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January 7th, 2020

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January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

CSIR Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology 2020 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology 2020 – CSIR. Nominations are invited for the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology (SSBP) 2020. INTERSTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE SAME BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

The Council of Scientific and also Industrial Research (CSIR) welcomes nominations for the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prizes in Science and also Technology for the year 2020. The SSB Prizes are to be given for research contributions made largely in India during the past 5 years. The age of the nominee for the SSB Prize 2020 ought to not be more than 45 years as on 31 December 2019. The SSB Prizes are awarded for notable as well as exceptional research, applied or fundamental, in the following disciplines: 1) Biological Sciences 2) Chemical Sciences 3) Earth-Atmosphere-Ocean-Planetary Sciences 4) Engineering Sciences 5) Mathematical Sciences 6) Medical Sciences and also 7) Physical Sciences. The SSB Prize carries a cash award, a citation and a plaque for each scientist selected for the award. Preamble: a) The award is named after the founder Director of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), the late Dr (Sir) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar and is known as the ‘Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and also Technology’.

Recognition of exceptional Indian work in science and also technology. Eligibility: a) Any citizen of India engaged in research in any kind of field of science and also technology as much as the age of 45 years as reckoned on 31st December of the year preceding the year of the Prize. An overseas citizen of India (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) working in India are also eligible. b) The Prize is bestowed on a person that, in the opinion of CSIR, has made notably essential and also outstanding contributions to human knowledge and progress– fundamental and also applied– in the specific area of endeavour, which is his/her specialization.

c) The Prize is awarded on the basis of contributions made through work b) The Prize is given every year for done primarily in India throughout outstanding contributions to science the 5 years preceding the year of the and technology. Prize. (For this purpose ‘mainly’ will certainly mean ‘for the most part’). Nature of the Prize: SSB Prizes, each of the value of Rs 5,00,000 (Rupees 5 lakh only) *, are awarded annually for notable as well as outstanding research, applied or fundamental, in the following disciplines: (1) Biological (2) Chemical (3) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary (4) Engineering (5) Mathematical (6) Medical and (7) Physical Sciences. Purpose:

Award of the Prize: In awarding the Prize, the Governing Body of CSIR is guided by the recommendations of the Advisory Committees constituted under clause 7. Nominations: • Names of applicants may be proposed by a member of the Governing Body of CSIR; Pres-

idents of academies of all-India character; Vice Chancellors of Indian Universities; regarded Universities and Institutions of national importance; Deans of Science, Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, as well as Technology Faculties; Directors of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT); Directors General of the major R&D Organizations, such as the Defence Research & Development Organization, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, the Indian Council of Medical Research, India Meteorological Department; Chairmen of Atomic Energy Commission, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation, etc.; Directors of CSIR Laboratories/ Institutes, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Physical Research Laboratory, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, etc.; Secretaries of the Government Science Departments like the Department of Atomic Energy, the Department of Biotechnology, the Department of Environment, the Department of Information Technology, the Department of Ocean Development, the Department of Science and also Technology, the Department of Scientific as well as Industrial Research, the Department of Space; etc., Member in-charge (Science) in the Planning Commission; and also the former Bhatnagar Prize Awardees. • University Faculties ought to recommend scientists working

in their institutions only as well as route nominations with their corresponding Vice-Chancellors, while the Faculties in IITs are called for to send their nominations through their Directors. The Directors General of the R&D Organizations, as well as the Chairmen of Commissions, might sponsor names of scientists working in their particular organizations. The Directors of CSIR laboratories/ institutes can nominate candidates in disciplines of their interest irrespective of the fact whether they are working in CSIR labs/ institutes or outside. The recipient of a Bhatnagar Prize can send the nomination of one person just for each year’s award. Nominations from other individuals sponsoring their very own names or of others are not acceptable. Each nomination, as per the recommended Pro-forma, need to be accompanied by a detailed statement of work as well as attainments of the nominee and also a vital assessment report (not greater than 500 words) drawing out the importance of substantial research and development contributions of the nominee made during the 5 years preceding the year of the Prize. Nominations not made as per prescribed for-

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January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

mat are unacceptable. • An applicant, when nominated, would be thought about for a complete duration of 3 years, if age-wise eligible. As soon as such a nomination has been received, CSIR may correspond directly with the nominator for supplementary info, if needed. In case a nominee has actually resigned from his present position in India and has actually gone abroad, his nomination would certainly become invalid instantly. Advisory Committees: a) The Advisory Committees for every year’s award is constituted with the approval of the Chairman of the Governing body of CSIR. The Committees contain at the very least six experts including at the very least one former Bhatnagar Awardee in the corresponding discipline. On receipt of nominations for a specific year, CSIR circulates the list of nominees together with the detailed statement of work

and attainments of each candidate to all members of the Advisory Committee pertaining to the concerned discipline. CSIR convenes meetings of the numerous Advisory Committees in consultation with the Chairmen, for selecting the recipients of the SSB Prizes. The compositions of various Committees, the info submitted for their scrutiny, the proceedings of the meetings and the procedure for consideration of the nominations, other than as detailed herein, are kept confidential. b) Where the recommendation for the Prize is unanimous or not less than 2/3rd of the members of the Advisory Committee have agreed to one name (or maximum of two names in case they are judged to be of equivalent merit), the recommendations are submitted to CSIR for approval.

suitable in that year. Presentation: a) The names of the recipients are made public on 26 September, the CSIR Foundation Day by the Director-General, CSIR.


How to Apply: Nominations addressed to Scientist Incharge – SSB YSA Unit, Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012 ought to be sent as per the prescribed proforma in addition to reprints of considerable publications of the last 5 year’s duration on or before 31st March 2020.

b) The Prizes are awarded at a formal presentation ceremony arranged by CSIR. At the ceremony, a suitable citation on work of the recipient of PDF version of duly filled up proforma, considerable publications and the Prize is readout. photographs of the recommended c) The SSB Awardee should give a nominee are also required in USB/ lecture in the area of the award, espe- Pen drive. The details of the SSB cially in a small college or a CSIR lab Prize as well as the prescribed propreferably away from the Awardee’s forma for nomination may be gotten city for the dissemination of science. from the above address or may addiHRDG can help by providing TA/DA tionally be downloaded from the website: for this.

d) In all matters of award of SSB c) The award of the Prize in a spe- Prizes, the decision of CSIR shall be Deadline: before or on 31st March cific discipline may be withheld by final. 2020. CSIR in any year, if, in the opinion of the Advisory Committee, no suffi- * Likely to be revised. ciently meritorious candidate is found



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

TIFR Direct R&D Recruitment For MSc Biotech / Life Science TIFR Biotech JRF Job – Biochem/Molecular Biology Apply. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai Recruitment. INTERESTED AND ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE TIFR VACANCY AND MORE BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

TIFR Vacancy Details TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH National Centre of the Government of India for Nuclear Science and Mathematics and a Deemed University Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005 Advertisement No. 2019/18


Name of the Job: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Essential Qualification for TIFR Vacancy: M.Sc. or equal degree in Biochemistry or Biology or MolecNo. of Posts: 01 ular Cell Biology, Biotechnology or Name of the Project: “Anticancer Medicinal Chemistry with minimal potential of a novel class of metal 60% Marks. Qualified in a national level test such as NET, GATE etc. complexes” Place of Work for TIFR Job: Lab- Desirable Qualification for TIFR oratory of Medicinal Chemistry and Vacancy: Experience commensurate Cell Biology, Department of Chem- with the job requirements is desirable. ical Sciences (DCS), TIFR, Mumbai How to Apply for TIFR Vacancy: Please apply through EMAIL ONLY to using the following format. Kindly likewise attach a summary of your previous research experience not exceeding 3 pages. 1. Name:. 2. Date of birth: 3. Present affiliation and occupation:. 4. Address for correspondence & Mobile No.: 5. Email id: (IMPORTANT: If your application is chosen, further information will certainly be sent to this email address). 6. Educational qualification:. 7. Added qualification( s) or awards: 8. Names as well as contact details of 2 or three referees (please provide email and telephone no): 9. Any research experience: (IMPORTANT: Do not exceed 3 pages).

Job Requirement for TIFR Vacan- Age Limit for TIFR Vacancy: Beneath 28 years. cy: The research project entails:

Nature & Period of TIFR Vacancy: Short-term appointment for a pe(a) Preparation and also the formula- riod of one year with a possibility of expansion for one more year. The Extion of drug molecules. (b) Cell culture and also In vitro an- tension is based on satisfactory perticancer studies in cultured cells. formance. (c) Cell biology Assays: Flowcytometry, Confocal imaging, Western Fellowship/ Honorarium for TIFR blotting etc. Vacancy: Regular monthly: 31000 + (d) Evaluation of metabolic stabili- HRA as admissible. ties of drugs.


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


How Much Behind Is India’s Biotech Sector Compared To The US? India is a land of diversity. There are numerous talents across the country, who contribute towards economic development. If we look at the growth of the Biotechnology sector in India, it has been evaluated to about $ 51 bn in 2018, growing at 14.7% year-on-year. THE INDUSTRY IS DIVIDED INTO FIVE MAJOR SEGMENTSBIO-PHARMA, BIO-SERVICES, BIO-AGRI, BIO-INDUSTRIAL, AND BIOINFORMATICS. By Rashmi Sanyal

However, if we compare it with the US, we are far behind. The Indian biotech sector holds only 2% of the global market share while the United States is the leading global biotech player, with over 112 billion U.S. dollars of revenue and the industry’s total market capitalization of some 700 billion U.S. dollars. More than 130 thousand people are employed by U.S. public Biotechnology companies. To understand the Biotech sector in India and the USA and their difference, let us look into the employment market in both countries. The biotech sector in India Vs. The USA – The Key Players: The Biotech sector is mainly driven by the Biopharmaceutical drug industry, for which, the USA and Europe are the world leaders. A few companies that have topped the profit margins this year would be Seattle Genetics, Biogen, Asterias biotherapeutics, Allergan, Gilead Sciences, Abbvie, Nanostring Technologies, and so on. India, on the other hand, holds roughly 2% of the world market with the top profit-producing players being Sun Pharmaceuticals, Lupin, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory, Cipla, Aurobindo Pharma, Zydus Cadila Healthcare, Piramal Enterprise, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, Torrent Pharmaceuticals. India holds plenty of Multinational companies as well. To name a few – Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Sanofi Aventis, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Novartis, and so on. In terms of generic drugs, India accounts for about 20% of global exports in terms of volume, making it the largest producer of generic

drugs globally. According to the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, domestic pharmaceutical market turnover has been estimated to be US$ 19.14 billion in FY19, with Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Ahmedabad being the major pharmaceutical hubs of India. India as a player:

investment being very high and not appealing to the Indian market, more and more indigenous entrepreneurs begin to work in this sector, trying to lower the average cost of production and make it more affordable for the common man. In this bargain, the global monopoly has been brought to an end, with India now offering better products at a low cost.

The biotech sector in India Vs. The advantage that India has over USA – What is amiss? the other nations like the USA, is the abundant talent pool and the ability However, if we look at the Indian to think of a solution to every prob- technology and research, there always lem in a new way. The majority of the arises a question of quality. Multiple Indian market deals with expertise in surveys over the past 3-5 years have reverse-engineering new processes often raised questions on various profor manufacturing drugs at a very low duction units, research articles, and cost. That has cut down the monop- findings. Forging data, manipulation, oly in the global market. India being non-reproducible data, lack of proone of the chief exporters, has seen a cess has often been an issue that has huge share margin with the US, South held the Indian market from being a Africa, Russia, UK, Nigeria, Kenya, dominant player. Tanzania, Brazil, Australia, Germany, and so on, with the US being its lead- However, as the scientists and entreing partner. Though the global market preneurs realize this issue and work has a lot of infrastructure and resourc- towards it, the market dependency es, it does not quite cater to the indi- and faith will increase. vidual Indian market needs, which is why within the last decade, India has This is why it becomes the duty of seen quite a few Entrepreneurs make every aspiring scientist to be true its name in the global market, with to his work and work both hard and industries contributing to Precision smart to achieve this dream for our medicine, Pharmaceutical R&D, etc. country. The Western countries did not ad- What drives the zeal? dress and invested in Indian diseases as it was not profitable enough The choices and needs of the rising for them, which is why our country middle class are what drives the Inhas to develop its own resources and dian market. Catering to its needs is techniques. With the initial cost of one of the goals that have allowed

multiple entrepreneurs to create their niche in the market. Whether we look at Biocon, Bharat Biotech, or even Mapmygenome, the idea behind it all is to make medicine and treatment affordable to our citizens and to become a player in the global market. India may not be as competent financially as the Western countries, but it sure has a Human capital that is even targeted by the Westerners. Biotech Industrial programs, finishing schools, have taken the motto of training 100s of 1000s of Biotechnology graduates to make them ready for absorption in the industry for faster results. The skills and knowledge level development over the last decade is quite evident. DBT, CSIR has worked hard in recruiting the scientific workforce that will drive the countries future. Bio-pharma Bio-pharma industries are into the production of a multitude of therapeutic drugs, gene therapy vectors, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines. The United States holds the largest market for biopharmaceuticals accounting for one-third of the global market. The United States is the leading country in terms of Biopharmaceutical R&D. More than 800000 people are employed in the biopharma industry in the US, supporting around 4.7 million jobs indirectly or directly. U.S. firms conduct over half the world’s R&D in pharmaceuticals ($75 billion) and

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hold the intellectual property rights Organizations (that manufacture bulk on most new medicines. chemicals or API’s on a contract basis for larger international firms). 16% of On the other hand, India is far be- the global population resides in India, hind the United States, accounting with 20% of the global disease burfor only 3% of the global bio-pharma den making India the natural destinamarket. However, 70% of the biotech tion for bio-services. Yet only 1.4% of sector in India comprises of bio-phar- global clinical trials are carried out in ma segment. Among the 325 biotech India. Currently, there are nearly 600 companies in India, more than 19% trials that include drugs, surgical proare in the biopharma sector. cedures, devices, and treatments that are carried out in India. In 2017, the Agri-Biotech Indian clinical trials market was estimated to be USD 1.6 billion, with a The global agricultural biotechnol- promising CAGR of 8.7% ogy market was approximately USD 32.89 billion in 2018 and is expected Bio-Industrial to generate around USD 67.01 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of around The bio-industrial sector mainly 10.7% between 2019 and 2025. The comprises of enzymes that have mulUS Agri-biotech market was valued tiple industrial uses and the generation at US$ 7.42 bn in 2018. In the agri- of bio-energy through sources such as cultural biotech sector, India, too, has biomass and biofuels. The bio-indusa spot as it belongs to the list of ag- trial sector in India registered an 8% ricultural countries. The genetically growth in its revenues, with total sales modified cotton, commonly known as of $142 million. The enzymes sector BT cotton, today, in India, constitutes is growing, fuelled by the steadily approximately 77 % of the revenue of rising Indian middle-class economy, this sector. In contrast, biopesticides, where there is a growing tendency tobiofertilizers, and tissue culture to- wards an increase depending on food, gether account for 23% of the reve- drugs, textiles, and leather products. nues garnered by agricultural biotech- Novozymes, the biggest player in this nology. sector, is rapidly expanding its presence in India by developing the enHowever, the Indian market slows zymes sector for the food, beverages, in growth due to the rising ethical and home-care market. issues and concerns circulating the genetically modified species. Indian India faces formidable challenges agriculture faces the formidable chal- in meeting its energy needs. In order lenge of having to produce more farm to maintain an annual GDP growth commodities for our growing human of 8% over the next 25 years to meet and livestock population from dimin- its goals for poverty elimination, the ishing per capita arable land and water country needs to triple its primaresources. Biotechnology, in combi- ry energy supply and quadruple its nation with classical breeding tech- electricity supply. India now imports niques, has the potential to overcome about 65% of its petroleum, and with this challenge to ensure the livelihood security of over 110 million farming families in our country. Considering that agriculture is vital to India, there is substantial public sector investment in agri-biotech. Private sector investments, by comparison, are still comparatively low. National research emphasis has been on the genomics of rice, chickpea, wheat and tomato, and on tolerance to biotic (diseases and pests) and abiotic (drought, salinity) stress. Bio-Services After Biopharmaceuticals, Bio-services are the second largest sector of the Indian biotech sector, with about 33% market share. The bio services industry includes CRO’s, both Clinical Research Organizations (that carry out clinical trials of potential therapeutic drugs before they are launched in the market) and Contract Research

January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

demands mounting this could surely increase to 90% by 2025. In this scenario, renewable energy sources such as biofuels represent an attractive option. India’s thrust is on producing ethanol from cellulose biomass, including agricultural and forestry waste, biodiesel from varied feedstocks, and optimally harness the energy potential of natural resources for conversion to alternative fuel.

work in the bioinformatics arena. The biotech sector in India Vs. USA – Challenges and limitations: There are many challenges that have restricted the Indian Biotechnology sector from soaring its wings. A few of the issues that could be well tackled are • Lack of proper regulatory processes for approval. • Dependency on the import of foreign resources and reagents adds to the cost. • Failing to sustain quality check and gain rapid approval for products • Lack of public-private partnership • Lack of driven resources and quality output • Risk prone nature of the industry • Lack of venture or angel funding • Lack of ignition grants for young minds

The main challenge is to apply biotech tools for improving the biomass production system, promote the biorefinery concept aiming at the integral use of biomass, and maximizing the cost-effectiveness of the final product. Biotech interventions are being used to reengineer feedstock for enhanced ethanol recovery and microorganisms for increased productivity. DBT has established an Energy Biosciences Centre at the University Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, to develop economically and ecologically sustainable technology for biofuel from biomass and provide a platform for evaluating bio- India, as a country, has faced a lot of energy-related technologies. challenges in its history and is known to sail through the tough waters with Bioinformatics flying colors. With the ever-growing talent community within India and Bioinformatics contributes to the the International partnerships and aid, smallest part of the biotechnology in- the country will once again work todustry in India. This particular sector wards polishing its knowledge and deals with the creation and mainte- skills and rising up like a Phoenix nance of extensive electronic databas- from the ashes. All the state requires, es on various biological systems and is the young minds to understand the the tools and software to analyze the problems, have faith, and work toinformation derived from these data- wards success with truth and honor. bases. However, India is since long The country has and always will be a known for its strong IT base. Hence, land of talent, hard work, and knowlit puts India in a favorable position as edge, which makes it self sufficient compared to other developing nations and diverse. in becoming a leading destination for


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


Legendary Biologists Who Proved Failure Ain’t A Thing! Biology Scientist’s Failure Before Success – Famous Biologists and their success story, arising from their failures. A word that most people dread – Failure. Who doesn’t want to be successful? Everyone does. We want to be liked and admired. BUT THE FEAR ALWAYS POPS UP FAILURE AND ITS EXPERIENCE IS STRONG ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANT TO QUIT AND START A NEW LIFE. By Prathibha HC

It is no different for any scientist or anyone trying to make something special out of their life. Success takes effort and time. We may fail many times before we are successful. Anybody who has become successful, definitely they will experience failure at any aspect of their journey. Many years ago, Charlie Sheen said that to overcome the obstacles and persevere after failure, “winners” always find one way or the other. There is no need to avoid failure. Failure is a chance to learn and know that something does not work! Reaching the destination is not always what defines a person, it is the journey that is taken to get there. The people with the biggest successes are the people who have gone through the biggest failures. If you are struggling in your work/opportunities, do not be afraid to try things that are “new” or “different” and perhaps even fly in the face of conventional wisdom. The worst thing that can happen is a failure, which is just a chance to learn and grow. Here is a brief on the famous biologists, who had their own share of failure in their journey of becoming one among the greatest minds and among the successful biology scientists.

Charles Darwin (1809–1882)

Famous For: Theory of Evolution Darwin kept silent for 20 years before going public and was only half-joking when he described writing his book ‘On the Origin of Species’ as ‘like confessing a murder’. He had done years and years of research and had pages of theory written but yet, he struggled to go public initially as he feared failure. Yet, Darwin did not give up and overcame the fear and finally went public with all his research and eventually became successful with his research. After attending the University of Cambridge and taking up medicine at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Darwin was considered a naturalist. As a biologist, he proposed the concept that “all species of life” came from a single source. His theory of evolution marked the beginning of the discussion on natural selection. In On the Origin of Species (1859) book, he finally gave his theory full public expression.

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) Famous For: Modern Genetics Born to a family with limited means in German-speaking Silesia, Mendel was raised in a rural setting. He did not have an easy life as his family could not support him sufficiently due to which his initial days away from home were hard. To make ends meet, he tutored other students and he suffered serious depression twice and had to return home to recover. He worked in the community in Bruno and in 1849 his work here had exhausted him to the point of illness, because of which Mendel was sent to Znaim, to fill a temporary teaching position. But here he failed a teaching certification exam and in 1851, at the monastery’s expense to continue his studies in the sciences, he was sent to the University of Vienna. In 1856, he again attempted the teacher exam but the event caused a nervous breakdown and a second failure. Despite all his failures, Mendel’s research continued over as many as eight years (between 1856 and 1863) and involved tens of thousands of individual plants. He wrote “Experiments on Plant Hybridization” successfully, and paved the way for biology students to study genetic traits in peas. During his experiments, Gregor found that a specific trait would be dominant over other traits in the same species. This became to be recognized as the Mendelian inheritance.

Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) Famous For: Created the process of pasteurization for treating milk and wine Louis Pasteur was only a mediocre pupil in undergraduate studies and ranked 15th out of 22 students in chemistry and yet he became a professor of chemistry at the University of Strasbourg, in 1848. Here, he met Marie Laurent and they wed and had five children, though only two survived a childhood as they suffered from illness and there was a lack of treatment. Suffered from his personal loss, he was led to study the cause of incurable diseases and he came up with pasteurization. Pasteur’s first vaccine discovery was in 1879 with a contagious disease called chicken-cholera. Pasteur continued to ex-

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tend his “germ theory” to formulate vaccinations for various diseases including anthrax, smallpox, and cholera. In 1872, Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, wrote that “Louis Pasteur’s theory of germs is ridiculous fiction.” He did not let this bother him and he focused on his success. As one of the founders of medical microbiology, Louis Pasteur’s education in the field of chemistry and microbiology may be credited with his success. His germ theory of disease became the catalyst to his process we know as pasteurization.

fective vaccine for smallpox Edward was born in Berkeley, England in 1749. Both of his parents died within two months of each other when he was just five. He was left in the care of his three sisters, the eldest nineteen. Unlike his brothers, he did not continue to prepare for Oxford. Struggling for education, he was accepted as an apprentice surgeon by John Ludlow aged 12 in 1761. This was a turning point and very important for what followed. He specialized in microbiology at the University of St. Andrews and the University of London. Edward Jenner is considered as the “father of immunology” mainly because of his pioneering work on the smallpox vaccine and the use of vaccination.

tempted no further broad syntheses but instead published his discoveries or thoughts as appendages to other works or as pieces of his memoirs. A botanist from Scotland who was a pioneer in microscopy, he was among the first botanists to describe the nucleus of cells while he also discovered Brownian motion. He was also highly influential in paleobotany, the study of prehistoric plant life.

sity of Glasgow. He became a surgeon and pioneered the work of antiseptic or sterile surgery. Joseph Lister had to go through a series of failed experiments for understanding the reason behind the deaths of the patients. In his second case, while treating a patient, gangrene set in and the patient’s leg was amputated and the treatment failed. Lister, however, did not let such a failure let him down, rather he had emphasized that he had learned much and suggested further innovations. With more experience and his research, he started the use of carbolic acid to cleanse wounds and to sterilize instruments used for surgery.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632– 1723) Famous For: The Father of Microbiology

Robert Hooke (1635–1703) Famous For: Coined the term “cell” Born in 1635 in the Isle of Wight, England, he was the youngest of their four children. Robert Hooke’s health was delicate for most of his childhood, and indeed his whole life. He spent much of his school time at home Robert Hooke received his higher education at Oxford University where he studied physics and chemistry. Overcoming his health problems, he worked hard in his research and reached heights with it. His work included the application what is known today as Hooke’s law, his use of microscopy, and for the discovery of the “cell” in 1665 using cork and a microscope.

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Robert Brown (1773–1858) Famous For: Discovered the cell nucleus

Robert Brown attended the University of Edinburgh where he studied medicine but he soon was distracted by a keen interest for botany. While he did not take a degree, Brown showed an interest in natural history. In 1793, Brown dropped out of his medical courses and around a year later, he was commissioned as part of the Fifeshire Regiment of Fencibles as a surgeon’s mate. Brown’s life in the military did not suit him at it prevented him from accessing libraries and from beginning his own collection of plant specimens. In 1800 he left military life and accepted a position as a naturalist for an expedition to Australia, in 1810. During that year, Brown published Prodromus Florae Novae Holandiae et Insulae Van Diemen, a study of Australian flora, he had to pay the costs of publication and was only able to sell 24 of 250 printed copies. This effort appeared to have discouraged him and Brown never completed a companion volume. Brown’s disappointing experience while publishing Edward Jenner (1749–1823) Famous For: Creating the first ef- his study of Australian flora affected the style of his future work. He at-

Antoine Philips van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft, the Netherlands in 1632. Antonie’s early life was rather rocky: his father died when he was just five years old. Family loss, low income, and a hard childhood were just a few of the difficulties he faced. Nothing seemed more important before his interest and he continued to fight hard and his interest in lensmaking and curiosity led him to be the first to observe single-cell organisms. He is considered a biologist and microscopist which has earned him the distinction of being the father of microbiology.

Salim Ali (1896 –1987) Biology Scientist’s Failure Before SuccessSálim Moizuddin Abdul Ali, born in Mumbai, was an ornithologist and a naturalist. From his childhood, his life has been difficult as his father died when he was a year old and his mother Zeenat-un-Nissa died when he was three. Due to the lack of a formal university degree, Ali failed to get an ornithologist’s position which was open at the Zoological Survey of India. In 1926, he was hired as a guide lecturer for the salary of Rs 350 a month at the newly opened natural history section in the Prince of Wales Museum in Mumbai. Overcoming all his difficulties, Salim Ali was among the first Indians to conduct systematic bird surveys across India and his bird books helped develop ornithology in the sub-continent. This Birdman of India was the key figure behind the Bombay Natural History Society after 1947 and used his personal influence to garner government support for the

Joseph Lister (1827–1912) Famous For: Using antiseptics for cleaning and sterilizing wounds Joseph Lister was born in 1827 in the city of Upton, Essex, England where he attended the University of London, and later in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh and Univer-

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January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

organization. He was awarded India’s Khorana was born in Raipur in West second-highest civilian honor, the Punjab. From Punjab University, Lahore, he earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. Padma Vibhushan in 1976. He went to Manchester University in 1945 and obtained a Ph.D. He returned to India in 1948 and when he applied for a post for a lectureship at Delhi University he was rejected. After this, he thought his future was bleak and this incident made him dejected. But he did not let this stop him and to carry out further research in his field, he returned to England. He successfully excelled in his research and he shared the 1968 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Marshall W. Nirenberg and Robert W. Holley for research that helped to show how the order of nucleotides in nucleic acids, which carry the genetic Har Gobind Khorana(1922 – 2011) code of the cell, control the cell’s synthesis of proteins. In 1970, Khorana Biology Scientist’s Failure Before became the first to synthesize an arSuccessHar Gobind Khorana was tificial gene in a living cell. His work an Indian-American biochemist. Dr. became the foundation for much of



the later research in biotechnology “Only those who dare to fail greatly and gene therapy. can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – In all of our lives, there are many Thomas A. Edison such instances where we are being denied a position or job or we did not All these people did not just fail, succeed at something we tried. The but they failed on a massive scale, same happened with all of the great and yet, they will be viewed as suc- minds in history, but they emerged as cessful people in history because they super-achievers after a long struggle. bounced back and succeeded in the With all these events, we can interpret the great secret of nature – failure end without giving up. is greater than success. You become One of the important lessons for content when you gain success, but becoming a successful scientist is to failure can give you the experience learn to never give up. Not just sci- and will teach you the most valuable entists, be it anything in life, nothing lessons in life, motivating you to fight comes without any failures. You need hard and win. There will be qualities to try, you need to fail, you need to unfolded in you that do not appear unlearn from the failure, you need to der normal circumstances when you try again, and this could go on for a start to struggle more than you nornumber of times until eventually, you mally do. Thus, for achieving great success, failure works as a stepping achieve and become successful. stone.



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

Chinese CRISPR Baby Scientist Imprisoned For Three Years He Jiankui, the scientist behind the world’s first “gene-edited” babies Lulu and Nana has been sentenced to three years in prison by a court in China. In November 2018, He Jiankui claimed that he had used CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology to edit the genes of twin girls Lulu and Nana to make them HIV resistant THIS HAD PROVOKED AN OUTCRY WORLDWIDE QUESTIONING THE ETHICAL INTEGRITY AND SAFETY OF GENE EDITING TECHNIQUES. THEREAFTER HE WAS TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED FROM ALL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. By Namitha Thampi

According to the state news agency Xinhua, the Shenzhen court found the scientist behind the CRISPR babies guilty of illegal practices, jailed and fined him an amount of 3m yuan (US$430,000) along with his co-workers Zhang Renli and Qin Jinzhou who received two years prison ments were raised by themselves. with 1m yuan fine and 18-month sentence with 500,000 yuan fine respec- “The three accused did not have the proper certification to practice tively. medicine, and in seeking fame and As per official reports, the team per- wealth, deliberately violated national formed the gene-editing experiments regulations in scientific research and in seven embryos without any super- medical treatment,” the court said, acvision just to gain fame and fortune. cording to Xinhua. “They’ve crossed The funds required for the experi- the bottom line of ethics in scientific

research and medical ethics.” Even though scientists were able to understand how genes can be edited in unborn babies, the practice is banned in most of the countries on ethical and moral grounds. He Jiankui from the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen had ignored the scientific

and ethical norms to alter the genetic information of the twins to immunize them against HIV. After the original research was published earlier this month, the MIT Technology Review had found that the team might have failed in reproducing the gene that makes some people immune to HIV.


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


CSIR-CERI Painless Technology To Detect Glucose In Diabetic Patients Diabetes is a disease that cannot be cured but sure can be managed. But managing it becomes hard when a patient is required to check the blood level by piercing his or her finger every day to monitor it. WITH THE HOPE OF MAKING THIS BETTER, NOW A TEAM OF INTERNATIONAL RESEARCHERS HAS DEVELOPED A TECHNOLOGY, A SELF-POWERED GLUCOSE BIOSENSOR TECHNOLOGY BASE DEVICE THAT CAN USE SALIVA SAMPLES CAN MEASURE THE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL. By Prathibha HC

Without any use of external electrical energy, this device can work inside the body. For patients with diabetes, continuous monitoring of fluctuating sugar levels in the blood is often required. The painful finger-pricking process could be mitigated by the implantable glucose biosensors, however, the implantation is a complicated process as the electricity requirement for the implantable glucose-sensing devices is a major challenge. The Scientist and research team member, Dr. P. Tamilarasan, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR-CERI) said that “A demonstration of linear response to glucose at concentrations relevant for non-diabetic and diabetic saliva has been shown by the team. For the accurate, quick and early detection of abnormalities in metabolism, this sensor will be useful and it can help in controlling, preventing and monitoring many metabolic disorders, including diabetes. Electrical energy is required for the operation of any implantable electrochemical or electrical device. A challenging task is to produce electricity inside the human body. Here, without an external electrical supply, this device can function inside the body. To extract electrons proportional to the glucose level in the bodily fluid, this technology uses an enzyme and an electron-transporting n-type semiconductor polymer. For both electricity generation as well as for glucose sensing, the polymer-based electrode can be used. On the other hand, to generate electricity using the glucose in bodily fluids, an enzymatic

fuel cell using the same materials has been developed. A transistor made up of the polymer senses the glucose and the same polymer is powered by the enzymatic fuel cell made up of the same polymer electrode using glucose as a fuel.

Utilizing glucose, the enzymatic fuel cell could power other implantable electronic devices. The energy that is sufficient enough to operate an organic electrochemical transistor type glucose sensor is generated by this technology.

As of now, the materials have been developed by the research team and its qualitatively and quantitatively operation has been demonstrated. The technology could lead to practical application with further studies on the biocompatibility, device design, and in-vivo characterizations.



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

Malaria Carrying Mosquitoes Sense Toxins Though Their Legs Scientists from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the UK have discovered the reason behind resistance shown in Malaria-carrying mosquito. PROTEINS IN THE LEGS OF MALARIA-CARRYING MOSQUITOES HELP THEM DEVELOP RESISTANCE TO INSECTICIDES. THIS ADVANCEMENT IN RESEARCH MAY LEAD TO NEW STRATEGIES AGAINST THE DISEASE, WHICH KILLS NEARLY 4,00,000 PEOPLE EACH YEAR. By Rahul Mishra

According to the researchers, insecticide-resistant populations of two malaria-carrying mosquitoes— Anopheles gambiae & Anopheles coluzzii express a family of binding proteins situated in their legs. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine researchers concluded that this resistance mechanism might be contributing to the lower than expected efficacy of bed nets in Western Africa where these mosquitoes are widely found.

making it an excellent potential target for the future additives to nets to overcome this resistance mechanism.

Studying the mosquitoes, the researchers proved that the binding protein, SAP2, was found elevated Mosquito legs Sense Toxins- The in resistant populations, and further Special Leg Proteins elevated following contact with pyrethroids — the insecticide class which According to Victoria Ingham, The is used on all bed nets. SAP2 protein, which is based in the malaria-carrying mosquito legs, When scientists silenced the gene comes into direct contact with the that coded for this protein, the suscepinsecticide as they land on the net, tibility to the insecticide was restored.

Due to resistance shown by the mosquitoes, new insecticide-treated bed nets containing two compounds called the piperonyl butoxide (PBO) as well as pyrethroid insecticides have been introduced.

compounds that could be used to restore susceptibility. According to the LSTM scientists, long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets remain one of the critical interventions in malaria control.

Mosquito legs Sense Toxins- How To Combat The Resistance?

Hilary Ranson from LSTM, as well as the co-author of the paper, said that this newly discovered resistance mechanism could provide us with an important target to block pyrethroid resistance and prevent the spread of malaria.

However, Malaria-carrying Mosquitoes are continually evolving new resistance approaches & the discovery of the current mechanism provides an opportunity to identify additional


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


Gujarat Faces the Worst Locust Swarm In 25 Years, Destroying Acres of Crops In Gujarat, thousands of hectares of crops have been destroyed by a massive locust invasion. Experts term is the worst such attack in 25 years. FARMERS TRIED USING DRUMS TO DRIVE AWAY FROM THE INSECTS AS LOCALS BELIEVE LOUD NOISE REPELS LOCUSTS, THERE WERE VIDEOS OF SCHOOLGIRLS SEEN BANGING THE DRUMS AND WALKING BY THE AFFECTED AREAS, WHILE THE OFFICIALS HAVE ATTEMPTED TO TACKLE THE SWARM WITH PESTICIDES. By Prathibha HC

Punamchand Parmar, the local government official said that almost half a dozen districts in the state have their crops damaged by the invasion. In one district alone, more than 5,000 hectares (12,000 acres) have been devaspletely, it will take another 4-5 days. tated. He said this is a huge amount and we have never witnessed a huge He said, “Due to the change in the diinvasion like this before. rection of the wind, their initial flight path towards Pakistan was changed Using pesticide, nearly 25 percent of and they landed in north Gujarat.” the locusts had been destroyed in the affected areas of Gujarat and still in P. K. Borad, the head of the entomolorder to exterminate the insects com-

ogy department at Anand Agriculture University said, “In over two decades or so, this is the worst locust attack witnessed in Gujarat. Such a massive locust swarm was last seen in 1994.” R. C. Faldu, the state’s agriculture minister said that to get rid of the in-

sects, 100 tractors carrying pesticides would be sent to the affected villages. However, many of the villagers were walking around the affected farms banging drums to chase away the insects, they do not want to leave anything to chance. One man said, “In our village, we have lost everything.”



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

Scientists Map Malaria Traffics in Human Host Cells Malaria is a contagious disease that affects more than 200 million people around the globe. According to the World Health Organization’s report in 2018, Malaria causes around half a million deaths every year. MALARIA PARASITES RIGIDIFY THE RED BLOOD CELLS CAUSING THEM TO CLUMP TOGETHER, THEREBY IMPEDING THE OXYGEN TRANSPORT. By Namitha Thampi

To date, researchers were unsuccessful in understanding how the parasites invade red blood cells. For the first time, researchers described a comprehensive interaction network map of Malaria parasites’ traffics between human host cells. The study was published in iScience on Sept 27. Plasmodium falciparum that causes the most severe form of Malaria infects a host red blood cell and forces the cell to produce several proteins into the cytoplasm. This eventually transforms the cell, making them stick in place. This also helps the parasites to travel to the cell surface and infect other cells. The proteins also help in the multiplication of parasites leading to severe Malaria.

Agricultural Science and the author of the paper, said: “Our study sheds light on the highly complicated interplay between parasite and host proteins in the host cytoplasm.” The study provides a very helpful dataset of interactions between the proteins parasite makes in the cell to keep infecting other cells.

The parasites export nearly 400 proteins to the cell’s cytoplasm, among Kentaro Kato, professor at the To- which some don’t hold a specific gehoku University Graduate School of netic sequence. This made the study to understand how parasites work

with the proteins more difficult. In They were able to identify several this research, scientists focused on a proteins that interact with SBP1 and single protein, skeleton-binding pro- play a key role in transforming the tein 1 (SBP1), which is crucial for host cell using mass spectrometry. Malaria to propagate. The research sheds light on the comThe researchers narrowed down to plex interactions and interplay beone specific protein interaction by tween host and parasite proteins. The studying a highly important protein comprehensive map of SBP1 interacin Malaria infection that is not exactly tions also paves the way for further triggered by parasitic proteins. This study and discussion on the molecuhelped them to detail the map of how lar mechanism of the infections that Malaria parasites propagated inside affect human red blood cells. and outside host cells.


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


CSIR-CIMAP Scientists Develop New Technique To Grow Geranium The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the essential oil from the Geranium plant give the plant a huge medicinal value.


CSIR-CIMAP Lucknow scientists developed a new affordable method to grow Geranium saplings and distribute the saplings among the farmers. The project Head at CIMAP, Dr. Saudan Singh, informed that now Geranium could be grown in the farmer’s farm at a cheaper cost just like any other crops using the new protective shed technology of the polyhouse. To date, they were grown in an aerated glasshouse. Around four thousand saplings can be cultivated in one acre by building 50-60 square meter polyhouse, that would cost about 8-10 thousand rupees.


A major problem faced by the farmers was the availability of Geranium saplings. The saplings became expensive as the crops get ruined during the rainy season. Under Aroma mission, With this new method to grow ge- scientists have started cultivating ranium, scientists expect to cut down Geranium as an alternative for Menthe cost of sapling production by 2 tha(another aromatic plant). rupees per sapling from 35 rupees per sapling. This would help the farmers Executive Director, CIMAP, Dr. to decrease the input cost in Gerani- Abdul Samad, said that the institute um cultivation thereby increase their would be cultivating geranium in 50

hectares of land this year, which is expected to extract about 750 kg of aromatic oil by June 2020. Farmers will be able to increase their income by selling this valuable oil. With this new method, the cost of growing Geranium for four months would be around 80 thousand rupees, while the profit from the same is up to 1.50 lakh rupees. The average price of oil in the Indian market is approximately 12 to 18 thousand rupees per liter. Geranium is originally from South Africa. In India, it is cultivated in Pun-

jab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and North Eastern regions. November is the best time for sowing, and loamy soil is suitable for cultivation. Under the Aroma mission, CSIR-CIMAP provides the mother plants to farmers to promote its farming. 133 farmers in different districts of Uttar Pradesh have been supplied with the plant saplings to grow Geranium in India.



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

A Colombian Botanist Is Risking His Life To Preserve Plants A Colombian botanist- Julio Betancur has braved minefields & penetrated deep into jungle territory infested with drug traffickers as well as armed gangs in a bid to document Colombia’s rich biodiversity. COLOMBIA RANKS SECOND ONLY TO BRAZIL FOR ITS INCREDIBLE RANGE OF FAUNA AND FLORA. BETANCUR CARRIES A NOTEBOOK AND GARDENING SHEARS ALONG WITH HIM IN HIS EXPEDITIONS. By Rahul Mishra

Julio Betancur has contributed approximately 4% of the 600,000 samples at the University of Colombia’s herbarium. During his work, Betancur has faced “a slightly violent” encounter with a group of drug runners in the jungle. Fortunately, the drug traffickers accepted their explanations and left them alone. ical Resources Research Institute in Bogota estimates that approximately Colombian Botanist Preserves 2,100 plant species are in danger of Plants- Risk For His Country extinction due to deforestation. The 59-year-old, a biologist, university professor, and collector of bromeliads, which include the pineapple, Spanish moss, and queen of the Andes—says it’s worth taking risks so his country can “know about” its biodiversity.

Of the 30,000 plants the institute has documented in Colombia, 26 percent are endemic. Betancur’s work is displayed on rickety shelving at Colombia’s national university. The botanist compares the herbari-

Deforestation, mainly from livestock farming but also illegal mining and coca plantations—has done untold damage to Colombia’s jungles. Almost 5% of the 169,000 hectares (650 square miles) of illegal coca plantations are in protected areas. Illicit gold mining, using techniques that are harmful to the environment, covers 98,000 hectares—an area greater than Berlin. According to the official report, since 2010, more than a million hectares of Colombian jungle has been cut down. Colombian Botanist Preserves Plants- Threat To Forests Back in the university herbarium, where Betancur works as a curator, he jots down in his notebook the color, size, smell, coordinates as well as the sample number. In his early expeditions, Betancur traversed Amazonian forests studying species that have since disappeared. The Alexander von Humbolt Biolog-

Julio Betancur’s collection of plant samples

um to the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt, one of the most significant libraries of the ancient world. Colombian Botanist Preserves Plants- A Significant Achievement At Betancur’s apartment in Bogota, he has a large terrace where he looks after his collection of bromeliads. These plants, with their colorful

flowers ranging from red to green, provide a water source for animals during times of drought. Some of the plants, Betancur says, had never been documented before. Due to his work, Betancur has become one of the Colombians to have named the most significant number of plants.


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


Researchers Discover Fascinating Mechanisms of Plants In Seed Germination Plants are normally considered unspectacular by a casual observer but plants indeed have fascinating properties nothing short of superpowers. IN A DRY STATE, PLANTS ARE CAPABLE OF STORING THEIR ENERGY FOR YEARS AND CAN RELEASE THE ENERGY TO GERMINATE ANYTIME. By Prathibha HC

The striking example for this scenario is the “super bloom” in the Death Valley National Park as the seeds suddenly germinate at rainfall and continue to have a spectacular desert bloom for several months after enduring the dry and hot desert for decades. A fully formed embryo is conserved in the plant seeds and when there are appropriate conditions, it continues to grow. This growth can happen even centuries later or in a few years. Intense research has been done on several plant hormones that control seed germination. There have been many questions in this regard as to how is the energy in the seeds is made available, how can energy metabolism started efficiently and early and now a team of international scientists has discovered that in kick-starting the energy metabolism, the thiol redox switches play a key role.

and with minimal losses and also, on the other hand, it can be known how to have seeds to keep their germination vigor for as long as possible. Method and Background

The general currency for energy in the cell, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the electron energy, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) in the mitochondria were visualized under the microscope by the researchers to be able to observe the activities taking place in the energy metabolism. They compared The scientists observed in living seeds from thale cress: both seeds seed cells, the energy metabolism and “imbibed” with water and dry seeds. the redox metabolism both of which relied on sulfur, using a new type of Scientists first deactivated specific fluorescent biosensors. It was discovproteins using genetic methods and ered that the energy metabolism was established in a matter of minutes when the seeds came into contact with water and their respiration is activated by the mitochondria or the plant cells’ “power stations”. Scientists also found out that to enable energy to be released efficiently, which molecular switched are activated and hence unraveled the central role played by thiol-redox switches. The lead of the study, Prof. Markus Schwarzländer from the University of Münster (Germany) says, ” We can get a better understanding of the mechanisms driving seed germination by looking into the very early processes of germination control. The uses of such switches could be applied in crop biotechnology in the future.” In farming, this study’s results could be useful as it can be known how seeds can germinate in synch

then compared the reaction shown by the modified seeds with that of the unmodified ones to find out whether the redox switches are important for kick-starting germination or not. It was seen that if the seeds lacked the relevant proteins, the seeds germinated much less active when they were allowed to age artificially in the laboratory. By using biochemical methods, the researched then performed the socalled redox proteome analysis where they examined the relevant redox proteins in their entirety. The active mitochondria were isolated for this purpose and it was flash-frozen for studying this state directly where the process was taking place. Several so-called cysteine-peptides that are

important for resource efficiency in energy metabolism were identified using mass spectrometry methods. The lead author of the study, who carried out most of the experiments as part of his Ph.D. at the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation at the University of Bonn and later as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants at the University of Münster, Dr. Thomas Nietzel explained that ” The traffic control system of a large city can be linked to this process. The germination or before the rush hour starts, putting a huge amount of metabolites ‘on the road, in the morning, the traffic light and routing systems need to be switched on.



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


If you are on a Mission to qualify CSIR June 2020 Exam? (Let’s call it Mission 2020), then you must go through this article CSIR-NET exam is the stepping stone to your ambitions. CSIR UGC NET entrance exam is the most prestigious and recognized national level exam at present for any Ph.D. aspirant or for lectureship seeking individuals in the field of Life Science, Chemical Science & Other subjects. With the main ingredients being an intense dedication and properly channelized guidance, clearing this exam also requires a pinch of passion, a positive attitude, and smart work. CSIR NET Mission 2020 webinar was successfully conducted on 19th Dec 2019, people who missed out can watch the complete recording of the workshop below:

• Have a Smart Strategy. Develop a personalized strategy according to your strengths and weaknesses • Build the Right Environment around you: Just having a goal, desire, and strategy is not enough. No plant can grow unless the right environment is provided. • Gain Knowledge. Acquire as much knowledge you can and prepare yourself for the CSIRNET exam. • Take Action. You have a goal, and you have a strong desire to achieve the goal, now let’s have a strategy and all the knowledge you need. It’s time to take some action now. Lights Camera Action!

Biotecnika brings you the Tips and Tricks to Crack CSIR June 2020 CSIR NET Exam is indeed one of Exam – Mission 2020. the toughest entrance exams in India. But you should also keep in mind that Are you ready to take up the CSIR it’s the only gateway for you to earn a NET- Mission 2020 challenge? To prestigious Ph.D. Degree. Taking the have your mission accomplished, folright guidance would get you qualilow the protocols given below! fied in the CSIR-NET examination in the first attempt. 1. Self-Belief To accomplish Your dream to crack CSIR NET Exam you should:

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find ways to • Have a Goal. Why do you want do it. Believing a solution paves the to write the CSIR June 2020 way to a solution.” Exam, and what do you want to do once you qualify? ― David J. Schwartz, The Magic of • Have a Strong Desire. To Crack Thinking Big the CSIR NET Exam at ANY cost ‘The question isn’t who is How long have you been just dreamgoing to let me; it’s who is going ing of achieving your dreams? To to stop me.’

achieve big, you need to think big, and most importantly, you need to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You can clear any sort of exam, be it the toughest in the world, only if you believe in yourself. Without having self-belief, you will always have doubts about yourself, and you will assume yourself incapable of qualifying anything in life. Even if you have world-class training and assistance for the exam, you can be successful only if you believe YOU CAN. You can have your wings to your dreams, but only if you believe in yourself, you can fly. Be confident and take a leap of faith, spread your wings, and fly high believing in yourself, and you can see yourself reaching heights automatically! 2. Syllabus Before preparing for any examination, it is highly recommended to have a clear idea regarding – the scope of the examination, Up to what extent qualifying the examination can contribute towards your higher academic achievements and eligibility. Post that, you should have a clear idea regarding the syllabus of the exam. This will help you plan a proper strategy as well as provide direction to your preparation for Crack CSIR June 2020 Exam. Getting yourself acquainted with the syllabus would surely increase the chances of you qualifying the Exam. 3. Understand exam pattern and weightage of the CSIR NET Exam-

Preparing for the CSIR NET exam is not an easy task, It’s an important decision for your career, and you must take up cautious decisions before starting your preparation. CSIR NET Exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams in the country. How do you expect to qualify for this exam without understanding the exam pattern? Familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern, as well as the weightage of each unit, will help you develop an efficient study plan. It will also give you a fair idea about your strengths and weaknesses. 4. Prepare study planOnce you are comfortable with the syllabus as well as the exam pattern, you should go ahead and plan your study. This may include- deciding if you want to join a coaching or you want to do self-study, preparing a time table, preparing a standard list of books you’d refer to during the course of your study, time table, etc. It is said that well begun is half done 5. CSIR coaching by BiotecnikaBiotecnika has continuously supported life Science aspirants to achieve their potential. We provide online as well as offline coaching to help students crack the CSIR NET exam. Biotecnika has a success rate of over 90%. Biotecnika employs the biggest fleet of CSIR NET qualified

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January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

Ph.D. and postdoc teachers who are well trained to handle the challenge of helping aspirants qualify CSIR NET exam, they have been training CSIR NET aspirants for over 12 years now, and their guidance has helped 10,000+ student qualify CSIR NET exam. If you opt for Biotecnika’s CSIR NET Printed Study Materials, apart from receiving the Printed copy of Books directly at your doorstep, you will also have unlimited access to Online Study Material, which you can read on the go in your Mobile or Tablet. The services also include- Doubt Solving by email, 24×7 Chat support by experts at Biotecnika, Video zone access to all the classes conducted in Biotecnika all across India. The method of teaching that we follow is not just in black and white. The curriculum includes a wide range of colorful animations, a series of PowerPoint presentations and textual and visual notes, concept review assessments, and unit tests. CSIR NET MISSION 2020 BATCH STARTS: 6TH JAN 2020 6. Online study portal Biotecnika’s Online Study Portal is one of its Unique Offering to CSIR NET aspirants. It features online study material, class lecture videos, video lectures, and animations by our experts and, most importantly, test series. Gone are the days of old-school teaching methodology wherein the teacher dictates and students take notes. In this fast-moving world, we need to go ahead with the same speed or else be ready to stumble upon. Thus Biotecnika offers this unique feature of video backup of all the classes taken. This will make you understand the topic better. 7. Proper competitive study material: CSIR NET Exam has an ocean of topics and has a vast syllabus. How can you cover all the topics effectively? Along with having the knowledge about the syllabus and study plan, the correct execution of this study plan is important. Here is where the study material comes into the picture. Of Course, there are a lot of books available online and offline for the CSIR NET Exam, but even in these books, the content available is vast, and mostly, it consists of general topics. The key here is to select the right study materials which will focus on all the areas necessary for the exam with easily understandable content.

Biotecnika, being the master in qualifying the CSIR Exam, has specially made topic-wise study materials, written by the experts at Biotecnika for students to study efficiently and gain the required knowledge to excel in the exam. You could ask why to select Biotecnika’s study materials while there are many materials available already. Well, the answer to this can be seen by the number of CSIR qualifiers who have used our competitive study materials, which is one of the main reasons for being successful in the CSIR Exam. BioTecNika has specialized books like – CSIR NET Life Science Unit wise Flow Chart Book – Konceptika, CSIR NET Book with a list of all the tough questions that have been asked to date in CSIR NET Exam – ToughNET Question Bank, CSIR NET Memory Flash Cards – best for last-minute preparations. 8. Understanding basic concepts: All the coaching, study materials, and efforts will be of no use if you are not strong in your basics. CSIR NET Exam is not your college-level exams where you are asked straight forward questions. So always start from the roots. The knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in your concerned subject is the most basic requirement to qualify the exam. In this exam, there is an entire section having application-based questions(Part C), and answering these questions, majorly depends on your understanding of basic concepts. Ensure you are strong in your roots by thoroughly learning your subject’s basics. This will also benefit during your interviews after qualifying for the exam. To ace, this exam like a pro, start from scratch. 9. Prepare Notes Each and every aspirant has different ways of learning and preparing for the exam. Who’s notes do you think you will understand the best? Yours, of course! You can understand the notes made by yourself the best because, for one, it’s you who’s preparing the notes and you will make them in a unique way according to your understanding of the topic and secondly, by manually preparing the notes, you are writing down or typing along with orally reading, which makes it impossible to forget and keeps everything ready at one click in your mind. It will surely take time to prepare notes, but what comes without hard work? Along with hard work, you have to do smart work by making use of all the available sources and prepare

quick and easy notes which suit you the best and helps you to remember everything that you learn. 10. 24 hr doubt clearance By Experts at BioTecNika Didn’t you already have so many questions popping up in your head while reading this article? It is natural to have doubts, and it is good to be curious. But here if you are hesitant to clear your doubts and sulk with them life you did in college, it is not going to help you. To make things easier and comfortable for you, Biotecnika has a 24 hours doubt clearance system, and by 24 hours, we really mean all of the 1440 minutes in a day, where we have our teachers available to immediately respond to your query and solve your doubts then and there. Isn’t that great? You don’t just have your google search to clear your doubts; you will have live teachers to solve your doubts until you understand them clearly. 11. Watching video tutorials specially designed for csir Let’s be honest. We all get tired of reading over and over again, and we become exhausted. It is a phase in all exam preparations. But how can you overcome this and not give a chance for you to get exhausted with the many books you have to learn from? The video comes to the rescue! Don’t we all love watching videos? We sure do. Any topic you find hard to understand while reading, can be easily understood by listening to the explanation in a video or by looking at animations of the content. That is why we have many videos specially designed for the CSIR June 2020 Exam, which makes the process of learning much more easier and also helps you cover a topic in less time. Along with having video lectures of teachers teaching the main topics, you can also have access to videos, specifically covering important or hard topics in an easily understandable manner at Biotecnika. Our videos can make your tough exam preparation easy, peasy lemon squeezy! 12. Don’t waste unnecessary time on Social Media: Being on social media by reading quick updates on Twitter, scrolling through pictures on Instagram, checking notifications on Facebook, Snapchat, etc., it has now become a part of everyday life. But if you don’t control how much time you spend on it, the hours will fly by, and you won’t have accomplished anything on your


to-do list. Don’t consider it as “taking a break” because you actually end up taking a break for the whole day if you do not limit your social media usage. Ever wondered why you get tired even though you do not do anything but just scroll through your phone? It’s because using your phone to scroll through social media is actually draining your energy. Instead of making you feel relaxed after taking a break, it makes you less active. Having control over your daily routine, including the time you spend on social media, will keep you focused and more active to prepare for the exam. 13. Occasional Group Study There is a reason why large projects are assigned to teams and not to individuals. A team of people balances the strengths and weaknesses of the team members. The same applies to group study. There could be students good at some topics you are weak at. They could help you study those topics and vice versa. Practicing question papers in a group helps you to solve all the questions as well as understand them. But don’t overdo it. And don’t waste your precious time discussing unnecessary things in a group study. Group study can be done occasionally, dedicating most of the time for individual study. 14. Revision As you approach the CSIR June 2020 Exam, your thoughts should turn to revision. You might have been preparing for the exam for a long time, and it’s quite possible that you have forgotten many concepts you covered in the beginning. Revision helps you to remember those concepts and boost your confidence. Without efficient and proper revision, you may fail to recollect what you have studied in the examination. Make a revision plan that includes all the topics that need to be covered before the exam. The notes you prepared during your coaching will help you in revision. If possible, make notes on important concepts during the revision. That will help you in your last minute revision before the exam. 15. Practice general aptitude questions Part A that covers general aptitude questions are as important as Part B

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and Part C. They are easy to score; hence you need to spend some time practicing these questions also. You can get such questions with answers from Biotecnika study material, previous year question papers as well as from the web. As you practice more and more general aptitude questions, you will develop the skill and speed to crack Part A. 16. Practice previous year question papers You must have covered and revised all the topics by now. But that’s not enough. Practicing previous year question papers play an important role in preparation for CSIR June 2020 Exam. It familiarizes you with the pattern of question paper and gives you a fair idea about the time taken to solve the entire question paper. You can test your level of preparation and increase the speed and accuracy through extensive practice of questions. Practicing previous years’ question papers will enhance your problem-solving skills and boost your confidence. Last but not least, there is a fair chance of repeating similar questions from previous years’. 17. Discover your strength and weakness While practicing the previous years’ question papers, you might have identified the topics or parts you are strong at as well as you are weak at. For example, you might be good at cell biology and weak in genetics. Similarly, you might have found the questions from Part C easier compared to Part B. This understanding of your skills, strengths, and weaknesses is important as that would help you tackle time management. 18. Learn time management You must be familiar with the pattern of CSIR-NET question paper by now. Part A, B, and C will have 20, 40, and 75 questions wherein candidates have to attempt a maximum of 15, 35, and 25 questions, respectively. It’s difficult and time-consuming to read through all the questions and decide which one you want to attempt. Here you need to have a solid time management plan so that you can attempt 75 questions in three hours. You can plan your time management according to your strengths and weaknesses. It would be better if you solve Part A questions during the first 20 minutes and then move to your subject questions. You can choose between Part B and Part C based on your strengths. But do keep in mind that Part C re-

quires more time to read and answer compared to Part B and plan accordingly. 19. Take Care Of Your Health Because Health is Wealth! How much ever cliche it sounds, if you are not healthy, you lose half the battle. And we are not just talking here about your physical health. Mental health is as crucial as physical health. As much as your strategy and hard work matters to crack this exam, having the correct mindset and thought process gives you an extra edge over lakhs of other aspirants. Eat healthy food, manage to get a sufficient amount of sleep, exercise regularly, and, most importantly, surround yourself with positive people. This will help you stay focused on your goal. Practicing mindfulness to bring one’s attention

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to present experiences can increase self-awareness and concentration. One of the best ways to be more mindful is by taking short breaks to meditate.

be able to help you — getting enough sleep before the exam is as important as the revision. Have a good sleep and good food so that your brain can be at its best during the exam.

20. Don’t freak out! Stress Less.

Only six months left for the exam, which has the potential to change your future. Follow the above-mentioned points, and no one will stop you from achieving success! So let’s begin the preparation for CSIR June 2020 Exam.

When the date of CSIR June 2020 Exam approaches, it’s quite normal that most of you are affected by stress. But it’s important to find ways to manage stress and eliminate the risk of burnout. Taking breaks in between your studies and engaging in fun activities during your revision days will help a lot to reduce the stress. Go out for a walk, swimming, or any physical activities when you are stressed out. Try not to compare other’s revision with yours. If your stress reaches a point where it is overwhelming, try to speak to someone who would

Follow BioTecNika’s 80/20 Rule, if you dedicate yourself and strictly follow these 20 tips, 80% of your mission is accomplished! Always Remember- Don’t Stop When You’re Tired, Stop When You’re Done!


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


How To Become A Wildlife Biologist? – Career Path & Salary Details “If you can’t excite people about wildlife, how can you convince them to love, cherish, and protect our wildlife and the environment they live in?” ― Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter DO YOU LOVE TO WATCH ANIMAL PLANET OR NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY WHERE THE EPISODES ON ANIMALS ARE TELECAST? SO INFORMATIVE AND EXCITING, AREN’T THEY? By Somrhita Pal & Rahul Mishra

We all have studied about wildlife during higher studies-the behavior of animals, their interactions with the other members of the community, their role in the ecosystem, etc. While considering all these exciting facts, have we ever thought about where the information came from? Well, thanks to the sincere and dedicated work of the Wildlife Biologists, whose research on animals have given us a chance to get an insight into their life.

Wildlife Biology Career – The Job of a Wildlife Biologist For someone who enjoys spending time outdoors and traveling becoming a Wildlife Biologist is a fantastic option. Some Wildlife Biologists, however, work in labs or offices and only find themselves in these outdoor locations for small amounts of time. A career in Wildlife Biology is a perfect career option for nature lovers, people who want to contribute significantly towards wildlife conservation, etc. What To Expect As A Wildlife Biologist? A Career as a Wildlife biologist can be quite specialized and/or broad, depending on the scope of research or region of the world. While jobs might vary, but many tasks are common to most wildlife biologist careers, including: • Plan research and coordinate wildlife assessment activities or act as advocate and spokesperson for wildlife and ecosystem concerns within their field of study. • Interact with other professionals, scientists, and advocacy groups to monitor and preserve habitats and populations in-situ and ex-situ. • Collect samples and conduct ob-

• • •

servational research in the lab, protected environments, and field. Monitor and document animal behavior in the lab protected environments and field. They have to make sure that the data/specimen collected and record-keeping is accurate and maintains the relevant safety procedures. You need to share information and do an assessment of the data with regional, national and international initiatives to review current research and scientific literature in this field continually Discuss and implement habitat mitigation and take measures of remediation Consult on-site assessments and the environment as they affect wildlife biology Do temporary field assignments in some remote locations, and you might even have to conduct oversee wildlife population surveys Provide expert testimony and information for ecological and environmental impact assessments. Related to wildlife survey design, provide technical expertise. Discuss with experts on how to best mitigate the impacts of development on wildlife

Wildlife Biology Career – What Is the Job Demand for Wildlife Biologist? Employment of zoologists and wildlife biologists is expected to grow by 5% in the next ten years, which is about as fast as the average for all oc-

cupations. To study human and wildlife interactions, more zoologists and wildlife biologists will be needed. As the human population grows, the development associated with it has a massive impact on wildlife and their natural habitats. However, demand for zoologists and wildlife biologists will be limited because most funding comes from governmental agencies, so there are budgetary constraints. Wildlife gets exposed to threats such as disease, invasive species, and habitat loss, and even climate change as the human population grows and expands into new areas. Many states in India & ascross, the world will continue to employ wildlife biologists to manage conservation projects, wildlife management, etc. Wildlife biologists and zoologists will be required to undertake research & development, carry out wildlife management and conservation plans that combat these threats, and protect our natural resources. Wildlife Biology Career- Qualification Required For A Successful Career Wildlife Biologists have high educational requirements as compared to other fields. Because the field requires in-depth knowledge about the various biological phenomena, a minimum Bachelor’s Degree is essential to kickstart your career in the field of Wildlife Biology. You should obtain an undergraduate degree in zoology, wildlife biology, ecology, general biology, or another related field. However, this will only be considered as

access to entry-level positions. A Master’s degree or Ph.D. will be required to secure a job requiring expertise. A Ph.D. in Ph.D. is recommended to obtain funding for independent and university research positions. High-level wildlife biologists should develop excellent computer knowledge, particularly with geographic information systems (GIS), statistical software, and other computer programming techniques. Wildlife Biology Career – Frequent Job Positions Available For Wildlife Biologists: • • • • • •

Research Biologists Research Assistant Wildlife Biologists GIS Specialist Conservation Ecologists Conservation Geneticist

Salary As Wildlife Biologist An entry-level wildlife biologist earns an average salary of ₹3-4 Lakhs per anum. On the other end, a senior level wildlife biologist at premier government institutes such as Project Scientists, Associate Scientists, etc. earns an average salary of ₹6-8 lakhs per anum.

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List of some Colleges and Univer- ologists should be skillful and wise. sities that provide a degree in Wild- They are required to find the best poslife Biology: sible solutions to threats that affect wildlife, habitat loss, and disease. Indian Institute: Being a Wildlife biologist is chal• Wildlife Institute of India lenging but exciting and the most • Wildlife Science- Aligarh Mus- adventurous job an animal lover can lim University seek for. You can come very close to • National Centre for Biological Sciences • Gauhati University International Institute: • Brigham Young University • SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry • Hastings College • Colorado State University (CSU) • University of Michigan • Texas State University Wildlife Biology Career- Important Quality As Wildlife Biologist Communication skills. A wildlife biologist needs to write scientific papers and give public speeches in seminars and conferences, deal with policymakers, and academics. So they need to develop excellent communication skills. Critical-thinking skills. Wildlife biologists need excellent reasoning & judgment capacity to conclude from experimental results and observations. Therefore an analytical approach to a problem is essential. Emotional Quotient. Wildlife biologists may need to spend long periods in environments where there is no communication. Therefore preparing yourself to stay away from your friends and family is crucial. This requires extreme focus and dedication. Interpersonal skills. The work wildlife biologist typically involves working in teams. Wildlife biologists must be able to work effectively with others to negotiate conflicting goals and to achieve their targets. Observation skills. Wildlife biologists must be very attentive towards animals and should have an outstanding observing capability to be able to notice slight changes in an animal’s behavior or appearance. Excellent Outdoor Surviving skills. Wildlife biologists should be accustomed to extreme outdoor situations. They should possess excellent survival skills, including adapting to outdoor conditions. Problem-solving skills. Wildlife bi-

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the living things which like us have emotions but fails to communicate in words. If you understand their words, you will see even they have a story to tell. The story of their lives, their ancestors, their requirements. And by knowing the other side of the picture, you will get the opportunity to lessen the gap between those innocent ani-

mals and us and do good to both the communities. As Steve Irwin said in his book- The Crocodile Hunter: The Incredible Life and Adventures of Steve and Terri Irwin“We don’t own the planet Earth. We belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.”


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


BIRAC Sparsh Fellowships – Rs 50k pm Fellowship + Rs 5 Lakh Grant BIRAC Sparsh Fellowships – Rs 50k pm Fellowship + Rs 5 Lakh Grant. Indian undergraduates and postgraduates life sciences, human biology candidates are encouraged to check out the details on the opportunity below: THE CALL IS OPEN FOR POSITION OF “SPARSH SOCIAL INNOVATOR (SPARSH FELLOWS)” AT 14 SPARSH CENTRES ACROSS INDIA FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION IMMERSION By Diluxi Arya

Overview of the program SPARSH is the social innovation program of BIRAC aimed towards finding innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problems through biotechnological interventions. SIIP (Social Innovation Immersion Program), a component of SPARSH scheme, is BIRAC’s social Innovation fellowship/award program aimed at creating a pool of biotech “Social Innovators” who could identify the needs & gaps within communities and then can help bridge the gaps either through innovative product development or services. The Program is implemented through SPARSH Centres. The immersion program is a unique social Innovation platform which provides an opportunity for clinical and rural immersion and also funding support for developing the prototype through mini kick start grant apart from the monthly fellowship to young social Innovators. SPARSH Social SPARSH Fellows


BIRAC Social Innovators will be selected through National level application and shortlisting process in collaboration with SPARSH Centres and SPARSH knowledge partners. Selected Fellows would be designated as ‘SPARSH Social Innovators/ SPARSH Fellows’ who would receive a fellowship from BIRAC (amounting to INR 50,000/month for 18 months) and a onetime mini-kick start grant of INR 5 lakhs per fellow which will be provided during the course of the fellowship. The SPARSH Fellowship requires the Innovators to work fulltime and cannot be combined with fellowships from other funding organizations.

The Fellows will be stationed at one 18 months and cannot be extended of the SPARSH Centre who would further. provide all the requisite support to the Social Innovators in following the- The selection process for BIRAC matic areas: Fellowship • Maternal and Child Health • Ageing and Health • Food and Nutrition • Waste to Value • Combating environmental pollution • Agri-Tech Highlights of the Fellowship/ Award for BIRAC Fellowship ✓ Fully funded fellowship with a monthly stipend of Rs 50,000 pm ✓ Rs 5 Lakhs mini kick start grant ✓ Clinical/ Rural Immersion ✓ Access to BIRAC network of Mentors and Investors ✓ Mentoring by SPARSH Knowledge partner and 14 SPARSH Centres ✓ Opportunities to seek funding on completion Eligibility for BIRAC Fellowship: ✓ The Social Innovation Fellowship is a prestigious award which will be provided to only Indian Citizen ✓ Indian undergraduate (B.Tech, BE, MBBS) or postgraduate (MSc, MS, M.Tech, MPhil, MD) & PhD below 35 years from fields of life sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, Medicine & human biology are eligible to apply. Timeline for BIRAC Fellowship: The fellowship is for a duration of

• The applications for the fellowship will be invited at the national level through advertisements in national dailies and suitable magazines. The application will be submitted online through BIRAC portal. In the application form, the applicant will be asked to indicate his/her choice of the SPARSH Centre. • The Centre-wise list of applicants will be created and sent to the respective Centre for eligibility checks and further shortlisting and evaluation. • The shortlisted applicants will be called for an Interview/presentation at the respective SPARSH centres before an Expert Committee which would also involve BIRAC representative. • The shortlisted applicants will be called as Social Innovators and will enter into an agreement with SPARSH Centre. Operational Elements & Work Plan: The overall administrative responsibility of the Social Innovation Immersion would rest on the partnering organization which would implement the program. The partner can select a particular theme from the bucket of themes provided by BIRAC. SPARSH Centre can recruit 5

SPARSH fellows under a particular theme. The total number of Social Innovators at a time at a centre should not increase 10. The 18 months fellowship will start from Pre-Immersion orientation and Induction phase. The workflow would be as follows: 1. Recruitment & Selection of Social Innovator Fellows The SPARSH Centres will complete the process of selection of SPARSH fellows within 2 months of approval from BIRAC to operationalize the program. Each partner shall recruit a maximum of 5 fellows for 18 months under a particular theme. An ideal candidate would be one who has a basic understanding of the milieu of the particular theme in different resource settings and drive to undertake product/technology development process independently. Any training in past on various aspects of Entrepreneurship would be desirable. Nevertheless, required training and mentorship would be provided to Social innovators during the course of Program. 2. Pre-Immersion orientation & Induction: Once the fellows are selected, SPARSH partners are expected to

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brief the fellows about objectives & expected outcomes of the program as well as provide necessary tools and guidance to identify existing gaps & needs in the identified thematic area. The centres are also responsible for training the innovators on the process of systematic clinical & Community observation, needs assessment and refinement, affordable technology development & Commercialization, market and industry research and enabling rural/remote settings. For these aspects, it is expected from SPARSH Centres to have clinical and rural partners and mentors of primary, secondary and tertiary levels in Healthcare and other areas. SPARSH knowledge partner will organize a pre-Immersion workshop for the SPARSH fellows.

ties. Rural or Urban resource-poor community immersion would expose them to cultural aspects and other pain points faced by a community. SPARSH Partners are expected to be in continuous engagement with fellows throughout this period and take periodic reviews of the fellows. Besides other support, they are also expected to provide mentoring on Intellectual Property Rights and technology commercialization issues. BIRAC expects a written report from each of the fellows at the end of the immersion program about the experiences and summary of the ideas generated during the Immersion. 4. Post Immersion Filtration

The “immersion� component of the program would be for a period of 5-6 months. During this period the social innovators would ideally be exposed to both clinical/agricultural settings as well as rural (or urban resource-poor) community settings. Within the clinical landscape, it would be desirable that the fellows gain exposure at 3 levels- primary, secondary & tertiary healthcare.

On completion of the immersion component, fellows are expected to do a desk research to understand various solutions explored and list out all the gaps & need analysis carried out during immersion. Further to this they are expected to filter their list and narrowed down to top 2-3 ideas that align well with possible product or service strategies. This would involve a mix of business & technical learnings related to market dynamics, technology landscaping, regulatory challenges, business plan formulation and grant writing skills.

It is expected that during the immersion period, fellows would identify multitudes of needs and conduct detailed ethnography and need assessment studies of different communi-

It is expected that the SPARSH partners would mentor and provide them with connecting points especially with mentors from business (such from business schools) technical

3. Immersion Program

January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

and regulatory fields. The partners will also identify and encourage the participation of SPARSH fellows in workshops and conferences for social innovators relevant to their requirements and connect them to opinion leaders or stakeholders for individual specific meetings. The Social Innovators will come out with a detailed report on the 2-3 final ideas shortlisted by them. The detailed requirements for the next stage should also be envisaged. Fellows are expected to submit to BIRAC a detailed plan of action for taking identified gap/need to the next stage either in terms of product design or delivery component with at least two milestone stages. SPARSH knowledge partner will organize PostImmersion workshop for the fellows in collaboration with BIRAC and SPARSH implementation partner.

their mini kick-start grants. However, this must be communicated to BIRAC in advance and a project lead for the joint project be identified and agreed upon. The team then has to submit a detailed milestone-based plan to the SPARSH Centre & BIRAC for approval before the combined mini kick-start grant is released & routed via the SPARSH Centre. Once BIRAC approval has been provided for a joint project, it cannot be reversed. Wherever more than 2 Social innovators decide to work for a joint project, the combined mini Kick start grant will be provided in two milestone stages as for individuals.

This stage will provide the live prototype development environment or planning a delivery implementation to the Social innovators. The detailed plan of action submitted by the applicant will be reviewed by Partner and a report for release of the grant should be submitted to BIRAC. On submission of the plan, BIRAC would then release the mini kickstart grant of INR 500,000 in two stages of (INR 250000 each time) routed via the partner. If two or more fellows wish to work together as a team on developing a single identified need, they can combine

How to Apply for BIRAC Fellowship:

It is expected that the SPARSH partner would help connect the fellows to product designers and engineers and various design labs during this period. SPARSH Centre will also provide ac5. Product Design, Prototyping cess to its own Tinkering Labs to the and Delivery Mechanism Social innovators.

For submitting an application please log in to BIRAC website Last date for submitting applications: 15th January 2020 For further queries please contact Sonia Gandhi Sr. Manager, Investments Email :


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


AIIMS MSc Biotechnology Admissions 2020 – Online Registration, Eligibility, Deadline AIIMS MSc Biotechnology Admissions 2020 – Online Registration, Eligibility, Deadline. AIIMS New Delhi Biotechnology Admission 2020. Latest Admission Notification 2020. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below: ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES EXAMINATION SECTION ANSARI NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110608 NO.F.7-7/E.SEC/MSC/MBIOTECH/ BSC/2020 By Diluxi Arya

ADMISSION NOTICE NO.110/2019 07.12.2019 AIIMS-M.Sc. Nursing / M.Sc. Courses / M.Sc Biotechnology 2019 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi invites Online applications (Basic Registration followed by Generation of Code and Final Registration) for Entrance Examinations leading to admission in M.Sc. Nursing / M.Sc. Courses / M.Sc Biotechnology -2020 of AIIMS, New Delhi and Other AIIMS. Who can make an application for Basic Registration and also are eligible for M.Sc courses 2020 session: Applicant who posses among the following qualifications and also have actually secured at least 60% marks for Gen./ EWS/OBC and 55 % marks for SC/ST in aggregate in the qualifying exam as necessary to listed below mentioned M. Sc. Courses: 1. For M. Sc Medical Anatomy, Medical Biochemistry, Biophysics, Medical Physiology, Medical Pharmacology and Biotechnology: (a) MBBS/BDS (55% FOR Gen./ EWS/OBC & 50% for SC/ST Categories). (b) B.V.Sc. (c) B. Pharmacy (d) Bachelor of Physiotherapy( 4 1/2 year Course). (e) B.Sc. degree of a minimum of 3 years period in any subject. 2. For Reproductive Biology and also Clinical Embryology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Cardiovascular Imaging and also Endovascular Technologies will be as mentioned below: (a) Reproductive Biology and also Clinical Embryology – B. Sc degree in any of the discipline pertaining to

Biology or allied to Biology. (b) Nuclear Medicine Technology – B.Sc. degree courses in Nuclear Medicine from a recognized University. OR B.Sc. degree with Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics from a recognized University. OR B.Sc in allied/ related subject i.e. Radio Diagnosis/ Radiotherapy from a recognized University. OR B.Sc. in life Sciences with Physics as a subject from recognized University. (c) Cardiovascular Imaging and Endovascular Technologies – B.Sc. degree in Radiography from a recognized University. Who can apply for Basic Registration and are eligible for M.Sc Biotechnology 2020 session: Admission requirements are the same as other M.Sc. Courses along with B. Tech (Biotechnology). For Indian nationals, 5% reservation for Person with Benchmark disability will be provided on horizontal basis, in the seat available. Eligibility criteria for candidates under PWBD category will be as per guidelines issued by respective competent authorities as amended from time to time will be applicable in this regard. For M.Sc Nursing guidelines by Nursing Council of India shall be applicable. Important: All candidate that have applied earlier as well as whose Basic Registration have been accepted for 2019 Session are likewise eligible for Generation of code for Final Registration and also they do not need to

fill the Basic Registration once again. All applicants are needed to visit the web site frequently considering that

all subsequent Corrigendum/Addendum/Updates will only be uploaded on the website.

IMPORTANT DATES: Basic Registration (PAAR) for M.Sc. Nursing / M.Sc. Courses / M. Sc Biotechnology -2020 Status update (Accepted & Not Accepted) of Basic Registration Correction of deficiencies in Basic Registration that are not Accepted Final status (Accepted & Rejected) of Basic Registration for M.Sc. Nursing / M.Sc. Courses / M.Sc Biotechnology -2020 Uploading of Prospectus

Start Date: 13.12.2019 Closing Date: 16.01.2020 (5.00 PM) 20.01.2020 21.01.2020 to 30.01.2020 (05:00 PM) 04.02.2020 12.03.2020

Generation of Code for Final Registration for M.Sc. Nursing / M.Sc. Courses / M.Sc Biotechnology -2020 only for those whose Basic Registration is accepted. Final Registration(Payment of fees and city choice) only for those who have Generated Code for Final Registration. Final Status of M.Sc Nursing application & Rejected application with the reason for a rejection Final Status of M.Sc Courses and M.Sc Biotechnology application & Rejected application with the reason for a rejection Last date for submission of required documents for M.Sc. Nursing / M.Sc. Courses / M.Sc Biotechnology -2020 for Regularization of Rejected Application. No correspondence will be entertained after 08.05.2020 under any circumstances and candidates are requested not to contact the Examination Section. Hosting/uploading of Admit Cards of M.Sc. Nursing on AIIMS website Date & Timing of Examination of M.Sc. Nursing

Start date: 14.03.2020 Closing date: 15.04.2020 (5:00 PM) Start date: 14.03.2020 Closing date: 15.04.2020 (05:00 PM) 27.04.2020

Date & Timing of Examination of M.Sc. Courses

04th July 2020 10.00-11.30 AM

Date & Timing of Examination of M.Sc Biotechnology

04th July 2020 03.00-04.30 PM


08.05.2020 (05:00 PM)

19.05.2020 (Tentative) 06th June 2020 10.00-11.30 AM



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

Admission to PhD Programme 2020-21 at National Institute of Immunology NII PhD Admission 2020-2021 – National Institute of Immunology. The official notification and application process for the Ph.D. Programme for the Academic Session 2020-2021 at National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi has been announced. CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

National Institute of Immunology (NII) invites applications from qualified candidates for the PhD programme. Cutting-edge research at NII encompasses wide interdisciplinary Regions of Immunology, Infectious and Chronic Disease Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Chemical, Structural Biology and Computational Biology. Minimum Qualifications: • M.Sc. In any branch of Science (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics), M.Tech., M.B.B.S., M.V.Sc., M.Pharm., or equal qualification according to criteria of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. • At least 60% aggregate score or equal grade in Senior Secondary Certificate (10+2) and Bachelor’s degree, and 55% aggregate score or equal grade in Master’s degree are vital for the overall category. Five percent relaxations in aggregate scores in Senior Secondary, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees will be applicable for applicants from reserved categories [OBC (noncreamy layer; NCL), SC/ST, and PwD]. Rounding off of percentage score to the next integral value isn’t permitted. • Candidates appearing for the qualifying exam in the present academic year will also be eligible to apply; they’ll be admitted provisionally pending satisfactory fulfilment of their eligibility conditions at the time of joining. • Reservations of seats: 15 percent for SC, 7.5% for ST, 27 percent for OBC (non-creamy layer) and 3 percent for persons with disability (PwD) according to statutory standards. Selection Procedure: • NII will pick applicants to the PhD programme via the following Channels:Channel # 1: Computer-based Entrance Ex-

amination, NII-2020, to be conducted by NII at multiple centres around India on 23rd February 2020 (Sunday).

or • Channel # 2: Joint Graduate Entrance Examination in Biology and Interdisciplinary Life • Sciences (JGEEBILS-2020). Candidates must appear in at least one of the two examinations mentioned above. Candidates will be short-listed for an interview based on their scores in either NII-2020 or JGEEBILS-2020. • The list of applicants short-listed for interviews shall be available on the NII website and Notice Board on or before 9th March 2020. • Interviews will be held in the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi from 11th to 13th June 2020. • Candidates selected will be enrolled for the PhD programme of NII in academic affiliation with JNU, New Delhi. PhD Programme: • The programme will begin on 6th July 2020 and the allotment of labs and thesis supervisors will be made by 13th July 2020, depending on the interactions with faculties in the candidates’ area of interest and mutual preference. • The institute now provides a Junior Research Fellowship of Rs.31000/- a month. Selected candidates that are already fel-

lowship awardees from CSIR, UGC, ICMR, DBT, and DST can avail these fellowships according to rules governed by the respective funding agency. • NII is a residential campus and shared hostel accommodation will be provided to each of the students admitted to the program. Important Dates:

• Online Application begins: 20.12.2019 • Online application closing: 31.01.2020 • Admit card available for download: 07.02.2020 onwards • NII-2019 Entrance Examination: 23.02.2020 Women candidates are encouraged to apply.


January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


Brain Research MSc / PhD Neuroscience NBRC Admissions 2020 National Brain Research Centre Admissions 2020 call has been announced. NBRC PhD & MSc (Neuroscience) Programmes Admissions 2020 notification is below, all of the eligibility criteria, application procedure, important dates, and more information has been given below: NBRC CARRIES OUT CUTTING-EDGE RESEARCH IN DIVERSE AREAS OF THE INTERDISCIPLINARY AREA OF NEUROSCIENCE. By Diluxi Arya

PhD (Neuroscience) Given the reality that modern day neuroscience is highly interdisciplinary in nature as well as relies upon a spectrum of techniques spanning different disciplines, students from diverse academic backgrounds are encouraged to join NBRC and excel in neuroscience research. Our Ph.D. students come from greatly various backgrounds such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and also Medical Sciences. To acquire an overall perspective of neuroscience, you will undergo one year of coursework, where you will learn from molecular to computational neuroscience and everything in -between. You will certainly additionally get an opportunity to rotate in various laboratories to get a better look at the research work, and also zero-in on what enthuses you the best. All admitted applicants receive a Junior Research Fellowship of 31,000 monthly + HRA (in lieu of hostel accommodation) for the initial two years. After 2 years, you will certainly be eligible for a Senior Research Fellowship of 35,000 per month + HRA (in lieu of hostel accommodation). If you satisfy the minimum eligibility standards, you can appear for one of the many different assessments to qualify for the Ph.D. admission interview. Click right here to discover the entrance assessments. M.Sc. (Neuroscience) This is a two-year program. During the first year, Masters students at NBRC need to go through an intensive course-work which provides them a firm grounding in molecular, systems, computational as well as cognitive neuroscience. Practical courses are likewise included for a hands-on experience with different strategies which are utilized in mod-

ern neuroscience research. In their 2nd year, students select a laboratory to do a full-time research project. You may be qualified to switch to the Integrated M.Sc.-Ph. D. program of NBRC after successfully completing the requirements for the M.Sc. programme. All the students are offered a fellowship of 12,000 monthly (and also HRA or hostel accommodation). If you meet the minimal eligibility criteria for admission to our M.Sc. programme, you require to appear for Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and also Interdisciplinary Life Sciences 2019 (JGEEBILS 2019). Chosen applicants will be called for interview. Eligibility: PhD (Neuroscience)

candidates) marks or an equal quality or grade point average from secondary (10th) evaluation onwards is required. Candidates must calculate their percentage as much as two decimal points to determine their qualification. M.Sc. (Neuroscience) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in any branch of Science such as Life Sciences/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer applications/ Pharmacy/ Veterinary Science/ Psychology/ Engineering/ Technology/ Medicine from a recognized Institute/ University. Candidates appearing for the final year of the qualifying exam are additionally eligible to apply.

At the very least 55% (50% for SC/ ST/ PH applicants) marks or an Master’s degree or equivalent in equivalent grade or grade point avany branch of Science such as Life erage from secondary (10th) assessSciences/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Math- ment onwards is required. ematics/ Statistics/ Computer applications/ Pharmacy/ Veterinary Sci- Applicants should calculate their ence/ Psychology from a recognized percentage up to two decimal points Institute/ University. You are also to determine their eligibility. qualified if you have finished a minimum of a four-year course resulting • Only Indian nationals are eligiin Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in ble for the above programs. Engineering/ Technology/ Medicine • Reservation/ Concessions for from a recognized Institute/ UniverSC/ ST/ PH candidates will cersity. tainly be according to rules of Candidates appearing for the final Government of India/ UGC. year of the qualifying assessment are additionally eligible to apply. Recognized National Entrance Examinations For PhD At NBRC: At least 55% (50% for SC/ ST/ PH

PhD (Neuroscience) • Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology as well as Interdisciplinary Life Sciences 2019 (JGEEBILS 2019). • Grad Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-2019/ GATE-2020) in Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics and also Communications Engineering/ Computer Science and Information Technology/ Instrumentation Engineering. • Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) (2020) (for Physics). • CSIR/ UGC/ DBT/ ICMR examination for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Biology/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics. Validity of the fellowship should be such that it can be activated on 31st August, 2020 or later. • UGC-NET Lectureship/ JRF qualified on/ after Dec 2017. Based on their performance in any one of the above qualifying evaluations, candidates will be short-listed for interviews to be held at NBRC. M.Sc. (Neuroscience) Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and also Interdisciplinary Life Sciences 2019 (JGEE-

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BILS 2019). M.Sc. programme applicants will certainly be screened via JGEEBILS only. Applicants will be short-listed for a two-tier interview based upon their performance in the JGEEBILS examination.

Application Procedure: • • • •

JGEEBILS JEST GATE External Fellowship Channel

Important Deadlines:

January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

• NBRC Application (Online) May 2020 start date: Will be updated soon • Interview for Ph.D. program: • Last date of receipt of applicaMay 2020 tion (Online / Offline) at NBRC: 31st March 2020 Shortlisted candidates will be noti• Last date of receipt of requests fied by e-mail by April 2020. for hard copy of application form : 1st March 2020 • Interview for the M.Sc. program:

MHRD & ASEM-DUO Scholarship Programme 2020 ASEM-DUO Scholarship Programme 2020 – 2020 DUO-Belgium/Flanders. The notification for the ASEM-DUO Scholarship Programme 2020 has been released. ASEM-DUO Scholarship Programme 2020. INTERSTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES CAN CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS ON THE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME 2020 AND MORE BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

DUO-Belgium/Flanders 2020: 1. General Description DUO-Belgium/Flanders Fellowship Programme was established in 2011 with the aim of promoting exchanges of students between Belgium/Flanders and 4 Asian countries (China, India, South Korea and Vietnam) on a balanced and permanent basis. In this respect, DUO-Belgium/Flanders requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students will be exchanged in the framework of a cooperative project. Definition of ‘student’: ● Undergraduate (bachelor) and graduate (master) students who are currently enrolled in universities or university colleges in Flanders or one of the four Asian countries. ● The nationality of the student is not a criterion. N.B.: All applicants should maintain their “student status” from the time of application until the end of their exchange period. 1.1 Eligibility: Due to the unique nature of this program, in order to be eligible, the exchange project needs to fulfil all five requirements below: 1) A higher education institution in Belgium/Flanders (home institution) and an educational institution in Asia (host institution) have established an academic cooperative agreement or

have the intention to set up a new cooperation agreement. 2) The Flemish higher education institution, as well as the Asian partner, cannot ask tuition fees to the students for the exchanges. 3) The Flemish home institution has selected a Flemish student enrolled at the home institution to send to the Asian host institution, and such selection has been accepted by the Asian host institution. A Flemish student is defined as a student from any nationality, subscribed in a Flemish Higher Education Institution. 4) The same Asian host institution has selected an Asian student enrolled at the host institution to send to the Flemish home institution, and such selection has been accepted by the same Flemish home institution. 5) If the Flemish student has already started the exchange or the Asian student has already stayed in Belgium/ Flanders before the application period for DUO- Belgium/Flanders 2020, the application is not acceptable. 1.2. The Duration and the Amount of the DUO-Belgium/Flanders Scholarship: DUO-Belgium/Flanders 2020 is for exchange projects, which will start

from August 2020 and end before September 2021 to avoid duplication of implementation period of exchange projects selected by DUO-Belgium/ Flanders in the ensuing years. The selection of DUO-Belgium/Flanders 2020 is made ONLY once a year. In this respect, those who are planning to exchange in the Spring Semester of 2021 (January-August 2021) shall apply for DUO-Belgium/Flanders 2020. The amount of the scholarships is standardized as follows: ● €650/month (with a maximum of €2.600) for Flemish students and €800/month (with a maximum of €3.200) for Asian students ● €1.100 for BOTH the Flemish student and the Asian student for the purpose of travel costs. ● An extra €200/month (with a maximum of €800) will be awarded to Flemish students that belong to the underrepresented groups in higher education: -Students who are entitled to a Flemish study grant. -Students with a disability, recognized by VAPH. -Working students in a work programme. The student must be an employee or must be looking for a job,

and the study programme must be aligned with the work programme proposed by the employment service. Moreover, the student cannot have obtained a Master degree or a second cycle diploma yet. The data in the database of AHOVOKS will be considered as correct. The date of reference to determine whether a student comes from a low socio-economic background is the deadline of 01 April 2020. If on this date the request of the student is still being processed, the final decision of AHOVOKS will be awaited. As soon as the request is approved, the student will receive the extra €800. The duration of the exchange should be at least one semester (= 4 months). A semester is defined as the period including the eventual introduction activities, the period of teaching and the period of preparing and doing the examinations.

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2.6. Selection Criteria Project proposals for the exchange of students in all disciplines will be accepted. However, priority shall be given to the following disciplines: ● STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ● Political and social sciences ● Economy ● Communication Sciences Very important: at least 25% of all fellowships will be awarded to students with a low socio-economic background (only applicable for the Flemish students). For definition see 1.2. If the proposal includes a student from an underrepresented group, it is important to make this clear in the application form. The selection will be based on the following criteria: ● priority field of study (5 points); ● the quality of the Learning or Training agreement (10 points); ● institutional criteria for submitting the student (15 points); ● the applicant’s study results in the Transcript of records (30 points); ● the quality of the applicant’s motivation (30 points); ● the reasons for recommending the applicant in the Recommendation letter (not mandatory (10 points). 2.7. Scholarship Grants: The DUO-Belgium/Flanders Fellowship for the selected exchange projects will be paid directly by the Secretariat to the bank accounts of students who participate in those exchange projects. There are no restrictions in using the scholarship. Students should not combine this scholarship with other scholarship like e.g. a CSC scholarship. DUO-Belgium/Flanders: 3. Instruction for Application Form 3.1. Language of Application You should write your complete application (including documents/annexes) in English. 3.2. Structure of the Application Form STEP1. Home Institution The first box of ID number and Date of submission is for the use of the sec-

SCHOLARSHIPS & ADMISSIONS retariat only. Please, start from filling on behalf of two people who will parout information of Home Institution. ticipate in the exchange between the home and the host institution (Asian ● CONTACT PERSON means a institution), he/she should confirm regular staff of the Flemish institution here by checking “YES” that the conwho arranges the exchange project tact person in the host institution also and is willing to communicate with agrees with this submission of the apthe Secretariat in such events as veri- plication. fying application details, transferring fellowship, monitoring exchanges STEP 3. Description of the Exand providing further information on change Program the status of the exchange. ● ASSISTANT PERSON shall be In this section, please describe the capable of replacing the CONTACT type, duration and purpose of the exPERSON in case of emergency. As- change as instructed on the form. sistant Person can be a colleague of the Contact Person who knows the ● Type of exchange: please check process of DUO-Belgium/Flanders. appropriate boxes to specify wheth● PERSON OF EXCHANGE shall er the students for exchange are in an be any Flemish student who will par- undergraduate or in a graduate study. ticipate in the exchange. ● Duration of Exchange: As stipu● In a box for Institutional Crite- lated on the DUO-Belgium/Flanders ria for selecting a student to be ex- General Description, the duration of changed, describe why you (or your DUO-Belgium/Flanders Scholarship institution) recommend the student. is standardized on a semester basis. ● Purpose of Exchange: Please, specN.B.: For each pair of an exchange ify what the purpose of the exchange project, the exchange period of the is. Also, fill in how many ECTS that Belgian and Asian students does not will be recognized by home or host necessarily need to coincide, and the institution. As the duration is on a sefield of exchange does not need to be mester basis, a minimum of 25 ECTS the same. must be taken up at the host institution. If your purpose of exchange is STEP 2. Host Institution other than Transfer of Credits, such as Research or Lecture, please specify in In this page, provide information of detail. the host institution involved in the exchange project. The host institution STEP 4. Exchange Details/ Source shall be resided in 4 Asian countries of Finance (China, India, Vietnam, and South Korea). Exchange Details ● CONTACT PERSON means a regular staff of the Asian institution who arranges the exchange project and is willing to communicate with the Secretariat in such events as verifying application details, transferring fellowship, monitoring exchange and providing further information on the status of the exchange. ● ASSISTANT PERSON shall be capable of replacing the CONTACT PERSON in case of emergency. Assistant Person can be a colleague of the Contact Person who knows the process of DUO-Belgium/Flanders. ● PERSON OF EXCHANGE shall be any Asian student who will participate in the exchange. ● In a box for Institutional Criteria for selecting a person to be exchanged, describe why you (or your institution) recommend the person of exchange for fellowship in detail. ● Confirmation on Agreement with Host Institution (to be signed by CONTACT PERSON at the Flemish Home Institution): since the contact person in the Flemish institution is required to complete the application

Under this heading, Flemish and Asian students’ learning agreement should be listed during their exchanges periods. Details shall be elaborated as they will determine the selection of the application.


to inform the Secretariat for approval; if this procedure is not taken beforehand, scholarship award to both students is subject to cancellation and consequently refunded. Intensive language courses by students are not honored in this program. Source of Finance If this exchange project has any other source of finance, please specify. Any private loan or family support is not applicable to this category. STEP 5. Certification of Authenticity After completing all relevant items in an appropriate manner on the entire field of application, please write the date and the names of the contact person of the home institution and the President/director/head of the international office of the institution in the section of Certification of Authenticity. Submit the form to the Secretariat by clicking the “submit” button. The scanned version with the signatures will be requested if your project has been selected. A Copy of Cooperation Agreement, Passport Copies, Transcripts and Motivation Letters of paired applicants should be attached(Recommendation Letter are not mandatory). The preferred file formats for attachments are .jpg or .pdf. 3.3. After the submission: acknowledgement

The acknowledgement on the receipt of submission will be sent to the contact person in the Flemish home institution by e-mail within 3 days after submission. If there is any application with incomplete or improper For your information, if courses list- information, further information will ed on the application differ from the be individually requested by the Secactual courses, Contact Persons or retariat. Persons of Exchange are responsible



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

Govt Tea Research Association Scientist Job – Earn Upto Rs 1.25 Lakh pm Tea Research Biotech Jobs – Life Sciences Scientist Openings. Government jobs are available for msc biotech and life sciences candidates at Tocklai, Tea Research Association. TEA RESEARCH ASSOCIATION IS HIRING SCIENTIST CANDIDATES FOR GOVT RESEARCH JOBS. LATEST GOVERNMENT JOBS. INTERESTED AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES CHECK OUT ALL OF THE DETAILS DOWN BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

Tea Research Job Details TEA RESEARCH ASSOCIATION TOCKLAI TEA RESEARCH INSTITUTE (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization) JORHAT-785 008, ASSAM, INDIA Advertisement No. DIR/MAN 0999/182 dated 24.12.2019 Last date of receipt of application: 20.01.2020 Tea Research Association is the biggest as well as the oldest tea research entity in the world. It is a pioneer in the r & d of tea and also an innovator in supplying extension services to the industry. It has ten branches with its registered workplace at Kolkata. The Institute is looking for applications from eligible applicants with dynamic, energetic and also innovative high qualities for the following vacant positions at Tocklai Tea Research Institute, Jorhat as well as other branches. How to Apply for Tea Research Job? Keep in mind: Age limitation: as on last day of receipt of applications. The top age limitation might be relaxed in case of deserving/ In- house applicants. Experience in R & D aptitude must be reflected via publications in high impact factor journals, patents, technology transfer in case of Scientist-C, Sr. Scientist and Principal Scientist **. All posts are transferable to different branches of TRA.

1. General info and also conditions: a) These posts carry usual allowances i.e., Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA) etc. as applicable to TRA Rules. b) Medical facilities, Medical Insurance based on TRA Rules. c) Semi furnished accommodation relying on availability. 2. Other Conditions: a) The applicant needs to be a citizen of India. b) All candidates should meet the essential requirements of the post and various other conditions stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of receipt of applications. c) The applications should be accompanied by self-attested copies of the pertinent educational qualifications, experience. The prescribed qualifications should have been obtained with identified universities/ institutions. Incomplete applications not accompanied by the needed certificates/ documents are liable to be denied. d) The selection committee may choose to offer a post in a various Grade Pay within the Pay band depending upon the performance of the candidate as well as subject to the candidate fulfilling the minimum eligibility requirement defined for the posts because of Grade Pay. e) No TA/ DA will certainly be permissible for attending the interview if shortlisted.

3. Application Procedure: a) Eligible applicants are called for to apply via hard copy in the recommended format offered in our website: b) Application fee @ Rs1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) is to be paid by Demand Draft in favour of Tea Research Association payable at Jorhat ought to be enclosed together with the application form. c) One current passport size photo to be pasted in appropriate box of the application. d) In case of Universities/ Institutes awarding CGPA/ SGPA/ OGPA grades etc., applicants are requested to convert the exact same in the percentage based on the formula as per their university/ institute. e) Applications from employees of Government Departments/ Institutes will certainly be thought about only if forwarded via Proper Channel, certified by the employer that the candidate if selected will certainly be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders. f) Canvassing directly or indirectly will be dealt with as disqualification of candidature. g) Advance copies by employed candidates may be sent out accompanied by a No Objection Certificate from the employer to the email: director@ h) Interested applicants may send their application (Hard Copy only) based on the prescribed format offered in the web site: to the Director, Tea Research Association, Tocklai Tea Research Institute,

Cinnamara, Jorhat-785 008, Assam on or before 20th January 2020. The envelope including the application needs to be super scribed as “Application for the post of … …”. No application will be entertained after the due date. POST I Name of Job: Scientist-B Post Code: 01 Discipline: Agronomy Age Limit: 35 Years. Job Requirements for Tea Research Job: The Incumbent will involve in R&D works consisting of operation in the laboratory. Including field study. Essential Qualification for Tea Research Job: 1st Class M.Sc./ M.Sc. (Agri) in Agronomy/ Botany/ Life Science/ Horticulture. Desirable Qualification & Experience for Tea Research Job: Research experience in appropriate area. Pay Level: 10. Basic: 56,100/-.

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January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112


Name of Job: Scientist-B

Name of Job: Scientist-B

Post Code: 01

Post Code: 01

Discipline: Applied Biotechnology

Discipline: Advisory

Age Limit: 35 Years.

Job Requirements for Tea Research Job: The Incumbent will inJob Requirements for Tea Re- volve in R&D works consisting of search Job: The Incumbent will in- operation in lab. Including field study. volve in R&D support/ Technology Essential Qualification for Tea ReTransfer to industry/ field study. search Job: 1st Class M.Sc./ M.Sc. Essential Qualification for Tea Re- (Agri) in Biotechnology. search Job: 1st Class M.Sc./ M.Sc. (Agri) in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Desirable Qualification & Experience for Tea Research Job: ReLife Science/ Forestry. search experience in appropriate area. Desirable Qualification & Experience for Tea Research Job: Re- Pay Level: 10. Basic: 56,100/-. search experience in appropriate area. POST IV Pay Level: 10. Basic: 56,100/-. Name of Job: Scientist-C POST III Post Code: 01 Age Limit: 35 Years.

Discipline: Advisory

Post Code: 01

Age Limit: 35 Years.

Discipline: Plant Protection


Job Requirements for Tea Re- Age Limit: 45 Years. search Job: The Incumbent will certainly involve for R&D support/ Job Requirements for Tea ReTechnology Transfer to industry/ field search Job: The Incumbent will cerstudy. tainly lead the group in R&D works consisting of operation in the lab. And Essential Qualification for Tea also field study. Research Job: PhD with 1st Class M.Sc./ M.Sc. (Agri) in Agriculture/ Essential Qualification for Tea Horticulture/ Forestry/ Life Science Research Job: PhD with 1st Class Sciences with a minimum of 1 year M.Sc./ MSc. (Agri) in Entomology/ experience in the relevant field. Zoology/ Mycology/ Microbiology with a minimum of 7 years experiDesirable Qualification & Experi- ence in the associated field. ence for Tea Research Job: Ideally 3 years of research experience in the Desirable Qualification & Experelevant location. rience for Tea Research Job: One decade Post doctoral research/ indusPay Level: 11. Basic: 67,700/-. try experience in appropriate location. POST V Name of Job: Principal Scientist

Pay Level for Tea Research Job: 13. Basic: 1,23,100/-.**



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

CSIR-NBRI Technical Officer Jobs – Up to Rs. 98,000 pm Salary NBRI Biotech Job – BSc/BTech/MSc Candidates Apply. CSIR-NBRI is hiring for research jobs, msc/bsc/btech candidates check out the job details. Biotech/ Life Sciences/ Plant Sciences/ Biological Sciences Apply. INTERESTED MSC/BSC/BTECH RESEARCH CANDIDATES CHECK OUT THE JOB DETAILS, HOW TO APPLY AND SUCH BELOW: By Diluxi Arya

How to Apply for NBRI Job: The candidate has to be a citizen of India. All applicants must fulfil the essential criteria of the post as well as various other conditions stipulated in the ad as on the last date of receipt of the applications i.e. 31-01-2020. They are recommended to satisfy themselves prior to applying that they have a minimum of the essential qualifications laid down for the advertised post as on the last date of receipt of the application. No enquiry requesting advice regarding qualification will be entertained. The recommended essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the exact same does not entitle candidates to be asked for an interview. The duly made up Screening Committee will certainly adopt its own standards for short-listing the applicants. The applicant must, therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications as well as experienced in the relevant area over and also above the minimum recommended qualification, supported with documents. The application needs to be accompanied by self-attested copies of the appropriate educational qualification, experience. The prescribed qualifications need to have been. gotten through recognized Universities/ Institutions etc The application needs to be submitted only on the recommended proforma. This advertisement along with the application format is available on our internet site: The application form may be downloaded from the site as well as utilized for applying for the above post( s). Two copies of Synopsis Sheet are likewise attached along with the application form readily available on our said internet site. The applicant needs to fill up both the copies of Synopsis

Sheet in all respects and also might ensure that the information provided by them in synopsis sheet and also application form ought to not vary in any circumstances. Therefore, applicants are advised to fill out both copies of Synopsis Sheet after filling up of the original application. One copy of Synopsis Sheet ought to be stapled on the top of the application form and also various other copy of synopsis should be enclosed at the last page of the original application. Duly filled out application, total in all regard along with an application fee in the form of crossed Demand Draft (based on CTS Standard) for Rs.100/- (NonRefundable) drawn in favour of “Director, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow” payable at Lucknow and also supported by attested copies of certifications of educational qualification, date of birth, experience certifications, community certification if any type of, addressed to the Administrative Officer, CSIR-NBRI, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001 must reach this office by speed post on or before 31.01.2020. The applications obtained after the last date of receipt of application will not be taken into consideration. The envelope having the application ought to be superscribed “Application for the post of … … … …, Post code … …, Area/Trade … … … ……, Advt. No … … … … …”. Candidates are advised to send their application by

speed post. In case of Universities/Institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., candidates are asked to convert the same right into percent based on the formula as. per their University/Institute. Candidates making an application for more than one postcode must send separate applications for each postcode including separate Demand Draft. Application as soon as made will not be allowed to be withdrawn as well as fees as soon as paid will certainly not be reimbursed on any count nor can it be kept in reserve for any other recruitment or selection procedure. The applicants coming from SC/ST/ Women/ PWD/ abroad applicants and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee. Applications from employees of Government Departments will certainly be considered only if forwarded with proper channel, certified by the employer that the. candidate, if selected will certainly be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders and also in which vigilance clearance ought to also be recorded. Nonetheless, an advance copy of the application may be sent which should be received in this Office on or prior to the closing date. Applications routed via proper channel duly finished in

all respect, need to reach CSIR-NBRI within 15 days after the last date of receipt of application. Incomplete applications in any respect (i.e. unsigned, without requisite details, without the required documents/certificates without a photo, without application fee, if applicable etc.) will certainly not be entertained as well as is liable to be summarily declined. Following documents have to be attached along with application form sent out by post:. a) Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- as application fee (wherever applicable). b) Coloured photograph from the font size of the applicant pasted on the form and also signed across in full. c) Self attested xerox of Date of Birth Certificate. d) Self attested copies of educational qualifications/certificates. e) Self attested xeroxes of caste certificate/, PWD certificate (if applicable)/ EWS Certificate. Self attested copies of experience certifications, (if any type of). g) One copy of Synopsis Sheet stapled on the top of the application form as well as various other copy of synopsis at the last page of original application form. Note- In case of inconsistency dis-

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January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

covered in between English version of this advertisement as well as its Hindi translation, the English version of this Advertisement will be valid. Last date for receipt of the application: 31.01.2020 NBRI Job Details Area: Instrumentation POST I Position: Sr. Technical Officer No. of Posts: 02 Post Code: T-01 Pay Level: Pay level -11 Pay Matrix: 67700-208700 Total Emoluments: 98465 /Age Limit: 40 yrs Essential Qualification NBRI Job: B.E./ B.Tech with 55% marks in the Chemical Technology/ Biotechnology/Instrumentation with five years experience in Mass Spectrometry OR M.Sc. with a minimum of 55% marks in Biological Sciences/Chemical Sciences with five years experience in Mass Spectrometry. Desirable Qualification NBRI Job: Experience in High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) / MALDI-TOF/LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/ MS.

sist in on-going R&D programmes NBRI Job Requirement: Oper- of Plant Molecular Biology and Bioation and also Maintenance of the technology. Mass Spectrometry Facility and supArea: Pharmacology & Pharmaport to CIF. cognosy Area: Molecular Biology POST III POST II Position: Technical Assistant Position: Technical Assistant No. of Posts: 01 No. of Posts: 01 Post Code: T-06 Post Code: T-03 Pay Level: Pay level -06 Pay Level: Pay level -06 Pay Matrix: 35400-112400 Pay Matrix: 35400-112400 Total Emoluments: 51,000 /Total Emoluments: 51,000 /Age Limit: Not exceeding 28 years Age Limit: Not exceeding 28 years for UR for UR Essential Qualification NBRI Job: Essential Qualification NBRI Job: First class B.Sc.( Sci.) with Botany/ Chemistry/Biochemistry/Zoology First class B.Sc.(Sci.) with Botany/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Bio- with one-year full-time professional logical Sciences/Plant Sciences as qualification or one year experience one of the subjects with one-year full- in an appropriate area from a recogtime professional qualification or one nized Institute/ Organization/Univeryear experience in Plant Molecular sity. Biology Techniques from a recognized Institute/ Organization/Univer- Desirable Qualification NBRI Job: M.Sc. in Botany/Chemistry/ sity Biochemistry/Zoology with working Desirable Qualification NBRI experience in the area of PharmacoloJob: M.Sc. in Botany/ Biotechnology gy/ Pharmacognogy/Medicinal Plant with working experience in the area Chemistry/ Handling of analytical inof Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant struments like HPLC, HPTLC, GLC etc Tissue Culture/Plant Biotechnology. NBRI Job Requirement: To as-

NBRI Job Requirement: To assist


in on-going R&D programs in Pharmacology & Pharmacognosy Division. Area: Botanic Garden POST IV Position: Technical Assistant No. of Posts: 01 Post Code: T-08 Pay Level: Pay level -06 Pay Matrix: 35400-112400 Total Emoluments: 51,000 /Age Limit: Not exceeding 28 years for UR Essential Qualification NBRI Job: First class B.Sc.( Sci.) with Botany/ Plant Science. as one of the subjects/ Ist class B.Sc (Ag.)/ 1st class B.Sc. (Horticulture) with one-year full-time professional qualification or one year experience in the field of Botanic Garden/Horticulture/Landscaping/ Floriculture from a recognized Institute/Organization/University. Desirable Qualification NBRI Job: M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Science or M.Sc. (Ag.) or M.Sc. (Horticulture) with experience in the field of Botanic Garden/ Horticulture/ Landscaping/Floriculture. NBRI Job Requirement: Operation as well as maintenance of various Botanic Garden activities.



January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112

Govt DBT MSc Life Sciences Recruitment – Rs 40,000 pm Salary Govt DBT Vacancies – Biological Sciences Job With Rs. 40,000 pm Pay. Latest Government jobs for MSc candidates. Biological Sciences jobs.


Govt Job Details Name of the Post: Young Professional No. of Posts: 01 Method of Recruitment for Govt Job: Contract Based through Open Market Age Limit for Govt Job: Candidates should be below 35 years of age as on the date of advertisement Period of Contract for Govt Job: For a period of two years Remuneration for Govt Job: Rs. 40,000 (Fixed) (Inclusive of Taxes) Area: Intellectual Property Qualification for Govt Job: Master’s degree in the field of Biological Sciences with experience of IPR or having PG Diploma in IPR or LLM with experience in the field of IPR. Desirable for Govt Job: Persons with additional qualification, research experience, published papers and post qualification experience in the relevant field will be favoured. Experience for Govt Job: Minimum of 1 year of work experience in Government Sector, including PSU’s, or Public Limited Companies, relevant to the job description. The broad work experience will be based on the functional areas assigned to DBT. Preference will be given to persons with work experience in the relevant field supported by published work policy papers/ appraisal/monitoring of projects & schemes etc. Job Description of Govt Job: Young Professionals (YP’s) will be required to provide high-quality inputs in disciplines like Public Outreach and Communication, Data Monitoring and Impact Assesment,

Legal, Intellectual Property and Co- site of the Department of Biotechordination. nology within 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Newspaper. Applications are How to Apply for Govt Job: Eligible applicants may apply online to be submitted online only. In case on the link to be provided on the web- of any technical query, please write

to or call 011-24360940 between 10:00 Am to 05:00 PM from Monday to Friday. For all the updates/future communication, please visit the Department’s website.

January 7th, 2020 Vol. 04 NO 112



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