to build upon our CRISPR-enaand are the first-of-their-kind granted as well as efficient tests that can be bled platform for applications in diin CRISPR diagnostics. used in a range of layouts from main agnostics and beyond. We were very labs and point-of-care setups such as excited to see how quickly these patBiotecnika is honored to get an hospitals and clinics to also allowing ents issued, which demonstrates their opportunity to interact with Trevor Martin CEO & Cofounder of Mammoth Biosciences and understand his journey and vision for this revolutionary bioscience product. IN CONVERSATION WITH TREVOR MARTIN, CO-FOUNDER & CEO OF MAMMOTH BIOSCIENCES Earlier this month, Mammoth Biosciences – which introduced World’s first CRISPR-based disease detection platform, announced that they have been granted earliest priority patents for CRISPR collateral cleavage diagnostic systems by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). As per the US patents, The US Patents (No 10,253,365; No 10,337,051) Mammoth can now offer DNA and RNA detection and are the first-of-their-kind granted in CRISPR diagnostics. The recognition solidifies Mammoth’s leadership in this upand-coming space.

importance and fundamental contributions to the field.” Beyond healthcare, Mammoth is developing tests and partnering with others to explore applications in a wide range of industries, such as agriculture, oil and gas, and forensics, and these patents are major wins for the company’s novel detection platform. Biotecnika Thank’s Mr.Trevor for sharing the inspiring story behind his spectacular work, which will definitely inspire a lot of researchers across the world.



August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

Karnataka Boys Win Google Award For Developing Eco-Friendly Rubber Karnataka teens – Aman KA and also AU Nachiketha Kumar have created an eco-friendly & economical process of coagulating rubber making use of “bimbli” extract, an accomplishment that has actually gotten them the National Geographic Explorer Award by Google. THE IDEA, SAYS AMAN, GERMINATED FROM A STORY NARRATED BY HIS MOM ON JUST HOW HIS GRANDPA (WHO REMAINED IN THE RUBBER BUSINESS FOR OVER 40 YEARS) WOULD CERTAINLY MAINTAIN SEEKING ALTERNATIVES WHEN HE RAN OUT OF FORMIC ACID, AN IMPORTANT ACTIVE INGREDIENT IN THE COAGULATION OF RUBBER LATEX TO MAKE SHEETS. By Preety Suman

“We took bimbli fruit. Its scientific name is Averrhoa bilimbi. We removed its juice and also added 60 ml of it to a one-liter tray of rubber latex. We discovered that bimbli sped up the procedure of coagulating rubber latex by 10 hrs. While it normally takes formic acid near 16 hrs for the process, it took bimbli extract only six hrs,” Aman told PTI.

According to Kumar, “generally after the coagulation process is over, the trays in which rubber sheets are formed are left with a recurring solution of formic acid which is frequently gotten rid of right into the soil. Since the option is very acidic, it depletes the soil and makes it unsuitable for “Not just the process got faster, the agriculture in the long-run.” rubber sheets produced were of far much better top quality than sheets “Bimbli additionally gets rid of makmade making use of formic acid,” ing use of any of these chemicals like stated 16-year-old Kumar who comes para-nitrophenol (utilized to provide from Uppinangady village in Karna- shade to the sheets) and also forms a natural coagulant. The same procetaka.

dure that calls for 100 ml of formic acid can be executed with just 60 ml of non-toxic bimbli remove, therefore lowering the cost,” he said. The duo is amongst 6 victors who have actually been granted by Google at its “Scientific research Fair” in various groups. The fair which was launched last year had 24 finalists from 14 countries around the world. Various other reward victors include an Ireland local that wants to conserve seas by drawing out hazardous mi-

croplastics from wastewater; a trainee from Indonesia who laid out to locate budget-friendly, non-invasive methods for participants of her community to check their blood glucose levels; a Turkish scientific research enthusiast who discovered a method to harness energy from tree vibrations; and also a Russian student who wished to discover a much better means to help those with impaired hearing connect with the globe around them.


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


First Artificial Cells Mimicking Biological Cells Developed By Imperial College Researchers Imperial College London scientists have developed synthetic – artificial cells that simulate biological naturally occurring cells by responding to a chemical change in their environments. THE ARTIFICIAL CELLS COULD BE UTILIZED TO SENSE ADJUSTMENTS IN THE BODY AND ALSO RESPOND BY RELEASING MEDICATION MOLECULES OR TO SENSE AND REMOVE TOXIC METALS IN THE ATMOSPHERE. By Preety Suman

Responding to chemical modifications is an essential function of biological cells. For example, cells can react to chemicals by producing specific proteins, boosting power production, or self-destructing. Chemicals are likewise made use of by cells to connect with each other and also that has smaller sized cells (‘vesicoordinate feedback or send a signal, cles’) within. The edge of the cell is developed of a membrane which such as a pain impulse. contains pores, which permit calcium Nevertheless, in all-natural cells ions to get in. Inside the cell, the calthese chemical reactions can be real- cium ions trigger enzymes that create ly intricate, involving several actions. the blisters to release fragments that This makes them difficult to engineer, fluoresce. for example, if researchers wished to make natural cells produce something James included: “Biology has actually developed to be durable by utibeneficial, like a drug molecule. lizing complex metabolic as well as Rather, the Imperial scientists are regulatory networks. This can make producing man-made cells that simu- modifying cells tough, as many exlate these chemical actions in a much isting chemical action paths are insimpler method, enabling them to be credibly complicated to replicate or designer. extra easily engineered. Currently, the group has actually developed the very first artificial cells that can sense as well as react to an exterior chemical signal with activation of a man-made signaling pathway. They developed cells that sense calcium ions as well as react by fluorescing (glowing). The outcomes of their research are published in the Journal – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

” Instead, we created a truncated version of a path found in nature, utilizing artificial cells and also elements from different natural systems to make a much shorter, a lot more efficient path that creates the very same results.”

The scientists’ system is less complex due to the fact that it doesn’t need to account for much of things cells need to get around in all-natural Author of the study – James Hind- systems– such as byproducts that are ley, from the Division of Chemistry at harmful to the cell. Imperial, stated: “These systems can be created for use throughout biotech- Within the system, the membrane nology. We might envisage creating pores and also the enzymes activated man-made cells that can pick up can- by calcium are from existing organic cer markers and synthesize a medica- systems– the enzyme is taken from tion within the body, or artificial cells bee poison for instance– but they that can pick up unsafe heavy steels in would not be located in the same atthe atmosphere and also launch care- mosphere in nature. ful sponges to clean them up.” The researchers state this is the The group created a synthetic cell toughness of using fabricated cells to produce chemical feedbacks– they

can more easily mix aspects found apart in nature than they can include an outside aspect into an existing organic system. Advances from chemistry, as well as nanotechnology, can also be incorporated, creating systems and pathways challenging to a designer in biology. Co-author Professor Oscar Ces, from the Division of Chemistry at Imperi-

al, stated: “The plug-and-play facet of our system suggests researchers can take elements from across nature to produce new chemical paths made with details objectives in mind. ” Our design template system is likewise simple to establish as well as can be used to quickly evaluate any brand-new combination of aspects scientists develop.”


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


New DNA Repair Pathway Insights Revealed By Researchers A group of Vanderbilt researchers has found how a DNA repair pathway protein shields sites of damage to prevent anomalies and maintain genome stability. “DNA REPAIR IS IMPORTANT TO AVOID CANCER CELLS. THE LOSS OF OR INEFFICIENCIES IN DNA REPAIR CAUSES MUTATIONS AND ALSO MODIFICATIONS IN OUR CHROMOSOMES THAT BRING ABOUT CANCER CELLS ADVANCEMENT” CLAIMED DAVID CORTEZ, PH.D., INGRAM PROFESSOR OF CANCER RESEARCH STUDY & BIOCHEMISTRY. By Preety Suman

Earlier this year, Cortez, as well as his coworkers, reported a brand-new DNA Repair Mechanism, entailing a protein called HMCES. Currently, in collaboration with Brandt Eichman, Ph.D., as well as his group, the scientists have discovered architectural details of exactly how HMCES binds to damaged DNA to secure it from an anomaly. Their findings were reported in the journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. The Cortez group formerly showed that HMCES has a role in repairing of “abasic sites”– one of the most usual type of DNA damage– in single-stranded DNA. Abasic sites happen as numerous as 20,000 times daily in human cells. When HMCES is missing, cells accumulate DNA damages and have actually increased hereditary security. In research studies led by postdoctoral fellow Kareem Mohni, Ph.D., the scientists showed that HMCES binds to an abasic site and creates a DNA-protein cross-link. Petria Thompson, a graduate student in the Cortez laboratory, was interested in recognizing even more regarding the chemical nature of the crosslink between HMCES as well as an abasic site. Using biochemical experiments, she showed that the crosslink was extremely steady & stable, as well as she developed approaches for detoxifying big quantities of the DNA-protein cross-link. Thompson after that teamed with Katherine Amidon in the Eichman laboratory for structural studies. Both purified DNA-protein crosslinks using two healthy proteins: hu-

man HMCES and also a homologous protein from E. coli. Amidon generated high-grade crystals of both healthy proteins bound to DNA as well as utilized X-ray crystallography to identify a high-resolution structure of the DNA-protein cross-link. The kind of chemical bonds they determined in between the healthy protein and also the abasic website described the impressive stability of the DNA-protein cross-link.

The structure disclosed that HMCES has uniqueness for abasic sites in single-stranded DNA at joints that happen throughout the replication process– when a polymerase healthy protein that is duplicating the DNA encounters an abasic site. The findings sustain a duty for HMCES in shielding abasic sites during DNA duplication. “From our earlier biochemical studies, we forecasted that HMCES would

have a binding preference for these types of abasic sites,” Cortez said. “It’s interesting that structural biology researches have actually validated our forecasts. Just how the fixing of the abasic site proceeds adhering to the development of the DNA-protein cross-link is an open question and the subject of future research studies.



August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

Important Notice : ICAR JRF / SRF / RA Fellowships Hiked Indian Council of Agricultural Research has released the notification for the revision of emoluments and guidelines for Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)/ Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) and Research Associates (RAs) in different schemes. ALL OF THE DETAILS REGARDING THE REVISION HAVE BEEN TABULATED. CHECK IT OUT BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI ANUSANDHAN BHAVAN – II, PUSA, NEW DELHI -110012 (AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION DIVISION) F. No. Ag. Edn. 6/27/2014-IiRD Sub: Revision of emoluments and guidelines for Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)/ Senior Research Fel- in various schemes of ICAR have HRD 9th October, 2015 of the Coun- dated 30th January, 2019. cil and OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST lows (SRFs) and Research Associates been approved: (RAs) working in various schemes of Existing Rates Revised Rates ICAR/ pursuing Ph. D. program- Reg. Designation & Qualification: Attention is invited to the O.M. No. Edn/6/27/2014-HRD dated pt July 2015,- 13th July 2015 and Office Order No. Ag. Edn. 2(9)/2018-HRD dated 30th October 2018 issued by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) on the above subject. Consequent to the revision of emoluments and guidelines on service conditions for research personnel engaged in R & D programmes by the DST vide O.M. No. SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated 30th January 2019, the matter has been further considered by the Competent Authority in the Council and the following revised emoluments payable for Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)/ Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) pursuing Ph.D. program in ICAR-AU System and Senior Research Fellows (SRF)/ Research Associates (RAs) working

Existing Rates

Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) / Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) pursuing PhD program in ICAR-AU System After completion of two years, an external assessment by the institution where the student is enrolled for PhD is mandatory for up-gradation from JRF to SRF. The fellow may be awarded SRF after successful assessment. Annual satisfactory assessment is mandatory to continue the benefit of fellowship during SRF period. The other terms and conditions will remain same as per Council’s guidelines for JRF/SRF (PGS)

Revised Rates

Rs. 25,000/- per month for 1 st and 2nd year Rs. 31,000/- per month for I st and 2nd year & Rs. 28,000/- per month for 3rd year. & Rs.35,000/- per month for 3rd year. Contingency Grant payable remains unchanged

Contingency Grant payable remains unchanged

Rs. 25,000/- per month for 1 st and 2nd year Rs. 31,000/- per month for I st and 2nd year & Rs. 28,000/- per month for 3rd year. & Rs.35,000/- per month for 3rd year.

3. Research Associates (RAs) erage, with at least three years of reworking in Research Schemes search experience as evidenced from funded by ICAR Fellowship/ Associateship/ Training/ other engagements as circulated vide With Doctoral Degree: PhD in the F. No. relevant subject. 2-9/2012-HRD dated 25.04.2014 OR With Master’s degree holders: and one research paper in Science Master’s degree in the relevant sub- Citation Index (SCI) / NAAS rated ject with 4/5 years of Bachelor’s de- (≥4.0) Journal as per OM SR/S9/Zgree having Ist division or 60% marks 09/2018 of DST dated 30.01.2019. or equivalent overall grade point av-

Existing Rates

Revised Rates

Rs. 38,000/- per month + HRA* (for Master Rs. 49,000/- per month + HRA (for MasDegree holders) & Rs. 40,000/-per month + ter’s Degree holders) & Rs. 54,000/- per HRA (for Ph. D). month + HRA* (for Ph. D).

*The House Rent Allowance (HRA) will be given as per existing Central Government rates applicable in various cities/locations where SRF / RA is working in ICAR funded projects. The revised qualifications would not be applicable for those already in position as on the date of issue of this order. The travel entitlement for the JRF/ SRF/RA for participation in scientific events/workshops in India will continue to be the same as earlier i.e. 2nd AC by Rail.

2. Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) uate degree in Basic Sciences with 3 working in Research Schemes years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years funded by ICAR Master’s degree should have NET qualifications and 2 years of research Master degree in relevant subject experience as mentioned in OM No. with 4 years / 5 years of Bachelor’s Edn./6/27/2014/HRD dated 13th July, Income tax may be deducted at Degree. Candidates having Post-grad- 2015, OM No. Agril. Edn. 6/27/2014- source from the emoluments of SRFs/

RAs working in various schemes of ICAR as per rules. The other term and conditions will remain same as per the Council’s guidelines of Fellowship/scholarship. The revised emoluments will take effect from 01-01-2019. The additional expenditure on this account will be met from the sanctioned budget of the respective schemes. This has the concurrence of IFD vide their Dy.No. AS&FA(DARE/ICAR) 1039 dated 27-06-2019. This issues with the approval of competent authority.


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


Merck, Broad Institute To Offer Non-Exclusive License To CRISPR IP The Broad Institute of MIT Harvard and Merck have agreed to a framework through which they will offer non-exclusive licenses to CRISPR IP for use in commercial research and product development – an initiative to promote innovation. UNDER THIS AGREEMENT – COMPANY USING CRISPR TECH IN THEIR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES CAN LICENSE BOTH SETS OF IP THROUGH THE BROAD INSTITUTE WITH EACH PARTNER CONTROLLING THEIR OWN IP, THE BROAD INSTITUTE PLANS TO OFFER LICENSES TO MERCK AND BROAD INSTITUTE’S CRISPR IP PORTFOLIOS TO POTENTIAL LICENSEES FOR INTERNAL RESEARCH USES. By Swarna Khushbu

MIT and Merck stated that their framework is designed to allow other key patent holders to participate in the future – they can participate either through this framework or via a third-party patent pool or collaboration in order to further streamline non-exclusive access to key CRISPR technology. Merck, Life science CEO Udit Batra stated that – together with the Broad Institute, they aim to simplify the path to licensing CRISPR technology, which will make it more widely available to the global research and discovery community. Via this agreement,

they seek to ease up the research ac- internal research, consistent with the tivities of their customers – by short- Broad Institute’s long-standing pracening the drug development timelines tice and requirements. for various disease for which to date The Broad MIT and Merck also statno cure exists. ed that the licenses will follow their Merck KGaA’s Life Sciences Busi- respective ethical licensing considerness – MilliporeSigma’s IP for ations, which exclude certain CRISCRISPR technology offered under PR technology applications, such as the Sigma-Aldrich portfolio brand, for any clinical human germline editwill become available royalty-free ing. The Broad Institute also outlines to non-profit academic institutions, institutional policies on IP licensing non-profit business communities, on its website. and governmental agencies for their

Along with Merck & Broad Institute – The licensing framework also includes certain Broad IP co-owned with other institutions such as Harvard and MIT, the New York Genome Center, New York University, the Rockefeller University, the University of Iowa Research Foundation, the University of Tokyo, the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, and others.



August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

How to Increases Your Chances to Get Any Biotech Scholarship Undoubtedly the best way to pay for one’s education is through scholarships and grants. Unlike loans, they don’t need to be paid back. Also, there is nothing more satisfying to be able to support one’s own education. BIOTECHNOLOGY STUDENTS CAN APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS AS EARLY AS IN THEIR GRADUATION AND AS LATE AS DURING THEIR PH.D., AND OF COURSE, ANYWHERE IN BETWEEN THESE TWO, I.E DURING THEIR POST-GRADUATION, AS IS MORE COMMON. By Ms. Urmimala Ray

But many of them struggle on the part – How to Apply For Biotech Scholarship ? & How to increase chances of getting selected? We are going to answer these questions below. Government of India and many other organizations, universities, and colleges offer scholarships encouraging students to pursue science as a stream of study and research. In order to achieve such scholarships, applicants need to meet the eligibility criteria and thereafter fill an application form. Some fellowships require clearing an entrance exam like that of CSIR, DBT, and some individual institutes/universities. Aspirants need to submit relevant documents backing their claims, as part of the application process. The application forms submitted are reviewed and students are offered scholarships for a specified period of time if the eligibility criteria are met. There are a number of popular scholarships for which aspirants can apply during or after their BSc/MSc course: CSIR, GATE, INSPIRE (Ministry of Science & Technology offers this program to candidates who want to pursue bachelor’s as well as master’s (level) education in natural or basic sciences), DBT, Women Scientist Scheme etc. Getting an international Biotech Scholarship: It is quite a known fact that studying abroad requires a lot of investment in terms of finance irrespective of the program, course, university, or country. Hence it is the best shot to apply for scholarships in order to arrange for one’s own funds. But being limited in number, obviously, the competition is quite high. In fact, very few students are actually able to

receive these scholarships to cover for all their study-related expenses. Only 1 out of 10 undergraduate aspirants is able to bag a scholarship for a bachelor’s degree, according to a recent report posted by the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. Only 19% of students are able to qualify for receiving scholarships given by the colleges, even with a GPA of 3.54.0. Apart from having a good profile, test scores are extremely essential to apply for a scholarship and also to increase the chances of getting one. Still, only 13% of such students are able to bag a scholarship. There are some other factors also that affect the availability of scholarships. A deep analysis of these factors can help in determining the best time and way to apply for a scholarship. After an in-depth analysis of more than 5000 scholarships achieved by students, the following factors have come into the light: • Most number, about 25% or more, of scholarships’ deadline is set in March. In terms of scholarships, this intake has the largest pool of amount dedicated to it. However, September intake is the one where most of the scholarships are awarded. • There are four times more scholarships available for women than the number which are available for men. • Although the reserved scholarships based on the ethnicity of a student are only 6%, still the mi-

nority ethnic groups are able to enjoy an equal number of scholarships distributions. • But while awarding scholarships, nationality, and subject area have a more significant role in being a deciding factor, rather than gender and ethnicity. • Out of the total scholarships, 40% have location restrictions (based on nationality and citizenship), 37% have study area restrictions, 5% have gender restrictions and 6% have ethnicity restrictions.

What is one of the biggest mistakes is to assume that university admission deadlines and scholarship deadlines are the same? Most of the students only think of the scholarship application only during university admissions. However, depending on the institutions, the deadlines may vary. It is very important to keep oneself updated and plan accordingly well in advance. Keep visiting the institute’s website and social media accounts so you don’t miss out any announcements such as change of requirements, tips about the scholarship, or a deadline extension. Try and submit Hence one thing is clear from the the documents early so that you get above data, that the aspirants should extra time to prepare for other imporstart searching for scholarships op- tant aspects of the application process portunities as early as possible and like interviews. should aim for the March deadlines. Eligibility Even if is extremely difficult to get such national or international schol- There are many international Bioarships, one should hope for the best tech scholarships available, each with and follow some tips to increase their its own eligibility criteria and requirechances of getting the desirable one: ments, failing to meet them; it is not possible to apply. Hence, research Proper Planning well about the criteria and read them out carefully to find out if you are elThe foremost answer to How to igible. Although it is always advisaApply For Biotech Scholarship – is ble to apply to a maximum of them, proper planning. Many students miss do not go for applying blindly to all out scholarship opportunities as they available scholarships, this might fail to apply for the same within the end up in a direct reject. Hence apdeadline. These students are busy pre- ply to only those that fit your profile, paring for their GRE /IELTS/TOEFL to enhance your chances of getting a exam, writing powerful essays or even scholarship. short-listing universities. They fail to plan well ahead of time and thus miss out on scholarships grants, which are usually very strict with deadlines. Next Page>>>>


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Undergraduate Marks/GPA Most of the international universities scholarship decisions strongly rest on the undergraduate marks. With an excellent GPA/percentage, the chance of earning a scholarship is still pretty decent, even if the GRE or TOEFL scores aren’t satisfactory. However, the 10th or 12th marks hardly matter for the scholarship decisions, when it comes to judging your academic abilities. Hence, it is always best to score high in your graduation studies and have a strong academic background. Government Scholarships One can lookout for a few scholarships program or student exchange programs by the Government of any country. For example, in India, the Government of India awards scholarships for study abroad covering almost all study-related expenses of a student including travel, accommodations, tuition fee, library fee, etc. Other programs like Education Exchange Programs (EEPs) are also available for students interested in spending six months to one year studying abroad. Such scholarships may not cover the expenses of a complete course, but still, the student is offered at least a semester or a year of study in a foreign institution. Scholarships from private organizations Apart from considering only the college/university scholarships, which are definitely no cakewalk to bag, students can alternatively search for options provided by private associations. To name a few are the Illinois Soybean Association (in which applications should have majored in crop sciences like Biotechnology, breeding or plant pathology), Iowa Biotechnology Association and the New Mexico Biotechnology and Biomedical Association (in which applicants are encouraged to major in a subject preparing for a biotechnology career). Another famous example is the Tata Scholarship awarded by the Tata Education and Development Trust of Tata Group Filling out the application forms It is always advisable to answer all the questions/ essays provided in the application form for scholarships eligibility. Most students tend to overlook the ‘optional’ section. But these are the trivial things that precisely boost an applicant’s chances of getting a scholarship. It helps to get an additional space to talk more about

one’s interests and talents, where one can showcase their personal background, hobbies, and participation in activities. Hence, ensure that you not only attempt the ‘optional’ section but also answer it as sincerely as the rest of them.

the website.

After finalizing the right time and right scholarship, one can engage in a lot of things while waiting for a reply from the college or university. Instead of getting anxious and stressed about the results, one can always enhance Searching Offline their profile and work on their documents carefully in order to boost up Even though online research pro- the chances of receiving a positive vides one with essential information reply. and details on the scholarship availabilities, it is also suggested to search Listed are some of the several govt. offline as well. One can search for and non-govt. agencies which provide some books by any famous author scholarships, fellowships and Interhaving an in-depth knowledge of est-free loan to desirous and talented scholarships. This will definitely help students aspiring for or doing underone to get a different perspective on graduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. dethe scholarship application and also gree courses for Indian students and help to get insights and tips about cre- researchers in the field of science and ating a strong profile that is scholar- particularly in biotech or advanced ship-worthy. life science branches: Keep a checklist of Requirement Even if you are the most qualified applicant, missing out on submitting even just one document, can get you rejected. While Applying For a Biotech scholarship – it is advisable to always make time to review all the requirements, follow the instructions, and answer every question asked. Stick to the suggested word limit when writing out an essay. Keep ample time for government documents to get processed. Ensure to allow at least a week’s time to people while asking them for recommendation letters. Keep checking your list of requirements and set dates for them to be accomplished. Keep your online profile updated Nowadays, scholarships not only depend on the documents and essays you submit but sometimes, the decision-makers may also lookup through your social media accounts to get to know you more. So ensure you keep them updated and clean to avoid indicating red flags to the sponsors. You can even try Google-ing yourself to see what kind of search results show up. It is also advisable to keep a straight and a professional email address, instead of some funky and casual ones. Ask for scholarships Do not hesitate to ask your target university about the availability of any scholarships, and if they provide, get the complete information about eligibility, the application process, and deadlines. This way you may come across more comprehensive information, which you may not find on

• A.M.M. Arunachalam–Lakshmi Achi Overseas Loan Scholarship • Aga Khan Foundation International Fellowship Program • AICTE National Doctoral Fellowship (NDF) • British Chevening Scholarships • Cambridge-Nehru Scholarships • Chinese government scholarship • CSIR – Senior Research Fellowship • CSIR- Junior Research Fellowship: Through the India National Eligibility Test (NET), twice a year- June and December. • Czech Government Scholarship • DBT (Department of Biotechnology)– Junior Research Fellowships • DBT– Post Doctoral fellowship in Biotechnology and Life Sciences • DBT’s Biotech Consortium India Ltd conducts BITP – Biotech Industrial Training Programme • DBT- various collaborative fellowships: DBT announces various foreign collaborative fellowships for Indian students time to time • Developing Solutions Joint Chevening Scholarships • Developing Solutions Taught Masters Scholarship for India • DFID Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSSS) • DST – Young Women Scientist Award: (For Women Only) • Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (a center of TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH), Research Scholarships • ICMR – Junior Research Fellowship Examination • ICMR – Senior Research Fellowship


• ICMR – Short Term Research Studentship For Medical Students • India Undergraduate High Achiever Scholarships • Indian Academy of Science Summer Research Fellowships • ICAR’s (Indian Council for Agriculture Research) Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) • ICAR Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) • Indira Gandhi PG Scholarship for Single Girl Child\ • Inlaks Foundation • INSA-COSTA-CSIR Travel grants • Japanese Government Scholarships: For Research studies in Biotechnology, Biological Oceanography, Fisheries, Environmental Science • JN Tata Endowment Scholarship • K.C. Mahindra Education Trust Scholarship • KAUST DISCOVERY SCHOLARSHIPS • Kishor Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana • Lady Tata Memorial Trust Research Fellowship • Ministry of Human Resource Development International Scholarships • National Brain Research Centre, Scholarships and Fellowships • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) • National Overseas Scholarships/ Passage Grant for SC and Backward castes/tribes/ Minorities • Post Graduate Scholarships for Professional Courses for SC/ST candidates • Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme (RGNFS) for SC/ ST Candidates • Rhodes Scholarship • Sahu Jain Trust Scholarships: Given in the field of Science and technology. • Scholarship scheme for higher education for students of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes- approved by The Union Cabinet • Scholarships for studies in the UK (M.S/Ph.D.) • Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship which is granted to top 20% candidates who qualify the NET, CSIR examination. • TATA Innovation Fellowship sponsored by DBT • Tata Memorial Centre & Tata Memorial Hospital- Junior Re-

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search Scholarships For Cancer Biology • The Gates Cambridge Scholarships • & Many More – the list if huge

to concentrate on the right one to target. Achieving a scholarship from an institution can be a strenuous and rigorous process, right from being eligible for a certain scholarship or even in choosing the right category. But with Although getting a scholarship is no strong determination and thorough child’s play, it is best to be practical research along with some expert adwhile applying for one, helping you vice, one can aim for the scholarship

August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

of their choice. Always remember that even if you don’t get the scholarship, it is not the end of the world. As in many inspiring success stories, those who win in the end are the ones who kept on trying. Even if you do not get your dream scholarship today, don’t forget

that there are other programs available and there’s always the next time. Try to learn from your experience in the first try and do better.

How To Get Job @ Botanical Survey Of India & Zoological Survey of India : Career Scope Explained The term Biodiversity comprises of a variety of all life forms on earth. In simple words, we can define it as variety, variability between genes, species, and ecosystem. Conservation of biodiversity is of vital importance. AS IT HAS DIRECT CONSUMPTIVE VALUE IN FOOD, AGRICULTURE, MEDICINE, INDUSTRY, ETC. AND IT MAINTAINS ECOLOGICAL BALANCE AND CONTINUES THE EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS. By Divya

Literally, conservation means an act of protecting, preserving or guarding the biodiversity for the future use of human beings. Candidates who have an interest in shaping up their career in Biodiversity / Ecology / Plant Biotech Field than this article is a must-read for them. Even Life science candidates have great job opportunities available in this field. Botanical Survey Of India and Zoological Survey Of India are among those organizations which are involved in the conservation of biological diversity in India. Since India lies near to the African, European and Indo-Malaysian region, therefore the biota includes African, European, Eurasian and Mediterranean elements which together with Indian and endemic elements contributes to the richness of the characteristic Indian Biodiversity. Let’s Explore various job opportunities that exist for Life Science Candidates at BSI & ZSI Govt Organizations. Botanical Survey Of India (BSI) Botanical Survey Of India was set up on 13 February 1890 but it was reorganized on 29th March 1954. It is an apex organization under the Ministry of Environment and Forest and climate change. It is an organization for a survey, research and ex-situ con-

servation of plant resources, flora and endangered species of India. Main objectives of this organization include: • Exploration, inventorying and documentation of Phyto-diversity in general and protected areas, hotspots, fragile ecosystems. • Publication of National, State and District Flora. • Identification of Red list Species and Species-rich areas needing conservation. • It maintains a record of rare, endemic and threatened plant species through certain propagation strategies in various corners of the country and the development of National Orchidaria for the study, introduction, and conservation of flora. • National database development of Indian Plants including herbarium collections, living collections, botanical paintings/instructions, etc. • It also includes collecting and maintaining germplasm and gene bank of endangered, patent and vulnerable plant species.

• It carries out taxonomic and florist studies on wild plant resources through survey, documentation, and conservation. • It also studies the fragile ecosystem and protected areas like biosphere reserves. • Documentation of traditional knowledge of plants. Various plants are used for healing different diseases and development of a national database on herbarium. Headquarters are at Central National Herbarium, Central Botanical Laboratory, main Garden at Howrah, the Botanical Museum at Calcutta and nine regional circles or stations in different parts of the country- Northern Circle at Dehradun, Southern Circle at Coimbatore, Eastern circle at Shillong, Western Circle at Pune, Central Circle at Allahabad, Aridzone Circle at Jodhpur, Andaman and Nicobar Circle at Port Blair, Sikkim-Himalaya Circle at Gangtok and Arunachal Field Station at New Itanagar. Achievements of Botanical Survey Of India include 1 new family, 32 new genera and 925 new species, sub-

species and varieties. More than 2500 new plant species are recorded so far. It is having around 3.2 million national reference collections of plants. Job Opportunities at Botanical Survey Of India To enroll in Botanical Survey of India one needs to follow certain eligibility criteria: • For field Assistant jobs – Minimum qualification needed is 10th and 10+2 preferably with a biology background. Age limit is 18-25 years. Relaxable as per government Of India Norms. • For Technical Associate – Post Graduate in any Science subject. Age limit is less than 30 years. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. • To enter as JRF/JPF – One needs to have first-class MSc in Botany/life science as a major subject from a recognized university.

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August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

Age limit is 28 years. Relaxable as per The Government Of India Norms. (Depending upon University and their rules they will take candidates with or without NET qualification) To enter as SRF – One needs to have first-class MSc in Botany/ life sciences with 2 years of research experience. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. To enter as a Research Associate – One needs to have a Ph.D. in Botany or Life Science with Botany as a major subject from a recognized university. Age limit is 35 years. Relaxable as per government Of India Norms. To enter as Scientist – candidate must have a Master’s degree in Botany and Ph.D. in Taxonomy or related subjects. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. To enter as Scientist – B – Candidate can be recruited directly through UPSC at regular intervals. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms. To enter as Scientist – C – Candidate can be recruited directly by the ministry itself. Relaxable as per Government Of India Norms.

Remaining posts in this organization which includes Botanical Assistants and Preservative Assistants are recruited through the SSC of different regions. Their essential qualification includes M. Sc. degree in Botany/1st class B. Sc.(Hons.) in Botany/2nd class B. Sc. in Botany with 3 years experience. Any Indian citizen who is having the mentioned qualifications along with some published research papers can apply for these posts. Keep Checking Biotecnika’s Job Section for latest job openings from Botanical Survey of India (BSI). Application Mode: It will be either Online or Postal or Walk-in-interview. In order to encourage work of excellence in taxonomy and also to encourage young students and scholars to work in this field of science, the Ministry has instituted a National Award in Taxonomy, named after the late Prof. E. K. Janaki Ammal. The award has been approved by the Minister for Environment and Forests, Prime Minister and the President of India. This award carries a cash prize, a medallion, and a citation. It has been decided to have three awards one each for Plant Taxonomy, Microbial Taxono-

my, and Animal Taxonomy w. e. f. the year 2015. Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)

ganizations. • GIS and Remote Sensing studies for animal diversity as well as for selected threatened species. • Chromosomal Mapping and DNA fingerprinting.

The Zoological Survey of India founded on 1st July 1916 by Government of India, ministry of envi- Job Opportunities at Zoological ronment, forest and climate change. Survey of India It is a premier Indian organization in zoological research and studies to To enroll in the Zoological Survey promote the survey, exploration, and of India one needs to follow certain research of the fauna in the country. eligibility criteria: It is also one of the premier institutes under the Ministry of Environment • For field assistant post: Bachand Forest and it is the counterpart of elor’s degree in Biological Scithe Botanical Survey of India. ence or Equivalent from a recognized University with minimum ZSI takes the survey on documenta55% marks and Zoology as a tion and taxonomic studies on animal major subject. The upper age species. It also takes an Environment limit is 28 years as on the date of Impact Assessment related to fauna. interview. Age relaxation as per Also involved in the survey of endanGovt. of India rules. gered species. • Project Assistants/Research Assistant: M. Sc. in Zoology/ Life The objectives of Zoological SurSciences/ any branch of biologvey Of India include: ical Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a Primary objectives recognized University. The upper age limit is 28 years. Age • Exploration, Survey, Inventorelaxation as per Govt. of India rying, and Monitoring of faunal rules. diversity in various States, • Junior Research Fellows (JRF): • Ecosystems and Protected areas M. Sc. in Zoology/ Life Sciencof India. es/ equivalent in any branch of • Taxonomic studies of all faunal biological Sciences with a mincomponents collected. imum of 60% aggregate marks • Periodic review of the Status of from a recognized University. Threatened and Endemic spe(Depending upon University and cies. their rules they will take candi• Preparation of Red Data Book, dates with or without NET qualFauna of India and Fauna of ification) States. • Senior Research Fellow (SRF): • Bioecological studies on selectM.Sc. with 2 years of research ed important communities/speexperience in zoology/Life cies. Sciences or equivalent degree • Preparation of databases for the from a minimum of 55% aggrerecorded species of the country. gate marks from a recognized • Maintenance & Development of university. Age limit for Srf and National Zoological Collections. other post is 28 yrs but age relax• Training, Capacity Building, and ation is there for SC/ST/PWD/ Human Resource Development. Women as per government rules. • Faunal Identification, Advisory • Research Associate (RA-I): M. Services, and Library Services. Sc. & Ph.D. in Zoology/Life • Publication of results including Fauna of India and Fauna of States Secondary objectives • Environmental Impact Studies. • Maintenance and Development of Museum at Headquarters and Regional Stations. • Development of ENVIS and CITES Centers. • Research Fellowship, Associateship and Emeritus Scientist Programmes. • Collaborative research programs on Biodiversity with other Or-


Sciences equivalent. Candidate with a Ph.D. thesis submitted may also apply. However, if found suitable, they will be offered SRF and upon awarding the degree of Ph.D. will be offered the post of RA-I. Age Limit: The upper age limit is 40 years as on the date of interview. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules. • Research Associate (RA-II): M.Sc. & Ph.D. in Zoology/Life Sciences or equivalent with at least two years of research experience/teaching experience after obtaining the Ph.D. degree. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules. Keep Checking Biotecnika’s Job Section for latest job openings from Zoological Survey of India (ZSI). Application Mode: It will be either Online or Postal or Walk-in-interview. No doubt both the organizations have played an amazing role in shaping our biodiversity but still, many new changes are yet to be done to come up to the level of our modern scientific world. According to the reports, for the past 15 years, the number of senior scientists have retired from their sectors but till now the post hasn’t been filled yet. In fact, people especially who are working in the field of taxonomy (fungi and algae) have lessened to a greater extent. One more major drawback is that in some particular branches, not a single trained scientist is available. The scope for Ph.D. and Postdoctoral fellows are very less in BSI. But unlike BSI, ZSI has better opportunities both on a temporary basis as well as permanent. They have a number of vacancies for project fellows, post-doctoral vacancies and Ph.D. admissions as well.



August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

How Knowledge of Flow Cytometry Can Help You Get a Job ?

Flow cytometry is an advanced analytical technique which has been used for the analysis of single particles or cells. Diverse physical characteristics like internal complexity or relative granularity, relative size and relative fluorescence intensity are measured using a beam of laser light and analyzed as the single particles or cells flow in the stream of fluid to the laser interface. PARTICLES IN THE RANGE OF 0.2– 150 MICROMETERS ARE FIT FOR THE FLOW CYTOMETRY. By Dr. Sunita Adak

The particles should be properly suspended in the fluid stream such that they could be directed to the laser beam in single file. As the particles pass through the laser intercept, light is scattered and in presence of fluorochrome particle emits fluorescence light. These scattered and fluorescent lights are collected and converted to electrical signals employing an optical-to-electronic coupling system. Flow cytometry has been extensively used for the analysis of cells. The earliest experiment was conducted in the 1950s which involved the measurement of cell volume using this technique for cells present in a rapidly flowing fluid stream. Since then many more modifications and advancement have been done to the technique to create the present-day flow cytometry. Today’s advanced flow cytometers have higher efficiency, precision and accuracy with the rate of detection as high as 10,000 cells/second and can detect many fluorescent parameters at a time. It allows a multi-parameter analysis of single cells simultaneously. Because of all these advantages flow cytometry is the most preferred tool for cell biologists. It is widely being used to scrutinize and characterize millions of cells within a short span of time with greater efficiency at a comparable cost to other existing microscopy techniques. The popularity of this analytical tool can be estimated by its range of uses. It has been used for cell counting, cell sorting, measuring cell size and volume, characterizing different cell types in a mixed cell population, analyzing both cell surface and intracellular molecular expression and assessing the purity of isolated subpopulations of cells. Principally checks the fluorescence intensity generated by fluorescent-labeled probes associated with proteins, lipids, DNA or any other specific cellular molecules. In this artcile, we will throw some light on the Flow Cytometry – Working

Principle, Applications & Job Opportunities which you can explore if you are skilled in Flow cytometry. Flow Cytometry – Working Principle The basic working principle of Flow Cytometry is – this analytical technique requires fluorescent labeling of cells, followed by the passage of these cells suspended in a fluid sheet as a single file to a laser beam. The scattered and fluorescent wavelength are detected and analyzed or used for sorting of cells. Sample preparation is one of the foremost steps. The preparation protocol differs based on the source, target, and purpose. In case some tissue is used as a source of cells then it should be first disintegrated into single cells, but when blood is source then no need of disintegration. Further, it is important to tag a fluorescent probe mostly an antibody which can detect cell-specific protein. Many cases commercially available antibodies are used. Sometimes unknown antibodies can be developed and used. But for both prior to flow cytometry microscopic evaluation of specific and non-specific staining or any abnormal staining is important. Once the staining is optimized using microscopy, it can be used for sample preparation in flow cytometry. Next, an important step in the flow cytometric analysis of these sample cells. The three principal components of a flow cytometer are:

1. Fluidics, 2. Optics, and 3. Electronics.

DNA analysis. For proper measurement of data, it is very important to maintain the fluidics mainly pressure of both streams 1. Fluidics: needs to be optimized, the choice of fluids such that it should not give any Fluidics, as the name suggests, is the fluorescence, and the fluids should be fluid component of Flow cytometry. of high purity devoid of air bubbles The sole purpose is to transfer cells/ and debris. particles via this fluid stream to the laser interface. It is important to fo- 2. Optics: cus the cells or particles at the center of the beam and the cells or particles Optics of the flow cytometry is should be in single file to obtain op- segregated as excitation optics and timum illumination. Fluidics com- collection optics. Excitation optics prises of two types of fluid – a sheath comprises of laser source and lenses fluid which is mostly a saline buffer which create and focus the laser beam and the sample fluid which contains for optical measurement. Collection the cells or particles. optics comprises of lenses to collect scattered or emitted by the particles The sample is injected into the stream or cell upon interaction with a laser. of fluid sheath forming the core of the It also carries a system of mirrors and stream which passes through the flow filters to direct specific wavelengths chamber known as flow cell or nozzle to detectors. tip. The sampled core remains separate from the sheath fluid, but both The beam of laser used for illuminaremain coaxial in the flow chamber. tion is produced by different sources. Sheath fluid accelerates the sample Most commonly used is the argon laby the principle of hydrodynamic fo- ser which produces blue light. Some cusing. Both the fluids have a pres- instruments use a helium-neon laser sure difference with the sample fluid which generates red light, substituted being at higher pressure. The pressure with a mercury arc lamp. The light of the sample fluid can be increased is passed through lenses for focusor decreased which can affect the ing and shaping to create an elliptical measurement and resolution. Increas- beam which has high intensity at the ing the pressure widens the core sam- center. The beam is focused on the ple stream, which leads to lowing of center of the flow chamber which has the resolution. This might be used for a quartz cuvette of about 200 µm inqualitative studies like immunotyping. Decreasing the pressure narrows the core stream, which increases the resolution. This is useful for studies where resolution is important like Next Page>>>>


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

ner diameter. The sample fluid passes through this as the laser strikes it. Cells or particles interact with the laser beam and cause scatter and fluorescence. Scatter is of two types Forward scatter and side scatter. Forward scatter is mainly the diffracted light and is correlated to cell surface area and size. Side scatter is mainly refracted and reflected light and correlates to internal complexity or granularity of the cells. These could be used to distinguish between cells is population. Fluorochromes like fluorescein isothiocyanate, phycoerythrin, peridinin chlorophyll protein, and allophycocyanin, show fluorescence upon absorption of light of specific wavelength. These fluorochromes emitting light of different wavelengths can be used to tag monoclonal antibodies, which can be used as a marker specific probe. Thus, from mixed population cells of different types can be distinguished and even sorted. All these scattered or fluorescent lights are split into defined wavelengths and channeled by a set of filters and mirrors to the detectors which is either a photomultiplier (PMT) or photodiode (PD). 3. Electronics: Electronics converts the optical measurement into electrical signals which could be further recorded and analyzed. The scattered and fluorescent wavelengths reach the photodetectors PMT or PD. PD is less sensitive to PMT, so generally used for detecting strong signals whereas PMT is more sensitive so used for weak signals. As the light of specific wavelength falls on the detector it generates electrons of equal proportion. This electrical current so generated is further amplified to create a voltage pulse. Amplification is of two types linear – 200 to 1000 fold and logarithmic- 2000 to 10000 fold. Till the particle is interacting with the laser beam, the pulse will be created reaching peak value when the particle is at the center of the beam and as it exits the beam voltage pulse comes down to baseline. The voltage signal could not be fed into the computer so first it is converted into a digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The digital signal is in inform of channel number which can range from 0-1023. This channel number can be transferred to the computer and displayed as data plot. The collected data are stored in a

prescribed format developed by the Society for Analytical Cytology in the computer and used for analysis. Saved data can be displayed in different formats like FCS, SSC, Fluorescence, etc. Analysis can be done employing histograms or dot blots. The data can be fragmented by gating or in the form of quadrants. The data analysis can further be coupled to cell sorting as well. Applications of Flow Cytometry Flow cytometry can be used for multiple purposes. Some of the potential applications are: 1) Estimation of cell number in a homogenous or heterogeneous population. 2) Identification of different cells in a heterogeneous population and their characterization. 3) Measurement of the level of protein expression in cell or nucleus 4) Monitoring, identifying and detection of post-translational modifications in protein like proteolytic cleavage, phosphorylation, glycosylation, acetylation, etc. 5) Detection and measurement of different RNA including mRNA, miRNA, etc. 6) Monitoring the health condition of cell-like viability to apoptosis 7) Monitoring the cell cycle can provide information about the number of cells in each phase -G0, G1, S, G2, and M. 8) Used for cell sorting and recovery of subset populations for further experiment. Flow Cytometry – Job Opportunities The diversified application of flow cytometry has made it the new-age analytical tool. The popularity of flow cytometry could be well estimated by the growth in the global antibody market and reagent market, which in 2017 amounted to about $945 million and $2.8 billion, respectively. With an increase in demand for primary antibodies, the major application has been observed in the field of flow cytometry. There is immense scope for individuals experienced in this technique. • First of all many, job openings are available in research in labs, academic sector and commercial sector as research fellow- JRF/ SRF, research associate, research scientist, Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) and lab technician in uni-

versities, research institutes, and hospitals. • Many pharmaceutical and clinical companies also employ persons with expertise in flow cytometry specifically those associated with antibody maker development, designing disease targets and drug targets such as cancer, involved in the diagnosis, clinical trials and quality control and assurance. • • Hands-on experience is also required for employment as experts solely handling, running and maintaining instrument for a large institute. • Even managerial posts are also available, an entire team and the projects need to be supervised by the expert personnel. • Moreover, other job opportunities are also available apart from direct research or machine operation. • A person with expertise in flow cytometry can work as technical support for companies selling the instrument or reagents. As technical support they can help customers in running the machine, guide them and troubleshoot their problems. • Similar companies selling flow cytometry also recruit experts as application engineers – who perform installations, demonstration and training for flow cytometry. • As well as there is also scope for sales representatives and managers who help to promote


the products to customers. Even they can work in marketing departments as product managers to both sources and manage products. Some of the companies hiring experts in flow cytometry are Boehringer Ingelheim India Pvt Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Syngene International Ltd., AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd., Iqvia, Pfizer Inc., Nestle Ltd., Parsons International Ltd., Apex Services, BD India Pvt Ltd., MilliporeSigma, Merck Ltd., Phenomenex Inc., Apogee Services Pvt Ltd., Cancer Genetics Inc., Averinbiotech Pvt Ltd., Becton Dickinson India Pvt Ltd., and Thyrocare Technologies Ltd. Conclusion So, here we are with an understanding of Flow Cytometry – Working Principle, Applications & Job Opportunities. Flow cytometry is an important analytical technique applied in many sectors like research, clinical, medical, pharmaceutical, diagnostic and analytical. Because of this diversified scope of application, many career options are available. Gaining expertise and experience in flow cytometry- machine handling, maintenance, running, analysis, troubleshooting or any other associated processing like the development of probes, tagging optimization, etc. can fetch a good job in the desired sector. It is one such technique of present-day with tremendous opportunities for growth in the coming future.



August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

GE Healthcare Hiring Intern – MSc / MTech / B Tech Biotech Apply


reshers MSc / MTech / B Tech Biotech candidates are eligible to apply online for an Internship vacancy at GE Healthcare. GE Healthcare latest internship openings 2019. Internship jobs 2019 at GE Healthcare. GE jobs. Latest MSc Biotechnology interns jobs at GE Healthcare. Check out all of the details below: Name of the Job: Intern Location(s): Kolkata, IN Role Summary: Individual will be Responsible for sales and achieving sales targets within an established geographic territory in the assigned segments. Essential Duties: Duties also involve coordinating with application teams, service teams, supply chain, marketing, and managing current customer base, penetration of present customer base, creation of new customers, and expansion into new customer segments Financial performance • Own and deliver financial performance for both direct & indirect business portfolio • Identify target end-user accounts and create account plans accordingly. • Create and/or maintain Channel Partner specific business plans and set G&Os Channel Partner Effectiveness • Analyze territories and keep together with region leadership and marketing appropriate coverage models • Train channel partner sales force & coordinate with P&L product certificate programs • Apply methodology to evaluate Channel Partner effectiveness • Share leads, manage opportunities and pipeline through SFDC. • Optimize channel partner portfolio; leverage synergies across GEHC • Embrace and implement Channel Partner management best practices Compliance • Create a culture of greatest integrity and compliance inside Channel Partner. • Enforce international compliance criteria, collaborate with

compliance manager to perform due diligence activities Leading Channel Development • Maintain relationships with all the senior management/owners within the Channel Partner and their sales team • Manage relationships on a daily basis and provide transactional support • Act as a business development coach to grow the Channel Partner capability. • Simplify the point of contact between GEHC and Channel Partner and proactively align inner GE resources to support Channel Partner • Introduce and coordinate delivery of GEHC Channel Partner support programs and commitments • Schedule joint sales call with Channel Partner & relevant GE commercial teams as opportunities to coach and maintain relationships with the customer decision-makers Coordinating internal support for the Channel partner • Analyzes, describes, and communicates the internal and external resource needs of the Channel partner • Coordinate internal GE resources to support and grow the Channel partner. • Constantly maintain both region and P&L leaders updated on the status and progress of the channel partner. Qualifications/Requirements: • M Sc / M Tech / B Tech in Biotechnology • High ethics and integrity • Fluent English and local language speaking • Strong contracts, negotiation & commercial skills • Proven coordination and influencing skills to drive and set an agenda with third parties • Customer-focused mindset together with proven capability to respond quickly to external and internal customer needs • Ability to build rapport, influence and energize people • Analytical with strong capability to assimilate complex data and

simplify solutions • Interpersonal flexibility and tolerance Quality Specific Goals: • Be aware of and comply with all the GEHC Quality Manual, Quality Management System, Quality Management Policy, Quality Goals, and applicable regulations and laws as they apply to the job type/position • Complete all planned Quality & Compliance training within the defined deadlines • Identify and report any quality or compliance concerns and take immediate corrective actions as needed • Maintain knowledge of and comprehend all pertinent Global Privacy and Anti-Competition Policies (such as but not limited

to GE Healthcare HIPPA Guidelines, NEMA Regulations, etc.) and operate in them to make sure that no company policy or Local/ Int’l Law is broken. • Maintain knowledge of and comprehend all applicable Environmental Health Policies (such as but not limited to GE Healthcare EHS Policies, GE Healthcare Fleet Rules, etc.) and operate within them to make sure that no company policy or local / Int’l Law is broken. • Drive continuous improvement on all applicable processes, work instructions, and procedures to ensure ongoing standardization and simplification of the Quality Management System. Desired Characteristics: Expertise in managing sales channels of multiple products


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


Govt UKPSC Conservator of Forest Job – 45 Openings + Upto Rs 2 Lakh Salary


atest Govt UKPSC Job. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission is hiring bsc/btech candidates for multiple vacancies for Conservator of Forest. This application procedure is online and no other format will be entertained. Interested candidates can check out all of the details regarding the same below: Advertisement Number – A-1/E-1/ ACF/2019-20 Name of the Post: ACF (Assistant Conservator of Forest) No. of Posts: 45 (UR -25; SC -09; ST – 01; OBC – 06; EWS – 04) Pay Scale: Pay Scale – Rs. 56100 – 177500 Level – 10 Age Limit: 21 years – 42 years as on 01 Jul 2019. (Relaxation as per rules) Qualifications:

A candidate for direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Conservator of Forests must have a Bachelor of Science, Technology or Engineering degree from University established by law in India or an equivalent degree with at least one of the following subjects viz.- (i) Agriculture, (ii) Botany, (iii) Chemistry, (iv) Computer Application/Computer Science, (v) Engineering- Agriculture/ Chemical/ Civil/ Computer/ Electrical/ Electronics/Mechanical (vi) Environmental Science, (vii)Forestry, (viii) Geology, (ix) Horticulture, (x)Mathematics, (xi)Physics, (xii) Statistics, (xiii) Veterinary Science, (xiv) Zoology

Application Fee:

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply online through the official website from 30th July 2019 to 20th August 2019. No other means/mode shall be accepted.

Govt DRDO Recruitment 2019 – Scientist Job With Rs. 80,000 pm Pay


atest Government Recruitment & Assesment Centre jobs for eligible candidates. A high pay of Rs. 80,000 will be given. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: RAC invites online applications from graduate engineers and postgraduates in Science including students who’ve appeared in their final year exam through RAC site https:// for recruitment to the posts of Scientist’B’ (including Backlog vacancies of OBC/SC/ST) in Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Scientist’B’ in Department of Science & Technology (DST), Scientist/Engineer’B’ in Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), and Executive Engineer in Gallium Arsenide Enabling Technology Centre (GAETEC) in Level‐10 (7th CPC) of this Pay Matrix (Rs.56,100/‐) in specified disciplines and categories. Total emoluments (inclusive of HRA and the rest of the allowances) at the time of joining will be approximately Rs. 80,000/‐ p.m. at the present metro

city rate. DRDO, India’s premier Defence R&D organization employs bright, capable and competent scientists in Group’A’ (Gazetted) technical service known as Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) and offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in a broad spectrum of technologies at its laboratories/establishments (over 50) located across the nation. For more info regarding DRDO, please visit DRDO site or equivalent. Name of the Post: Scientist ‘B’ GATE Qualification: Valid GATE (DRDO) score in Life Sciences [Paper code: XL] No. of Posts: 01 Equivalent acceptable subjects of Subject/Discipline: Food Science* Essential Qualification Degree: Details of corresponding Essential Qualification (EQ) & Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE):

1. Food Science/Technology 2. Food Science & Technology

Academic Requirments: Essential Qualification#: At least First Class Master’s Degree in Food Candidates should possess the Science from a recognised university requisite Essential Qualification

(EQ) along with a valid GATE ‐ 2017/2018/2019 Qualification. How to Apply: • Candidates have to register online in the RAC site (https://rac. • On successful registration, the candidates can log in prior to the final date of the ad to fill the application form online. The candidates are expected to upload the

Next Page>>>>


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EXCLUSIVE JOBS requisite certificates (See Para 3 for details), the specifics of the application fee payment (if not exempted) and lock the application before submission of the same. Candidates are expected to indicate their preferences for DRDO and/or DST and/or ADA and/or GAETEC (whatever is appropriate ). Candidates in Govt. Service or in Govt. Owned organisations must also submit their applications online directly to the Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) and such applicants need to upload a declaration (Please see Para 3 (v) for information ) which they’ve intimated the employer they’ve applied for a post in DRDO/DST/ADA/GAETEC. But such applicants, if in regular service whether in a permanent or temporary capacity, will be asked to produce a”No Objection Certificate” (NOC) from their Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) according to the proforma available at RAC site at the time of the interview, as well as the aforesaid declaration. In case CCA considers withholding the NOC, the candidate must notify RAC within 30 days of the final date. Candidates are advised to keep a copy of the online recruitment application (pdf format) after locking the online application form. Only locked/finalised applications in all respects shall be considered. Points to be considered while filling Application form: a) The GATE paper and also the subject of the qualifying degree of these candidates must be according to the discipline‐wise table provided (Table 1). b) Candidates are advised to be cautious while completing their GATE score as the shortlist will be based upon the GATE score filled in the application/biodata form (Not Applicable to Category II applicants in Part‐I disciplines). c) The scrutiny of the application (confirmations of GATE score from the submitted documents/ scorecard) will only be done for all those candidates who are above the cut off of GATE score, in accordance with the standards of shortlisting specified in the advertising. Hence the erroneously filled GATE score will automatically lead to the candidate not getting shortlisted for scruti-

August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

ny purposes also. DOCUMENTS TO BE UPLOADED ONLINE: • Self-attested certificates/testimonials regarding Date of Birth (Matriculation /High School Certificate or Birth Certificate issued by appropriate local authority), Essential and Higher qualification combined with mark‐sheets, caste, EWS status, ex‐servicemen, employment etc.. The maximum file size of each attachment shouldn’t exceed 500KB and it has to be legible when a print out is taken. • A current passport size colour photograph (size not exceeding 30 KB; resolution of 110 x 140 pixels). • Scanned sample of candidate’s signature. • Valid GATE score card (Category II applicants in Part‐I disciplines exempted from this requirement). • The candidates, if in Govt Service or in Govt owned organisations, should upload a signed declaration (according to the proforma available at RAC site ) which they’ve informed their Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) in writing they have applied for the post of Scientist’B’ in DRDO/ Scientist’B’ in DST/ Scientist/Engineer’B’ at ADA/ Executive Engineer in GAETEC. • A provision will be made for the candidates that have appeared in final year exam, to upload their degree/provisional degree certificate online until 30 Sep 2019. APPLICATION FEE & MODE OF PAYMENT: General (UR), EWS and OBC male applicants must pay a non‐ refundable non‐transferable application fee of’ 100/‐ (Rs. One Hundred only) payable online only. There’s not any application fee for SC/ST/PwD and women candidates. CLOSING DATE: Online submission closes on 21st day at 1700 Hrs (IST) from the date of publication of an advertisement in the Employment News. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: • Online application submission link can be found at RAC site ( • Those applications that aren’t

• •

locked/finalised by the candidates in compliance with the instructions will be automatically rejected by the computer system and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Hence candidates are advised to submit/finalise the application and enclose all required documents as applicable. The candidates must make sure their eligibility in regard to age, necessary qualification etc. No request with respect to the change in almost any data submitted by the candidates will be entertained once the Final Date of online submission is over. The OBC (Non‐creamy Layer) candidates must submit a requisite certification in the format of Government of India, from a competent authority. The certificate should have been issued on or after 01 Apr 2019 and has to be valid through the Financial Year 2019‐20. The EWS candidates are expected to submit a requisite certificate (Income & Assets) in the prescribed format of Government of India, from a competent authority. The certificate should have been issued on or after 01 Apr 2019 and has to be valid throughout the Financial Year 2019‐20. Applicants are advised not to change their registered mobile number as crucial information concerning their shortlisting/selection status will be intimated through SMS. Shortlisted applicants will be able to download their admit card for the Descriptive Examination (Only for Part‐I disci-

• •

plines) /call letter for interview respectively together with its venue, time & date following successful registration via the RAC site. Intimation in this regard shall be sent as SMS on the registered mobile number of the candidate. Candidates may please be aware the admit card for the descriptive examination/ call letter for an interview won’t be sent by post/courier. Detailed guidelines for submission of online applications can be found on RAC site (https:// Candidates are advised to keep visiting RAC site (https://rac. for updates issued from time to time. The number of vacancies might vary. Translation ambiguity, if any, could be resolved to the English version of this ad published in the Employment News. Dispute, if any, will be subject to this courts/tribunals having jurisdiction over Delhi only.

IMPORTANT CONTACT DETAILS i) For all query related to applying online, please contact 011‐23830599 Email ID: pro@recruitment.drdo. in ii) For any other queries related to this advertisement, please contact 011‐23812955(Extn–403/408), Email ID: or during working days (0900 Hrs to 1730 Hrs).


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


Govt Steel Authority – SAIL Hiring Biotech & Microbiology Candidates


atest Government Steel Authority of India Ltd is hiring bsc biotechnology and microbiology candidates for various paramedical staff recruitment. Govt Steel Authority Jobs. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LTD (A Govt. of India Enterprise) ROURKELA STEEL PLANT ROURKELA–769011 (ODISHA) Post I Name of the Post: Technician – CSSD (S-3) No. of Posts: 02 Age as on 20/08/2019: From 18 to 28 years Qualifications: B.Sc in Biotechnology/Microbiology with 01-year post qualification experience in CSSD (Central Sterile Service Dept.) in a Hospital or Pharmaceutical Organization or operation theatre. Qualifying Marks: Qualifying Marks in Bachelor Degree/ Diploma in relevant discipline: 50% for GEN/OBC/EWS candidates and 40% for SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental Candidates. Post II Name of the Post: Jr. Manager – (Bio-Medical) No. of Posts: 02 Age as on 20/08/2019: From 18 to 30 years Qualifications: Bachelor Degree (full time) in Biomedical Engineering from a Govt. recognized University / Institute with 01-year post qualification experience in Biomedical equipment maintenance from a hospital with ICU facility having at least 300 beds. Qualifying Marks: Qualifying Marks in Bachelor Degree in Engg./ M.Sc.:65% for GEN/OBC /EWS candidates and 55% for SC/ST/ Departmental Candidates.

I] APPLICATION FEE: (i) Candidates belonging to General/ OBC/EWS category will be asked to pay the Application Fee, provided below. Candidates will need to bear the Bank charges if any along with the appropriate Application Fee. (a) Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) for Medical Executive posts. (b) Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred & Fifty only) for the post of Tech – Neurotechnologist/Cardiology/ Nephrology/Bio-Medical/MRD/ CSSD, Dietician (S-3), Nursing Sister (Trainee), Tech — Laboratory/ Radiology (Trainee) and Photographer (Trainee). (c) Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred & Fifty only) for your article of Dresser-Burn & Plastic (Trainee)/ Attendant Dresser (Trainee) / Laundry Operator (Trainee). (ii) SC/ST/PWD/ESM/Departmental candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee J] MODE OF PAYMENT OF FEE: State Bank of India (SBI) was authorized to collect the application fee through SB Collect on behalf of SAIL/RSP. Candidates will have to pay the Application Fee through Net Banking or Credit / Debit Card, after filling the necessary details in the online application at The fee will not be collected by another mode. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. K] HOW TO APPLY: Eligible and interested applicants would be required to apply online only via SAIL’s site in the link “Careers”. No other means / mode of application will be accepted. To apply, candidates may click at the link of this post applying for and submit info online in the appropriate fields. Before registering their application on the site, applicants must ensure the following: (a) Have a valid E-mail ID and Mobile No. Which should remain valid for at least one year. (b) Candidate must have a latest passport size coloured photograph (.jpg or .jpeg file only upto 50 kb) along with photograph of own signature in digital format (.jpg or .jpeg file only upto 20 kb) for uploading together with the application form. (c) Candidates applying for Medical Executives / Para-Medical posts

(except for the post of Laundry Operator) shall upload the scan copy of Expertise Certification (s) showing relevant post qualification experience with the online application form. (d) Candidates may opt to pay the application fee through Internet Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card. (e) While submitting the application on line, applicants should note the following: (i) SAIL/RSP won’t undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for eligibility and other aspects in the time of written exam, and therefore, the candidature is accepted provisionally. (ii) Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application, which is available in the web site itself. (iii) Candidate should write his/her name as it appears in the Matriculation certification or equivalent examination. In the event of change of name at a subsequent stage, necessary documentary proof to be submitted at the time of interview/skill test/trade test. (iv) Category (General/SC/ST/ OBC/EWS/PWD/ESM) once submitted in the online application can’t be changed and no benefit of additional category will be subsequently admis-

sible. (v) Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in a degree / diploma is given; equal percentage of marks must be indicated in the online application form according to criteria adopted by the University / Institute. Where no standards are specified, the CGPA / OGPA will be presumed to have been provided on a 10 point scale. The candidates will need to produce a copy of these norms with respect to the University / Institute in the time of interview/skill test/trade test. (vi) Candidates appearing in the Interview / Skill Test / Trade Test would be required to furnish certificates / documents in original regarding proof of date of birth, caste / category, qualification, experience, PWD/ ESM status, Registration slip, E-receipt of Application Fee etc. in the time of interview / skill test / trade test according to intimation given to the short-listed applicants. N] IMPORTANT DATES: Starting date for submitting applications: 25/07/2019 Closing date for submitting applications: 20/08/2019



August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

Latest Govt WII Life Sciences & Biotech Research Assistant Online Recruitment


II Microbiology/Biotechnology & Life Sciences candidates apply for Multiple Project Fellow & Research Assistant posts at Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun. WII Dehra Dun jobs for MSc candidates. Wildlife Institute of India job vacancies for msc candidates. Wildlife Institute of India – WII is hiring as per the details posted below: Post I Position: Project Fellow – Ecology No of Posts: 03 Essential Qualification (EQ): M.Sc. in Life Sciences viz. Wildlife/Botany/ Zoology/Forestry/ Agriculture or Relevant subjects With minimal 1 Year experience. Desirable Qualification (DQ): Prior experience and aptitude For working in rigorous field conditions; knowledge of sampling methods/basic Statistics. Work Experience: Candidate Will conduct Animal behaviour, Population ecology, and related Research work. Age Limit: ≤ 30 Years Monthly Emoluments: Rs. 31,000 + HRA (when and as applicable) POST II Position: Research Assistant – Ecology No of Posts: 03 Essential Qualification (EQ): M.Sc. in Life Sciences viz. Wildlife/Botany/ Zoology or Relevant subjects. Desirable Qualification (DQ): Aptitude for field work in rigorous conditions, prior experience desirable. Work Experience: Candidate Will help in Animal behaviour, Population ecology, and related Research work. Age Limit: ≤ 28 Years Monthly Emoluments: Rs. 22,000+ HRA (if and as applicable)

POST III Position: Research Assistant – Microbiology No of Posts: 01 Essential Qualification (EQ): M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences. Desirable Qualification (DQ): Prior Expertise in molecular Lab work. Work Experience: Candidate will be based in Dehradun And conduct molecular analyses. Age Limit: ≤ 28 Years Monthly Emoluments: Rs. 22,000+ HRA (if and as applicable) How to Apply: • The entire procedure for registration and a written test is”Online”. Details for online Registration and test is going to be hosted on the WII’s site (http://www.wii. below Recruitment section. The online registration process will open on 25th July 2019, and close on 11Th August 2019, which is going to be the final date of receipt of application. Online Registration link – • All qualified interested applicants are advised to follow the

latest updates on WII’s Site ( under recruitment section for online registration, Submission of application and payment of application processing fee, downloading of Admit card, etc. • Candidates will be required to enter their personal, educational and professional Experience profiles online besides uploading a current passport size photo. Candidates can make the payment of application processing fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) through the prescribed”Payment Gateway”. Candidates belonging To SC, ST category should pay just Rs 100/ as communicating fees. • The original documents should be produced for verification at the time of interview of shortlisted candidates. • Candidates should mention the Project Position applied for in

their applications. Candidates who have cleared the CSIR/UGC- JRF Fellowship examination and have active fellowship are Exempt from online examination. These candidates need to submit fees online and appear for an interview on the designated day. The qualification of this UGC/CSIR JRF- Fellowship examination Doesn’t entitle a student For direct recruitment for the post or ensure registration of PhD. This examination is regarded as solely Of qualifying nature, instead of the examination conducted by WII. The merit and aptitude of those students will be determined according to their interview. Candidates who have not registered won’t be entertained for an interview.


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital Scientific Officer Job With Rs. 56,000 pm Salary


ost Graduate in Botany/Zoology/Applied Biology Scientific Officer Job at Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital/ MPMMCC Varanasi. Tata Memorial Centre Scientific Officers jobs. Scientific Officers job for msc botany/ zoology and applied biology candidates. Check out all of the details on the same below: Advt.No.104/2019 Job Name: SCIENTIFIC OFFICER ‘C’ (PATHOLOGY) – 02 (1UR, 1 OBC) (Online Application Form) Level: Level 10 [Pre-revised PB3,Rs.15600-39100 + 5400 GP]

1. Age & expertise will be reckoned according to the previous date of online application. 2. Reservation of posts under different categories shall be applicable as per Govt. Rules. 3. Age Relaxation: (a) Upper age is relaxable for persons belonging to Reserved Categories, for example, SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ Ex-servicemen & Other categories as per the directions of Govt. Of India as below: 05 Years: SC /ST 03 Years: OBC

Level of Pay in Pay Matrix: Rs.56,100/- Level 10, Cell 1 + Allowances applicable

10 Years: PWD [additional 5 years in case of SC/ST & 3 years in case of OBC]

Age: Age as on 16.08.2019: 35 years.

Ex-servicemen: length of service in Armed forces plus 3 years (additional relaxation in case of SC/ST/OBC as per the instructions of Govt. of India)

Qualification & Experience: M. Sc. Botany/ Zoology / Chemistry/Applied Biology) and preferably with a diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized institute. Candidate should have at least 3 years experience in a responsible position of Histopathology of a large hospital / Diagnostic centre. Candidates with experience in Immunohistochemistry Laboratory and competence in English language, computer skills and that are well conversant with Accreditations related process will be given preference. The last date for online application is 16.08.2019 up to 05.30 p.m. & receiving a hard copy of online applications within 07 days from the last date of Online application i.e. 23.08.2019. It is mandatory to submit an online application. Candidates must submit documentary evidence in support of the details furnished in the Online Application Form regarding date of birth, qualifications, experience, caste, disability certificate etc., failing which such applications will be treated as incomplete. Note: Admit Card/Hall Ticket for the Written Exam / Interview / Skill Test will be uploaded online. GENERAL CONDITIONS:

(b) Age relaxation maximum by five years for Departmental applicants, candidates with extra qualification and greater expertise and candidates working in TMC on temporary basis / under project / on a contract basis. 4. Application Fee: (i) Candidate will pay the application fee of Rs.300/online utilizing Debit Card / Credit Card. (ii) SC /ST / Female Candidates / Persons with Disabilities / Ex-servicemen (1st time applying for a civil post after serving any rank) are exempted from paying program fees. (iii) The application fee paid won’t be reimbursed under any conditions. 5. Candidates might be provided with a lower or higher grade than that which is advertised dependent on their working experience, research track record and total evaluation at the time of interview and recommendation of the Selection Committee. Submission of Application: [I] Candidate shall submit a recent passport size photograph, attested copies of the following certificate as a proof of date of birth, qualification,

experience, age relaxation for reserved category & Persons with Disability along with the copy of online application form sealed covers superscribed as “POST APPLIED FOR – Advt. No. 104/2019 ” on or before the last date of receiving the application to the 3rd Floor, Service Block building, H.R.D. Department, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai – 400 012. . It is mandatory to submit a copy of Online application along with copies of relevant certificates, otherwise, the candidature will be treated as cancelled. Address queries, if any, to: E-Mail – (i) Date of Birth: Birth Certificate / School leaving certificate / S.S.C passing certification. (ii) Educational Qualification: Mark sheet & Passing Certificate of closing examination. (iii) Experience Certificates: 1. Past Employment: Expertise certification indicating the date of linking and relieving. 2. Current Employment: Appointment letter, past Pay Slip, Identity Card. (iv) Caste Certificate: Legitimate Caste Certificate (in the format of Government of India), Caste Validity Certificate in case of ST, Non-Creamy Layer Certificate in case of OBC candidates is compulsory. Formats are uploaded on the TMC website. (v) Persons with Disability: Physical Disability Certification. [II] Through Proper Chanel: Individuals working under Central / State Government / Autonomous Body / Semi Government Organizations and other Public Sector Undertakings have to submit their application

through the head of their organization. [III] Separate application Ought to Be submitted for each post 10. Referees: Three Referees listed by the candidate ought to have been associated with the supervision or training of those candidates work for Sr.. No. 01 to 07, 16, 17 and 20 to 27. 11. Tata Memorial Centre also reserves the right to not call any candidates to appear for Written examination / Interview / Skill test without assigning any reason thereof. 12. Tata Memorial Centre reserves the right to fix minimum eligibility standard/bench mark and limit no. Of applicants called for Written examination / Interview / Skill test taking into account different factors such as no. Of vacancies, percentage of marks in Graduate / Post Graduate Degrees etc.. Tata Memorial Centre also reserves the right to fix minimum eligibility standard / cut-off marks (Group / Stream / Discipline / Category-wise etc.) while finalizing such applicants to be called for Written Test / Interview / Skill test in addition to selecting the candidates for final selection after Written test / Interview / Skill test. The conclusion of the Director, Tata Memorial Centre in this regard will be final and binding and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained with all the candidates. 13. Tata Memorial Centre reserves the right to restrict the number of applicants called for the Written Examination / Interview / Skill test to a sensible limitation, on the basis of qualifications and expertise of the applicants. Mere satisfying the prescribed qualifications won’t require an applicant to be called for Written

Next Page>>>>



Test / Interview / Skill examination. 14. If it’s found at any point of recruitment which the candidate doesn’t meet the eligibility criteria and/or, the candidate has furnished any wrong / false/incomplete info or has suppressed any material fact (s), his or her candidature will be cancelled. If any shortcoming is discovered, even

the following appointment, then the services of the candidate will be liable to be terminated forthwith. As a result, before applying for any post, the candidate must make sure that he/ she meets all of the eligibility standards under the standards mentioned in the advertisement. 15. Non Receipt of Application: Tata

August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

Memorial Centre doesn’t take any re- pute will be in Mumbai. sponsibility for non-receipt of application through Online / By post for at Important Dates: all be the reason. Last Date of Online Application: 16. Late and incomplete applications 16/08/2019 will be refused. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature. 17. Legal jurisdiction for any dis-


August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90


New CSIR NET 2019 & GATE 2020 Batch announced Dear BioTecNika Readers & Subscribers, as you know, Its always wise to start preparing early to hit the target, And with a proven track record of 231 students clearing CSIR NET with the help of BioTecnika ( See Proof ), Its clear that students who enrolled with us early had better chances of clearing the CSIR NET & GATE Exams in one attempt. After Its Grand Success in CSIR NET December 2018, Upon several requests and popular demand BioTecNika will be launching Fresh Batches for Its 6 Months JUMBO COMBO Course from 1st August 2019

Take a FREE LIVE DEMO CLASS If you want to kick start your researcher career, then do not experiment with your career. Join the largest & most established brand in the entire industry. Have doubts? Come visit us at any of our centers. You will know the difference.

GET CRISPR & NGS Training +Certification FREE with CSIR NET Coaching, Call 080-5099-7000 080-5099-2444 or Chat with us Subjects Available: • Life Sciences • Chemical Sciences Locations: Bangalore, Noida, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai & Online Coaching at Home

To achieve what you have never achieved, you need to do things, you have never done!

Last Few Seats Left! Call 080-5099-7000 or 1800-1200-1818 to Book your Seat in your convenient Batches. Seats Are Filling VERY VERY FAST. HURRY! Batch Timings: • Morning Batch: 10 AM ( This batch is always in High demand & gets filled fastest ) , Available Offline as well as Online • Afternoon Batch: 2 PM ( Available for Online as well as Offline Classes ) • Evening Batch: 5 PM ( Already filled & Not available for Admissions ) • Late Evening Batch: 7 PM ( Only Online ) Take a FREE Online Demo Class today

equips you to prepare better for CSIR NET, contains powerpoints, animations, video tutorials on each and every topic of csir net exam • Unlimited Classes - We do not limit on your classes, attend as many classes as you can, no limits because our goal is your success, so no limits. • Double Success Guarantee - If you do not clear CSIR NET December 2019 then we give you free coaching for the next 6 months for CSIR NET June

2020. • Toppers Platform: Interact with the previous toppers of Biotecnika online and get ideas, inspiration & Motivation on preparation. • The Power of 6 Centers + Online: Enrol @ One Center, Get Class Videos of all 5 Centers of BioTecNika + Online classes video recordings as well. Biotecnika employs the biggest fleet of teachers and we want you to get the best of each of our teachers

What’s Included: • Classroom Coaching / Online Coaching from BioTecNika’s CSIR NET Qualified & experienced Experts • Printed Study Material ( Latest June 2019 Edition ) - 14 Books each capturing one unit including Part A + Solved Previous Year Papers • Online Study Material: Our state of art e-Learning portal

BioTecNika Student secures 7th Rank in CSIR NET JRF Dec 2018 Next Page>>>>



Features: 180 Days RAID ( Rapid Advanced level Intelligently Delivered ) Course for CSIR Preparation + GATE Biotech / Life Sciences Course Contents: Online / Offline Classes for 180 Days + Question

August 6th, 2019 Vol. 03 NO 90

Bank + NET JRF e-Learner + Lecture Videos What does RAID Course Mean? RAID stands for Rapid Advanced Level intelligently delivered course which means we are using advanced e-learning tools to teach, demonstrate, deliver and revise the course curriculum. RAID is a combination of accelerated self-paced learning for all the important topics combined and catalyzed with inputs and important question discussion classes from our experts.

BioTecNika Student secures 5th Rank in GATE 2019

Do something that your future self will thank you for.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.



Now Avail Exam 2 Times, ICMR JRF Exam Double Success Guarantee ( DSG): 1 time and GATE 1 time to perDouble Success Guarantee or DSG fect your preparation and clear program is a Unique Coaching prothe exam sure shot gram which ensures you clear CSIR • Get 12 Month Coaching at the NET with 100% Guarantee*. If in Price of 6 Months Coaching ( case you fail to clear the CSIR NET with DSG ) December 2019 Exam then you will get Free coaching for the June 2020 Henceforth We, BioTecNika Info CSIR NET Exam. No questions Labs Pvt Ltd announce admissions asked. Your failure is our failure & for its Next Batch of Classroom / your Success is our achievement Online Coaching Program for CSIR NET Life Sciences. After the huge No Extra Cost, No Hidden Cost. success of its Online as well as OfSuccess Guaranteed fline classroom coaching and 1000’s of successful placements into Top Students who enroll for DSG CSIR Labs, we are starting a Fresh courses have the following advan- Batch contact us to know more about tages: it. If you are in Bangalore, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai or Delhi & NCR and • More time duration helps aspir- want to join our Regular course then ants to prepare in a more elabo- please contact Centre Coordinator at rate manner 1800-1200-1818 / 080-5099-7000, • Better Practice with our elabo- 0888 4122 500 / 600 / 700/ 800, 888 rate sets of Test series & Ques- 4121500 / 700, 888 4120600, or chat tion Banks with the chat support agent for more • Chance to attempt CSIR NET information.

What you will Get:

ing you best facility for CSIR NET Exam and we stand by it.

• Intensive Classroom coaching from 1st August 2019 Next batch starts from 1st August • Printed Study Material De- 2019 ( Life Sciences & Chemical signed by our experts - 14 Sciences ) Books covering the Entire 13 units of Syllabus Hurry only 15 seats per batch • Online E-Learning Study Material. • Free AIMNET & NET JRF Pro Test series as per new pattern. • All Classes will be taught using Powerpoints & Animations which you can refer back for revision. • All the Classes are Video Recorded and can be viewed later at any point of time during revision. • Tips and Tricks by our Experts to solve questions using shortcuts. • Discussion on CSIR level quality questions and previous year questions from 2004-2017. BioTecNika is committed to provid-

Join Now " The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started " " Our greatest weakness lies in giving up " " The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time " Thomas Edison

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